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Word Formation
Industrial Engineers have to have expert knowledge in a wide variety of different
fields. The areas of expertise that are particularly relevant are: facility layout and
design, machinery and equipment, materials and components, production planning
and methods, logistics and operations research, statistics, ergonomics which are
interactions etween human eings and machines, human resources, safety
procedures, management, and cost issues.
1. Read the text above and provide the meaning of the following words.
Industrial Engineers manage the layout and the design of industrial and
manufacturing aci!ities. They try to achieve the most advantageous and efficient
dep!o"ment of the site and the machinery. They schedu!e and direct the p!acement
and the !o# of ra# materials, components, and machine parts. They organi$e
personnel and equipment and try to optimi$e the use of human resources. They
supervise the running of the plant and ensure that the whole operation runs safely.
2. Check the meaning of the words you may not know:
3. Categorie the words in bold:
!. Complete the text about the work and role of industrial engineers with nouns from the
efficiency " elements " facilities " firms " industries " management " profitability " #uestion "
resources " safety
Industrial Engineers can work almost
!ome work in places like car manufacturing
plants or food processing plants while others
work in health care """""""""""""""""".
!ome work for management consulting
"""""""""""""""""""" while others work
for organi#ations such as anks.
Industrial Engineers are concerned with
management, in the roadest sense of the
word. Their role is to help
"""""""""""""""""" improve their
efficiency, their effectiveness, their
productivity, and their """""""""""""""""""". They help companies to stay
competitive in the market. I see their $o in terms of three key point% there is the
question of """"""""""""""""""""", which means the most advantageous
deployment of all """""""""""""""""""""% there is the """""""""""""""""""" of
cost & the economics of production, and there is the very important issue of human
safety and well'eing. These three key """""""""""""""""""" have to e alanced
(. !ummari#e the content of the passage into a chart ) diagram ) concept map, etc.
NE% &'CA(ULAR)***

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