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ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, a place in the hospital where very
ill patients are monitored very closely. Typically, the patient-staff ratio is
very low and the LIFE-SAI!" E#UI$%E!T &sed is very advanced. This
pro'ect is a wor(in) model, which incorporates sensors to meas&re important
parameters namely the Temperat&re, *espiratory temperat&re and +eart
,eat. The sensors are interfaced to comp&ter, so that the condition of a
patient can -e analy.ed -y doctors in any part of the hospital wherever they
/henever there is an a-normality felt -y the patient, the partic&lar
patient will )ive an alarm si)nal, -y which the doctor can r&sh to the patient.
Even when the patient is in an &nconscio&s condition, all the parameters will
-e sensed and doctor will -e ca&tioned, th&s it red&ces doctor0s wor(load
and also )ives more acc&rate res&lts.
1&r pro'ect is a wor(in) model which incorporates sensors to meas&re
parameters li(e +eart ,eat rate and temperat&re and the patient condition
can -e analy.ed to -y doctors in LC2. Th&s it red&ces doctors wor( load
and also )ives more acc&rate res&lts, wherever there is an a-normality felt
-y the patient
Introd&ction of This pro'ect descri-es the desi)n of a simple, low-cost
microcontroller -ased heart rate 3 room temperat&re meas&rin) device with
LC2 o&tp&t. +eart rate of the s&-'ect is meas&red from the th&m- fin)er
&sin) I*2 4Infra *ed2evice sensors and the rate is then avera)ed and
displayed on a te5t -ased LC2.6 $ro'ect has -een enhanced with the
temperat&re detectin) components 2S789: man&fact&red -y 2ALLAS. The
component is &sed to detect the room temperat&re 3 transmit it to the
receiver LC2 screen. The device alarms when the heart -eat 3 the room
temperat&re e5ceed the provided threshold val&e. This threshold val&e is
defined -y the pro)rammer at the time of pro)rammed the controller
8;C9:<7.The threshold val&e )iven for the pro'ect is as 9: to 79: p&lse per
min&te for heart -eat indication 3 : to << =C .
%icro controllerAT 8;s<9
+eart ,eat %od&le
$ower s&pply
%IC*1 C1!T*1LLE* AT 8;s<9@
The 8;S<9 has A different ports, each one havin) 8 Inp&tBo&tp&t lines
providin) a total of >9 IB1 lines. Those ports can -e &sed to o&tp&t 2ATA
and orders do other devices, or to read the state of a sensor, or a switch.
%ost of the ports of the 8;S<9 have Cd&al f&nctionC meanin) that they can -e
&sed for two different f&nctions.
The first one is to perform inp&tBo&tp&t operations and the second one is
&sed to implement special feat&res of the microcontroller li(e co&ntin)
e5ternal p&lses, interr&ptin) the e5ec&tion of the pro)ram accordin) to
e5ternal events, performin) serial data transfer or connectin) the chip to a
comp&ter to &pdate the software. Each port has 8 pins, and will -e treated
from the software point of view as an 8--it varia-le called Cre)isterC, each -it
-ein) connected to a different Inp&tB1&tp&t pin.
AT89S! stands for AT - Atmel, 8; - man&fact&rerCs series, S - silicon
C%1S , <9 - is the family of 8:<7 i.e., 8:<9 %C.
The system reD&irements and control specifications clearly r&le o&t the
&se of 7E, >9 or EA -it micro controllers or microprocessors. Systems &sin)
these may -e earlier to implement d&e to lar)e n&m-er of internal feat&res.
They are also faster and more relia-le -&t, the a-ove application is
satisfactorily served -y 8--it micro controller. Usin) an ine5pensive 8--it
%icrocontroller will doom the >9--it prod&ct fail&re in any competitive
mar(et place. Comin) to the D&estion of why to &se 8;S<9 of all the 8--it
%icrocontroller availa-le in the mar(et the main answer wo&ld -e -eca&se it
has 8(, Flash and 9<E -ytes of data *A%>9 IB1 lines, three 7E--it
timerBco&nters, a Ei)ht-vector two-level interr&pt architect&re, a f&ll d&ple5
serial port, on-chip oscillator, and cloc( circ&itry.
In addition, the AT8;S<9 is desi)ned with static lo)ic for operation
down to .ero freD&ency and s&pports two software selecta-le power
savin) modes. The Idle %ode stops the C$U while allowin) the *A%,
timerBco&nters, serial port, and interr&pt system to contin&e f&nctionin). The
$ower 2own %ode saves the *A% contents -&t the oscillator,
disa-lin) all other chip f&nctions &ntil the ne5t hardware reset. The Flash
pro)ram memory s&pports -oth parallel pro)rammin) and in Serial In-
System $ro)rammin) 4IS$6. The 8;S<9 is also In-Application
$ro)ramma-le 4IA$6, allowin) the Flash pro)ram memory to -e
reconfi)&red even while the application is r&nnin).
,y com-inin) a versatile 8--it C$U with Flash on a monolithic chip, the
Atmel AT8;S<9 is a powerf&l microcomp&ter which provides a hi)hly
fle5i-le and cost effective sol&tion to many em-edded control applications.
AT8;S<9 microcontroller has A: pins with a sin)le < olt power s&pply.
The pin A: is ill&strated as follows@
The f&nction of each pin AT8;S<9 is@
$in 7 to 8 4$ort 76 is an 8--it parallel port of a two-way 4-idirectional6 that
can -e &sed for different p&rposes 4)eneral p&rpose6.
$in ; is a pin reset, reset is active if a hi)h ration.
F $>.: 47:6@ *G2 4serial port data receiver6
F $>.7 4776@ TG2 4serial port data sender6
F $>.9 4796@ I!T: 4e5ternal interr&pt : inp&t, active low6
F $>.> 47>6@ I!T7 4e(strernal an interr&pt inp&t, active low6
F $>.A 47A6@ T: 4e5ternal inp&t timer B co&nter :6
F $>.< 47<6@ T7 4e5ternal inp&t timer B co&nter 76
F $>.E 47E6@ /* 4/rite, active low6 control si)nal from port : write data to
memory and inp&t-o&tp&t data e5ternally.
F $>.H 47H6@ *2 4*ead, active low6 control si)nal of the readin) of inp&t-
o&tp&t data memory e5ternal to the port :.
GTAL pin 78 as the second, the o&tp&t is connected to the crystal oscillator.
GTAL pin 7; as the first, hi)h -erpen)&atan inp&t to the oscillator,
connected to the crystal. $in 9: as ss, is connected to : or )ro&nd on the
$in 97 to 98 4$ort 96 is 8 -its parallel ports in -oth directions. This port
sends the address -yte when accessin) e5ternal memory is carried on. $in 9;
as the $SE! 4$ro)ram Store Ena-le6 is the si)nal &sed for readin), move the
pro)ram the e5ternal memory 4*1% B E$*1%6 to microcontroller 4active
$in >: as the ALE 4Address Latch Ena-le6 to hold down the address
for accessin) e5ternal memory. This pin also f&nctions as a pro) 4active low6
that is activated when the internal pro)ram flash memory on the
microcontroller 4on chip6.
$in >7 as the EA 4E5ternal Access6 to select the memory to -e &sed,
the internal pro)ram memory 4EA I Fcc6 or e5ternal pro)ram memory 4EA
I ss6, also serves as pp 4pro)rammin) s&pply volta)e6 when
pro)rammin) the internal flash memory on the microcontroller $in >9 to >;
4$ort :6 is an 8--it parallel port in -oth directions.
Under which f&nctions as a m&ltiple5ed address data to access an
e5ternal pro)ram and data memory. $in A: as Fcc, connected to J< as a
ration to the microcontroller. All sin)le chip in the family division of %CS-
<7 has the address space to pro)rams and data.
The separation of pro)ram memory and data memory allows data to -e
accessed -y a memory address 8 -its. Even so, the address memory 7E -its
of data can -e )enerated thro&)h the 2$T* re)ister 4$oint 2ata *e)ister6.
$ro)ram memory can only -e read cannot -e written -eca&se it is stored in
the E$*1%. In this case the E$*1% is availa-le in a sin)le chip AT8;S<9
for 8 ?-yte.
Compati-le with %CS-<7K $rod&cts
F 8? ,ytes of In-System $ro)ramma-le 4IS$6 Flash %emory
L End&rance@ 7::: /riteBErase Cycles
F A.: to <.< 1peratin) *an)e
F F&lly Static 1peration@ : +. to >> %+.
F Three-level $ro)ram %emory Loc(
F 9<E 5 8--it Internal *A%
F >9 $ro)ramma-le IB1 Lines
F Three 7E--it TimerBCo&nters
F Ei)ht Interr&pt So&rces
F F&ll 2&ple5 UA*T Serial Channel
F Low-power Idle and $ower-down %odes
F Interr&pt *ecovery from $ower-down %ode
F /atchdo) Timer
F 2&al 2ata $ointer
-$ower-off Fla)
Short for liquid crystal display, a type of display &sed in di)ital watches
and many porta-le comp&ters. LC2 displays &tili.e two sheets of
material with a liD&id crystal sol&tion -etween them. An electric c&rrent
passed thro&)h the liD&id ca&ses the crystals to ali)n so that li)ht cannot
pass thro&)h them. Each crystal, therefore, is li(e a sh&tter, either allowin)
li)ht to pass thro&)h or -loc(in) the li)ht.
/hy Use L%><s To %eas&re Temperat&reM
o No& can meas&re temperat&re more acc&rately than a &sin) a
o The sensor circ&itry is sealed and not s&-'ect to o5idation, etc.
o The L%>< )enerates a hi)her o&tp&t volta)e than
thermoco&ples and may not reD&ire that the o&tp&t volta)e -e
A #$%&' ()##*+ is a device that s&pplies electric power to one or
more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that
convert one form of electrical ener)y to another, tho&)h it may also refer to
devices that convert another form of ener)y 4mechanical, chemical, solar6 to
electrical ener)y. A re)&lated power s&pply is one that controls the o&tp&t
volta)e or c&rrent to a specific val&eO the controlled val&e is held nearly
constant despite variations in either load c&rrent or the volta)e s&pplied -y
the power s&pplyCs ener)y so&rce.
Every power s&pply m&st o-tain the ener)y it s&pplies to its load, as well
as any ener)y it cons&mes while performin) that tas(, from an ener)y
so&rce. 2ependin) on its desi)n, a power s&pply may o-tain ener)y from@
Electrical ener)y transmission systems. Common e5amples of this
incl&de power s&pplies that convert AC line volta)e to 2C volta)e.
Ener)y stora)e devices s&ch as -atteries and f&el cells.
Electromechanical systems s&ch as )enerators and alternators.
Solar power .
A power s&pply may -e implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as
an inte)ral device that is hardwired to its load. E5amples of the latter case
incl&de the low volta)e 2C power s&pplies that are part of des(top
comp&ters and cons&mer electronics devices.
Commonly specified power s&pply attri-&tes incl&de@
The amo&nt of volta)e and c&rrent it can s&pply to its load.
+ow sta-le its o&tp&t volta)e or c&rrent is &nder varyin) line and load
+ow lon) it can s&pply ener)y witho&t ref&elin) or rechar)in)
4applies to power s&pplies that employ porta-le ener)y so&rces6.
$ower s&pplies for electronic devices can -e -roadly divided into line-
freD&ency 4or PconventionalP6 and switchin) power s&pplies. The line-
freD&ency s&pply is &s&ally a relatively simple desi)n, -&t it -ecomes
increasin)ly -&l(y and heavy for hi)h-c&rrent eD&ipment d&e to the need for
lar)e mains-freD&ency transformers and heat-sin(ed electronic re)&lation
circ&itry. Conventional line-freD&ency power s&pplies are sometimes called
Plinear,P -&t that is a misnomer -eca&se the conversion from AC volta)e to
2C is inherently non-linear when the rectifiers feed into capacitive
reservoirs. Linear volta)e re)&lators prod&ce re)&lated o&tp&t volta)e -y
means of an active volta)e divider that cons&mes ener)y, th&s ma(in)
efficiency low. A switched-mode s&pply of the same ratin) as a line-
freD&ency s&pply will -e smaller, is &s&ally more efficient, -&t will -e more
A -attery is a device that converts stored chemical ener)y to electrical
ener)y. ,atteries are commonly &sed as ener)y so&rces in many ho&sehold
and ind&strial applications.
There are two types of -atteries@ primary -atteries 4disposa-le -atteries6,
which are desi)ned to -e &sed once and discarded, and secondary
-atteries 4rechar)ea-le -atteries6, which are desi)ned to -e rechar)ed and
&sed m&ltiple times. ,atteries come in many, from miniat&re cells &sed
in hearin) aids and wristwatches to room-si.e -attery -an(s that serve as
-ac(&p power s&pplies in telephone e5chan)es and comp&ter data centers.
DC #$%&' ()##*+:
An AC powered &nre)&lated power s&pply &s&ally &ses a transformer to
convert the volta)e from the wall o&tlet 4mains6 to a different, nowadays
&s&ally lower, volta)e. If it is &sed to prod&ce 2C, a rectifier is &sed to
convert alternatin) volta)e to a p&lsatin) direct volta)e, followed -y a filter,
comprisin) one or more capacitors, resistors, and sometimes ind&ctors, to
filter o&t 4smooth6 most of the p&lsation. A small remainin) &nwanted
alternatin) volta)e component at mains or twice mains power
freD&ency 4dependin) &pon whether half- or f&ll-wave rectification is &sed6
QrippleQis &navoida-ly s&perimposed on the direct o&tp&t volta)e.
For p&rposes s&ch as char)in) -atteries the ripple is not a pro-lem, and
the simplest &nre)&lated mains-powered 2C power s&pply circ&it consists of
a transformer drivin) a sin)le diode in series with a resistor.
,efore the introd&ction of solid-state electronics, eD&ipment
&sed valves 4vac&&m t&-es6 which reD&ired hi)h volta)esO power s&pplies
&sed step-&p transformers, rectifiers, and filters to )enerate one or more
direct volta)es of some h&ndreds of volts, and a low alternatin) volta)e for
filaments. 1nly the most advanced eD&ipment &sed e5pensive and -&l(y
re)&lated power s&pplies.
L./&,' '&0)*,-&1 #$%&' ()##*+:
The volta)e prod&ced -y an &nre)&lated power s&pply will vary
dependin) on the load and on variations in the AC s&pply volta)e. For
critical electronics applications a linear re)&lator may -e &sed to set the
volta)e to a precise val&e, sta-ili.ed a)ainst fl&ct&ations in inp&t volta)e and
load. The re)&lator also )reatly red&ces the ripple and noise in the o&tp&t
direct c&rrent. Linear re)&lators often provide c&rrent limitin), protectin) the
power s&pply and attached circ&it from overc&rrent.
Ad'&sta-le linear power s&pplies are common la-oratory and service
shop test eD&ipment, allowin) the o&tp&t volta)e to -e ad'&sted over a ran)e.
For e5ample, a -ench power s&pply &sed -y circ&it desi)ners may -e
ad'&sta-le &p to >: volts and &p to < amperes o&tp&t. Some can -e driven -y
an e5ternal si)nal, for e5ample, for applications reD&irin) a p&lsed o&tp&t.
AC2DC ()##*+:
In the past, mains electricity was s&pplied as 2C in some re)ions, AC in
others. Transformers cannot -e &sed for 2C, -&t a simple, cheap &nre)&lated
power s&pply co&ld r&n directly from either AC or 2C mains witho&t &sin)
a transformer. The power s&pply consisted of a rectifier and a filter
capacitor. /hen operatin) from 2C, the rectifier was essentially a
cond&ctor, havin) no effectO it was incl&ded to allow operation from AC or
2C witho&t modification.
S%.-34&1-5$1& #$%&' ()##*+:
In a switched-mode power s&pply 4S%$S6, the AC mains inp&t is
directly rectified and then filtered to o-tain a 2C volta)e. The res&ltin) 2C
volta)e is then switched on and off at a hi)h freD&ency -y electronic
switchin) circ&itry, th&s prod&cin) an AC c&rrent that will pass thro&)h
a hi)h-freD&ency transformer or ind&ctor. Switchin) occ&rs at a very hi)h
freD&ency 4typically 7: (+. Q 7 %+.6, there-y ena-lin) the &se
of transformers and filter capacitors that are m&ch smaller, li)hter, and less
e5pensive than those fo&nd in linear power s&pplies operatin) at mains
freD&ency. After the ind&ctor or transformer secondary, the hi)h freD&ency
AC is rectified and filtered to prod&ce the 2C o&tp&t volta)e. If the S%$S
&ses an adeD&ately ins&lated hi)h-freD&ency transformer, the o&tp&t will
-e electrically isolated from the mainsO this feat&re is often essential for
P'$0',55,6*& #$%&' ()##*+:
$ro)ramma-le power s&pplies allow for remote control of the o&tp&t
volta)e thro&)h an analo) inp&t si)nal or a comp&ter interface s&ch
as *S9>9 or "$I,. aria-le properties incl&de volta)e, c&rrent, and
freD&ency 4for AC o&tp&t &nits6. These s&pplies are composed of a
processor, volta)eBc&rrent pro)rammin) circ&its, c&rrent sh&nt, and
volta)eBc&rrent read--ac( circ&its. Additional feat&res can incl&de
overc&rrent, overvolta)e, and short circ&it protection, and temperat&re
compensation. $ro)ramma-le power s&pplies also come in a variety of
forms incl&din) mod&lar, -oard-mo&nted, wall-mo&nted, floor-mo&nted or
-ench top.
$ro)ramma-le power s&pplies can f&rnish 2C, AC, or AC with a 2C
offset. The AC o&tp&t can -e either sin)le-phase or three-phase. Sin)le-
phase is )enerally &sed for low-volta)e, while three-phase is more common
for hi)h-volta)e power s&pplies.
U/./-&'')#-.6*& #$%&' ()##*+:
An &ninterr&pti-le power s&pply 4U$S6 ta(es its power from two or
more so&rces sim&ltaneo&sly. It is &s&ally powered directly from the AC
mains, while sim&ltaneo&sly char)in) a stora)e -attery. Sho&ld there -e a
dropo&t or fail&re of the mains, the -attery instantly ta(es over so that the
load never e5periences an interr&ption. In a comp&ter installation, this )ives
the operators time to sh&t down the system in an orderly way. 1ther U$S
schemes may &se an internal com-&stion en)ine or t&r-ine to contin&o&sly
s&pply power to a system in parallel with power comin) from the AC. The
en)ine-driven )enerators wo&ld normally -e idlin), -&t co&ld come to f&ll
power in a matter of a few seconds in order to (eep vital eD&ipment r&nnin)
witho&t interr&ption. S&ch a scheme mi)ht -e fo&nd in hospitals or
telephone central offices.
H.04-7$*-,0& #$%&' ()##*+:
+i)h volta)e refers to an o&tp&t on the order of h&ndreds or tho&sands
of volts. +i)h-volta)e s&pplies &se a linear set&p to prod&ce an o&tp&t
volta)e in this ran)e.
Additional feat&res availa-le on hi)h-volta)e s&pplies can incl&de the
a-ility to reverse the o&tp&t polarity alon) with the &se of circ&it
-rea(ers and special connectors intended to minimi.e arcin) and accidental
contact with h&man hands. Some s&pplies provide analo) inp&ts that can -e
&sed to control the o&tp&t volta)e, effectively t&rnin) them into hi)h-
volta)e amplifiers al-eit with very limited -andwidth.
A volta)e m&ltiplier is an electrical circ&it that converts AC electrical
power from a lower volta)e to a hi)her 2C volta)e, typically -y means of a
networ( of capacitors and diodes. The inp&t volta)e may -e do&-led
4volta)e do&-ler6, tripled 4volta)e tripler6, D&adr&pled 4volta)e D&adr&pler6,
and so on. These circ&its allow hi)h volta)es to -e o-tained &sin) a m&ch
lower volta)e AC so&rce.
A volta)e m&ltiplier is a circ&it that prod&ces a d.c. volta)e eD&al to a
m&ltiple of the pea( inp&t volta)e. It consist two or more pea( detectors or
rectifiers. olta)e m&ltipliers fo&nd applications in circ&its, where
hi)h volta)e with low c&rrent is reD&ired s&ch as pict&re t&-e in T
receivers, oscilloscopes, etc.
A volta)e m&ltiplier is an electrical circ&it that converts AC electrical
power from a lower volta)e to a hi)her 2C
volta)e -y means of capacitors and diodes com-ined into a networ(.
2ependin) on the o&tp&t volta)e, m&ltipliers ca'n -e of different types
olta)e do&-lers
olta)e tipplers
olta)e D&adr&pler
The pro'ect R+U%A! ,12N TE%$E*ATU*ES has -een s&ccessf&lly
desi)ned and tested. Inte)ratin) feat&res of all the hardware components
&sed have developed it. $resence of all reasoned o&t and placed caref&lly
th&s contri-&tin) to the -est wor(in).

S8 S,. A/)(4,9:9Y1A:;!;<
K8 S',7,/-4. 9:9Y1A:;==<
B,-34 N$: 1"

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