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Heavy periods (Menorrhagia)

A normal period can be hard to define as every woman is different. But if you have to change
sanitary protection frequently, or if you have to use double protection (pad and tampon) or if you
pass large blood clots, you could call your periods heavy.
eavy periods can ma!e you anaemic and tired. ormonal changes, fibroids and endometriosis can
cause heavy periods. "imple medications such as #rane$amic acid or using the contraceptive pill can
reduce the bleeding significantly, so it is worth seeing you %&.'
Painful periods ((ysmenorrhoea)
"ome pain during periods is common, but if you ta!e pain!illers all the time or have to ta!e time
off wor!, it could indicate a condition called )ndometriosis which affects up to *+, of women.
%oing on the pill will often ma!e the periods lighter and less painful. -ften, your doctor will be able
to suggest simple measures to help your symptoms.'
Pain during sex ((yspareunia)
#his also could be a symptom of )ndometriosis if it is persistent and deep. especially if associated
with painful periods. "e$ can be painful after menopause if you have dryness and
using lubrication or oestrogen cream can help.'
leeding !e"#een periods (/ntermenstrual bleeding)
/f you are on the contraceptive pill, this could be a common side effect. /t will usually resolve in a
few months, but sometimes you may have to try a different pill.
/t can sometimes be a symptom of benign pathology inside the uterus such as fibroids (non0
cancerous lumps in the uterine muscle) or a polyp (grape0li!e pro1ection of tissue). /f persistent, your
doctor will recommend a scan to rule out any problems. -ccasionally, a hysteroscopy (camera
e$amination of uterus) may be required.'
leeding af"er sex (&ostcoital bleeding)
#his symptom could indicate a normal physiological condition called 2ervical )ctropion (when the
inner delicate lining of the cervi$ everts out) or infection such as 2hlamydia.
(o see your doctor if you get more than one episode. 3ery rarely, it can also be a symptom of
cervical cancer. Ma!e sure that you are up to date with your smear test and also have a se$ual health
screen if you are in a new relationship.'
A!nor$al s$ear
/f you have received a letter telling you that your smear is abnormal, you will understandably be
an$ious and worried. owever, an abnormal smear almost always means that a minor problem (pre0
cancerous change) has been detected and not anything serious (such as cervical cancer).
/t means that your smear test has done it4s 1ob and this minor problem can now be dealt with. /t is
very common to have an abnormal smear (* in *5 smears), but it is e$tremely rare for this
abnormality to be cancer.

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