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A$STRA%T : &'(r) coun!r) us(s !*(ir o+n +a) o, #(signing an# alloca!ing num-(r "la!(s !o !*(ir coun!r)
'(*icl(s. T*is lic(ns( num-(r "la!( is !*(n us(# -) 'arious go'(rnm(n! o,,ic(s ,or !*(ir r(s"(c!i'( r(gular
a#minis!ra!i'( !ask lik(. !ra,,ic "olic( !racking !*( "(o"l( +*o ar( 'iola!ing !*( !ra,,ic rul(s !o i#(n!i,) !*(
!*(,! cars in !oll coll(c!ion an# "arking alloca!ion manag(m(n! (!c. In In#ia all mo!ori/(# '(*icl( ar(
assign(# uni0u( num-(rs. T*(s( num-(rs ar( assign(# !o !*( '(*icl(s -) #is!ric!.l('(l R(gional Trans"or!
O,,ic( 1RTO2. In In#ia !*( lic(ns( "la!(s mus! -( k("! in -o!* ,ron! an# -ack o, !*( '(*icl(. T*(s( "la!(s in
g(n(ral ar( (asil) r(a#a-l( -) *uman #u( !o !*(ir *ig* l('(l o, in!(llig(nc( on !*( con!rar)3 i! -(com(s an
(4!r(m(l) #i,,icul! !ask ,or !*( com"u!(rs !o #o !*( sam(. 5an) a!!ri-u!(s lik( illumina!ion -lur -ackgroun#
color ,or(groun# color (!c. +ill "os( a "ro-l(m.
No+a#a)s '(*icl(s "la) a '(r) -ig rol( in !rans"or!a!ion. Also !*( us( o, '(*icl(s *as -((n incr(asing
-(caus( o, "o"ula!ion gro+!* an# *uman n((#s in r(c(n! )(ars. T*(r(,or( con!rol o, '(*icl(s is -(coming a
-ig "ro-l(m an# muc* mor( #i,,icul! !o sol'( . T*( "r(s(nc( o, nois( -lurring in !*( imag( un('(n
illumina!ion #im lig*! an# ,ogg) con#i!ions mak( !*( !ask ('(n mor( #i,,icul!. No+a#a)s in!(llig(n!
!rans"or!a!ion s)s!(ms 1ITSs2 *a'( a signi,ican! im"ac! on "(o"l(6s li'(s. ITSs inclu#( in!(llig(n!
in,ras!ruc!ur( s)s!(ms an# in!(llig(n! '(*icl( s)s!(ms. In !*( curr(n! in,orma!ion !(c*nolog) (ra !*( us( o,
au!oma!ions an# in!(llig(n! s)s!(ms is -(coming mor( an# mor( +i#(s"r(a#. 7(*icl( num-(r "la!(
r(cogni!ion 17NPR2 *as !urn(# ou! !o -( an im"or!an! r(s(arc* issu(. 7NPR *as man) a""lica!ions in !ra,,ic
moni!oring s)s!(m inclu#ing con!rolling !*( !ra,,ic 'olum( !ick(!ing '(*icl(s +i!*ou! !*( *uman con!rol
'(*icl( !racking "olicing s(curi!) an# so on. In !*is "a"(r ca!(gori/( #i,,(r(n! ALPR !(c*ni0u(s accor#ing
!o !*( ,(a!ur(s !*() us(# ,or (ac* s!ag( an# com"ar( !*(m in !(rms o, "ros cons r(cogni!ion accurac) an#
"roc(ssing s"((#.
K()+or#s8 Au!oma!ic lic(ns( "la!( r(cogni!ion 1ALPR2 s)s!(m li!(ra!ur( r('i(+ r(,(r(nc(.
The purpose of this paper is to provide researchers a
systematic survey of existing ALPR research by
categorizing existing methods according to the
features they used, by analysing the proscons of
these features, and by comparing them in terms of
recognition performance and processing speed, and to
open some issues for the future research.
!asic bloc" diagram of the ALPR system is
sho#n in fig .for above steps different techni$ues
used by different author #hich are studied in
literature revie#. An example of the number plate
extraction is given by figure %&'.by this figure bloc"
diagram is easily understand, in this figure all
steps of bloc" diagram is sho#n by indicating
number A,!,(,),*.
Automatic license plate recognition %ALPR'
applies image processing and character recognition
technology to identify vehicles by automatically
reading their number plates. and this system mainly
divide in three steps+
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, -!
S/,0()i1+g, +234i5i/i67, in image ac$uisition
explained that from #here images are ac$uire Image
can be input to the system by different methods by
analog camera, or by digital cameras, but no#adays
digital technology has their advantages so better input
method is by digital cameras or by direct digital
fig48,(+)2+0/48,9 i1+g,
S/,0(!):i2,75, 0:+/, +8,+ ,;/8+2/i67 by #hole
capturing image #e having license plate covered by
bac"ground of vehicle body,so by this step only plate
are is extracted from #hole body. our tas" no# is to
identify the region containing the license plate. In this
experiment, t#o features are defined and extracted in
order to decide if a candidate region contains a
license plate or not , these features are
. A50,2/ 8+/i6: The aspect ratio is defined as the
ratio of the #idth to the height of the region.
Aspect Ratio - #idthheight
.ince the minimum enclosing rectangle%/*R' of the
ob0ect region can be computed via rotating the region
in previous section, the dimension of the ob0ects
/*R can be ta"en as the #idth and the height of the
!. E9g, D,75i/<
Applying the above feature to filter the segmented
regions, a lot of no license plate regions can be
removed. 1o#ever, there are still many candidate
regions left #hich ta"e similar rectangularity and
aspect ratio features as the license plate regions do,
such as often the head lights. (onsidering that the
license plate regions generally ta"e higher local
variance in its pixels values due to the presence of
characters, an important feature to describe license
plate region is local variance, #hich is $uantized
using the edge extracted plate region
example sho#n in figure%b'.

fig48,(=):i2,75, 0:+/, +8,+ ,;/8+2/i67
S/,0(>)2?+8+2/,8 5,g1,7/+/i67+ by this step
characters on license plate are segmented and
identify. This step is the most important step in
license plate recognition because all further steps rely
on it. This is the second ma0or part of the License
Plate detection algorithm. There are many factors that
cause the character segmentation tas" difficult, such
as image noise, plate frame, rivet, space mar", plate
rotation and illumination variance. 2e here propose
the algorithm that is $uite robust and gives
significantly good results on images having the above
mentioned problems. for the segmentation pre3
processing is re$uired by conversion to gray scale
and binarization. )ifferent algorithms are used for
segmentation #hich are explained further later in
literature revie#. segmented license plate example is
given in figure%c'.
fig48,(2)5,g1,7/,9 :i2,75, 0:+/,

S/,0(-):i2,75, 0:+/, 741=,8 8,26g7i@,+ by number
plate extraction step final result is founded. (onsider
figure%d' as an final extracted license plates
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, ->
fig48,(9) Li2,75, 0:+/, 741=,8 8,26g7i@,
The A+8i+/i675 6f /?, 0:+/, /<0,5 or environments
cause challenges in the detection and recognition of
license plates. They are summarized as follo#s+
4' Location+ Plates exist in different locations of an
&' 5uantity+ An image may contain no or many
6' .ize+ Plates may have different sizes due to the
camera distance and the zoom factor.
7' (olour+ Plates may have various characters and
bac"ground colours due to different plate types or
capturing devices.
8' 9ont+ Plates of different nations may be #ritten in
different fonts and language.
:' ;cclusion+ Plates may be obscured by dirt.
<' Inclination+ Plates may be tilted.
=' ;ther+ In addition to characters, a plate may
contain frames and scre#s.
E7Ai8671,7/ A+8i+/i675:
4' Illumination+ Input images may have different
types of illumination, mainly due to environmental
lighting and vehicle headlights.
&' !ac"ground+ The image bac"ground may contain
patterns similar to plates, such as numbers stamped
on a vehicle, bumper #ith vertical patterns, and
textured floors.
In the literature, many license plate detection
algorithms have been proposed. Although license
plate detection has been studied for many years, it is
still a challenging tas" to detect license plates from
different angles, partial occlusion, or multiple
instances. License plate detection investigates an
input image to identify some local patches containing
license plates. .ince a plate can exist any#here in an
image #ith various sizes, it is infeasible to chec"
every pixel to locate it. >enerally, it is preferable to
extract some features from images and focus only on
those pixels characterized by the license plate. !ased
on the involved features, traditional license plate
detection methods can be classified into three
categories+ colour3based, edge3based, and texture3
based. In #hat follo#s, #e #ill revie# the related
#or" in each category (olour3based approaches are
based on the observation that some countries have
specific colours in their license plates. It is intuitive
to extract license plates by locating their colours in
the images the collocation of license plate colour and
character colour is used to generate an edge image.
Then, it chec"s neighbours of pixels #ith a value
#ithin the license plate colour range to find candidate
license plate regions *dge3based approaches are the
most popular, #ith reliable performance in license
plate detection. >enerally, as a prior, license plate is
characterized by a rectangular shape #ith a specific
aspect ratio, and can be extracted by chec"ing all
possible rectangles in the image "inds of traditional
locating methods, some other approaches based on
local features have been proposed recently. A brief
description of some of previous #or"s is
demonstrated in section of literature introduction.
In ?4@ ,license plate recognition methods are+
%4'Image Ac$uisition+ !y digital camera %&' License
Plate *xtraction+ Avertical edge detection by sobel
algorithm Afiltering by seed filling algorithm
Avertical edge matching %6' .egmentation+ %7'
(haracter Recognition+ A Bormalization A Template
matching using hamming distance approach. and by
this paper referenced getting the result li"e+ License
Plate *xtraction+ 8=<:4C, D:.&&E License Plate
.egmentation+ 8<7:4C, D7.C7E License Plate
Recognition +8=4:4C, D8.&7E,and over all system
efficiency+ D8E.this approach having some problem
in extracting the plate, diplomatic cars and
military vehicles, are not addressed since they are
rarely seen. )etection only for #hite, blac", red, and
green color plate or numbers.
!y?&@, %4'*xtraction of plate region+ edge
detection algorithms and smearing algorithms
%&'segmentation of (haracters+ smearing algorithms,
filtering and some morphological algorithms
%6'recognition of plate characters + template
matching. 9inal output it is proved to be ED<.:
for the extraction of plate region, ED: for the
segmentation of the characters and ED=.= for the
recognition unit accurate, giving the overall system
performance ED&.8< recognition rate .it having some
limitation li"e it recognition of car license plate only,
and This system is designed for the identification of
Tur"ish license plates.
In?6@, recognition steps are as follo#+
%4'Image *nhancement+ by histogram e$ualization
method %&'.tructuring *lements + by thic"ening, %6'
1at transformations+ #hich is use for contrast,
enhancement%top has F bottom has'setting %7'
/orphological ;perations li"e dilation and erosion
%8' Plate region confirmation %:' (haracter
.egmentation and Recognition by neuron
implementation model .by this reference &8C color
images #ere used for testing the techni$ue, These
results report a high accuracy rate of above
D8E.Although the techni$ue is $uite efficient enough
to #or" very #ell in the real time environment but
currently the techni$ue proposed lays more emphasis
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, --
on the accuracy of the overall system, #hile the some
more #or" is to be done to ma"e the techni$ue more
In?7@,recognition by%4' Target recognition+
by using feature3salience theory, features of license
plates% include shape, symmetry , height3to3#idth
ratio , colour, texture, and spatial fre$uency,
(haracter features include lines, blobs , aspect ratio
of characters, distribution of intervals bet#een
characters ,and alignment of characters' %&license
plate locating by 1ough transform %1T'. %6'
recognizing license characters by different steps li"e
binarization, noise removal, and orientation
ad0ustment, ;ptical (haracter Recognition. in this
paper , the success rate for the identification #ith the
set of 4477 license plates is D8.<E. (ombining this
rate #ith the location success %D<.6E', the overall
rate of success for our LPR algorithm is D6.4E.As
pointed out in the preceding sections, although this
system is intended for the recognition of (hinese
license plates only .
!y?8@, mainly focused on *dge
)etection%.obel *dge )etection'techni$ue and then
filtering of noise by /edian 9ilter, .moothing,
(onnector, /as"ing, ,and then (olour (onversation
is done. #e can see that the detection is not that clear
and proper, #hich #e find , is due to improper light
segment or varying illumination effects. and all over
system result is not mention in this paper.
In the reference?:@, The proposed algorithm
consists of three ma0or parts+ *xtraction of plate
region, segmentation of characters and recognition of
plate characters. 9or %4'extracting the Plate region,
edge detection algorithm and vertical pro0ection
method are used.%&' in segmentation part filtering,
thinning and vertical and horizontal pro0ection are
used. And finally, %6'chain code concept #ith
different parameter is used for recognition of the
characters. The performance of the proposed
algorithm has been tested on real images. Total
Gehicles Images 48C%tested under sunny, cloudy,
daytime, nigh time, rainy days...etc atmosphere',
*xtracted license plates47< Hnsuccessful *xtraction
6 .and final system *fficiency + D=E. The proposed
method is mainly designed for real3time /alaysian
license plate, and can be readily extended to cope
#ith license plates of other countries, especially those
using Latin characters.
!y?<@,involve three approaches+ %4'in plate
localization Boise alleviation, (hanging colour
space, Intensity dynamic range modification, *dge
detection ,.eparating ob0ects from bac"ground,
9inding connected component ,(andidate selection,
all above process are used %&' in segmentation part
multistage model are used.
gmentation,Preparation,' %6'for the recognition
artificial l 49eed for#ard neural net#or" is used. The
method achieved accuracy over D4E for localizing
plates. The recognition system implemented by
neural net#or"s after segmentation of characters in
image plate identify alphabets and numbers
separately and achieve an accuracy over D<E and
D7E respectively for each. Advantage of this
approach is The image database includes images of
various vehicles #ith different bac"ground and slop
under varying illumination condition and the
disadvantage is detection only for *nglish and
Parisian number plate.
In?=@ 9or the Bumber plate recognition first image
conversion in binary and apply to neural net#or",
and apply mpl algorithm, then detection individual
symbol, by matrix mapping, and Training by this
approach obtained D:.86E average recognition rate
using double hidden layer and D7E using single
hidden layer. The captured image &36 meters ta"en
a#ay from the cameras.
!y?D@ %4'Pre3processing of Image by histogram
e$ualization%&'*xtraction of plate region by edge
detection algorithm% canny operator' and Plate Area
)etection by various morphological operations
%6'.egmentation of characters by Aconnected
component Abounding box method , A/edian filter,
all above methods. and observed final result as
*xtraction +<4<= #hich gives D4.C&E efficiency
,.egmentation :D<= #hich gives ==.7:Eefficiency.
overall accuracy of our system is =D.<7E.proposed
method is sensitive to the angle of vie#, physical
appearance and environment conditions.
!y?4C@ >iven All 6 process by &) 1aar after the
discrete #avelet Transform techni$ue + %4'locate and
extract the license3plate %&'train of the license3plate
%6'real time scan recognize of the license3plate .by
this paper result sho#n are as given, Gehicle
recognition number+4CC,Recognition number of
successful+D6 ,Recognition number failed +<
,Recognition rates %E' +D6.CE.advantage of this
approach is 1aar )iscrete 2avelet Transform are
that it each time transform only needs 47 of the
original image. 1ence, this method can fast execution
speed. and the )isadvantage is that in this paper only
specified cameras used li"e Hsing the (A.I;
*IILI/, 4C.4 /*>A PII*L. )I>ITAL (A/*RA
*I3.4C, ad0usting the resolution 7=C x :7C for
photography vehicle license plates,
In?44@ detection steps are +%4'Image ac$uisition by
capturing an image of a vehicle from video
%&'License plate detection extraction, by .pectral
Analysis Approach and (onnected (omponent
Analysis %6'extract the region of license plate process
use spectral analysis %7'(haracter segmentation use
(onnected component analysis approach and .G/
feature extraction techni$ues. the advantage of this
approach is success full recognition of a moving
!y?4&@ %4'PG2 approach is used in this orientation,
ratio of scale to character height, and relative position
in the character region are done by clustering
%&'visual #ord matching by comparing the extracted
.I9T features and histogram approach is used %6' for
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, -&
license plate location A bounding box #ill be
estimated to encompass license plate by determining
the upper, lo#er, left, and right bounding lines
se$uentially. This techni$ue achieves a D6.&E JtrueK
detection rate. This approach can also be extended to
the detection of logos and trademar"s .The #ea"ness
of this approach is that it may fail #hen the license
plate resolution is too lo#, or #hen the distortion
from the observation angle is too severe.
Approach explained in?46@ that, %4' detect a license
plate region by vertical or a horizontal edge based
method %&' pre3processing+ is also needed in this
approach .so first converted in to binary image then
eliminate noise using morphological operation %6'
character segmentation by thresholding method %7'
feature extraction and character recognition by *uler
number formation .Advantage of this approach that
s"e# ness is not present in the detected vehicle
number plate compare to other methods and
)isadvantage is it limits the efficiency of the total
!y?47@ %4'plate extraction by /athematical
/orphology approach and then ,)ilation and
*rosion is apply to image,%&'segmentation by
.tructuring *lements approach, /eredian 9ilter
techni$ue and *dge )etection /ethods are use,
%6'character extraction by Preprocessing, Textnon3
text classification approach .result derived by this
paper is as given, Real Time )ata+4CC,Images
correctly )etected+D6,Results Accuracy D6E.and it
says that Gery much damaged plate can not be
&CC6 D8
&CC8B;G D&.8<
&CCD.*PT D6.4
&C4C D=
&C44)*( =D.<7
&C4&*PT D6.&
&C4&;(T D6
Fig48,(>)/+=:, 6f C,ffi2i,72<B167/? 68 <,+8
As per literature study all over system
efficiency per monthyear as given by chart figure%7'
#hich is vary according to methods for different steps
for reconditioning of license the given plot
#e can observe percentage efficiency of system as
per given data.As per given data in studied references
ma"ing of table #hich sho#s Eefficiency per
monthyear ,so consider the table for plot
fig48,(-)6A,8 +:: 5<5/,1 C ,ffi2i,72<B<,+8
In general, an ALPR system consists of four
processing stages. In the image ac$uisition stage,
some points have to be considered #hen choosing the
ALPR system camera, such as the camera resolution
and the shutter speed. In the license plate extraction
stage, the license plate is extracted based on some
features such as the colour, the boundary, or the
existence of the characters. In the license plate
segmentation stage, the characters are extracted by
pro0ecting their colour information, by labelling
them, or by matching their positions #ith template.
9inally, the characters are recognized in the character
recognition stage by template matching, or by
classifiers such as neural net#or"s and fuzzy
classifiers. Automatic license plate recognition is
$uite challenging due to the different license plate
formats and the varying environmental conditions.
There are numerous ALPR techni$ues have been
proposed in recent years.
?4@ /uhammad .arfraz, /ohammed Lameel Ahmed,
and .yed A. >hazi , arebian licence plate
recognition systemK, International (onference on
>eometric /odeling and >raphics %>/A>NC6',
?&@ .er"an ;zbay, and *rgun *rcelebi,K Automatic
Gehicle Identification by Plate RecognitionK,
Processing of #orld academy of science engineering
and technology volD, I..B 46C<3:==7, november
?6@ 1umayun Oarim .ulehria, Me Phang, )anish
Irfan, Atif Oarim .ulehria,K Gehicle Bumber Plate
Recognition Hsing /athematical /orphology and
Beural Bet#or"sK, 2.*A. TRAB.A(TI;B. on
(;/PHT*R., Golume <,I..B+ 44CD3&<8C, Issue :,
Lune &CC=.
?7@ Phen3Iue (hen, (heng3Mun Liu, 9a3Liang
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, -(
(hang, and >uo3Mou 2ang,K Automatic License3
Plate Location and Recognition !ased on 9eature
.alienceK, I*** Transaction on vehicle technology,
G;L. 8=, B;. <, september &CCD.
?8@ )r. P.O..uri, )r. *"ta 2alia, *r. Amit Germa,K
Gehicle Bumber Plate )etection using .obel *dge
)etection Techni$ueK, International Lournal of
(omputer .cience and Technology, I..B + &&&D Q
7666, IL(.T Gol. 4, Issue &, )ecember &C4C.
?:@ Oumar Parasuraman, Member, IEEE and
P.Gasantha Oumar, J An *fficient /ethod for Indian
Gehicle License Plate *xtraction and (haracter
.egmentationK, I*** International (onference on
(omputational Intelligence and (omputing
?<@ /uhammad 1 )ashtban, Pahra )ashtban, 1assan
!evrani, J A Bovel Approach for Gehicle License
Plate Localization and RecognitionK, International
Lournal of (omputer Applications %CD<8 Q ===<',
Golume &:Q Bo.44, Luly &C44.
?=@ .tuti Asthana, Biresh .harma, Ra0deep .ingh,
JGehicle number plate recognition using multiple
layer bac" propagation neural net#or"sK,
International Lournal of (omputer Technology and
*lectronics *ngineering %IL(T**', Golume 4, Issue
4, Luly 4C, &C44.
?D@ (hetan .harma4 and Amandeep Oaur&, J
International Lournal of (omputer .cience and
(ommunication, Gol. &, Bo. &, pp. 8D638DD, Luly3
)ecember &C44.
?4C@ R. T. Lee, O. (. 1ung, and 1. .. 2ang,JReal
Time Gehicle License Plate Recognition !ased on &)
1aar )iscrete 2avelet TransformK, International
Lournal of .cientific F *ngineering Research,
Golume 6, Issue 7, I..B &&&D3884=, April3&C4&.
?44@ Le"hana >.(, /.TechR R..ri"antas#amy,
Professor,JReal time license plate recognition
systemK, International Lournal of Advanced
Technology F *ngineering Research %ILAT*R'
Bational (onference on *merging Trends in
Technology %B(*T3Tech' I..B, Golume &, Issue 7,
I..B Bo+ &&8C3686:, Luly &C4&.
?4&@ 2engang Phou, 1ou$iang Li, Mi0uan Lu,
Member, IEEE, and 5i Tian, Senior Member, IEEE,
JPrincipal Gisual 2ord )iscovery for Automatic
License Plate )etection, I*** transaction on image
processing ,vol&4, B;. D, .eptember &C4&.
?46@P..andhya Rani4, Gara Prasad,JLicense plate
character segmentation based on pixel distribution
densityK, ?IL*.AT@ International 0ournal of
engineering science and advanced technology,
Golume3&, Issue38, 486D Q 487&, .ep3;ct &C4&.
?47@ R.Radha4 and (.P..umathi&, JA Bovel approach
to extract text from license plate of vehicleK, .ignal
F Image Processing + An International Lournal
%.IPIL' Gol.6, Bo.7, August &C4& .
ISSN: #$%& ' (%%$) NOV TO OCT ! , VOLUME ' #!, ISSUE * # P+g, -%

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