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Testing for

Macromolecules Lab

Name: Sahil Kumar
Teacher: Mrs.
Course: SBI4U
To use a set of standardized procedures to test for sample sugars and starch and

10 ml Graduated cylinders
16 test tubes
400ml beaker
Back well plate
Baking soda
Benedicts reagent
Biuret reagent
Distilled water
Gelatin Solution
Glucose solution
Hot plate
Lugols Solution
Medicine Droppers
Test tube rack
Stirring rod
Wax pencil
Unknown A
Unknown B
Unknown C
Part A
Name Colour Approximate sugar Concentration
Baking soda
Blue 0
Green to
1.0 2.0
Distilled water Blue 0
Glucose Green to
1.0 2.0
Unknown A Green to
1.0 2.0
Unknown B Blue 0
Unknown C Light green 0.5 1.5

Name Colour Presence of Starch
Baking soda
Dark Brown No starch
Bluish Black Starch Found
Distilled water Dark Brown No Starch
Glucose Dark Red No Starch
Unknown A Dark Red No Starch
Unknown B Dark Red No Starch
Unknown C Dark Blue Starch Found

Part C
Name Colour Relative Amount of Peptide bonds
Blue No Protein
Baking Soda Purple +++
Unknown A Pink +
Unknown B Violet ++
Unknown C Blue No Protein
Starch Blue No Protein
Glucose Blue No Protein
Gelatine blue No Protein

Discussion Questions: (Analyze and Evaluate)
a) The dependent variables that were measured and recorded in this investigation
were the change in colours of the solution, the change in colour was dependent on
something being added to cause the change and in this lab it was the Benedicts
reagent, Lugols solution, and Biuret reagent. The independent variables that were
measured and recorded was the controlled lab (distilled water).

b) The results were as reliable as they could possibly be; also the meaning of the
results was given in the textbook.

c) The baking soda having peptide bonds was surprising.

d) The test that was most difficult to conduct was Part C: Protein test, because it was
hard to tell violet form purple.

e) Negative control is the variable where nothing is expected to happen and it ensures
that there is nothing happening where nothing should happen.

Based off of the results it is known that certain foods contain sugars or starch and
proteins, and some do not.

Application: (Apply and Extend)
f) Knowing the chemical makeup of what we eat can help humans make better choices
for a healthier lifestyle, specifically as to eating as their health requires if they have a
condition or disorder in which they cannot digest specific sugars or enzymes.

g) Waffles are high in carbohydrates, Ensure (a meal replacing milk beverage) is high in
proteins, and Margarine or other shortenings with hydrogenated oils are high in fats.
Other substances that are listed on a food label are minerals and vitamins, it is
important to know about the presence of these substances because they are also
needed in our body and help us to perform daily functions. It is also important to know
about them as too much consumption may harm us.

h) BHA (butylated hydroxanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are antioxidants and
are added to edible fats and high fat containing foods; they help foods from smelling
rancid or going bad. The potential effects are disastrous as they are human carcinogens
and can cause cancer also BHT can cause hyperactivity in children. These are very
harmful substances and we should know if they are in our foods or not.

Sources of Error
Possible sources of error could have been minor variances in the graduated cylinders
used to measure out each solution. Another error could have been damaged or faulty
equipment which may have ruined the results such as dirty test tubes.

Bibliography for research question:

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