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Noyce Mathematics Education Teaching Scholars at North Carolina State University

Producing highly qualified mathematics teachers who are prepared to use technology and research-based
practices in teaching high school mathematics, and have strong content understanding.
On August 19
, we had our
first professional development
meeting/social. This event
kicked off a series that we will
be holding several times
throughout the year. Our next
development/social will be at
NCCTM on October 30
. See
the NCCTM conference
section on page 2 for more
information and to RSVP.
It is our goal that these
meetings will sustain and
expand on our efforts to
support each of our Noyce
scholars in the classroom,
whether you are local or across
the country.
Get to Know Cohort 6
We are excited to welcome two new scholars into our program.
These two students are entering their junior year, and we are
excited to have them join us!
Ethan Wicker is a rising junior from
Sanford, NC. He is majoring in Mathematics
Education and Mathematics, and plans to
student teach in the Spring of 2016. In
addition to the Noyce scholarship, he is a
recipient of the State Employee Credit Union
award for academic achievement. Ethan is a
member of the North Carolina Council for
Teachers of Mathematics. He is also an active runner and tennis
player and serves with New Student Programs and the Student
Wolfpack Club.

Alice Faulk is a rising junior from Huntersville,
NC. She is majoring in Mathematics Education
and Statistics, and plans to student teach in the
Fall of 2015. In addition, Alice is a member of
the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.

We held our first Noyce Summer Institute in June at the Friday Institute. Sessions included content
from quadratics, exponential functions, and statistics, modeling, argumentation, task development, and
task sharing. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it a great event!
Visit our wiki for materials that were shared during our summer institute.
We are still recruiting new Noyce scholars to potentially join us starting January 2015! Interested individuals
can find more information and submit an application on our website,
If you know anyone who is eligible and interested, please pass on our information. They can email Emily at for more information.
Noyce METS News
September/October 2014

NCCTM Conference
Thursday, October 30
through Friday, October 31

Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC

This fall, the Noyce staff and Preservice Scholars will be presenting:
What: Engaging High Level Tasks
When: Thursday, 2:30-4:00 (workshop)
Come learn about real world applications for high school common core standards. Participants will
experience working on the tasks and walk away with tasks ready to be implemented in their classrooms.

You are also invited to attend the following session by Michelle Cetner
What: Modeling - Exponential Functions
When: Friday, 1:00 2:30 (workshop)
Teachers will experience classroom-ready activities that apply the Common Core modeling standard for
exponential functions. These activities can be adapted to fit into Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, AFM, or Pre-
calculus curricula.

We are planning a Noyce gathering for lunch on Thursday..
PLEASE RSVP if you are coming and want to meet us for lunch so that we can plan accordingly!
GRANT OPPORTUNITIES is a website in which teachers can post projects and donors can donate
money toward the project. See their website for more details.
NCTM offers grants and awards on a continual basis in various areas.
NCCTM minigrants have a relatively simple application process, due September 30
NCTM offers E-seminars with open enrollments focused on a variety of topics. If you are an
NCTM member, these are FREE. If not, this is a good way to use your local PD money!
Registration is now open for NCTMs regional conferences.
There is one in Richmond, Virginia November 12 - 14.
The others are in Houston, TX (Nov 19 21) and Indianapolis, IN (October 29 31).
These Common Core materials may be helpful in planning for your courses.
The NCDPI wiki has links to resources like Inside Mathematics and Illustrative Mathematics.
The BetterLesson website has common core mathematics lessons that you might be able to use
in your classroom.
Please upload common core teaching materials that you find helpful to our Dropbox folder!
Visit our Wiki to see what our staff and other scholars post that can be helpful. You can email
Michelle or Emily to see if we have helpful material on a subject/content that we can post.
Please share when you participate in any professional development opportunities or other
activities that might be beneficial to other scholars! You can email us or else post on our Wiki.
Dont forget to visit our Noyce website for updates and information. You can also find archived
newsletters there.

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