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Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Department of Behavioral Sciences

Course Name and Number: PSY 3123: Child and Adolescent Development
Number of Credits: Three (3) undergraduate semester credit hours
Day !ime of Class: Tuesdas and Thursdas: !:3"a # 1":$%a
"oom Location of Class: &3"2
#nstructor$s Name: Shana 'ran(lin) &*S) +PC) +*,P) C&
#nstructor$s Office: Providence o- .(lahoma (13$ /0 12
Durant) .1)
#nstructor$s Office %ours: * appointment onl
#nstructor$s Office &hone ': (%2") !2$#3333 e4t0 11%
#nstructor$s (mail Address: s-ran(lin5se0edu
Date of !his "evision: 'all 2"1$
Course Description: This course -ocuses on the stud o- the phsical) emotional) cognitive) and
social aspects o- children6s and adolescent6s development -rom the prenatal period through
adolescence0 The ma7or emphasis -ocuses on the development o- personalit) learning
capa8ilities) and interactive e--ects o- heredit) environment) and maturation0
!e)tbooks Other *aterials:
*erger) 10 S0 (2"12)0 The developing person through childhood and adolescence
(!th ed0)0 /e9 Yor(: :orth Pu8lishers0
'ive (%) SCA/T;./ -orms (ma 8e purchased at the 8oo(store)
;egular access o- *lac(*oard partner 9e8site -or this course
BlackBoard +ebsite: Students 9ill 8e re<uired to utili=e the partner *lac(*oard :e8site -or
this course0 This 9e8site ma 8e accessed at: http:>>8lac(8oard0se0edu0 Course handouts 9ill 8e
provided on this 9e8site (as 9ill announcements) throughout the duration o- the course0
Students 9ill need to access the 9e8site handouts) special announcements) and etc0 2$ hours
8e-ore each class period 8egins0
*a,or -oals or Course Ob,ectives. ?pon completion o- the course) students 9ill 8e a8le to
demonstrate -unctional (no9ledge o-:
10 *asic theories and in-ormation concerning human development pertaining to the -ollo9ing
stages o- the li-eccle: prenatal) in-anc) childhood) and adolescence0 (PSY Program
.utcome 10"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2)
20 The interrelationships 8et9een the e--ects o- phsical) pschosocial) and cultural -actors on
child development0 (PSY Program .utcome 30"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2)
30 Speci-ic needs) characteristics) tas(s) and pro8lems corresponding to the various stages o-
child development 8ased on current research0 (PSY Program .utcome 30"1) /CAT@
Competenc A2)
$0 The activities) attitudes) 8ehavior) and interests o- children 9hich 9ill allo9 -or practical
application 9ithin a classroom or clinical setting0 (PSY Program .utcome 30"1) /CAT@
Competenc A2 and A12)
%0 Bndividual di--erences) interests) values) and aspirations and their interaction 9ith -amil
li-estles) socioeconomic conditions) and di--erent cultural 8ac(grounds0 (PSY Program
.utcome 30"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2)
30 Age#appropriate 8ehavior o- children and related techni<ues -or encouraging positive
8ehavior and discouraging negative 8ehavior in children0 (PSY Program .utcome 10"1 and
30"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2 and A!)
C0 The goals o- mis8ehavior and appropriate intervention techni<ues aiding in the reduction o-
these 8ehaviors0 (PSY Program .utcome 30"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2 and A!)
20 'actors 9ithin the -amil that have an adverse e--ect on children and speci-ic techni<ues
designed to assist children in overcoming these o8stacles0 (PSY Program .utcome 30"1)
/CAT@ Competenc A12 and A2)
!0 De-initions o- maturation) motivation) e4perience) critical periods) determinism vs0
volunteerism) and nature vs0 nurture and their relationship to child development0 (PSY
Program .utcome 10"1) /CAT@ Competenc A2)
1"0 The a8ilit to gather and use pschological in-ormation and relate it to their o8servational
e4periences in appropriate 9ritten -ormat0 (PSY program .utcome $0"1) 20"1 and 30"1)
/CAT@ Competenc A2 and A!)
Demonstration of Competencies. ?pon completion o- the course) students 9ill 8e a8le to
demonstrate the -ollo9ing competencies:
Competency '/0 The teacher understands ho9 students learn and develop) and can provide
learning opportunities that support their intellectual) social) and phsical development at all
grade levels) including: earl childhood) elementar) middle level) and secondar0
#nstruction. The entire te4t and content o- the course is -ocused on the various
components o- development across a 8road span o- ages and grade levels0
Assessment: This competenc 9ill 8e assessed through per-ormance on course
e4ams>activities and the o8servation>intervie9 9ritten assignment0
Competency '1. The teacher evaluates the e--ects o- his>her choices and actions on others
(students) parents) and other pro-essionals in the learning communit)) modi-ies those actions
9hen needed) and activel see(s opportunities -or continued pro-essional gro9th0
#nstruction. The a8ilit to evaluate the e--ectiveness o- pro-essional choices and actions)
as 9ell as the a8ilit to modi- those actions 9hen needed 9ill 8e addressed in class
lectures and discussions) and through the o8servation>intervie9 e4perience0
Assessment. This competenc 9ill 8e assessed through the Case Stud
o8servation>intervie9 9ritten assignment0
Competency '2/: The teacher understands the process o- continuous li-elong learning) the
concept o- ma(ing learning en7oa8le) and the need -or a 9illingness to change 9hen the change
leads to greater student learning and development0
#nstruction. The concept o- ma(ing learning en7oa8le and 8eing -le4i8le to
address student learning and development 9ill 8e addressed throughout the entire
course through re-lection and stud o- learning theories) and more speci-icall
through -ocus on o8servational learning (modeling)) learning stles) multiple
intelligences) and relevant 7ournal articles0
Assessment. This competenc 9ill 8e assessed via course e4ams>activities0
Course Content: ?pon completion o- this course) the student 9ill 8e a8le to:
10 Descri8e development#including 8iosocial) cognitive) and pschosocial#as an ongoing set o-
processes) involving 8oth continuit and change) 8 giving e4amples -rom the literature0
20 Anal=e di--erent development events -rom the perspectives o- the ma7or theories o-
development#cognitive) learning) humanistic) and pschoanaltic#and recogni=e those
theories 9hen used 8 other to anal=e events0
30 @4plain ho9 research contri8utes to the understanding o- development and evaluate and use
research -indings to investigate a topic o- interest to ou0
$0 ;ecall important developmental concepts and 8e a8le to recogni=e and appl those concepts
in various situations0
%0 'ormulate relevant <uestions a8out developmental processes and events and use standardi=ed
techni<ues -or gathering o87ective ans9ers to those <uestions0
Course "e3uirements: The student 9ill 8e e4pected to:
10 Attend class regularl
20 Access the partner *lac(*oard 9e8site -or the course regularl
30 Participate in class and small group discussions
$0 ;ead all te4t8oo( and outside reading assignments
%0 Complete -ive (%) e4aminations
30 Complete one (1) 9ritten assignment
C0 Complete unannounced <ui==es at the discretion o- the instructor
*ethod of #nstruction: Su87ect areas in this course 9ill 8e presented using a variet o-
instructional methods0 @4amples o- these methods include lectures) guest spea(ers) videotapes)
handouts) and small and large group classroom activities0
*ethod of (valuation: Drades 9ill 8e assigned a-ter evaluation o- the tas(s designated -or the
course 8ased on the -ollo9ing activities (see speci-ic guidelines 8elo9):
10 Attendance and Participation
20 @4aminations
30 :ritten Assignment
$0 Possi8le ?nannounced Eui==es (at the discretion o- the instructor)
%0 Possi8le Point Deductions -or 'ailing to Do9nload ;e<uired Documents -rom the
*lac(*oard Partner :e8site (at the instructor6s discretion)
All students are required to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct regarding academic
dishonesty, including acts of cheating and plagiarism. Copies of the code are available in the
Dean of Students office or online at the following UR! http:>>homepages0se0edu>student#li-e>.
%onesty Code of Conduct
Counselin4 &ro4rams$ &olicy. Projects submitted in other classes cannot be used to fulfill
requirements for this course. In addition, projects submitted for grading at any other university
will not be permitted. For projects, candidates are required to use different topics than those
submitted for grading in other classes. Failure to comply with this standard will result in a
failing grade. Academic dishonesty5 cheatin4 and6or pla4iarism in any form may result in
failin4 from the assi4nment5 failin4 the course5 bein4 removed from the 4raduate pro4ram
and6or bein4 removed from the University0
Course &olicy. All candidates are re<uired to adhere to the Code o- Student Conduct regarding
academic dishonest) including acts o- cheating and plagiarism0 Copies o- the code are availa8le
in the Dean o- Students6 o--ice or online at the .--ice o- Student +i-e 9e8site
Academic honest and ethical 8ehavior are essential to the e4istence and gro9th o- an
academic communit and the -uture o- the pro-ession o- counseling0 A school6s and a
pro-ession6s reputations rest upon the development and adherence to the highest standards o-
intellectual ethics and honest0 ?nethical 8ehavior in this course includes cheating) plagiarism)
and the -ollo9ing prohi8ited 8ehaviors:
@4aminations) conduct 9ith respect to and during a <ui=) e4amination) or similar
10 Possessing) re-erring to) or emploing open te4t8oo(s or notes or other devices
not authori=ed 8 the instructor0
20 +oo(ing at or using in-ormation -rom another person6s paper0
30 Communicating 9ith) providing assistance to) or receiving assistance -rom
another person in a manner not authori=ed 8 the instructor0
$0 Possessing) 8uing) setting) o8taining) or using a cop o- an unauthori=ed
materials intended to 8e used in or actuall used in the preparation o- a <ui= or
e4amination or similar evaluation0
%0 Ta(ing a <ui= or e4amination or similar evaluation in the place o- another
30 ?tili=ing another person to ta(e a <ui=) e4amination) or similar evaluation in
place o- onesel-0
C0 Fiolating procedures prescri8ed to protect the integrit o- a <ui=) e4amination)
or similar evaluation0
20 Changing material on a graded e4amination and then re<uesting a re#grading o-
the e4amination0
:ritten or other assignments:
10 Su8mitting an assignment purporting to 8e the student6s original 9or() 9hich
has 8een 9holl or partl created 8 another person0
20 Su8mitting or presenting as one6s o9n the 9or() ideas) representations or
9ords o- another 9ithout customar and proper ac(no9ledgment o- sources0
30 1no9ingl permitting one6s 9or( to 8e su8mitted 8 another person as i- it
9ere the su8mitter6s original 9or(0
$0 Su8mitting the identical or su8stantiall the same assignment to -ul-ill the
re<uirements -or t9o or more courses 9ithout the approval o- the instructors
involved) or su8mitting the identical or su8stantiall the same assignment -rom
a previousl completed course to -ul-ill re<uirements -or another course
9ithout the approval o- the instructor o- the later course0
%0 Fiolating procedures prescri8ed to protect the integrit o- the assignment0
30 Cooperation 9ith another person in academic misconduct) either indirectl or
as an intermediar agent or 8ro(er0
C0 The-t) attempted the-t) malicious de-acement) mutilation o- li8rar materials) or
other academic resources0
20 Su8mitting corrupted -iles -or computer assignments 9hether intentional or
Sanctions -or 8reaches o- academic honest or academic ethics 9ill result in disciplinar
measures that ma include a -ailing grade -or a particular assignment or e4amination) a -ailing
grade -or a course) suspension -rom the academic program0
-radin4 &olicy. A 8rea(do9n o- the speci-ic point values -or all e4aminations and assignments
(not including unannounced <ui==es or point deductions -or -ailing to do9nload documents -rom
*lac(*oard) is provided 8elo90 You ma 9ish to insert our grades into the ta8le to determine
our grade as the semester progresses0 All course requirements must be completed to receive a
passing grade. ;emem8er that class a8sences ma result in a lo9er or -ailing grade as e4plained
in the ne4t section o- this slla8us:
&oints Available &oints Obtained &ercenta4e
@4amination B 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
@4amination BB 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
@4amination BBB 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
@4amination BF 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
@4amination F 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
:ritten Assignment 1"" GGGGGGG>1"" GGGGGGGH
ITotal points possi8le in the course ma change i- the instructor includes <ui==es or i- deductions are made -or -ailing to do9nload re<uired
documents -rom the partner *lac(*oard 9e8site0
+etter grades 8ased upon the total points earned during the semester 9ill 8e determined 8ased
upon the -ollo9ing ru8ric:
Letter -rade Overall &ercenta4e !otal &oint "an4e
A !"#1"" %$"#3""I
* 2"#2! $2"#%3!I
C C"#C! $2"#$C!I
D 3"#3! 33"#$1!I
' %! or *elo9 "#3%!I
IPoint ranges ma change i- <ui==es are included 8 the instructor or i- students -ail to do9nload re<uired documents -rom the partner
*lac(*oard 9e8site0
Attention &olicy: Please turn o-- our cell phone *@'.;@ coming to class) not a-ter it rings -or
the -irst time0 Sending>receiving email messages) te4t messaging) sleeping) studing -or other
courses) recreational reading) etc0 during class are /.T considered attendance0 Students
engaging in these or an other disrespect-ul and>or annoing activities (such as e4cessive
chattering during class) 9ill 8e mar(ed Ja8sentK on the attendance roster A/D ma 8e as(ed to
leave the classroom) per discretion o- the instructor0
Attendance &olicy: ;egular attendance and active participation are e4pected o- all students0
&ore than si4 (3) une4cused a8sences is considered e4cessive) and 9ill result in the lo9ering o-
our grade 8 one letter0 B- ou have more than nine (!) une4cused a8sences) ou 9ill either
need to 9ithdra9 -rom the course or ou 9ill receive a -ailing grade) unless alternate
arrangements have 8een made 9ith the instructor in advance0 .nl those a8sences 9hich result
-rom attendance at a school#sanctioned event 9ill <uali- as e4cused a8sences) and onl -or
those dates outlined in -orms 9hich must 8e provided to the instructor in advance0 B- ou miss a
class) it is our responsi8ilit to learn 9hat 9as covered (e0g0) get notes -rom a classmate) and to
8e a9are o- an special announcements made in class (e0g0) announcements o- test dates)0 An JBK
-or incomplete 9ill 8e given onl 9hen the student has completed C%H o- the course9or( and
has e4tenuating circumstances0 The student and instructor 8oth must sign a 9ritten agreement
prior to an JBK grade 8eing assigned0
Specific Description of Course "e3uirements:
10 ()aminations: All e4aminations 9ill include several multiple#choice <uestions0 Some
e4aminations ma also include true>-alse) matching) and>or essa <uestions0 "lease be sure
to bring your own SCA#$R%# form and &' pencil for all e(aminations. All e4aminations
9ill cover designated reading materials and su87ect material covered in classes0 There 9ill
8e a total o- -our e4aminations throughout the course o- the semester0 Tentative dates -or all
e4aminations are provided on the proposed class schedule included in this slla8us0 B- test
dates change during the course o- the semester) students 9ill 8e given su--icient notice0 The
-inal e4amination 9ill not 8e comprehensive0 B- ou are going to miss an e4amination please
let the instructor (no9 in advance (8 email onl)) so other arrangements can 8e made0
20 +ritten Assi4nment: A handout 9ill 8e given 9ith the instructions -or this assignment0 The
assignment 9ill 8e due 8 !:3"a .cto8er 22) 2"1$0 Artifact #7 Case Study: All
education candidates submitting the Portfolio Component for grading
must retain a personal,
ungraded copy for their own records. The Portfolio Component will not
be returned to the
student. The Portfolio Component Scoring rubric will be emailed to
teacher education
candidates at the conclusion of the semester. oth the Portfolio
Component and the
!CAT"#$CTP Scoring %ubric must be retained by the student for inclusion
in their Teaching

Late papers 7ill be accepted5 but points 7ill be deducted0 As stated a8ove) ALL course
requirements must be completed to receive a passing grade in this course. There-ore) all
students must complete this assignment to a reasona8le standard as determined 8 the
instructor in order to receive a passing grade in this course0
30 8ui99es: During the course o- the semester) the instructor ma elect to administer
unannounced <ui==es regarding an su87ect covered in the course) to assess student learning0
B- such <ui==es are administered) -inal point totals in the course 9ill 8e ad7usted accordingl0
$0 Class %andouts: Throughout the semester) the instructor 9ill post class handouts on the
partner *lac(*oard 9e8site -or this course0 All handouts 9ill 8e posted at least 2$ hours
prior to the class0 Students are re<uired to do9nload) print) and 8ring copies o- all handouts
posted 8 the instructor to each class0 'ailure to access or 8ring copies o- the handouts to
class ma result in point deductions at the discretion o- the instructor0
Any student needin4 special accommodations due to a disability should contact the
Coordinator of Student Disability Services5 -D; Student Union Suite </= or call >?=@A BC?:
/<1/ >!DD' BC?:/B@CA0 #t is the responsibility of each student to make an official re3uest to
the Coordinator for academic accommodations0
Any student e)periencin4 mental or emotional issues 7ho desires free5 confidential5 clinical
counselin4 is encoura4ed to contact the S( Counselin4 Center at >?=@A BC?:/1== to schedule
an appointment durin4 normal 7orkin4 hours *onday D Eriday5 =.@@ A* to ?.@@ &*0 Eor
after hours mental health emer4encies5 please call S( Campus &olice at >?=@A BC?:/122 or
the *ental %ealth Crisis %otline at 2:>=@@A ?//:2@1@0
'or <uestions concerning inclement 7eather) call (%2") C$%#C2C20 Class cancellation
in-ormation is also availa8le on the S.S? 9e8site at: http:>>9990se0edu0
!he Eollo7in4 #nformation is Eor !eacher (ducation Candidates ONLY.
Your ase !tudy is also Artifact "# for your teacher portfolio. *elo9 ou 9ill -ind speci-ic
instructions on ho9 to ensure our Chal( and :ire Teacher Port-olio receives an /CAT@ ;u8ric
10 You must retain an electronic cop o- our Case Stud Paper to upload to Chal( and :ire0
20 .nce our Case Stud>Arti-act AC has 8een graded it must also 8e uploaded to Chal( and
:ire as the re<uired arti-act -or our Teacher Port-olio -rom this course0 Please do this as
soon as ou receive our /CAT@ ru8ric -rom me or 8e-ore the ne4t semester 8egins0
30 :hen uploading this arti-act to Chal( and :ire ou 9ill 8e as(ed to associate our arti-act
9ith the appropriate instructor0 You 9ill choose Shana Eranklin as our instructor0 (This is
8ecause she 9ill 8e uploading our ru8ric score -or this arti-act to Chal( and :ire0)
$0 B- ou do not receive an /CAT@ ru8ric -rom me as part o- the evaluation>-eed8ac( o- our
Case Stud su8mission) it is our responsi8ilit to let me (no9 immediatel and to ensure
that ou do receive a cop o- our /CAT@ ru8ric 9ith scores 8 the end o- the semester0
You should retain for your records both an electronic copy of your Case Study and
your copy of the NCA!( rubric received from me until you 4raduate from S(0
%0 You 9ill also need to upload a completed tped port-olio re-lection -orm -or this arti-act to
Chal( and :ire as part o- our su8mission -rom this course0 The re-lection 9ill 8e graded 8
our port-olio advisor0
&SY <2/< Child and Adolescent Development &roposed Class Schedule.
Date !opic>sA Covered
201!01$ Slla8us
202101$ Bntroduction Chapter 1
202301$ Theories o- Development Chapter 2
202201$ ,eredit and @nvironment Chapter 3
!0201$ Prenatal Development and *irth Chapter $
!0!01$ Fideo: $ife%s &reatest 'iracle
102202C (FA* # D Chapters 25 /5 <5 C "emember to brin4 a SCAN!"ON
form and '/ pencil
!01301$ The 'irst T9o Years: *iosocial Chapter %
!01201$ The 'irst T9o Years: Cognitive Chapter 3
!02301$ The 'irst T9o Years: Pschosocial Chapter C
!03"01$ (ideo) *he First *wo Years
2@0/02C (FA* ## D Chapters ?5 G5 B "emember to brin4 a SCAN!"ON
form and '/ pencil
1"0C01$ @arl Childhood: *iosocial Chapter 2
1"0!01$ @arl Childhood: Cognitive Chapter !
1"01$01$ @arl Childhood: Pschosocial Chapter 1"
1"01301$ 'all *rea(
2@0/<02C (FA* ### D Chapters =5 15 2@ "emember to brin4 a SCAN!"ON
form and '/ pencil
2@0/=02C &iddle Childhood: *iosocial Chapter 11 +"#!!(N
1"03"01$ &iddle Childhood: Cognitive Chapter 12
110$01$ &iddle Childhood: Pschosocial Chapter 13
1101101$ (ideo) +ild hild
2202<02C (FA* #H D Chapters 225 2/5 2< "emember to brin4 a SCAN!"ON
form and '/ pencil
1101201$ Adolescence: *iosocial Chapter 1$
1102"01$ Adolescence: Cognitive Chapter 1%
1102%01$ Adolescence: Pschosocial Chapter 13
1102C01$ Than(sgiving *rea(
120$01$ (ideo) ,ying to be *hin
2/02202C (FA* H : Chapters 2C5 2?5 2G "emember to brin4 a SCAN!"ON
form and '/ pencil
)Schedule can change due to the discretion of the instructor *i.e., library days, research days+

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