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The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Project Options The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Project Options

Ms. Burdette American iterature Ms. Burdette American iterature

As your assessment for The Yellow Wallpaper, you are to select one of the mini-project options below.
OPT!O" #$ %O&MA '(O&T )''AY
In 1-2 paragraphs, answer the following question: *oes the narrator+s treatment seem to wor, -does her
treatment impro.e her condition/0 You will need to explain her condition at the beginning of the story
and whether or not that condition changes throughout the course of the narrative. You should consider how
her husband diagnoses her condition and what he prescribes, and what the narrator believes ight wor!
better. You ust consider the final scene. You ay choose to also explain what her illness really is and
what ight have wor!ed better as a treatent plan.
"#itation requireents: 2$ quotations fro %&he Yellow 'allpaper.( 'or!s #ited page.
OPT!O" 1$ *!A2"O'!"2 T() "A&&ATO&+' !")''
Write 3rom the point o3 .iew o3 a modern doctor sent bac! in tie to diagnose and treat the narrator.
'hat syptos do you observe )focus on her diary, but you ay also iagine you*ve interviewed the
patient and her husband+, -ased on these syptos, what illness is she suffering fro )use a 21
edical perspective+, 'hat course of treatent would you recoend, You should have 2-. paragraphs
)probably describing syptos first before addressing diagnosis and treatent plan+.
"#itation requireents: 1$ quotation fro an outside source )ex. explaining syptos of an illness+/ 1$
quotation fro %&he Yellow 'allpaper.( 'or!s #ited page.
Option 4$ (us5and+s point o3 .iew
Write 3rom the hus5and+s point o3 .iew. -e sure to include his reactions to the events at the very end of
the story. You ay also choose to continue the tale0 for exaple, you ay choose to iagine that he has
found his wife*s diary, and1using what you !now about his character fro those diary entries1iagine
how he ight react. You ay choose a diary forat, a letter )epistolary+ forat, or an interview forat. If
you choose, you ay include ore than one diary entry or letter, to convey a change over tie. If you
choose an interview, be sure to chec! dialogue punctuation.
"#itation requireents 2$ quotations fro %&he Yellow 'allpaper.( 'or!s #ited page.
Option 6$ !llustration and e7planation
!llustrate a scene fro %&he Yellow 'allpaper,( being sure to include the wallpaper itself. -e creative,
and try to capture ood as well as literal details. &hen, write a para8raph which explains the reasoning
behind your choices in colors, details, even ediu. 2how your !nowledge of the story through the
illustration and the accopanying explanation.
"#itation requireents: 2$ quotations fro %&he Yellow 'allpaper.( 'or!s #ited page.

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