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Course Contents for JAVA For a Begginer

Introduction to Java Programming

Advantages of Java
Platform independence
Stand-alone applications and servlets
Structure of a Java program
Compiling source code into byte code
Overview of class libraries
Object-Oriented Programming with Java
Te ob!ect paradigm
Ob!ect-oriented "OO# programming
$ncapsulation% ineritance and polymorpism
OO analysis and design& '(s a' and ')as a' relationsips
*esigning an OO application step by step
*iagramming ob!ect structure wit +nified ,odeling
-anguage "+,-#
Java's object-oriented features
(nstantiating ob!ects from classes
Aggregation and composition
$.tending e.isting classes
Overloading and overriding metods
tructure of the Java !anguage
-anguage synta.
*eclaring and initiali/ing variables
Statements and e.pressions
*eclaring and using arrays
+p casting% down casting and auto
" F#ow contro#
(nvo0ing metods and passing parameters
Conditionals and loops
)andling e.ceptions wit try and catc
$efining c#asses
1ields "instance data#
,etods "functions#
Abstract classes and interfaces
Organi/ing classes wit pac0ages and visibility modifiers
Composition vs2 ineritance
Bui#ding the com%onents of a Java %rogram
3or0ing wit e.isting classes
-everaging generics wit te collections AP(
$.tending base classes
*eveloping new classes
Compiling and debugging
$eve#o%ing &'Is
Foundations of user interfaces
4asic 5+( widgets
$vent-driven programming
4enefits of a portable windowing library
Java Foundation C#asses (JFC)
Advantages of ligtweigt Swing components
$.ploring te Swing component library
Creating Swing components& buttons% te.t fields% drop-down
Adding Swing components to containers
Arranging Swing components using layout managers
*ialogs and message
*vent hand#ing
6egistering event andlers
(nner classes and top-level classes
toring and +etrieving $ata with Fi#e I,O
Java streams
Streams% 6eaders and 3riters
Accessing files
Catcing and trowing e.ceptions
1ormatting te.t output
Fi#es and directories
6eading and writing files
Creating% deleting and renaming files
Obtaining directory and file information
----------------------------------------------------------------- with +e#ationa# $atabases
J$BC database access
-everaging te J*4C AP(
Coosing database drivers
Connecting to a database
" (mproving performance wit prepared statements and stored
Submitting S7- statements
6etrieving and processing results
Java $eve#o%ment /oo#s
Java *evelopment 8it "J*8#
Compiler "!ava c#
Java doc utility
Java Arcive "JA6# utility
Java (ntegrated *evelopment $nvironments "(des#
Introduction and Overview
-eb a%%#ication deve#o%ment
Te re9uirements of a 3eb application
Components of an n-tier arcitecture
0e1 com%onents of Java ** for -eb deve#o%ment
&enerating Content with erv#ets
&etting started with serv#ets
(ntegrating servlets into te 3eb application arcitecture
Configuring te servlet development environment
Avoiding common servlet pitfalls
'ti#i2ing the Java erv#et API
Servlet life cycle metods
Accessing servlet environment variables
Creating -eb-based forms for user in%ut
Adding te.t fields and drop-down lists
-in0ing forms to servlets
6etrieving form data in te servlet
Accessing databases with erv#ets
$.tending servlets wit Java *atabase Connectivity "J*4C#
Connecting to te database
Submitting S7- statements
6etrieving and processing data
1ormatting database results
Constructing an )T,- table
Adding drill-down features
3aintaining tate in Java -eb A%%#ications
6eading and writing coo0ies to personali/e 3eb content
6etrieving coo0ies from a client re9uest
Sending coo0ies to te client
Circumventing coo0ie limitations
,anaging application state wit sessions
Creating a uni9ue session for eac user
Storing and retrieving Java ob!ects witin sessions
Controlling a session;s life span
Creating application and session event listeners
(mplementing a sopping cart
Creating Java erver Pages (JP)
JSP fundamentals
*esign goals of JSP
+sing JSP script lets% e.pressions and declarations
Communicating wit te client using built-in JSP server
-everaging te JSP < $.pression -anguage "$-#
State management wit JSP
Accessing coo0ies and sessions
Storing common application data
$esigning JP and erv#et Architectures
(ntegrating JSP and Java4eans
Promoting ob!ect reuse
Separating application logic from te presentation
Calling JSP from servlets
1orwarding Java ob!ects to JSP
+sing Java4eans to transfer data
Servlet and JSP design patterns
Integrating JP Custom /ags
-everaging te Tag $.tension mecanism
Te role of JSP custom tags
Applying te JSP Standard Tag -ibrary "JST-#
*eveloping custom tags
Creating custom tags wit JSP < tag files
Customi/ing tag beavior wit attributes
$eve#o%ing truts A%%#ication
Struts = framewor0 overview
Components of te Struts framewor0
,odel->iew-Controller ",>C# arcitecture
*eveloping Struts components
4uilding te Java4eans model
Presenting a view wit JSP
*ispatcing actions wit te controller
$e%#o1ing 4our Java -eb A%%#ication
*efining te deployment descriptor
Creating a 3eb Application Arcive "3A6# file
Adding role-based application secu
-auncing a Struts < application
*efining te need for a Struts < arcitecture
Specifying te application structure
Preparing te development environment
5etting started wit Struts <
(dentifying 0ey application components
(mplementing te re9uest processing cycle
-in0ing te flow by configurations
Configuring truts 5
Actions% results and interceptors
Categori/ing re9uests wit namespaces and pac0ages
$.ploiting /ero configuration conventions
Setting te default features
(nspecting out of te bo. functionality
4uilding dependencies wit (nversion of Control
Im%#ementing truts 5 Actions
Controlling application flow
+tili/ing te Action Support base class
$liminating redundant code wit ,odel *riven actions
Simplifying te development process
4est practices for unit testing your actions
(mproving maintainability troug message locali/ation
&athering and Va#idating 'ser In%ut
4uilding Struts < views
*efining an improved approac to page generation wit
Struts < tags
-everaging te Struts < On-*emand model for data access
5atering user data effortlessly
Controlling page flow wit model data
Struts < validation arcitecture
Positioning te Struts < validation model
$.ploring te built-in validation rules
Applying validation interceptors
$fficiently andling validation failures
$.tending te validation framewor0
Creating your own validation rules
Configuring validation troug Struts < annotations
(ntegrating custom validation wit built-in rules
*nter%rise -eb A%%#ication $eve#o%ment
*esign goals of a 3eb application
Components of an enterprise arcitecture
Struts 1undamentals
5etting started wit Struts
(nstalling and configuring Struts
(dentifying Struts core classes
(ntegrating Struts Custom Tag -ibraries
Struts development process
Analy/ing application flow
4uilding te Java4eans model
Presenting a view wit JSP
*ispatcing actions wit te controller
6and#ing A%%#ication +e7uests
*efining Action Classes
Configuring te Struts Controller
Processing re9uests wit Actions
,anaging application state
1orwarding business data to JSP view components
Processing )T,- forms
*efining Action 1orm beans
Populating Action 1orms wit form data
Creating wi/ard-style page flows
Preventing duplicate form submission
Allowing file uploads
(ntegrating business logic wit Java $$ design patterns
*ecoupling te business tier using te 4usiness *elegate
Transferring data using te >alue Ob!ect pattern
Advanced controller features
-everaging pre-defined Struts Actions
)andling e.ceptions& declarative and programmatic
$.tending Struts wit Plug-(ns
Creating a custom 6e9uest Processor
&enerating $1namic Views
(ntegrating JSP custom tags
Custom tag usage model
Configuring tag libraries
4uilding Struts views
)andling data input wit Struts )T,- tags
5enerating output wit Struts 4ean tags
,anipulating Ob!ect graps wit Struts ?ested tags
Streamlining JSP development
*efining JST- functionality
1ormatting output using JST--$-
Controlling page content using JST- logic tags
(nternationali/ing applications
Translating views to multiple languages
(ntegrating resource bundles wit Struts
Canging locale on te fly
Java erver Faces
Creating views wit JS1 components
1aces re9uest processing life cycle
Comparing Struts and JS1
3oving Forward with truts 5
Analy/ing te enanced features of Struts <
Comparing and contrasting Struts = and Struts <
*nter%rise A%%#ication $eve#o%ment
$stablising te components of an enterprise arcitecture
Streamlining te development process wit Java $$ @
!everaging Java erver Faces (JF)
JS1 arcitecture
(dentifying te JS1 core components
$.ploring te re9uest processing cycle
,anaging application flow using te JS1 navigation model
Constructing a JS1 application
Creating views wit JS1 custom tags
)andling user events wit bac0ing beans
$nancing functionality using JS1 services
Applying server-side data validation
Ta0ing advantage of te +nified $.pression -anguage
&enerating +ich 'ser Interfaces ('I) with JF Com%onent
4uilding views wit standard )T,- components
*efining te functionality of te )T,- component set
Arranging te +( component layout
-ocali/ing messages using 6esource 4undles
Creating custom +( components
*eveloping te custom component class
3riting te custom tag andler
*eploying te custom component
-everaging A!a. to improve te user e.perience
Sarpening response wit te asyncronous 3eb model
Combining A!a. functionality wit JS1
+tili/ing pre-built A!a.-enabled JS1 components
Im%#ementing the Business /ier with *JB 8
Stateless and stateful beans
$ncapsulating scalable business logic wit Java4eans
Accessing session beans remotely
Constructing effective stateful services
Applying advanced strategies of session beans
Adding beaviors wit metod interceptors
-in0ing services wit annotation-based resource in!ection
Triggering timer-based services
Obtaining asyncronous communication wit J,S
*ecoupling client interaction wit te Java ,essage
Transmitting and receiving messages wit J,S
+nleasing ,essage *riven 4eans ",*4#
Simplifying robust message receivers wit ,*4
5enerali/ing message reception wit Java connectors
O%ening Access with -eb ervices
Acieving interoperability wit JA:-3S
Coding and pac0aging a service endpoint
Pac0aging and deploying te service
Accessing services wit JA:-3S clients
Analy/ing te client contract
4inding and e.canging valid data types
)andling Comple. Ob!ect 6elationsips
$ffectively representing ob!ect associations
Capturing single and multi-valued associations
6epresenting Java collections
Coosing appropriate ineritance strategies
$mploying tecni9ues for class-to-database mapping
Auditing operations wit Callbac0s and -isteners
3or0ing wit JP7-
(nitiating data access wit te Java Persistence 7uery
-anguage "JP7-# and AP(
Selecting $ntity and relationsip properties
$nancing application structure and performance
(mproving structure wit named 9ueries
Augmenting JP7- wit native optimi/ed S7-
Overview of 93! /echno#ogies
:,- in te enterprise
Te benefits of pairing Java and :,-
Styling for 4<4 transformation and 4<C presentation
Te well-formed :,- document
Te document root and prolog
*:changing and Va#idating $ata
*esigning :,- enterprise applications
*ata modeling wit :,-
4<4A4<C ob!ect modeling for Java
$nforcing validation in data e.cange
3riting *ocument Type *efinitions "*T*s#
$mbedding business rules into *T*s
*T* synta. and components
:,- scemas
-imitations of *T*s
-everaging Scema *ata types
3riting :,- to validate :,-
4uilding user-defined types
$O3 Parsing with Java
*O, synta. for Java
1itting *O, into :,-
$.tracting data troug te *O, tree view
3or0ing wit *O, nodes
Processing *O, data
>alidating *O,
*etermining wen to use validation
$nabling validation in te parser )andling *O, e.ceptions
Constructing Java ob!ects wit *O,
,apping :,- data into Java
4uilding a user-friendly 5+( from *O,
&enerating and '%dating 93! with $O3
$.tracting data wit Java *atabase Connectivity "J*4C#
$stablising te database connection
7uerying and modifying a database wit S7-
,odifying *O, data
(dentifying specific nodes
6estructuring te document tree
4uilding :,- documents from scratc
5enerating :,- from a J*4C 6esult Set
Creating element and te.t nodes
Outputting a document using a Seriali/er
Java ** and $esign Patterns
$nterprise system design
Comparing OO and Java $$ patterns
Te benefits of design patterns in Java $$
*istributed systems development
$.ploiting remote metod invocation
*esign patterns in distributed systems
tructuring the -eb Presentation /ier
Separating control and presentation logic
Te role of JSPBs and servlets
Constructing ,odel >iew Control ",>C# arcitectures
1ront Controller
*ispatcer >iew
Service to 3or0er
Applying 3eb framewor0 support wit Struts
(nvestigating te Struts ,>C arcitecture
Planning and implementing comple. wor0flows
)andling duplicate form submission wit te Syncroni/er
To0en pattern
-ocali/ing disparate logic
(mproving maintainability of algoritms
(ntercepting 1ilter
>iew )elper
Composite >iew
6eusing page layout wit Tiles
3riting modular JSPs

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