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1. Bangunan seperti apa yang akan alan masuki? kantor atau perumahan? lama atau baru?

baik atau buruk?

2. mengapa dia masuk tanpa dering bel atau mengetuk?
3. apa yang ada di dalam ruangan?
4. bagaimana orang tua itu tahu nama alan?
5. Produk macam apa yang orang tua miliki untuk dijual? kamu pikir dia memiliki banyak
pelanggan? mengapa?
6. apa maksud pembersih kehidupan"? berapa biayanya?
7. apa maksud orang tua itu ketika ia mengatakan "orang-orang muda yang membutuhkan
ramuan cinta sangat jarang memiliki lima ribu dolar. Kalau tidak mereka tidak akan
membutuhkan ramuan cinta?
8. apa filosofi penjualan orang tua itu?
9. apakah efek fisik dari ramuan cinta sementara atau jangka panjang? sedikit atau besar?
10. bagaimana perubahan sikap diana terhadap alan setelah ia mabuk ramuan?
11. akankah diana pernah bosan dari alan atau menjadi marah padanya? akankah dia tidak setia
pada alan?
12. dimana orang tua itu menjaga ramuan cinta? berapa biayanya? mengapa kamu berpikir itu
begitu murah?
13. mengapa orang tua itu mengatakan au revoir?
14. apa judul cerita menyiratkan?

14. The chaser in Collier's story is a poisoned drink intended to kill the woman who is suffocating
the hero with too much love and possessiveness. The original drink was the love potion he
bought to make her fall in love with him. The word "chaser" in this story has nothing to do
with chasing anybody or being chased; it is another euphemism for the deadly poison the
hero will probably be using to kill his wife.
13. because the old man was sure that Alan will return to its place again.
12. he keep the poison in the kitchens desk drawer.
11. no, she will not, because effects of the love potion is permanent. Diana will treat alan with
love forever.
10. she will love alan forever, she will want nothing but solitude and alan, she will want to be
everything to alan, she will care intensely to alan, she will want to know all that alan did, she
will take care of carefully, she will forgive all your faults or mistakes, and etc.. anything
about love.
9. the physical effects of the love potion is long-lasting and great.
8. please a customer with one article, and he will come back when he needs another. Even if it
is more costly. He will save up for it, if necessary.
7. because young people who have five thousand dollars will conquer the woman with the
money, not the love potion.
6. glove-cleaner is a poison as colorless as water, almost tasteless, quite imperceptible in coffe,
milk, wine or any other beverage. Its also quite imperceptible to any known method of
5. the old man sells various poison that hard to find in the usual place. And I think he did not
have a lot of customers because of the creepy atmosphere of the place and the prices are
expensive potion.
4. because alan handed a card that is given by an acquaintance to the old man.
3. a plain kitchen table, a rocking chair and an ordinary chair. On one of the dirty buff-colored
walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all perhaps a dozen bottles and jars. And an old
man sat in the rocking chair, reading news paper.
2. because he had been told to immediately open the door and enter the room.
1. the kind of a building does alan go into is old and shabby residential.

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