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-´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 20 °∂œ-v•-´-J 2007 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

2) What you say is at odds

؈’ Åù’--éÓ-™‰†’.) with what I observe you
Temptation = Çéπ-®Ω{ù.
doing .

Resist - v°æA-°∂æ’-öÀç-îªôç/ Ééπ\úø ûªô’d-éÓ-´ôç.
276 ( †’´¤y îÁÊ°p--C -îËÊÆ-C -î √-™«
The drunkard cannot resist the temptation of
the bottle.
-Gµ-†oçí¬ -Öç-C.- ØË-†’- í∫-´’-EÆæ’h-Ø√o-
Saran: Visal, You appear busy. (Are you)
†’)(F ´÷ô-©èπÿ îËûª-©èπÿ §Òçûª†
(û√í∫’-¶ûª’ ´’-ü¿uç Çéπ-®Ω{ù ûªô’d-éÓ-™‰úø’.) ™‰ü¿’)
going somewhere? The bottle = ´’-ü¿uç)
v°æ¨¡o: Spoken English Åç-õ‰ direct í¬ simple í¬-
At odds with = Gµ†oçí¬/
(î√-™« í¬ éπ†°æ-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤. áéπ\-úÕ- Saran: OK. Good luck in your attempts to §Òçûª† ™‰E/ ´uA-Í®-¢Á’i†.
ÈéjØ√ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o¢√?) spend less. Öç-ú≈-L éπ-ü∆?I don't see eye to eye with
a) His behaviour is at odds with his words =
Visal: Yes. I'm going for a bit of shopping. Visal: You don't buy as much as I do, but I you in that matter -Å-ØË -•-ü¿’-©’ I disagree-
( shopping
ÅûªE v°æ´-®Ωh† ÅûªE ´÷ô-©èπ◊ Gµ†oçí¬ ÖçC.
Å´¤†’. é¬Ææh îËü∆l-´’E •ßª’-™‰l- find your clothes very good. I must say ™‰-ü∆ I differ with you -Å-E I am with you
b) What he says is at odds with what the
®√†’/ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o†’) you have good taste. there Å-ØË -•-ü¿’-©’ I agree with you- Åç-õ‰
press has reported =
Saran: I'm not surprised. Whenever I see (؈’ é̆oçûª †’´¤y-éÌ-†´¤. é¬F F •ôd Ææ-J-§Ú-ûª’ç-C éπ-ü∆?
you, you are out shopping. I'm afraid î√-™« ¶«í∫’ç-ö«®·. F ÅGµ-®Ω’* ´’ç*C ÅE Åûª†’ îÁ°æ¤h-†oD, ¢√®√h °ævA-éπ™x ´*açD ûËú≈í¬
that at this rate hardly anything will
ÖØ√o®·. G. Madhusudan, Suryapet

ï-¢√-•’ :
îÁ°æpéπ ûª°æpü¿’.) 3) I selected my clothes at random
be left for others to buy. Saran: I don't know all that. I Select my
At random = äéπ °æü¿l¥-Aí¬ é¬èπ◊çú≈. ´·êuçí¬ ÉC
(Ø√Íéç Ǩ¡a-®Ωuçí¬ ™‰ü¿’. E†’o ØËØÁ-°æ¤púø’ clothes at random. No pick and O’®Ω’ îÁ°œpçC correct. Å®·ûË repetition avoid
îª÷ÆœØ√ shopping îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ ¢Á∞¡⁄h choose as you do.
N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ¢√-úø-û√®Ω’.
îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ conversation ™ éÌçûª variety éÓÆæç
Å°æ¤p-úø-°æ¤púø’, É™«çöÀ idiomatic expressions (I
don't see eye to eye with you) ´’†ç ¢√úø-´îª’a.

I AM AT SEA WHAT TO WEAR Å™«ç-öÀN ¢√úË-°æ¤púø’ Å´-ûª-L-¢√-∞¡x-èπ◊\ú≈ ÅC Å®Ωnç Å´¤-

ûª’çü∆ ™‰ü∆ ÅØËC ü¿%≠œd™ Öç-èπ◊çõ‰ communica-
tion free í¬ Öçô’çC.

a) The teacher selected ten students at ran-
1) ؈’ á°æ¤púø’ ®Ω´’tçõ‰ Å°æ¤púø’ F´¤ ´≤ƒh¢√?
Öçö«-´¤. Ñ Nüµ¿çí¬/ Ñ B®Ω’† shops (Ø√éπüËç- ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’. àüÓ ûÓ*-†N Select dom from the class = teacher class
Ç ™ - 2) ؈’ E™a-´’†o ¢ÁçôØË F´¤ E™a-¢√L.
™ éÌØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ -É-ûª-®Ω’-©èπ◊ -àç N’í∫-©-üË¢Á÷ îËÆæ’èπ◊ç-ö«†’. °æ-ô’d-•öÀd ÉüË é¬¢√L, ÅüË 3) E†o O’®Ω’ ®ΩNûÓ ††’o £j«ü¿-®√-
ÅE ņ’-´÷-†çí¬ ÖçC) 鬢√L ÅE à®Ω’-éÓ†’.) †’ç-* °æC-´’ç-CE (à °æ-ü¿l¥-A-™‰-èπ◊çú≈) ᆒo-èπ◊-
¶«-ü˛èπ◊ ¢Á∞¡x-´’-Ø√o-®Ωô.
Visal: (Do you) Know what my old man/ dad Pick and choose = ´’†-é¬\-´-©-Æ œ-†N/ †*a-†N
Ø√o®Ω’ – à v§ƒA°æC-é¬-™‰-èπ◊çú≈
says? ''If you shop at this rate, you'll b) I picked up these shirts at random = 4) ؈’ á´-JûÓ ´÷ö«x-úø-´’çõ‰
´÷vûª¢Ë’ Select îËÆæ’éÓ-´-úøç shits Select ¢√JûÓ ´÷ö«x-úø-û√-¢√?
(you will) end up penniless'' Visal: In spite of the many clothes I buy,
Ñ †’ àüÓ Å™« îËÆæ’èπ◊Ø√o.
4) I am at it/ I will be at it = 5) ¢Á·†o- O’®Ω’ éπ%≠ægûÓ É¢√∞¡
(´÷ Ø√ØËo-´’ç-ö«úÓ ûÁ©’≤ƒ? É™« †’´¤y Some times I am at sea what to wear ††’o éπ©-´-´’-Ø√o-®Ωô.
shopping îËÆæ÷h §ÚûË †’´¤y °j≤ƒ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ for an occasion. Too many clothes to
؈’ Ç°æE O’üË ÖØ√o/ Ç °æE O’üË Öçö«.
§Úû√´¤—— ÅE.) choose from. To be at it =ã °æE O’ü¿/ã v°æߪ’-ûªoç™ Öçúøôç. 6) ؈’ îÁ°œp† ¢ÁçôØË Ç °æE F´¤
(Old man Åçõ‰ Ééπ\úø Ø√†o ÅE. éÌçîÁç Ææyûªç- a) You've asked me to tidy up the home and îËߪ÷L.
vAç* dad •ü¿’©’ ¢√u´-£æ…-J-éπçí¬ -¢√-úË-´÷-ô.
(ÅEo •ôd-©’ éÌ-†’-èπ◊-†o-°æp-öÀéÃÀ, àüÁjØ√
Ææçü¿-®√s¥EéÀ -àç -¢ËÆæ’éÓ-¢√-™ -ûÁ-L-ߪ’-E ÅßÁ÷- I am at it. °j Expressions ™ -¢Á-∞«x©-†o-´÷ô, ®Ω´’t-Ø√o-´ô,
ûÁ©’-í∫’-™†÷ Åç-ô’ç-ö«®Ω’ éπü∆– ´÷ ¶«•’ ´’--ߪ’ç-™ Öçö«†’. ´’K áèπ◊\´ •ôd-™xç* (†’´¤y †-†’o- É©’x Ææ®Ωl-´’-Ø√o´¤, ØËØ√°æE O’üË ´÷ö«x-úø-û√¢√, ¢Á-∞¡û√¢√ ™«çöÀ ûÁ©’í∫’ °æü∆-©èπ◊
Ü®Ó\úø’ ÅE). select îËÆæ’éÓ-´-úøç èπÿú≈ éπ≠d¢ æ Ë’.) ÖØ√o.) Ææ´÷-†-¢Á’i† ÉçTx-≠ˇ °æü∆-©†’ ᙫ îÁ§ƒp™ ûÁ©-
Penniless = îËA™ °j≤ƒ/ *Lx í∫´y ™‰èπ◊çú≈ Saran: So, the lesson is cut down your Hemanth: I've asked you to choose a good °æçúÕ?
Öçúøôç. Penny = British currency ™ Ø√ù„ç. spendiing. house that I can buy. Do you Krishna, Vizianagaram
Plural - pence. 100 pence = 1 pound (鬕öÀd §ƒ®∏Ωç: F ê®Ω’a-ûª-T_ç-éÓ) remember? ï-¢√-•’ :
Saran: If you don't mind, so do I feel too. I Visal: From now on I will be at it sincererly select
i) Will you come whenever I want you/tell you
(؈’ éÌØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ É©’x îËߪ’-´’-
find you spending quite a lot on (É°æp-öÀ -†’ç-* ´’†-Ææ÷p¥-Jhí¬ Ç °æEO’üË- Öçö«) Ø√o-†’í¬. Fèπ◊ í∫’®Ω’hçü∆?) to come.
clothes and other avoidable things. Vasanth: Sure. I do. I am at it
ii) You must stand up when I ask you to
Why don't you check your spending
      (éπ*a-ûªçí¬ í∫’®Ω’hçC. Ç°æE O’üË ÖØ√o) stand up.
spree? Sumanth: Make sure you finish the work by
Conversation english ™ î√-™« common í¬ iii) It seems yesterday you wanted me to go
the week end. with Ravi to Hyderabad.
(†’¢Ëyç ņ’-éÓ-éπ-§ÚûË, Ø√èπÿ\ú≈ ÅüË ÅEp- N-E°œç-îË ûÓ ´îËa-´’-J-éÌEo expressions îª÷ü∆lç.
Ææ’hçC. •ôd© O’ü¿, Éûª®Ω ņ-´-Ææ-®Ω-¢Á’i† (¢√®√ç-û√-EéÀ á-™«-Èíj-Ø√ °æE °æ‹®Ωh-ßË’-™« (It seems yesterday you said that? should
Look at the following expressions from
´Ææ’h-´¤-©-O’ü∆ †’´¤y ¶«í¬ -ê®Ω’a °-úø-û√-´¤. îª÷úø’) go with Ravi to Hyderabad).
the conversation above. Ananth: From now on I will be at it and won't
F Nîªa-©-NúÕ ê®Ω’a-†’ é¬Ææh Åü¿’-°æ¤™ °ô’d- iv) Will you talk to any one who I want you
1) I'm afraid that at this rate hardly anything rest until it is done.
éÓ-èπÿ-úøü¿÷?) to/ask you to talk to.
Spree: (àüÁjØ√ Ææ®Ωü∆) N’AO’J îËߪ’ôç. will be left for others to buy.
(É°æp-öÀ-†’ç* Ç °æE O’üË Öçö«, Å°æ-E v) It seems (that) the day before yesterday
Spending spree = Ææ®Ω-ü∆í¬ N’A-O’J ê®Ω’a 2) What you say is at odds with what I °æ‹®Ωh-ßË’u -´-®Ωèπ◊ Nv¨¡-N’ç-’) you wanted Krishna to see/meet me
îËߪ’ôç – Eating spree = (Ææ®Ω-ü∆í¬) N’AO’-J observe you doing. today.
I want it done immediately. Be at it = Ç °æE
A†ôç. They are on a betting spree = ¢√∞¡Ÿ} 3) I am at it/ I will be at it. Ø√èπ◊ ¢ÁçôØË Å®·-§Ú-¢√L. Ç °æE O’üË Öçúø’. vi) When I ask you to do some thing, you
N’A-O’J bet ©’ é¬Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. Last lesson™ 4) I select my clothes at random. Ñ *†o expression, at it, english ™ î√-™« must do it at once.
binge ÅØË ´÷ô ¢√ú≈ç. ÅD, spree äéπõ‰. 5) In spite of the many clothes I buy some common. ûª®Ωîª÷ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. ¢Á∞¡x-´’-Ø√o-´ô, ÅE 'Åô—èπ◊ It seems/you seem
Visal: I've (I have) controlled myself a lot. In times I am at sea what to wear for an occa- sentences
°æ¨¡o: :
5) ... I am at sea what to wear = ņ-´îª’a. N’í∫û√ ¢√öÀéÀ °j îª÷úøçúÕ.
the last few weeks I haven't spent as sion.
àC -¢ËÆæ’éÓ-¢√-™ ûÁM-ôç-™‰ü¿’.
much as I did earlier 1) I'm afraid that at this rate hardly anything 1) I married ņ-èπ◊çú≈ I got married Åçö«-
To be at sea = àç îÁߪ÷u™ ûÁME í∫çü¿-®Ω-íÓ∞¡
(؈’ î√™« control îËÆæ’èπ◊-Ø√o†’. Ñ will be left for others to buy ®Ω’ áç-ü¿’èπ◊?double V3 áçü¿’èπ◊ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-T-
ÆœnA/ àD- §ƒ©’§ÚE- ÆœnA.
a) I am at sea about what to do next =
í∫úÕ-*† ¢√®Ωç™ Åçûªèπ◊ -´·ç-ü¿ç-ûª -ê®Ω’a É™«Íí é̆-≤ƒ-TûË/ Ñ Nüµ¿çí¬ Å®·ûË Éûª-®Ω’©’ ≤ƒh®Ω’?
°ôd-™‰ü¿’.) éÌØËç-ü¿’-Íéç-N’-í∫-©ü¿’.) ûª®√yûª àç îÁߪ÷u™ ûÁME ÆœnA™ ÖØ√o-ØËo†’. 2) English Alphabet †’ G, Æœ,- úÕ, ->,- ÅE -Ö-îªa-Jç-
Saran: No. What you say is at odds with At this rate = É™«Íí ïJ-TûË/ É™«Íí é̆-≤ƒ-TûË
b) With the loss he has sustained in business î√™«? ™‰ü∆ ¶¸, Æˇ, -ú˛, ñ¸, ÅE Öîªa-Jç-î√™«?
what I observe you doing. Just yes- a) Pollution is growing day by day at this rate G. Madhava Reddy, Devarakonda
ï-¢√-•’ :
he is at see how to recover =
terday you added one more pair of the world will be a dead place in some
countries =
¢√u§ƒ-®Ωç™ †≥ƒd©’ §ÒçC, ᙫ éÓ©’-éÓ-¢√™
jeans to the twenty odd pairs you 鬩’≠æuç ®ÓV ®ÓVéà °J-T-§Ú- i) I married Åçõ‰ á´-JE, ÅE ûÁMôç ™‰ü¿’. Åçü¿’-
§ƒ©’-§Ú-èπ◊çú≈ Öçü¿-ûª-EéÀ.
have. ûÓçC. ÉüË é̆-≤ƒ-TûË éÌEo ´çü¿© à∞¡x-™ØË I married her / him/that girl, etc
Exercise: Match the words under A with éπE Å-ØÁj-Ø√
(àç ™‰ü¿’. †’´yç-ô’†o ü∆EéÀ, îËÆæ’h-†o-ü∆- v°æ°æçîªç ´’®Ω’-¶µº÷N’ Å®·-§Ú-ûª’çC. their meanigs under B ÅØ√L. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ I got married Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø
Eéà àç §Òçûª† ™‰ü¿’. -ØË-†’ í∫-´’-EÆæ’h-Ø√o- b) We are cutting off forests. At this rate wild Got main verb married - past participle
†’. E†o-öÀéÀ E†o, Fèπ◊†o 20 °j *©’èπ◊ life will be extinct in no time. A B ¢√-úøû√ç.
jeans èπ◊ ´’®Ó jeans ûÓúø’ î˨»´¤). ( A. Speed
´’†ç Åúø-´¤-©†’ †J-Íé-Ææ’hØ√oç. ÉüË-éÌ-†-≤ƒ-TûË 1. bank eg: He got beaten thoroughly - ¶«í¬ üÁ•s©’
twenty odd = É®Ω-¢ÁjéÀ °jí¬/ É®Ω¢Áj + *©x®Ω. ´†u-´’%í¬-©’ -Åçûª-Jç-*-§Ú-û√®·.) B. jump AØ√oúø’. Get èπ◊ Ñ Nüµ¿-¢Á’i† ¢√úøéπç í∫’-Jç-*
2 frugal
The book costs a hundred odd rupees. extinct = ÅçûªJ- ç* §Ú®·†, wild life =´†u-´’%-í¬©’ C. depend ´·çü¿J lessons îª÷-úøç-úÕ.
( Ç °æ¤Ææhéπç üµ¿®Ω ´ç-ü¿ *©x®Ω) c) You are making to many enimies at this 3. rapid D. Economical ii) ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Öîªa-JçîË°æ¤púø’ b, c, d, g ÅØË
Visal: I am at it, Saran. I can't resist the rate there will be none to support you. 4. dive E. extravagant Åçö«ç. ¢√öÀéÀ a, e, i, o, u îËJa-†-°æ¤úø’– ¶¸, Æˇ,
temptation to buy a thing when I like it. ( F. fast ese, value ûÓ vowel sound†’ •öÀd
†’´¤y ´’K áèπ◊\´ ´’ç--C-E -¨¡-vûª’-´¤-©†’ îËÆæ’èπ◊ç- 5. pace
(؈’ Ç °æE O’üË/Ç v°æߪ’-ûªoç-™ØË ÖØ√o. ô’-Ø√o´¤. É™«Íí é̆-≤ƒ-TûË Fèπ◊ ´’ü¿lûª’ É´y-ö«- G. unhealthy. ¢√úø-û√ç.
Answers 1.C 2.D 3.F 4.B 5.A
àüÁjØ√ ´Ææ’h´¤ †*aûË ÅC éÌØ√-©ØË éÓJ-éπ†’ EéÀ á´®Ω÷ Öçúø®Ω’.)

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