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View Point: Geocentric

Coordinate System: Ecliptic Longitude

House System: Placidus
Sun in Virgo
ou are a per!ectionist and you set yoursel! "ig" standards# especially in your wor$%
Intellectually# you "a&e an analytical mind# coupled wit" an appreciation o! order and a
practical approac" to t"ings% Precise and e'acting wor$ is your !orte and you are e'ceptionally
talented w"en attention to detail is re(uired% ou are well suited to specialised wor$ and are
li$ely to )e an e'pert o! some description% ou "a&e a critical nature and t"e a)ility to o!!er
constructi&e criticism w"ere&er appropriate% Howe&er# you can also )e o&er*critical or ready
to point out !ault%
+oon in Aries
ou e'press your !eelings directly and !orce!ully and it is natural !or you to ta$e t"e initiati&e
in emotional situations% ,"en emotionally in&ol&ed# you re!use to ta$e second place% ou
&alue your !reedom and disli$e any restrictions placed upon you% It is li$ely t"at you will
control or dominate your domestic en&ironment% our instincts are strong# )ut you can )e
inclined to act impulsi&ely% Sometimes t"is can get you into trou)le%
+ercury in Li)ra
ou "a&e an impartial mind# coupled wit" t"e a)ility to appreciate many points o! &iew% ou
"a&e natural powers o! comparison# w"ic" can lead to s$ills in diplomacy and mediation%
,ell*&ersed in t"e !iner points o! social decorum# you interact well wit" ot"ers% ou "a&e
good manners# re!ined attitudes and good taste% At times# you can )e indecisi&e and inclined
to sit on t"e !ence%
Venus in Virgo
ou tend to )e s"y and reser&ed socially and !ind it di!!icult to ma$e contacts% An o&erly
critical attitude can ma$e !or missed opportunities in lo&e% ou "a&e a practical approac" to
lo&e# w"ic" is !ine# )ut it can spoil spontaneity i! ta$en too !ar%
+ars in Scorpio
A person wit" strong willpower# you $now e'actly w"at you want and "ow to get it% Strong*
willed and !earless# you pursue your goals and desires wit" great determination% -t"er people
sense t"at not someone to mess wit"% In con!licts or aggressi&e situations# you stand
your ground and "ardly e&er concede de!eat% Power struggles are commonplace in your li!e%
/upiter in Leo
ou li$e doing t"ings in grand style and wit" aplom)% Larger t"an li!e# you are a colour!ul
personality and a natural entertainer# wit" a sense !or t"e t"eatrical% Howe&er# t"ere can )e a
tendency to go o&er)oard at times% ou lo&e drama and display% ou "a&e t"e capa)ility to
lead and inspire ot"ers wit" ent"usiasm%
Saturn in Scorpio
ou "a&e a realistic outloo$ on li!e and tend to ta$e it seriously% ou "a&e "ig" am)itions#
wit" a strong desire to succeed in li!e% ou can readily endure "ards"ip i! a cause is wort"y
enoug"% Negati&ely# t"ere can )e t"e inclination to 0udge yoursel! and ot"ers too "ars"ly or to
"ar)our resentments%
1ranus in Aries
ou are a mem)er o! a generation t"at wants to c"ange and re!orm t"ings and to )ring t"e
new into )eing in a personal and original way% ou "a&e a )asic need !or !reedom and will
re)el i! your independence is restricted% ou are courageous and will stand*up or !ig"t !or
w"at is rig"t%
Neptune in Pisces
ou are a mem)er o! a generation w"o "as a strong interest in metap"ysics and mysticism%
ou will (uestion ort"odo' religious opinions and see$ your own spiritual e'periences%
2eligious ecstasy may )e soug"t t"roug" e'perimentation wit" designer drugs%
Pluto in Capricorn
ou are a mem)er o! a generation t"at will destroy and replace structures t"at "a&e outli&ed
t"eir time and use!ulness% T"ere will )e t"e trans!orming o! )usiness and economic systems#
political parties and met"ods o! go&ernment% 2adical c"anges will )e e'ecuted wit" rut"less
+oon.s Nort" Node in Li)ra
ou "a&e a social conscience# coupled wit" a concern !or t"e needs o! ot"ers% ou are a
pu)lic*spirited person and "a&e a natural a)ility !or arranging socia)le meetings and e&ents%
ou are drawn to t"e company o! creati&e and re!ined people and you "a&e an interest in t"e
arts and culture%
Ascendant in Scorpio
our primary moti&ation in li!e is to !eel emotionally secure% ou "a&e an intense and
magnetic personality capa)le o! e'ercising a !ascination o&er ot"ers% ou are aware o! your
power and $now "ow to use it# or a)use it% ,"en you meet new people !or t"e !irst time# you
tend to )e initially guarded and wary% ou "a&e strong sur&i&al instincts and will !ig"t !or
w"at you )elie&e in% ou "a&e a s"arp intuition# coupled wit" t"e a)ility to sense t"e mood o!
any en&ironment%
+id"ea&en in Leo
our aim in li!e is to gain recognition !or your e!!orts% ou ta$e pride in your personal
ac"ie&ements% Sel!*realisation is accomplis"ed t"roug" asserting yoursel! and ad&ancing
socially% ou are moti&ated to impro&e your status in li!e% It is also to your ad&antage to
pursue and accept leaders"ip roles%
End o! 2eport

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