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The Elements Work Building the Meaning

New words (Denotative and Connotative meaning) :

Something related to religion especially in Catholic. Sacramental is a kind of ceremony which is held
in every activity or celebration like wedding or baptism.
Plant Kohlrabi
As a denotative meaning Kohlrabi means cabbage, but as connotative meanings it is related to a
good deed which is done continuously like cabbage which has many layers.
The bulb
The denotative meaning of bulb is the round underground part of certain plants like lily and onion.
However, the bulb here means a place which has many bless and useful.
It means weakness. Weakness here means a weakness of a human who always makes sins and cant
always do goodness.
It means crying or do not feel satisfied with what he has and always makes sins. Do not do anything,
just lingering, lazy to do something with a mountain of reasons.
As denotative meaning it is a wild plant growing when it is not wanted. In this context, it means
something which always disturbs and attracts someone to do bad deed.

Metaphors :
He is still alive
he here is metaphor of god. In this poem, it means Jesus.

The Fence (We stand at the fence)
It is metaphor of a place in a church. It is chairs in a church which is used as place to pray. Also, it
can be meant by the different world.
The Garden (talking about the garden)
The garden here means heaven or paradise.
Kohlrabi (Plant kohlrabi, he says)
It is metaphor of many good deeds which is done same with a cabbage which is has many layers.
Knife Blade (on his knife blade)
It is a metaphor. It is means the hard world where the human live and they have to survive in it, and
keep do the good things.
Sharp Sacrament (that sharp sacrament)
Because of the knife blade which is used in the sacrament.
Dark (I must tend is dark)
It is about a hard life which the writer lives.
Windows (in windows weeds)
It is a metaphor of such not good condition, as we know that a widow usually seen as a not good
woman, also the condition of a widow usually far more the good word.

It is an allusion especially Catholic allusion.
The Garden
It is also an allusion. This word also exists in the bible which means heaven or paradise.
Slice White Wafers
It is also an allusion from the bible which has semantic meaning as symbol of unity with god.

Talking about the garden
The garden word here is a symbol word which is almost used by the Christian to describe a heaven
or paradise.
Hed slice white wafers
Slice of white wafers. It is a symbol of a ritual Christian in every ceremony.
on his knife blade
In the ceremony, the pasture usually uses a knife to feed a slice white wafer.

The plot of the poem is :
Sometimes in my dream
he is still alive.
We stand at the fence
talking about the garden.
Plant kohlrabi, he says,
and I remember the way
hed slice white wafers
from the bulb, offering
them to me balanced
on his knife blade.
I would eat again
that sharp sacrament
and join myself
to that good world
he walks, but I wake

in time
and know my flesh is one
with frailty. The garden
I must tend is dark
with weeping, grown up
in windows weeds.

The tone of the poem is admiration (the writer told about the sacrament which makes him wanted
to do again) and sad (the writer is sad seeing his condition and cant reach what he wants).

Point of view
Point of view of the Sacramental Vision is the writer use the first point of view. The writer is who is
told in the poem, the one who does the sacrament and the one whose feeling is told in the poem.

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