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What is your background

I have done my graduation with humanities. Beauty always inspires me and

gives skies to my creativity. I joined Pearl Academy for my post graduation
because designing was the best way to express myself. I comes from a businees
background.My Father is a businessman and mother is home-maker.

Why did you choose this topic

As a person i am very close to nature. During childhood I used to gaze lots of
butterfly who were regular wanderers of my garden, with the passage of time
I was growing up with a hint that those wanderers have been lost their way.
Butterflies were coming lesser every year. Then a thought had started
haunting me..Are they dying? Is there a possibility that their body is not
capable enough to deal with environmental changes? After some reserch and
going through the facts and figures I found that they were extincting. In many
places in the world the number of butterflies is dropping rapidly. Habitats
have been destroyed on a massive scale. Factories, highways, and houses have
taken over most of the land on which butterflies used to live. They live in
danger of being poisoned. In many places people use pesticides to kill harmful
insects which also kill these delicate creatures. In addition, patterns of climate
and weather are shifting unpredictably in response to pollution. Their
fragility makes them quick to react to change so their struggle to survive is a
serious warning about our environment. I wanted to spread the word and
make people aware that if we lose butterflies we'll lose a lot. Dedicating my
final year project is a small effort by me to these mesmerizing butterflies.

Pearl helped me out a lot to grow as a socio-responsible designer. I owe my
gratitude to my design mentor Mr. Nandan ghiya for his patience, motivation,
enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. He has been very kind and patient,
whilst suggesting to me the outlines of this project, and correcting my doubts.
I have been fortunate to have an mentor who gave me the freedom to explore
on my own, and at the same time the guidance to recover when my steps
faltered. He taught me how to question thoughts and express ideas. He helped
me overcome many crisis situations. Besides my mentor, I am equally grateful
to my course leader Mr. Kunal dutta for their constant support & guidence. I
would thank sincerely the rest of my mentors and teachers who all helped me,
for I have completed my project effectively and moreover, on time. I
acknowledge entire staff of pearl for providing me a very educated
atmosphere who laid seeds of enthusiasism and passion in my pursuit of

What is the social contribution / impact of your work

I believe it will create a impact on society as people will become more sensitive
towards the nature which will finally help them to contribute their bit in
maintaining our ecosystem.In my Project I have displayed the joy of being
beautiful and free is turning into a Dying Butterfly, and it is not her fault.
This blame belongs to us, the people of this planet Earth. Many more people
now would get aware by the dying butterfly project that we all are responsible
for killing these butterflies intentionally or in ignorance. Butterflies are one of
the most threatened groups of wildlife. Worldwide, there are over 170 species
of butterflies that are considered to be endangered and 50 species are in
danger of extinction. Little is known about the status of hundreds more
species. This project would raise awareness of the drastic decline in butterflies
and create widespread acceptance that sincere steps needs to be taken to
reverse the decline of several of our most threatened butterfly species.

Why is this a life changing idea

Butterflies are equally worthy of conservation in their own right like tigers.
Conserving butterflies will improve our whole environment for wildlife and
enrich the lives of people now and in future. This project has made me a
better human being and gave me an opportunity to spread a message to our
society that "designers are not those who use animals for their fur and skin
but designs a better world by saving any dying art & craft either it is humanly
or god-made". This idea will allow these divine beauties to live with us and
flutter their charisma on our planet forever.

Who will benefit most from this idea

We all and our environment will be benefitted by this project as it inspires us
to save our natural heritage. Saving butterflies from extinction is important
because they are highly sensitive indicators of the healthy environment and
thriving ecosystems. A decline in butterflies would also have a knock-on effect
on other species and plants. Being a beautiful and major component of our
wildlife, they play crucial roles in the food chain, as predators and prey as
well as being pollinators of plants. My project would aware people to create a
beautiful world full of wonderful butterflies.

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