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07 June 2012 Space

Q: What can we told about space, whats known as outer space beyond the atmosphere of a
A: Its not empty, devoid of existence or materials; many things "occupy" the space.

Q: Why does it seem empty?
A: By comparison with two things, the Earths atmosphere and the vibration level of Earth
existence and life, it indeed seems this way.

Q: What is found there, above Earth's atmosphere, that cannot be detected?
A: Several types of things all of which cannot be seen, felt or heard. There are physical
objects which vibrate at a level unable to be seen by an Earth human which can be revealed and
shown by the occupants or beings we struggle with a word to convey the substance of living
bodies in other systems, other planets of other stars that travel to you as they choose to allow
you to see. These are named unidentified flying objects, a curious name for them as they do not
fly. They do not use air pressure differential as do birds and their mechanical derivatives you
have constructed called aircraft. These vessels, these ships, these enclosures again we struggle
with a word, as you do not know these things and their technologies so no concise words exist,
not yet are found in your "outer space". Also there are all of the other beings of an energetic
nature where no body is present. Your human bodies are based on compounds or chemicals
using carbon, silicone is common in other bodily existences and there are also other chemical
compounds you do not know, elements that your periodic table does not have. Mostly there is
energy, of a nature and quality you cannot perceive, not yet fully. This energy or force of
existence is everywhere.

Q: How does light travel through this mass of energy?
A: There are frequencies of light and emissions you do not see in addition to what you do
see, some from stars but others from many sources you do not see or know of. The idea that light
is limited to a certain speed is not true; just as your existence can and does travel via circular
routes of ever increasing spheres and their intersections followed by corresponding proportions
of shrinking or reducing spheres to arrive at destination, so does the light, and this happens at
velocities in proportion to your ability to move similar to what is felt and available on Earth.
This concept of Earth "light years" does not exist. 300 light years to define the distance as
109,500 rotations of your Earth is not accurate. The light from a star you calculate to be this
distance requires but one rotation of your planet to reach you; the portion you see is slowed to
the speed you can see; most of the light energy you do not detect and cannot sense. This part of
it moves in a way and speed an Earth vibration body does not pick up.

Q: Is there electricity in space?
A: Light is electricity, two forms of the same thing. Yes, it is everywhere.

Q: Is electricity in space dangerous?
A: All energy forms can be, however no, it is not.

Q: Is this electricity energy in space of great power?
A: Electromagnetism is the powerful expression of thought and is the most forceful in the
universe of your existence. Note there are universe existences you will not see until returning

Q: Why does space seem empty, then?
A: Just as a bullet is never seen but certainly is there. It is not heard or seen yet exists. The
concept is similar.

Q: Will we be able to rise to space after we pass on?
A: Yes, however your true existence, whats referred to as your soul, does this now as you
sleep, many of you.

Q: Can you provide an example of the differences?
A: We attempt this; we understand differences as empty space versus its true nature. Your
Earth has adopted a measurement base called a metre, segments or units of which are tracked
by a device called a meter, 1,000 of these units, a kilometer, is your favored longer human
distance unit. The beautiful Earth is just a little more than 40,000 kilometres or 40,000,000
metres in circumference, the bulge effect of 75 additional metres caused by your centrifugal
force; we say yours, as your Earths gravity relative to the vibrations of Earths existence do not
exist in certain dimensionalities above the sixth as they now do in the current three and soon-to-
be four then five.

Light is said to travel at 300,000 kilometres per second and thus it would travel the
circumference of your planet 7 times in the one second.

There exists no "second" that being 1/60 of a minute itself 1/60 of an hour but 1 of 24 in a single
rotation so this velocity estimation is for a three dimension vibration range; thus light requires
7.5 seconds where its speed appears limited to 300Kkm/hour. There are light waves from this
that move in a way that obviates your need and ability to measure speed.

You can be anywhere on the surface in what Earth perceives as nil passage of time.

Q: Why are the distances so large?
A: Large is a relative description; this depends on the vibration range. In the ranges of the
three dimensions humans sense, the distances are large. This is not the case for other beings and
for existence without a body in dense matter.

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