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Edward point of view- Rosalie’s call.

Here I lay. Where ever I am. It has been 40364872 seconds since I last saw Victoria.

I am in the middle of a forest in the middle of Texas in the middle of my dead

hopeless depressing life.

My eyes have been closed for 40364612 of those seconds so I could see the face
that would stop me from destroying my life. The only face that could make me
smile. The only face that could hurt me. The face behind my lids was one of pain. Of
suffering. I remembered this face well, how could I forget?

The phone buzzed for umpteenth time. I didn’t know what was so important. But it
was Rosalie. She was probably just calling to mock me or tell me to come home.

It vibrated again. This vibration was losing my concentration. It vibrated again.

I grabbed the phone and flipped it open.

“What do you want Rosalie” I yelled into the phone.

“Finally. ‘Bout time you answered your phone. Are you deaf now too?” She asked.

“Grrrr. Goodbye Rosalie” I said her name with hatred.

“Wait, okay that was uncalled for but I need to tell you something” She said quickly
making sure I heard it before I hung up.

I paused momentarily.

“Okay, I don’t know how to tell you this but…… Okay they told me not to tell you
but I want you to come home so this may be the only thing that will help you get
over this depression of yours” She said the words with distaste.

“JUST SPIT IT OUT ROSALIE” I yelled. I was getting impatient.

“Bella’s dead” she said quickly obviously frightened by how my voice sounded.

I sat there holding the phone to my ear but not hearing anything that she was
babbling about on the other line.

Bella. Dead. Gone. WHAT?!

“WHAT” I don’t think I have ever raised my voice that much.

“Bella, she jumped off a cliff about two days ago and never came back up. So you
can come home now right? Get over this whole ‘I hate everything and everyone’
thing. We can all be a family again!
It was like she didn’t care. I hadn’t said anything in 518 seconds. I was processing
those two words in my head.

Dead. Bella. Dead. Bella.

Bella. Dead!?

Somewhere in between the words and me processing the words trying to get them
to make sense I crushed my phone into tiny pieces.

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