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Solar System Migration

23 Sept 2013

RQ: Reader Question C: The Committee

RQ: If humanity's migration in this solar system started with the destroyed planet now seen as the
asteroid belt, then Mars, then to Earth what preceded this solar system? Was a human type brought from
somewhere else? By another life form or race, what was the original plan for this system?

C: Of the three questions we shall commence in reverse order, for the sequence they suggest is not
this way, we need not have concern for sequential time and suggest its view to these questions distorts;
excellent they are.

To ask of another life form or race, we say, there are two concepts, one within and the other above and
surrounding; a life type is a word we prefer for your English, for race simple indicates a subset, a
component of features within. We understand you know this yet it is mentioned to highlight a uniqueness
of Earth; race develops on it, a life form arrives upon it.

Evolution requires appearance of newer species and likewise disappearance, much concern and frustration
when disappearance occurs. It is natural and can be accepted. Concern there would be for too rapid a
decline in the number of life forms and species yet the perspective humans have of only this most recent
iteration of life is insufficient to appreciate such effect as it occurs normally.

There was no original plan for the solar system; no schedule, budget, strategy or philosophy. Without
sequential time, there is no original and no subsequent. Yes, time is perceived and agreed and thereby
exists on Earth, and to a different interpretation, also on Mars and other planets, yet far beyond human
notions and intervals. Common to the three extends beyond your solar system, which exists not in a
vacuum and forms part of the galaxy and of course, the universe. In this context there is no time and no
original plan.

There exists an ever evolving idea of Earth and it evolves now; it is constantly updated and amended and
its history, as you see it and will understand once you return home, has a sequence assigned to the
timeline Earth perceives. In any point, all is in that moment and neither subsequent nor preceding are

Yes, human types in a body of the biped form you now have were brought and introduced by what you
would call extraterrestrials, at the request and desire of souls having lived upon what you have named
Mars. DNA was introduced, both prior to incarnation upon Earth and afterwards, as humanity began.

What preceded this solar system was nothing; the sun and its planets move through the galaxy as the
galaxy moves through the universe and no spot or place or location exists; this is all the universe. All
things move and develop.

From where came the life forms that lived on the planet now asteroids? Canopus, Sirius, Pleiades and
Arcturus were a principal origin, yet bodies and physical form, real as they are, are no more than
temporary manifestation of true substance and solidity, your soul.

Many of these hail from places very far away in your galaxy and from other galaxies. Earth was always
known to be a challenge; your human development has not disappointed.
MoFoKai 24/09/2013 9:13am
The Pleiadian Message - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

- Mo

L.A. George 24/09/2013 1:09pm
Committee and Patrick: Thank You.
1. If I read correctly, it seems as if the human physical form as we see it now, evolved mostly on earth
when specific dna was introduced.
2. The original 'source migration' came from outside the solar system, to the asteroid field (Planet) to
Mars then Earth. I also perceive that the physical biped form may have presented on the other two
planets but was not very similar to our current form. I get a picture that the Mars biped form was taller and
thinner due to less gravity.
3. I wonder how accurate the picture I see is of the first planet's forms: I sense mixed biped forms that
were more energy in appearance and thought form produced, i.e., no conception and birth as we have
now, just energy slowed to match the planets particular vibration. Would the Committe respond to
Many thanks
Patrick 24/09/2013 6:03pm
The Committee says:

1. No, only some features and general characteristics. The general form came this way.

2. Yes, but it was quite similar. The differences being eyes and size to a certain extent however,
many sizes of animals exist on Earth in the same gravity field. Many humans are differently sized
also; there were average differences but body-to-body there can be much variation. The greater
difference anthropologists already know; height correlates more closely to flatness/ruggedness of
terrain. Thinness or otherwise was common before Earth and is so also with many physical

3. The beings on the first planet were very similar to your Earth form now, with similar
reproduction and other bodily functions.

L 25/09/2013 8:32am
Thank you

Denise J armon 28/09/2013 6:33pm
"Earth was always known to be a challenge; your human development has not disappointed."
That is a loaded to expand?

Patrick 29/09/2013 10:59am
The Holocaust, The Crusades, World War II, World War I, Atlantis' self generated demise, The
Black Plague, Rwanda genocide. The Vietnam War, The Korean War......

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