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Under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, every industry has
to provide adequate treatent of its effluents !efore disposal, irrespective of "hether
it is in strea, land, se"era#e syste or sea$ %o"ever, often the sall scale industries
(&&'s), due to their liited si(e and scale of operations do not find it econoically
via!le to install ela!orate pollution control equipent$ &&'s have si#nificant
contri!ution to the total industrial pollution load of the country$
)he Coon *ffluent )reatent Plants (C*)Ps) are considered a via!le treatent
solution for collective treatent of effluents, particularly fro sall and ediu
scale industries$
C*)Ps are seen as a solution to overcoe the constraints associated "ith effluent
treatent in the individual industries$ C*)Ps could potentially help in achievin#
treatent of co!ined "aste"ater fro various industries at lo"er unit costs and also
help facilitate !etter copliance and onitorin# "ith standards$
Coon *ffluent )reatent Plant (C*)P) is esta!lished in order to a+e a
cooperative oveent of pollution control especially to treat the effluent,
eanatin# fro the clusters of copati!le &all,&cale 'ndustries (&is-s)$
.!/ective of the C*)P is therefore, to reduce the treatent cost to !e !orne !y
an individual e!er unit to a a0iu "hile protectin# the "ater
environent to a a0iu$
1't prootes industrial #ro"th$
Te !dv!nt!"es o# CETPs !re 2
1$ %elps reduce the "aste "ater treatent cost for individual units
3$ %elps achieve 4econoy of scale- in "aste "ater treatent$ &avin# in capital
and operatin# cost of treatent plant$ Coon treatent is al"ays cheaper
than sall scattered treatent units
5$ %elps optiise the cost of pollution a!ateent for each individual industry
4$ %elpful for individual industries that lac+ anpo"er and technical e0pertise
for the treatent of "aste "ater$ Professional and trained staff can !e ade
availa!le for operation of C*)P "hich is not possi!le in case of individual
6$ %elpful for individual industries that lac+ of space for full,fled#ed treatent
facilities$ Availa!ility of land "hich is difficult to !e ensured !y all the
treatent units in the event they #o for individual treatent plant$
7$ %elps in hoo#eni(ation of "aste "ater and !etter hydraulic sta!ility$ )he
neutrali(ation and equali(ation of hetero#eneous "astes a+es its treatent
techno,econoically via!le$
7$ Contri!ution of nutrient and dilutin# potential, a+in# the cople0 industrial
"aste ore aena!le to de#radation$
8$ 9etter control over treatent and disposal of "aste "ater$ :isposal of treated
"aste "ater ; slud#e !ecoes ore or#ani(ed$
9$ Provides scope for recyclin# and reuse of treated "aste "ater$
1<$ =educed !urden of various re#ulatory authorities in ensurin# pollution control
Tre!t$ent $etodo%o"ies !do&ted b' te co$$on e##%uent tre!t$ent &%!nts
)he treatent ethodolo#ies adopted !y the coon effluent treatent plants
include physico,cheical treatent (priary), !iolo#ical treatent (secondary) and
advanced treatent dependin# on characteristics of effluents$
&oe iportant factors "hich influence proper plannin# of the C*)Ps are2
)ype of industries dischar#in# "aste "ater
Characteristics of "aste "ater dischar#ed
>ualitative and quantitative fluctuations of effluent dischar#es
Pre,treatent !y individual industries
*ffluent collection?conveyance syste
Place of disposal for treated "aste "ater
&tandards to !e coplied "ith
)he technical odels are dependent ainly on the characteristics of the effluent and
include the a!ove treatent ethodolo#ies$ )he characteristics of the effluents
P'sic!% c!r!cteristics o# te e##%uent2 includes teperature, colour, odour and
total and volatile suspended solids$
Ce$ic!% c!r!cteristics: )he cheical characteristics of the effluent are descri!ed
!y p%, ):&, Aonical @itro#en, C.:, 9.:, ).C, to0ic etals and copounds
(iode"r!d!bi%it': )he effluents could !e !roadly cate#orised into the follo"in# types
!ased on !iode#rada!ility2
A *asily !io,de#rada!le (C.:?9.: B 3)
A @ot,easily !iode#rada!le (C.:?9.: C 3)
A @ot easily !io,de#rada!le and to0ic (hi#h ):&, hi#h C.:, to0icants)
&e#re#ation of "aste "ater "ith special characteristics, for e0aple !ased on hi#h
inor#anic ():&) streas or hi#h C.: streas etc$ plays an iportant role in dealin#
"ith treatent$
:ifferent fors of treatent e0ist dependin# on the quantity and quality of "aste
"ater$ )he effluent fro industrial processes requires soe for of pre,treatent
prior to sendin# the effluents for further treatent of C*)P$
)herefore, the &&' units provide preliinary treatent (oil and #rease reoval and
P% ad/ustent) at their unit level and dischar#e the "aste"ater into the conveyance
syste leadin# to the C*)P$ )his is ainly required "hen "aste"ater is carried
throu#h pipe lines to inii(e corrosion and clo##in# and to prevent to0ic
Dor ensurin# proper pre,treatent, standards are specified under the *nvironent
(Protection) Act, 1987 for the effluent quality at the inlet to C*)Ps$
)he !ul+ of industrial pollution in 'ndia is caused !y the sall and ediu scale
industrial (&E's) sector$

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