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What's a Christian Worldview?

by Del Tackett
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What's Yor !iew o" the World?
What's Yor Worldview?
Next Ste#s $ %elated &n"or'ation
A recent nationwide srvey co'#leted by the (arna %esearch )ro#
deter'ined that only * #ercent o" A'ericans had a +biblical+ worldview, When
)eor-e (arna. who has researched cltral trends and the Christian Chrch
since /01*. looked at the +born2 a-ain+ believers in A'erica. the reslts were
a dis'al 0 #ercent,
(arna's srvey also connected an individal's worldview with his or her 'oral
belie"s and actions, (arna says. +Altho-h 'ost #eo#le own a (ible and know
so'e o" its content. or research "ond that 'ost A'ericans have little idea
how to inte-rate core biblical #rinci#les to "or' a ni3ed and 'eanin-"l
res#onse to the challen-es and o##ortnities o" li"e,+
/, What's a worldview?
A worldview is the "ra'ework "ro' which we view reality and 'ake sense o"
li"e and the world, +4&t's5 any ideolo-y. #hiloso#hy. theolo-y. 'ove'ent or
reli-ion that #rovides an overarchin- a##roach to nderstandin- )od. the
world and 'an's relations to )od and the world.+ says David Noebel. athor
o" 6nderstandin- the Ti'es,
7or exa'#le. a 82year2old believes he's the center o" his world. a seclar
h'anist believes that the 'aterial world is all that exists. and a (ddhist
believes he can be liberated "ro' s9erin- by sel"2#ri3cation,
So'eone with a biblical worldview believes his #ri'ary reason "or existence
is to love and serve )od,
Whether conscios or sbconscios. every #erson has so'e ty#e o"
worldview, A #ersonal worldview is a co'bination o" all yo believe to be
tre. and what yo believe beco'es the drivin- "orce behind every e'otion.
decision and action, There"ore. it a9ects yor res#onse to every area o" li"e:
"ro' #hiloso#hy to science. theolo-y and anthro#olo-y to econo'ics. law.
#olitics. art and social order : everythin-,
7or exa'#le. let's s##ose yo have bo-ht the idea that beaty is in the eye
o" the beholder ;seclar relative trth< as o##osed to beaty as de3ned by
)od's #rity and creativity ;absolte trth<, Then any art #iece. no 'atter
how vl-ar or abstract. wold be considered +art.+ a creation o" beaty,
8, What's a biblical worldview?
A biblical worldview is based on the in"allible Word o" )od, When yo believe
the (ible is entirely tre. then yo allow it to be the "ondation o" everythin-
yo say and do, That 'eans. "or instance. yo take seriosly the 'andate in
%o'ans /= to honor the -overnin- athorities by researchin- the candidates
and isses. 'akin- votin- a #riority,
Do yo have a biblical worldview? Answer the "ollowin- >estions. based on
clai's "ond in the (ible and which )eor-e (arna sed in his srvey:
Do absolte 'oral trths exist?
&s absolte trth de3ned by the (ible?
Did ?ess Christ live a sinless li"e?
&s )od the all2#ower"l and all2knowin- Creator o" the niverse. and does @e
still rle it today?
&s salvation a -i"t "ro' )od that cannot be earned?
&s Satan real?
Does a Christian have a res#onsibility to share his or her "aith in Christ with
other #eo#le?
&s the (ible accrate in all o" its teachin-s?
Did yo answer yes to these? Only 0 #ercent o" +born2 a-ain+ believers did,
(t what's 'ore i'#ortant than yor yes to these >estions is whether yor
li"e shows it, )ranted. we are all sinners and "all short. bt 'ost o" or -t
reactions will reAect what we dee#2down. honest2to2-oodness believe to be
real and tre,
=, @ow does a biblical worldview -et dilted?
@ere is the bi- #roble', Nonbiblical worldview ideas don't Bst sit in a book
so'ewhere waitin- "or #eo#le to exa'ine the', They bo'bard s constantly
"ro' television. 3l'. 'sic. news#a#ers. 'a-aCines. books and acade'ia,
(ecase we live in a sel3sh. "allen world. these ideas sedctively a##eal to
the desires o" or Aesh. and we o"ten end # incor#oratin- the' into or
#ersonal worldview, Sadly. we o"ten do this withot even knowin- it,
7or exa'#le. 'ost Christians wold a-ree with / Thessalonians *:= and other
Scri#tres that co''and s to avoid sexal i''orality. bt how o"ten do
Christians "all into lst or #re'arital and extra'arital sexal sin? &s it si'#ly
becase they are weak when te'#ted. or did it be-in 'ch earlier. with the
sedctive lies "ro' or sexaliCed society?
*, Why does a biblical worldview 'atter?
&" we don't really believe the trth o" )od and live it. then or witness will be
con"sin- and 'isleadin-, Dost o" s -o thro-h li"e not reco-niCin- that or
#ersonal worldviews have been dee#ly a9ected by the world, Thro-h the
'edia and other inAences. the seclariCed A'erican view o" history. law.
#olitics. science. )od and 'an a9ects or thinkin- 'ore than we realiCe, We
then are taken +ca#tive thro-h hollow and dece#tive #hiloso#hy. which
de#ends on h'an tradition and the basic #rinci#les o" this world rather than
on Christ+ ;Colossians 8:1<,
@owever. by dili-ently learnin-. a##lyin- and trstin- )odEs trths in every
area o" or lives : whether it's watchin- a 'ovie. co''nicatin- with or
s#oses. raisin- or children or workin- at the oFce : we can be-in to
develo# a dee# co'#rehensive "aith that will stand a-ainst the nrelentin-
tide o" or cltre's nonbiblical ideas, &" we ca#tre and e'brace 'ore o"
)od's worldview and trst it with nwaverin- "aith. then we be-in to 'ake
the ri-ht decisions and "or' the a##ro#riate res#onses to >estions on
abortion. sa'e2 sex 'arria-e. clonin-. ste'2cell research and even 'edia
choices, (ecase. in the end. it is or decisions and actions that reveal what
we really believe,
+Do not con"or' any lon-er to the #attern o" this world. bt be trans"or'ed
by the renewin- o" yor 'ind+ ;%o'ans /8:8<,
Or 3rst #riority in "a'ily 'inistry shold be to introdce #eo#le to the athor
o" "a'ily : @e is the -reatest ho#e "or healthy. thrivin- "a'ilies, We believe
that #arents shold as#ire to 'odel "or their children how to h'bly "ollow
the teachin-s and s#irit o" ?ess at ho'e and in the co''nity,
What is a Christian Worldview?
Gveryone has a worldview, Whether or not we realiCe it. we all have certain
#res##ositions and biases that a9ect the way we view all o" li"e and reality,
A worldview is like a set o" lenses which taint or vision or alter the way we
#erceive the world arond s, Or worldview is "or'ed by or edcation. or
#brin-in-. the cltre we live in. the books we read. the 'edia and 'ovies
we absorb. etc, 7or 'any #eo#le their worldview is si'#ly so'ethin- they
have absorbed by os'osis "ro' their srrondin- cltral inAences, They
have never tho-ht strate-ically abot what they believe and woldnEt be
able to -ive a rational de"ense o" their belie"s to others,
The #r#ose o" or Christian A#olo-etics 'inistry is to e>i# #eo#le to think
and live with a consistent and cohesive (iblical worldview, We believe that
)od exists ;@eb, //:H< and that @e is the standard by which we 'easre
everythin- else, )od created everythin- that exists ;)en,/:/< and everythin-
is held to-ether by @i' ;Col, /:/I<, We believe the (ible is )odEs divinely
ins#ired Word. revealed to 'ankind ;8 Ti', =:/H<, We believe that the "llness
o" )od ca'e to earth and lived in the h'an body o" ?ess Christ o" NaCareth
8.JJJ years a-o ;Col, /:/0<, We believe that 'ankind chose to rebel a-ainst
)od in the )arden o" Gden and becase o" that act o" rebellion. sin and death
entered the world ;%o', K:/82/*<, We believe that believin- in ;?ohn =:/K2/0.
K:8*<. and obeyin- ;Lke 1:8/. ?ohn =:8J28/. ?ohn /*:8/. 8=28*<. ?ess Christ
is the only way to have eternal li"e or to be renited with )od ;Acts *:/J2/8<,
We ho#e that the resorces o9ered thro-h this website will hel# yo to
nderstand that the Christian "aith is reasonable and 'akes sense in a world
that has lost its 'oral co'#ass, Trth is absolte. not relativistic. and can
only be nderstood by sb'ittin- to the Lordshi# o" ?ess Christ. the one who
said M& a' the way. the Trth and the li"e. no one can co'e to the 7ather
exce#t thro-h 'e,N ;?ohn /*:H<
While Christianity is believed by "aith. it is 'ost de3nitely a reasonable and
rational "aith, &t answers the >estions o" the 'ind and the heart, We all live
by "aith, So'e #eo#le have "aith in the'selves, So'e have "aith in the
-overn'ent or in a ho#e "or world #eace, So'e have "aith in their 'oney.
their edcation or their e'#loy'ent, All o" those thin-s are te'#oral and can
chan-e, They can all let s down, Or health can "ail. we can lose or Bob. we
can end a 'eanin-"l relationshi# with so'eone we care abot, Li"e chan-es.
bt )od can be de#ended on thro-h it all, @e will never leave nor "orsake
those who belon- to @i', ;@eb, /=:Kb<
Or desire "or yo is Christ will live in yor hearts by "aith. and that yo will
co'e to know and nderstand with s the hei-ht and the de#th and the
width and the len-th o" the Love o" Christ, &t sr#asses all h'an knowled-e,
We #ray that yo can be 3lled with the "llness o" )od, ;G#h, =:/12/0<
O&srael Wayne
This website is a non2deno'inational otreach desi-ned to reach seekers and
serve the (ody o" Christ,
Sha#in- a Christian Worldview: An &ntrodction ;Part &<
(y David S, Dockery

One o" or local news#a#ers recently ran a series o" articles "ocsin-
on the rise o" cri'e in or re-ion, Gach athor addressed the cri'e isse
"ro' the stand#oint and #ers#ective o" econo'ic de#rivation, A"ter readin-
the articles & tho-ht & 'st be 'issin- so'ethin-, One a##roach was
anthro#olo-ical. another sociolo-ical. another econo'ic:each dealin- with
syste'ic isses. which & do not dobt "or a 'o'ent exist, (t 'issin- "ro'
the articles was any sense o" res#onsibility, Cri'e was discssed withot
raisin- the isse o" 'orality, & cold not believe it, Then it dawned #on 'e
that there were diverse worldviews at work,
Gveryone @as a Worldview
A Chinese #roverb says. M&" yo want to know what water is. donEt ask
the 3sh,N Water is the s' and sbstance o" the world in which the 3sh is
i''ersed, The 3sh 'ay not reAect on its own environ'ent ntil sddenly it
is thrst onto dry land where it str--les "or li"e, Then it realiCes that water
#rovided its sstenance,
&''ersed in or environ'ent. we have "ailed to take seriosly the
ra'i3cations o" a seclar worldview, Sociolo-ist and social watchdo- Daniel
Yankelovich de3nes cltre as an e9ort to #rovide a coherent set o" answers
to the existential sitations that con"ront h'an bein-s in the #assa-e o"
their lives, A -enine cltral shi"t is one that 'akes a decisive break with
the shared 'eanin- o" the #ast, The break #articlarly a9ects those
'eanin-s that relate to the dee#est >estions o" the #r#ose and natre o"
h'an li"e,4i5 What is at stake is how we nderstand the world in which we
live, The isses are worldview isses, Christians everywhere reco-niCe there
is a -reat s#irital battle ra-in- "or the hearts and 'inds o" 'en and wo'en
arond the -lobe, We now 3nd orselves in a cos'ic str--le between a
'orally indi9erent cltre and Christian trth, Ths we need to sha#e a
Christian world and li"e view that will hel# s learn to think Christianly and
live ot the trth o" Christian "aith,4ii5
The reality is that everyone has a worldview, So'e worldviews are
incoherent. bein- 'erely a s'or-asboard o" o#tions "ro' natral.
s#ernatral. #re2'odern. 'odern. and #ost'odern o#tions, An exa'ined
and tho-ht"l worldview. however. is 'ore than a #rivate #ersonal
view#oint. it is a co'#rehensive li"e syste' that seeks to answer the basic
>estions o" li"e, A Christian worldview is not Bst oneEs #ersonal "aith
ex#ression. not Bst a theory, &t is an all2cons'in- way o" li"e. a##licable to
all s#heres o" li"e,
Distin-ishin- a Christian Worldview
?a'es Orr. in The Christian !iew o" )od and the World. 'aintains that
there is a de3nite Christian view o" thin-s. which has a character. coherence.
and nity o" its own. and stands in shar# contrast with conter theories and
s#eclations,4iii5 A Christian worldview has the sta'# o" reason and reality
and can stand the test both o" history and ex#erience, Gvery cha#ter in this
book is #redicated on a Christian view o" thin-s. a view o" the world which
cannot be in"rin-ed #on. or acce#ted or reBected #iece'eal. bt stands or
"alls in its inte-rity, Sch a wholistic a##roach o9ers a stability o" tho-ht. a
nity o" co'#rehensive insi-ht which bears not only on the reli-ios s#here.
bt on the whole o" tho-ht, A Christian worldview is not bilt on two ty#es
o" trth ;reli-ios and #hiloso#hical or scienti3c<. bt on a niversal #rinci#le
and all2e'bracin- syste' that sha#es reli-ion. natral and social sciences.
law. history. healthcare. the arts. the h'anities. and all disci#lines o" stdy
with a##lication "or all o" li"e,
?a'es Orr in /10/4iv5 and Abraha' Qy#er in /1014v5 brilliantly
articlated a Christian worldview at the trn o" the /0th Centry, ?a'es Sire.
C, S, Lewis. Carl 7,@, @enry. 7rancis Schae9er. Arthr @ol'es. and Charles
Colson. a'on- others. have articlated well the essence o" a Christian
worldview in the 8Jth Centry, The #r#ose o" this book is to articlate a
Christian worldview "or the 8/st Centry. with all o" its acco'#anyin-
challen-es and chan-es. and to show how sch Christian thinkin- is
a##licable across the edcational crricl', At the heart o" these
challen-es and chan-es we see that trth. 'orality. and inter#retive
"ra'eworks are bein- i-nored i" not reBected, Sch challen-es are "or'idable
indeed, Thro-hot cltre. the very existence o" nor'ative trth is bein-
7or Christians to res#ond to these challen-es we 'st hear a"resh the
words o" ?ess "ro' what is called the )reat Co''and'ent ;Datt, 88:=H2*J<,
@ere we are told not only to love )od wholeheartedly with or hearts and
sols. bt with or 'inds as well, ?essE words re"er to a wholehearted
devotion to )od with every as#ect o" or bein-. "ro' whatever an-le we
choose to consider it:e'otionally. volitionally. or co-nitively, This kind o"
love "or )od reslts in takin- every tho-ht ca#tive to 'ake it obedient to
Christ ;8 Cor, /J:K<. a wholehearted devotion to distinctively Christian
thinkin- ;or as T, S, Gliot #t it. Mto think in Christian cate-oriesN<,4vi5 This
'eans bein- able to see li"e "ro' a Christian vanta-e #ointR it 'eans thinkin-
with the 'ind o" Christ,
The be-innin- #oint "or bildin- a Christian worldview is a con"ession
that we believe in )od the 7ather. 'akes o" heaven and earth ;The A#ostleEs
Creed<, We reco-niCe that Min @i' all thin-s hold to-etherN ;Col, /:/K2/1<. "or
all tre knowled-e Aows "ro' the One Creator to @is one creation,
A worldview 'st seek to answer >estions like:
Where did we co'e "ro'?
Who are we?
What has -one wron- with the world?
What soltion can be o9ered to 3x it?
&n addition. a worldview 'st seek to answer the key >estions o" li"e.
whether the -eneral i'#lications or s#eci3c a##lications, &t is to these
"ondational >estions and attendin- isses that we now trn or attention,
We (elieve in )od. Daker o" @eaven and Garth: A Worldview Startin- Point
A worldview 'st o9er a way to live that is consistent with reality by o9erin-
a co'#rehensive nderstandin- o" all areas o" li"e and tho-ht. every as#ect
o" creation, As we said earlier the startin- #oint "or a Christian worldview
brin-s s into the #resence o" )od withot delay, The central aFr'ation o"
Scri#tre is not only that there is a )od bt that )od has acted and s#oken in
history, )od is Lord and Qin- over this world. rlin- all thin-s "or @is own
-lory. dis#layin- @is #er"ections in all that @e does in order that h'ans and
an-els 'ay worshi# and adore @i', )od is TrineR there are within the
)odhead three #ersons: the 7ather. Son. and @oly S#irit,
To think wron-ly abot )od is idolatry ;Ps, KJ:8/<, Thinkin- ri-htly
abot )od is eternal li"e ;?ohn /I:=< and shold be the believerEs li"e obBective
;?er, 0:8=28*<, We can think ri-htly abot )od becase @e is knowable ;/ Cor,
8://<. yet we 'st re'ain 'ind"l that @e is si'ltaneosly
inco'#rehensible ;%o', //:==2=H<, )od can be known. bt @e cannot be
known co'#letely ;Det, 80:80<,
We 'aintain that )od is #ersonal and is di9erentiated "ro' other
bein-s. "ro' natre. and "ro' the niverse, This is in contrast to other
worldviews that say )od is in a #art o" the world. creatin- a continal
#rocess. and the #rocess itsel" is )od:or beco'in- )od, )od is sel"2existent.
de#endent on nothin- eternal to @i'sel", )od is in3nite 'eanin- that )od is
not only nli'ited bt that nothin- otside o" )od can li'it )od, )od is
in3nite in relation to ti'e ;eternal<. in relation to knowled-e ;o'niscience<.
and in relation to #ower ;o'ni#otent<, @e is soverei-n and nchan-in-, )od
is in3nite and #ersonal. transcendent and i''anent, @e is holy. ri-hteos.
Bst. -ood. tre. "aith"l. lovin-. -racios. and 'erci"l,
)od. withot the se o" any #reexistin- 'aterial. bro-ht into bein-
everythin- that is, (oth the o#enin- verse o" the (ible and the initial
sentence o" the A#ostleEs Creed con"ess )od as Creator, Creation is the work
o" the Trinitarian )od, Creation reveals )od ;Ps, /0< and brin-s -lory to @i'
;&sa, *=:I<, All o" creation was ori-inally -ood. bt is now i'#er"ect becase
o" the entrance o" sin and its e9ects on creation ;)en, =:/H2/0<, This is.
however. only a te'#orary i'#er"ection ;%o', 1:/0288<. "or it will be
redee'ed in the 3nal work o" )od. the new creation,
The Creator )od is not di9erent "ro' the )od who #rovides
rede'#tion in ?ess Christ thro-h @is @oly S#irit, )od is the sorce o" all
thin-s, This 'eans that )od has bro-ht the world into existence ot o"
nothin- thro-h a #r#ose"l act o" @is "ree will, A Christian worldview
aFr's that )od is the soverei-n and al'i-hty Lord o" all existence, Sch an
aFr'ation reBects any "or' o" dalis'. that 'atter has eternally existed. or
that 'atter 'st. there"ore. be evil since it is in #rinci#le o##osed to )od. the
Sorce o" all -ood,
A Christian worldview also contends that )od is set a#art "ro' and
transcends @is creation, &t also 'aintains that )od is a #r#ose"l )od who
creates in "reedo', &n creation and in )odEs #rovision and #reservation "or
creation. @e is workin- ot @is lti'ate #r#oses "or h'anity and the world,
@'an li"e is ths 'eanin-"l. si-ni3cant. intelli-ent. and #r#ose"l, This
aFr's the overall nity and intelli-ibility o" the niverse, &n this we see
)odEs -reatness. -oodness. and wisdo',
Who Are We? Where Did We Co'e 7ro'?
)od has created s in @is i'a-e and likeness ;see )en, /:8I<, At 3rst
this 'i-ht a##ear to re"er to or #hysical 'ake#. 'eanin- that we look like
)od, This. however. is not what the (ible 'eans by the ter's Mi'a-eN and
MlikenessN o" )od,
So'e have s--ested that the Mi'a-e o" )odN is what enables
h'ans to relate to one another. while others have s--ested that it has
'ore to do with #ersonality. s#iritality. or rationality, &t is best not to choose
only one o" these o#tions, %ather. becase 'en and wo'en are created in
the i'a-e o" )od. they #ossess rationality. 'orality. s#iritality. #ersonality.
and the ability to relate to )od and other h'ans. while ri-htly exercisin-
do'inion over the earth and the ani'als ;see )en, /:8I<, At 3rst this 'i-ht
a##ear to re"er to or #hysical 'ake#. 'eanin- that we look like )od, This.
however. is not what the (ible 'eans by the ter's Mi'a-eN and MlikenessN o"
So'e have s--ested that the Mi'a-e o" )odN is what enables
h'ans to relate to one another. while others have s--ested that it has
'ore to do with #ersonality. s#iritality. or rationality, &t is best not to choose
only one o" these o#tions, %ather. becase 'en and wo'en are created in
the i'a-e o" )od. they #ossess rationality. 'orality. s#iritality. #ersonality.
and the ability to relate to )od and other h'ans. while ri-htly exercisin-
do'inion over the earth and the ani'als ;see )en, /:8H281R Ps, 1<,
We 'st be catios in or thinkin- so as not to i'a-ine the i'a-e o"
)od as only so'e as#ect in 'en and wo'en. bt to see that h'ans are in
the i'a-e o" )od, (y this we 'ean that nothin- in s is se#arable. distinct.
or discoverable as the divine i'a-e, Gach #erson individally and the entire
race cor#orately are the i'a-e o" )od. bt no sin-le as#ect o" h'an natre
or behavior or tho-ht #atterns can be isolated as the i'a-e o" )od, Since
'en and wo'en have been created in the i'a-e o" )od. they are the hi-hest
"or's o" )odEs earthly creation, All other as#ects o" creation are "or the
#r#oses o" servin- 'en and wo'en and are ths anthro#ocentric. or
h'an2centered, Yet h'ans have been created to serve )od and are ths
theocentric. or )od2centered, Ths a Christian worldview hel#s s "l3ll or
res#onsibility "or )od2centered thinkin- and livin-,
What @as )one Wron- with the World?
Gven tho-h 'en and wo'en are created in )odEs i'a-e. the
entrance o" sin into the world has had -reat and ne-ative inAences #on
)odEs creation. es#ecially h'ans created in )odEs i'a-e, As a reslt o" sin.
the i'a-e o" )od. tho-h not lost. is severely tarnished and 'arred, The role
o" exercisin- do'inion ;see )en, /:81< has been drastically li'ited by the
e9ects o" sin on h'ans and the corse o" natre, The ability to live in ri-ht
relationshi# with )od. with others. with natre. and with or very own selves
has been corr#ted, 6lti'ately all are s#iritally dead and alienated "ro'
)od ;see G#h, 8:/2=<, This does not 'ean that we are all as bad as we can
be. bt that not any o" s are as -ood as we shold be, We are there"ore
nable to reAect #ro#erly the divine i'a-e and likeness ;see %o', /:/12=8<,
&t is i'#ortant to see that the "all into sin ;see )en, =< was not Bst a
'oral la#se. bt a deliberate trnin- away "ro' )od and reBection o" @i',
The day that Ada' and Gve disobeyed )od they died s#iritally. which
lti'ately bro-ht #hysical death ;see )en, 8:/I<, SinEs entrance has
bro-ht abot a sin"l natre in all h'anity, There"ore 'en and wo'en are
not si'#ly sinners becase they sin. bt they sin becase they are sinners,
Peo#le ths think and act in accord with their "allen natres,
This idea is 'ost si-ni3cant when reAectin- #on or relationshi# to
)od, (ecase o" the entrance o" sin into the world and or inheritance o"
Ada'Es sin"l natre ;see %o', K:/82/0<. we are by natre hostile to )od and
estran-ed "ro' @i' ;see %o', 1:IR G#h, 8:/2=<, We have wills that do not
obey )od. eyes that do not see. and ears that do not hear becase s#iritally
we are dead to )od,
While we "nction as "ree 'oral a-ents with a "ree will. or decisions
and actions are always a9ected by sin, &n seekin- to nderstand what has
-one wron- with the world. we reco-niCe that h'an choices are ne-atively
inAenced by sin, &n re-ard to or relationshi# with )od. we do not -eninely
re#ent or trn to )od withot divine enable'ent becase we are by natre
hostile to )od,
Any articlation o" a Christian worldview 'st wrestle with the
#roble' o" sin, The reslt o" sin ;what theolo-ians call de#ravity< re"ers to
the "act that all as#ects o" or bein-. incldin- or thinkin- and e'otions. are
ne-atively inAenced, Peo#le still do ri-ht and -ood thin-s as viewed by
society. bt these tho-hts and actions. no 'atter how noble or benevolent.
"all short o" )odEs -lory ;%o', =:8=<, We can aFr' that #eo#le choose to do
-ood. bt a Christian worldview hel#s s distin-ish between the -ood and
the lti'ate -ood. which is the -oal o" #leasin- )od,
Answerin- the >estion abot what has -one wron- in the way we
have does not 'ean all are totally corr#t, 7actors sch as environ'ent.
e'otional 'ake#. herita-e. and the continin- e9ect o" or havin- been
created in the i'a-e o" )od. inAence or li'it the de-ree o" or corr#tion,
Yet. a Christian worldview reco-niCes that all ty#es o" i''oral actions.
whether lyin-. 'rder. adltery. seekin- a"ter #ower. ho'osexality. #ride.
or or "ailre to love one another. are related to or alienation "ro' )od, All
in this world are estran-ed "ro' )od, The -ood news is that or sin was
Bd-ed at the cross o" ?ess Christ, @e has re-ained what was lost in Ada'
;%o', K:/828/<, The -race o" )od has #rovided restoration "or believers and
has bro-ht abot a ri-ht relationshi# with )od. with one another. with
natre. and with orselves,
What Soltion Can (e O9ered?
At the core o" a Christian worldview is the "ondational trth that
?ess ChristEs li"e and death exe'#li3ed divine love and exerted an inAence
"or -ood and sacri3ce, Dore i'#ortantly. ChristEs death #rovided "or sinners
like yo and like 'e a sinless sacri3ce that satis3ed divine Bstice, This
inco'#rehensibly valable sacri3ce delivered sinners "ro' their alienation
and reconciled and restored sinners "ro' estran-e'ent to "ll "ellowshi# and
inheritance in the hosehold o" )od,
ChristEs work on the cross #rovided atone'ent "or sin ;%o', =:8KR /
?ohn 8:8R *:/JR @eb, 8:/I<, ?ess not only #rovided atone'ent. bt also
rede'#tion, ?ess Christ has broken the #ower o" sin. -ilt. death. and Satan.
brin-in- abot a #eo#le who have been bo-ht with a #rice ;see Col, 8:/KR /
Pet, /:12/0<,
?essE work on the cross has 'ade it #ossible "or those who have
been redee'ed by #lacin- their "aith in @i' to be reconciled to )od,
(elievers in Christ no lon-er stand nder )odEs Bd-'ent, ?essE reconcilin-
work involves brin-in- h'anity ot o" alienation into a state o" #eace and
har'ony with )od, Or se#aration and brokenness created by sin has been
restored and healed in Christ, We have been delivered "ro' estran-e'ent to
"ellowshi# with )od, )od now acce#ts s and treats believers as children
rather than as trans-ressors ;see 8 Cor, K:/128JR G#h, 8:/82/HR Col, /:8J288<,
Central to this Christian worldview 'essa-e is the resrrection o"
?ess Christ ;see / Cor, /K:=2*<, The resrrection establishes ?essE lordshi#
and deity. as well as -aranteein- the salvation o" sinners ;see %o', /:=2*R
*:8*28K<, The resrrection #rovides new li"e "or believers enablin- the' to
see. think. and live anew,
)eneral &'#lications o" a Christian Worldview
A Christian worldview beco'es a drivin- "orce in li"e. -ivin- s a
sense o" )odEs #lan and #r#ose "or this world, Or identity is sha#ed by this
worldview, We no lon-er see orselves as alienated sinners, A Christian
worldview is not esca#is'. bt is an ener-iCin- 'otivation "or -odly and
"aith"l thinkin- and livin- in the here and now, &t also -ives s con3dence
and ho#e "or the "tre, &n the 'idst o" li"eEs challen-es and str--les. a
Christian worldview hel#s to stabiliCe li"e. servin- as an anchor to link s to
)odEs "aith"lness and stead"astness,
Ths. a Christian worldview #rovides a "ra'ework "or ethical thinkin-,
We reco-niCe that h'ans. who are 'ade in )odEs i'a-e. are essentially
'oral bein-s, We also reco-niCe that the "llest e'bodi'ent o" -ood. love.
holiness. -race and trth is in ?ess Christ ;see ?ohn /:/*2/1<,
A Christian worldview has i'#lications "or nderstandin- history, We
see that history is not cyclical or rando', %ather. we see history as linear. a
'eanin-"l se>ence o" events leadin- to the "l3ll'ent o" )odEs #r#oses
"or h'anity ;see G#h, /<, @'an history will cli'ax where it be-an:on the
earth, This trth is another distinctive o" Christian thinkin-. "or Christianity is
historical at its heart, &n the sense that accordin- to its essential teachin-.
)od has acted decisively in history. revealin- @i'sel" in s#eci3c acts and
events, Doreover )od will act to brin- history to its #rovidential destiny and
#lanned conclsion,
)od who has acted in history in #ast events will also act in history to
cons''ate this a-e, So when we ask. M@ow will it end?N we do not si'#ly
or sddenly #ass ot o" the real' o" history into a never2never land, We #ass
to that which is never the less certain o" occrrin- becase )od is behind it
and is @i'sel" the One who tells s it will co'e to #ass,
Develo#in- a Christian worldview is an ever2advancin- #rocess "or s
in which Christian convictions 'ore and 'ore sha#e or #artici#ation in
cltre, This disci#lined. vi-oros. and nendin- #rocess will hel# sha#e how
we assess cltre and or #lace in it, Otherwise. cltre will sha#e s and
or thinkin-, Ths a Christian worldview o9ers a new way o" thinkin-. seein-.
and doin-. based on a new way o" bein-,
A Christian worldview is a coherent way o" seein- li"e. o" seein- the
world distinct "ro' deis'. natralis' and 'aterialis' ;whether in its
Darwinistic. h'anistic. or Darxist "or's<. existentialis'. #olytheis'.
#antheis'. 'ysticis'. or deconstrctionist #ost'odernis', Sch a theistic
#ers#ective #rovides bearin-s and direction when con"ronted with new a-e
s#iritality or seclaristic and #lralistic a##roaches to trth and 'orality,
7ear abot the "tre. s9erin-. disease and #overty are in"or'ed by a
Christian worldview -ronded in the rede'#tive work o" Christ and the
-rander o" )od, As o##osed to the 'eanin-less and #r#oseless nihilistic
#ers#ectives o" 7, NietCsche. G, @e'in-way. or ?, Ca-e. a Christian worldview
o9ers 'eanin- and #r#ose "or all as#ects o" li"e,
The &'#ortance o" a Christian Worldview
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This is a -est #ost "ro' David Dockery ;Ph,D,. 6niversity o" Texas<, Dockery
has served as #resident o" 6nion 6niversity in ?ackson. Tennessee. since
/00K, Yo can see the whole series on A )od2Centered Worldview here,
Gveryone @as a Worldview
A Chinese #roverb says. M&" yo want to know what water is. donEt ask the
3sh,N Water is the s' and sbstance o" the world in which the 3sh is
i''ersed, The 3sh 'ay not reAect on its own environ'ent ntil sddenly it is
thrst onto dry land. where it str--les "or li"e, Then it realiCes that water
#rovided its sstenance,
&''ersed in or environ'ent. we have "ailed to take seriosly the
ra'i3cations o" a seclar worldview, Sociolo-ist and social watchdo- Daniel
Yankelovich de3nes cltre as an e9ort to #rovide a coherent set o" answers
to the existential sitations that con"ront h'an bein-s in the #assa-e o"
their lives, A -enine cltral shi"t is one that 'akes a decisive break with
the shared 'eanin- o" the #ast, The break #articlarly a9ects those
'eanin-s that relate to the dee#est >estions o" the #r#ose and natre o"
h'an li"e, What is at stake is how we nderstand the world in which we live,
The isses are worldview isses, Christians everywhere reco-niCe there is a
-reat s#irital battle ra-in- "or the hearts and 'inds o" 'en and wo'en
arond the -lobe, We now 3nd orselves in a cos'ic str--le between
Christian trth and a 'orally indi9erent cltre, Ths we need to sha#e a
Christian worldview and li"eview that will hel# s learn to think Christianly
and live ot the trth o" Christian "aith,
The reality is that everyone has a worldview, So'e worldviews are
incoherent. bein- 'erely a s'or-asbord o" o#tions "ro' natral.
s#ernatral. #re2'odern. 'odern. and #ost2'odern o#tions, An exa'ined
and tho-ht"l worldview. however. is 'ore than a #rivate #ersonal
view#ointR it is a co'#rehensive li"e syste' that seeks to answer the basic
>estions o" li"e, A Christian worldview is not Bst oneEs #ersonal "aith
ex#ression. not Bst a theory, &t is an all2cons'in- way o" li"e. a##licable to
all s#heres o" li"e,
Distin-ishin- a Christian Worldview
?a'es Orr. in The Christian !iew o" )od and the World. 'aintains that there is
a de3nite Christian view o" thin-s. which has a character. coherence. and
nity o" its own. and stands in shar# contrast with conter theories and
s#eclations, A Christian worldview has the sta'# o" reason and reality and
can stand the test o" history and ex#erience, A Christian view o" the world
cannot be in"rin-ed #on. acce#ted or reBected #iece'eal. bt stands or "alls
on its inte-rity, Sch a holistic a##roach o9ers a stability o" tho-ht. a nity
o" co'#rehensive insi-ht that bears not only on the reli-ios s#here bt also
on the whole o" tho-ht, A Christian worldview is not bilt on two ty#es o"
trth ;reli-ios and #hiloso#hical or scienti3c< bt on a niversal #rinci#le and
all2e'bracin- syste' that sha#es reli-ion. natral and social sciences. law.
history. health care. the arts. the h'anities. and all disci#lines o" stdy with
a##lication "or all o" li"e,
7ollowers o" ?ess 'st articlate a Christian worldview "or the twenty23rst
centry. with all o" its acco'#anyin- challen-es and chan-es. and to show
how sch Christian thinkin- is a##licable across all areas o" li"e, At the heart
o" these challen-es and chan-es we see that trth. 'orality. and inter#retive
"ra'eworks are bein- i-nored i" not reBected, Sch challen-es are "or'idable
indeed, Thro-hot cltre the very existence o" nor'ative trth is bein-
7or Christians to res#ond to these challen-es. we 'st hear a"resh the words
o" ?ess "ro' what is called the )reat Co''and'ent ;Datt, 88:=HT*J<, @ere
we are told to love )od not only with or hearts and sols bt also with or
'inds, ?essE words re"er to a wholehearted devotion to )od with every
as#ect o" or bein-. "ro' whatever an-le we choose to consider it:
e'otionally. volitionally. or co-nitively, This kind o" love "or )od reslts in
takin- every tho-ht ca#tive to 'ake it obedient to Christ ;8 Cor, /J:K<. a
wholehearted devotion to distinctively Christian thinkin- ;or as T, S, Gliot #t
it. Mto think in Christian cate-oriesN<, This 'eans bein- able to see li"e "ro' a
Christian vanta-e #ointR it 'eans thinkin- with the 'ind o" Christ,
The be-innin- #oint "or bildin- a Christian worldview is a con"ession that we
believe in )od the 7ather. 'aker o" heaven and earth ;the A#ostlesE Creed<,
We reco-niCe that Min hi' all thin-s hold to-etherN ;Col, /:/KT/1<. "or all tre
knowled-e Aows "ro' the One Creator to his one creation,
We (elieve in )od. Daker o" @eaven and Garth: A Worldview Startin- Point
A worldview 'st o9er a way to live that is consistent with reality by o9erin-
a co'#rehensive nderstandin- o" all areas o" li"e and tho-ht. every as#ect
o" creation, As we said earlier the startin- #oint "or a Christian worldview
brin-s s into the #resence o" )od withot delay, The central aFr'ation o"
Scri#tre is not only that there is a )od bt that )od has acted and s#oken in
history, )od is Lord and Qin- over this world. rlin- all thin-s "or his own
-lory. dis#layin- his #er"ections in all that he does in order that h'ans and
an-els 'ay worshi# and adore hi', )od is trineR there are within the
)odhead three #ersons: 7ather. Son. and @oly S#irit,
To think wron-ly abot )od is idolatry ;Ps, KJ:8/<, Thinkin- ri-htly abot )od
is eternal li"e ;?ohn /I:=< and shold be the believerEs li"e obBective ;?er, 0:8=T
8*<, We can think ri-htly abot )od becase he is knowable ;/ Cor, 8://<. yet
we 'st re'ain 'ind"l that he is si'ltaneosly inco'#rehensible ;%o',
//:==T=H<, )od can be known. bt he cannot be known co'#letely ;Det,
We 'aintain that )od is #ersonal and is di9erentiated "ro' other bein-s.
"ro' natre. and "ro' the niverse, This is in contrast to other worldviews
that say )od is in a #art o" the world. creatin- a continal #rocess. and that
the #rocess itsel" is )od:or beco'in- )od, )od is sel"2existent. de#endent
on nothin- external to hi'sel", )od is in3nite. 'eanin- that )od is not only
nli'ited bt that nothin- otside o" )od can li'it )od, )od is in3nite in
relation to ti'e ;eternal<. in relation to knowled-e ;o'niscience<. and in
relation to #ower ;o'ni#otent<, @e is soverei-n and nchan-in-, )od is
in3nite and #ersonal. transcendent. and i''anent, @e is holy. ri-hteos. Bst.
-ood. tre. "aith"l. lovin-. -racios. and 'erci"l,
)od. withot the se o" any #reexistin- 'aterial. bro-ht into bein-
everythin- that is, (oth the o#enin- verse o" the (ible and the initial
sentence o" the A#ostlesE Creed con"ess )od as Creator, Creation is the work
o" the trinitarian )od, Creation reveals )od ;Ps, /0< and brin-s -lory to hi'
;&sa, *=:I<, All o" creation was ori-inally -ood bt is now i'#er"ect becase o"
the entrance o" sin and its e9ects on creation ;)en, =:/HT/0<, This is.
however. only a te'#orary i'#er"ection ;%o', 1:/0T88<. "or it will be
redee'ed in the 3nal work o" )od. the new creation,
The Creator )od is not di9erent "ro' the )od who #rovides rede'#tion in
?ess Christ thro-h his @oly S#irit, )od is the sorce o" all thin-s, This 'eans
that )od has bro-ht the world into existence ot o" nothin- thro-h a
#r#ose"l act o" his "ree will, A Christian worldview aFr's that )od is the
soverei-n and al'i-hty Lord o" all existence, Sch an aFr'ation reBects any
"or' o" dalis'. that 'atter has eternally existed. or that 'atter 'st.
there"ore. be evil since it is in #rinci#le o##osed to )od. the Sorce o" all
A Christian worldview also contends that )od is set a#art "ro' and
transcends his creation, &t also 'aintains that )od is a #r#ose"l )od who
creates in "reedo', &n creation and in )odEs #rovision and #reservation "or
creation. he is workin- ot his lti'ate #r#oses "or h'anity and the world,
@'an li"e is ths 'eanin-"l. si-ni3cant. intelli-ent. and #r#ose"l, This
aFr's the overall nity and intelli-ibility o" the niverse, &n this we see )odEs
-reatness. -oodness. and wisdo',
)eneral &'#lications o" a Christian Worldview
A Christian worldview beco'es a drivin- "orce in li"e. -ivin- s a sense o"
)odEs #lan and #r#ose "or this world, Or identity is sha#ed by this
worldview, We no lon-er see orselves as alienated sinners, A Christian
worldview is not esca#is' bt is an ener-iCin- 'otivation "or -odly and
"aith"l thinkin- and livin- in the here and now, &t also -ives s con3dence
and ho#e "or the "tre, &n the 'idst o" li"eEs challen-es and str--les. a
Christian worldview hel#s to stabiliCe li"e. anchorin- s to )odEs "aith"lness
and stead"astness,
Ths. a Christian worldview #rovides a "ra'ework "or ethical thinkin-, We
reco-niCe that h'ans. who are 'ade in )odEs i'a-e. are essentially 'oral
bein-s, We also reco-niCe that the "llest e'bodi'ent o" -ood. love. holiness.
-race. and trth is in ?ess Christ ;see ?ohn /:/*T/1<,
A Christian worldview has i'#lications "or nderstandin- history, We see that
history is not cyclical or rando', %ather. we see history as linear. a
'eanin-"l se>ence o" events leadin- to the "l3ll'ent o" )odEs #r#oses
"or h'anity ;see G#h, /<, @'an history will cli'ax where it be-an:on the
earth, This trth is another distinctive o" Christian thinkin-. "or Christianity is
historical at its heart, &n the sense that accordin- to its essential teachin-.
)od has acted decisively in history. revealin- hi'sel" in s#eci3c acts and
events, Doreover. )od will act to brin- history to its #rovidential destiny and
#lanned conclsion,
)od who has acted in history in #ast events will also act in history to
cons''ate this a-e, So when we ask. M@ow will it end?N we do not si'#ly or
sddenly #ass ot o" the real' o" history into a never2never land, We #ass to
that which is nevertheless certain o" occrrin- becase )od is behind it and is
hi'sel" the One who tells s it will co'e to #ass,
Develo#in- a Christian worldview is an ever2advancin- #rocess "or s. a
#rocess in which Christian convictions 'ore and 'ore sha#e or #artici#ation
in cltre, This disci#lined. vi-oros. and nendin- #rocess will hel# sha#e
how we assess cltre and or #lace in it, Otherwise. cltre will sha#e s
and or thinkin-, Ths a Christian worldview o9ers a new way o" thinkin-.
seein-. and doin-. based on a new way o" bein-,
A Christian worldview is a coherent way o" seein- li"e. o" seein- the world
distinct "ro' deis'. natralis'. and 'aterialis'. existentialis'. #olytheis'.
#antheis'. 'ysticis'. or deconstrctionist #ost'odernis', Sch a theistic
#ers#ective #rovides bearin-s and direction when con"ronted with New A-e
s#iritality or seclaristic and #lralistic a##roaches to trth and 'orality,
7ear abot the "tre. s9erin-. disease. and #overty are in"or'ed by a
Christian worldview -ronded in the rede'#tive work o" Christ and the
-rander o" )od, Doreover. a Christian worldview o9ers 'eanin- and
#r#ose "or all as#ects o" li"e,
Particlar A##lications
While 'any exa'#les cold be o9ered. here are six #articlar a##lications
where a Christian worldview #rovides a di9erence in #ers#ective:
Technolo-y:Technolo-y can beco'e either an instr'ent thro-h which we
"l3ll or role as )odEs stewards or an obBect o" worshi# that will eventally
rle s, A Christian worldview #rovides balance and insi-ht "or nderstandin-
this crcial as#ect o" twenty23rst2centry li"e,
Sexality and 'arria-e:Sexality has beco'e a 'aBor to#ic "or those
enterin- the third 'illenni', Dch con"sion exists a'on- Christians and
non2Christians, Sexality is -ood in the covenant relationshi# o" 'tal sel"2
-ivin- 'arria-e, Sexal inti'acy. se#arated "ro' covenant 'arria-e. in
hetero2sexal or ho'osexal relations is sin"l and has a distorted 'eanin-.
a sel"2servin- #r#ose and ne-ative conse>ences,
The environ'ent:Gnviron'ental stewardshi# 'eans we have a
res#onsibility to the nonh'an as#ects o" )odEs creation, Since )odEs #lan o"
rede'#tion incldes his earthly creation. as well as h'an ;see %o', 1:/1T
8I<. we shold do all we can to live in it care"lly and lovin-ly,
The arts and recreation:The arts and recreation are nderstood as le-iti'ate
and i'#ortant #arts o" h'an creativity and co''nity, They ex#ress what it
'eans to be created in the i'a-e o" )od, We need to develo# critical skills o"
analysis and evalation so that we are in"or'ed. intentional. and reAective
abot what we create. see. and do,
Science and "aith:7or al'ost two centries science has been at the "ore"ront
o" or 'odern world, We 'st ex#lore how we see scienti3c isses "ro' the
vanta-e #oint o" a Christian worldview, An nderstandin- o" )od incldes the
knowled-e we -ain thro-h scienti3c investi-ation, With the lens o" "aith in
#lace. a #ictre o" )odEs world e'er-es that co'#le'ents and har'oniCes
the 3ndin-s o" science and the teachin-s o" Scri#tre,
!ocation:&'#ortant "or any cltre is an nderstandin- o" work, Work is a
-i"t "ro' )od and is to be #rsed with excellence "or )odEs -lory, We
reco-niCe that all honest #ro"essions are honorable. that the -i"ts and abilities
we have "or or vocation ;vocatio$callin-< co'e "ro' )od. and that #ros#erity
and #ro'otions co'e "ro' )od,
These are only a "ew exa'#les that cold be cited that will hel# sha#e or
thinkin- in other areas,
Ths Christian thinkin- 'st srely sbordinate all other endeavors to the
i'#rove'ent o" the 'ind in #rsit o" trth. takin- every tho-ht ca#tive to
?ess Christ ;8 Cor, /J:K<, At three #laces in the book o" 8 Corinthians. Pal
re'inds s that we cannot #res'e that or thinkin- is Christ centered, &n 8
Corinthians =:/* we learn that the 'inds o" the &sraelites were hardened, &n
*:* Pal says that the nre-enerate 'ind is blinded by the -od o" this world,
&n //:= the a#ostle says that Satan has ensnared the CorinthiansE tho-hts,
So in /J:K he calls "or all o" or thinkin- to be liberated by co'in- nder the
lordshi# o" Christ,
So today. as in the days o" the Corinthian corres#ondence. or 'inds and or
thinkin- are ensnared by the 'any challen-es and o##osin- worldviews in
todayEs acade'y, Like Pal and (ernard o" Clairveax several centries a"ter
hi'. we 'st co'bine the intellectal with the 'oral and s#irital
ex#onded in (ernardEs "a'os state'ent:
So'e seek knowled-e "or
The sake o" knowled-e:
That is criosityR
Others seek knowled-e so that
They the'selves 'ay be known:
That is vanityR
(t there are still others
Who seek knowled-e in
Order to serve and edi"y othersR
And that is charity,
And that is the essence o" serios Christian worldview thinkin-:brin-in-
every tho-ht ca#tive to the lordshi# o" ?ess Christ in order to serve and
edi"y others, That is a hi-h callin- indeed as we 'ove "orward and "aith"lly
into the twenty23rst centry,
This #ost is ada#ted "ro' DockeryEs cha#ter in Sha#in- A Christian Worldview
with #er'ission "ro' the athor and (U@,

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