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The computers which provide us continuous information are called analog
computers. Analog computers represent physical quantities in the form of waves or
in continuous form. For example, a turntable (or record player) is an analog device,
because a turntable reads bumps and grooves from a record as a continuous signal.
Thermometer is the example of analog computers because it measures the length of
a mercury column continuously.

Digital information is stored using a series of ones and zero. Computers are digital
machines because they can only read information as on or off -- 1 or 0. This
method of computation, also known as the binary system, may seem rather
simplistic, but can be used to represent incredible amounts of data. CDs and DVDs
can be used to store and play back high-quality sound and video even though they
consist entirely of ones and zero.

These computers have no state
The Speed of analog computer is fast
These computers are not reliable
Became the base for digital computers
These computers are difficult to operate and use
These computers are easy to develop
These computers have small memory


Digital computers have two states On (0) and Off (1).
These computers are easy to use.
Human being like to use digital computers.
These computers are reliable.
Digital computers have big memory.
Working speed of digital computers is slower as compared to analog computers.
These computers are further divided into different categories such as personal
computers, Mainframe computers and super computers.

Properties of Digital vs Analog signals

Digital information has certain properties that distinguish it from analog
communication methods. These include
Synchronization digital communication uses specific synchronization
sequences for determining synchronization.
Language digital communications requires a language which should be
possessed by both sender and receiver and should specify meaning of symbol
Errors disturbances in analog communication causes errors in actual intended
communication but disturbances in digital communication does not cause errors
enabling error free communication. Errors should be able to substitute, insert or
delete symbols to be expressed.
Copying analog communication copies are quality wise not as good as their
originals while due to error free digital communication, copies can be made
Granularity for a continuously variable analog value to be represented in
digital form there occur quantization error which is difference in actual analog
value and digital representation and this property of digital communication is
known as granularity.

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