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PACC supports Governor Corbetts plan to dismantle

Common Core. Read furter! "ee #at a$tions are no#
under#a% to remove Common Core from PA
Governor Corbett Gets "erious About Eliminatin& Common Core
This week Governor Corbett submitted a press release (click link below) relating to his commitment to
eliminate Common Core from Pennsylvania schools. He is taking the first step in this process. He has
called for the tate !oard of "ducation to hold hearings regarding the standards and the unintended
conse#uences of this policy. Common Core is the root and the $core$ of countless unintended
conse#uences that are hurting students% parents% teachers% school districts and ta& payers alike.
There are many reasons all of us are fighting Common Core. ome are fighting to protect the privacy
of our children. ome are vehemently opposed to the testing. 'thers are opposed to the standards
themselves. Parents of children with special needs have an entire set of Common Core conse#uences
that need to be addressed while school districts and ta& payers are beginning to feel the true financial
burden Common Core is leaving in its wake.
(egardless of your reason for opposing Common Core and regardless of your political affiliation% we
are all fighting for one reason% to eliminate Common Core and to restore education for the people with
the greatest vested interest% the children.
The governor is now prepared to take the first step in eliminating Common Core. )e need to support
him in these efforts. )e all wish there was a magic wand we could wave that would restore education
instantaneously% but unfortunately it took years of misguided policy making to get us in this mess and it
is going to take a long time and sleepless nights to get us back to legitimate state generated standards.
*lready% the governor+s statement is transitioning into action. The ,epartment of "ducation (P,") and
the governor+s staff are working with us to develop the mechanism for new state generated standards.
P*CC is in constant communication with both the P," and the governor+s policy people% and we are
collaborating with acclaimed national e&perts to formulate new Pennsylvania standards. )e are
addressing special education needs as well as assessments and teaching methodologies. The P," is
now designing a website which will allow parents to voice their concerns directly to the department.
This website is scheduled to launch by 'ctober -.
. P*CC and data privacy e&perts are working with
legislators to develop comprehensive legislation to close the loopholes allowed by /"(P* which in
turn will protect the privacy of our children.
)e ask you all to offer up your support to the governor. 0et him know you are behind him. end him
and email% a letter% give him a phone call. Tell him you will do whatever it takes to help him eliminate
Common Core and all of its unintended conse#uences from Pennsylvania.

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