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International Islamic University Chittagong

Supply Chain Management
Course Objectives
The function of supply chain management is to design and manage the processes, assets, and flows of
material and information required to satisfy customers demands. Supply logistics related costs account
for 20-25% of a typical firms total cost. n the re!enue side the supply chain decisions ha!e a direct
impact on the mar"et penetration and customer ser!ice. #lo$ali%ation of economy and electronic
commerce has heightened the strategic importance of supply chain management and created new
opportunities for using supply chain strategy and planning as a competiti!e tool. &lectronic commerce
has not only created new distri$ution channels for consumers $ut also re!olutioni%ed the industrial
mar"etplace $y facilitating inter-firm communication and $y creating efficient mar"ets through trading

Introduction to Supply chain management, what it Supply Chain, b!ecti"es o#
Supply chain, Importance o# Supply Chain decisions, $ecision %hases in Supply
Chain, %rocess "iews o# a supply chain, &'amples o# SCM system
Logistics and competitive advantage:
$e(ne logistics and logistics management, logistics and competiti"e ad"antage,
)ases o# success in a competiti"e conte't, *alue ad"antage and producti"ity
ad"antage matri', changing logistics en"ironment, "alue chain analysis, logistics
and utilities+
Marketing !upply channel:
Case study, $ell, le"els o# channel, importance o# channel, important
consideration while designing channels, channel modi(cation, managing and
e"aluating channel, selecting channel co-operation and con-ict in channel, causes
o# con-ict and competition,
"ecisions in supply chain:
Categories o# supply chain decisions, procurement decisions, manu#acturing
decisions, distributions decisions, and logistics decisions+
.easons #or keeping stock, special terms used in In"entory system, case and
$enchmarking the !upply Chain:
)enchmarking the supply chain process, mapping supply chain process, Setting
benchmarking priorities,
!upply chain cost management:
Importance o# supply chain cost analysis, principles o# supply chain costing, a/ect
o# logistics and supply chain "ariables on )alance Sheet, Sources o# cost sa"ings
in supply chain, cost sa"ing techni0ues in supply chain, plan to impro"e supply
chain cost per#ormance+
Order processing:
1hat is +%+2 order processing cycle, types o# order processing, e'amples o# order
processing, steps o# order processing, #unctions o# order processing, &lectronic
rder %rocessing, logistics in#ormation systems, supply scheduling, 3I4 supply
!upply chain risk:
5orms o# supply chain risks, &/ects o# supply chain risks, the risk spiral, impact o#
loss o# con(dence, )reaking the spiral and restoring supply chain con(dence,
!upply chain $usiness process integration
B asic Text:
1. Supply Chain Management -Strategy, Planning and Operation (4
Athors: Snil !hopra, Peter "eindl, #$%$ &alra
2. Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4
-"artin !hristopher

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