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Tables of Content for Keat and Young 6

and 5
Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
Copyright, iv Copyright, ii
Preface, xix Preface, xv
About the Authors, xxiii About the Authors, xx
Chapter 1. Introduction, 1 1. Introduction, 1
Introduction: Economics and Managerial Decision Maing, ! Introduction: Economics and Managerial Decision Maing, "
#he Economics of a $usiness, % #he Economics of a $usiness, &
A $rief 'evie( of Important Economic #erms and Concepts, ) A $rief 'evie( of Important Economic #erms and Concepts, *
#he Case of +lobal ,oods, Inc-: .ituations and .olutions, /0 #he Case of +lobal ,oods, Inc-: .ituations and .olutions, /%
.ummary of the .ituations and .olutions, /& .ummary of the .ituations and .olutions, /&
+lobal Application: 'einventing the Corporation #hrough .trategy and
1(nership, /*
International Application: 'einventing the Corporation, !2
.ummary, !/ .ummary, !0
Important Concepts, !! Important Concepts, !0
3uestions, !! 3uestions, !0
Chapter 2. The Fir and Its !oals, 2" 2. The Fir and Its !oals, 26
Introduction, !% Introduction, !4
#he ,irm, !% #he ,irm, !4
Coase and the Internet, !) #he Economic +oal of the ,irm and 1ptimal Decision Maing, "!
#he Economic +oal of the ,irm and 1ptimal Decision Maing, !* +oals 1ther #han Pro5t, ""
+oals 1ther #han Pro5t, "2 1nce Again6Do Companies Maximi7e Pro5ts8, "%
Economic +oals, "2 Maximi7ing the 9ealth of .tocholders, ")
Economic 1b:ectives, "/ Economic Pro5ts, 0!
;oneconomic 1b:ectives, "! International Application, 0"
1nce Again6Do Companies Maximi7e Pro5ts8, "! .ummary, 0%
Pro5t Maximi7ation, 'estated, "% Important Concepts, 0%
Maximi7ing the 9ealth of .tocholders, "& 3uestions, 0&
Maret <alue Added and Economic <alue Added, ")
Economic Pro5ts, "*
+lobal Application, 02
.ummary, 0!
Important Concepts, 0!
3uestions, 0"
Chapter #. $uppl% and &eand, "5 #. $uppl% and &eand, "'
Introduction, 0& Introduction, 0*
Maret Demand, 0& Maret Demand, 0*
Maret .upply, %2 Maret .upply, %"
Maret E=uilibrium, %! Maret E=uilibrium, %%
Comparative .tatics Analysis, %" Comparative .tatics Analysis, %4
.hort>'un Maret Changes: #he ?'ationing ,unction@ of Price, %" .upply, Demand, and Price: #he Managerial Challenge, &%
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
Aong>'un Maret Analysis: #he ?+uiding@ or ?Allocating ,unction@ of Price,
Case ">/ CoBee: ?$uy Ao( and .ell Cigh@, &&
Dsing .upply and Demand in ,orecasting, &2 Case ">! Air #ravel: ?$uy Cigh and .ell Ao(@, &&
.upply, Demand, and Price: #he Managerial Challenge, &/ International Application: Competition Among Countries for the +lobal
Demand for CoBee, &4
Case "-/ CoBee: ?$uy Ao( and .ell Cigh@, &! .ummary, 42
Case "-! Air #ravel: ?$uy Cigh and .ell Ao(@, &" Important Concepts, 4/
+lobal Application: #he Maret for Cobalt, &0 3uestions, 4!
#he Current Maret .ituation, &0 Problems, 4"
A $rief Cistory of the Maret for Cobalt, &% Appendix "A- #he Mathematics of .upply and Demand, 4&
Implications for Managers, &%
.ummary, &)
Important Concepts, &)
3uestions, &*
Problems, 42
Appendix "A: #he Mathematics of .upply and Demand, 40
Chapter ". &eand Elasticit%, (( ". &eand Elasticit%, ()
#he Economic Concept of Elasticity, 4) #he Economic Concept of Elasticity, )2
#he Price Elasticity of Demand, 4) #he Price Elasticity of Demand, )/
Measurement of Price Elasticity, 4* #he Cross>Elasticity of Demand, *4
#he Determinants of Elasticity, )0 Income Elasticity, **
#he EBect of Elasticity on Price and 3uantity, )% 1ther Elasticity Measures, /2!
#he Elasticity of Derived Demand, )& Elasticity of .upply, /2"
Elasticity in the .hort 'un and in the Aong 'un, )4 International Application: Price Elasticities in Asia, /2"
Demand Elasticity and 'evenue, )* .ummary, /2&
#he Mathematics of Elasticity, *! Important Concepts, /2&
Empirical Elasticities, *" 3uestions, /24
#he Cross>Elasticity of Demand, *0 Problems, /2)
Empirical Elasticities, *& Appendix 0A- Applications of .upply and Demand, ///
Income Elasticity, *& Interference (ith the Price Mechanism, ///
1ther Elasticity Measures, ** #he Incidence of #axes, //0
Elasticity of .upply, /22 Actual .ituations, //&
+lobal Application: Price Elasticities in Asia, /22 .ummary, /!0
.ummary, /2"
Important Concepts, /2"
3uestions, /20
Problems, /2%
Appendix 0A: Applications of .upply and Demand, /2*
Chapter 5. &eand Estiation and Forecasting, 12" 5. &eand Estiation and Forecasting, 125
Demand Estimation, /!& Demand Estimation, /!4
Introduction, /!& 'egression Analysis: A Management $rie5ng, /!*
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
Eey Chapter 1b:ectives, /!& Problems in the Dse of 'egression Analysis, /"4
#he Critical Importance of +ood Data, /!& International Application: ,ood in .pain, Cigarettes in #ai(an, /0/
'egression Analysis: A Management $rie5ng, /!4 ,orecasting, /0"
.pecifying the 'egression E=uation and 1btaining the Data, /!4 Prere=uisites of a +ood ,orecast, /00
Estimating and Interpreting the 'egression CoeFcients, /"2 ,orecasting #echni=ues, /00
.tatistical Evaluation of the 'egression 'esults, /"! International Application: ,orecasting Exchange 'ates, /&4
'evie( of Eey .teps for Analy7ing 'egression 'esults, /"" .ummary, /42
Implications of the 'egression Analysis for Management Decisions,
Important Concepts, /4/
Problems in the Dse of 'egression Analysis, /"% 3uestions, /4!
#he Identi5cation Problem, /"%
Multicollinearity, /"4
Autocorrelation, /"4
Examples of 'egression Analysis in Economic 'esearch, /"*
$rief .ummary of #(o 'ecent Examples of Economic .tudies Dsing
'egression Analysis, /"*
+lobal Application: ,ood in .pain, Cigarettes in #ai(an, /02
,orecasting, /0/
Introduction, /0/
.ub:ects of ,orecasts, /0!
Demand Estimating and Demand ,orecasting, /0!
Prere=uisites of a +ood ,orecast, /0"
,orecasting #echni=ues, /0"
Expert 1pinion, /00
1pinion Polls and Maret 'esearch, /0%
.urveys of .pending Plans, /0%
Economic Indicators, /0&
Pro:ections, /0)
Econometric Models, /&!
+lobal Application: ,orecasting Exchange 'ates, /&&
.ummary, /&*
Important Concepts, /42
3uestions, /4/
Problems, /4!
Appendix %A: #he Demand for 9hite Ginfandel in Aos Angeles, /4)
Chapter 6. The Theor% and Estiation of *roduction, 1'6 6. The Theor% and Estiation of *roduction, 1()
#he Production ,unction, /)4 #he Production ,unction, /)/
A .hort>'un Analysis of #otal, Average, and Marginal Product, /)* A .hort>'un Analysis of #otal, Average, and Marginal Product, /)"
#he Aa( of Diminishing 'eturns, /*/ #he Aong>'un Production ,unction, /*"
#he #hree .tages of Production in the .hort 'un, /*0 #he Estimation of Production ,unctions, /*&
Derived Demand and the 1ptimal Aevel of <ariable Input Dsage, /*& #he Importance of Production ,unctions in Managerial Decision Maing,
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
#he Case of Multiple Inputs HAbridged <ersionI, /*4 Call Centers: Applying the Production ,unction to a .ervice, !24
#he Aong>'un Production ,unction, /** International Application: Is China 'unning 1ut of 9orers8, !2)
#he Estimation of Production ,unctions, !2! .ummary, !/2
#he <arious ,orms of a Production ,unction, !2! Important Concepts HItems (ith J are discussed in Appendix &A or &$I,
#he Cobb>Douglas Production ,unction, !20 3uestions, !/!
.tatistical Estimation of Production ,unctions, !2& Problems, !/"
Aggregate Production ,unctions, !2* Appendix &A- #he MultipleKInput Case, !/*
#he Importance of Production ,unctions in Managerial Decision
Maing, !/2
.ubstituting Input ,actors, !/*
Careful Planning Can Celp a ,irm to Dse Its 'esources in a
'ational Manner, !//
#he 1ptimal Combination of Multiple Inputs, !!0
+oing ?$eyond the Curves@: Current Production Issues and
Challenges for #odayLs Managers, !/!
#he 1ptimal Aevels of Multiple Inputs, !!&
Call Centers: Applying the Production ,unction to a .ervice, !/0 Appendix &$- Expressing the Production ,unction (ith the Dse of
Calculus, !!*
International Application: Is China 'unning 1ut of 9orers8, !/& A $rief 'evie( of the Production ,unction, !!*
.ummary, !/4 Marginal Product: #he ,irst Derivative of the #otal Product ,unction, !!*
Important Concepts, !/) Converting the Cobb>Douglas ,unction into a Ainear ,orm, !"2
3uestions, !/* #he 1ptimal Combination of #(o Inputs, !"/
Problems, !!2
Appendix &A: Productivity in .ervices, !!&
Appendix &$: #he Multiple>Input Case, !"4
Appendix &C: Expressing the Production ,unction (ith the Dse of
Calculus, !0)
Chapter (. The Theor% and Estiation of Cost, 252 (. The Theor% and Estiation of Cost, 2##
#he Importance of Cost in Managerial Decisions, !%" #he Importance of Cost in Managerial Decisions, !"%
#he De5nition and Dse of Cost in Economic Analysis, !%% #he De5nition and Dse of Cost in Economic Analysis, !"&
Cistorical versus 'eplacement Cost, !%% #he 'elationship bet(een Production and Cost, !")
1pportunity Cost versus 1ut>of>Pocet Cost, !%% #he .hort>'un Cost ,unction, !02
.un versus Incremental Cost, !%& #he Aong>'un Cost ,unction, !0&
#he 'elationship bet(een Production and Cost, !%4 #he Aearning Curve, !%%
#he .hort>'un Cost ,unction, !%* Economies of .cope, !%)
Increasing Cost EFciency in the .hort 'un, !&! Economies of .cale: #he .hort 'un versus the Aong 'un, !%*
Alternative .peci5cations of the #otal Cost ,unction, !&! .upply Chain Management, !%*
#he Aong>'un Cost ,unction, !&0 Examples of 9ays Companies Cave Cut Costs to 'emain Competitive,
#he 'elationship bet(een Aong>'un Production and Aong>'un
Cost, !&0
International Application: 9ill All 1ur Clothes $e Made in China8 , !&&
Economies of .cale, !&& .ummary, !&)
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
#he Aong>'un Average Cost Curve as the Envelope of .hort>'un
Average Cost, !&*
Important Concepts, !&*
Dsing Aong>'un Average Cost as a Decision>Maing #ool: #he
Importance of Coordinating Production Plans (ith Maret
,orecasts, !4/
3uestions, !42
#he Aearning Curve, !4" Problems, !4/
Economies of .cope, !4& Appendix 4A- A Mathematical 'estatement of the .hort>'un Cost
,unction, !4&
Economies of .cale: #he .hort 'un versus the Aong 'un, !44 Appendix 4$- #he Estimation of Cost, !44
.upply Chain Management, !44 #he Estimation of .hort>'un Cost ,unctions, !44
Examples of 9ays Companies Cave Cut Costs to 'emain Competitive,
#he Estimation of Aong>'un Cost ,unctions, !)/
Cautionary ;ote to Managers about the Dse of Cost>Cutting as a
.trategy, !)%
.ummary, !)&
+lobal Application: #oll Manufacturing of Chemicals in China, !)&
.ummary, !)*
Important Concepts, !)*
3uestions, !*2
Problems, !*!
Appendix 4A: A Mathematical 'estatement of the .hort>'un Cost
,unction, !*4
Appendix 4$: #he Estimation of Cost, !*)
Chapter '. *ricing and +utput &ecisions, *erfect Copetition
and -onopol%, #.)
'. *ricing and +utput &ecisions, *erfect Copetition and
-onopol%, 2''
Introduction, "/2 Introduction, !*2
Competition and Maret #ypes in Economic Analysis, "/! Competition and Maret #ypes in Economic Analysis, !*/
#he Meaning of Competition, "/! Pricing and 1utput Decisions in Perfect Competition, !*0
Examples of Maret #ypes, "/" Pricing and 1utput Decisions in Monopoly Marets, "24
Maret #ypes and Competition in #heory and 'eality, "/0 #he Implications of Perfect Competition and Monopoly for Managerial
Decision Maing, "//
Pricing and 1utput Decisions in Perfect Competition, "/% International Application: Perfect Competition Means More #han Must the
.hifting of .upply and Demand Diagrams, "/"
#he $asic $usiness Decision, "/% .ummary, "/4
Eey Assumptions of the Perfectly Competitive Maret, "/% Important Concepts, "/4
#he #otal 'evenueK#otal Cost Approach to .electing the 1ptimal
1utput Aevel, "/*
3uestions, "/)
#he Marginal 'evenueKMarginal Cost Approach to ,inding the
1ptimal 1utput Aevel, "!2
Problems, "/*
Economic Pro5t, ;ormal Pro5t, Aoss, and .hutdo(n, "!" Appendix )A- #he Dse of Calculus in Pricing and 1utput Decisions, "!!
#he Competitive Maret in the Aong 'un, "!& Perfect Competition, "!!
Pricing and 1utput Decisions in Monopoly Marets, "!) Monopoly, "!!
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
#he Implications of Perfect Competition and Monopoly for
Managerial Decision Maing, ""/
Appendix )$- $rea>Even Analysis H<olume>Cost>Pro5tI, "!0
+lobal Application: #he $rutal Economics of the Maret for $lue5n
#una, """
Introduction, "!%
.ummary, ""4 #he $rea>Even Point, "!&
Important Concepts, ""4 $rea>Even 'evenue, "!)
3uestions, "") 'e=uired Pro5t, "!*
Problems, ""* Combining $rea>Even Analysis (ith Demand, "!*
Appendix )A: #he Dse of Calculus in Pricing and 1utput Decisions,
Degree of 1perating Aeverage, "!*
Appendix )$: $rea>Even Analysis H<olume>Cost>Pro5tI, "00 #he Dses and Aimitations of <olume>Cost>Pro5t Analysis, ""!
An Application: #he 'estaurant Industry, """
.ummary, ""%
Important Concepts, ""%
3uestions, ""%
Problems, ""&
Chapter ). *ricing and +utput &ecisions, -onopolistic
Copetition and +ligopol%, #5'
). *ricing and +utput &ecisions, -onopolistic Copetition and
+ligopol%, ##'
Introduction, "%* Introduction, ""*
Monopolistic Competition, "&2 Monopolistic Competition, "02
1ligopoly, "&! 1ligopoly, "0"
Maret Concentration, "&! Pricing in an 1ligopolistic Maret: 'ivalry and Mutual Interdependence,
Pricing in an 1ligopolistic Maret: 'ivalry and Mutual
Interdependence, "&0
Competing in Imperfectly Competitive Marets, "0*
Competing in Imperfectly Competitive Marets, "&4 .trategy: #he ,undamental Challenge for ,irms in Imperfect
Competition, "%0
;onprice Competition, "&4 International Application: #he Maret ,or $eer, "&2
Economic 1ptimi7ation and ;onprice Competition, "42 .ummary, "&!
#he 'eality of Monopolistic Competition and 1ligopoly:
?Imperfect@ Competition, "4/
Important Concepts, "&!
.trategy: #he ,undamental Challenge for ,irms in Imperfect
Competition, "4!
3uestions, "&"
Industrial 1rgani7ation, "4" Problems, "&0
.trategy and the Ideas of Michael Porter, "4%
Concluding 'emars on the Ainages bet(een Managerial
Economics and .trategy, "44
+lobal Application: #he 9orldLs Maret for $eer, "44
.ummary, "4*
Important Concepts, "4*
3uestions, ")2
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
Problems, ")/
Chapter 1.. $pecial *ricing *ractices, #'" 1.. $pecial *ricing *ractices, #6(
Introduction, ")% Introduction, "&)
Cartel Arrangements, ")% Cartel Arrangements, "&)
Cases of Price ,ixing by Cartels, ")4 Price Aeadership, "4"
Price Aeadership, ")* 'evenue Maximi7ation, "4%
$arometric Price Aeadership, "*2 Price Discrimination, "44
Dominant Price Aeadership, "*2 ;onmarginal Pricing, "))
'evenue Maximi7ation, "*! Multiproduct Pricing, "*!
Price Discrimination, "*" #ransfer Pricing, "*4
#hird>Degree Discrimination, "*% 1ther Pricing Practices, "**
Examples of Price Discrimination, "*) International Application, 022
.ome 'ecent Examples of Price Discrimination Practices, "** .ummary, 02"
Pricing in the Cotel Industry: Example of Price Discrimination, 02/ Important Concepts, 020
#ying Arrangements: A Possible Extension of Price Discrimination, 02! 3uestions, 020
.ocial 9elfare Implications of Price Discrimination, 020 Problems, 02%
;onmarginal Pricing, 020
Cost>Plus Pricing, 02%
Incremental Pricing and Costing Analysis, 02)
Multiproduct Pricing, 02)
Products Complementary in Demand, 02*
Products .ubstitutable in Demand, 0/2
Moint Products (ith ,ixed Proportions, 0//
Moint Products in <ariable Proportions, 0/!
#ransfer Pricing, 0/"
;o External Marets, 0/0
External Marets, 0/%
1ther Pricing Practices, 0/&
+lobal Application: #he Decline of European Cartels, 0/&
#he European Carton>$oard Cartel, 0/&
#he European <itamin Cartel, 0/4
#he European Copper Pipe Cartel, 0/4
1ther Price>,ixing Cases in Europe, 0/4
Price Discrimination by Airlines, 0/)
.ummary, 0/*
Important Concepts, 0!2
3uestions, 0!2
Problems, 0!/
Chapter 11. !ae Theor% and /s%etric Inforation, "25 11. !ae Theor% and /s%etric Inforation, ".)
Introduction, 0!& Introduction, 0/2
+ame #heory, 0!& +ame #heory, 0//
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Table of Contents 6
Edition Table of Contents 5
A .elected .ample of +ames of Particular 'elevance in Economics,
A .elected .ample of +ames of Particular 'elevance in Economics, 0//
PrisonersL Dilemma, 0!4 +ame #heory and Auctions, 0/)
$each Eios +ame, 0"2 .trategy and +ame #heory, 0!2
'epeated +ames, 0"/ Asymmetric Information, 0!%
.e=uential +ames and ,irst Mover Advantage, 0"/ Marets (ith Asymmetric Information, 0!&
+ame #heory and Auctions, 0"" Maret 'esponses to Asymmetric Information, 0!)
.trategy and +ame #heory, 0"% 'eputation, 0!)
Commitment, 0"& .tandardi7ation, 0!*
Incentives, 0") Maret .ignaling, 0!*
A +eneral ,rame(or, 0"* A ,inal Example: #(o $aning .ystems as 'esponses to Information
Asymmetries, 0"/
Asymmetric Information, 002 .ummary, 0"0
Marets (ith Asymmetric Information, 002 Important Concepts, 0"%
Example: Adverse .election6#he Maret for Aemons, 00/ 3uestions, 0"%
Example: Moral Ca7ard6Insurance, 00! Problem, 0"&
Maret 'esponses to Asymmetric Information, 00!
'eputation, 00"
Example: 'eputation in e$ay Auctions, 00"
.tandardi7ation, 00"
Maret .ignaling, 000
Example: Education as a .ignal in Aabor Marets, 000
Example: +uarantees and 9arranties, 00%
A ,inal Example: #(o $aning .ystems as 'esponses to
Information Asymmetries, 00%
.ummary, 00)
Important Concepts, 00)
3uestions, 00*
Problem, 00*
Chapter 12. Capital 0udgeting and 1is2, "5. 12. Capital 0udgeting and 1is2, "#(
Introduction, 0%/ Introduction, 0"*
#he Capital $udgeting Decision, 0%! #he Capital $udgeting Decision, 0"*
#ypes of Capital $udgeting Decisions, 0%! #ime <alue of Money, 002
#ime <alue of Money, 0%" Methods of Capital Pro:ect Evaluation, 00/
Methods of Capital Pro:ect Evaluation, 0%" Cash ,lo(s, 004
;et Present <alue, 0%" Cost of Capital, 00*
Internal 'ate of 'eturn, 0%% #he Capital $udgeting Model, 0%!
#he Pro5tability Index, 0%& Capital 'ationing, 0%"
;P< versus I'', 0%& 'is <ersus Dncertainty, 0%0
Capital $udgeting in Practice, 0%* .ources of $usiness 'is, 0%%
Cash ,lo(s, 0%* #he Measures of 'is, 0%%
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Edition Table of Contents 5
#ypes of Cash ,lo(s, 0&2 Capital $udgeting Dnder Conditions of 'is, 0&2
Cost of Capital, 0&/ #(o 1ther Methods for Incorporating 'is, 0&/
Debt, 0&! .ensitivity and .cenario Analysis, 0&"
E=uity, 0&! .imulation, 0&0
#he 9eighted Cost of Capital, 0&0 Decision #rees, 0&%
#he Capital $udgeting Model, 0&0 'eal 1ptions in Capital $udgeting, 0&&
Capital 'ationing, 0&& International Application: Political 'is, 0&)
'is versus Dncertainty, 0&& .ummary, 040
.ources of $usiness 'is, 0&4 Important Concepts, 04%
#he Measures of 'is, 0&4 3uestions, 04&
Expected <alue, 0&) Problems, 044
#he .tandard Deviation, 0&* Appendix /!A- #he <alue of a Corporation, 0)"
Discrete versus Continuous Distributions and the ;ormal Curve, 042
#he CoeFcient of <ariation, 04/
Capital $udgeting under Conditions of 'is, 04!
#(o 1ther Methods for Incorporating 'is, 04"
#he 'is>Ad:usted Discount 'ate, 04"
Certainty E=uivalents, 040
Present <alue $rea>Even Analysis, 04%
.ensitivity and .cenario Analysis, 04%
.imulation, 04&
Decision #rees, 044
'eal 1ptions in Capital $udgeting, 04*
'eal 1ptions in Practice, 0)2
An Abandonment 1ption, 0)2
+lobal Application: Political 'is, 0)!
Political 'is, 0)!
A Political 'is Index, 0)"
Containing International 'is, 0)"
Capital $udgeting in Practice, 0)"
.ummary, 0)&
Important Concepts, 0)4
3uestions, 0))
Problems, 0)*
Appendix /!A: #he <alue of a Corporation, 0*%
Chapter 1#. The -ultinational Corporation and !lobali3ation,
1#. The -ultinational Corporation and !lobali3ation, "'5
Introduction, 0*) Introduction, 0)4
+lobali7ation, 0** +lobali7ation, 0))
Is +lobali7ation +ood or $ad8, %22 Is +lobali7ation +ood or $ad8, 0))
Proglobali7ation Arguments, %22 Proglobali7ation Arguments, 0)*
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Edition Table of Contents 5
Antiglobali7ation Arguments, %2/ Antiglobali7ation Arguments, 0*2
+lobali7ation and the ,uture, %2! +lobali7ation and the ,uture, 0*2
'iss ,aced by a Multinational Corporation, %20 'iss ,aced by a Multinational Corporation, 0*!
Exchange 'ates, %2% Exchange 'ates, 0*"
Exchange 'ate Cedging, %2& Exchange 'ate Cedging, 0*0
1Bsetting #ransactions, %2& ,oreign Direct Investment, 0*&
#he ,or(ard Maret, %2& Multinational Capital $udgeting, 0*&
#he ,utures Maret, %2& #he 'epositioning of ,unds, 0*)
Currency 1ptions, %2& Multinational #ransfer Pricing, 0**
Currency .(aps, %24 International Application:?,rom Cere to the Moon in .ix Months@, %2!
,oreign Direct Investment, %24 .ummary, %2&
Multinational Capital $udgeting, %2) Important Concepts, %24
Intercompany ,und ,lo(s, %2) 3uestions, %24
InNation 'ates, %2) Problems, %2)
Exchange 'ates, %2)
#ax DiBerences, %2*
DiBerences in Cash ,lo(s, %2*
Cost of Capital, %2*
#he ,inal Pro:ect <aluation, %2*
#he 'epositioning of ,unds, %/2
Multinational #ransfer Pricing, %/2
Multinational #ransfer Pricing Example, %//
#ransfer Pricing in Practice, %/!
+lobal Application: ?,rom Cere to the Moon in .ix Months@, %/0
.ummary, %/4
Important Concepts, %/)
3uestions, %/)
Problems, %/*
Chapter 1". !o4ernent and Industr%, Challenges and
+pportunities for Toda%5s -anager, 52.
1". !o4ernent and Industr%, Challenges and +pportunities for
Toda%5s -anager, 5.)
Introduction, %!/ Introduction, %/2
#he 'ationale for +overnment Involvement in a Maret Economy, %!/ #he 'ationale for +overnment Involvement in a Maret Economy, %/2
Providing a Aegal ,rame(or for Competition: #he Antitrust
Aa(s, %!!
.tabili7ation of the Aggregate Economy: Monetary and ,iscal Policy, %/&
Dealing (ith Maret Externalities: Another Eey ,unction of
+overnment in the Maret Economy, %!%
Doing $usiness (ith the D-.- +overnment, %/)
.tabili7ation of the Aggregate Economy: Monetary and ,iscal
Policy, %!4
+overnment Deregulation, Mergers, and Ac=uisitions, %!"
Monetary Policy, %!4 International Application: #he ,ailed Attempt to Merge by +eneral
Electric and Coney(ell, %!)
,iscal Policy, %!) .ummary, %"2
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Edition Table of Contents 5
Aags, %!* Important Concepts, %"/
Doing $usiness (ith the D-.- +overnment, %!* 3uestions, %"/
#he +overnment Maret, %"2
#he +overnment and the Maret Economy, %"!
+overnment Deregulation, Mergers, and Ac=uisitions, %"0
9hy ,irms Merge, %"%
+lobal Application: #he ,ailed Attempt to Merge by +eneral
Electric and Coney(ell, %"*
.ummary, %02
Important Concepts, %0/
3uestions, %0/
Chapter 15. -anagerial Econoics in /ction, The Case of the
1efreshent 0e4erage Industr%, 5"2
15. -anagerial Econoics in /ction, The Case of the
$eiconductor Industr%, 5#2
Introduction, %0" Introduction, %"!
Economic 1vervie( of the Industry, %00 Industry $acground, %"0
Industry #rends, %00 Industry Analysis, %"4
Analysis of the 'efreshment $everage Industry, %%! Managerial Decision Maing in Action, %0"
Carbonated .oft Drins HC.DsI, %%! 3uestion for ,urther .tudy, %0&
$ottled 9ater, %%" A- .tatistical and ,inancial #ables, %04
Manufacturing and Distribution, %%% Inside,rontCover, ,rontCover
Competition, %%& Introduction to Interactive .preadsheet Modules, ,rontCover
Consumer Demand, %%4 +etting .tarted (ith Interactive .preadsheet Modules, ,rontCover
.ummary, %&! Prentice Call, Inside$acCover
3uestions for ,urther .tudy, %&! Index, I>/>/
Appendix /%A: Intervie( (ith Eey $everage Industry Executives, %&0
Appendix A- .tatistical and ,inancial #ables, %4/
Index, %)&
Introduction to Interactive .preadsheet Modules, EP>/
+etting .tarted (ith Interactive .preadsheet Modules, EP>/
Page 11 of 12
Eeat O Poung #able of Contents 0
1. Introduction.
2. The Firm and Its Goals.
3. Supply and Demand.
4. Demand Elasticity.
5. Demand Estimation.
6. Forecastin.
!. The Theory and Estimation o" #roduction.
$. The Theory and Estimation o" %ost.
&. #ricin and 'utput Decisions( #er"ect %ompetition and )onopoly.
1*. #ricin and 'utput Decisions( )onopolistic %ompetition and 'liopoly.
11. Special #ricin #ractices.
12. Economic Decision )a+in in the 21st %entury( The ,'ld- Economics o" the ,.e/ Economy.-
13. %apital 0udetin.
14. 1is+ and 2ncertainty.
15. Go3ernment and Industry( %hallenes and 'pportunities "or Today4s )anaers.
16. )anaerial Economics in 5ction( The %ase o" the Semiconductor Industry.
Page 12 of 12

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