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Biology Day 1 Biomolecules, Chemistry Review, Enzymes and Metabolism

Monosaccharides glucose, fructose, galactose

Oligosaccharides sucrose (glu/fru), lactose (gal/glu), and maltose (glu/glu) are disaccharides

Polysaccharides starch, glycogen, cellulose, chitin, etc.
Storage and structural polysaccharides
Starch glucose polymer functioning as energy storage in plants
Glycogen glucose polymer functioning as energy storage in animals
Cellulose glucose polymer functioning as a structural polysaccharide in plant cell walls
Chitin N-acetylglucosamine polymer functioning as a structural polysaccharide in insect exoskeletons
and fungal cell walls

Amino Acids

-Polar (hydrophilic) vs nonpolar (hydrophobic) side chains

-Acidic vs. basic side chains
Asp and Glu are acidic (negatively charged at pH 7)
Lys and Arg are basic (positively charged at pH 7)
-some include His as basic (but not positively charged at pH 7)

-Increases membrane fluidity at low temperatures
-Decreases membrane fluidity at high temperatures
-Steroid precursor

Triacylglycerols (triglycerides)
-3 fatty acids bonded to glycerol via ester linkages

Lipid Bilayer

Nucleic Acids
Purines (Adenine and Guanine) Pyrimidines (Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine)

Nucleoside (sugar + base) vs Nucleotide (sugar + base + phosphate)

Base-pairing (Watson-Crick)


Chemistry Review
Thermodynamics vs Kinetics


AG = AG + RTlnQ

AG = -RTlnK

1) Speeds up a reaction
2) Lowers the activation energy (in both directions)
3) Provides an alternate mechanism (pathway) for the reaction to occur
4) Is not consumed in a rxn
5) Does not shift the equilibrium.

Reaction Coordinate Diagrams

- + - Spontaneous at all temperatures
+ - + Non-spontaneous at all temperatures
- - + Spontaneous at low temperatures
+ + - Spontaneous at high temperatures
AG<0 K
AG>0 K
AG=0 K

K >> 1 Products favored at eq.
K << 1 Reactants favored at eq.
K ~ 1 Considerable Prod/React
present at eq.

AG < 0 Spontaneous (exergonic)
AG > 0 Non-spontaneous (endergonic)
AG = 0 Equilibrium

Enzyme Kinetics
Michaelis-Menton Kinetics
Higher Km, lower affinity for substrate
Substrate Specificity
Feedback Inhibition

Competitive Inhibition
-Inhibitor binds to the active site
-Increases K

-Does not change V

Non-competitive Inhibition
-Inhibitor binds somewhere other than the active site
-Decreases V

-Does not change K

] [
] [

Sigmoidal curve
Hemoglobin vs. myoglobin
Bohr Effect - H
and CO
decrease the affinity of hemoglobin for O

Enzyme Regulation
1) Allosteric Regulation (ex. feedback inhibition)
2) Phosphorylation (covalent modification)
-Ser, Thr, and Tyr residues can be phosphorylated by kinases (use ATP hydrolysis) or phophorylases
-Phosphatases dephosphorylate enzymes
-Phosphorylation can either activate or inhibit an enzyme depending upon the enzyme
3) Zymogens inactive precursors that become active upon proteolytic cleavage
4) Cofactors involvement of metal ions or organic molecules (coenzymes)
5) Association with other peptides

Cellular Structure

-Single circular dsDNA genome and possibly the presence of a plasmid(s).
-No nucleus, membrane bound organelles or mitotic apparatus.
-Coupled transcription and translation.


Organelle Function
Nucleus DNA storage and site of transcription
Surrounded by a nuclear envelope (2 lipid bilayers) through which nuclear pores regulate
traffic of large molecules
Contains the nucleolus (dark spot which is the site of rRNA synthesis)
Ribosomes Translation of mRNA into proteins (present in both pro- and eukaryotes)
Rough ER ER associated with ribosomes that is involved in synthesis and glycosylation of peptides to
form glycoproteins destined for secretion or integration into the membrane
Smooth ER Synthesis of lipids (membrane) and hormones often for export from the cell
Breakdown of toxins in liver cells
Golgi Apparatus Modification (glycosylation) and packaging of proteins into vesicles for secretion or
transport to cellular destinations (like lysosomes)
Mitochondria Site of ATP synthesis via ATP Synthase as a result of oxidative phosphorylation (PDC,
Krebs cycle and the Electron Transport Chain)
Site of fatty acid catabolism (|-oxidation)
Have their own DNA (circular) and ribosomes for self-replication
Lysosomes Contains acid hydrolases (digestive enzymes) and have pH~5
Degradation of old organelles or phagocytosed materials
Produced from the Golgi Apparatus
Not present in plant cells
Peroxisomes Involved in the breakdown (involving hydrogen peroxide) of many substances including,
fatty acids, amino acids, and various toxins
Carry out the glyoxalate cycle in germinating plant seeds
Centrioles Source of the spindle apparatus used for cell division (acts as a microtubule organizing
center a.k.a. MTOC)
Not present in plant cells
Vacuoles Fluid-filled membrane-bound vesicles used for transport, storage of nutrients and other
substances, pumping excess water out of a cell, and cell rigidity (in plants)
Chloroplasts Site of photosynthesis in plant cells

Animal cells have lysosomes and centrioles (not present in plant cells).

Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts and a central vacuole (not present in animal cells).

Mitochondrial Structure

-PDC and Citric Acid Cycle occur in the matrix
-ETC Complexes are located in the inner membrane
-Protons are pumped (actively) from the matrix to
the intermembrane space
-ATP synthase is located in the inner membrane and
synthesizes ATP on the matrix side

Catabolism breakdown of molecules to release energy
Anabolism construction of molecules (requires energy)

Catabolism of Glucose (oxidation of glucose):
+ 6O
+ 6H
-Highly exergonic (AG is negative)

Anaerobic Catabolism of Glucose
1) Glycolysis (cytosol) substrate-level phosphorylation
2) Fermentation (cytosol)


NADH (reduction)
-glucose 2 pyruvate (oxidation)
-initial investment of 2 ATP followed by production of 4 ATP = net of 2 ATP
-formation of ATP here is referred to as substrate-level phosphorylation
Regulation: inhibited by ATP (feedback inhibition) and glucagon (low blood sugar hormone response)
activated by AMP, other reactants, and insulin (high blood sugar hormone response)


-occurs when aerobic respiration isnt possible
-regenerates NAD
for more glycolysis
-pyruvate ethanol and CO
pyr lactate (reductions)
Pyruvate CO
+ acetaldehyde ethanol (Alcohol Fermentation)

obligate anaerobe cant survive in the presence of O
; carry out only fermentation or anaerobic respiration
facultative anaerobe capable of fermentation or aerobic respiration

Aerobic Catabolism of Glucose
1) Glycolysis (cytosol) substrate-level phosphorylation
2) Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC) (Mitochondrial Matrix)
3) Citric Acid Cycle (also called Krebs Cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle) (Mitochondrial Matrix)
4) Electron Transport Chain (Mitochondrial Inner Membrane) oxidative phosphorylation

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDC)

-conversion of NAD
to NADH is a reduction
-conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA and CO
is an oxidation

Citric Acid Cycle

-net conversion of acetyl-CoA to 2 CO
per cycle (which is an oxidation)
-conversion of NAD
to NADH and FAD to FADH
are reductions
-formation of ATP here is also referred to as substrate-level phosphorylation

Electron Transport Chain

Chemiosmosis The electron transport chain establishes a proton gradient (establishing an electrochemical
potential) which powers ATP synthase.

Summary of Aerobic Respiration
+ 6O
+ 6H
Process Energy-Related Products ATP Yield
Glycolysis 2 ATP (net)

Citric Acid Cycle 2 ATP

Totals 4 ATP
10 NADH (2.5-3ATP / NADH)
(1.5-2ATP / FADH
3-4 ATP

Production of glucose; the reverse of glycolysis (uses a few different enzymes)
-occurs mainly in the liver (but also the kidneys)

Overall Regulation of Glucose Metabolism
Ratios Catabolism activated and Anabolism inhibited
Ratios Anabolism activated and Catabolism inhibited

Glycogen Metabolism
Glucose polymer for glucose storage in the liver and muscles
-insulin (high blood sugar response) activates glycogen synthesis
-glucagon (low blood sugar response) and epinephrine (fight or flight) promote glycogenolysis (degradation)

Cori cycle lactate transported to the liver for conversion back to glucose

Lipid Catabolism (|-Oxidation)
-takes place in the mitochondrial matrix
-fatty acids are cleaved into 2 carbon fragments (acetyl-CoA)
-the acetyl-CoA can then enter the Citric Acid Cycle
-It costs two ATP to activate a fatty acid for |-Oxidation
-Each round of |-Oxidation produces 1 NADH and 1 FADH

Protein Metabolism
Pyruvate, Oxaloacetate, and o-ketoglutarate can be converted into various amino acids and vice-versa

Biology Day 2 Molecular Biology: DNA and Protein Synthesis
Nucleoside (ribose + base) vs. nucleotide (ribose + base + 3 phosphates)
Purines (guanine and adenine) and pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine, and uracil)

DNA double helix (right-handed helix)
Antiparallel strands


Held together by H-bonding

Base stacking

Watson-Crick base pairing
G-C: 3 Hydrogen bonds
A-T: 2 Hydrogen bonds

Chromosome Organization
Prokaryotes - One circular chromosome (supercoiled by DNA gyrase)

Eukaryotes Many linear chromatin
Wrapped around nucleosomes (histone octamers)
Chromatin are called chromosomes when condensed during mitosis
Have centromeres and telomeres


Replication (Making DNA from a DNA template)
1) Helicase unwinds DNA helix and separates strands forming the replication fork(s) at the origin.
Topoisomerase unravels DNA ahead of the replication bubble to relieve tension.

2) Single-strand binding proteins bind and stabilize the single stranded DNA.

3) Primase lays RNA primers on the leading (only once) and lagging strand (many times).

4) DNA polymerase (III*) elongates new complementary strands for both the leading strand (continuously)
and the lagging strand (discontinuously) in the 5 3 direction (for both).
The fragments on the lagging strand are called Okazaki fragments.

5) DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments together (seals the backbone).

6) DNA Polymerase (Pol I*) replaces the RNA primers with DNA

Semiconservative new DNA has one parent strand and one daughter strand

Replication of the telomeres (by telomerase) in eukaryotes

Energy provided by breaking high energy phosphate bonds during formation of phosphodiester linkages.

Reverse Transcriptase polymerase in retroviruses that synthesizes DNA from an RNA template

Prokaryotic DNA polymerases
DNA Pol Function Exonuclease Activity
DNA Pol I Replace Primers and DNA repair 3 to 5 and 5 to 3 exonuclease
DNA Pol II ??? SOS ??? ???
DNA Pol III Primary pol for elongation 3 to 5 exonuclease

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
1 Circular chromosome Many linear chromatin
Supercoiled (by DNA gyrase) Wrapped around nucleosomes (histone octamers)
1 origin of replication Many origins of replication
Bi-directional Bi-directional
DNA Repair
35 exonuclease (Pol III) can remove the last nucleotide if an error occurs during replication.

Nick Translation
-Occurs when there is a nick in the DNA backbone
1) 53 exonuclease activity of DNA Pol I removes a few nucleotides from the 3 end at the nick
2) DNA Pol I then replaces the nucleotides it removed
3) DNA ligase seals the nick

Mismatch Repair
-DNA is methylated prior to replication (prokaryotes); this allows for the parent strand (methylated) and
daughter strand (not methylated) to be distinguished after replication and any errors during replication in the
daughter strand to be repaired.
-Several enzymes and proteins are involved.
1) The area around the mismatch is removed on the daughter strand.
2) DNA Pol III fills in the gap.
3) DNA ligase seals the backbone.

Base-excision Repair
1) A damaged base is removed leaving an AP site.
2) An AP endonuclease removes the rest of that nucleotide.
3) An exonuclease removes several more nucleotides.
4) DNA Pol I fills in the gap.
5) DNA ligase seals the backbone.

Nucleotide-excision Repair
-most common form of repair for damage caused by UV light.
1) The area around the damage is removed.
2) DNA Pol I fills in the gap.
3) DNA ligase seals the backbone.

Protein Synthesis


Transcription is the principle site for the regulation of gene expression (transcription factors).
Splicing introns, exons, spliceosomes, self-splicing, alternate splicing

-Genetic Code is degenerate

Transcription (Making RNA from a DNA template)
1) Initiation - RNA Pol binds promoter region and begins unzipping DNA.
Promoter region contains a -35 sequence and Pribnow box in prokaryotes.
Promoter region often contains a TATA box in eukaryotes.

2) Elongation - RNA Pol begins transcribing (forming complementary RNA)
at the start site (5 3 direction).
It is the template (or non-coding) strand only that is being transcribed.

3) Termination - Transcription is terminated at a special sequence.
Template Strand (Non-coding, anti-sense) vs. Coding Strand (Sense)
Gene a DNA sequence encoding for a protein (usually).

Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
1 RNA polymerase 3 RNA polymerases
(RNA pol I for rRNA nucleolus)
(RNA pol II for mRNA)
(RNA pol III for tRNA)
Promoter is -35 sequence and
Pribnow box (-10)
Promoter is often TATA box (-25)
Occurs in the cytoplasm Occurs in the Nucleus
Coupled transcription/translation Not coupled (Occur in separate compartments)
No mRNA processing 5CAP, poly A tail, splicing out introns
mRNA is often polycistronic mRNA is monocistronic

Genetic Code

Start Codon
Stop Codons
UGA U Go Away
UAA U Are Away
UAG U Are Gone

Point mutation a single base substitution
Missense mutation point mutation leading to a codon
coding for a different amino acid
Nonsense mutation point mutation leading to a stop codon
Frame-shift mutation insertion or deletion leading to a
change in the reading frame of a gene

Lac Operon (an example of Transcription Regulation)
The Lac genes allow for the catabolism of lactose.
The repressor binds to the operator preventing transcription.
Lactose binds the repressor removing it from the operator.

Translation (Making a peptide from mRNA)
1) Small ribosomal subunit binds to mRNA near the 5 end (along with many initiation factors).
Shine-Dalgarno sequence at -10 in prokaryotes; other sequences in eukaryotes
2) Met-tRNA (fMet in prokaryotes) binds to the start codon (AUG) via its anticodon will be the P site.
Aminoacyl site (A site), Peptidyl site (P site) and Exit site (E site)
3) Large ribosomal subunit binds.

4) 2
charged tRNA binds at the A site (requires GTP hydrolysis).
5) Ribosome catalyzes peptide bond formation.
6) Translocation (APE) requires GTP hydrolysis.

7) release factor binds when stop codon appears in the A site.

-Charging tRNA requires ATP hydrolysis.

Ribosomes 70S (50S&30S) in prokaryotes and 80S (60S&40S) in eukaryotes)

Post-translational modifications may be made at the ER or Golgi body.

Replication Transcription Translation
Begins at Origin of Replication Start Site
(upstream promoter)
Start Codon(AUG)
(upstream Shine-Dalgarno sequence)
Elongation Enzyme DNA Polymerase RNA Polymerase Ribosome
Where? (prokaryotes) Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
Where? (eukaryotes) Nucleus Nucleus Cytoplasm

Eukaryotic RNA polymerases
RNA pol I rRNA

Recombinant DNA Techniques
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA amplification
1) Denaturation DNA strands are separated with heating (>90C)
2) Annealing The sample is cooled (~55C) to allow primers specific to the target
sequence to anneal to the template strands of the target sequence.
3) Elongation Taq polymerase replicates the templates (~70C)
4) Thermal cycling is repeated many times.

Restriction Enzymes
-endonucleases that cut dsDNA at a specific sequence leaving either sticky or blunt ends.
-Eco RI cuts at the palindromic sequence 5' GAATTC 3'

Gene Cloning-Transferring a gene from one cell to another to impart the genes function
1) A gene is inserted into a plasmid using restriction enzymes and DNA ligase.
2) The plasmid is used to transform bacteria (bacteria take up the plasmid).

Plasmids small circular dsDNA that has an origin of replication, many restriction
sites, and often antibiotic resistance and a promoter.
Can also be used in eukaryotes as well (needs eukaryotic promoter and poly A signal).

-DNA microarrays can be used to detect the presence/amount of specific DNA or RNA sequences
1) PCR (DNA with Taq polymerase; RNA with Reverse Transriptase)

2) DNA is denatured and single strands are allowed to anneal (when complementary) to single
stranded probe DNA on an array

3) A marker (often a fluorophore) allows for the detection and quantification of hybridized sequences.

Biology Day 3 Microbiology
-Non-living, parasitic, infectious agent that can only replicate within a host cell.
-Viruses infect every type of living organism (plant, animal, bacteria, archaebacteria).
-Structure - nucleic acid encased in a protein capsid (enveloped and nonenveloped)
-Genome can be linear or circular and can be either dsDNA, ssDNA, dsRNA, or ssRNA.
-Relatively small genomes that can often be read in different reading frames.
-Typically uses hosts replication, transcription, and translation machinery.
-Much smaller than prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells

Bacteriophage Life Cycles
Lytic Cycle
1) Adsorption Bind cell surface via tail (host cell specific interactions)
2) Penetration puncture cell wall and/or membrane and inject genome into the host cell
3) Hydrolase (a viral gene product) is produced and degrades the hosts genome.
4) Replication of the viral genome (many copies) and synthesis of much capsid protein
5) Assembly of new virus particles
6) Production of lysozyme to degrade the cell wall resulting in cell lysis and release of virus particles

Lysogenic Cycle
1) Adsorption Bind cell surface via tail (host cell specific interactions)
2) Penetration puncture cell wall and membrane and inject genome into the host cell
3) Integration of the phage genome into the host genome
4) Dormancy viral genes not expressed but are transmitted to all progeny during cell division
5) Activation excision of viral DNA and entrance into the lytic cycle

Eukaryote Viruses
-Animal cell viruses have similar cycles to the lytic and lysogenic.
-Viruses of eukaryotes often have a lipid bilayer envelope and enter the host cell via endocytosis and exit by
budding out of the host cell.

Host cells contain restriction enzymes that will degrade viral DNA. Bacteria methylate their own DNA to
distinguish it from foreign DNA.

Transduction transfer of genetic material via a virus in the lysogenic cycle.

Virus Types (by genome) (Dont memorize all this but it should make sense to you)

[+] RNA viruses viral genome is ssRNA which can also serve directly as mRNA
-must code for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for viral replication

[-] RNA viruses viral genome is ssRNA which is anti-sense (-) and therefore complementary to the mRNA
coding for the viral genes.
Must code for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and include this polymerase in its capsid
to be infectious

Retroviruses [+] RNA viruses that convert their genomes into dsDNA for incorporation into the hosts
genome; must encode an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase)
-Single circular dsDNA genome and possibly the presence of a plasmid(s).
-No nucleus, membrane bound organelles or mitotic apparatus.
-Coupled transcription and translation.

Eubacteria vs. Archaebacteria
Eubacteria (true bacteria) - include all of the typical bacteria including all of the bacterial pathogens
-have peptidoglycan cell wall

Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria) - include the extremophiles
-no peptidoglycan cell wall
-differences in transcription/translation machinery
-differences in membrane lipids

Classifications of Bacteria

Gram Positive Bacteria stain dark purple during gram staining
-have cell membrane and cell wall (peptidoglycan)

Gram Negative Bacteria stain pink during gram staining
-have cell membrane, cell wall and outer lipopolysaccharide (LPS) layer (contains endotoxins)

Flagellar Propulsion bacterial flagellum used by motile bacteria for locomotion
Chemotaxis- movement is directed toward chemoattractants or away from chemorepellents
(sensed by chemoreceptors)
-powered by ATP hydrolysis

Reproduction through 1) growth, 2) DNA replication, and 3) cell division.
Doubling times vary but can be as short as 20 minutes under ideal conditions.

Endospores dormant form produced by some bacteria under harsh conditions.
-have a thick peptidoglycan coat and can survive through extreme conditions

Aerobes can survive in an oxygen environment
Anaerobes do not require oxygen to survive
Facultative Anaerobes can carry out out metabolic processes with or without oxygen
Obligate Anaerobe cant survive in the presence of O


-way to share genetic information adding to diversity
-common way of conferring antibiotic resistance genes

-Eukaryotes including yeast (unicellular) and a variety of multicellular forms
-Have a cell wall made of chitin

Asexual Reproduction
1) Budding - A fungal cell simply grows out of an existing fungal cell until distinct.
2) Spore Formation - produced by mitosis, spores will germinate under favorable conditions to become active.

Sexual Reproduction

Eukaryotic Cells

-Animal cells have lysosomes and centrioles (not present in plant cells).
-Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts and a central vacuole (not present in animal cells).

Mitochondrial Structure

-PDC and Citric Acid Cycle occur in the matrix
-ETC complexes are located in the inner membrane
-Protons are pumped (actively) from the matrix to
the intermembrane space
-ATP synthase is located in the inner membrane and
synthesizes ATP on the matrix side

Protein Trafficking

Plasma Membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model Components free to move in 2D throughout the membrane
-Composed of phoshpolipids, glycolipids and cholesterol
-Cholesterol adds rigidity to the membrane (at higher temperatures)
-Unsaturated fatty acids increase membrane fluidity

Hydrophobic molecules and small polar molecules (uncharged) can cross the membrane
(ex. CO
, O
, lipids (including certain hormones), some drugs)

Membrane Proteins

Peripheral membrane proteins adhere to membrane surface via electrostatic interactions

Integral membrane proteins anchored to and embedded in the membrane

Transmembrane proteins Spans the membrane and includes channel proteins, carrier proteins, porins

Cell Receptors - recognition glycoproteins on the cell surface that interact with hormones or other molecules
and relay signals into the cell

Adhesion proteins
Gap Junctions allow exchange of nutrients and cell-to-cell communication (ex. cardiac muscle cells)

Tight Junctions completely encircles cells and seals the space between them to prevent leakage
-(ex. intestinal cells)

Desmosomes spot welds between cells that adhere them to one another and give mechanical strength
-anchored to the cytoskeletons of each cell (ex. skin cells)

Membrane Transport
Passive Transport
1) Simple Diffusion (ex. CO
, O
, lipids, some drugs)
2) Facilitated Diffusion diffusion of ions/polar solutes via a carrier protein (channel protein) (ex. glucose)

Active Transport - works against the concentration gradient and requires energy (ATP hydrolysis)
1) Primary (ex. Na/K pump 3Na
pumped out and 2K
pumped into cell; fueled by ATP hydrolysis)
2) Secondary uses one solutes gradient (established by ATP hydrolysis) to accomplish the transport of
another (Na
/glucose cotransport)

Cell Signaling and Second Messengers (G-Proteins)
1) Ligand binds G-protein receptor
2) G-protein receptor activates G-protein which binds GTP (exchanges GTP for GDP)
3) G-protein activates Adenylate Cyclase (ATP cAMP)
4) cAMP acts as a 2
messenger activating a series of proteins and transcription factors

-plasmolysis vs. cytolysis
-hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic

Exocytosis vs. endocytosis
Phagocytosis and pinocytosis
Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Microtubules made from tubulin in a 9+2 arrangement
-functions as a railroad for intracellular transport
-found in the spindle apparatus of mitosis (MTOCs/centrioles), flagella, and cilia

Intermediate filaments support and maintain the shape of the cell

Microfilaments made from actin and involved in cellular motility, muscle contraction, and cytokinesis
- ATP dependent myosin motors can move along actin

Mitosis and the Cell Cy cle
Summary of the Cell Cycle

Cancer - unregulated or upregulated cell proliferation leading to tumor formation

Proto-oncogene normal gene that is often involved in regulating the cell cycle
Oncogene mutated proto-oncogene that can lead to cancer (often in conjunction with other mutations)
-typically either mutated or have a significant increase in expression in tumor cells
-often prevent apoptosis in tumor cells

Tumor Suppressor Genes genes that regulate cell division, are involved in DNA repair, or promote apoptosis


Protein/nucleic acid synthesis to prepare for replication; production of organelles
DNA Replication
Continued growth in preparation for mitosis
Prophase Chromosomes condense
Nuclear envelope disappears
Polarization of the centrioles (MTOCs)
Metaphase Chromosomes line up on metaphase plate
Spindle fibers attach at centromeres
Anaphase Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart towards the centrioles
Cleavage furrow begins forming
Telophase Nuclear membranes reform
Completion of cytokinesis

Biology Day 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems

Cell body (soma) contains nucleus and controls metabolic activity and biosynthesis
Axon transmits impulses away from the cell body
Dendrite receives signals and transmits it toward the cell body
Myelin insulating sheath around axons (made by Schwann cells in the PNS and oligodendrocytes in the CNS)
Nodes of Ranvier gaps in myelin sheath
Synapse site of impulse propagation between cells (via neurotransmitters)

Action Potentials
-Resting membrane potential
pump (active transport) and K
leak channels maintain resting potential

Refractory Period - Voltage-gated Na
channels are inactivated until the resting potential is re-established

Propagation of action potentials

All or nothing principle strength of an action potential never varies
-Intensity of a stimulus is related to the frequency of action potentials

Saltatory Conduction depolarization jumps to each successive node of Ranvier speeding up transmission

1) Depolarization (must exceed threshold of -50mV)
2) Voltage-gated Na
channels open (further depolarization)
3) Voltage-gated Na
channels close
4) Voltage-gated K
channels open (repolarization/hyperpolarization)
5) Voltage-gated K
channels close
6) Resting potential restored by Na
Synaptic Transmission

Presynaptic Neuron
1) An action potential reaches the synaptic knobs
2) Voltage-gated Ca
channels open
3) Uptake of Ca

4) Exocytosis of neurotransmitter

Postsynaptic Cell
5) Neurotransmitter binds receptors
6) Ion channels open
7) Polarization is increased or decreased

8) Neurotransmitter activity is terminated
-diffuses away, degraded, or re-uptake

EPSP Excitatory postsynaptic potential
IPSP Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Neurotransmitter binding can be excitatory (EPSP) or inhibitory (IPSP). The additive effect of EPSPs and
IPSPs at all synapses determines whether an action potential is generated (summation).

Synaptic fatigue inhibition under constant or persistent stimulus; caused by depletion of synaptic vesicles

Neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, GABA, and a few
amino acids and even gases

Nervous System

Central Nervous System
-brain and spinal chord
-control and integration of body systems

Cerebellum integration and control of
complex motor functions
Pons maintaining balance; relay center
between cerebellum and cerebral
Medulla (oblongata) controls some
autonomic activity including heart
rate, respiration, digestive processes

Brainstem midbrain, pons, and medulla

Relay center for visual and auditory impulses

Telencephalon (cerebral cortex)
-divided into two hemispheres connected
by corpus callosum
-right hemisphere controls motor
functions for left side and vice versa

-thalamus (sensory processing)
-hypothalamus (homeostasis; primary
control of endocrine system; primary link
between nervous/endocrine systems)

Peripheral Nervous System
-All neurons outside the brain and spinal chord
-neurons are typically either afferent or efferent
Afferent sensory neurons that transmit to the CNS
Efferent relay instructions from CNS to effectors (muscles and glands)

Somatic voluntary control of skeletal muscles
Somatic motor neurons
-use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter
-have cell bodies in the spinal chord or brain

Somatic sensory neurons
-have cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion (just behind spinal chord)
-have long dendrite to cell body
-have axon that extends to spinal chord or brain stem

Autonomic involuntary control of smooth/cardiac muscles and endocrine/exocrine glands
-important for maintaining homeostasis
-antagonistic control between sympathetic and parasympathetic

Autonomic Efferent Neurons

-there are two neurons connecting CNS to effector (preganglionic and postganglionic)
-postganglionic neuron has its cell body in an autonomic ganglion
-has an axon synapsing with the effector (smooth muscle or gland)
-the preganglionic neuron connects the CNS to the autonomic ganglion
-it synapses at the ganglion with the postganglionic neuron
-all preganglionic neurons use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter

-fight or flight
-increase energy availability
-activated by stress
-nearly all postganglionic neurons use norepinephrine as their neurotransmitter

-rest and digest
-store energy
-postganglionic neurons use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter

Sensory Reception
Types of receptors
1) Mechanoreceptors respond to mechanical disturbances
2) Chemical receptors respond to interaction with specific chemicals
3) Photoreceptors respond to light (electromagnetic radiation)
4) Thermoreceptors respond to changes in temperature
5) Pain receptors respond to tissue damage

Proprioceptors receptors giving self-awareness of relative positions of different body parts
-largely integrated by the cerebellum

Olfaction and Taste
-the receptors involved are chemical receptors

-the receptors involved are mechanoreceptors

1) Sound waves cause eardrum to vibrate.
2) Vibration is transmitted to and amplified by the three ossicles (malleus incus stapes).
3) Vibration is transmitted to the oval window.
4) Vibration of oval window causes pressure waves in the cochlear fluid.
5) Pressure waves cause basilar membrane to vibrate.
-The basilar membrane is coated with hair-like mechanoreceptors.
-Vibration of the basilar membrane disturbs the mechanoreceptors leading to an action potential.

Semicircular canals fluid-filled canals lined with hair-like mechanoreceptors that are important in maintaining

-the receptors involved are photoreceptors

1) Light passes through the cornea and enters the pupil.
2) Light then passes through the lens and is focused on the back of the retina.
-the retina contains rods (detect light) and cones (detect color)
3) Action potentials are generated in the rods and cones and transmitted to the optic nerve.

Iris muscle that regulates the diameter of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye

Optic disc area where the optic nerve connects to the eye
-contains no photoreceptors
-responsible for the blind spot

Endocrine System
Nervous System vs. Endocrine System
Nervous System effects are fast-acting but short-lasting
Endocrine System effects arent as fast-acting but are longer lasting

Endocrine vs. Exocrine
Endocrine Glands ductless glands that release hormones into the bloodstream that bind specific receptors on
their target cells
Exocrine Glands glands that release their products via ducts either into the GI tract or outside the body

Types of Hormones
-Hormones from the brain are all peptides
-The only amino-acid derived hormones are epinephrine, T
, and T

-All hormones from the adrenal cortex and the sex hormones are steroids
-testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, aldosterone

Hormone Regulation
1) Nervous System hypothalamus controls anterior pituitary via neural pathways
2) Tropic Hormones hormones that control other hormones

Peptide (or Amino Acid derived) Steroid (derived from cholesterol)
Water solubility hydrophilic hydrophobic
Synthesis Rough ER Smooth ER
Transport in Blood Free in plasma Protein-bound
Target Receptor Cell Surface Receptor Cytoplasmic Receptor
Mechanism 2
messenger Transcription Regulation
Duration of Effect Fast Acting / Short-lived Slow Acting / Long-lasting

tropic hormones Anterior Pituitary modify release of anterior pituitary hormones
Anterior Pituitary
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) ovaries/testes follicle development / spermatogenesis
LH (luteinizing hormone) ovaries/testes Ovulation / testosterone synthesis
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) adrenal cortex increase activity of adrenal cortex
TSH (thyroid stimularing hormone) thyroid increase TH
prolactin mammary glands milk production
GH (growth hormone) bone, muscle growth
Posterior Pituitary
ADH (antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin) kidneys water retention
oxytocin mammary glands / uterus milk release / contraction
glucagon (ocells) liver, muscles, adipose increase blood glucose

insulin (cells) liver, muscles, adipose decrease blood glucose
somatostatin (o-cells) stomach, duodenum inhibit digestion
T4 (thyroxin) generic increase metabolism
T3 (triiodothyronine) generic increase metabolism
calcitonin bone lower blood Ca
PTH (parathyroid hormone) bone increase blood Ca
Adrenal Medulla
epinephrine heart, blood vessels, liver increase blood glucose and regulates blood circulation (fight or flight; rapid)
norepinephrine heart, blood vessels, liver increase blood glucose and regulates blood circulation (fight or flight; rapid)
Adrenal Cortex
cortisol (glucocorticoids) generic increase blood glucose via protein catabolism (long-term stress response)

aldosterone (mineralocorticoids) kidneys increase blood pressure by reabsorption of Na
and excretion of K
erythropoietin bone marrow increase RBC synthesis

calcitriol bone increase blood Ca

ANF (atrial natriuretic factor) kidneys lower blood pressure by increasing urination
thymosin thymus T cell development (childhood)
testosterone testes / generic spermatogenesis / secondary sex characteristics
estrogen uterus / generic menstrual cycle / secondary sex characteristics

progesterone uterus menstrual cycle, pregnancy

Biology Day 5 Circulatory, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems
Circulatory System

Delivers to Cells Removes for Excretion Distributes
(from lungs) CO
(to lungs) Immune cells/antibodies
Nutrients, Ions, H
O (from intestines/liver) Ammonia/Urea and H
O (to kidneys) Clotting factors
Signal molecules (from endocrine glands) Heat (to skin)

Flow P/R
Pressure decreases over distance
Cardiac Output = (Stroke Volume)(Heart Rate) CO = (SV)(HR)


Diastole Systole
1) Atria contract 1) Ventricles contract
2) Ventricles fill from atria 2) AV valves close (lub)
3) Semilunar valves open
4) Blood flows into aorta / pulmonary artery
5) Semilunar valves close (dub)

Atrioventricular valves
tricuspid (right)
bicuspid (left)
-(i.e. mitral valve)

Semilunar valves
pulmonary valve
aortic valve

Cardiac Conduction
1) An action potencial (AP) is first produced in the SA node (SinoAtrial node)
-Contractions arent initiated by the nervous system
2) The AP spreads through the atrial cardiac cells through gap junctions
3) The AP spreads to the AV node (AtrioVentricular node) through special conduction fibers (small delay here)
4) The AP is spread through the Bundle of His and Purkinje fibers to the ventricles
5) The AP spreads through the ventricular cardiac cell through gap junctions

Heart Regulation
1) Sympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve)
2) Adrenal Medulla (epinephrine/norepinephrine)

-carry blood (usually oxygenated) away from the heart
-high pressure
-lined with smooth muscle (can constrict/relax to regulate flow)

-carry blood (usually deoxygenated) toward the heart
-very low pressure
-valves prevent backflow
-larger veins are lined with some smooth muscle

-very narrow blood vessels; wide enough for a single RBC to pass through
-where gas/nutrient/waste exchange takes place

Portal Circulation
-circulation between capillary beds
Hypophyseal Portal System hypothalamus to pituitary gland
Hepatic Portal System from small intestine to liver

Capillary Exchange
and CO
can diffuse across the cell membrane
-capillaries are thin (1-cell thick) and porous
-nutrients can pass through the pores
-WBCs and pathogens can pass through the pores
-water can also pass through the pores

Exchange of Water
Arteriolar End
-high hydrostatic pressure
-high tissue osmolarity
-water is forced out

Venular End
-lower hydrostatic pressure
-increased blood osmolarity (oncotic pressure)
-water is forced back in

Blood Composition
Red Blood Cells or RBCs
-produced in the bone marrow
-no nucleus (short-lived)
-aged RBCs filtered by spleen
-contain lots of hemoglobin
-transport O
to the tissues
-transport CO
to the lungs
hematocrit = % RBCs

-mediators of the immune system

-mostly water
-proteins (ex. albumin)
-dissolved O
and CO

-volume regulated by kidneys

Clotting Factors
-Platelets produced in the bone marrow
-Fibrinogen/clotting proteins made in liver
1) Vasoconstriction (paracrine-induced)
2) Tissue damage attracts platelets (forms platelet plug)
3) Tissue damage sets off a coagulation cascade
-end result is conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
-clot is composed mostly of platelets and fibrin

-each hemoglobin can bind up to four O
-cooperative binding of O
-Sigmoidal binding curve
-hemoglobin vs. myoglobin

Bohr Effect - H
and CO
decrease the affinity of hemoglobin for O

(right shift of the curve)
+ H

Lymphatic System
1) returns plasma lost at the capillaries to the circulatory system
-fluid flow is unidirectional and the lymph is emptied into the venous circulation via the thoracic duct
2) lymph nodes serve as a reservoirs of macrophages, B cells, and T cells
-pathogens are often first encountered by the immune system in the lymph nodes
-immune responses are often first initiated in the lymph nodes
3) larger glycerides are absorbed directly into the lymph system from the small intestine
-they are emptied into the circulatory system via the thoracic duct

spleen - has a reservoir of macrophages and immune responses are often initiated here also

Immune System

Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) mediate the immune system
macrophages and neutrophils - phagocytes
mast cells and basophils secrete histamine; mediate the inflammatory response and allergic reactions
lymphocytes (B cells, T cells, NK cells)
eosinophils destroy multi-cellular parasites; mediate allergic reactions

Innate Immunity
1) Epithelial tissues form a barrier (skin, lining of GI tract and respiratory tract)
2) tears and saliva contain lysozyme; stomach pH ~ 2)
3) Phagocytes ingest foreign material (macrophages and neutrophils)
4) Complement system system of proteins effecting lysis of pathogens or virus-infected cells

Inflammatory Response
1) Attracts immune cells
2) Produces a physical barrier (reduces the spread of infection)
3) Promotes tissue repair

1) Activated macrophages release cytokines which attract other immune cells to the site
2) Attracted immune cells release their cytokines
Cytokines Released
Interleukins mediate the inflammatory response and cause fever
Histamine vasodilation and increases capillary permeability (released by mast cells and basophils)
Heparin anticoagulant

Natural Killer (NK) Cells
-Recognize virus-infected cells and induce apoptosis

Humoral Immunity
-mediated by antibodies (immunoglobulins)
-variable (VDJ) recombination produces antibodies for any antigen
-antibody binding tags an antigen for phagocytosis and activates the complement system
-antibodies are expressed on the surface of B cells
-B cells are produced in the bone marrow
-B cells recognizing self-antigens are eliminated in the bone marrow (maturation)
-B cells are also Antigen Presenting Cells and can activate T

Primary Humoral Response
-1st exposure to a pathogen
-Antigen recognition activates a naive B cell
-Naive B cell proliferates (clonal selection)
-Memory cells and plasma cells are produced
-Plasma cells secrete antibodies
-takes 5-7 days

Secondary Humoral Response
-2nd exposure to a pathogen
-memory cell response is much faster

Cell-Mediated Immunity
-mediated by Helper T cells and Cytotoxic T cells
-T cells are produced in the bone marrow
-T cells recognizing self-antigens are eliminated in the thymus (maturation)

-Helper T cells (T
) secrete cytokines activating many types of immune cells
-recognize MHC II bound antigen by an Antigen Presenting Cell (APC)

-Cytotoxic T cells (T
) induce apoptosis of tumor cells or virus-infected cells
-recognize MHC I bound antigen by any nucleated cell

Antigen Presenting Cell (APC) present antigen on MHC receptor
-MHC II recognized by T
cells as they are CD4+ (macrophages, B cells, dendritic cells)
-MHC I recognized by T
cells as they are CD8+ (most any cell)

Dendritic Cell APC found in epithelial tissues
-once antigen is bound they migrate to lymph nodes to present to T cells

Biology Day 6 Digestive and Excretory Systems
Digestive System
Alimentary Canal (GI Tract)
-canal from mouth to anus

-mastication breaks up food into smaller pieces
-saliva lubricates food and contains enzymes
amylase converts starch to disaccharides
lipase fat digestion (minimal)
lysozyme anti-bacterial

-the epiglottis prevents food/liquids from entering the trachea as it passes from the mouth through the pharynx
to the esophagus

-the esophagus is lined in smooth muscle which propels food to the stomach (peristalsis)

Partial Digestion
1) pH ~ 2 partial hydrolysis of proteins and carbohydrates
-HCl secreted by parietal cells
2) pepsin also functions in proteolysis
-produced and secreted as a zymogen (pepsinogen) by chief cells
-converted to active form by acid-catalyzed proteolysis in the stomach
3) gastric smooth muscle churns food (mixing) aiding in digestion

1) gastrin secreted by G cells stimulates secretion of HCl and pepsinogen
2) histamine stimulates secretion of HCl
3) stimulated by parasympathetic nervous system (inhibited by sympathetic)

-the cardiac sphincter prevents stomach reflux into the esophagus
-the pyloric sphincter regulates passage of food/liquids to the small intestine
-the pyloric sphincter is controlled by the enteric nervous system
-the pyloric sphincter also closes in response to cholecystokinin (endocrine control)

1) Produces bile from cholesterol
-bile aids in digestion of lipids (emulsification; increases exposed surface area)
-bile facilitates absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
-bile is stored in the gall bladder
-bile is delivered to the duodenum via the common bile duct
-bile is reabsorbed in the ileum

2) Regulation of blood glucose
- insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis (lowers blood sugar)
- glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol stimulate glycogenolysis / gluconeogenesis (raises blood sugar)

3) Cori Cycle
-lactate produced in muscles is converted back into pyruvate and ultimately glucose in the liver

4) Lipid metabolism
-production of lipoproteins (from chylomicrons)
-lipoproteins distribute cholesterol and triglycerides to the tissues

5) Conversion of NH
to urea (from amino acid catabolism)

6) Detoxification
-drugs/toxins are converted to less harmful substances

7) Storage of Fat-soluble Vitamins
-stores vitamins A, D, E, K (along with adipose tissue)

8) Production of Plasma Proteins
-albumin, fibrinogen, other clotting factors

1) Produces Digestive Enzymes (Exocrine)
amylase converts polysaccharides to disaccharides
protease zymogens
trypsinogen activated by enterokinase in the duodenum
chymotrypsinogen activated by cleavage by trypsin in the duodenum
procarboxypeptidase activated by enteropeptidase in the duodenum
lipase converts triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides
nucleases hydrolyze nucleic acids

-enzyme secretion stimulated by cholecystokinin (from duodenum)
-delivered to the duodenum via the pancreatic duct

2) Secretion of Bicarbonate (Exocrine)
-keeps pH in duodenum slightly basic
-secretion stimulated by secretin (from duodenum)
-delivered to the duodenum via the pancreatic duct

3) Produces Hormones (Endocrine)
-hormones produced by cells in regions called Islets of Langerhans
glucagon is secreted by o cells (raises blood sugar)
-stimulates glycogenolysis / gluconeogenesis by the liver
-stimulates release of fats into the blood stream by adipocytes
insulin is secreted by | cells (lowers blood sugar)
-stimulates glycogen synthesis by liver and skeletal muscle
-stimulates glucose uptake by skeletal muscle and adipose tissue
somatostatin secreted by o cells
-inhibits HCl secretion by parietal cells
-inhibits secretion of gastrin, histamine, secretin, and cholecystokinin

Small Intestine (duodenum, jejunim, and ileum)
Duodenum site of most digestion and absorption
Jejunum / Ileum specialized absorption
Brush border cells microvilli-covered regions of the lumen of the small intestine

Small Intestine (continued)
1) Digestion
Pancreatic amylase converts polysaccharides into disaccharides
Brush border enzymes convert disaccharides into monosaccharides

Pancreatic proteases convert peptides to di- and tri-peptides
Brush border proteases convert di- and tri-peptides to amino acids

Bile emulsifies fat droplets into smaller micelles
Lipases convert triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides

2) Absorption
Monosaccharides enter epithelial cells via symport with Na
(2 active transport)
They exit epithelial cells via facilitated diffusion and are taken up by the capillaries

Amino acids enter epithelial cells via symport with Na
(2 active transport)
They exit epithelial cells via facilitated diffusion and are taken up by the capillaries

a) Fatty acids and monoglycerides diffuse into epithelial cells
b) Theyre converted back into triglycerides and packaged into chylomicrons
c) Chylomicrons exit epithelial cells into lacteals of the lymphatic system
d) The lymphatic system empties into the venous circulation at the thoracic duct

3) Enzyme Production (Exocrine)
Enterokinase conversion of trypsinogen to trypsin
-trypsin activates other proteases
Brush border enzymes responsible for final digestion of disaccharides and peptides before absorption

4) Hormone Secretion (Endocrine)
cholecystokinin secreted due to presence of food and causes pancreas to release digestive enzymes
secretin secreted due to presence of acid and causes pancreas to release bicarbonate into the duodenum

Large Intestine (cecum, colon, and rectum)
1) Absorption of water, electrolytes, and vitamins
-there are hundreds of species of bacteria in the colon
-they most notably produce vitamin K and biotin (vitamin B
-they also produce GAS

2) Formation of feces (compaction)

3) Storage of feces in the rectum

Excretory System
1) Regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure
2) Regulation of osmolarity
3) Homeostasis of acid-base balance (either HCO
or H
can be excreted)
4) Excretion of wastes (including urea and uric acid)
5) Homeostasis of ion balance
6) Regulate red blood cell synthesis (secretion of erythropoietin)

Urine Formation
1) Filtration hydrostatic pressure forces plasma from the capillaries of the glomerulus into the lumen of
Bowmans Capsule of the nephrons
2) Reabsorption much of the filtrate is recovered from the nephron tubule into the peritubular capillaries
O, ions, glucose, amino acids, proteins, and urea are reabsorbed
-most reabsorption takes place in the proximal convoluted tubule
3) Secretion certain solutes are concentrated in the urine from the peritubular capillaries
-most secretion takes place in the distal nephron (distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct)
, H
, and organic molecules (including drugs and toxins) are added to the filtrate

ADH (vasopressin) released by the pituitary gland in response to low blood volume / high blood osmolarity
-increases water reabsorption by the distal nephron
Aldosterone released by the adrenal cortex in response to low blood pressure
-increases Na
reabsorption by the distal nephron (results in increased water retention and thirst)

The Loop of Henle is a countercurrent multiplier.

Biology Day 7 Muscle and Skeletal Systems
Muscle System

Skeletal Muscle
1) Support and mobility (locomotion)
2) Peripheral circulation
3) Thermoregulation (shivering) - simultaneous stimulation of antagonistic pairs of skeletal muscles by the SNS

Striated (sarcomeres) Striated (sarcomeres) Not striated (no sarcomeres)
Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary
Skeletal system Heart Hollow organs, tubes, sphincters
Multi-nucleated Uni-nucleated Uni-nucleated
No gap junctions Gap junctions Gap junctions
Somatic motor neurons Autorhythmic cells Autonomic motor neurons
Regulated by Ca
Troponin / tropomyosin
Regulated by Ca
Troponin / tropomyosin
Regulated by Ca
(extracellular & SR)
calmodulin / MLCK
Fastest contractions Intermediate contractions Slowest contractions
Muscle Cell Vocabulary
muscle fiber = muscle cell
sarcolemma = cell membrane
sarcoplasm = cytoplasm
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) = modified ER


-Each neuron may innervate multiple muscle fibers.
-But each muscle fiber will be innervated by a single neuron.
-Increased muscle tension is accomplished by:
1) Increased recruitment of motor units (more motor neurons and their muscle fibers)
2) Increased frequency of stimulation

Sliding Filament Theory
Thin (myosin) and thick (actin) filaments slide past each other during contraction.


Muscle Twitch (Contraction and Relaxation)
1) Acetylcholine (Ach) is released by a somatic motor neuron.
2) Ach binds Ach receptors / Na
channels on the muscle fiber (influx of Na
3) Depolarization above the threshold opens voltage-gated Na
channels and initiates an action potential (AP).
6) Voltage-gated Ca
channels open in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca
is normally sequestered in the SR).
7) Ca
binds to troponin (which is bound to tropomyosin).
8) Troponin removes tropomyosin off of the myosin-binding sites of actin.
9) The myosin powerstroke ensues.
10) Ca
is actively pumped back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
11) Troponin releases Ca
12) Tropomyosin binds to the myosin-binding sites of actin.

Action of Myosin
1) Binding of ATP myosin releases actin
2) ATP hydrolysis myosin reattaches to actin (forms crossbridge closer to the center of the sarcomere)
3) Power stroke (P
is released) myosin pulls actin toward the center of the sarcomere
4) ADP is released myosin is now tightly bound to actin (rigor)

Energy Consumption
-Active skeletal muscles have a huge demand for ATP

-Creatine phosphate can replenish some ATP
-donates a high energy phosphate to ADP

-Muscles store glycogen for rapid utilization of glucose

-Aerobic respiration produces lots of ATP (requires lots of O
-myoglobin stores O
in muscle and releases it as needed

-During prolonged contraction, lactic acid fermentation is more common
-insufficient O
for aerobic respiration
-aerobic respiration is too slow to meet the demand
-lactic acid fermentation produces ATP quickly (2 ATP net per glucose)
-lactate must be shuttled to the liver to be converted back to pyruvate (Cori Cycle)

Skeletal System
Endoskeleton vs Exoskeleton

1) Structural rigidity and support
2) Calcium storage
3) Protection of organs
4) Hematopoiesis red bone marrow synthesizes RBCs, WBCs, and platelets

Human Skeletal System
Axial Skeleton head and trunk (skull, spinal column, sternum, ribcage, etc.)
Appendicular Skeleton everything else

Bone Types
1) Flat bones (pelvis, sternum, skull, etc.)
-protect vital organs
-spongy bone surrounded by layer of compact bone
-contain red marrow (hematopoiesis)

2) Long bones (arms and legs)
-support and mobility
-epiphyses contain spongy bone (red marrow - hematopoiesis) surrounded by a layer of compact bone
-epiphyses are coated with articular cartilage
-diaphysis (central shaft) is a tube of compact bone with yellow marrow and blood vessels inside
-epiphyseal plate is the site of bone growth in children / adolescents

1) Synarthrosis dont allow movement
ex) skull

2) Amphiarthrosis allow limited movement
ex) intervertebral disks

3) Diarthrosis (synovial) freely movable joint
Gliding carpals of the wrist
Hinge elbow
Saddle - thumb
Ball and Socket shoulders and hips

Arthritis Inflammation of a joint
-can lead to destruction of the articular cartilage

Extracellular tissue secreted by chondroblasts / chondrocytes
-composed of a matrix of collagen and elastin fibers with proteoglycans interspersed
-avascular and not innervated

1) Hyaline strong, flexible
ex) nose, ears, trachea, ribs, synovial joints (articular cartilage)
2) Fibro strong, rigid
ex) intervertebral disks
3) Elastic Strong, flexible
ex) ear lobes, epiglottis, larynx

Ligaments and Tendons
Ligaments connective tissue connecting bone to bone
Tendons connective tissue connecting muscle to bone

Bone Structure
Extracellular tissue composed of a matrix of collagen with calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite) interspersed
-produced by osteoblasts from calcified cartilage
-vascular and innervated
-the osteon is the fundamental unit of compact bone

Osteocyte mature osteoblast trapped in lacunae in between layers of lamellae in the osteon
Osteoclast cells responsible for reabsorbing Ca
from bones

Hormonal Regulation of Bone Growth / Remodeling
1) Calcitriol (vitamin D
) raises plasma [Ca
-enhances intestinal absorption of Ca

-stimulates osteoclasts (Ca
-facilitates renal reabsorption of Ca

2) Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) - raises plasma [Ca
-stimulates osteoclasts
-enhances renal reabsorption of Ca

-increases production of calcitriol

3) Calcitonin decreases plasma [Ca
-inhibits osteoclasts
-increases renal secretion of Ca

Biology Day 8 Respiratory and Skin Systems
Respiratory System
1) Gas Exchange
-exchange of O
/ CO
by the alveoli

2) pH Regulation
-removal of CO
reduces acidity
-hyperventilation reduces acidity (increases pH)
-hypoventilation increases acidity (decreases pH)

3) Thermoregulation
-significant amount heat is lost to expired air

4) Protection from pathogens and particulates
-nose hairs and mucous prevent pathogens / particulates from reaching the lungs
-goblet cells secrete mucus lining the respiratory tract
-cilia propel mucus and pathogens / particulates trapped in it toward the throat
-macrophages in the alveoli phagocytose pathogens / particulates


1) Conducting System air passages leading to alveoli
mouth/nose nasal cavity pharynx larynx trachea primary bronchi bronchi bronchioles

2) Exchange Surface bronchioles / alveoli

3) Associated muscles, bones, etc. of the thoracic cavity
-diaphragm, abdominal muscles, intercostals, rib cage, etc.

Alveolar Structure
-air-filled sacs in the lungs that are surrounded by capillaries
-thin walled with a huge surface area (maximizes gas exchange)
-coated in surfactant (reduces surface tension keeping alveoli from collapsing)
Type I alveolar cells make up 95% of alveolar walls and is the site of gas exchange
Type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant

Inspiration is caused by contraction of the diaphragm (a skeletal muscle)
-the lungs are surrounded to two pleural sacs
-a small layer of fluid fills the space between inner and outer pleural sacs
-the diaphragm is connected to the outer pleural sac
-expansion of the lungs lowers the pressure inside them
-the diaphragm is innervated by the Somatic Nervous System (like all skeletal muscle)
-inspiration can be both voluntary and involuntary (controlled by the medulla)

Expiration is usually passive elastic recoil of the lungs (resiliency)
-forced expiration involves contraction of the abdominal and intercostal muscles

-low plasma O
or high plasma CO
result in increased ventilation
-low plasma pH results in increased ventilation


1) Prevent Loss of H
O relatively impermeable to H

2) Thermoregulation
Heat Retention
i) hairs help with heat retention (arrector pilimotor muscle extends hair when cold)
ii) hypodermis contains an insulating layer of adipose tissue to prevent heat loss
iii) vasoconstriction of the surface capillaries in the dermis minimizes heat loss

Heat Removal
i) sweat glands in the dermis release sweat (mostly water / salt) evaporation removes heat
-too little or excessive sweating can affect osmoregulation
i) vasodilation of the surface capillaries in the dermis increases heat lost through the skin

3) Physical Protection
-skin is a layer of protection from pathogens
-fingernails / toenails (made of keratin) protect the tips of fingers and toes
-callus build up protects areas more prone to abrasion

Dermal Layers
1) Epidermis composed of stratified squamous epithelial cells
-cells in the deepest epidermis are constantly dividing and being pushed towards the surface
-dead cells at the surface leave behind a network of keratin and phospholipids which waterproof the skin

2) Dermis composed of loose connective tissue; contains blood vessels, nerve endings and exocrine glands

3) Hypodermis contains adipose tissue for insulation

Biology Day 9 Reproductive Systems and Development
Reproductive Systems
Male Reproductive System

Gonads testes; produce sperm and secrete testosterone
External genitalia penis and scrotum (sac holding testes helps regulate temperature)
Internal genitalia accessory glands and ducts

Female Reproductive System

Gonads ovaries; produce ova and secrete estrogen and progesterone
External genitalia vulva (labia majora and minora, clitoris)
Internal genitalia vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes

Vagina birth canal

Uterus the womb
Endometrium layer of glandular epithelium shed during menstruation
Myometrium thick layer of smooth muscle

Cervix opening of the uterus
-dilated slightly during fertile days and greatly during childbirth

Fallopian Tubes carry ova from the ovary to the uterus (via peristalsis)


GONADS testis ovaries
GAMETES spermatozoa ova
GERM CELLS spermatogonia oogonia
RESULT 4 haploid sperm 1 ovum, 2 polar bodies
WHEN Daily beginning at puberty ~500,000 primary oocytes produced
during fetal development;
ovulation from puberty to menopause

-Spermatozoa are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes
-Sustentacular cells regulate sperm development (provide sustenance)
-Leydig Cells (Interstitial Cells) secrete testosterone

GnRH stimulates release of LH and FSH
-LH and FSH inhibit GnRH (negative feedback)

LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone
-testosterone needed to maintain spermatogenesis

FSH stimulates sustentacular cells
-initiates and maintains spermatogenesis

Testosterone inhibits release of GnRH and LH

Testis also release inhibin
-inhibits release of FSH
-oogonia develop into primary oocytes before birth
-primary oocyte splits into a secondary oocyte and first polar body in Meiosis I
-Meiosis II is only completed if an ovum is fertilized

Ovarian Cycle
-Each primary oocyte is enclosed in a follicle
-Oocyte is surrounded by a layer of granulosa cells and an outer layer called the theca

Follicular Phase (Days 1-13) FSH stimulates follicle maturation
-FSH and LH stimulate production of estrogen by the maturing follicle

Ovulation (Day 14) a spike in LH results in release of a secondary oocyte
-the follicular remains becomes the corpus luteum

Luteal Phase (Days 15-28) the corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone
-the corpus luteum degenerates throughout the phase due to low levels of LH
-estrogen and progesterone levels drop at the end of this phase signaling menstruation all over again

-If fertilization / implantation occurs, the placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
-hCG keeps the corpus luteum from degenerating in place of LH
-the corpus luteum maintains high levels of estrogen and progesterone (first 2-3 months)
-the placenta then takes over production of estrogen and progesterone for the remainder of pregnancy
-the endometrium isnt shed and ovulation doesnt occur during pregnancy (LH remains low)


Menstrual Cycle
Menses (Days 1-7) endometrium is sloughed off; signalled by low levels of estrogen and progesterone

Proliferative Phase (Days 7-14) increasing levels of estrogen lead to endometrial growth

Secretory Phase (Days 15-28) preparation for implantation
-endometrial cells deposit lipids and glycogen in their cytoplasm

GnRH stimulates release of LH and FSH
-LH and FSH inhibit GnRH (negative feedback)

LH stimulates the follicle to produce estrogen

FSH stimulates the follicle to mature
-initiates and maintains spermatogenesis

Estrogen inhibits release of GnRH, LH, and FSH

Follicle also releases inhibin
-inhibits release of FSH


-fertilization usually takes place in the fallopian tubes
-acrosome contains enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the corona radiata and zona pellucida
-usually a single sperm fertilizes an ovum
-depolarization and an influx in Ca
prevent subsequent sperm from penetrating
-sperm injects only its nucleus
-cytoplasm / organelles come from the mother
-after fertilization, the ovum completes meiosis II and the two nuclei fuse together (now called a zygote)


-fertilization usually occurs in the distal end of the fallopian tubes
-the journey to the uterus usually takes 4-5 days

Cleavage cell division with little cell growth
-includes 2-celled, 4-celled, and 8-celled ultimately forming the morula

Blastocyst (Blastula) a hollow ball of ~100 cells
-outer layer of cells is the trophoblast
-trophoblast becomes the chorion / placenta and secretes hCG
-inner cell mass adheres to one side
-inner cell mass will be the growing embryo
-blastocyst embeds in the endometrium (implantation)
-chorionic villi pierce the vascular endometrium

-blastocyst folds in on itself forming three germ layers

-folding of the ectoderm to form the central nervous system

epidermis dermis respiratory epithelium
nervous system muscle and bone digestive epithelium
eyes and ears connective tissue digestive system
cardiovascular system bladder
lymphatic system
urinary system
reproductive system

-typically occurs between weeks 38 and 40
-exact trigger(s) for the induction of labor are not known

1) Cervix softens and dilates / pelvic ligaments loosen (days leading up to labor)
2) Baby drops and pushes on the cervix
3) Cervical stretch triggers the release of oxytocin by the posterior pituitary gland
4) Oxytocin induces contractions
5) Contractions stretching contractions stretching (positive feedback cycle)
6) Baby exits birth canal

-prolactin stimulates milk production
-estrogen and progesterone stimulate development of breasts / mammary glands but inhibit prolactin
-estrogen and progesterone levels fall after delivery
-prolactin levels increase ~10-fold
-suckling stimulates the release of prolactin and oxytocin (needed for mild release)

Developmental Mechanisms
Cell specialization is due to differential gene expression
Determination the choosing of a particular fate for cell type even though it isnt yet apparent
Differentiation - the result of determination in which a cell has become a distinct cell type

Mechanisms of Differential Gene Expression
-Due to a difference in transcription (each cell has the same DNA)
1) Asymmetric segregation of cellular determinants
-determinants are typically mRNA for transcription factors or transcription factors themselves

2) Cell-to-cell communication (Induction)
a) extracellular signals (receptor-mediated)
b) direct contact
c) gap junctions

Biology Day 10 Genetics and Evolution
Mendelian Concepts
Genotype the genetic makeup responsible for a particular trait

Phenotype an organisms observable traits (determined by genotype and environment)

Gene genetic material coding for a single gene product (peptide, rRNA or tRNA)

Locus the chromosomal location of a gene

Allele one variant of a gene

Homologous chromosomes chromosomes that code for the same set of genes
- may have different alleles though (one from each parent)

Homozygous having two identical alleles for a gene

Heterozygous having two different alleles for a gene

Wild Type the normal or most prevalent allele in a population

Dominant an allele where only one copy is necessary to yield the corresponding phenotype

Recessive an allele where two copies are necessary to yield the corresponding phenotype

Complete Dominance when a heterozygote has the phenotype of only 1 of the alleles (the dominant one)

Codominance both inherited alleles are completely expressed (ex. blood types ABO)

Incomplete Dominance phenotypes of the progeny that are intermediate of the parental phenotypes
(snap dragons homozygous red crossed with homozygous white gives pink progeny)

Leakage when a loss of function mutation doesnt result in complete lack of a phenotype

Penetrance the percentage of organisms having a certain genotype expressing a certain phenotype

Expressivity a term describing the variation in phenotype among organisms with a given genotype

Pleiotropism when a single gene affects multiple traits

Polygenism when multiple genes affect a single trait

Epistasis when the expression of a gene is dependent upon another gene

Gene Pool the set of all alleles in a population


Nondisjunction failure of tetrads to separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids in meiosis II
Examples: Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), Turner Syndrome (X), Kleinfelter Syndrome (XXY)

Translocation movement of a segment of one chromosome to another non-homologous chromosome
(ex. Down syndrome chromosome 21 14)

Protein and nucleic acid synthesis to prepare for replication; production of organelles
DNA Replication
Prophase I Longest phase
Chromosomes condense and tetrad formation (homologous pairs)
Disappearance of the nuclear envelope and polarization of the centrioles (MTOCs)
Metaphase I Chromosomes line up on metaphase plate
Spindle fibers attach at centromeres via kinetochores
Anaphase I Spindle fibers pull homologous chromosomes apart towards the centrioles
Cleavage furrow begins forming
Telophase I Nuclear membranes reform
Completion of cytokinesis
Prophase II Chromosomes condense
Disappearance of the nuclear envelope and polarization of the centrioles (MTOCs)
Metaphase II Chromosomes line up on metaphase plate
Spindle fibers attach at centromeres via kinetochores
Anaphase II Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart towards the centrioles
Cleavage furrow begins forming
Telophase II Nuclear membranes reform
Completion of cytokinesis

Segregation of Genes
Law of segregation separation of alleles into haploid gametes

Law of independent assortment genes assort independently to the progeny

Recombination (single and double crossovers) exchange of segments from homologous chromosomes
-leads to new combinations of alleles
-occurs during prophase I of meiosis

Linked genes genes on the same chromosome wont necessarily undergo independent assortment
-the closer together on the chromosome the greater the linkage between genes
-the likelihood of recombination occurring between two genes increases with distance between genes

Sex-linked Characteristics
-Autosomes vs. sex chromosomes (X and Y)
XX = female (one copy is inactivatedconverted into a Barr body)
XY = male (Y chromosome has very few genes)

Y-linked traits rare as there are very few genes on the Y-chromosome
-Y-linked disorders are passed on to male offspring only (100%)

X-linked traits males only receive a single copy of the X-chromosome (from their mother)

Turner Syndrome (X) offspring (female) have only a single X chromosome resulting from nondisjunction
Kleinfelter Syndrome (XXY) offspring (male) have an extra X chromosome resulting from nondisjunction

Cytoplasmic / Mitochondrial inheritance chloroplast / mitochondrial DNA is inherited through a single parent
-mitochondrial DNA is inherited through your mother
-any genetic disorders coded by the mitochondrial DNA will be passed on to all offspring

Most mutations are deleterious (rather than advantageous) to the cell.
Translational / transcriptional errors

Point mutation a single base substitution
Missense mutation point mutation leading to a codon coding for a different amino acid
Nonsense mutation point mutation leading to a premature stop codon

Frameshift mutation insertion or deletion leading to a change in the reading frame of a gene

Mutations in replication low level of natural mutations that occur during replication (random error)

Inborn errors of metabolism metabolic disorders caused by mutation (usually of a key enzyme)

Mutagen an agent that causes mutation
Carcinogen an agent that can cause cancer (most are mutagens)

Population Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium allele frequencies remain constant in a gene pool for a population in equilbrium
p + q = 1
p = frequency of dominant allele
q = frequency of recessive allele

+ 2pq + q
= 1
= frequency of homozygous dominant genotype
2pq = frequency of heterozygous genotype
= frequency of homozygous recessive genotype

Testcross crossing a dominant phenotype individual with a recessive to determine the dominant genotype

Backross crossing a hybrid (such as the F1) with one of the parents
Assumptions for equilibrium
1. Random mating
2. No mutations
3. No selection (natural or otherwise)
4 No migration
5. Large population size
(No genetic drift)

AA x aa
a a
A Aa Aa
A Aa Aa

Aa x aa
a a
A Aa Aa
a aa aa

1) Homozygous yellow peas (dominant) are crossed with homozygous green peas (recessive). The F1
generation is then self-crossed. What will be the phenotypic ratios in the F2 generation?

2) For peas, yellow is dominant to green and round is dominant to wrinkled. Two heterozygous yellow, round
pea plants are crossed (YyRr). What are the phenotypic ratios in the F1 generation?

3) Color blindness is the result of an X-linked recessive allele. What is the probability that a color blind father
and a normal mother (homozygous) have a color blind child?

4) What is the probability that a heterozygous mother (a carrier) and a normal father have a color blind child?
What is the probability their daughter is color blind?
What is the probability their son is color blind?

6) Lets say that the color and size gene for an organism lie on the same chromosome:
B = blue, b = green, L = large, l = small
Two organisms that are heterozygous for both color and size with the dominant alleles paired on one
chromosome and the recessive alleles paired on the other are crossed and the offspring are as follows:
Phenotype Number
Blue and Large 70
Blue and Small 3
Green and Large 4
Green and Small 23
Which are the recombinant phenotypes?
Fitness the ability of an organism to pass on its alleles

Natural Selection differential reproduction of an organism based upon fitness in its environment
-the alleles that confer fitness will increase in frequency in the gene pool over time

Types of Selection
1) Stabilizing Selection Selection against the extremes (for the averages)
2) Disruptive (Divergent) Selection Selection against the averages (for the extremes)
3) Directional Selection Selection against one extreme (but favoring the opposite extreme)
4) Artificial Selection directional selection done by humans with selecting for traits in animals and crops
5) Sexual Selection Differential mating between males and females

Species group of organisms that are capable of interbreeding to produce fit offspring

Reproductive Isolation barriers preventing members of different species from producing fit offspring

Polymorphism the existence of multiple phenotypes within a population

Adaptation an inherited trait that confers greater fitness

Specialization an adaptation to a specific function or environment

Ecological Niche the sum of the environmental requirements required for a species to persist
-includes habitat, predators, prey, etc.; thought of as being unique for each species

Inbreeding increased likelihood of mating between organisms with similar genotypes (limits genetic

Outbreeding - increased likelihood of mating between organisms with different genotypes

Genetic Drift random change in allele frequencies in a population
-smaller populations are more susceptible to genetic drift

Bottleneck dramatic decrease in size of a population making it susceptible to genetic drift

Convergent Evolution two species possess the same analogous structures unrelated to a common ancestor

Divergent Evolution divergence leading to distinct populations / species

Parallel Evolution similar evolutionary changes in different species due to similar environmental pressures

Symbiotic Relationships
1) Parasitism when a species requires another species as a host to live, harming the host in the process
2) Commensalism an organism requires another species as a host to live with no harm or benefit to the host
3) Mutualism symbiotic relationship between two organisms that confers fitness to both

Ontogeny and Phylogeny Similarities in stages of development (ontogeny) can be used to determine
evolutionary relationships between organisms.
Origin of Life
Panspermia life was seeded extraterrestrially (meteors, cosmic dust, etc.)

Life may have arisen on Earth and the most likely location would be the early oceans.
-possibly at the oceans edges or at deep-sea vents or ???
-possibly in a reducing atmosphere (no O

-organic molecules can be produced from a simple mixture of gases and electricity (Miller-Urey experiment)
-formaldehyde, HCN, urea, and even some amino acids resulted

-lipid bilayers spontaneously form in aqueous solution via self-assembly

-possibility of RNA acting as the original genetic material with the ability to self-replicate (ribozyme)

Somewhere along the way a collection of molecules began to live and self-replicate

Eventually these became the first cells and had all the attributes we associate with life:
1) Heredity and reproduction
2) Being distinct from its environment (cellular)
3) Capable of growth and development
4) The ability to respond to stimuli from the environment
5) Capable of homeostasis and regulation

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