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: extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel : barbaric

: appalling, horriying !the atrociou" weapon" o modern war#
a : utterly re$olting : abominable !atrociou" working condition"#
b : o $ery poor %uality !atrociou" handwriting#
&unting i" not bad' It keep" the animal number" at a le$el the habitat can "upport'
(ithout hunting, deer and other animal" would become endangered becau"e there
would not be enough ood to go around' The protection o the herd, the habitat, and
it" management determine" when hunting i" allowed' &opeully the meat garnered
rom a hunt i" u"ed and not di"carded' )eer hunting i"n*t bad' +o"t people think it
i" becau"e animal" die' (ell, con"ider thi", when you take a "tep, you kill
,,---,---,--- li$ing thing"' Al"o, the typical deer, when "hot, take" under a minute
to die' Cow", when "laughtered, take eight minute", ourteen "econd" on a$erage'
.ow, when mo"t people think o hunter", they think o guy" "itting in a tree
"hooting at anything that mo$e"' That i"n*t hunting' &unting i" "lowly tracking an
animal, careully taking aim, and killing it with a" little pain a" po""ible' Ater killing
the animal, real hunter" u"e all o it, wherea" commercial companie" throw out
more than hal o it' are u cra/y i u didnt kill them they would become "o
o$erpopulated that they would get "ick and "u0er' would u rather die o a "ickne""
and "u0er or get "hot and die in le"" then a minute111222 really1 3ou*re running
acro"" the ore"t a" %uick a" po""ible and all o a "udden you hear 45OO+24 3ou
ha$e an excruciatingly terrible "tinging pain in your back and you*re co$ered in
blood' The la"t thing you hear i" human oot"tep" in the di"tance coming toward"
you and you black out' Thi" i" how, much more than a nece""ary amount o deer in
Canada alone die becau"e o hunting' Thi", or many people, thi" i" a good enough
rea"on or hunting to be made illegal' 5ut other than the terrible ate o many
animal", hunting "hould "till be "topped' Some hunter" abu"e the pri$ilege to hunt
animal" when they do not hunt in the correct "ea"on6 the"e hunter" are called
4poacher"4' They don*t gra"p the act that it i" mo"t likely mating "ea"on or tho"e
animal"' I the animal" do not breed then chance" are that they will become
endangered or e$en po""ibly, extinct' 7oacher" are al"o hunter" who 8u"t don*t
ollow hunting regulation", "uch a", people who hunt but do not po""e"" a licen"e to
u"e their weapon, or illegally "elling the animal or animal part" or a pro9t' (hen
hunting regulation" in general, are not ollowed, it doe" not only endanger animal"
but human li$e" a" well' 5oth human" and deer die in car cra"he" when they both
are in$ol$ed' A deer would be deep in the ore"t, minding their own bu"ine"" until
hunter" "tart 9ring their gun" at them' The 9r"t thing a ma8ority o people would do
i", run o their li$e"' That i" when the deer would "tep onto road to reali/e a car 8u"t
"wer$ed into a ditch right be"ide them or "lapped into them' :ither way, both the
human;"< in the car, and the deer were "e$erely in8ured or e$en dead' There are at
lea"t ='> million car cra"he" in$ol$ing deer that i" cau"ed hunting each year' That
mean" o$er = million people and deer could ha$e died 8u"t becau"e o hunting and
tho"e number" are "till increa"ing dramatically' &unting accident" occur more
re%uently a" well, which al"o decrea"e" the human population by at lea"t ?-- a
year' .o, deer mate in October, .o$ember and )ecember' (hen a doe come" in
heat, buck" go wild' The only thing on hi" mind i" "ex' Thi" i" what cau"e" deer to
run wild through the "treet"' &unter" may not be the be"t way to manage a herd,
but it i" the only way that pay" or it"el;through hunting licen"e<' Any other way
that could bene9t deer would re%uire a huge increa"e in taxe"' Anti@hunter" alway"
complain about u", but ne$er o0er legitimate alternati$e"' Thi" guy doe"n*t know
what he i" talking about' &unter" do not "care deer out o the wood onto road"'
)eer naturally roam "eeking ood, water and other deer' &unter" decrea"e
accident" with deer becau"e they keep the population in check' At my gun club
there are occa"ion" where we ha$e had to "top "hooting trap becau"e deer ha$e
wandered onto the 9eld, e$en a" a" "hotgun" are being 9red' &uman expan"ion i"
to blame or accident", not hunting'
The an"wer depend" on your point o $iew6 To "omeone who "upport" animal right"
and belie$e" that animal" ha$e a" much right to li$e a" human" do, ye", it i"
inhumane, e"pecially i it i" or game'
Only a true $egetarian would think that hunting i" inhumane' Compare condition"
at6 "tock yard", "teer arm", and, "laughter hou"e", to, li$ing ree and in the wild,
with the chance or po""ibility o being har$e"ted' A true hunter alway" "tri$e" to
har$e"t an animal in the mo"t eAcient way po""ible' I ha$e "een the mo"t "ea"oned
hunter come to tear" becau"e they weren*t on the mark and the animal*" "u0ering
wa" more than what could ha$e been' )oe" anyone cry at the "laughterhou"e when
the odd one ha" to be pulled rom the tran"port trailer by chain and orklit becau"e
in tran"port it "u0ered a broken leg1 )oe" anyone cry when the kill "pike doe" not
meet it" mark and 4thi" one twitched "o much I had to "pike him again41 I you eat
meat, hunting i" ar rom inhumane' The deer I ate thi" e$ening had a greater
%uality o lie and probably li$ed longer than the hamburger I had or lunch'

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