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Periodic Table Worksheet Name Per.

1. Periodic means .
Examples of periodic properties:
2. What is a group (or family)? What is a period?
. !o" can you determine the num#er of electrons in an element$s outer energy le%el #y the group it$s in?
&. What is the octet rule?
'. Why do elements that ma(e positi%e ions occur on the left side of the periodic ta#le "hile those that
ma(e negati%e ions occur on the right?
). What is the common name for group 1*?
Why do the elements of this group usually not form ions?
+. ,omplete the follo"ing ta#le.
-roup ,ommon Name ,harge on .ons of this -roup
1 / 0 11111111
1) / )0 11111111
1+ / +0
*. Predict the charges on ions of the follo"ing atoms.
2a 0s 3e ,s .n 0t -a
4. a) .n group 15 "hich element is the most acti%e?
#) 6etallic acti%ity tends to (increase5 decrease) as one goes do"n -roup 1.
17. a) Which element is most acti%e in group 1+?
#) Nonmetal acti%ity tends to (increase5 decrease) as one goes do"n -roup 1+.
11. ,ompare and contrast ioni8ation energy and atomic radius.
.oni8ation Energy 2adius

:argest %alues
(metal or nonmetal side)
:argest %alues
(top or #ottom of group)
12. ,hoose the element in each pair that has the largest radius:
a) ; or <r #) = or <r c) !e or 2n d) 6g or ,l e) > or ? f) <e or >
1. ,hoose the element in each pair that has the highest ioni8ation energy:
a) Na or ,l #) Na or ,s c) = or . d) ; or = e) 6g or ? f) N or ?#
1&. When elements ha%e a large radius5 they tend to ha%e a (large5 small) ioni8ation energy. W!@???
1'. Name all the elements called metalloids.
Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt
1. Which element is a metal: <a (')) or 0t (*')?
2. Which period is ,a (27) in?
. What is the num#er of the group N (+) is in?
&. Which element is an al(ali metal: 2# (+) or 0l (1)?
'. Which element is a halogen: Na (11) or ,l (1+)?
). Which element is a no#le gas: Ne (17) or <r (') or > (*)?
+. Which element is the most acti%e nonmetal?
*. Which element is the most acti%e metal?
4. Which element has the largest radius: Na (11) or ,s ('')?
17. Which element "ould #e a positi%e ion in a compound: ?r (*) or 3e ('2)?
11. !o" many electron dots should 0s () ha%e?
12. Which element has the highest ioni8ation energy: ; (14) or ;r ())?
1. When 3e ('2) is an ion in a compound5 "hat charge does it ha%e?
1&. !o" many is an octet of electrons?
1'. Which element has the largest radius: 2# (+) or Ae ('&)?
1). Which element has the largest ioni8ation energy: ; (14) or ,l (1+)?
1+. Which element has ' %alence electrons? < (') or P (1')?
1*. Which element has 1* electrons "hen it is an ion "ith a B1 charge?
14. What atomic num#er "ould an isotope of C (42) ha%e?
27. !o" many neutrons does #romine1*7 ha%e?
Characteristics of Elements Name
Cse a periodic ta#le to help you ans"er the follo"ing Duestions.
1. a. !o" many protons does an atom of #romine (<r) ha%e? a.
#. .n "hich group num#er is #romine found? #.
c. What is the common name of this chemical family? c.
d. !o" many %alence electrons does it ha%e? d.
e. .s it a metal5 a nonmetal5 or a metalloid? e.
f. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of chlorine (,l)? f.
g. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of arsenic (0s)? g.
h. What ion is it most li(ely to form in compounds? h.
2. a. !o" many protons does an atom of argon (0r) ha%e? a.
#. .n "hich group num#er is argon found? #.
c. What is the common name of this chemical family? c.
d. !o" many %alence electrons does it ha%e? d.
e. .s it a metal5 a nonmetal5 or a metalloid? e.
f. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of (rypton (;r)? f.
g. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of sulfur (?)? g.
h. What ion is it most li(ely to form in compounds? h.
. a. !o" many protons does an atom of potassium (;) ha%e? a.
#. .n "hich group num#er is potassium found? #.
c. What is the common name of this chemical family? c.
d. !o" many %alence electrons does it ha%e? d.
e. .s it a metal5 a nonmetal5 or a metalloid? e.
f. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of sodium (Na)? f.
g. !o" does its atomic radius compare to that of selenium (?e)? g.
h. What ion is it most li(ely to form in compounds? h.
Periodic Table Vocabulary
,hoose the correct "ords from the list5 then place the appropriate num#er in each #lan(.
Word List:
1. actinide series 2. al(ali metal . al(aline earth metal &. anion
'. atomic mass ). atomic num#er +. cation *. family
4. group 17. halogen 11. lanthanide series 12. metal
1. metalloid 1&. no#le gas 1'. nonmetal 1). period
1+. periodic la" 1*. periodic ta#le 14. inner transition metals 27. transition metal
9mitri 6endelee% de%eloped a chartli(e arrangement of the elements called the . !e stated that if the
elements "ere listed in order of increasing 5 their properties repeated in a regular manner. !e called
this the of the elements. 3he arrangement used today differs from that of 6endelee% in that the
elements are arranged in order of increasing . Each hori8ontal ro" of elements is called a(n) .
Each %ertical column is called a(n) 5 or 5 #ecause of the resem#lance #et"een elements in the
same column5 a(n) .
.n ro"s & through +5 there is a "ide central section containing elements5 each of "hich is called a(n) .
2o"s ) and + also contain t"o other sets of elements that are listed #elo" the main chart. 3hese are
called the and the 5 respecti%ely. Each of the elements to the left of the stairstep line of the
chart5 is classified as a(n) . Each of the elements at the right side of the stairstep line is
classified as a(n) . Each of the elements #et"een these t"o main types5 ha%ing some properties li(e
one type and other properties li(e the other type5 is called a(n) . Each of the elements in the column
la#eled .0 or 1 is called a(n) . Each of the elements in the column la#eled ..0 or 2 is called a(n)
. Each of the elements in column E..0 or 1+ is called a(n) . Each of the elements in
column E...0 or 7 or 1* is called a(n) .
Periodicity Worksheet
Cse a periodic ta#le to help you ans"er the follo"ing Duestions.
1. Which element in the second period has the greatest atomic radius?
2. Which of the group ...0 (1) elements is the largest?
. >f the halogens5 "hich has the smallest radius?
&. Which of the al(aline earth metals is the largest?
'. Which of the transition metals has the smallest atomic radius?
). Which of the no#le gases is the smallest?
+. 3he atomic radius of "hich element is the largest?
*. 9o al(ali metals generally ma(e anions or cations?
4. Which of the elements "hich ha%e their %alence electrons in the second
energy le%el is the largest?
17. Which of the metalloids has the smallest atomic radius?
11. Which of the rare earth elements is the smallest?
12. Which of the transition metals in the fifth period is the largest?
1. 0re metal ions larger or smaller than the neutral atoms they came from?
1&. 0re cations larger or smaller than the neutral atoms they came from?
1'. 0re ions of al(ali metals larger or smaller than ions of al(aline earth
metals from the same period?
1). Which element in the second period has the greatest first ioni8ation
1+. Which of the group ...0 (1) elements has the largest ioni8ation
1*. >f the halogens5 "hich has the smallest electronegati%ity?
14. Which of the al(aline earth metals has the smallest electronegati%ity?
27. Which of the transition metals has the largest ioni8ation energy?
21. Which of the no#le gases has the smallest ioni8ation energy?
22. Which of the group .E< (1&) metals is the least acti%e?
2. Which of the halogens is the most acti%e?
2&. Which of the semi1metals that ha%e their %alence electrons in the fourth
energy le%el has the largest ioni8ation energy?
2'. Which of the period three elements has the largest electronegati%ity?
2). Which of the inner transition elements of the se%enth period is the
easiest to ioni8e?
2+. Which of the transition metals in the fifth period has the largest EN?
2*. Which of the group four metals has the largest ioni8ation energy?
24. Which of the non1metals in the third period is the most acti%e?
7. 0s atomic si8e increases5 "hat happens to the ioni8ation energy of the

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