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1 Sequence of Events: Before

When talking about events (things that happen), we can combine two sentences
using before. Using before shows the time relationship between the first event
and the second event. (We use before with the event that happens second.) For
Example Explanation
put on m! glasses.
read the paper.
"hese two statements express two
separate events. We are not reall!
sure which event happens first.
# $
put on m! glasses before read the paper.
$ #
Before read the paper put on m! glasses.
n these combined sentences, we
know the order of the two events.
n one of these combined sentences,
there is a comma. n the other
combined sentence, there is no
What is the rule for using a comma'
n the above combined sentences, there are two clauses, or parts. (ach clause
has a sub)ect and a verb. *ne clause is the in!epen!ent clause, or main
clause. "he other clause is the !epen!ent clause, or subordinate clause. "he
dependent clause depends on the independent clause. For example:
+,efore read the paper-
+- before m! friend visits me.
+,efore we stud!-
"hese are dependent clauses. .lone, a dependent clause is not a complete
sentence because it does not express a complete idea. t must be connected to
an independent clause. ,ecause of the word before, we want more information.
put on m! glasses.
clean m! house.
We eat a snack.
"hese are independent clauses. .n independent clause expresses a complete,
or finished, idea. .lone, it is a complete sentence. We do not need more
/op!right 0 $11#2$113 b! /. 4irchner 5 6. /hristians
n combined sentences with an independent clause and a dependent clause, we
can understand the time relationship between the first event and the second
,efore read the paper, put on m! glasses.
clean m! house before m! friend visits me.
,efore we stud!, we eat a snack.
n the following pairs of combined sentences, the same two events occur, but in a
different order. 7tud! the difference in meaning between the two pairs of
e8uivalent sentences:
# $ $ #
watch the news before eat dinner. 9 ,efore eat dinner, watch the news.
# $ $ #
eat dinner before watch the news. 9 ,efore watch the news, eat dinner.
Directions: /ombine the two sentences b! t!ping a new sentence using before.
n the new sentence, put the independent clause first. :ut the dependent clause
with before second. Use the necessar! capitali;ation and punctuation.
# $
#. i wake up i get up wake up before get up.
# $
$. i take a shower i get dressed
# $
<. i put on m! socks i put on m! shoes
# $
=. i call the president i eat breakfast
# $
>. i read the paper i leave for school
# $
?. i eat dinner i wash the dishes
# $
@. i do m! homework i watch tv
# $
A. i watch tv i go to bed
Directions: /ombine the two sentences b! t!ping a new sentence using before.
n the new sentence, put the dependent clause with before first. (,e sure to use
a comma after the dependent clause.) :ut the independent clause second. Use
the necessar! capitali;ation and punctuation.
# $
#. i wake up i get up ,efore get up, wake up.
# $
$. i take a shower i get dressed
# $
<. i put on m! socks i put on m! shoes
# $
=. i have a cup of coffee i eat breakfast
/op!right 0 $11#2$113 b! /. 4irchner 5 6. /hristians
# $
>. i read the newspaper i leave for school
# $
?. i eat dinner i do m! homework
# $
@. i do m! homework i watch tv
# $
A. i watch tv i go to bed
(nd of <, 1#21#
/op!right 0 $11#2$113 b! /. 4irchner 5 6. /hristians

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