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His Majesty's Government of Nepal


FAG%N) *+,- . F$&R%ARY) *++/
This Standard Specifications for Building works is the copy of the
document approved by His Majesty's Government of epal! Ministry of
"hysical "lanning and works on #insert date$%
- B
The "resent document ,Standard Specifications for Building works, is the
--------------%%% This document is the outcome
---------%% reviewed by the --------------%%% The
comments! interactions and e.periences shared by (ngineers and e.perts
have been incorporated%
&ue to lack of revision and upgrading of the prevailing Standard
Specifications! there are difficulties in performing /ualitative works% Hence! 0
hope this document will solve the problem to perform /ualitative work%
Hence! 0 am fully confident that these Specifications will lead the department
of 1rban &evelopment 2 Building +onstruction to achieve more /ualitative
&irector General
&epartment of 1rban
&evelopment 2 Building
- +
*cknowledgements are made to the following publications and documents which have been consulted during reviewing of
these Specifications Building works%
3% The Bureau of 0ndian Standard 4B0S5 Hand book 63778
9% The British Standards 0nstitution 4BS05 +atalogue 6 9:::
;% *nnual Book of *STM Standards <ol%::%:3 40nde.5 637=8
>% 0S +odes
?% BS +odes
8% Technical Specifications of T1TH! +old @ard Building +onstruction "roject
A% epal Standards
=% Standard Specifications )or 'oads 2 Bridge @orks
435 0n these Specifications references are made to various codes% 0n case of their disagreement!
when referred to! they shall be in the hierarchy as given below%
4i5S 4iii50S 4iv5BS 4v5*STM 4vi5 Bthers
495 0f any works are not covered under these Standard Specifications or re/uire modifications
to some of the Specifications! appropriate specifications or modifications to the relevant
Standard Specifications may be drafted in Special Specifications to suit the nature of the
works% Such specifications or modifications shall need approval by the &irector General of the
&epartment of 1rban &evelopment 2 Building +onstruction! before they are implemented%
- i
Ta8le of Contents
-++ G$N$RA
3:3 &efinitions
3:9 +ontractorCs Bffice 2 *ccommodation
3:; Bffice )or (ngineer
3:> Safety Measures
3:? otice Boards
3:8 Temporary )acilities
3:A "ublicly *nd "rivately Bwned Services
3:8 0nsurance Bf @orks
3:A (nvironmental "rotection @orks
3:= Survey *nd Setting But
3:7 *s6Built &rawings
33: "hotographs
333 Supply Bf <ideo +assettes
339 otes *bout Measurement *nd "ayment
33; ational Specifications
33> (/uivalency Bf Standards
33? 1nits Bf Measurement! *bbreviations *nd Terminology
338 "rogram 363:
9:3 +learing
;:3 Scope
;:9 +ontractor 'esponsible )or The Duality Bf The @orks
;:; Duality +ontrol System
;:> Duality *ssurance "lan
;:? Testing "rocedures *nd Set Bf Tests
;:8 Eaboratory Trials To +onfirm +ompliance @ith Specifications
;:A Site Trials Br Trials Sections
;:= +ontrol Testing &uring +onstruction
;:7 *cceptance Tests )or +ompleted @orks Br "art Bf @orks
;3: 'ecapitulative Schedule Bf Tests
;33 +ontractor's Eaboratory
;39 Eaboratory (/uipment at Site
;3; Sampling and Testing of Material away )rom Site
;3> Survey and Setting
;3? 1se of the +ontractor's Temporary @orks
;38 "rovide and "lace Earge "ermanent Signs and Markings
;3A &ay work
;3= 'eports
;37 Site &iary
- i
>:3 Scope
>:9 Duality Bf Materials
>:; Sources Bf Materials
>:> 0nspection *nd *cceptance Bf Materials
>:? Materials *nd Manufactured *rticles
>:8 &efective Materials
>:A Trade ames *nd *lternatives
>:= )oreign Materials
>:7 &efinition Bf General types Bf Materials
>3: Sieves
>33 Soils *nd Gravels
>39 Stone! *ggregate! Sand *nd )illers
>3; +ement
>3> Eime
>3? Eime Treated Materials
>38 +oncrete
>3A 'einforcing Steel
>3= Testing Bf @elds
>37 "aints )or Structural Steelwork
>9: Bricks
>93 Mortar
>99 'einforced +oncrete "ipes
>9; High &ensity "olythene "ipes
>9> Geote.tiles
>9? Timber )or Structural @orks
>98 Manhole +overs *nd )rames
>9A "re6cast +oncrete +hannels >63:
>9= +ast 0ron &rainage Gratings >63:
>97 Measurement *nd "ayment >63:
/++ $ARTH"OR#S
?:3 Scope
?:9 &efinitions *nd General 'e/uirements
?:; (arthwork 0n (.cavation 0n )oundation
?:> (.cavation )or )ormation Bf "linth Bf Building *nd "arking @orks
?:?% Backfill
?:8% Transportation *nd Handling Bf (.cess &isposable Material
,++ CONCR$T$ "OR#
8:3 Scope
8:9 &efinitions
8:; Materials )or +oncrete
8:> The &esign Bf +oncrete
8:? +oncrete
- ii
8:8 Transportation Bf +oncrete
8:A "lacing Bf +oncrete
8:= +ompaction Bf +oncrete 8633
8:7 +uring Bf +oncrete 8639
83: "rotection Bf )resh +oncrete 8639
833 +oncreting 0n Hot @eather 8639
839 +onstruction Foints 863;
83; 'ecords Bf +oncrete "lacing 863;
83> 'einforcement 863>
83? +oncrete )or Secondary "urposes 863?
838 (arly Eoading 8638
83A Measurement 8638
83= "ayment 863A
A:3 Scope
A:9 Materials
A:; Soaking Bf Bricks
A:> Eaying Bf Bricks
A:? Foints
A:8 Fointing @ith (.isting Structures
A:A +uring
A:= Scaffolding
A:7 +ondition Bf (/uipment
A3: )inishing Bf Surfaces
A33 Test *nd Standard Bf *cceptance
A39 &ry Brick @orks
A3; Measurement
A3> "ayment
=:3 Scope
=:9 Materials
=:; +onstruction
=:> *shlar
=:? Block60n6+ourse
=:8 S/uare 'ubble6+oursed Br Broken +ourses
=:A 'andom 'ubble 6 +oursed Br 1ncoursed
=:= &ry 'andom 'ubble
=:7 +omposite 'andom 'ubble
=3: Test *nd Standard Bf *cceptance
=33 Measurement
=39 "ayment
>++ FORM "OR#
7:3 Scope *nd &efinitions
- iii
7:9 General
7:; )ormwork )or +oncrete
7:> Surface )inish Bn )ormed Surfaces
7:? )inishes Bn 1nformed Surfaces
7:8 'emedial @ork To &efective Surfaces
7:A Measurement
7:= "ayment
CHAPT$R -+ -+?-
-+++ "OO! "OR#
3::3 Scope 3:63
3::9 Material 3:63
3::; +arpentry and Foinery 3:69
3::> Beams Eintel! 'afters! "urlins! @all "lates! "ostG+olumn 3:6>
3::? &oors and @indows )rames 3:6>
3::8 @ooden &oor and @indows )rame 3:6>
3::A @ooden @indow Shutters 3:68
3::= GlaHed @indow Shutters 3:68
3::7 @ooden "aneled &oor Shutters 3:6=
3:3: @ooden Solid +ore &oor Shutters 3:6=
3:33 @ooden +arving &oor and @indows )rame *nd Shutters 3:67
CHAPT$R -- --?-
33:3 Scope 3363
33:9 Material 3363
33:; +onstruction "rocedures 3363
33:> "unning *nd "ointing @orks 3369
33:? Measurement 336;
33:8 "ayment 336;
CHAPT$R -* -*?-
39:3 Scope 3963
39:9 &elivery and *pplication of "aintI 3963
39:; "reparation and priming of surfacesI 3963
39:> +olors and "rimingI 3963
39:? +ement "aint 3969
39:8 (namel "aint 396;
39:A @ashable &istemper 396;
39:= "lastic (mulsion "aint 396;
39:7 Bituminous *luminum "aint 396;
3;:7 'ed Eead "rimer 396;
393: +hapra "olish 396;
3933 "olyurethane "aint 396>
3939 @hite @ashing 396>
393; Measurement 396>
393> "ayment 396>
CHAPT$R -9 -9?-
- iv
3;:3 Scope 3;63
3;:9 +oncrete )looring 3;63
3;:; )lag Stone )looring 3;63
3;:> "lain and +olored ceramic Tiles 3;69
3;:? Marble )loor 3;6;
3;:8 TerraHHo Tiles )looringI 3;6;
3;:A 0n skirting! risers etc 3;6;
3;:= GlaHed @all tiling 3;6;
3;:7 on Slippery Tiles in )looring 3;6;
3;3: Timber )looring 3;6>
3;33 Telia Tile 3;6>
3;39 Marble )looring 3;6>
3;3; "olythene Sheeting 3;6>
3;3> "aving! Skirting etc 3;6>
3;3? )loor Hardener 3;6?
3;38 "olytheneG "olythene sheets 3;6?
3;3A &amp "roof +ourse 3;6?
3;3= Measurement 3;68
3;37 "ayment 3;68
CHAPT$R -; -;?-
3>:3 +lay Tiles 3>63
3>:9 'idge and <erge +over 3>63
3>:; *sbestos +ement 'oofing 3>63
3>:> 'einforced +ement +oncrete 'oofing 3>69
3>:? GalvaniHed +orrugated 0ron Sheet 4+G0 Sheet5 'oofing and 'idge and
<erge +over 3>69
3>:8 Slate 'oofingI 3>69
3>:A @ater "roofing for +oncrete 'oofs 3>6;
3>:= @ater "roofing for Tiled 'oofs 3>6;
3>:7 Eaying Tar )elt Sheets 3>6>
CHAPT$R -/ -/?-
-/++ C$IING "OR#S
3?:3 *coustic +eiling 3?63
3?:9 Gypsum board +eiling 3?63
3?:; Marine Board +eiling 3?69
CHAPT$R -, -,?-
-,++ STR%CT%RA ST$$ "OR#
38:3 General 3863
38:9 Materials 3863
38:; )abrication I General 'e/uirements 3863
38:> )abrication Bf Bolted Structures 386A
38:? +astings *nd Heat Treatment 38633
38:8 @elded +onstruction 38639
38:A )ield (rection 'e/uirements 3863?
- v
38:= *ssembling *nd Bolting 38638
38:7 "rotection *gainst +orrosion 3863A
383: Measurement 38693
3833 "ayment 38693
CHAPT$R -< -<?-
-<++ M$TA "OR#
3A:3 *luminum @indows )rame *nd Shutters 3A63
3A:9 Mild Steel )olded &oor and @indows )rame and Shutters 3A69
3A:; Mild Steel Grill 3A6>
3A:> Mild Steel +ollapsible Gate 3A6>
3A:? Mild steel Main Gate 3A6>
3A:8 +attle Trap 3A6?
3A:A Mild steel Main Gate 3A6?
CHAPT$R -= -=?-
-=++ MISC$AN$O%S "OR#S
3=:3 Hume "ipes 3=63
3=:9 Grass "lantation 3=63
3=:; Barbed @ire )encing on Timber "olesI 3=69
3=:> "recast '++ @orks 3=69
3=:? &amp "roof +oursesI 3=69
3=:8 Holes! "ipes! etc%I 3=6;
CHAPT$R -> ->?-
37:3 &ismantling of Gabions 3763
37:9 &ismantling of +ement Masonry @orks 3763
37:; &ismantling of "lain +oncreteG'einforced +oncrete 3763
37:> &ismantling of &ry Stone Masonry @all 3763
- vi
-++ G$N$RA
The @ork shall be carried out according to these Specifications whether specifically mentioned
elsewhere or not% o e.tra in any form will be paid unless it is definitely stated as an item in the Bill of
@henever the Specifications are not given or when the Specifications are ambiguous! the relevant
0ndian Standards or British Standards and further amendments will be considered as final and
*ll @orks shall be carried out simultaneously with electrical! plumbing! sanitary and other services
and in co6operation with the +ontractors the above services% The @ork shall be carried on till it is
completed satisfactorily along with the completion of other essential services% The building +ontractor
shall keep the other +ontractors informed of the proposed program of @ork! well in advance! so that
the building @ork is not hindered% The +ontractor shall further cooperate with other +ontractors in
respect of any facility re/uired by them e%g% making holes in shuttering for sanitary! pipes! electric
conduits! fan hook etc% However! no e.tra payment shall be admissible to him for such reasonable
assistance and facilities afforded to other +ontractors and the building +ontractors shall be deemed to
have taken these factors into consideration while /uoting his rates%
The @ork shall be related to the drawings which the +ontractor is presumed to have studied% othing
e.tra will be paid for any item because of its shape! location or other difficult circumstances! even if
the schedule makes no distinction! as long as the item is shown in the drawings%
The sources of materials stated in the Specifications are those from which materials are generally
available% However! materials not conforming to Specifications shall be rejected even if they come
from the stated sources% The +ontractor should satisfy himself that sufficient /uantity of materials of
acceptable Specification is available form the stated or other sources%
The re/uirements of Specifications under 4*5% G(('*E 4B5% M*T('0*ES shall be fulfilled by the
+ontractor without e.tra charges i%e% the item rates /uoted shall be deemed to have taken these
Specifications into account%
These are re/uirements the +ontractor shall fulfill after the issue of Eetter of *cceptance but before
the &ate of +ommencement%
aA General
A22epta8le.Approve5 BApprovalA 6 *cceptable toGapproved 4approval5 by the (ngineer%
A6ree5 6 *greed in writing%
As 5etaile5 6 *s detailed on the drawings%
ACtDoriEe5.or5ere5.reje2te5 6 *uthoriHedGorderedGrejected by the (ngineer%
!esi6nate5 6 Shown on the drawings or otherwise specified by the (ngineer or! in relation to
an item scheduled in the bid documents! descriptive of an item to be priced by a bidder%
In5i2ate5 6 0ndicated in or reasonably to be inferred from the contract! or indicated in writing
by the (ngineer%
InstrC2te5.5ire2te5.permitte5 60nstructedGdirectedG permitted by the (ngineer%
Satisfa2tory 6 +apable of fulfilling or having fulfilled the intended function%
Servi2e 6 *ny pipeline! cable! duct etc% for conveying or transmitting any fluid or other matter%
SC8mitte5 6 Submitted with the tender or submitted to the (ngineer! as appropriate%
8A Toleran2es
!eviation 6 The difference between the actual 4i%e%! measured5 siHe or position and the
specified siHe or position%
Permissi8le 5eviation 6 The specified limit4s5 of deviation%
Toleran2e 6 The range between the limits within which a siHe or position must lie%
2A MeasCrement an5 Payment
&ill.s2De5Cle 6 The billGschedule of /uantities%
&ille5.s2De5Cle5 rate 6 The unit rate or price entered in the billGschedule at which the
+ontractor undertakes to e.ecute the particular work or to provide the re/uired material!
- 3
article or service! or to do any or all of these things! as set out in the item concerned%
&ille5.s2De5Cle5 6 Eisted in the billGschedule of /uantities%
FiFe5 2Dar6e 6 * charge for work that is e.ecuted without reference to time%
MetDo5?relate5 2Dar6e 6 The sum for an item inserted in the bill by the +ontractor when
tendering! to cover items of work relating to his intended method of e.ecuting the @orks%
Time?relate5 2Dar6e 6 * charge for work the cost of which! to the (mployer! is varied in
proportion to the length of time taken to e.ecute the particular item scheduled%
'alCe?relate5 2Dar6e 6 * charge that is directly proportional to the value of the contract%
<arious works defined under this item are for the provision and maintenance of the +ontractor's office!
camps! stores! e/uipment yard! and workshops% The structure of the buildings shall be ade/uate!
rainproof! spacious! airy and hygienic with proper lighting and toilet facilities% The area shall be kept
neat and clean% *ny garbage or sewage shall be disposed at a location and in a manner approved by
the (ngineer%
Space allocated for storage of various materials such as cement! reinforcement steel! and petroleum
products etc% shall be clearly separated to avoid contamination%
"etroleum products shall be stored and handled in a way that avoids contamination of ground water%
@orkshops shall be installed with oil and grease traps for the same purpose%
@ritten information shall be given to and approval taken from the (ngineer regarding proper
establishment and maintenance of such camps% )ailure in compliance with (ngineer's instructions in
respect of overall standard will lead to reduction or withholding of any payment due to the +ontractor%
The +ontractor shall provide at his own e.pense ade/uate temporary accommodation and toilet
facilities for his @orkmen and keep the same in good conditions% This may be done to suit Site
conditions with the approval of "roject (ngineer% The above mentioned temporary structures shall be
removed on the completion of @orks at +ontractor's own cost% *ll materials shall belong to the
The +ontractor shall make his own arrangement for the supply of electric power and lighting as
re/uired for construction purpose%
The +ontractor shall make his own arrangement for all internal and e.ternal telephones and other
communication means deemed necessary for the @orks%
The +ontractor shall make his own arrangement for office e/uipment and other consumable for his
use for the @orks%
The contractor shall provide and maintain offices for the use of the (ngineer and his staff if provided
in the contract
The +ontractor shall be responsible for safety of all workmen and other persons entering the @orks
and shall at his own e.penseJ where not stated otherwise take all measures! subject to the (ngineer's
approval! necessary to ensure their safety% Such measures shall include but not be limited toI
"rovision of safety and emergency regulations for fire! gas! and electric shock prevention!
together with rescue operation plan
Safe control of flowing water
"rovision and maintenance of suitable lighting to provide ade/uate illumination at place of work
with appropriate spares and standby unit
"rovision and maintenance of safe! sound slings! pulleys! ropes! and other lifting device
"rovision of safe access to any part of the works%
"rovision of notices in local dialect temporarily or permanently during construction at locations
likely to be used by the public% "lacement of such notices shall depend on the e.istence of the
nature of work in the vicinity% These notices shall be in addition to any other statutory
re/uirements demanded of the +ontractor
The +ontractor shall submit a proposal with detailed safety and emergency measures for the
(ngineer's approval% @hen the proposal has been approved! (nglish and epali version of the
regulations shall be made available to all of his (mployees and the (ngineer%
- 9
The +ontractor shall ensure that all his (mployees are fully conversant with the regulations!
emergency and rescue procedures etc% and shall enforce a rule that will instantly dismiss any
employee committing a serious breach of such regulations%
The +ontractor shall erect notice boards 43%9 m . 3%= m5 at the site giving details of the +ontract in the
format and wordings directed by the (ngineer% These boards shall be erected within 3> days after the
+ontractor has been given the "ossession of Site
The +ontractor shall not erect any advertisement sign board on or along the work% The board shall be
removed by the +ontractor by the end of the &efects Eiability "eriod%
B-A Provision of Temporary Servi2es
@hen the rehabilitation or replacement of e.isting public utilities re/uires their temporary
disconnection! the +ontractor shall provide the affected users with temporary services in at
least the same standard as the original services% )or water supply he may install temporary
lines or arrange for regular supply by tankers% @hen forced to disconnect e.isting sewers the
+ontractor shall install temporary pipes of ade/uate siHe to carry off sewage from any private
sewer facilities cut off by construction work% +onnections to temporary pipes shall be made
immediately by the +ontractor upon cutting off the e.isting facility% o sewage shall be
allowed to flow from any severed facility upon the ground surface or into trench e.cavation%
"ipes used in temporary sewers may be plastic or approved fle.ible material%
1pon completion of work the +ontractor shall replace all severed connections and restore to
operating order the e.isting sanitary facilities% The +ontractor without approval of the
(ngineer shall operate no valve or other controls in public service facilities% *ll users affected
by such operation shall be notified by the +ontractor at least one hour before the operation
and advised of the probable time when service will be restored%
B*A Prote2tion of A5joinin6 Property
The +ontractor shall control the movement of his crews and e/uipment on right6of6way
including access routes approved by the (ngineer so as to minimiHe damage to crops and
property and shall endeavor to avoid marring the lands% 'uts and scars shall be obliterated
and damage to land shall be corrected and the land shall be restored as closely as possible to
its original conditions before final taking6over of the @orks%
The +ontractor shall be responsible directly to the (mployer for any e.cessive or avoidable
damage to crops or lands resulting from his operations whether on lands adjacent to right6of6
way or on approved access road and deductions will be made from payment due to the
+ontractor to cover the amount of such e.cessive or avoidable damage as determined by the
B9A Reinstatement Cpon Completion
Temporary facilities shall be provided by the +ontractor! only for as long as re/uired after
which he shall dismantle and remove the same from their place of use as speedily as
possible% The +ontractor in his yard shall safely store re6usable components% The place of use
shall be cleared and reinstated immediately to at least the condition e.isting before the
temporary facilities were provided to the satisfaction of the (ngineer%
B;A MeasCrement an5 Payment
1nless otherwise provided in the contract! no separate measurement andGor payment shall be
made for all materials and works re/uired under this clause% *ll costs in connection with the
work specified herein shall be considered to be included with other related items of the work
in the BBD
*ll provision of temporary services shall be covered by a provisional sum in the BBD% The
lump sum amounts indicated in BBD shall be paid in pro6rata basis by dividing the total
amounts by contract period in months% These payments will be incorporated in the interim
certificates for payment%
-+< P%&ICY AN! PRI'AT$Y O"N$! S$R'IC$S
435 0f any privately owned service for water! electricity! drainage! etc%! passing through the site is
affected by the works! the +ontractor shall provide a satisfactory alternative service in full
working order to the satisfaction of the owner of the services and of the (ngineer before
- ;
terminating the e.isting service%
495 &rawing and scheduling the affected services like water pipes! sewers! cables! etc% owned by
various authorities including "ublic 1ndertakings and Eocal *uthorities included in the
contract documents shall be verified by the +ontractor for the accuracy of the information
prior to the commencement of any work%
4;5 otwithstanding the fact that the information on affected services may not be e.haustive! the
final position of these services within the works shall be supposed to have been indicated
based on the information furnished by different bodies and to the e.tent the bodies are
familiar with the final position% The +ontractor must also allow for any effect of these services
and alternations upon the works and for arranging regular meetings with the various bodies at
the commencement of the contract and throughout the period of the works in order to
maintain the re/uired co6ordination% &uring the period of the works! the +ontractor shall agree
if the public utility bodies vary their decisions in the e.ecution of their proposals in terms of
program and construction! provided that! in the opinion of the (ngineer! the +ontractor has
received reasonable notice thereof before the relevant alterations are put in hand%
4>5 o clearance or alterations to the utility shall be carried out unless ordered by the (ngineer%
4?5 *ny services affected by the works shall be restored immediately by the +ontractor who must
also take all measures reasonably re/uired by the various bodies to protect their services and
property during the progress of the works%
485 The +ontractor may be re/uired to carry out the removal or shifting of certain servicesGutilities
on specific orders from the (ngineer for which payment shall be made to him% Such works
shall be taken up by the +ontractor only after obtaining clearance from the (ngineer and
ensuring ade/uate safety measures%
B-A InsCran2e of "or3s
The +ontractor shall take out 0nsurance for the @orks from approved agencyGinstitution staff if
provided in the contract
"ayments made to the agencyGinstitution and stamp chargesGduties incurred if any! by the
contractor in compliance of the above work shall be paid from "rovisional Sum included for
the item in the BBD after submission of the insurance document to the satisfaction of the
B*A TDir5 Party InsCran2e
The +ontractor shall take out Third "arty 0nsurance from an approved agencyGinstitution staff
if provided in the contract
"ayments made to the agencyGinstitution and stamp chargesGduties incurred if any! by the
+ontractor in compliance of the above work shall be paid from the "rovisional Sum included
for the item in the BBD after submission of the documents to the satisfaction of the (ngineer%
B9A InsCran2e of Contra2tor's "or3men an5 $mployees
The +ontractor shall insure against such liability as stipulated in "art 00 +onditions of
"articular *pplication%
The cost for works under this Sub6+lause shall be covered by the +ontractor's overhead
included in unit rates of other items in the BBD%
The environment has been defined to mean surrounding area including human and natural resources
to be affected by e.ecution and after completion of works%
The +ontractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course of the
construction of the works% He shall abide by all prevalent laws! rules and regulations governing
pollution and environmental protection%
The +ontractor shall prohibit employees from unauthoriHed use of e.plosives! poaching wildlife and
cutting trees% The +ontractor shall be responsible for the action of his employees%
The +ontractor is e.pected to arrange and e.ecute the @orks in such a way that e.isting
- >
environmental conditions are not deteriorated% Borrow pits and dumping sites used by the contractor
shall be reinstated at his own cost by grass andGor tree plantation%
@ritten instructionGapproval must be given to seek from the (ngineer regarding protection and
reinstatement of environment throughout the +ontract period% )ailure in compliance with (ngineer's
instructions in respect of overall standard will lead to reduction or withhold of payment% )urther! any
serious deterioration in the environment including pollution attributable to +ontractor as determined by
the (ngineer! may result in deduction of actual e.penditures incurred in their reinstatement done
through separate agency! from any money due to the +ontractor%
(nvironmental protection works! among others! shall also include the followingI
B-A &orro4.:Carry Sites
The (ngineer shall have the power to disallow the method of construction andGor the use of
any borrowG/uarry area! if in his opinion! the stability and safety of the works or any adjacent
structure is endangered! or there is undue interference with the natural or artificial drainage!
or the method or use of the area will promote undue erosion%
*ll areas susceptible to erosion shall be protected as soon as possible either by temporary or
permanent drainage works% *ll necessary measures shall be taken to prevent concentration of
surface water and to avoid erosion and scouring of slopes and other areas% *ny newly formed
channels shall be backfilled%
BorrowsG/uarries shall be located away from the population centers! drinking water intakes!
cultivable lands and drainage systems% The cutting of trees shall be minimiHed% Temporary
ditches andGor settling basins shall be dug to prevent erosion% The undesirable ponding of
water shall be prevented through temporary drains discharging to natural drainage channels%
(arthworks operations shall be strictly limited to the areas to be occupied by the permanent
works and approved borrow areas and /uarries unless otherwise permitted by the (ngineer%
&ue provision shall be made for temporary drainage% (rosion andGor instability andGor
sediment deposition arising from earthwork operations not in accordance with the
Specifications shall be made good immediately by the +ontractor%
The +ontractor shall obtain the permission of the (ngineer before opening up any borrows
pits or /uarries% Such borrow pits and /uarries may be prohibited or restricted in dimensions
and depth by the (ngineer whereI
4i5 They might affect the stability or safety of the works or adjacent propertyJ
4ii5 They might interfere with natural or artificial drainage or irrigationJ
4iii5 They may be environmentally unsuitable%
The +ontractor shall not purchase or receive any borrow materials from private individuals
unless the source of such materials has been approved by the (ngineer%
*t least 3> days before he intends to commence opening up any approved borrow pit or
/uarry! the +ontractor shall submit to the (ngineer his intended method of working and
restoration% These shall include but not be limited toI
B*A !isposal of Spoil an5 ConstrC2tion "aste
Materials in e.cess of the re/uirements for permanent works and unsuitable materials shall
be disposed off in locations and in the manner as agreed with the (ngineer% The locations of
disposal sites shall be such as not to promote instability! destruction of properties and public
service systems% (.posed areas of such disposal sites shall be suitably dressed and be
planted with suitable vegetation%
The +ontractor shall plan his works in such a way that there is no spillage of "BE products to
the surface or sub6surface water%
B9A Provision an5 Maintenan2e of Camps) Offi2es) Stores) $HCipment Yar5s
<arious works defined under this item are related to provision and maintenance of camps for
work person and employees! +ontractor's site offices! stores e/uipment yards and
workshops% These camps must be ade/uate! rain6proof! spacious! airy and hygienic with
proper lighting and materials storage facilities% The area shall be kept neat and clean%
Space allocated for storage of materials such as cement! gabion wire! reinforcing wire etc%
shall in general be damp6free! rain6proof and away from petroleum products storage%
"ermission may be granted by the (ngineer to erect suitable camps within the right of way
free of charge! if such establishments do not cause obstructions to traffic! nuisance to works
- ?
e.ecution and adverse effect to the environment%
@ritten information must be given to and approval be taken from the (ngineer regarding
proper establishment and maintenance of such camps% )ailure in compliance with (ngineer's
instruction in respect of overall standard will lead to reduction or with holding of payment%
B;A Provision an5 Maintenan2e of Toilets
"rovision of toilets for labor and employees shall be made to avoid public nuisance as well as
pollution of water courses and air% The +ontractor shall construct suitable septic tanks andGor
soak pits along with room of pit6type latrines% Sufficient water must be provided and
maintained in the toilets% "roper methods of sanitation and hygiene should be employed
during the whole project duration%
B/A Provision of Pota8le "ater
The +ontractor shall supply potable water along with commencement of work to +ontractor's
staff and work person both at camps and construction6sites% This arrangement shall be
enforced to avoid proliferation and generation of various water borne diseases%
The +ontractor shall inform the (ngineer regarding sources! installation and operation of
supply of potable water within a week after the supply is commenced%
B,A Provision of First Ai5.Me5i2al Fa2ilities
"rovision of first aidGmedical facilities shall be made along with commencement of work to
provide /uick medical service to injuredGsick work person! and employees% Services shall also
include on6the6way service and other arrangements re/uired for taking them to the nearest
hospital in case of emergency%
The scope of work shall include service of at least one part6time e.perienced health
workerGhealth assistant with a minimum of once a week full time site visit as work assignment%
The +ontractor shall also supply and provide ade/uate medicines and facilities re/uired for
standard first aid%
The +ontractor shall inform the (ngineer regarding the medical facility within a week after its
establishment and operation%
B<A HaEar5oCs Materials
The +ontractor shall not store haHardous materials near water surfaces% The +ontractor shall
provide protective clothing or appliances when it is necessary to use some haHardous
High concentration of airborne dust resulting in deposition and damage to crops and water
resources shall be avoided% The +ontractor shall take every precaution to control e.cessive
noise resulting in disruption to wildlife and human population%
Bnly controlled e.plosives methods shall be applied and used in construction works%
B-+A Reinstatement of $nvironment
The +ontractor shall arrange and e.ecute works as well as related activities in such a way
that environmental conditions are reinstated% He may be re/uired to carry out filling! removal
and disposal works along with plantation of grass and trees as directed by the (ngineer at his
own costs at identified locations to reinstate environment%
@ritten instructionGapproval shall be given byGsought from the (ngineer regarding
reinstatement of environment both during and after completion of works and up to the end of
&efects Eiability "eriod%
B--A MeasCrement an5 Payment
o separate measurement and payment shall be made for the works described in this
-+= S%R'$Y AN! S$TTING O%T
435 &uring the period of +ommencement of works the +ontractor shall survey the construction
area and confirm the levels% He shall immediately notify the (ngineer of any discrepancies
and shall agree with the (ngineer any amended values to be used during the contract!
including replacements for any stations missing from the original stations%
495 The +ontractor shall check! replace and supplement as necessary the station points and
agree any revised or additional station details with the (ngineer%
4;5 *ll stations and reference points shall be clearly marked and protected to the satisfaction of
- 8
the (ngineer%
4>5 The +ontractor shall establish working Bench Marks tied with reference stations soon after
taking possession of the site% The coordinates and the elevations of the reference stations
shall be obtained from the (ngineer% The working Bench Marks shall be near all
majorGmedium structure sites% 'egular checking of these Bench Marks shall be made and
adjustments! if any! got agreed with the (ngineer and recorded%
4?5 The +ontractor shall be responsible for the accurate establishment of the center lines based
on the &rawing and data supplied% The center lines shall be accurately referenced in a
manner satisfactory to the (ngineer% * schedule of reference dimensions shall be prepared
and supplied by the +ontractor to the (ngineer%
485 The e.isting profile and cross6sections shall be taken jointly by the (ngineer and the
+ontractor% These shall form the basis for the measurements and payments% 0f in the opinion
of the (ngineer! design modifications of the center lines andGor grade are advisable! the
(ngineer shall issue detailed instructions to the +ontractor and the +ontractor shall perform
modifications in the field! as re/uired! and modify the levels on the cross6sections accordingly%
-+> AS?&%IT !RA"INGS
Such approved @orking &rawings as have been selected by the (ngineer shall be correctly modified
for inclusion in the *s6Built &rawings incorporating such variations to the @orks as have been ordered
and e.ecuted% Such drawings shall show the actual arrangement of all structures and items of
e/uipment installed under the +ontract% The +ontractor shall submit 3 4one5 reproducible copy and ;
4three5 prints of all *s6Built &rawings clearly named as such to the (ngineer for approval before
applying for the Taking6Bver +ertificate for the respective Section of the @orks%
&uring the course of the @orks! the +ontractor shall maintain a fully detailed record of all changes
from the approval to facilitate easy and accurate preparation of the *s6Built &rawing% 0rrespective of
the other contractual prere/uisites no Section of the @orks will be considered substantially completed
until the (ngineer has approved the respective *s6Built &rawings%
The +ontractor shall supply negatives and un6mounted positive color prints of photographs! of such
portions of the works in progress and completed! as may be directed by the (ngineer% The negatives
and prints shall not be retouched% The negative of each photograph shall be the property of the
(mployer and shall be delivered to the (ngineer with prints% o prints from these negatives shall be
supplied to anyone without the written permission of the (ngineer%
The work consists of taking video film of important activities of the work as directed by the% (ngineer
during the currency of the contract and editing them to a video film of playing time between ;:
minutes and 3=: minutes as directed by the (ngineer% 0t shall contain narration of activities in (nglish
andGor epali by a competent narrator% The edition of the video film and the script shall be approved
by the (ngineer% The video cassettes shall be of acceptable /uality and the film shall be capable of
producing color pictures%
The measurement for this item shall be by number of sets of edited master cassettes supplied each
with four copies thereof%
The contract unit rate shall include all e.penses for making video films with the help of a
professionally competent photographer! editing! narration and supplying the final edited master
cassette along with four copies thereof%
B-A MeasCrement
1nless specified! all measurements shall be based on K"rincipals of Measurement 40nt%5 for
works of constructions%,
The tolerances specified in these Specifications are for evaluation of accuracies only based
on which the work shall be accepted or rejected% However! the measurement of the work
performed within the limits of tolerances shall be the measurement of actual work done in
place! if their dimensions are less than what have been specified or instructed by the
- A
(ngineer% 0f the actual work done in place is more than what has been specified or instructed
by the (ngineer! but within the limit of tolerances! the measurement shall be the
measurement of the work what has been specified or instructed by the (ngineer%
B*A Payment
1nless specified in the contract! the contract unit rates andGor prices for items as set out in the
Bill of Duantities are the full and the final compensation to the +ontractor forI
Supply of all materials necessary to complete the item as per relevant specificationsJ
1se of materials! labors! tools! e/uipment! machines and other resources as per
*ll handling! packing charges and transportationJ
+ost of supervision! /uality assurance! temporary and ancillary worksJ
Site commissioningJ
Maintenance and making goodJ
*ll duties and obligations as set out in the contract
general works such as setting out! clearance of site before setting out and after
completion of works
the preparation of detailed work program
providing samples of various materials proposed to be used
the detailed &esign and &rawing of temporary works
testing of materials
any other details as re/uired by the contract
cost of all operations like storing! erection! moving into final position! etc% necessary
to complete and protect the work till handing over to the (mployerJ
the cost for safeguarding the environment
*ll incidental costs! not covered under above stated%
@here the Bill of Duantities does not include the items mentioned in Section 3::! no separate
payment shall be made for such works% The costs in connection with the e.ecution of the
works specified herein shall be considered to be included in the related items of other works
specified in the Bill of Duantities or shall be considered to be incidental to the works specified%
0tems specified in this Section and included in the Bill of Duantities shall be paid at the
contract unit rates as agreed and shown in the Bill of Duantities%
+ertain Specifications issued by various national or other widely recogniHed bodies are
referred to in these Specifications% Such Specifications shall be defined and referred to as
ational Specifications%
The +ontractor may propose that the materials and workmanship be defined in accordance
with the re/uirements of other e/uivalent ational Specifications and he may e.ecute the
works in accordance with such ational Specifications as may be approved by the (ngineer%
* copy of the ational Specification! together with its translation into the (nglish language if
the ational Specification is in another language! shall be submitted to the (ngineer along
with the re/uest for its adoption%
0n referring to ational Specifications! the following abbreviations are usedI
S epal Bureau of Standards and Metrology
0S 0ndian Standards
*STM *merican Society of Testing and Materials
BS British Standards
BS+" British Standard +ode of "ractice
0SB 0nternational BrganiHation for StandardiHation
( (uropean orm
)" )rench orm
- =
*long with the commencement of the contract! the +ontractor shall provide in his site office at
least one complete set of all ational Specifications referred to in these Specifications! if they
are for the Sections applicable to the works% This set shall be made available for use by the
@herever reference is made in these Specifications to specific standards and codes to be
met by the materials! plant! and other supplies to be furnished! and work to be performed or
tested! the provisions of latest current edition or revision of relevant standards and codes in
effect shall apply% Bther authoritative standards which ensure a substantially e/ual or higher
performance than the specifiedL!6standards and codes shall be accepted subject to the
(ngineer's prior review and approval% &ifferences between the standards specified and the
proposed alternative standards shall be fully described by the +ontractor and submitted to the
(ngineer at least 9= days prior to the date when the +ontractor desires the (ngineer's
approval% 0n the event that the (ngineer determines that such proposed deviations do not
ensure substantially performance! the +ontractor shall comply with the standards and codes
specified% o payment shall be made for adoption of higher standards%
B-A %nits of MeasCrement
The Symbols for units of measurement are used in these Specifications as they are given
M micron M m. 3:
mm millimeter
m meter
km kilometer
s/% mm% or mm
s/uare millimeter
s/%m% or m
s/uare meter
s/% km% or km
s/uare kilometer
ha hectare
cu% m% or m
cubic meter
lit or 0 liter
rad radian
N+ degrees +elsius
kg kilogram
g gram M kg.3:
mg milligram M kg . 3:'8
mgGl milligram per liter
t ton M kg . 3:
kilogram per cubic meter
ton per cubic meter
ewton per s/uare meter
Ein% m Einear meter
Ma. Ma.imum
Min Minimum
Symbols of other units! if not covered above! shall be as per S0 system set out in 0SB ;3G3%
B*A A88reviations
The following abbreviations are used in these Specifications%
- 7
*+< *ggregate +rushing <alue
BBD Bill of Duantities
+' +rushing 'atio
dia &iameter
&1&B+ &epartment of 1rban &evelopment 2 Building +onstruction
&B' &epartment of 'oads%
hr Hour
ES Einear Shrinkage
M+ Moisture +ontent
M&& Ma.imum &ry &ensity
min Minute
no umber 4units5! as in 8 no%
o umber 4order5 as in o 8
BM+ Bptimum Moisture +ontent
B"+ Brdinary "ortland +ement
"0 "lasticity 0nde.
"E "lastic Eimit
"M "lasticity Modulus 4"0 . O passing :%>9? mm sieve5
"BE "etrol! Bil 2 Eubricant
'B@ 'ight of @ay
S( Sand (/uivalent
sec Second
SG Specific Gravity
S0 0nternational Standard 1nits of Measurements
SSS Sodium Sulphate Soundness test! loss on ? cycles
ST< Standard Tar <iscosity
TS Tensile Strength
1+ 1niformity +oefficient
1+S 1nconfined +ompressive Strength
<0M <oids in Mi.
wGc @ater cement ratio
wt @eight
O "ercent
4;5 Terminology
The term, the Specifications, shall be construed as the Standard Specification and the Special
Specification all together%
4>5 The Sections! +lauses andGor Sub6clauses mentioned in these Specifications deem to apply
those of these Specifications only! if otherwise not specified%
The +ontractor shall provide all information needed for fulfillment of the program and re/uired in
accordance with the +onditions of +ontract including the se/uence in which he intends to work
including implementation of /uality assurance plan% 0f the +ontractor re/uests a change in the
se/uence and such change is approved by the (ngineer! the +ontractor shall have no claim as per
the +onditions of +ontract for delay arising from such revisions to the program%
The program for the construction and completion of the works shall be established using +"MG"('T
techni/ues or e/uivalent% The program shall be detailed enough to give! in addition to construction
activities! detailed network activities for the submission and approval of materials! procurement of
critical materials and e/uipment! fabrication of special productsGe/uipments if any and their installation
and testing! and for all activities of the (ngineer that are likely to affect the progress of work% The
- 3:
+ontractor shall update all activities in accordance with the +onditions of +ontract on the basis of the
decision taken at the periodic site review meetings or as directed by the (ngineer%
The program shall also include the +ontractor's general re/uirements for any road closures pursuant
to +lause 3:9 to be agreed in principle with the (ngineer% Such agreement shall not relieve the
+ontractor of his responsibility to obtain specific approval for each closure or series of closures%
*ny proposal for night working shall also be stated in the program%
- 33
B-A S2ope
This Section covers the removal of topsoil! vegetation! boulders of siHe up to :%9? cu%m!
surface obstructions! and demolition and removal of structures including their basements 4if
any5 not directly associated with or incidental to any e.cavation necessary for the construction
of the works covered by the contract% +onservation of the top soil and flora is also covered
under this section% The prepared surface shall be finished to line! grade and slope suitable
and as re/uired by the (ngineer%
*ll material from site clearance shall be the property of the (mployer and depending on its
nature shall! as directed by the (ngineer! be either
a% Stockpiled for future reuse%
b% disposed by controlled burning%
d% disposed by tipping or side casting with all lift within ;:m%
Topsoil! referred to in this +lause shall mean the top 3:: mm layer of soil with roots and
organic matter! which is capable of vegetation support%
B*A !es2ription of "or3
4a5 +learing
+learing shall consist of the cutting! removing and disposal of all trees! bushes! shrubs! grass!
weeds! other vegetation! anthills! rubbish! fences! top organic soil not e.ceeding 3?: mm in
thickness and all other objectionable material! resulting from the clearing and grubbing% 0t
shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude! encroach upon or
otherwise obstruct the work%
The moving of a certain amount of soil or gravel material may be inherent to or unavoidable
during the process of clearing and no e.tra payment shall be made for this% +learing shall
include the removal of all rocks and boulders of up to :%3? m; in siHe e.posed or lying on the
4b5 Grubbing
0n the site all trees up to ;:: mm girth! stumps and roots shall be removed to a depth of not
less than 7:: mm below the finished level and a minimum of ?:: mm below the original
ground level whichever is lower%
(.cept in borrow areas the cavities resulting from the grubbing shall be backfilled with
approved material and compacted to a density not less than the density of the surrounding
4c5 +onservation of Top Soil
@here suitable topsoil e.ists within the limits of the area to be cleared and grubbed! the
+ontractor shall! if ordered by the (ngineer! remove the topsoil together with any grass and
other suitable vegetation% 0f not used immediately! the topsoil shall be transported and
deposited in stockpiles for later use%
4d5 +onservation of )lora
@here provided for in the contract! certain designated flora encountered in the road reserve
and borrow areas shall be carefully protected by the +ontractor% 0n his tendered rate for Site
+learance! he shall include for the careful removal and planting of the flora in a protected and
fenced6off area and! on completion of the road! for the
replanting of the flora in suitable positions in the road reserve in accordance with the
(ngineer's instructions%
B9A $Fe2Ction of "or3
4a5 *reas to be +leared and Grubbed
Stumps! embedded logs! roots and all other vegetation growth and accumulated rubbish of
whatsoever nature and all other objectionable material shall be completely removed to a
depth as specified in Sub6clause 9:3 495 4a5 and 4b5%
- 3
ormally the portions of the road reserve that fall within the limits of the road prism! as well as
certain borrow areas shall be cleared andGor grubbed% @here the road reserve is to remain
unfenced! the full width of the road reserve shall be cleared andGor grubbed e.cept for such
trees designated by the (ngineer to be left standing and uninjured%
The +ontractor shall mark the boundaries of the area for clearing and grubbing and seek the
approval of the (ngineer before commencement of the work% The (ngineer shall designate in
detail the e.act areas to be cleared and grubbed and the time at which it shall be done%
4b5 +utting of Trees
The +ontractor shall take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to structures and
other private or public property% 0f necessary! trees shall be cut in sections from the top
downwards% The branches of trees to be left standing shall be trimmed so as not to intrude
into a space of A m above the roadway%
Such individual trees as the (ngineer may designate and mark in white paint shall be left
standing and uninjured% 0n order to minimiHe damage to trees that are to be left standing!
trees shall be felled towards the center of the area being cleared! if so re/uired by the
"ermission for cutting trees must be obtained from the competent authority who may re/uire
that trees be numbered! measured and marked in the presence of officials from that authority%
+utting of such trees shall then be carried out by the +ontractor and the timber stored at
designated locations within the 'ight of @ay%
)elling and cutting of trees on the site and pilling them off the site shall conform to the
re/uirements of the competent authority%
*ll tree trunks and branches in e.cess of 3?: mm in diameter shall be cleaned off! secondary
branches cut into suitable length and stacked at sites indicated by the (ngineer% Such timber
shall not be used by the +ontractor for any purpose and shall remain the property of the
*ll timber e.cept such timber as can be used and all brush! stumps! roots! rotten wood and
other refuse from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be completely removed from
within the 'ight of @ay%
4c5 &ealing with *nthills
@here anthills are encountered within the limits of the road prism! they shall be e.cavated to
a depth of not less than A?: mm below the finished road level and the material carted to spoil%
+avities resulting from the clearance of anthill material shall be backfilled with approved
material and compacted to a density not less than that of the surrounding ground%
@here directed by the (ngineer! the area covered by anthills shall be treated! after e.cavation
and before backfilling of cavities! with an approved ant control chemical% "ayment for such
treatment shall be made in the manner specified in the contract%
4d5 &isposal of Material
Material obtained from clearing and grubbing shall be disposed off in borrow pits or other
suitable places and be covered up with soil or gravel as directed by the (ngineer% The burning
of combustible material shall not! normally! be permitted and may only be done with the prior
written approval of the (ngineer%
@here fences have to be taken down! fencing wire shall be neatly wound into reels and all
such wire! together with all fence posts and other serviceable material from structures! etc%!
shall be stacked at sites indicated by the (ngineer%
4e5 'e6clearing of <egetation
@hen portions of the road reserve! borrow or other areas have been cleared in accordance
with the Specifications! but in the course of time! vegetation grows again during construction!
the (ngineer may! if he considers it necessary! order that the area be re6cleared%
Before the bottom layer of the embankment is made! the +ontractor shall grub up and remove
any vegetation that may in the meantime have grown on the surfaces previously cleared and
Such re6clearing of areas previously cleared includes the removal and disposal of grass!
shrubs and other vegetation in the same manner as for the first clearing operation% o
separate payment shall be made for re6clearing of vegetation%
- 9
B;A MeasCrement
+learing and grubbing e.ecuted as per this Specification shall be measured in s/uare meter%
+utting trees including removal of stumps and their roots of girth above ;:: mm and
backfilling to re/uired compaction shall be measured in number according to the siHes given
a *bove ;:: mm to 8:: mm%
b *bove 8:: mm to 7:: mm%
c *bove 7:: mm to 3=:: mm%
d *bove 3=:: mm%
)or this purpose girth shall be measured at a height 3 meter above ground%
+utting of trees up to ;:: mm girth including removal of stumps and roots and backfilling of
holes with compaction shall not be measured separately%
B/A Payment
+learing and grubbing and cutting trees shall be paid at their respective contract unit rates
which shall be the full and the final compensation to the +ontractor as per +lause 339% The
contract unit rate for cutting of trees of girth above ;:: mm shall also include handling!
salvaging! piling and disposing off the cleared materials with all leads and lifts%
B,A MeasCrement
"rior to commencement of dismantling! the work of dismantling structures shall be measured
in the units given belowI
Type of @ork 1nit
&ismantling brickGstone masonryG concrete 4plain and reinforced5 cu% m%
&ismantling gabion cu% m
&ismantling steel structures t
&ismantling timber structures cu% m
&ismantling pipes! guard rails! kerbs and gutters r% m
1tility services Eump sum
"avement cu% m
*ssociated works like disposal! stockpiling! marking and numbering! etc% shall not be
measured separately%
B<A Payment
The various dismantling works shall be paid at their respective contract unit rates which shall
be the full and the final compensation to the +ontractor as per +lause 339 and for the cost of
all operations involved for completion of this item%
- ;
9+- SCOP$
This Section covers the Duality +ontrol System and procedures! Duality *ssurance "lan! program of
tests! trials! and general procedures for acceptance as well as laboratory arrangements and related
facilities which are re/uired for the selection and control of the /uality of materials and workmanship%
*ll materials incorporated and all workmanship performed shall be strictly in conformity with the
re/uirements of the Specifications and the +ontractor shall be responsible for the /uality of the works
in the entire construction within the contract%
The +ontractor shall provide! use and maintain on the Site! throughout the period of e.ecution of the
contract! a laboratory with ade/uate laboratory e/uipment operated by competent staff for carrying
out tests re/uired for the selection and control of the /uality of materials and for the control of
workmanship in accordance with these Specifications% The list of laboratory e/uipment to be procured
and laboratory facilities to be provided shall be as per clause ;:=% The +ontractor shall assume that
tests shall be re/uired on all materials to be used in the works and on all finished works or part of
The Duality +ontrol System comprises the methods! procedures and organiHation for the Duality
+ontrol of the works% The +ontractor shall implement the Duality +ontrol System in the following
435 Se/uence
a5 +ompliant testing for materials including laboratory trials!
b5 +ompliant testing for methods and e/uipment prior to the commencement of the
work! including site trials or trials sections!
c5 +ontrol testing during construction!
d5 *cceptant testing on completed works or parts of the works%
The +ontractor shall carry out all necessary tests and shall report to the (ngineer the results
of such tests before submitting materials andGor finished works or part of works to the
(ngineer for approval in accordance with this Specification% 0n certain circumstances! tests
may be carried out at the place of manufacture as per the +onditions of +ontracts%
)or satisfying himself about the /uality of the works! /uality control tests shall be conducted
by the (ngineer himself or by any other agencies deemed fit by the (ngineer% *dditional tests
may also be conducted where in the opinion of the (ngineer such tests are needed%
Before commencement of the work! the +ontractor shall demonstrate a trial run of all
construction e/uipment for establishing their capability to achieve the laid down Specifications
and tolerances to the satisfaction of the (ngineer%
495 The supply! testing and monitoring shall be in compliance with a Duality *ssurance "lan!
+lause ;:> and the provisions in the contract%
The +ontractor shall submit to the (ngineer for his approval! the Duality *ssurance "lan
4D*"5 which shall be based on the detailed "rogram of the @orks as per +lause 338 of these
The Duality *ssurance "lan shall include the followingI
435 The Duality +ontrol Schedule +omprising ofI
a5 The recapitulative test schedule and testing program detailing the list of tests for
compliance! laboratory trials! site trials and trials Sections! construction control tests
and their fre/uencies! tests for acceptance of the completed works with their dates%
b5 'ecapitulative list of ,critical, acceptance testing procedures! for e/uipment or parts
of the works which corresponds to the tasks on the +ritical "ath according to the
construction "rogram%
- 3
c5 (stimate of the number of tests to be carried out! list and number of appropriate
e/uipment to conduct them! list of tests to be conducted outside the site laboratory! if
any! identification of the outside laboratory where proposed to carry out the test%
d5 Eist of staff assigned to the laboratory! their position and responsibilities in the /uality
control procedures! their /ualification and e.perience! general description and
detailed organiHation of the laboratory activities%
495 The list of sources of materials andGor of manufactured articles! their main characteristics!
their identification mode as provided by the supplier when re/uiredJ the program of supply
and procurement of material andGor manufactured articles in accordance with the "rogram
pursuant to +lause 338%
4;5 The list of tests and /uality control procedures to be implemented by the Sub6contractors! if
any! pointing out the ,critical, acceptance testing procedures relating to the Sub6contracted
works! which correspond to the tasks on the +ritical "ath included in the Sub6contracted
The +ontractor shall implement the Duality +ontrol in compliance with the approved D*"%
The (ngineer's approval of the D*" shall not relieve the +ontractor from his responsibility of
the /uality of the @orks as per the +onditions of +ontract and these Specifications nor shall
the (ngineer's approval of the D*" e.empt the +ontractor of any procedure to inform the
(ngineer in writing or re/uest for the (ngineer's approval or re6approval as specified in the
+onditions of +ontract andGor in these Specifications
The +ontractor shall monitor and update the D*" on the basis of the decisions taken at the
periodic review meetings or as directed by the (ngineer and in accordance with the program
of the works as per +lause 338 and the +onditions of +ontract%
)or ensuring the /uality of the work! the materials and the workmanship shall be subjected to testing
in accordance with procedures! sets of tests and fre/uencies as specified in Section >:: and
respective Sections of these Specifications% The specified testing fre/uencies are not restrictive% The
(ngineer shall direct for the tests to be carried out as fre/uently as deemed necessary that the
materials and workmanship comply with their Specifications%
Sets of tests to be carried out on the materials and the workmanship as specified in these
Specifications are recapitulated in +lause ;3:% @here no specific testing procedure is mentioned in
the Specifications! the tests shall be carried out as per the prevalent accepted engineering practice or
directions of the (ngineer%
B-A Con2rete
Eaboratory trials for concrete as specified in +lause 8:: shall be carried out by the
+ontractor to demonstrate that the composition of the proposed for the concrete meets
the re/uirements of the Specifications%
The compositions of concrete which meet the specified re/uirements and are accepted
by the (ngineer shall be then used in the site trials carried out in accordance with +lause ;:A%
B-A Con2rete
Site trials for concrete as specified in +lause 8:: shall be carried out by the +ontractor
to demonstrate the suitability of his e/uipment% &uring the site trials! compliance with
the Specifications for weighing e/uipment! storage of ingredients! means of transport for
concrete! placing! compaction and curing shall be checked by the (ngineer%
&uring the site trial a full scale se/uence including placing and compaction of concrete shall
be carried out on a part of the works which will represent particular difficulties due to the
presence of reinforcement! obstructions or others%
The +ontractor shall allow in his program for conducting the site trials and for carrying out the
appropriate tests! including the time re/uired to obtain compressive strength test results at 9=
days% The +ontractor shall inform in writing the (ngineer at least two weeks before the date
he proposes to use the concrete in the site trials with all relevant data including the trial
program! the results of the laboratory trial tests for the proposed concrete and
- 9
compliance tests results of all constituents i%e% cement! aggregates! water and admi.tures! if
B*A OtDer "or3s an5 $HCipment
Site trials for "re6stressed +oncrete @orks! "ainting of Structural Steelwork etc% are detailed
in the relevant Sections of these Specifications%
*pproval of the (ngineer to a set of data recorded in a site trial shall not relieve the
+ontractor of his responsibilities to comply with the re/uirements of these Specifications
Duality +ontrol procedure are detailed in the relevant Sections of these Specifications
*cceptance tests for other works and e/uipment are detailed in the relevant Sections of these
the tests to be carried out and their fre/uency for the /uality control of the works are detailed in the
relevant Sections of these Specifications%
The following Table ;::%3 recapitulates the testing schedule for the main types of works%
TA&$ 9++@-7 T$STING SCH$!%$
ClaCse No
8:: P+ementI *cceptance testsI
+BT'BE T(STSI +hemical
composition "hysical properties
*cceptance testsI
Silt 2 clay content
Brganic 0mpurities
+hloride content! sulphate content!
*lkali reactivity
@ater! *dmi.tures
P+onservative samples for
each supply and not less than
every 9::t or part of it%
P Testing in case of non
compliance of the or
storage on site for longer than 3
PSub6clause 8:; 4?5
P(ach delivery and every 3:: t or
part of it for fine aggregate and
9?: t or part of it for coarse

P*s fre/uently as re/uired%
+B+'(T( P E*B% T'0*ES P
S0T( T'0*ES P +ontrol tests
+ompressive strength
PSub6clause 8:: 4;5 P Sub6
clause 8:: 4>5 P(arly worksI
every 8 m
of each class% @hen
compliance is establishedI every
9: m
or part of it%
'(0)B'+(M(TI P +lause 83>
M*T('0*ES MB'T*'
A:: P Duality of Bricks
P Duality of cement and sand
P +ontrol tests +ompressive
strength of mortar
*s re/uired
P (very 3: m
of brick work or
part of it%
- ;
M*SB'Q )B'
=:: P Duality of cement and sand
P +ontrol tests +ompressive
strength of mortar
P &ismantling of masonry 43
mR3 m5
P *s re/uired
P (very 3:m
of masonry of part
of it
P (very ;:m
of masonry or part
of it
B-A a8oratory &Cil5in6
The +ontractor shall on his own make provide and maintain a site laboratory% Such laboratory
shall have a minimum total area of 8: m
appropriately partitioned to house various laboratory
instrumentsGe/uipment! office! store! and toilet% 0t shall have ade/uate electrical connections
4power plugs! switches5 necessary to operate the e/uipment in the laboratory%
The laboratory shall either be any e.isting building at site! rented and modified to suit the
purpose or shall be a shed constructed of G0 sheets and pipesGangles% The floor of the
laboratory shall however be of 3:: mm M3?G9: concrete and the minimum height 9%A m% The
+ontractor shall submit the design of the G0 shed for approval of the (ngineer prior to its
*lternatively! it may also be constructed from shipping containers modified suitably to the
(ngineer's satisfaction for the purpose%
This laboratory shall be part of the Temporary @orks and will be the property of the +ontractor
on completion of the @orks%
B*A MeasCrement
Measurement for the provision of site laboratory will be on a monthly basis%
B9A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
"ayment for the works shall be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and
e/uipment 4including land rent if any5 to complete the works as specified%
The e/uipment for the site laboratory and field control tests shall be provided! installed! operated and
maintained by the +ontractor% The e/uipment! material! chemical reagents may also be used by the
(ngineer to conduct tests according to his Duality +heck "lan% Testing fre/uency 4both laboratory and
field control5 shall be developed in the Duality *ssurance "lan of the +ontractor and Duality +heck
"lan of the (ngineer%
*fter the completion of the @orks! the laboratory e/uipment shall become the property of the
Eaboratory and field control e/uipment anticipated for the @orks are listed in Tables ;::%9%
Measurement and "ayment
Measurement and "ayments for the work under +lause ;:7 will be made in relevant monthly
statement on the basis of lump sum price /uoted in the BBD% 0t shall be paid in the following mannerI
6 ?:O after installation of the e/uipment in the site laboratory to the satisfaction of the
(ngineer and
6 the remaining ?:O after =:O completion of the @orks%
The cost of e.ecution of tests either in the laboratory or in the field shall be covered by the
+ontractor's overhead included in unit rates of other items in the BBD%
S%o% &esignation Duantity
3% Slump +one with Base and Graduated Tamping 'od 9 Sets
9% Heavy &uty +oncrete +ube Moulds! 3?9 mm cubes!
with Base
39 Sets
;% +oncrete +ube +rushing 4set5 Machine with Spherically 3 Set
- >
Seated Block and "latens for Mortar Test
>% Mortar )low *pparatus with +one 9 Sets
?% <icat *pparatus 3 Set
8% Standard *STM Sieves for +oncrete 9 Sets
A% ?: mm siHe mortar mould pair 3 Set
Some tests on construction material shall be conducted periodically off the site at reputable
institutions in Sathmandu as directed by the (ngineer%
The fre/uency of tests shall be developed in the Duality *ssurance "lan that shall also prescribe test
results and reporting formats% However! some details on the tests are listed tentatively below under
Table ;::%;%
4Eocations subject to the approval of the (ngineer5
S%o% &escription of Tests
3% 1TM Tensile Test for 'e6bar
9% Tinc +oating and Tensile test of G0 wire
;% Eos *ngeles *brasion Test
>% 1TM tensile Test for *nchor Bar
?% Specific Gravity of *ggregates
The tests listed above are subject to the +ontractor's Duality *ssurance "lan approved by the
(ngineer% The (ngineer shall also determine the number of tests while e.ecuting the @orks%
The +ontractor shall keep records of all tests in a format approved by the (ngineer% Two copies of any
test results shall be forwarded to the (ngineer%
Measurement of work under this +lause shall be in number of tests fully e.ecuted to the satisfaction
of the (ngineer%
"ayment will be made from the "rovisional Sum set aside for the purpose and shall be full and final
compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the works as specified%
9-; S%R'$Y AN! S$TTING
*ll traverse stations and reference points shall be clearly marked and protected to the satisfaction of
the (ngineer%
The +ontractor shall provide the (ngineer with all necessary assistance for checking the setting out!
agreement of levels and any other survey or measurement which the (ngineer needs to carry out in
connection with the @orks during the entire period of +ontract% Such assistance shall includeI
6 "rovision of suitably /ualified surveyors to work under the direction of the (ngineer as
6 "rovision of all necessary support for these surveyors including assistants! chainmen! labor!
survey e/uipment 4theodolites! levels! etc%5! hand tools! pegs! and other incidental material%
The survey e/uipment shall be of the /uality approved by the (ngineer%
1nless otherwise specified under the +ontract! the +ontractor shall allow the (mployer! the (ngineer
or the ominated Subcontractor the use of temporary access! crossings and other Temporary @orks
at site insofar that such use is related with the @orks%
The +ontractor shall provide and erect large permanent signs and markings in steel at locations as
directed by the (ngineer%
- ?
The large signs shall be of the siHe as indicated in the Standard &rawings of &epartment of 'oads
and shall be mounted and fi.ed in position as directed by the (ngineer% The lettering! painting and
color configuration shall conform to Standards set by &epartment of 'oads%
The signs and marking shall be erected by embedding them one meter in a 9:: mm . 9:: mm hole in
the ground% The bottom 8:: mm shall be filled with river sand and the remaining with M3?G;A%?
9-< !AY "OR#
&ay work shall mean provisional sum payable to the +ontractor for works e.ecuted on a daily or
hourly basis as instructed in writing by the (ngineer% This item is categoriHed in three groups namelyI
4i5 Eabor
4ii5 (/uipment
4iii5 Material
The (ngineer however shall have the right to obtain further information on the rates and if appropriate
to negotiate changes in the rates or demand new prices for additional e/uipment! staff! or material
before or after the award of the +ontract%
The (ngineer shall have the right to calculate new prices for &ay work on the basis of rate analysis%
The hourly or daily rates of labor or e/uipment and the unit price for material submitted by the
+ontractor shall deem to cover all e.penses and shall be inclusive of overhead!! and profit%
on6working hours or idle timeGdown time of labor and e/uipment respectively shall not be considered
for payment%
The +ontractor shall prepare and submit four copies of "rogress 'eport on a monthly basis% The
'eports shall highlight the targeted and achieved progress! problems at site! and brief description of
the claims during the month and the (ngineer's response! and other information relevant to the
"roject% 0t shall be supplemented with necessary charts! tables! data! and at least ;8 photographs%
Bn completion of the @orks! the +ontractor shall prepare and submit a +ompletion 'eport that shall
deal comprehensively on all aspects covered in the Monthly 'eport% *dditional information such as
improvement in construction methodsGtechni/ues! lessons learnt from the "roject! important
considerations for maintenance! etc% should also be highlighted%
9-> SIT$ !IARY
The +ontractor shall keep Site &iaries wherein full details of the work carried out during each day
shall be fully recorded% The diaries shall be available for inspection by the (ngineer any time during
normal office hours% The Site &iaries shall includeI
6 @eather +onditions! rainfallGsnowfall! and river water level
6 &escription! /uantity! and location of work performed
6 Shifts and working hours
6 umber and category of workers working at site
6 "lant in use and idle! or broken down
6 Test carried out and results
6 0nspection carried out by the (ngineer
6 Site instructions
6 <isitors
6 *ccidents
Measurement and "ayment
The cost for works under Sub6+lauses ;3> and ;38 shall be covered by the +ontractor's overhead
included in unit rates of other items in the BBD%
- 8
;+- SCOP$
This section covers the general re/uirements relating to materials! the specific re/uirements for basic
materials! the tests and methods of testing which are re/uired for the selection and /uality control of
The materials supplied and used in the works shall comply with the re/uirements of these
Specifications% They shall be new! e.cept as provided elsewhere in the contract or permitted by the
(ngineer in writing% The materials shall be manufactured! handled and used skillfully to ensure
completed works to comply with the contract%
The use of any one kind or class of material from more than one source is prohibited! e.cept by
written permission of the (ngineer% Such permission! if granted! shall set forth the conditions under
which the change may be made% The sources or kinds of material shall not be changed without written
permission of the (ngineer% 0f the product of any source proves unacceptable! the +ontractor shall
make necessary arrangements for the supply of acceptable material% *ny claims for compensation
associated with such arrangements or changes shall not be considered! unless the source of the
unacceptable material is designated in the contract as a source of material%
@hen any manufactured product! either new or used! is to be furnished by the (mployer! the location
at which such material shall be delivered to the +ontractor shall be designated in the contract% 0n such
cases! the +ontractor shall haul the materials from the designated delivery point to the point of use%
The compensation for such hauling shall be included in the contract unit rate for placing the materials
in the finished work%
)inal inspection and acceptance of materials shall be made only at the site of the work% The (ngineer
reserves the right to sample! inspect! and test the materials throughout the duration of the works and
to reject any materials which are found to be unsatisfactory%
* preliminary inspection of materials may be made at the source for the convenience and
accommodation of the +ontractor! but the presence of a representative of the (ngineer shall not
relieve the +ontractor of the responsibility of furnishing materials complying with their Specifications%
The representative of the (ngineer shall have free entry at all times to those parts of any plant which
concern production of the materials ordered%
B-A Or5er for Materials an5 ManCfa2tCre5 Arti2les
The +ontractor shall! before placing any order for materials and manufactured articles for
incorporation in the @orks! submit to the (ngineer the names of the firms from whom he
proposes to obtain such materials and manufactured articles! giving for each firm a
description of the materials and manufactured articles to be supplied! their origin! the
manufacturer's specification! /uality! weight! strength and other relevant details% The
+ontractor shall submit the samples of such materials and manufactured articles when
re/uested by the (ngineer and when appropriate! manufacturer's certificates of recent test
carried out on similar materials and manufactured articles shall also be submitted%
B*A Stora6e
*ll materials and manufactured articles shall be stored on site in a manner acceptable to the
(ngineer% The +ontractor shall carefully protect all work! materials and manufactured articles
from the weather and vermin%
B9A Test Certifi2ates
@hen instructed by the (ngineer! the +ontractor shall submit to him all Test +ertificates from
the suppliersGmanufacturers of the materials andGor manufactured articles to be used for the
contract% Such certificates shall certify that the materials andGor manufactured articles
concerned have been tested in accordance with the re/uirements of these Specifications% *ll
- 3
Test results shall be enclosed along with such certificates% The +ontractor shall provide
ade/uate means of identifying the materials andGor manufactured articles delivered on the site
with the corresponding certificates%
;+, !$F$CTI'$ MAT$RIAS
*ll materials not conforming to the re/uirements of the contract shall be rejected whether in place or
not% They shall be removed immediately from the site unless otherwise permitted by the (ngineer%
(ven after rectification of the defects no rejected material shall be used in the work unless approved
by the (ngineer in writing% 1pon failure of the +ontractor to comply promptly with any order of the
(ngineer given under this +lause! the (ngineer shall have authority to cause the removal and
replacement of rejected material and to deduct the cost thereof from any monies due to the
)or convenience in designation in the contract! certain articles or materials to be incorporated in the
work may be designated under a trade name or the name of a manufacturer and his catalogue
information% The use of an alternative article or material which is of e/ual or better /uality and of the
re/uired characteristics for the purpose intended shall be permitted! subject to the following
435 The proof as to the /uality and suitability of alternatives shall be submitted by the +ontractor%
He shall also furnish all information necessary as re/uired by the (ngineer% The (ngineer
shall be the sole judge as to the /uality and suitability of alternative articles or materials and
his decision shall be the final and binding upon the +ontractor%
495 @henever the specifications permit the substitution of a similar or e/uivalent material or
article! no tests or action relating to the approval of such substitute material shall be made
until the re/uest for substitution is made in writing by the +ontractor accompanied by
complete data as to the e/uality of the material or article proposed% Such re/uest shall be
made well in advance to permit approval without delaying the work%
Materials which are manufactured! produced or fabricated outside epal shall be delivered at a point
in epal as specified in the contract where they shall be retained for a sufficient time to permit
inspection! sampling! and testing% The +ontractor shall not be entitled to an e.tension of time for acts
or events occurring outside epal and it shall be the +ontractor's responsibility to deliver materials
obtained from outside epal to the point of delivery in epal% The +ontractor shall supply the facilities
and arrange for testing re/uired at his own cost% *ll testing by the +ontractor shall be subject to
witnessing by the (ngineer%
The +ontractor shall furnish to the (ngineer a ,+ertificate of +ompliance, with the specifications from
the manufacturer! producer or fabricator of foreign material where re/uired% 0n addition! certified mill
test reports clearly identifiable to the lot of material shall be furnished where re/uired in these
Specifications or otherwise re/uested by the (ngineer% @here structural materials re/uiring mill test
reports are obtained from foreign manufacturers! such materials shall be furnished only from those
foreign manufacturers who have previously established! to the satisfaction of the (ngineer! the
sufficiency of their in6plant /uality control! as deemed necessary by the (ngineer or his
representative! to give satisfactory assurance of their ability to furnish material uniformly and
consistently in conformance with their Specifications% *t the option of the (ngineer! such sufficiency
shall be established whether by submission of detailed written proof thereof or through in6plant
inspection by the (ngineer or his representative%
0f the welding of steel for structural steel members or the casting and pre6stressing of pre6cast pre6
stressed concrete members is to be performed outside of epal! the following re/uirements shall
435 Such fabrication shall be performed only within the plants and by fabricators who have
previously established! to the satisfaction of the (ngineer! that they have the e.perience!
knowledge! trained manpower! /uality control! e/uipment and other facilities re/uired to
produce the /uality and /uantity of the work re/uired% *t the option of the (ngineer!
pre/ualification of the plant and fabricator shall be established either by the submission of
detailed written proof thereof or through in6plant inspection by the (ngineer or his
representative! or both%
495 The +ontractor shall make written application to the (ngineer for approval for such foreign
- 9
fabrication at the earliest possible time and in no case later than 8: calendar days in advance
of the planned start of fabrication% The application shall list the specific units or portion of a
work which shall be fabricated outside of epal%
4;5 The +ontractor shall advise the (ngineer! in writing! at least 9: calendar days in advance of
the actual start of any such foreign fabrication%
4>5 *ll documents pertaining to the contract! including but not limited to! correspondence! tender
documents! working drawings and data shall be written in the (nglishGepali language and all
numerical data shall use the metric system of units of measurement%
The following definitions shall apply to materials in this Section and other relevant Sections%
435 ,Topsoil, shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation% 0t shall include all turf
acceptable for turfing%
495 ,Suitable Material, shall comprise all that is acceptable in accordance with the contract for
use in the works and which is capable of being compacted to form a stable fill having side
slopes as indicated in the &rawing% The material used in fill 4e.cept rock fill5 shall not contain
rock fragments with dimensions of more than A? mm%
4;5 ,1nsuitable Material, shall mean other than suitable material and shall includeI
4a5 Material from swamps! marshes or bogsJ
4b5 "eat! logs! stumps! perishable material! organic claysJ
4c5 Material susceptible to spontaneous combustionJ
4d5 Material in a froHen conditionJ
4e5 +lay of li/uid limit e.ceeding A: andGor plasticity inde. e.ceeding >?%
Materials stated above in d5! if otherwise suitable shall be classified suitable when unfroHen%
4>5 ,@ell Graded Granular Material, consisting of gravel andGor sand shall conform to +lause
4?5 ,'ock fall,! coarse alluvial material shall be loose soils such as moraines! debris! or alluvial
material containing large blocks or large boulders% 0ndividual blocks or boulders of hard
materials greater than :%;m
each in volume! shall be classified as hard material%
485 ,Hard Material, shall mean any material which conform to the re/uirements of Sub6clause
;-+ SI$'$S
0S sieves shall be used for all tests% Based on 0S6>8: the standard sieves series shall be as followsI
39?J 7:J A?J 8;J ?:J >?J >:J ;A%?J ;3%?J 9?J 99%>J 9:J 37J 38J 39%?J 33%9J 3:J 7%?J =J 8%; J?%8J >%A?J >%::J
9%=J 9%;8J 9J 3%AJ 3%>J 3%3=J 3J :%=?J :%A3J :%8J :%?J :%>9?J :%>::J :%;::J :%9?:J :%939J :%3=:J :%3?:J
:%39?J :%:7:J :%:A? mm%
B-A Samplin6 an5 Samples
Sampling of soils and gravels shall be carried out as specified or as directed by the (ngineer%
Samples shall be prepared for testing as indicated in 0S 9A9: part 0! e.cept thatI
a5 The mass 4in g5 of a sample re/uired for sieve analysis is about >::&! & being the
ma.imum particle siHe 4mm5%
b5 Sample containing particles larger than 37 mm siHe shall be prepared for compaction
and +B' tests as described hereunder! provided the proportion in weight of such
particles is less than ;:O I
*n ade/uate /uantity of representative material shall be sieved over the ?: mm and 37 mm
sieve% The material passing the ?: mm sieve and retained on the 37 mm sieve shall be
weighed and replaced with an e/ual mass of material passing the 37 mm sieve and retained
on the >%A? mm sieve% The material for replacement shall be taken from the remaining portion
of the main sample%
@hen preparing gravel samples! the aggregations of particles shall be broken with a wooden
or rubber hammer or pestle% +are shall be taken that no individual particles are crushed in the
- ;
B*A Stan5ar5 MetDo5s of Testin6
Tests on soils and gravels shall be performed in accordance with the standard methods given
in Table >::%3
Tests Test procedure
&etermination ofI
i5 Moisture +ontent 0S 9A9: "art 9 4Bven6drying method5
ii5 Ei/uid Eimit 0S 9A9: "art ? 4+one "enetrometer or by +asagrande
iii5 "lastic Eimit 0S 9A9: "art ?
iv5 "lasticity 0nde. 0S 9A9: "art ?
v5 Einear Shrinkage 0S 9A9: "art 9:
vi5 Specific Gravity of "articles 0S 9A9: "art ;
vii5 "article SiHe &istribution 0S 9A9: "art >
viii5 Brganic Matter +ontent 0S 9A9: "art 99 '
i.5 Total Sulphate +ontent 0S 9A9: "art 9A
.5 pH <alue 0S 9A9: "art 98 4(lectrometric Method5
.i5 Mica +ontent 6 Manual mineralogical counting
.ii5 &ensity6Moisture +ontent 0S 9A9: "art A
relationship 49%? kg rammer5
.iii5 &ensity6Moisture +ontent 0S 9A9: "art =
relationship 4>%7 kg rammer5
.iv5 +alifornia Bearing 'atio 0S 9A9: "art 38
.v5 Sand (/uivalent 0S 9A9: "art ;A 4Mechanical Shaker or Manual Shaker
.vi5 )ield &ry &ensity 0S 9A9: "art 9=G"art 97
.vii5 1nconfined compression test 0S9A9: "art 3:
.viii5 +onsolidation test 0S9A9: "art 3?
.i.5 &irect shear test 3S9A9: "art 3;
..5 Tria.ial test 0S9A9: "art 33!39
..i5 Hydrometer analysis 0S 9A9: "art >
..ii5 <ane shear test 0S 9A9: "art ;:
0t is further specified thatI
a5 @herever in the te.t of these Specifications and the Special Specification the term ,.
O of the M&& 40S 9A9: "art 9A or 0S 9A9: "art 9=5 is used it shall mean that a
standard of compaction shall be achieved such that the dry density of the compacted
material is .O of the ma.imum dry density determined from the respective tests
mentioned in Table 8%>% Samples for the compaction tests shall be taken before
compaction of the layers begins unless in the opinion of the (ngineer the compactive
effort proposed or applied by the +ontractor is such that the material characteristics
have changed in which case the samples for the tests shall be taken after all
compaction is complete%
b5 +ompaction testsI when the material is susceptible to crushing during compaction! a
separate and new sample shall be used in the determination of each point on the
moistureGdensity curve%
c5 The dry density of material placed in the works shall be determined by the Sand
'eplacement Method unless the (ngineer directs to use a nuclear method or other
method% 0n the case of nuclear method! tests shall be done at least at the same
- >
fre/uency re/uired when using the Sand 'eplacement Method! but at each nuclear
densometer test location the average of three readings taken at positions rotated by
7:N shall be used% * checkGcomparison test using the Sand 'eplacement Method
shall be carried out at 3: test interval%
0nitial calibration of the nuclear density testing e/uipment shall be done by carrying out at
least fifty tests in parallel with the Sand 'eplacement Method for each different material
encountered% The check tests shall be used to update the initial calibration of the nuclear
density testing e/uipment%
B-A Samplin6 an5 Preparation of Samples
Sampling shall be carried out as per *STM6&A? and the samples shall be prepared in
accordance with 0S 9;=8 or according to sampling procedures specified for the Standard
Methods of testing given in Table >::%9%
B*A Stan5ar5s MetDo5s of Testin6
Tests on stone! aggregate! sand and filler shall be performed in accordance with the standard
procedures given in the Table >::%9%
Tests Test "rocedure
&etermination ofI
i5 "article SiHe &istribution 0S 9;=8 "art i
ii5 +lay! Silt! &ust in *ggregates 0S 9;=8 "art 9
iii5 )lakiness inde. 0S 9;=8 "arti
iv5 Specific Gravity 0S 9;=8 "art ;
v5 Moisture +ontent 0S 9;=8 "art ;
vi5 Bulk &ensity! <oids 2 Bulking 0S 9;=8 "art ;
vii5 Soluble +hloride +ontent BS=39 "art 33A
viii5 Mica +ontent Manual mineralogical counting
i.5 @ater *bsorption 3S9;=8 "art ;
.5 +rushing 'atio Manual counting 2 weighing
.i5 Eos *ngeles *brasion 0S 9;=8 "art >
.ii5 *0< 6 *+< 0S 9;=8 "art >
.iii5 "olished Stone <alue 0S 9;=8 "art >
.iv5 &egradability Test )"7>6:8A U
.v5 Sodium Sulphate Soundness 0S 9;=8 "art ?
.vi5 *lkali *ggregate 'eactivity Test 0S 9;=8 "art A
.vii5 &eleterious Substances 0S 9;=8 "art 9
.viii5 Sand (/uivalent 0S 9A9: "art ;A
.i.5 +rushing Strength of stone 0S 9;=8 "art >
;-9 C$M$NT
Brdinary and High Strength "ortland +ement 4B"+ and HS"+5! "ortland Slag +ement 4"S+5!
"ortland "oHHolana +ement 4""+5 shall be sampled according to 0S ;?;? and tested according to 0S
- ?
+hemical and physical re/uirements for Brdinary "ortland +ement! High Strength "ortland +ement!
"ortland Slag +ement and "ortland "oHHolana +ement shall be in accordance with 0S 987! 0S =339!
0S 39987! 0S >??! 0S 3>=7 respectively%
The re/uirements on their physical characteristics shall be as given in Table >::%;
S%% "hysical characteristics B"+G"S+ HS"+ Test "rocedure
i5 )ineness! m
GkgI 4by Blaine's *ir "ermeability 99? 99? 0S6>:;3
method5 "art 9
ii5 Setting TimeI
4a5 Minimum 0nitial Setting Time 4minutes5 >? >?
0S >:;3 "art ?
4b5 Ma.imum )inal Setting Time 4minutes5 8:: 8::
iii5 Soundness by Eechatelier method! mm! 3: 3: 0S >:;3 "art ;
iv5 +ompressive StrengthI
Minimum *verage +ompressive Strength of
three mortar cube4Gmm95
4a5 ; days 38 9A
4b5 A days 99 ;A 0S >:;3 "art 8
4c5 9= days ;; ?;
;-; IM$
Eimes shall be sampled and tested in accordance with BS =7: and shall comply with all re/uirements
specified therein%
Eime for treatment of road materials shall be Hydrated +alcium Eime or Duicklime and! unless
otherwise specified! shall comply with the re/uirements given in Table >::%>%
B-A Samplin6
Sampling and preparation of samples of lime treated material shall be carried out as specified
or as instructed by the (ngineer e.cept thatI
Samples containing particles larger than 37 mm shall be prepared for compaction and +B'
tests as specified in Sub6clause >39 435b5% 4The fraction coarser than 37 mm shall be replaced
by an e/ual weight of material passing through 37mm sieve and retained on >%A? sieve5%
B*A Stan5ar5 MetDo5s of Testin6
The tests on lime treated materials shall be performed in accordance with the Standard
methods given in Tables >::%3 and >::%?%
S% o% +haracteristics Hydrated lime Duicklime
)ineness 'esidue on :%939 mm sieve 6 Ma.imum
'esidue on :%:A? mm sieve 6 Ma.imum
+hemical re/uirements )ree lime content 6
Minimum Hydrated lime content 6 Ma.imum
Tests Test "rocedure
&etermination ofI 4i5 1nconfined +ompressive
Strength 41+S5 4ii5 (ffect of immersion on
1+S 4iii5 Eime +ontent
BS 379> 6"art 9
BS 379>6"art 9
;-, CONCR$T$
Sampling and testing on concrete shall be carried out in accordance with the standard methods given
in the Table >::%8%
Tests Test "rocedures
&etermination ofI
4i5 *ir contents of fresh concrete BS 3==363:8
4ii5 &ensity of hardened concrete BS 3==3633>
4iii5 +ompressive strength of concrete cubes BS 3==36338
4iv5 Tensile splitting strength BS 3==3633A
4v5 )le.ural strength BS 3==3633=
4vi5 +ompressive strength of concrete cores BS 3==3639:
4vii5 @ater absorption BS 3==36399
4viii5 and sampling fresh concrete in
laboratory BS 3==3639?
4i.5 ormal curing of test specimens 49:N +
method5 BS 3==36333
4.5 *ccelerated curing of test specimens BS 3==36339
4.i5 Making test cubes from fresh concrete BS 3==363:=
on destructive tests shall be carried out in accordance with the standard method and
recommendations given in Table >::%A as and when re/uired%
S%o% Tests 'eferences to Test "rocedures
4i5 Method of testing hardened concrete for other
than strength BS 3==36?
4ii5 Guide to the use of non destructive methods of
test for hardened concrete BS 3==369:3
4iii5 'ecommendation for surface hardened testing by
rebound hammer BS 3==369:9
4iv5 'ecommendation for measurement of velocity of
ultrasonic pulses in concrete BS 3==369:;
4v5 'ecommendation on the use of electromagnetic
cover meters BS 3==369:>
4vi5 'ecommendation for the assessment of concrete
strength by near to surface tests% BS 3==369:A
- A
The test specimens shall be cured at a temperature of 9AN+ W 9N+% @ater to be used in concrete shall
be tested as specified in BS ;3>=%
The total chloride content! e.pressed as chloride ion! arising from all ingredients in a mi. including
cement! water and admi.tures shall not e.ceed the following limits! e.pressed as a percentage of the
weight of cement in the mi. I6
)or pre6stressed concrete! steam cured concrete or concrete containing sulphate resisting or super6
sulphated cement I :%3 per cent
)or any other reinforced concrete I :%> per cent
The total sulphate content e.pressed as SB; of all the ingredients in a mi. including cement! water
and admi.tures shall not e.ceed :%> per cent by weight of the aggregates or >%: per cent of the weight
of the cement in the mi.! whichever is the lesser%
*ll reinforcement for use in the @orks shall be tested for compliance as specified in +lause 83> in a
Eaboratory acceptable to the (ngineer and two copies of each test certificate shall be supplied to the
(ngineer% The sampling and fre/uency of testing shall be as set out in the S =>69:>9 and S 3736
9:>?% 0n addition to the testing re/uirements described above! the +ontractor shall carry out additional
testing as instructed by the (ngineer%
;-= T$STING OF "$!S
435 The tests detailed in +lause 99:8 shall be carried out by the methods described in BS A:7%
The following re/uirements shall also be met with%
BaA General
0n any respect the test results of welded joints shall not be inferior to the British Standard test
re/uirements for the parent material%
B8A Pro2e5Cre Trials
4i5 Tensile and Bend Test
Should any one of the weld joint pieces selected for transverse tensile and transverse and
longitudinal bend test fail to comply with the re/uirements applicable to the parent metal of
the joint! 9 additional test pieces shall be taken from the joint material represented by the test%
Both the test pieces shall comply with the re/uirements in order to /ualify for the acceptance%
4ii5 +harpy <6notch Tests
Should the average impact value obtained from any set of ; +harpy <6notch tests on
specimens fail to comply with the re/uirements! ; additional test pieces from the same
sample shall be tested% The average of the 8 test results shall comply with the test
re/uirements in order to /ualify for acceptance%
4iii5 'evised "rocedures
0n the event of failure to meet the re/uirements! the +ontractor shall carry out further trials!
using revised procedures! and further tests to the satisfaction of the (ngineer%
B2A Pro5C2tion Tests
4i5 Tensile and Bend Tests
Should any one of the weld joint test pieces selected for transverse tensile and transverse
bend tests fail to comply with the test re/uirements applicable to parent metal of the joint
represented by the test! additional specimens shall be taken from the same production test
plates and the test shall be repeated% Should any of the additional tests fail to comply with the
re/uirements! the joint shall be rejected%
4ii5 +harpy <6notch Tests
Should the average impact value obtained from any set of ; +harpy <6notch specimens
selected fail to comply with the test re/uirements! ; additional test pieces from the same
production test plates shall be tested% Should the average of the 8 results fail to comply with
the test re/uirements the joint shall be rejected%
4iii5 'e6welding and 'e6Testing
0n the event of failure to meet the test re/uirements the welded joint represented by the tests
shall be completely cut out% The joint shall then be re6welded and the test repeated%
4iv5 on6destructive Testing
- =
* method of non6destructive testing agreed with the (ngineer shall be used for the
e.amination of butt welds in tension members%
The +ontractor shall submit the proposal to the (ngineer about the paint system to be used in the
The system shall comply with Sub6clause 99:7 475 and shall be defined at least by the following
information! supported by the paint manufacturer's data sheetsI
Type of system! composition of each component!
Minimum thickness of each coat!
&rying time at 3:N+ and 9:N+ within a range a relevant hygrometric conditions! including
handling conditions! minimum and ma.imum time of overlap!
Type of painting method and thinner content! 4airless spray! brush! roller etc%5
Thinner type!
Blending ratio!
Ma.imum time limit of use! by A?O of relative humidity and for a relevant range of
temperature and hygrometric conditions!
'ipening time for a relevant range of temperatures and at least for 9:N+ and ;:N+%
@eather conditions constraint for painting and drying! including minimum and ma.imum
ambient temperature and temperature of surfaces to be painted%
;*+ &RIC#S
Bricks shall conform to S6369:;? with the e.ceptions specified in Sub6clause A:9435%
Mortar shall comply with Sub6clause A:9495%
'einforced concrete pipes shall comply with the re/uirements of S =:69:>9G0S >?=I37==%
High density polythene pipes shall comply with the re/uirements of S >:69:>:%
;*; G$OT$ITI$S
Geote.tiles used shall be made of polyethylene or polypropylene or polyester or similar fibers! either
woven or non6woven% 1nless otherwise shown on the &rawing! the geote.tiles shallI
a5 sustain a load of not less than 3: kGm at break and have a minimum failure strain of 3:
percent when determined in accordance with BSI 87:8 or shall have a grab tensile strength
more than :%> kGm and grab elongation corresponding to this limit in accordance with *STM
b5 have apparent opening siHe as shown on the &rawing% 0f no siHe is shown on the &rawing!
then the apparent siHe shall be :%3 mm%
c5 allow water to flow through it at right angles to its principal plane! in either direction at a rate of
not less than ?: litersGs/%m%Gsec% under a constant head of 3:: mm! determined in
accordance with BSI 87:8 4"art ;5 or *STM &>>73! unless otherwise shown on the &rawing%
The flow rate determined in the test shall be corrected to that applicable to a temperature of
3?N+ using data on variation in viscosity of water with temperature%
d5 have a minimum puncture resistance of 9:: when determined in accordance with *STM &
e5 have a minimum tear resistance of ;?: when determined in accordance with *STM & >?;;%
Geote.tiles used for drilled sub6surface drains shall be as specified in +lause 9>:?%
Timber used for structural works shall comply with 0SI==;%
- 7
Manhole covers and frames shall be of cast iron and shall comply with 0SI 3A9863773% )or manholes
constructed in carriageway and shoulders! heavy duty circular covers and frames shall be used% 0n
footpaths! medium duty circular covers shall be used% 0n other locations light duty covers and frames
shall be used%
"re6cast concrete channels! kerbs! edging! /uadrants and gutters shall comply with the re/uirements
of 0SI ?A?=637=>%
+ast iron gratings for drainage purposes shall comply with the re/uirements of 0SI ?783 637A:%
0f otherwise not specified in the contract! no separate measurement and payment shall be made for
sampling! samples and testing of materials! trials and construction controlGprocess control testing% 0t
shall be deemed to have included in the rates of the relevant items for complying with the
re/uirements of this Section >::%
- 3:
/++ $ARTH"OR#S
/+- SCOP$
This Section covers the works related to the e.cavation for foundation! backfilling! e.cavation for
drains! etc% The +ontractor shall e.amine the Site and ascertain for himself the nature thereof and the
types of materials to be e.cavated%
435 (arthwork includes two types of operations i%e% 4i5 earth e.cavation and disposal of the
e.cavated materials 4ii5 earth e.cavation and use of e.cavated materials% The use of
e.cavated materials may be in the form of backfilling! filling other areas as re/uired%
(arth e.cavation and disposal implies e.cavation of all types of materials including part of the
structures below ground level e.cept for otherwise specified! shaping the e.posed surface of
e.cavation as specified or directed by the (ngineer! removal! hauling and disposal of the
e.cavated material at the locations and in the manner as specified or directed by the
(.cavation and filling implies e.cavation of materials and shaping the e.posed surface of
e.cavation as stated above! removal! hauling and use of the e.cavated material at the
location and in the manner as specified or directed by the (ngineer%
(.cavation and disposal shall includeI
4i5 (.cavation and disposal of any type of material indicated on the &rawing%
4ii5 The e.cavation and disposal of e.isting surfacing!
4iii5 (.cavation and disposal of unsuitable materials%
4iv5 (.cavation for foundation and disposal of materials%
495 The following definitions of earthwork materials shall apply to this and other +lauses of these
specifications! if otherwise not specified%
4i5 ,Topsoil, shall mean the top layer of soil that can support vegetation% 0t shall include
all turf acceptable for turfing%
4ii5 ,'ock material, shall comprise material! which in the opinion of the (ngineer can be
removed either with drilling and blasting with e.plosives or continuous manual
chiseling or mechanical chipping with pneumatic tools%
4iii5 ,+ommon material, shall comprise all material that is not classified as rock material%
+ommon material shall include soil mi.ed with boulders that need not to be blasted%
4iv5 ,Suitable Material, shall mean all e.cavated material that can be used as construction
material in the @orks in accordance with these Specifications%
4v5 ,1nsuitable materials, shall mean material other than suitable material% Material from
swamps! marshes! bogs! organic material! silt! and clay or their mi.ture! discarded
top soil etc% in general are unsuitable material%
+lassification of common and rock material made by the (ngineer shall be final and binding
on the +ontractor%
Measurement will be limited to the lines! grades! slopes! and dimensions shown on the
drawings or as directed by the (ngineer%
Briginal lines and levels of surfaces for measurement of depth shall be determined by
+ontractor and submitted to the (ngineer for approval before commencement of e.cavation
and will be arithmetic mean of representative levels taken at suitable intervals prior to the
e.ecution of all earthworks%
4;5 o e.cavated suitable material other than surplus to re/uirements of the contract shall be
removed from the site e.cept on the direction of the (ngineer% Should the +ontractor be
permitted to remove suitable material from Site to suit his operational procedure! then he shall
make good at this own e.pense any conse/uent deficit of filling arising there from%
4>5 Material in surplus to the total re/uirements of works! and all unsuitable materials shall!
unless the (ngineer permits otherwise! be run to spoil dumps%
4?5 @here the e.cavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable materials the
- 3
+ontractor shall carry out the e.cavation in such a manner that the suitable materials are
e.cavated separately for use in the works without contamination by the unsuitable materials%
485 The +ontractor shall make his own arrangements for the stockpiling of top6soil andGor suitable
4A5 *t all times the +ontractor shall ensure that earthworks are not damaged by weather or traffic%
0n the event of such damage! the (ngineer may withdraw approval from the affected works
until the +ontractor has carried out repairs to restore the works to their original condition%
(arthworks for preparation of plinth of building and mass e.cavation for preparation of formation level
are incorporated under this +lause% The item covers all depths and water conditions for common
3 (arthwork in e.cavation in the )ormationI
&ue to uneven topography of the Site! the leveled ground shall be prepared with the
formation level as indicated in the drawings or to such lesser or greater e.tent as the
"roject (ngineer may advice% (.cavated earth shall or shall not be placed within the
premises of the project boundary% The "roject (ngineer may direct the +ontractor to
place e.cavated earth at particular filling area or to be dispose off%
9 (arthwork in (.cavation in )oundationI
)oundation trench shall be due to the e.act width and depth and levels as indicated in the
drawings or to such lesser or greater e.tent as the (ngineer may advice% Sides of trenches
shall be vertical% 0n case the soil does not permit vertical sides! the +ontractor shall protect
side with timber shoring% (.cavated earth shall not be placed within 3%? meter of the edge of
the trench% The "roject (ngineer may direct the +ontractor to place e.cavated earth at a
particular site up to ;: meter away from the building% The bottom of the trench shall be
perfectly leveled both longitudinally and transversely% The bed shall be lightly watered and
well6rammed% (.cess digging if done through mistake shall be filled with 3I>I= concrete%
@ater! if any accumulated in the trench! shall be baled out and all necessary precaution taken
to prevent surface water from entering the trench% Soft and defective spot in the trench shall
be dug out and removed and filled with concrete or materials prescribed by the "roject
(ngineer% 0f rocks or boulders are found during e.cavation! they should be removed and the
bed trench shall be leveled and made hard by consolidating the earth! at no e.tra cost% *bove
mentioned items or any variation thereof from the Bills of Duantities shall be measured and
valued by the (ngineer as a variation% *fter the completion of foundation masonry! the
remaining portion of the trench not filled by masonry shall be filled up with earth in layers of
3?cm! watered and well6rammed% Such filling shall be free from rubbish! refuse matters and
clods! surplus earth! if any shall be removed and site shall be leveled and dressed%
Trenches shall be measured as per drawings and rate shall be for complete @ork including
trench filling! for ;: meter lead and 3%? meter lift including all tools and plants re/uired for the
completion of the work! removal of boulders! side shoring! pumping! and filling in voids by
mass concrete 43I>I=5%
o e.cavation or foundation work shall be filled in or covered up before the inspection and
approval of the "roject (ngineer%
The starting level for e.cavation shall be deemed to be ground level or such level as may be
specified by the "roject (ngineer! before the commencement of the @ork%
This +lause deals with e.cavation for formation of plinth of buildings and "arking% *ll suitable material
shall be used insofar as practicable in the construction
Measurement of all works will be made in mX%
Measurement for payment under the contract will be limited to the lines! grades! slopes and
dimensions shown on the &rawings or as determined by the (ngineer as the work proceeds on the
basis of his evaluation of the soilGrock characteristics and site6conditions set forth in the +lause%
*ll re/uired and accepted e.cavation shall be measured from its original position% The volume shall be
determined in cubic meters by average area method to be computed from the original and final cross6
sections of the completed works as per the drawings or as directed by the (ngineer% @here it is not
- 9
practicable to use the above method of measurement! the (ngineer may use volumetric method or
any other method that in his opinion is best suited for accurate assessment%
*ny over6e.cavation shall be reinstated at the risk and cost of the +ontractor as directed by the
"ayment for work under these clause will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
/+/@ &AC#FI
This work is related to all types of structures that re/uire filling with specified material in the remaining
volume or space of e.cavation left unoccupied by any permanent construction%
*ctivities involved are collection and transportation of suitable material from local borrow pits or hill
side e.cavation! placing the specified backfill material in layers! removal of foreign material if any!
watering! compacting to re/uired density! lines and levels as indicated in the drawings or as directed
by the (ngineer%
+ompaction shall proceed after the +ontractor together with the (ngineer identify the optimum
thickness of each layer of suitable material! its optimum moisture content! and the corresponding
number of passes re/uired for a roller to arrive at the corresponding BM+% "rior to the start of works!
the contractor shall prepare a trial stretch to establish the above parameters and shall repeat it as
often as necessary due to change in layer thickness! borrow pits! and Gor change in e/uipment% The
+ontractor may use the Standard Specifications for 'oads and Bridge @orks of HMG! M@BT! &B'
as guide for the above purpose%
Backfill! classified according to their nature! are presented in the following Sub6+lauses%
- &a23fill in PlintD of &Cil5in6 an5 Par3in6
This work shall consist of filling for construction of embankment for plinth of building! road
works and parking area and includes furnishing! placing! watering! compacting and shaping
suitable material obtained from approved sources in accordance to lines! levels! grades!
dimensions shown on the &rawings and or as re/uired by the (ngineer% )ill material used
shall not e.ceed 3?: mm and A? mm within the ;:: mm and 3?: mm of formation level
respectively% )ill material shall not have organic content value e.ceeding ?O and soaked +B'
value less than 8O unless otherwise approved by the (ngineer%
*ctivities involved shall be preparation of surface! scarifying! supply! and laying of suitable
material in layers% (.cept where material is laid close to the formation level! each layer shall
not e.ceed ;:: mm in thickness before compaction% (ach layer of material shall then be
watered and compacted to 7?O dry density at optimum moisture content% Testing shall be
carried out by sand cone using relevant BS or *STM Standards%
The top level of such fill e.ecuted shall be regarded as the formation level%
* 2ommon 8a23fill in strC2tCres
+ommon backfill includes stacked suitable material recovered from e.cavations or material
transported from outside% This may include granular material passing through A? mm sieve or
sandy soil% The backfill material shall be spread uniformly in layers! leveled! watered and then
compacted to 7?O of its optimum density in layers not e.ceeding 9:: mm for buildings works
and 9?: mm for others% +ompaction may be done manually or with mechanical means%
Manual compaction in each layer will be done using 9 to ? kg rammers made of cast6iron or
wood% Mechanical compaction shall be e.ecuted with either plate compactors! earth rammers!
depending on site conditions%
+ompaction tests shall be conducted with sand cones using relevant BS or *STM standards%
This work will be re/uired in connection with transportation of materials from demolition works 4unless
otherwise specified5 and e.cess suitable or unsuitable material from e.cavation% Transport will include
all distance beyond the initial lead 4;:m unless otherwise specified5 for safe disposal as specified by
the (ngineer%
*ctivities involved will be supply of necessary means of transport! loading! and transportation safely
without damageGloss! unloading and leveling properly at disposal sites% The disposed materials shall
- ;
be laid in layers mechanically or manually compacted to the satisfaction of the (ngineer%
The e.cess material shall be disposed manually with or without e/uipment like wheelbarrows or by
trucks depending on the location of disposal sites%
Measurement will be based first in mX of loose volume of accepted works with ;?O deduction for
voids for all leads indicated in the BBD% The measurement will be made at the disposal site%
"ayment for work under this +lause will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
- >
,++ CONCR$T$ "OR#
,+- SCOP$
This Section covers the materials! design of!! transport! placing! compaction and curing
of concrete 4plain and reinforced5! either cast6in6situ or pre6cast and mortar re/uired in the civil
engineering and building construction works% 0t also covers reinforcement for concrete%
Structural concrete is any class of concrete which is used in reinforced! pre6stressed or un6reinforced
concrete construction which is subject to stress%
on6structural concrete is composed of materials complying with the Specification but for which no
strength re/uirements are specified and which is used only for filling voids! blinding foundations and
similar purposes where it is not subjected to significant stress%
* pour refers to the operation of placing concrete into any mould! bay or formwork! etc% and also to the
volume which has to be filled% "ours in vertical succession are referred to as lifts%
B-A General
The +ontractor shall submit to the (ngineer full details of all materials which he proposes to
use for making concrete% o concrete shall be placed in the works until the (ngineer has
approved the materials of which it is composed% 0n accordance with +lause >:;! approved
materials shall not thereafter be altered or substituted by other materials without the consent
of the (ngineer%
B*A Cement
+ement shall comply with the re/uirements of +lause >3;%
+ement shall be free flowing and free of lumps% 0t shall be supplied in the manufacturer's
sealed unbroken bags or in bulk% Bagged cement shall be transported in vehicles provided
with effective means of ensuring that it is protected from the weather%
Bulk cement shall be transported in vehicles or in containers built and e/uipped for the
+ement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure of which the interior shall
be dry and well ventilated at all times% The floor shall be raised above the surrounding ground
level not less than ;:cm and shall be so constructed that no moisture rises through it%
(ach delivery of cement in bags shall be stacked together in one place% The bags shall be
closely stacked so as to reduce air circulation with min gap of ?::mm from outside wall% 0f
pallets are used! they shall be constructed so that bags are not damaged during handling and
stacking% Stack of cement bags shall not e.ceed = bags in height% &ifferent types of cement in
bags shall be clearly distinguished by visible markings and shall be stored in separate stacks%
+ement from broken bags shall not be used in the works% +ement in bags shall be used in the
order in which it is delivered%
Bulk cement shall be stored in weather proof silos which shall bear a clear indication of the
type of cement contained in them% &ifferent types of cement shall not be mi.ed in the same
The +ontractor shall provide sufficient storage capacity on site to ensure that his anticipated
program of work is not interrupted due to lack of cement%
+ement which has become hardened or lumpy or fails to comply with the Specification in any
way shall be removed from the Site%
*ll cement for any one structure shall be from the same source as far as possible%
*ll cement used in the works shall be tested by the manufacturer% The manufacturer shall
provide the results of tests as given in Table 8::%3 and 8::%9 for each supply and for the last
si. months of his production% The +ontractor shall supply two copies of each certificate to the
- 3
+ompounds O Mean Min Ma.% Standard
Eime +aB
Silica SiB9
*lumina *09B;
0ron B.ide )e9B;
Magnesia MgB
Sulphur Trio.ide So;
Soda! "otash a9B!S9
+haracteristics 'e/uirements ominal Mean Min Ma. St%
)ineness! M9GSG I 4by Blaine's 99?
*ir "ermeability Method5
Minimum Setting time 4initial5! >?
Ma.imum Setting time 4final5! 8::
Soundness 4by% Ee +hatelie 3:
method5 mm! ma.imum
Minimum *verage +ompressive
Strength of three mortar cubes!
; days 38!9AL
A days 99!;AL
9= days ;;!?;L
*denotes the requirements of High Strength Portland Cement.
(ach set of tests carried out by the manufacturer on samples taken from cement which is
subse/uently delivered to site shall relate to no more than one day's output of each cement
The +ontractor shall constitute! from each delivery and each type of cement and not less than
one samples for every 9:: tons or part of it! representative samples to be tested when
instructed by the (ngineer in a laboratory acceptable to him! in case of the concrete do
not comply with the re/uirements of this Specification%
+ement which is stored on site for longer than one month shall be tested in such laboratory
for every 9:: tons or part thereof and at monthly intervals thereafter%
The +ontractor shall keep full records of all data relevant to the manufacture! deliveryJ testing
and the cement used in the works and shall provide the (ngineer with two copies thereof%
B9A Fine A66re6ate
)ine aggregate shall be clean hard and durable and shall be natural sand! crushed gravel
sand or crushed rock sand complying with 0S ;=;% *H the material shall pass through a >%A?
mm 0S sieve and the grading shall be in accordance with 0S ;=;% 0n order to achieve an
acceptable grading! it may be necessary to blend materials from more than one source%
The deviation from the initial fineness modulus shall be no more than W :%;: for ordinary
concrete and W :%9: for high /uality concrete%
However! in respect of the presence of deleterious materials the fine aggregate shall not
contain iron pyrites! iron o.ides! mica! shale! coal or other laminar soft or porous materials or
organic matter unless the +ontractor can show by comparative tests on finished concrete as
set out in +lause 83A and as per the direction of the (ngineer! that the presence of such
materials does not affect the properties of the concrete%
- 9
B;A Coarse A66re6ate
+oarse aggregate shall be clean hard and durable crushed rock! crushed gravel or natural
gravel corresponding to the following classesI
+lass *I *ggregate shall consist of crushed igneous or /uartHite rock from an approved
+lass BI *ggregate shall consist of crushed /uarry rock other than +lass * from an approved
+lass +I *ggregate shall consist of natural or partly crushed gravel! pebbles obtained from an
approved gravel deposit% 0t may contain a /uantity of material obtained from
crushing the oversiHe stone in the deposit provided such material is uniformly mi.ed
with the natural uncrushed particles%
+lass &I *ggregate shall consist entirely of crushed gravel% The crushed gravel shall be
produced from material retained on a standard sieve having an opening at least
twice as large as the ma.imum siHe of aggregate particle specified%
+lass (I *ggregate shall consist of an artificial mi.ture of any of the above classes of
aggregate the% The use of +lass ( aggregate and the relative proportions of the
constituent materials shall be approved by the (ngineer%
+oarse aggregate shall be supplied in the nominal siHe called for in the contract and shall be
of the grading as single siHed aggregate or graded aggregate of nominal siHe >: mm! 9: mm!
39%? mm and 3: mm in accordance with 0S ;=;%
Bther properties shall be as set out belowI
Fla3iness In5eF% @hen tested in accordance with 0S 9;=8 "art 3! the )lakiness 0nde. of the
coarse aggregate shall be as set out hereunderI
)or ordinary concrete I not more than 9?
)or high /uality concrete I not more than 3?
0f the )lakiness 0nde. of the coarse aggregate varies by more than five units from the average
value of the aggregate used in the approved trial mi.! then a new set of trial shall be
carried out if the workability of the has been adversely affected by such variation%
"ater A8sorption7 The aggregate shall not have a water absorption of more than 9 per cent
when tested as set out in 0S 9;=8 "art ;%
os An6eles A8rasion BAAA7 The aggregate shall have E** not more than >?O for ordinary
concrete! and not more than ;?O for high /uality concrete! when tested in accordance with 0S
9;=8 "art >%
A66re6ate CrCsDin6 'alCe BAC'5I The aggregate shall have *+< not more than ;:O for
pavement structure and not more than >?O for other structure when tested in accordance
with 0S 9;=8 "art >%
Al3ali A66re6ate Rea2tivity7 The aggregate shall comply with 0S ;=;G;%9 notes when tested
in accordance with 0S 9;=8 "art A%
B/A Testin6 A66re6ates
4a5 *cceptance Testing
The +ontractor shall deliver to the (ngineer samples containing not less than ?: kg of any
aggregate which he proposed to use in the works and shall supply such further samples as
the (ngineer may re/uire% (ach sample shall be clearly labeled to show its origin and shall be
accompanied by all information called for in 0S 9;=8 "art 3 to =% Tests to determine
compliance of the aggregates with the re/uirements of Sub6clause 9::; 4;5 and 4>5 shall be
carried out by the +ontractor in a laboratory acceptable to the
(ngineer% 0f the tested materials fail to comply with the Specification! further tests shall be
made in the presence of the +ontractor and the (ngineer% *cceptance of the material shall be
based on the results of such tests%
*ll the materials shall be accepted if the results of not less than three consecutive sets of test
e.ecuted in accordance with 0S 9;=8 4"art 36=5 show compliance with the Sub6clauses 9::;
4;5 and 4>5%
b5 +ompliance TestingG"rocess +ontrol Testing
The +ontractor shall carry out routine testing of aggregates for compliance with the
- ;
Specification during the period that concrete is being produced for the works% The tests set
out below shall be performed on aggregates from each separate source on the basis of one
set of tests for each day on which aggregates are delivered to site provided that the set of
tests shall represent not more than 3:: tons of fine aggregate and not more than 9?: tons of
coarse aggregate! and provided also that the aggregates are of uniform /uality%
GradingI 0S 9;=8 "art 3
Silt! +lay +ontents and Brganic 0mpuritiesI 0S 9;=8 "art 9
0f the aggregate from any source is variable! the fre/uency of testing shall be increased as
instructed by the (ngineer%
0n addition to the above routine tests! the +ontractor shall carry out the following tests at the
stated fre/uenciesI
+hloride +ontentI *s fre/uently as may be re/uired to ensure that the proportion of chlorides
in the aggregates does not e.ceed the limit stated in the Specification% Sulphate +ontent and
*lkali *ggregate 'eactivityJ *s fre/uently as may be re/uired according to the variability of
sulphate content and alkali reactivity assessed from the laboratory tests carried out during the
concrete mi. design%
B,A !elivery an5 Stora6e of A66re6ates
*ggregates shall be delivered to site in clean and suitable vehicles% &ifferent type or siHes of
aggregates shall not be delivered in one vehicle%
(ach type or siHe of aggregate shall be stored in a separate bin or compartment having a
base such that the contamination of aggregate is prevented% &ividing walls between bins shall
be substantial and continuous so that no of types or siHes occurs%
The storage of aggregates shall be arranged in such a way that drying out in hot weather is
prevented in order to avoid sudden fluctuations in water content% Storage of fine aggregates
shall be arranged in such way that they can drain sufficiently before use in order to prevent
fluctuations in water content of the concrete%
B<A "ater for Con2rete an5 Mortar
@ater shall be clean and free from harmful matter and shall comply with the re/uirements of
0S >?8%
Brackish water containing more than 3::: ppm chloride ion or 9::: ppm sulphate ion shall
not be used for or curing concrete%
The +ontractor shall carry out tests in compliance with 0S >?8 to establish compliance with
B=A A5miFtCres
4a5 General
The use of admi.tures in concrete may be re/uired under the contract to promote special
properties in the finished concrete or may be proposed by the +ontractor to assist him in
compliance with the Specification%
0n all cases the +ontractor shall submit to the (ngineer full details of the admi.ture he
proposes to use and the manner in which he proposes to add it in the mi.% The information
provided shall includeI
4i5 The typical dosage! the method of dosing! and the detrimental effects of an e.cess or
deficiency in the dosage%
4ii5 The chemical names of the main active ingredients in the admi.ture%
4iii5 @hether or not the admi.ture contains chlorides! and if so the chloride ion content
e.pressed as a percentage by weight of admi.ture%
4iv5 @hether the admi.ture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the
manufacturer's recommended dosage! and if so the e.tent to which it does so%
4v5 &etails of previous uses of the admi.ture in epal%
The chloride ion content of any admi.ture shall not e.ceed 3 per cent by weight of the
admi.ture nor :%:9 per cent by weight of the cement in the mi.%
*dmi.tures shall not be mi.ed together without the consent of the (ngineer%
+alcium chloride or admi.tures containing calcium chloride shall not be used in pre6stressed
- >
*dmi.tures may be supplied as li/uid or as powder% They shall be stored in sealed and
undamaged containers in a dry! cool place% *dmi.tures shall be dispensed in li/uid form and
dispensers shall be of sufficient capacity to measure at one time the full /uantity re/uired for
each batch%
4b5 @orkability *gents
@orkability agents shall comply with BS ?:A? and shall not have any adverse effect on the
properties of the concrete%
B-A Classes of Con2rete
The classes of structural concrete to be used in the works shall be as shown on the &rawing
and designated in Table 8::%;! in which the class designation includes two figures% The firs
figures indicates the characteristic strength fck at 9= days e.pressed in M"a 4Gmm
5 and the
second figure is the ma.imal nominal siHe of aggregate in the mi. e.pressed in millimeters%
Eetter M in the class designation stands for Mi.! letters SM stand for Special Mi.%
+onsistence of the mi.! assessed through the Slump Test where the slump is measured in
millimeters! is designated as followsI
SI Stiff consistence! for slump Y >:
"I "lastic consistence! for slump V >: and Y 7:
<"I <ery "lastic consistence! for slump V7: and Y 3?:
)I )lowing consistence for slump V 3?:
+lasses of
Type of
Strength 4fck5
M"a 4Gmm
ominal SiHe
of *ggregate
M"a 4Gmm
(arly works test cubes
*ny one result
4aver! of ;
M"a 4Gmm
*verage of ;
M"a 4Gmm
M 3:GA? S Brdinary 3: A? 33 3: 3>
M 3:G>: S Brdinary 3: >: 33 3: 3>
M 3?G9: S Brdinary 3? 9: 38%? 3? 37
M 3?G>: S Brdinary 3? >: 38%? 3? 37
M 9:G9: S Brdinary 9: 9: 99 9: 9>
M 9:G>: S Brdinary 9: >: 99 9: 9>
M 9?G9: S Brdinary 9? 9: 9A%? 9? 97
M 9?G>: S Brdinary 9? >: 9A%? 9? 97
B*A !esi6n of Propose5 MiFes
+oncrete shall comply with +lause 83A%
The +ontractor shall design all the concrete called for in the &rawing using the
ingredients which have been approved by the (ngineer in accordance with +lause 8:; and in
compliance with the following re/uirementsI
4a5 The aggregate portion shall be well graded from the nominal ma.imum siHe of stone
down to the 3?: micron siHe%
4b5 The cement content shall be such to achieve the strength called for in Table 8::%; but
in any case not less than the minimum necessary as shown in Table 8::%>
4c5 The workability shall be consistent with ease of placing and proper compaction
having regard to the presence of reinforcement and other obstructions%
4d5 The waterGcement ratio shall be the minimum consistent with ade/uate workability but
in any case not greater than :%? for classes of concrete from M9: to M?: taking due
account of any water contained in the aggregates% The +ontractor shall take into
account that this re/uirement may in certain cases re/uire the inclusion of a
workability agent in the mi.%
- ?
+lasses of concrete Minimum cement content in kg per m concrete of compacted
Moderate e.posure 0ntermediate e.posure Severe e.posure
M3?G>:! M3?G9: 3?: 9:: 99?
M9:G>:! M9:G9: 9?: ;:: ;9?
M9?G9:! M9?G>: ;:: ;9? ;?:
Note7 The minimum cement contents shown in the above table are re/uired in order to achieve
impermeability and durability% 0n order to meet the strength re/uirements in the Specification
higher contents may be re/uired%
The categories applicable to the works are based on the factors listed hereunderI
Moderate e.posure ISurface sheltered from severe rain! buried concrete%
0ntermediate e.posure ISurface e.posed to severe rainJ alternate wetting and
dryingJ trafficJ corrosive fumesJ heavy condensation%
Severe e.posure ISurface e.posed to water having a pH of >%? or less!
groundwater containing sulphate%
B9A a8oratory Trial MiFes
)or each mi. of concrete for which the +ontractor has proposed a design! he shall prepare
the number of concrete batches specified hereunderI
ominal composition I; separate batches
Modified compositions! the /uantities of other constituents being unchanged I
@ater I Z3:O 3 batch
@ater I 63:O 3 batch
+ement I Z3?O 3 batch
+ement I 63?O 3 batch
Samples shall be taken from each batch and the following action taken! all in accordance with
BS 3==3I
4a5 The slump of the concrete shall be determined%
4b5 Si. tests cubes shall be cast from each batch% 0n the case of concrete having a
ma.imum aggregate siHe of 9: mm! 3?: mm cubes shall be used% 0n the case of
concrete containing lager aggregate! 9:: mm cubes shall be used and in addition any
pieces of aggregate retained on a ?: mm 0S sieve shall be removed from the mi.ed
concrete before casting the cubes%
4c5 The density of all the cubes shall be determined before the strength tests are carried
4d5 *ll faces shall be perpendicular to each other%
4e5 Three cubes from each batch shall be tested for compressive strength at seven days
and the remaining three at 9= days%
)or ,Smaller +ontracts works,! the following composition are suggested as a starting basis for the
Eaboratory trials for one m
of concreteI
+oncrete +lass +haracteristic
Strength Gmm
+ement 4kg5 Total aggregates
)ine aggr%G Total
@ater 4ma.5
M 3?G>:63 M
3?G9: M 9:G9:
3? 9: 9?: ;:: 37:: 3=A? ;?6>? ;?6>? 38: 38?63A: Stiff6"lastic
* ,result, being the average strength of the three cubes from one batch! the average of the three
results from tests at 9= days for the nominal composition shall not be less than the Minimal Target
Strength shown in Table 9:%;%
- 8
Bne result from the modified compositions shall not be less than the nominal strength as shown on
Table 8::%;%
B;A Site Trials
*t least si. weeks before commencing placement of concrete in the permanent works! site
trials shall be prepared for each class of concrete specified%
)or each mi. of concrete for which the +ontractor has proposed a design and successfully
tested in Eaboratory! he shall prepare three separate batches specified hereunder using the
materials which have been approved for use in the works and the plant which he
proposes to use for the works% The volume of each batch shall be the capacity of the concrete proposed for full production%
Samples shall be taken from each batch and the action taken similar to the above Sub6clause
8:> 4;5 4a5 to 4e5%
The average of the three results of tests at 9= days shall not be less than the Minimal Target
Strength shown in Table 8::%;%
The +ontractor shall also carry out tests to determine the drying shrinkage of the concrete
unless otherwise directed by the (ngineer%
Based on the results of the tests on the Eaboratory trial and site trial! the +ontractor
shall submit full details of his proposals for mi. design to the (ngineer! including the type and
source of each ingredient! and the results of the tests on the trial
0f the (ngineer does not agree to a proposed concrete mi. for any reason! the +ontractor
shall amend his proposals and carry out further trial o mi. shall be used in the works
without the written consent of the (ngineer%
B/A :Cality Control of Con2rete Pro5C2tion
4a5 Sampling
)or each class of concrete in production at each plant for use in the works! samples of
concrete shall be taken at the point of or of deposition as instructed by the (ngineer!
all in accordance with the sampling procedures described in BS 3==3 and with the further
re/uirements set out below%
Si. 3?: mm or 9:: mm cubes as appropriate shall be made from each sample and shall be
cured and tested in accordance with BS 3==3 three at seven days and the other three at 9=
days% @here information samples are re/uired! such as for post6tensioning operations! three
additional cubes shall be made%
The minimum fre/uency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be as followingI
)or 36? m
/uantity of work 6 3 no% of sample
)or ?69: m
/uantity of work 6 9 no% of sample
)or 9: m
and more /uantity of work 6 ; no% of sample plus one
additional for each 9:m
or part
*t least one sample shall be taken from each shifts of work%
1ntil compliance with the Specification has been established the fre/uency of sampling shall
be three times that stated above and not less than ; samplesGday for each class of concrete
in production at each plant or such lower fre/uency as may be instructed by the (ngineer%
4b5 Testing
4i5 The slump of the concrete shall be determined for each batch from which
samples are taken and in addition for other batches at the point of production
and deposition or at the fre/uency instructed by the (ngineer%
The slump of concrete in any batch shall not differ from the value established
by the trial by more than 9? mm or one third of the value whichever is
the less%
4ii5 The air content of air entrained concrete in any batch shall be within 3%? times
of the re/uired value and the average value of four consecutive
measurements shall be within the re/uired value e.pressed as a percentage
of the volume of freshly mi.ed concrete%
4iii5 (arly @orksI 1ntil such time as sufficient test results are available to apply
- A
the method of control described in 4iv5 below! the compressive strength of the
concrete at 9= days shall be such that no single result 4average of ; cubes5 is
less than the characteristic strength fck as shown in Table 8::6; under the
heading ,early works test cubes, and also that the average of three
consecutive results is not less than fck Z> as shown in Table 8::6; under the
same heading%
The A6day cube result may be used as an early strength indicator! at the
discretion of the (ngineer%
4iv5 @hen at least 9: consecutive results on tested batches are available for any
class of concrete mi.ed in any one plant! no single result shall be less than f ck
Z> 4Gmm
5 and also the average of any group of three consecutive results
shall not be less than fckZ> 4Gmm
0n addition the +oefficient of <ariation shall be less than the figure given belowI
@here the +oefficient of <ariation M 4Standard &eviation of the resultsG*verage value
of the result5
4v5 )ailure to comply with 'e/uirementsI
0f any one result in a group of three consecutive results is less than f+k6>
4GmmR5! but the other results of group satisfy the strength re/uirement! then
only the batch from which the failed result was obtained shall be deemed not
to comply with the Specification%
0f the average strength of the group is less than the strength re/uirement then
all the batches between those represented by the first and the last result shall
be deemed not to comply with the Specification! and the +ontractor shall
immediately adjust the production procedure or the mi. design subject to the
agreement of the (ngineer to restore compliance with the Specification% 0f
adjustment of the mi. design is agreed! the +ontractor shall again be
re/uired to comply with Sub6clauses 9::> 4;5 and 9::> 4>5%
The +ontractor shall take necessary action to remedy concrete which does
not comply with this Specification% Such action may include but not
necessarily confined to the following I
0ncreasing the fre/uency of sampling until control is again
+arrying out non destructive testing such as ultrasonic
measurements! load tests or other appropriate methods!
+utting test cores from the concrete and testing in accordance with
BS 3==3
+arrying out strengthening or other remedial work to the concrete
where possible or appropriate%
'emoving the concrete%
*ccepting as sub standard
Before any batching!! transporting! placing! compacting and finishing and curing the concrete
ordered or delivered to site! the +ontractor shall submit to the (ngineer full details including &rawing
of all the plant which he proposes to use and the arrangements he proposes to make%
+oncrete for the works shall be batched and mi.ed in one or more plants or concrete unless the
(ngineer agrees to some other arrangement% 0f concrete mi.ers are used! there shall be sufficient
umber of batches Ma.imum coefficient of variation
Brdinary concrete High /uality concrete
*fter 9: tested batches *fter ?:
tested batches
3=O 3?O 3?O 39O
number of mi.tures including stand by mi.ers%
Batching and plants shall be complying with the re/uirements of 0S 3A73 and capable of
producing a uniform distribution of the ingredients throughout the mass% Truck mi.ers shall comply
with the re/uirements of 0S >79? and shall only be used with the prior approval of the (ngineer% 0f the
plant proposed by the +ontractor does not fall within the scope of 0S 3A73 it shall have been tested in
accordance with 0S >8;> and shall have a performance within the limits of 0S 3A73%
*ll operations shall be under the control of an e.perienced supervisor%
The aggregate storage bins shall be provided with drainage facilities arranged so that the drainage
water is not discharged to the weigh hoppers% (ach bin shall be drawn down at least once per week
and any accumulations of mud or silt shall be removed%
0f bulk cement is used! the scale and weight hopper for cement shall be distinct from the scale and
weight hopper for aggregates%
+ement and aggregates shall be batched by weight% @ater may be measured by weight or volume%
The weighing and water dispensing mechanisms shall be maintained in good order% Their accuracy
shall be maintained within the tolerances described in 0S 3A73 and not more than plus or minus one
percent! and checked against accurate weights and volumes when re/uired by the (ngineer%
The weights of cement and of each siHe of aggregate and the weight or volume of water as indicated
by the mechanism employed shall be within a tolerance of plus or minus three per cent of the
respective weight per batch agreed by the (ngineer%
The +ontractor shall provide standard test weights at least e/uivalent to the ma.imum working load
used on the most heavily loaded scale and other au.iliary e/uipment re/uired for checking the
satisfactory operation of each scale or measuring device% Tests shall be made by the +ontractor in the
presence of the (ngineer during the site trials described in Sub6clause 8:> 4>5 and then at intervals to
be determined by the (ngineer but not less than once per three months% The +ontractor shall furnish
the (ngineer with copies of the complete results of all check tests and shall make any adjustments!
repairs or replacements necessary to ensure satisfactory performance%
The nominal drum or pan capacity of the shall not be e.ceeded% The turning speed and the time shall be as recommended by the manufacturer! but in addition! when water is the last
ingredient to be added! shall continue for at least one minute after all the water has been
added to the drum or the pan%
The blades of pan mi.ers shall be maintained within the tolerances specified by the manufacturer of
the and the blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to maintain the tolerances by
Mi.ers shall be fitted with an automatic recorder registering the number of batches discharged%
The water to be added to the mi. shall be reduced by the amount of free water contained in the
coarse and fine aggregates% This amount shall be determined by the +ontractor by a method agreed
by the (ngineer immediately before begins each day and thereafter at least once per hour and
for each delivery of aggregates during concreting% @hen the correct /uantity of water! determined as
set out in the Specification! has been added to the mi.! no further water shall be added! either during or subse/uently%
Mi.ers which have been out of use for more than ;: minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before any
fresh concrete is mi.ed% Mi.ers shall be cleaned out before changing to another type of cement%
The concrete shall be discharged from the and transported to the works by means which shall
prevent adulteration! segregation or loss of ingredients! and shall ensure that the concrete is of the
re/uired workability at the point and time of placing% The loss of slump between discharge from the and placing shall be within the tolerances specified in Sub6clause 8:> 4?5 4b5 4i5%
The capacity of the means of transport shall not be less than the full volume of a batch%
The time elapsing between transporting placing and compaction altogether of a batch of
concrete shall not be longer than the initial setting time of the concrete% 0f the placing of any batch of
concrete is delayed beyond this period! the concrete shall not be placed in the works%
B-A Consent for Pla2in6
+oncrete shall not be placed until the (ngineer's consent has been given in writing% The
- 7
+ontractor shall give the (ngineer at least two full working day notice of his intention to place
0f concrete placing is not commenced within 9> hours of the (ngineer's consent the
+ontractor shall again re/uest consent as specified above%
B*A Preparation of SCrfa2e to Re2eive Con2rete
(.cavated surfaces on which concrete is to be deposited shall be prepared as set out in
Section ?::%
(.isting concrete surfaces shall be prepared as set out in +lause 839% Before deposition of
further concrete they shall be clean! hard and sound and shall be wet but without any free6
standing water%
*ny flow of water into an e.cavation shall be diverted through proper side drains to a sump or
be removed by other suitable method which will prevent washing away the freshly deposited
concrete or any of its constituents% *ny under drain constructed for this purpose shall be
completely grouted up when they are no longer re/uired by a method agreed by the (ngineer%
1nless otherwise instructed by the (ngineer surfaces against which concrete is to be placed
shall receive prior coating of cement slurry or mortar mi.ed in the proportions similar to those
of the fines portion in the concrete to be placed% The mortar shall be kept ahead of the
concrete% The mortar shall be placed into all parts of the e.cavated surface and shall not be
less than ? mm thick%
0f any fissures have been cleaned out they shall be filled with mortar or with concrete as
instructed by the (ngineer%
The amount of mortar placed at one time shall be limited so that it does not dry out or set
before being covered with concrete%
B9A Pla2in6 Pro2e5Cres
The concrete shall be deposited as nearly as possible in its final position% 0t shall be placed so
as to avoid segregation of the concrete and displacement of the reinforcement! other
embedded items or formwork% 0t shall be brought up in layers appro.imately parallel to the
construction joint planes and not e.ceeding ;:: mm in compacted thickness unless otherwise
permitted or directed by the (ngineer! but the layers shall not be thinner than four times the
ma.imum nominal siHe of aggregate%
@hen placing on a nearly horiHontal surface! placing shall start at the lower end of the surface
to avoid de6compaction of concrete%
Eayers shall not be placed so that they form feather edges nor shall they be placed on a
previous layer which has taken its initial set% 0n order to comply with this re/uirement! another
layer may be started before initial set of the preceding layer%
*ll the concrete in a single bay or pour shall be placed as a continuous operation% 0t shall be
carefully worked round all obstructions! irregularities in the foundations and the like so that all
parts are completely full of compacted concrete with no segregation or honey combing% 0t
shall also be carefully worked round and between water stops! reinforcement! embedded
steelwork and similar items which protrude above the surface of the completed pour% *ll work
shall be completed on each batch of concrete before its initial set commences and thereafter
the concrete shall not be disturbed before it has set hard% o concrete that has partially
hardened during transit shall be used in the works and the transport of concrete from the to the point of placing shall be such that this re/uirement can be complied with%
+oncrete shall not be placed during rain which is sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash
mortar from coarse aggregate on the e.posed faces of fresh concrete% Means shall be
provided to remove any water accumulating on the surface of the placed concrete% +oncrete
shall not be deposited into such accumulations of water%
0n dry weather! covers shall be provided for all fresh concrete surfaces which are not being
worked on% @ater shall not be added to concrete for any reason%
@hen concrete is discharged from the place above its final deposition! segregation shall be
prevented by the use of chutes! down pipes! trunking! baffles or other appropriate devices%
)orms for walls shall be provided with openings or other devices that will permit the concrete
to be placed in a manner that will prevent segregation and accumulations of hardened
concrete on the formwork or reinforcement above the level of the placed concrete%
@hen it is necessary to place concrete under water the +ontractor shall submit to the
- 3:
(ngineer his proposals for the method and e/uipment to be employed% The concrete shall be
deposited either by bottom6discharging watertight containers or through funnel6shaped
tremies which are kept continuously full with concrete in order to reduce to a minimum the
contact of the concrete with the water% Special care shall be taken to avoid segregation%
0f the level of concrete in a tremie pipe is allowed to fall to such e.tent that the water enters
the pipe! the latter shall be removed from the pour and filled with concrete before being again
lowered into the placing position% &uring and after concreting under water! pumping or de6
watering in the immediate vicinity shall be suspended if there is any danger that such work
will disturb the freshly placed concrete%
B;A InterrCptions to Pla2in6
0f the concrete placing is interrupted for any reason and the duration of the interruption cannot
be forecast or is likely to be prolonged! the +ontractor shall immediately take the necessary
action to form a construction joint so as to eliminate as far as possible feather edges and
sloping top surfaces and shall thoroughly compact the concrete in accordance with +lause
9::=% *ll work on the concrete shall be completed before elapse of initial setting time and it
shall not thereafter be disturbed until it is hard enough to resist damage% "lant and materials
to comply with this re/uirement shall be readily available at all time during concrete placing%
Before concreting is resumed after such an interruption the +ontractor shall cut out and
remedy all damaged or un6compacted concrete! feather edges or any undesirable features
and shall leave a clean sound surface against which the fresh concrete may be placed%
0f it becomes possible to resume concrete placing without contravening the Specification and
the (ngineer consents to a resumption! the new concrete shall be thoroughly worked in and
compacted against the e.isting concrete so as to eliminate any cold joints%
0n case of long interruption concrete shall be resumed as directed by (ngineer%
B/A !imensions of PoCrs
1nless otherwise agreed by the (ngineer! pours shall not be more than two meters high and
shall as far as possible have a uniform thickness over the plan area of the pour% +oncrete
shall be placed to the full planned height of all pours e.cept in the circumstances described in
Sub6clause 8:A 4>5%
The +ontractor shall plan the dimensions and se/uence of pours in such a way that cracking
of the concrete does not take place due to thermal or shrinkage stresses%
B,A Pla2in6 SeHCen2e
The +ontractor shall arrange that the intervals between successive lifts of concrete in one
Section of the works are of e/ual duration% This duration shall not be less than three days or
not more than seven days under temperate weather conditions unless otherwise agreed by
the (ngineer%
@here re/uired by the (ngineer to limit the opening of construction joints due to shrinkage!
concrete shall not be placed against adjacent concrete which is less than 93 days old%
+ontraction gaps in concrete shall be of the widths and in the locations as shown on the
&rawing and they shall not be filled until the full time interval shown on the &rawing has
+oncrete shall be fully compacted throughout the full e.tent of the placed layer% 0t shall be thoroughly
worked against the formwork and around any reinforcement and other embedded item! without
displacing them% +are shall be taken at arises or other confined spaces% Successive layers of the
same pour shall be thoroughly worked together%
+oncrete shall be compacted with the assistance of mechanical immersion vibrators! unless the
(ngineer agrees another method%
0mmersion and surface vibrators shall operate at a fre/uency of between A: and 9:: hertH% The
+ontractor shall ensure that vibrators are operated at pressures and voltages not less than those
recommended by the manufacturer in order that the compactive effort is not reduced%
* sufficient number of vibrators shall be operated to enable the entire /uantity of concrete being
placed to be vibrated for the necessary period and! in addition! stand6by vibrators shall be available
for instant use at each place where concrete is being placed%
<ibration shall be continued at each point until the concrete ceases to contract! air bubbles have
- 33
ceased to appear! and a thin layer of mortar has appeared on the surface% <ibrators shall not be used
to move concrete laterally and shall be withdrawn slowly to prevent the formation of voids%
The vibrators shall be inserted vertically into the concrete to penetrate the layer underneath at regular
spacing which shall not e.ceed the distance from the vibrator over which vibration is visibly effective
and some e.tent of vibration is overlapped%
<ibration shall not be applied by way of reinforcement nor shall the vibrators be allowed to touch
reinforcement! sheathing ducts or other embedded items%
B-A General
+oncrete shall be protected during the first stage of hardening from loss of moisture and from
the development of temperatures differentials within the concrete sufficient to cause cracking%
The methods used for curing shall not cause damage of any kind to the concrete%
+uring shall be continued for as long as may be necessary to achieve the above objectives
but not less than seven days or until the concrete is covered by successive construction
whichever is the shorter period%
The above objectives shall be dealt with in Sub6clauses 8:7 495 and 8:7 4;5 but nothing shall
prevent both objectives being achieved by a single method where circumstances permit%
The curing process shall commence as soon as the concrete is hard enough to resist damage
from the process% 0n the case of large areas or continuous pours! it shall commence on the
completed Section of the pour before the rest of the pour is finished%
B*A oss of MoistCre
(.posed concrete surfaces shall be closely covered with impermeable sheeting! properly
secured to prevent its removal by wind and the development of air spaces beneath it% Foints in
the sheeting shall be lapped by at least ;:: mm%
0f it is not possible to use impermeable sheeting! the +ontractor shall keep the e.posed
surfaces continuously wet by means of water spray or by covering with a water absorbent
material which shall be kept wet! unless this method conflicts with Sub6clause 8:7 4;5%
@ater used for curing shall be of the same /uality as that used for
)ormed surfaces may be cured by retaining the formwork in place for the re/uired curing
0f instructed by the (ngineer! the +ontractor shall! in addition to the curing provisions set out
above provide a suitable form of shading to prevent the direct rays of the sun reaching the
concrete surfaces for at least the first four days of the curing period%
B9A imitation of TemperatCre !ifferentials
The +ontractor shall limit the development of temperature differentials in concrete after
placing by any means appropriate to the circumstances including the followingI
4a5 Eimiting concrete temperatures at placing as set out in Sub6clause 9:33 495J
4b5 1se of low heat cement for mass concreting! subject to the agreement of the
4c5 Eeaving formwork in place during the curing period% Steel forms shall be suitably
insulated on the outsideJ
4d5 "reventing rapid dissipation of heat from surfaces by shielding from wind%
)reshly placed concrete shall be protected from rainfall and from water running over the surface until
it is sufficiently hard to resist damage from these causes%
+oncrete placed in the works shall not be subjected to any loading including traffic until it has attained
at least its characteristic strength as defined in +lause 8:>%
B-A General
The +ontractor shall prevent damage to concrete arising from e.posure to e.treme
temperatures! and shall maintain in good working order all plant and e/uipment re/uired for
this purpose%
- 39
0n the event that conditions become such that even with the use of e/uipment the
re/uirements cannot be met! concrete placing shall immediately cease until such time as the
re/uirements can again be met%
B*A Con2rete Pla2in6 in Hot "eatDer
&uring hot weather the +ontractor shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the
temperature of concrete at the time of placing in the works does not e.ceed ;:N+ and that the
concrete does not lose any moisture during transporting and placing%
Such measures may include but are not necessarily limited to the followingI6
4a5 Shielding aggregates from direct sunshine%
4b5 1se of a mist water spray on aggregates%
4c5 Sun shields on plants and transporting e/uipment%
Surfaces in which concrete is to be placed shall be shielded from direct sunshine and
surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted to reduce absorption of water from the concrete placed
on or against them%
*fter concrete has been placed! the selected curing process shall be commenced as soon as
possible% 0f any interval occurs between completion of placing and start of curing! the concrete
shall be closely covered during the interval with polythene sheet to prevent loss of moisture%
@henever concrete is to be bonded to other concrete which has hardened! the surface of contact
between the Sections shall be deemed a construction joint%
@here construction joints are shown in the &rawing! the +ontractor shall form such joints in such
positions% The location of joints which the +ontractor re/uires to make for the purpose of construction
shall be subject to the approval of the (ngineer% +onstruction joints shall be in vertical or horiHontal
planes e.cept in sloping slabs where they shall be normal to the e.posed surface or elsewhere where
the &rawing re/uire a different arrangement%
+onstruction joints shall be arranged as to reduce to a minimum the effects of shrinkage in the
concrete after placing! and shall be placed in the most advantageous positions with regard to stresses
in the structures and the desirability of staggering joints%
)eather edges of concrete at joints shall be avoided% *ny feather edges which may have formed
where reinforcing bars project through a joint shall be cut back until sound concrete has been
The intersections of horiHontal and near horiHontal joints and e.posed faces of concrete shall appear
as straight lines produced by use of a guide strip fi.ed to the formwork at the top of the concrete lift! or
by other means acceptable to the (ngineer%
+onstruction joints formed as free surfaces shall not e.ceed a slope of 9: per cent from the
The surface of the fresh concrete in horiHontal or near horiHontal joints shall be thoroughly cleaned
and roughened by means of high pressure water! and air jets or wire brush! when the concrete is hard
enough to withstand the treatment without the leaching of cement% The surface of vertical or near
vertical joints shall be similarly treated if circumstances permit the removal of formwork at a suitable
@here concrete has become too hard for the above treatment to be successful! the surface whether
formed or free shall be thoroughly scrabbled by mechanical means! manually or wet sand blasted and
then washed with clean water% The indentations produced by scrabbling shall not be less than 3: mm
deep and shall be away from the finished face by >:mm%
0f instructed by the (ngineer the surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly brushed with a thin layer
of mortar composed of one part of cement to two parts of sand by weight and complying with Sub6
clause 9?:9 495 immediately prior to the deposition of fresh concrete% The mortar shall be kept just
ahead of the fresh concrete being placed and the fresh layer of concrete shall be thoroughly and
systematically vibrated to full depth to ensure complete bond with the adjacent layer% o mortar or
concrete shall be placed until the joint has been inspected and approved by the (ngineer%
'ecords of the details of every pour of concrete placed in the works shall be kept by the +ontractor in
a form agreed by the (ngineer% These records shall include class of concrete! location of pour! date
- 3;
and duration of pour! ambient temperature and concrete temperature at time of placing and all
relevant meteorological information such as rain! wind etc%! moisture contents of the aggregates!
details of! batch numbers! cement batch number! results of all tests undertaken! part of the structure and
place where test cube samples are taken from%
The +ontractor shall supply to the (ngineer four copies of these records each week covering work
carried out the preceding week% 0n addition he shall supply to the (ngineer monthly histograms of all
9= day cubes strength results together with cumulative and monthly standard deviations! +oefficient
of <ariation! and any other information which the (ngineer may re/uire concerning the concrete
placed in the works%
B-A General
'einforcement as plain bars and deformed bars and steel fabric shall comply with the
following 0ndian Standards%
0S 3A=8 for high strength deformed steel bars and wires%
0S 3?88 for steel mesh fabric%
0S >;9 mild steel and medium tensile steel bars%
*ll reinforcement shall be from an approved manufacturer and! if re/uired by the (ngineer!
the +ontractor shall submit the 0S0 certification mark or other test certificate from the
manufacturer acceptable to the (ngineer% The +ontractor shall furnish all information as
manufacturer's certificate! invoice! and other relevant details to ensure the /uality of steel%
The reinforcements shall have no crack! scale or rust or foreign particles that will destroy or
reduce the bond% The bars shall be accurately bent and formed to the dimension indicated in
the &rawings% The +ontractor shall prepare bending schedules for each structure and
calculate the weight of the reinforcement% The schedule of bars and the calculations shall be
submitted to the (ngineer for approval%
Binding wire used to bind reinforcements shall be annealed galvaniHed binding wire of 9:
The sampling and fre/uency of testing shall be as set out in the S =>69:>9 and S 3736
9:>?% *ll reinforcement not complying with the Specification shall be removed from site%
B*A Stora6e of Reinfor2ement
*ll reinforcement shall be delivered to site either in straight lengths or cut and bent% o
reinforcement shall be accepted in long lengths which have been transported bent over
*ny reinforcement which is likely to remain in storage for a long period shall be protected from
the weather so as to avoid corrosion and pitting% *ll reinforcement which has become
corroded or pitted to an e.tent which! in the opinion of the (ngineer! will affect its properties
shall either be removed from site or may be tested for compliance with the appropriate 0ndian
Standard in accordance with Sub6clause 83> 435 at the +ontractor e.pense%
'einforcement shall be stored at least 3?:mm above the ground on a clean area free of mud
and dirt and sorted out according to category! /uality and diameter%
B9A &en5in6 Reinfor2ement
1nless otherwise shown on the &rawing! bending and cutting shall comply with 0S 9?:9%
The +ontractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of any bar bending schedules supplied
and shall be responsible for cutting! bending! and the reinforcement in accordance with
the &rawing%
Bars shall be bent mechanically using appropriate bar benders% Bars shall be bent cold by the
application of slow steady pressure% *t temperatures below ?N+ the rate of bending shall be
reduced if necessary to prevent fracture in the steel%
Bending reinforcement inside the forms shall not be permitted e.cept for mild steel bars of
diameter less or e/ual to 39 mm! when it is absolutely necessary%
*fter bending! bars shall be securely tied together in bundles or groups and legibly labeled as
set out in 0S 9?:9%
B;A FiFin6 Reinfor2ement
- 3>
'einforcement shall be thoroughly cleaned% *ll dirt! scale! loose rust! oil and other
contaminants shall be removed before placing it in position% 0f the reinforcement is
contaminated with concrete from previous operations! it shall be cleaned before concreting in
that Section%
'einforcement shall be securely placed and fi.ed in position as shown in the drawing or
directed by the (ngineer%
1nless otherwise agreed by the (ngineer! all intersecting bars shall be either tied together
with not less than 3%8 mm diameter soft annealed iron wire and the end of the wire turned into
the body of the concrete! or shall be secured with a wire clip of a type agreed by the (ngineer%
Spacer blocks shall be used for ensuring that the correct cover is maintained on the
reinforcement% Blocks shall be as small as practicable and of a shape agreed by the (ngineer%
They shall be made of mortar mi.ed in the proportions of one part of cement to two parts of
sand by weight% @ires cast into the block for tying in to the reinforcement shall have not less
than 3%8 mm diameter and shall be soft annealed iron%
*lternatively another type of spacer block may be used subject to the (ngineer's approval%
*ll reinforcement shall be checked of shape! siHe! diameter and number where necessary%
'einforcement shall be rigidly fi.ed so that it remain intact during placing of concrete% *ny
made to the formwork shall not remain within the space to be occupied by the concrete being
o splices shall be made in the reinforcement e.cept where shown on the &rawing or agreed
by the (ngineer% Splice lengths shall be as shown on the &rawing or directed by the (ngineer%
'einforcement shall not be welded e.cept where re/uired by the contract or agreed by the
(ngineer% 0f welding is employed! all welded splices shall be full penetration butt welds
complying with the procedures set out in 0S 9A?3 or 0S 7>3A as applicable% Mechanical splices
shall not be used unless the (ngineer agrees otherwise% *cceptance for welded or
mechanical splices of approved design shall be based on /ualification tests to be carried out
by the
+ontractor prior to start of the work% +onstruction control testing as instructed by the (ngineer
shall be also carried out%
The +ontractor shall ensure that reinforcement left e.posed in the works shall not suffer
distortion! displacement or other damage% @hen it is necessary to bend protruding
reinforcement aside temporarily! the radius of the bend shall not be less than four times the
bar diameter for mild steel bars or si. times the bar diameter for high yield bars% Such bends
shall be carefully straightened without leaving residual kinks or damaging the concrete round
them before concrete placing% 0n no circumstances heating and bending of high yield bars
shall be permitted%
Bars complying with 0S 3A=8 or other high tensile bars shall not be bent after placing in the
B-A Non?strC2tCral Con2rete
on6structural concrete 4S concrete5 shall be used only for non structural purposes where
shown on the &rawing%
S concrete shall be compound of ordinary "ortland cement and aggregates complying with
this Specification%
The weight of cement mi.ed with :%; cubic meters of combined aggregate shall not be less
than ?: kg% The mi. shall be proportioned by weight or by volume% The ma.imum aggregate
siHe shall be >: mm nominal%
The concrete shall be mi.ed by machine or by hand in accordance with Sub6clause 83? 4;5 to
a uniform color and consistency before placing% The /uantity of water used shall not e.ceed
that re/uired to produce a concrete with sufficient workability to be placed and compacted
where re/uired%
The concrete shall be compacted by hand towels or rammers or by mechanical vibration%
B*A No Fines Con2rete
- 3?
o )ines concrete 4) concrete5 is intended for use where a porous concrete is re/uired and
shall only be used where shown on the &rawing or instructed by the (ngineer%
The mi. shall consist of Brdinary "ortland cement and aggregate complying with this
Specification% The aggregate siHe shall be >: mm to 3: mm only% The weight of cement mi.ed
with :%; cubic meters of aggregate shall not be less than ?: kg% The /uantity of water shall
not e.ceed that re/uired to produce a smooth cement paste which will coat evenly the whole
of the aggregate%
B9A Han5 MiFe5 Con2rete
+oncrete for structural purposes shall not be mi.ed by hand% @here non structural concrete is
re/uired! hand may be carried out subject to approval of the (ngineer%
)or making hand mi.ed concrete! cement! sand and aggregate shall be batched separately
by volume or by weight as applicable% Then cement and sand shall be mi.ed dry to uniform
color% The aggregate shall be stacked in a proper shape upon which cement sand mi. shall
be spread and whole mi. shall be turned up and down to have uniform mi. of all ingredients%
Then water shall be added as specified in Sub6clause 9:3? 435 and shall be mi.ed to uniform
)or hand mi.ed concrete the specified /uantities of cement shall be increased by 3:O and
not more than :%9? cubic meter shall be mi.ed at one time% &uring windy weather precautions
shall be taken to prevent cement from being blown away in the process of gauging and
o load shall be applied to any part of a structure until the specified curing period has e.pired! and
thereafter loading shall be allowed after approval by the (ngineer% The (ngineer's decision shall be
based on the type of load to be applied! the age of concrete! the magnitude of stress induced and the
propping of the structure%
o structure shall be opened to traffic until test cubes have attained the specified minimum 9= days
strength as defined in +lause 9::>%
,-< M$AS%R$M$NT
B-A Con2rete
+oncrete laid in place as specified in the &rawing or directed by the (ngineer shall be
measured in cubic meter separately for each class% o deduction shall be made in the
measurement forI
a5 bolt holes! pockets! bo. outs an cast in components provided that the volume of each
is less than :%3? cubic metersJ
b5 mortar beds! fillets! drips! rebates! recesses! grooves! chamfers and the like of 3::
mm total width or lessJ
c5 reinforcement
B*A &lin5in6 Con2rete.Non StrC2tCral Con2rete
Blinding concrete laid in place shall be measured in cubic meter% o deduction shall be made
for openings provided that the area of each is less than :%? s/uare meters% Blinding concrete
over hard material shall be measured as the volume used provided that the ma.imum
thickness of 3?: mm allowed for over break is not e.ceeded%
B9A A5miFtCres) "or3a8ility an5 Har5enin6 A6ents
Measurement of these items shall be carried out as specified in the contract%
B;A Reinfor2ement
*ll types of reinforcement shall be measured in metric ton
Bnly that reinforcement which is re/uired and placed in work as per &rawing or as directed by
the (ngineer shall be measured% 0n addition! other reinforcement not shown on the &rawing
but directed by the (ngineer such as splices! chairs! hangers and the like shall also be
'olling margin or cutting waste shall not be measured% Eength along centre line of the
individual reinforcement of each type placed as described above shall be measured including
their hooks! and bents! if any% *n average weight of at least ? samples each one meter length
shall be determined by the laboratory approved by the (ngineer% The weight of each type of
- 38
the reinforcement shall be determined by multiplying average weight of the respective
reinforcement by its length%
B/A Fa8ri2 Reinfor2ement
)abric reinforcement laid as per &rawing or as directed by the (ngineer shall be measured in
s/uare meter% o allowance shall be made for laps and wastage%
B-A Con2rete
(very class of concrete shall be paid as per respective contract unit rate% 0n addition to those
specified in +lause 339 the respective rate shall also include the cost ofI
a5 admi.tures and workability agents including submission of details unless specified%
b5 class of 1)3!9 or ; surface finish%
c5 laying to sloping surfaces not e.ceeding 3?N from the horiHontal and to falls%
d5 formwork to lean concrete%
e5 placing and compacting against e.cavated surfaces where re/uired including any
additional concrete to fill over break and working space%
f5 complying with the re/uirements of +lauses 9::3 to 9:3;!3=:8 and 3=:A%
B*A A5miFtCres) "or3a8ility an5 Har5enin6 A6ents
"ayment shall be made at contract unit rate which shall be the full and the final compensation
to the +ontractor as per +lause 339 and for all specified in the contract%
B9A Reinfor2ement
The reinforcement shall be paid at contract unit rate% 0n addition to those specified in +lause
339 the rate shall also include compensation for the cost of providing ! cutting to length! splice
lengths additional to those shown on the &rawing! laps! bending! hooking! waste incurred by
cutting! cleaning! spacer blocks! provision and of chairs or other types of supports!
welding! the reinforcement in position including the provision of wire or other material for
supporting and tying the reinforcement in place! bending reinforcement aside temporarily! and
straightening! placing and compacting concrete around reinforcement and for complying with
+lause 83>%
B;A Fa8ri2 Reinfor2ement
The fabric reinforcement shall be paid at contract unit rate which shall be also inclusive of
compensation for wastage and laps%
- 3A
<+- SCOP$
This Section covers the furnishing of materials and construction of brick works for structures in
accordance with the detail shown on the &rawing and these Specifications or as directed by the
B-A &ri23s
Burnt clay bricks shall conform to the re/uirements of S63G9:;? e.cept that minimum
compressive strength when tested flat shall not be less than = Gmm
for individual bricks and
3: Gmm
for average ? specimens and that the siHe may be according to local practice with a
tolerance of Z ? percent%
B*A Mortar
Mortar shall comply with 0S 99?:637=3J +ode of "ractice for preparation and use of masonry
mortar% The mortar used in work shall have the strength not less than ? Gmm9 or A%? Gmm9
at 9= days as specified%
However! if provided in the +ontract! cement and sand may also be mi.ed in specified
proportions% +ement shall be proportioned only by weight! by taking its unit weight as 3%>> ton
per cubic meter and sand shall be proportioned by volume after making due allowance for
Sand shall comply with +lause >39% +ement shall comply with +lause >3;%
The shall be done in a mechanical unless is permitted by the
(ngineer% 0f is allowed! the operation shall be carried out on a clear watertight
platform% in the re/uired proportion cement and sand shall be first mi.ed dry to obtain an
uniform color% Then re/uired /uantity of water shall be added and the mortar shall be mi.ed to
produce workable consistency% The mortar shall be mi.ed for at least three minutes after
addition of water in the case of mechanical 0n the case of hand! the mortal
shall be hoed back and forth for about 3: minutes after addition of water in order to obtain
uniform consistency%
Bnly that /uantity of mortar shall be mi.ed at a time which can be used completely before it
becomes unworkable% *ny mortar that has become unworkable due to loss of water before
elapsing the initial setting time of cement! shall be rewet to make it workable and shall be
used in the works% Bn no account mortar shall be used after elapsing the initial setting time of
Bricks shall be soaked in water for a minimum period of one hour before use% @hen bricks are soaked
they shall be removed from the tank sufficiently in advance so that at the time of laying they are skin
dry% Such soaked bricks shall be stacked on a clean place where they are not spoilt by dirt! earth! etc%
*ll bricks work shall be laid in (nglish bond! even and true to line! plumb! level and all joints
accurately kept% @hole bricks used on the face shall be selected ones of uniform siHe and true
rectangular face%
Bricks shall be laid with frogs up! if any! on a full bed of mortar% @hen laying! bricks shall be slightly
pressed so that the mortar gets into all the surface pores of bricks to ensure proper adhesion% *ll
joints shall be properly flushed and packed with mortar so that no hollow spaces are left%
Before laying bricks in foundation! a layer of not less than 39 mm of mortar shall be spread to make
the surface on which the brick work will be laid even% 0mmediately thereafter! the first course of bricks
shall be laid%
The brick work shall be built in uniform layers% +orners and other advanced work shall be raked back%
Brick work shall be done true to plumb or in specified batter% o part of it! during construction! shall
rise more than one meter above the general construction level! to avoid une/ual settlement and
improper jointing%
- 3
Toothing may be done where future e.tension is contemplated but shall be used as an alternative to
raking back%
The thickness of joints shall not e.ceed 3: mm%
@hen fresh masonry is to be placed against e.isting surface of structures! the surface shall be
cleaned of all loose materials! roughened and wetted as directed by the (ngineer so as to effect a
good bond with the new work%
<+< C%RING
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering% Masonry work in cement mortar shall be
kept constantly moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days% The top of the masonry work
shall be left flooded with water so as not to disturb or washout the green mortar%
&uring hot weather! all finished or partly completed work shall be covered or wetted in such a manner
as to prevent rapid drying of the brick work%
The scaffolding shall be sound and strong to withstand all loads likely to come upon it% The holes
which provide resting space for horiHontal members shall not be left in masonry under one meter in
width or immediately near the skew backs of arches% The holes left in the masonry work for supporting
the scaffolding shall be filled and made good%
*ll e/uipment used for or transporting mortar and bricks shall be clean and free from set
mortar! dirt or other injurious foreign substances%
B-A General
The surfaces can be finished by 'jointing'! 'pointing' or 'plastering'! as specified% )or a surface
which is to be subse/uently plastered or pointed! the joints shall be s/uarely raked out to a
depth of 3? mm while the mortar is still green% The raked joints shall be well brushed to
remove dust and loose particles and the surface shall be thoroughly washed with water!
cleaned and wetted%
The mortar for finishing shall be prepared as per +lause A:9%
B*A "allin6 FinisD7
@here walling is to be finished with a fair face of the workmanship and /uality! the bricks are
to be selected so that the e.posed face is free from defects and the joints finished flush as the
works proceed% The faced work shall be kept perfectly clean and no rubbing down of
brickwork will be allowed%
@here bricks work is to be plastered the joints shall be raked out as the work proceeds%
B9A "allin6 &Cil5in67
Bricks shall be wetted before being laid and the top of walling where left off shall be wetted
before re6commencing building% @alls to be kept wet three days after building%
Bricks shall be well buttered with mortar before being laid and the brickwork carried up evenly
course so that no part is allowed to be carried up more than 7:cm higher at any time than any
other part%
B;A Cavity "allin6 &Cil5in6
The two layer of half brick wall with half brick cavity is cavity walling of the building% Bricks
shall be wetted before being laid and the top of walling where left off shall be wetted before
re6commencing building% (ach left brick wall shall be connected by 3:G G0 links made as per
design at every five course vertically and at the 8:cm spacing horiHontally or as per drawing%
The two courses below sill will be solid wall% Bne or both half brick wall will be laid in fair face
in stretcher bond% The walls are to be kept wet three days after building%
Bricks shall be well buttered with mortar before being laid and the brickwork carried up evenly
course6by6course so that no part is allowed to be carried up more than 7:cm higher at any
time than any other part%
- 9
B/A Settin6 OCt "allin6
The contractor shall provide proper setting6 out rods and set out all work on it for corners!
openings! heights! etc% *nd shall build the walls and piers etc% To the width! depth and height
indicated on the drawings and as directed and approved by the (ngineer in6charge%
B,A &on5in6 "alls
Eoad bearing brickwork generally shall be of Duota bond 4nominal thickness ;?:mm5 and
reinforced as shown on the detailed drawings% Bne brick walls 4nominal thickness 9;:mm5
shall be in (nglish bond and half brick walls 4nominal thickness 33?mm5 in Stretcher bond% o
broken bricks or bats shall be used unless re/uired to from bond%
*ll propounds! /uoins! reveals and other angles of walls shall be built strictly true and s/uare%
+ement 2sand shall be as before specified%
Eime shall be freshly burnt lime slaked at least one month before being used by drenching
with water! well broken up and mi.ed and the slurry passed through a ;mm mesh screen to
remove all lumps and impurities%
B<A Mortar
1nless otherwise specified! all mortar shall consist of cement and sand in the proportion as
described in the Bill of Duantities%
The ingredients of mortars shall be measured in proper gauge on a boarded platform
all bring mi.ed dry and again whilst adding water% 0n the case of cementG lime mortar! the sand
and lime shall be mi.ed dry and then the cement added% *ll mortars shall be thoroughly
mi.ed to a uniform consistency with only sufficient water to obtain a plastic condition suitable
for trawling% Mortar! which has commenced to set! shall not be used or knocked up again for
B=A Fillin6 for &ri23 4or3
@here brickwork cavities are specified to contain reinforcing bars they shall be filled with
concrete mi. as previously described% The filling shall be placed and consolidated in section
not e.ceeding 7:cm in height% +avities that are to be filled shall be kept free of all mortar
B>A &ri23 intels
Eintels over doors and under openings e.cept where in concrete! shall be formed in brick
work by reinforcing the three concrete immediately above the opening with steel wire
reinforcement projecting >?cm at either end of the opening and the rates are to include for
any necessary centering%
B-+A PCtlo6 Holes
*ll putlog holes shall be not less than one course deep and carefully filled with bricks cut to fit
siHe of opening with beds and joints filled with mortar well tamped in after scaffolding is
B--A #eepin6 Clean
The contractor shall allow in his rates for keeping the fair6faced brickwork free from mortar at
all times and for cleaning the work at completion%
B-*A ConstrC2tion Joints 8et4een "alls
@here +onstruction joints indicated on the drawings should be filled by 9?L3::m fle.ible jute
carpet coated with bitumen and covered by 38G galvaniHed steel sheet in e.posed faces% *ll
the construction debris shall be removed before placing it%
B-9A Jointin6
0n jointing! the face joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a finished
surface flush with the face of the brick6work% The faces of brick6work shall be cleaned to
remove any splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brick6work%
B-;A Pointin6
)or pointing! the mortar shall be filled and pressed into the raked out joints! before giving the
re/uired finish% The pointing shall then be finished to proper type given on the &rawing% 0f type
of pointing is not mentioned on the &rawing the same shall be ruled pointing% )or ruled
pointing after the mortar has been filled and pressed into the joints and finished off level with
the edges of the bricks! it shall while still green be ruled along the centre with a half round tool
- ;
of such width as may be specified by the (ngineer% The superfluous mortar shall then be cut
off from the edges of the lines and the surface of the masonry shall also be cleaned of all
B-/A Plasterin6
"lastering shall be started from top and worked down% *ll putlog holes shall be properly filled
in advance of the plastering as the scaffolding is being taken down% @ooden screeds A? mm
wide and of the thickness of the plaster shall be fi.ed vertically 9%? to > meters apart to act as
gauges and guides in applying the plaster% The mortar shall be laid on the wall between the
screeds using the plaster's float and pressing the mortar so that the raked joints are properly
filled% The plaster shall then be finished off with a wooden straight edge reaching across the
screeds% The straight edge shall be worked on the screeds with a small upward and sideways
motion ?: mm or A? mm at a time% )inally! the surface shall be finished off with a plaster's
wooden float% Metal floats shall not be used%
@hen recommencing the plastering beyond the work suspended earlier the edges of the old
plaster shall be scraped! cleaned and wetted before plaster is applied to the adjacent areas%
o portion of the surface shall be left out in a condition to be patched up later on%
The plaster shall be finished to a true and plumb surface and to the proper degree of
smoothness as re/uired by the (ngineer%
The average thickness of plaster shall not be less than the specified thickness% The minimum
thickness over any portion of the surface shall not be less than the specified thickness minus
; mm%
*ny cracks which appear in the surface and all portions! which sound hollow when tapped! or
are found to be soft or otherwise defective! shall be cut out in rectangular shape and re6done
as directed by the (ngineer%
B-,A CCrin6 of FinisDes
+uring shall be started as soon as the mortar used for finishing has hardened sufficiently not
to be damaged when watered% 0t shall be kept wet for a period of at least A days% &uring this
period! it shall be suitable protected from all damages%
Before laying any mortar! the +ontractor shall make three sets of mortar test cubes from each source
of sand to demonstrate the compliance of the mortar to the specified strength% (ach set shall
comprise two cubes! one to be tested at A days and the other to be tested at 9= days% Testing shall be
in accordance with 0S 99?:% &uring construction the +ontractor shall make and test mortar cubes at
the rate of three for every 3:m; or part of it of brick work to assess the strength of the mortar subject
to a minimum of ; sample cubes for a days work% The brick shall be tested for compressive strength
and water absorption as per S63G9:;? and shall meet the re/uirement of this Specification%
<-* !RY &RIC# "OR#S
B-A Flat &ri23 Solin6
The flat brick soling shall be made in foundation and floor% The brick shall conform to clause
3::% The brick soling shall be done over the ?cm sand filling in line and level% The bricks are
then rammed with spreading sand and water%
B*A &ri23 On $56e Solin6
The Brick on (dge brick soling shall be made in foundation and floor% The brick shall conform
to clause 3::% The brick soling shall be done over the ?cm sand filling in line and level% The
bricks are then rammed with spreading sand and water%
<-9 M$AS%R$M$NT
*ll brick work shall be measured in cubic meters e.cept soling%
The work of plastering and pointing shall be measured in s/uare meters separately%
The brick works! plastering and pointing shall be paid at their respective contract unit rate which shall
be the full and the final compensation to the +ontractor as per +lause 339 to complete the work as
per these Specifications%
- >
=+- SCOP$
This Section covers furnishing of materials and construction of different types of stone masonry works
in accordance with the &rawing and this Specification or as directed by the (ngineer%
*ll re/uirements in respect of stones and cement sand mortar described herein shall be applicable in
all +lauses of this Section! if otherwise not specified%
B-A Stone
The stones to be used shall be durable and angular in shape% 0f boulders are used they shall
be broken into angular pieces% The stones shall be sound! hard! and free from iron bands!
spots! sand holes! flaws! shakes! cracks or other defects% The stone shall not absorb water
more than ? per cent% The specific gravity of the stone shall not be less than 9%?:% (.cept
otherwise described in the contract! the length of any stone shall not e.ceed three times its
height% The breadth of the stone on the bed shall not be less than 3?: mm nor greater than
;G> the thickness of the wall% *t least =?O of the stones used in masonry! e.cept those used
for chinking as chips or spalls of stones shall have individual volumes of more that :%:3 m;
The chips or spalls used including voids in the dry stone masonry shall not be more than 9:O
of the stone masonry by volume% 0n case of mortared masonry the total volume of mortar and
spalls taken together shall not be more than ;:O of the mortared masonry% 'epresentative
samples of the stones intended for use in the works shall be submitted to the (ngineer for
prior approval% )urther representative samples shall be submitted for approval whenever
there is a change in the type or strength of the rock that the +ontractor intends to use in
masonry work%
B*A Mortar
Mortar for masonry shall conform to Sub6clause A:9 495% Sand shall comply with 0S 9338 and
cement shall comply with +lause >3>%
The method of construction described herein shall hold good in all +lauses of this Section! wherever
B-A General
+onstruction shall be carried out in accordance with 0%S% 3?7A63779! +ode of "ractice for
construction of stone masonry! "art 3 'ubble stone masonry or "art 9 *shlar Masonry as
appropriate% *ll stratified stone possessing bedding planes shall be laid with its natural bed as
nearly as possible at right angles to the direction of load% 0n the case of arch rings! the natural
bed shall be radial% )acework groins shall be built to a height not e.ceeding one meter in
advance of the main body of the work and adjacent walling stepped down on either side%
Masonry face work between the groins shall then be built to a height not e.ceeding ?:: mm
above the backing which shall then be brought up level with the completed facework% *t no
time shall the backing be built up higher than the facework%
(.cept for dry rubble walling! all joints 4gaps5 shall be sufficiently thick to prevent stone to
stone contact and the gaps shall be completely filled with mortar% Stones shall be clean and
sufficiently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water from mortar%
"lacing loose mortar on the course and pouring water upon it to fill the gaps in stones shall
not be allowed% Mortar shall be fluid! mi.ed thoroughly and then poured in the joints% o dry or
hollow space shall be left anywhere in the masonry and each stone shall have all its faces
completely covered with mortar of the thickness as specified for joints%
The bed which is to receive the stone shall be cleaned! wetted and covered with a layer of
fresh mortar% *ll stones shall be laid full in mortar both in bed and vertical joints and settled
carefully in place with a wooden mallet immediately after placement and solidly embedded in
mortar before it has set% +lean and wet chips and spalls shall be wedged into the mortar joints
and bed whenever necessary to avoid thick joints or bed of mortar% @hen the foundation
masonry is laid directly on rock! the bedding face of the stones of the first course shall be
dressed to fit into rock snugly when pressed down in the mortar bedding over the rock% )or
- 3
masonry works over rock! a leveling course of M3?G>: or M3?G9: concrete 3::mm thickness
shall be laid over rock and then stone masonry work shall be laid without foundation concrete
0n case! any stone already set in mortar is disturbed or the joints broken! it shall be taken out
without disturbing the adjoining stones and joints% &ry mortar and stones thoroughly cleaned
from the joints and the stones shall be reset in fresh mortar% Sliding one stone on top of
another which is freshly laid! shall not be allowed%
Shaping and dressing of stone shall be done before it is laid in the work% &ressing and
hammering of the laid stones which will loosen the masonry! shall not be allowed%
Building up face wall tied with occasional through stones and filling up the middle with stones
spalls and chips or dry packing shall not be allowed% <ertical joints shall be staggered%
&istance between the nearer vertical joints of upper layer and lower layer in coursed rubble
masonry shall not be less than half the height of the course%
Masonry in a structure between two e.pansion joints shall be carried up nearly at one uniform
level throughout but when breaks are unavoidable the masonry shall be raked in sufficiently
long steps to facilitate jointing of old and new work% The stepping of raking shall not be more
than >? degrees with the horiHontal%
Masonry shall not be laid when the air temperature in the shade is less than ;N+% ewly laid
masonry shall be protected from the harmful effects of weather%
B*A Con2rete Cappin6
@here masonry structures are to receive a concrete capping! the joints to the upper surface
of the masonry shall be raked out to a depth of 3: mm prior to placing of the concrete to the
capping% The concrete for capping shall be as per the &rawing or as directed by (ngineer and
shall conform to Section 9:::%
B9A Pointin6
@here e.ternal faces of the mortared masonry work will be backfilled or otherwise
permanently covered up! the mortared joint shall be finished flush to the faces of the adjacent
@here mortared masonry faces will remain e.posed! the mortar joints shall be pointed to a
consistent style as shown on the &rawing% "ointing shall be carried out using mortar 3I; by
volume of cement and sand or as shown on the &rawing% The mortar shall be filled and
pressed into the raked out joints before giving the re/uired finish% The pointing! if not
otherwise mentioned! shall be ruled type for which it shall! while masonry work is still green!
be ruled along the centre with half round tools of such width as may be specified by the
engineer% The e.cess mortar shall!
then! be taken off from the edges of the lines and shall not be unnecessarily plastered over
the e.posed stone works% The thickness of the joints shall not be less than ;mm for *shlar
However! the ma.imum thickness of joints in different works shall be as followsI
'andom 'ubble I 9:mm
+oursed 'ubble I 3?mm
*shlar Masonry I ?mm
*ll stones shall be dressed to accurate planes on the beds and joints and they shall be fair and neatly
or fine tooled on the face unless otherwise described in the contract%
=+/ &OC#?IN?CO%RS$
Beds and joints shall be s/uared and dressed for a distance of at least 99: mm from the e.posed
face% Bond stones shall form at least one of the area of the e.posed face and shall e.tend at
least 7:: mm into the wall or for the full thickness of the wall if the latter is less than 7:: mm% 1nless
described in the contract as tooled or drafted! the e.posed face of all stones shall be blocked and left
rough% *rises shall be dressed s/uare at all beds and joints%
=+, S:%AR$ R%&&$?CO%RS$! OR &RO#$N CO%RS$S
*ll stones shall be truly s/uared and dressed for a distance at least 39: mm from the face of the wall%
Bond stones shall be provided at the rate of at least one to every :%= m9 of e.posed face and shall
- 9
measure not less than 3?: mm . 3?: mm on the face and not less than >?: mm in length or the full
thickness of the wall! whichever is the less% <ertical joints in any layer shall be broken in the ne.t layer
and the horiHontal lapping of the stones shall not be less than 3:: mm%
=+< RAN!OM R%&&$ ? CO%RS$! OR %NCO%RS$!
*ll stones shall be carefully set with a bond stone provided at the rate of at least one to every :%7 m
of e.posed face% Bond stones shall measure not less than 3?: mm . 3?: mm on the e.posed face
and not less than >?: mm in length or the full thickness of the wall! whichever is the less%
=+= !RY RAN!OM R%&&$
&ry random rubble masonry shall be constructed generally to the re/uirements of coursed random
rubble masonry as specified in +lause 98:A but with the omission of mortar% *ll stones shall be
carefully shaped to obtain as close a fit as possible at all beds and joints! any interstices between the
stones being filled with selected stone spalls% The stones in courses shall be laid perpendicular to the
batter face% The e.posed tops or capings of dry rubble structures shall be formed as shown on the
Materials for composite random rubble shall comply with +lause 98:9 and construction with +lause
98:;% Mortar masonry shall be coursed and comply with +lause 98:A and the dry stone insets with
+lause 98:=% The dry stone insets shall be constructed when the level of the surrounding mortared
masonry surround has reached the top of the dry stone inset%
Before laying any mortar! the +ontractor shall make three sets of mortar test cubes from each source
of sand to demonstrate the compliance of the mi. to the specified strength% (ach set shall comprise
two cubes! one to be tested at A days and the other to be tested at 9= days% &uring construction! the
+ontractor shall make and test mortar cubes at the rate of three cubes for every 3: m; of masonry to
assess the strength subject to a minimum of ; cubes samples for a days work% Testing of cubes shall
be in accordance with 0S 99?:% The stones shall be tested for the water absorption as per 0SI 339>
and it shall not be more than ? percent% The stones shall also be tested for Specification gravity and it
shall not be less than 9%8?% Sand shall be tested as per +lause 83; or as directed by the (ngineer% *t
least ; set of tests for stone and sand shall be conducted for every source%
*bout one s/uare meter 43m.3m5 measured in front face of the completed stone masonry in every
9:: s/%m or part of it shall be dismantled during the process of construction up to complete depth and
the aggregate volume of the stones having volume more than :%:3m; shall be obtained by the
method of displacement of water to find the volume of spalls and mortars in the case of mortared
masonry and the volume of spalls and voids in the case of dry masonry% The dismantling shall be
made in such a manner that the /uality of the surrounding work is least affected% @hile dismantling!
the tightness of the joints shall also be compared with the thickness of joints as specified for
assessment of the /uality of work% 0f the volume of spalls and mortars is more than the specified
volume andGor the joints are not filled completely with mortar! then the entire work which the sample
and test represent! shall be rejected%
The dismantled portion shall be made good by the +ontractor at his own cost after completion of the
=-- M$AS%R$M$NT
Stone masonry shall be measured in cubic meters% The pointing shall be measured in s/%m%
The stone masonry and the pointing shall be paid at the respective contract unit prices which shall be
the full and the final compensation to the +ontractor as per +lause 339%
- ;
>++ FORM "OR#
This section covers the preparation! construction and removal of formwork for concrete structures% 0t
also covers the /uality re/uirements for surface finish on formed and unformed surfaces%
&efinitions used in this +lause and other relevant +lauses of this Section and other relevant Sections
of these Specifications are as followsI
)ormwork means the surface against which concrete is placed to form a face% *ll the
immediate supports necessary to retain the surface in position while concrete is placed! shall
be treated an integral part of formwork%
* formed face is one which has been cast against formwork%
*n unformed surface means a horiHontal or nearly horiHontal surface which is not cast against
*n e.posed face is one which will remain visible when construction has been completed%
>+* G$N$RA
)orm works shall include all temporary or permanent forms re/uired for forming the concrete together
with all temporary construction for their support%
)orm works shall be designed and erected by the +ontractor so that concrete can be properly placed
and compacted in a manner that the hardened concrete conforms to the re/uired shape! position! and
level subject to the specified tolerances and standards of finish% 0t shall be assembled with ade/uate
nails and Gor nuts and bolts% 0t shall consist of wooden boards! sheet metals! and any other suitable
material that prevent loss of grout when the concrete is vibrated%
Special care shall be taken to maintain the stability of the form works and the tightness of the joints
particularly during concrete vibrating operations%
The formworks shall be as specified in the BBD with ade/uate ribs for the beam! column and slabs%
The (ngineer shall approve the material and position of any ties passing through the concrete% The
whole or part of the tie shall be capable of being removed such that any remaining part shall be
embedded in the concrete by at least the specified thickness for reinforcement cover% *ny holes
formed by removal of ties shall be filled with concrete or mortar of approved composition%
)orm works at top shall be provided where the slope of the formed surface e.ceeds one in four%
Before each concrete operation commences! form works shall be cleaned of all rubbish and other
foreign particles%
+oncrete operations shall not commence until the erected form works has been inspected and
approved% The +ontractor shall give at least >= hours notice for such inspection% Bn rejection for any
reason! the (ngineer shall re/uire another >= hours to inspect the rectified errors%
The inside surface of forms shall be coated with an approved material to prevent the adhesion of
concrete% Such material shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
and shall not come in contact with the reinforcement or anchors%
B-A ConstrC2tion of Form4or3
Foints in formwork for e.posed faces shall! unless otherwise specified! be evenly spaced and
horiHontal or vertical and shall be continuous in a regular pattern%
*ll joints in formwork shall be water tight% @here reinforcement projects through formwork! the
form shall fit closely round the bars%
)ormwork shall be so designed that it may be easily removed from the work without damage
to the faces of the concrete% 0t shall also incorporate provisions for making minor adjustments
in position! if re/uired! to ensure the correct location of concrete faces% &ue allowance shall
be made in the position of all formwork for movement and settlement under the weight of
fresh concrete%
Surfaces at slopes less than 9:N may be formed by screeding% Surfaces at slopes between
9:N and ;:N shall generally be formed if the +ontractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of
- 3
the (ngineer that such slopes can be screeded with the use of special screed boards to hold
the concrete in place during vibration%
HoriHontal or inclined formwork to the upper surface of concrete shall be ade/uately secured
against uplift due to the pressure of fresh concrete% )ormwork shall also be tied down or
otherwise secured against floating within the body of the concrete%
The internal and e.ternal angles on concrete surfaces shall be formed with fillets and
chamfers of the siHes shown on the &rawing unless otherwise instructed by the (ngineer%
Supports for formwork may be bolted to previously placed concrete provided the type of bolt
used is acceptable to the (ngineer% 0f metal ties through the concrete are used in conjunction
with bolts! the metal left in shall not be close to the face of the concrete by less than ?:mm%
)ormwork shall not be re6used after it has suffered damage which is sufficient to impair the
finished surfaces of the concrete%
@here circumstances prevent easy access within the form! temporary openings shall be
provided through the formwork for cleaning and inspection%
Shear keys of the siHe and shape as indicated on the &rawing shall be provided in all
construction joints%
@here pre6cast concrete elements are specified for use as permanent formwork! or proposed
by the +ontractor and agreed by the (ngineer! they shall comply with the re/uirements of
formwork as specified in the Specifications in respect of surface finish! strength and rigidity%
Such elements shall be set true to line and level within the tolerances prescribed for the
appropriate class of finish in +lause 7:8 and fi.ed so that they cannot move when concrete is
placed against them%
B*A Preparation of Form4or3
Before any reinforcement is placed into position within formwork! the latter shall be thoroughly
cleaned and then dressed with a release agent% The agent shall be either a suitable oil
incorporating a wetting agent! an emulsion of water suspended in oil or a low viscosity oil
containing chemical agents% The +ontractor shall not use an emulsion of oil suspended in
water nor any release agent which causes staining or discoloration of the concrete! air holes
on the concrete surface! or retards the set of the concrete or affects the strength of concrete%
0n order to avoid color differences on adjacent concrete surfaces! only one type of release
agent shall be used in any one section of the works%
0n cases where it is necessary to fi. reinforcement before placing formwork! all surface
preparation of formwork shall be carried out before it is placed into position% The +ontractor
shall not allow reinforcement or pre6stressing tendons to be contaminated with formwork
release agent%
Before placing concrete all dirt! construction debris and other foreign matter shall be removed
completely from within the placing area%
Before concrete placing commences! all wedges and other adjusting devices shall be secured
against movement during concrete placing and the +ontractor shall maintain a watch on the
formwork during placing to ensure that no movement occurs% 0f any movement noticed! the
formwork shall be set right immediately%
B9A Removal of Form4or3
The +ontractor shall give 9> hours notice of his intentions to strike any form works% )orms
shall be removed without shock vibrations or other damage to the concrete%
)ormwork shall be carefully removed without shock or disturbance to the concrete% o
formwork shall be removed until the concrete has gained sufficient strength to withstand any
stresses safely to which it may thereby be subjected%
The minimum periods which shall elapse between completion of placing concrete and
removal of forms are given in Table 3=63 and apply to ambient temperatures higher than
3:N+% *t lower temperatures or if cement other than ordinary "ortland are involved! the
(ngineer may instruct longer periods%
*lternatively! formwork may be removed when the concrete has attained the strength set out
in Table 7::%3! provided that the attained strength is determined by making test cubes and
curing them under the same conditions as the concrete to which they refer%
+ompliance with these re/uirements shall not relieve the +ontractor of his obligation to delay
- 9
removal of formwork until the removal can be completed without damage to the concrete%
0f the +ontractor wishes to strip formwork from the underside of arches! beams and slabs
before the e.piry of the period for supports set out above! it shall be designed so that it can
be removed without disturbing the supports% The +ontractor shall not remove supports
temporarily for the purpose of stripping formwork and subse/uently replace them%
*s soon as the formwork has been removed! bolt holes in concrete faces other than
construction joints which are not re/uired for subse/uent operations shall be completely filled
with mortar sufficiently dry to prevent any slumping at the face% The mortar shall be mi.ed in
the same proportions as the fine aggregate and cement in the surrounding concrete and with
the same materials and shall be finished flush with the face of the concrete%
*fter removal of the formwork! the date of casting of concrete shall be marked on the surface
of related concrete by water proof paintGmarker for estimation of curing time%
)orm work ormal
@eather 4days5
+old @eather
Strength to
be attained
3%<ertical or near vertical faces of mass
9> hours :%9 fck
9% Beam sides! walls and unloaded columns >= hours 3%?I :%; fck
;% Sophist of slabs and beams I
a% Spans up to ;m
b% Spans over ;m to 8m
c% Spans over 8m to 39m
d% Spans over 39m
> days
33 days
3> days
93 days
A days
3A days
Note7 fck is the +haracteristic Strength for the class of concrete used%
+lasses of )inish
The surface finish to be achieved on formed concrete surfaces shall be as shown on the &rawing and
are defined hereunderI6
B-A Class F- FinisD
This finish is for surfaces against which backfill or further concrete will be placed% )ormwork
may be sawn boards! sheet metal or any other suitable material which will prevent the loss of
laitance from the concrete being placed%
B*A Class F* FinisD
This finish is for surfaces which are permanently e.posed to view but the highest standard of
finish is not re/uired% )orms to provide a +lass )9 finish shall be faced with wrought
thickened tongued and grooved boards with s/uare edges arranged in a uniform pattern and
close jointed or with suitable sheet material% The thickness of boards or sheets shall be such
that there shall be no visible deflection under the pressure e.erted by the concrete placed
against them%
Foints between boards or panels shall be horiHontal and vertical unless otherwise directed% 0n
this type of finish pitting! fins! surface discoloration and other minor defects shall be remedied
at the time and by methods agreed by the (ngineer%
B9A Class F9 FinisD
This finish is for surfaces which will be in contact with water flowing at high velocity! and for
surfaces prominently e.posed to view where good appearance is of special importance% To
achieve this finish! which shall be free of board marks! the formwork shall be faced with
plywood or e/uivalent material in large sheets% The sheets shall be arranged in an approved
uniform pattern% @herever possible! joints between sheets shall be arranged to coincide with
architectural features or changes in direction of the surface%
*ll joints between panels shall be vertical and horiHontal unless otherwise directed% Suitable
joints shall be provided between sheets to maintain accurate alignment in the plane of the
- ;
sheets% 1nfaced wrought boarding or standard steel panels will not be permitted for +lass );
finish% The +ontractor shall ensure that the surface is protected from rust marks! spillages and
stains of all kinds%
B;A CCrve5 SCrfa2es
)or curved surfaces where )9 or ); finishes are called for! the formwork face shall be built up
of splines cut to make a tight surface which shall then be dressed to produce the re/uired
*lternatively single curvature surfaces may be faced with plastic or plywood linings attached
to the backing with adhesive or with escutcheon pins driven flush% Einings shall not bulge!
wrinkle or otherwise deform when subjected to temperature and moisture changes%
B/A Toleran2es
*ll parts of formed concrete surfaces shall be in the positions shown on the &rawing within
the tolerances set out in Table 7::%9%
0n cases where the &rawing call for tolerances other than those given in Table 3=%9 the
&rawing shall rule%
@here pre6cast units have been set to a specified tolerance! further adjustments shall be
made as necessary to produce a satisfactory straight or curved line% @hen the (ngineer has
approved the alignment! the +ontractor shall fi. the units so that there is no possibility of
further movement%
TA&$ >++@*7 TO$RANC$S
+lass of finish Tolerances in mm 4See ote5
* B +
)3 )9 ); 3: ? 9 3: 3: ? Z 9? to63: W 3? W 3:
Note7 The tolerances *! B and + given in the table are defined as followsI
* is an abrupt irregularity in the surface due to misaligned formwork or defects in the
face of the formwork%
B is a gradual deviation from a plane surface as indicated by a straight edge ; m long%
0n the case of curved surfaces the straight edge shall be replaced by a correctly
shaped template%
+ is the amount by which the whole or part of a concrete face is displaced from the
correct positions shown on the &rawing%
HoriHontal or nearly horiHontal surfaces which are not cast against formwork shall be finished to the
class shown on the &rawing and defined hereunder%
B-A %F- FinisD
*ll surfaces on which no higher class of finish is called for on the &rawing or instructed by the
(ngineer shall be given a 1) 3 finish%
The +oncrete shall be leveled and screeded to produce a uniform plain or ridged surface!
surplus concrete being struck off by a straight edge immediately after compaction%
B*A %F * FinisD
This is a floated finish for roof or floor slabs and other surfaces where a hard trawled surface
is not re/uired%
The surface shall first be treated as a +lass 1) 3 finish and after the concrete has hardened
sufficiently! it shall be floated by hand or machine sufficient only to produce a uniform surface
free from screed marks%
B9A %F 9 FinisD
This is a hard trowelled surface for use where weather resistance or appearance is important!
or which is subject to high velocity water flow%
The surface shall be floated as for a 1) 9 finish but to the tolerance stated below in Sub6
clause 7:8 4?5% @hen the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent laitance from being worked to the surface! it shall be steel6trowelled
- >
under firm pressure to produce a dense! smooth uniform surface free from trowel marks%
B;A Toleran2es
*ll parts of unformed concrete surfaces shall be in the positions shown on the &rawing within
the tolerances set out in Table 3=%;%
0n cases where the &rawing call for tolerances other than those given in Table 3=%; the
&rawing shall rule%
TA&$ >++@97 TO$RANC$S
+lass of finish Tolerances in mm 4see ote5
* B +
1)3 1)9 1); ot applicable il il 3: 3: ? Z 9: to63: Z 9: or63:
Z39%? or6A%?
Note7 The tolerances *! B and + given in the table are defined as followsI
* is the ma.imum allowable value of any sudden change of level in the surface%
B is the ma.imum allowable value of any gradual irregularity of the surface! as indicated
by the gap between the surface and a three meter long straight edge or correctly
shaped template placed on the surface%
+ is the ma.imum allowable value of the difference in level or position between a three
meter long straightedge or correctly shaped template placed on the surface and the
specified level or position of that surface%
>+, R$M$!IA "OR# TO !$F$CTI'$ S%RFAC$S
0f on removal of any formwork the concrete surface is found to be defective in any way! the +ontractor
shall make no attempt to remedy such defects prior to the (ngineer's inspection and the receipt of any
instructions which the (ngineer may give%
&efective surfaces shall not be made good by plastering%
*reas of honey combing which the (ngineer agrees! shall be repaired after cutting back to sound
concrete when the concrete is no more than ; day old% +are shall be taken that reinforcement and
sheathing ducts are not damaged% The cavity shall have sides at right angles to the face of the
concrete% *fter cleaning out with water and compressed air! a thin layer of cement grout shall be
brushed on to the concrete surfaces in the cavity% 0t shall then be filled immediately with the concrete
of the same class as the main body% The concrete shall be prepared from the aggregate of ma.imum
siHe :%? times the depth of the cavity or 9: mm whichever is the smaller% * form provided with a lip to
enable concrete to be placed shall be used against the cavity% The form shall be filled above the top
edge of the cavity%
*fter seven days the lip of concrete shall be broken off and the surface shall be ground smooth%
@hen the concrete is more than three day old! areas of honey combing shall be repaired using an
epo.y bonding agent with a method approved by the (ngineer%
Surface irregularities which are outside the limits of tolerance set out in +lause 3=:8 shall be ground
down in the manner and to the e.tent instructed by the (ngineer%
Blowholes in vertical surfaces shall be filled with laitance! or mortar using fine aggregate not larger
than :%; mm! rubbed over the affected area with a rubber face float and finished with polythene%
&efects other than those mentioned above shall be dealt with as instructed by the (ngineer%
>+< M$AS%R$M$NT
(.cept as stated below! formwork shall be measured in s/uare meter of formwork actually in contact
with the finished face of the concrete% o deduction shall be made in the measurement for openings!
pipes! ducts and the like! provided that the area of each is less than :%?: s/uare meters% 1nless
otherwise stated! if the volume or area of concrete has not been deducted when measuring the
concrete! formwork to form bo. or the void shall not be measured%
)ormwork re/uired for lean concrete! to form construction joints and shear keys for future concrete
and other construction surfaces shall not be measured and the costs shall be included in the rates for
other work%
)ormwork to contraction and e.pansion joints shall be measured in s/uare meter on one face only%
- ?
The rates shall include for the costs stated below and for forming recesses for sealant and channels
for grout%
The measurement of formwork is inclusive of the measurement for formwork finished surface! shoring!
staging! scaffolding and other accessories re/uired for erection and removal of the formwork%
The formwork shall be paid as per the contract unit rate% 0n addition to those specified in +lause 339
the rates for formwork shall include the cost of submission of details! transportation and use of all
materials for formwork! erection including provision of supports! fillets and chamfers A? mm and less
in width! bolts! ties! fi.ings! cutting to waste! drilling or notching the formwork for reinforcement where
re/uired! working around pipes! ducts! conduits and waterstops! temporary openings! cleaning!
dressing! removal of formwork! filling bolt holes and any remedial work and for complying with
+lauses 8:A! 8:7! 839! and Section 7:: including all incidental works re/uired to complete the work
as per Specification%
The payment for unformed surfaces of concrete shall be deemed included in the contract unit rate of
the relevant concrete%
- 8
-+++ "OO! "OR#
-++- SCOP$
This Section covers timber construction of permanent works at locations as shown in the &rawing%
The work specified herein may not be relevant not for the temporary facilities and formwork 4centering
and shuttering5%
-++* MAT$RIA
B-A Tim8er
Timber for carpentry shall be straight and free from twist! sapwood! shakes! dead and loose
knots! worm holes! other holes! signs of decay and other defects! and seasoned and shall
comply with the re/uirements of 0S ==;6377> The natural moisture content of any untreated
timber delivered to site shall not e.ceed those as recommended by 0S 9=A6377;%
*ll beams and scantling shall be sawed along grain and under no condition beams! rafters!
wall plates! blocks etc% shall be sawed across grain% *ll timber and assembled woodwork shall
be protected from weather for which temporary shed shall be built% *ll timber shall be stored
at least A?:mm above ground level or more! if deemed necessary! and individual members
shall be separated by strips so that air may circulate around all four sides% *ll wood work
e.cept doorGwindow frames or ceiling shall be painted with two coats of creosote confirming to
0S 93= 37?9%
B*A Har54are
Hardware shall consist of bolts! with the necessary nuts and washers! timber connectors! drift
pins! dowels! nails! screw nails! coach bolts! spikes and other metal fasteners% They shall be
galvaniHed or un6galvaniHed as specified% Bolts! nuts and washers shall be mild steel and
comply with 0S 3;8;63779% &rift "ins and dowels shall be mild steel% ails shall comply with 0S
A9;637A9% Screw nails and screws shall comply with 0S >?3637A9G0S 9?=?6378=% +oach bolts
shall comply with 0S 98:7637A9% Spikes and other metal fastenings shall be of mild steel%
*ll panels e.cept where specified in the drawing shall be fitted with frames having steel
double breasted butt hinges% @indow frames shall have three A%?cm G 9%:: mm thick hinges
on each panel whereas the siHe of hinges for door panels shall be as followsI
@idth of panels 4up to A?cm5 I3:cm double breasted butt hinge! 9%::mm thick! ;
@idth of panels e.ceeding A?cm I39%?cm double breasts butt hinges! 9%9?mm thick!
; nos%
)ollowing shall be the siHe of the screwI
)or A%?cm hinges I 9?mm long o% =
)or 3:cm hinges I ;:mm long o% 7
)or 39%?cm hinges I >?mm long o% 3:
*bove o% refers to ettlefolds or e/uivalent screws only%
&oors shall be fitted with double6action automatic hydraulic door closers wherever instructed%
To4er &olt
*ll tower bolts shall be of aluminum with bolt casted monolithic with the handle% )ollowing
shall be siHe of the tower bolt%
@indows "anels 3?cm top and bottom
&oor 3?cm top
3?cm bottom 4wherever necessary5
*ll screws shall be of ettlefold or e/uivalent suitable lengths and diameter%
*ll door shall be provided with handle on both sides and all windows with handles on the inner
side only% &oor handled shall be minimum 3?cm clear inside and window handle 3:cm clear%
*ll door shall be fitted with mortise lock of heavy /uality! preferably of aluminum%
- 3
* sample of hardware 4tower bolts! handles! hinges! catch and allotrope and screws5 will be
displayed at the site at "roject (ngineer's office as the sample of desired /uality and design%
The +ontractor shall submit samples of hardware in writing to "roject (ngineer for approval%
B9A Tim8er Preservation
@hen described in the contract or shown on the &rawing timber shall be treated with
preservative in accordance with the 0ndian Standard +ode of "ractice for the preservation of
timber 0S >:3637=9%
Inse2t !ama6e
*ll timber shall be free from live barer beetle or other insect attack when brought upon the
Site% The +ontractor shall be responsible to the end of the maintenance period for e.ecuting
at his own cost all @ork necessary to eradicate insect attack of timber which becomes
evident! including the replacement of timber attached or suspected of being attacked! not with
standing that the timber concerned may have already been inspected and passed as fit for
Seasonin6 of Tim8er
*ll timber shall be seasoned to a moisture content of not more than 99O for carpentry and
3?O for joinery% The +ontractor's price must include for any kiln drying that may be necessary
the achieve these figures%
Inspe2tion an5 Testin6
The "roject (ngineer shall be given facilities for inspection of all works in progress whether in
@orkshop or on Site% *ll timber as it arrives on the Site and not approved by them must be
removed forthwith! failing which the (mployer! with the advise of the "roject (ngineer! may
arrange for the removal of the rejects and impose of them as they may consider advisable at
the +ontractor's e.penses%
otwithstanding approval having been given as above! any timber incorporated in the @orks
found to be in any way defective before the e.piry of the maintenance period shall be
removed and renewed at the +ontractor's e.pense% The +ontractor is to allow for testing or
prototypes of special construction units and the "roject (ngineer shall be at liberty to select
any samples they may re/uire for the purpose of testing i%e% for moisture content! or
identification of species! strength! etc%
@here timbers need to be e.tended into a wall! they shall be thoroughly ,Brush Treated, with
a wood preservative approved by the "roject (ngineer! and as much clear air space
maintained around the timber where it adjoins the wall as possible%
Clearin6 %p
The +ontractor is to clear out and destroy or remove all cut and shavings and other wood
waste from all parts of the building and the Site generally! as the work progress and at the
conclusion of the work%
B;A GalvaniEin6
@hen described in the contract or shown on the &rawing! all hardware shall be galvaniHed in
accordance with the 0ndian Standard 'ecommended "ractice for Hot6&ip GalvaniHing of 0ron
B-A Tim8er
Generally the timber for carpentry and joinery shall be Sal wood of the best /uality obtained
from an approved saw mill% The timber shall be reasonably straight grained% *ll timber shall be
seasoned and are to be open stacked% *ll timber as it arrives on the site shall be inspected by
the (ngineer 0n6charge! and any unapproved timber at the must be removed forthwith% *ll
timber of assembled woodwork shall be protected from the weather and stored in such a way
as to prevent attack by termites! insects or decay fungi%
The minimum compressive strength of the timber shall be A: kgGcm9%
*ll timber shall be free from live barer beetle or other insect attack when brought upon the
site% The contractor shall be responsible up to the end of the maintenance period for
e.ecuting at his own cost all work necessary to eradicate insect attack of timber which
becomes evident! including the replacement of timber attached or suspected of being
attacked! not with standing that the timber concerned may have already been inspected and
passed as fit to use before%
- 9
*ll timber shall be seasoned to moisture content of not more than 99O for frames and 3?O
for shutter% The contractorCs price must include for any kiln drying that may be necessary to
achieve these figures%
*ll timber and assembled wood work shall be protected from the weather and stored in such a
way as to prevent attach by termites! insects or decay fungi%
B*A Carpentry
*ll carpentry shall be e.ecuted with workmanship of the best /uality% Scantlings and boarding
shall be accurately sawn and shall be of uniform width and thickness throughout% *ll
carpenter's work shall be left with sawn surface e.cept where particularly specified to be
*ll carpenter's work shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the drawings and
shall be framed together and securely fi.ed in best possible manner with properly made
joints% *ll necessary brads! nails and screws! etc% shall be provided as directed and approved%
*ctual dimensions of scantlings for carpentry shall not vary from the specified dimensions by
more than ;mm in deficiency or e.cess but must be uniform throughout% Boards 9?mm thick
or less shall hold up to the specified siHes% *ll timbers shall be as long as possible and
practicable! in order to eliminate joints%
B9A Joinery
Generally all joiner's work shall be accurately set out on boards to full siHe for the information
and guidance of the artisans before commencing the respective works! with all joints! iron
work and other works connected therewith fully delineated% Such setting out must be
submitted to the "roject (ngineer and approved before such respective works are
*ll jointer's work shall be cut out and framed together as soon after the commencement of the
building as is practicable! but is not to be wedged up or glued until the building is ready for same% *ny portions that warp! wind or develop shakes or other defects within twelve
months after completion of the works shall be removed and new fi.ed in their place on
+ontractor's own e.pense%
*ll work shall be properly mortised! tennoned! housed! shouldered! dovetailed! notched!
wedged! pinned! braided! etc%! as directed and to the satisfaction of the "roject (ngineer and
all properly glued up with the best /uality approved glue%
Foints in joinery must be as specified or detailed! and so designed and secured as to resist or
compensate for any stresses to which they may be subjected% *ll nails! springs! etc% are to be
punched and puttied% Eoose joints are to be made where provision must be made for
shrinkage! glued joints where shrinkage need not be considered and where sealed joints are
re/uired% Glue for load6bearing joints or where there is damp conditions must be of the resin
type% )or non6load6bearing joints or where dry conditions may be guaranteed casein or
organic glues may be used% *ll e.posed surfaces of joinery @ork shall be wrought and all
arises ,eased6off, by planing and sand papering to an approved finish suitable to the specified
Foinery shall hold up to the specified siHes and as measured%
FiFin6 Joinery
*ll beads! fillets and small members shall be fi.ed with round or oval brads on nails on nails
well punched in and stopped% *ll large members shall be fi.ed with screws! the heads let in
and palliated to match the grain%
1nless otherwise specified! plugs of e.ternal work shall be of hardwood! plugs for internal
work may be of softwood% Holes for plugging must be made with a proper drilling tool and the
holes completely filled with the plugging material%
1nless otherwise specified all skirting! window! grounds and backings for same! fillets etc%
shall be plugged at intervals not e.ceeding 8:cm%
&C55in6 Joiner
*ll door and window frames! sills! wooden bars etc%! which are fi.ed to brickwork! concrete by
means of grounds! lugs! etc%! shall be bedded solid in mortar as previously described and
pointed with a recessed joint 8mm deep to the approval of the "roject (ngineer%
- ;
"lywoodCs! Blackboards! +hipboards etc%! shall be of a standard /uality% They shall be bonded
with synthetic resin or ,interior, type unless otherwise stated% @here stated to be ,e.terior,
type! they shall be weatherproof% *ll e.posed edges of blackboard and clipboard shall be
lipped with hardwood as described below%
Samples of all such materials and their source of manufacture must be approved by the
"roject (ngineer before used in the works%
Plasti2 SDeetin6
Shall be approved laminated sheeting 3%?mm thick! securely fi.ed by means of *erodu. 3=?
adhesive! and in colors approved by the "roject (ngineer%
B;A Ironmon6ery
*ll locks and 0ronmongery shall be fi.ed with screws! etc%! to match% Before the woodwork is
painted! handles shall be removed! carefully stored and re6fi.ed after completion of painting
and locks oiled and left in perfect working order%
"rices for locks must include for organiHing master6keying systems if re/uired and all
keys shall be labeled with door references marked on approved labels before handling the
"roject (ngineer on completion%
*ll wood work shall be planed neatly and truly finished to the e.act dimensions% *ll joints shall be neat
and tight! truly and accurately fitted% @all plates! purlins and rafter shall be painted with 9 costs of
creosote conforming 0S 93= 37?9%
*ll beams shall be bedded on 43I9I>5 '++ beds of 3:cm . A%?cm . >%?cm dimension with a minimum
of 3?cm bearing or as specified in the drawing% *ll portion of timber in contact with masonry shall have
8mm gap sides% *ll beams shall rest on bearing%
Measurement of wood work shall be in volumes% for the finished work! including! sawing!
planning! joining! nails! screws etc% @ooden blocksGjoints wherever specified may be measured in
Timber for carpentry shall be of salwood of best /uality! free from saps! fissures! and knots! sore
andGor other defects% *ll beams and scantling shall be sawed along grain and under no condition
beams! rafters! wall plates! blocks etc% shall be sawed across grain% *ll timber and assembled
woodwork shall be protected from weather for which temporary shed shall be built% *ll timber shall be
stored at least A?:mm above ground level or more! if deemed necessary! and individual members
shall be separated by strips so that air may circulate around all four sides% *ll wood work e.cept
doorGwindow frames or ceiling shall be painted with two coats of creosote confirming to 0S 93= 37?9%
-++, "OO!$N !OOR AN! "IN!O"S FRAM$
B-A Material
Generally the timber for carpentry and joinery shall be Sal wood of the best /uality obtained
from an approved saw mill% The timber shall be reasonably straight grained% *ll timber shall be
seasoned and are to be open stacked% *ll timber as it arrives on the site shall be inspected by
the (ngineer 0n6charge! and any unapproved timber at the must be removed forthwith% *ll
timber of assembled woodwork shall be protected from the weather and stored in such a way
as to prevent attack by termites! insects or decay fungi%
The minimum compressive strength of the timber shall be A: kgGcm9%
*ll timber shall be free from live barer beetle or other insect attack when brought upon the
site% The contractor shall be responsible up to the end of the maintenance period for
e.ecuting at his own cost all work necessary to eradicate insect attack of timber which
becomes evident! including the replacement of timber attached or suspected of being
attacked! not with standing that the timber concerned may have already been inspected and
passed as fit use before%
*ll timber shall be seasoned to moisture content of not more than 99O for frames and 3?O
for shutter% The contractorCs price must include for any kiln drying that may be necessary to
achieve these figures%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
+learing 1pI
- >
The contractor is to clear out and destroy or remove all cut and shavings and other wood
waste from all parts of the building and the site generally! as the work progress and at the
conclusion of the work%
*ll carpentry shall be e.ecuted with workmanship of the best /uality% Scantling and boarding
shall be accurately sawn and shall be of uniform width and thickness throughout% *ll
carpenterCs work shall be left with sawn surface e.cept where particularly specified to be
*ll carpenterCs work shall be accurately set out in strict accordance with the drawings and
shall be framed together and securely fi.ed in best possible manner with properly made
joints% *ll necessary brads! sheet metal screws! etc% shall be provided as directed and
*ll joints shall be accurately set out on boards to full siHe for the information and guidance of
the artisans before commencing the respective works! with all joints! iron work and other
works connected therewith fully delineated% Such setting out must be submitted to the
(ngineer 0n6charge and approved before such respective works are commenced%
*ll jointerCs work shall be cut out and framed together as soon after the commencement of the
building as is practicable! but is not to be wedged up or glued until the building is ready for same% *ny portions that warp! wind or develop shakes or other defects within si.
months after completion of the works shall be removed and new fi.ed in their place on
contractorCs own e.pense%
*ll work shall be properly mortises! tenons! house! shouldered! dovetailed! notched! wedged!
pinned! braided! etc%! as directed and to the satisfaction of the consultants and all properly
glued up with the best /uality approved glue%
Foints in joinery must be as specified or detailed! and so designed and secured as to resist or
compensate for any stresses to which they may be subjected% *ll nails! springs! etc% are to be
punched and puttied% Eoose joints are to be made where provision must be made for
shrinkage! glued joints where shrinkage need not be considered and where sealed joints are
re/uired% Glue for load6bearing joints or where conditions may be damp must be damp must
be of the resin type% )or non6load6bearing joints or conditions may be guaranteed casein or
organic glues may be used% *ll e.posed surfaces of joinery work shall be wrought and all
arise Keased6off[ by plaining and sand papering to an approved finish suitable to the specified
Foinery shall hold up to the specified siHes and as measure%
) FoineryI
*ll beads! fillets and small members shall be fi.ed with round or oval brads on nails well
punched in and stopped% *ll large members shall be fi.ed with brass screws! the heads let in
and palette to match the grain%
1nless otherwise specified! plugs of e.ternal work shall be of hardwoodJ plugs for internal
work may be of softwood% Holes for plugging must be made with a proper drilling tool and the
holes completely filled with the plugging material%
1nless otherwise specified all skirting! window! grounds and backings for same! fillets etc%!
shall be plugged at intervals not e.ceeding 8::mm%
Bedding FoineryI
*ll door and window frames! sills! wooden bars etc%! which are fi.ed to brickwork! concrete by
means of grounds! lugs! etc%! shall be bedded solid in mortar as previously described and
pointed with a recessed joint 8mm deep to the approval of the (ngineer 0n6charge%
"lywood! Block boards! +hipboards and M&) board! shall be bonded with synthetic resin of
Kinterior[ type and sheet metal screws unless otherwise stated for the doors% @here stated to
be Ke.terior[ type! they shall be weatherproof%
*ll e.posed edges of block board and chipboard shall be lipped with hardwood as described
Samples of all such materials and their source of manufacture must be approved by the
- ?
(ngineer 0n6charge before used in the works%
B9A Inspe2tion an5 Testin6
The (ngineer 0n6charge shall be given facilities for inspection of all works in progress whether
in workshop or on site% *ll timber as it arrives on the site and not approved by them must be
removed forthwith! failing which the (mployer! with the advise of the (ngineer 0n6charge! may
arrange for the removal of the rejects and impose of them as they may consider advisable at
the contractorCs e.penses%
otwithstanding approval having been given as above! any timber incorporated in the works
found to be in any way defective before the e.piry of the maintenance period shall be
removed and renewed at the contractorCs e.pense% The contractor is to allow for testing or
prototypes of special construction units and the (ngineer 0n6charge shall be at liberty to select
any samples they may re/uire for the purpose of testing i%e% for moisture content! or
identification of species! strength! etc%
@here timbers need to be e.tended into a wall! they shall be thoroughly KBrush Treated[ with
a wood preservative approved by the (ngineer 0n6charge! and as much clear air space
maintained around the timber where it adjoins the wall as possible%
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in mX of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-++< "OO!$N "IN!O" SH%TT$RS
B-A Material
The material shall conform as in +lause 3::8435
The window shutters shall have minimum of 3::mm steel hinges with steel screws! one
aluminum handle and 3?:mm two tower bolts of super brand or e/uivalent with steel screws%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
The window shutters may be fully paneled! fully glaHed! partly glaHed and partly paneled!
battened or <enetian as specified% Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished
to e.act dimensions% Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and
tenon joints and fi.ed with bamboo pins as per drawing% Glue shall be applied at al joints
before clamping and with bamboo pins% "anels shall be of one piece without any joints
and shall be housed with 39%?mm insertion into rails and styles%
"anels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing% *ll rails above 3::mm in width shall
have double tenon% o tenon shall e.ceed 8mm the thickness of the member% 0n case of
swing door! swing door hung in lace shall not be rebated together% 0t shall be fitted with vision
The construction procedure shall conform as in +lause 3::8495
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The Testing and 0nspection shall conform as in +lause 3::84;5
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-++= GAK$! "IN!O" SH%TT$RS
B-A Material
The material shall conform as in +lause 3::8435
*ll glass shall be 0*G free from flaws like bubbles! specks! waves and other imperfections%
Glass panes shall be cut to siHes to fit the openings with not more than 3%?mm play all round
- 8
and where puttied shall be sprigged to wood or clipped to metal frames%
Glass shall be of /uality and type as followsI
+lear sheet glass B%D% /uality
+ast andG or obscured glass pattern similar to sample approves by the (ngineer
"late6glass S%G% /uality or K)loat[ Glass
"utty for glaHing in wood frames shall be composed of pure linseed oil and whiting powder
free from grittiness%
'ebates of metal frames receiving glass shall be prepared and treated with primer for putty
prior to glaHing and putty shall be primed ten days after glaHing 4See "ainting5%
Glass louvers shall have ground edges and be fi.ed in accordance with the instruction of the
louver frame manufacturer%
Mirrors shall be >mm S%G% silvered plate glass or Swan brand with polished edges! and shall
be drilled for and fi.ed with four chromium plated screws with detachable dome heads%
Bn completion remove all broken! scratched or cracked panes and replace with new to the
satisfaction of the (ngineer 0n6charge% +lean inside and out with approved cleaner% Bn no
account shall scraping with glass clean windows%
The thickness of the glass! if not specified in the detail drawing! shall be as followsI
i% )or a pane of more than 338: s/% cm% but less than 9A7: s/% cm% the thickness shall
be >mm or more as decided by the site 0n6charge%
ii% )or a pane of not more than 338: s/% cm% area! thickness should not be less than
iii% )or a pane more than 9A7: s/% cm% thickness of glass shall be ?mm or more as
decided by the (ngineer 0n6charge%
iv% )or vision pane in swing window6thickness should be >mm minimum%
*ll glass panes shall be fitted with wooden beads%
*ll wooden beads shall be from hard wood fitted against the glass% @ooden beads shall be
bedded against the rebate and secured by 39%?mm glass nails fi.ed at A?mm apart% The
rebate depth shall be 39%?mm @ooden beads shall not project beyond the rebate%
*ll glass panes shall have edge6clearance! when fitted of 3%?mm all round%
Beads shall be painted with approved paint before glass pane%
The window shutters shall have minimum of two6piece 3::mm steel hinges with steel screws!
one aluminum handle and two pieces of 3?:mm tower bolts of super brand or e/uivalent with
steel screws%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
The window shutters may be fully paneled! fully glaHed! partly glaHed and partly paneled!
battened or <enetian as specified% Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished
to e.act dimensions% Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and
tenon joints and fi.ed with bamboo pins as per drawing% Glue shall be applied at al joints
before clamping and with bamboo pins% "anels shall be of one piece without any joints
and shall be housed with 39%?mm insertion into rails and styles%
"anels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing% *ll rails above 3::mm in width shall
have double tenon% o tenon shall e.ceed 8mm the thickness of the member% 0n case of
swing door! swing door hung in lace shall not be rebated together% 0t shall be fitted with vision
The construction procedure shall conform as in +lause 3::8495
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The Testing and 0nspection shall conform as in +lause 3::84;5
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
- A
complete the works as specified%
-++> "OO!$N PAN$$! !OOR SH%TT$RS
B-A Material
The material shall conform as in +lause 3::8435
The door shutters are polished with clear chapra polish and painted with two coats of touch
wood polish%
The &oor shutters shall have minimum of three pieces of 3?:mm brass hinges with brass
screws! one 0"S* Mortise lock of heavy duty or e/uivalent! two pieces of 3?:mm brass tower
bolts of good /uality with brass screws! A? mm doorstopper%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
The door shutters may be fully paneled! fully glaHed! partly glaHed and partly paneled!
battened or <enetian as specified% Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished
to e.act dimensions% Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and
tenon joints and fi.ed with bamboo pins as per drawing% Glue shall be applied at al joints
before clamping and with bamboo pins% "anels shall be of one piece without any joints
and shall be housed with 39%?mm insertion into rails and styles%
"anels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing% *ll rails above 3::mm in width shall
have double tenon% o tenon shall e.ceed 8mm the thickness of the member% 0n case of
swing door! swing door hung in lace shall not be rebated together% 0t shall be fitted with vision
The construction procedure shall conform as in +lause 33:8495
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The Testing and 0nspection shall conform as in +lause 33:84;5
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B-A Material
@ooden solid core of lightwood with >mm Teak plywood in both sides glued and lipped with
mould salwood of sample approved by project engineer% The tolerances for the overall siHe
are Z6;mm Z63mm in thickness%
@here described as K(.ternal Duality[ flushes doors are to be finished with weatherproof
plywood as before described and the (ngineer 0n6charge must approve sample doors before
the doors are completed% The door shutters are polished with clear chapra polish and painted
with two coats of touch wood polish%
The doors shall be sticked with molding of approved design in the shape as shown in the
The &oor shutters shall have minimum of three pieces of 3?:mm brass hinges with brass
screws! one 0"S* Mortise lock of heavy duty or e/uivalent! two pieces of 3?:mm brass tower
bolts of good /uality with brass screws! A? mm doorstopper%
The material shall conform as in +lause 33:8435
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
The window shutters may be fully paneled! fully glaHed! partly glaHed and partly paneled!
battened or <enetian as specified% Styles and panels shall be neatly planed and truly finished
to e.act dimensions% Styles and rails shall be framed properly and accurately with mortise and
tenon joints and fi.ed with bamboo pins as per drawing% Glue shall be applied at al joints
before clamping and with bamboo pins% "anels shall be of one piece without any joints
and shall be housed with 39%?mm insertion into rails and styles%
"anels shall be of thickness as specified in the drawing% *ll rails above 3::mm in width shall
have double tenon% o tenon shall e.ceed 8mm the thickness of the member% 0n case of
- =
swing door! swing door hung in lace shall not be rebated together% 0t shall be fitted with vision
The construction procedure shall conform as in +lause 33:8495
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The Testing and 0nspection shall conform as in +lause 33:84;5
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B-A Material
The material shall conform as in +lause 3::8435
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
The construction procedure shall conform as in +lause 3::8495% The carving of the doors and
windows should be refined aesthetically with reflection carving craftsmanship as approved by
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The Testing and 0nspection shall conform as in +lause 3::84;5
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
- 7
--+- SCOP$
This Section covers furnishing of materials and construction of different grades of plaster works in
accordance with the BBD! &rawing and this Specification or as directed by the (ngineer%
"lastering shall be made up of mortar consisting of cement! sand in the different proportion as
indicated in the BBD as specified in the drawing%
--+* MAT$RIA
+ement shall be fresh and free from impurities and as specified in clause >3;! river bed sand shall be
used% Sand for plastering shall be finer than the sand used for concreting or stone work% )ollowing
shall be proportion of different siHe of grains%
Grain "ercent
: to :%? mm M ;:O
:%? to 9 mm M ?:O
9 to ; mm M 9:O
@ater shall be clean and free from pollution by soil particles! humus! mud! dirt! natural or vegetable
oil! soap and other impurities%
The surface to be plastered shall be brushed clean mortar joints of brick masonry or hollow concrete
walls or any other surface to be plastered shall be raked to a depth of appro.imately 39mm! and the
surface brushed down with a stiff brush and thoroughly wetted% The surface shall be free of all dust!
loose materials! grease etc%
The mortar shall be first dry mi.ed! by measuring with to re/uired proportion! and then water
added slowly and gradually and mi.ed thoroughly to uniform consistency%
The thickness of the plaster shall not be less than 39 mm not more than 9:mm% 0n case of plaster
thicker than 9:mm! it shall be built by two or more coats each coat not e.ceeding 39mm in thickness%
+ement shall be as specified above%
Sand shall be as before specified but shall be graded to a suitable fineness in accordance with the
nature of the plaster! etc%! in order to obtain the finish re/uired%
Eime for plastering shall be as before described in clause >3> and slaked and run at least four weeks
before use%
*ll other shall be constructed in a like manner%
Moist curing shall be accomplished by keeping the plaster uniformly damp by suitable means% Moist
curing shall start during application and continue for not less than A days%
"rices of all paving and plastering etc% shall include for hacking concrete ceilings! beams! floors etc%!
by approved means and for raking out joints of walls 39mm deep to form a proper key% "lastering on
walls generally shall be taken to include flush faces of lintels etc%! in same%
Surfaces to be paved or plastered must be brushed clean and well wetted before each coat is applied%
*ll cement plaster shall be kept continually damp in the interval between application of coats and for
seven days after application of the final coat%
&ubbing out where re/uired shall be composed of similar material to that following%
"artially or wholly set material will not be allowed to be used or re6mi.ed%
The +ontractor shall prepare sample s/uare meter of the plastering and paving as directed until the
/uality! te.ture and finish re/uired is obtained and approved by the "roject (ngineer after which all
plastering or paving e.ecuted shall conform with the respective approved sample% o payment shall
be accounted for such sampling%
+are shall be taken to insure that finished plaster surfaces shall be plumb! s/uare! straight and true to
- 3
Generally all screeds and paving shall be finished smooth! even and truly level 4unless specifically
re/uired to falls and currents! etc%5! and paving shall be steel troweled or floated%
'endering and plastering shall be finished plumb! s/uare! smooth and even%
*ll surfaces to be plastered shall be thoroughly wetted before any plastering is commenced and the
+ontractor shall allow in his prices for dusting e.ternal angles with neat cement to give additional
o plastering will be allowed to take place until all chases for service have been cut! services installed
and chases made good% Bn no account may finished plaster surface be chased and made good%
*ll @ork shall be to approval and any not complying with the above shall be hacked away and
replaced! as directed! and at the +ontractor's e.pense%
Arises an5 An6les in Plasterin6
*ll arises shall be clean and sharp or slightly rounded as directed including neatly forming miters%
*ll making good shall be cut out to a rectangular shape! the edges undercut to form dovetail key and
finished flush with face of surrounding plaster% *ll cracks! blisters and other defects must be cut out
made good and the whole of the paving and plastering @ork left perfect on completion%
Screeds shall be in cement and sand 43I>5 and rates shall include for thoroughly hacking! cleaning
and soaking the receiving structure in water% o creed shall be laid on a dry structure in any
@here changes of floor finish occur they shall be divided by strips as specified%
The +ontractor's special attention is drawn to the fact that all screeds! immediately after the initial set
has taken place! will be re/uired to be continuously covered in water by the sand trap or other
approved method for at least 3: days% *ny screed panel that is found to be dry before the end of this
period shall be removed at the discretion of the "roject (ngineer%
@aterproofed e.ternal rendering shall consist of minimum 39mm cement and sand 43I>5 rendering at
the rate of 9%:? liter to >3 kgs of cement all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
finished perfectly true and even with a wood float%
$Fternal Plasterin6 an5 Ren5erin67
@aterproofed (.ternal "laster or 'endering work shall consist of minimum 39%?mm to 38mm as
detailed in the Bill of Duantity with cementG sand ratio 3I; or > at the rate of 3G9 gallon to 7: lbs of
cement all in accordance with the manufacturerCs instructions and finished perfectly true and even
with a wood float%
Internal Plasterin6 an5 Ren5erin67
0nternal "lastering or 'endering shall consist of minimum 39%?mm to 38mm as detailed in the Bill of
Duantities with cementG sand ration 3I;! > finished perfectly true and even with a wood float%
B-A Materials
The materials re/uired for punning and pointing works are cement! sand and water and shall
be in accordance with the re/uirements of clause 3::9%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
Before applying the punning and pointing! the base surface shall be cleaned! any dust or
loose particles removed and thoroughly wetted% The surface shall be free of all dust! loose
materials! grease etc% The average thickness of the punning and pointing work shall not be
less than ; mm% The pattern shall be as per instruction of the (ngineer or as shown in the
The mortar shall be first dry mi.ed! by measuring with to re/uired proportion! and then
water added slowly and gradually and mi.ed thoroughly to uniform consistency%
The coat shall be finished by rubbing with a steel trowel and any depression shall be filled in
and rubbed to shining surface%
+ement shall be as specified above%
Sand shall be as before specified but shall be graded to a suitable fineness in accordance
with the nature of the plaster! etc%! in order to obtain the finish re/uired%
*ll other shall be constructed in a like manner%
- 9
Moist curing shall be accomplished by keeping the plaster uniformly damp by suitable means%
Moist curing shall start during application and continue for not less than A days%
--+/ M$AS%R$M$NT
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
--+, PAYM$NT
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
- ;
-*+- SCOP$
This Section covers furnishing of materials and construction of different types of painting works in
accordance with the BBD! &rawing and this Specification or as directed by the (ngineer%
*ll materials shall be delivered on site intact in the original drums or tins and shall be mi.ed and
applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturerCs instructions and to the approval of the (ngineer%
*ll cement paints and washable distemper shall be applied by brushJ emulsion paints shall be applied
by means of a brush then rolled% *ll enamel paints are applied by brush or sprayed! and bitumen and
bituminous base aluminum paints are applied by brush% Before application of any paint! adjoining
surfaces shall be covered by cloth! or paper and wherever paints stains it shall be removed before
leaving the work in same day%
The only addition! which will be allowed to be made locally will be li/uid thinners supplied or
recommended by the manufacturers and none shall be! thinned more than approved by the (ngineer%
+oncrete and +ement rendered surfaces shall be smooth and free from defects and shall be allowed
to dry out thoroughly% Surfaces shall be thoroughly brushed down and left free from all efflorescence!
dirt and dust%
*ll such surfaces! which are to be finished with oil or enamel paint! shall be primed with two coats of
alkali resisting primer%
"laster surfaces shall be perfectly smooth and free from defect% *ll such surfaces shall be allowed to
dry for a minimum period of four weeks% Surfaces shall be stopped with approved plaster compound!
rubbed down flush! thoroughly brushed down and left free from all efflorescence! dirt and dust%
)air6faced surfaces shall be dry! brushed down and free from dust or dirt and shall be treated with an
approved alkali resisting primer 4for plastic emulsion5%
Metal work generally shall be thoroughly wire brushed to remove all scale! rust! and through sand
papering shall be done before any painting is done% @here severe rust e.ists! the special anti6rust
primer must be used% *fter painting it shall be stored in covered shed and 8:cm above ground%
Shop primed surfaces shall have bare places touched up with an approved metal primer%
1n6primed surfaces shall be given one coat of primer as last%
GalvaniHed surfaces! which are thoroughly weathered! shall be! brushed down with white spirit!
washed down and given one coat of Hinc chromate primer%
Bituminous6coated surfaces shall be given as isolating coat of shellac knotting followed by an
approved metal primer%
@oodwork generally shall be rubbed down! given one coat shellac knotting! one coat wood self
knotting primer! and all cracks! nail holes! defects! and uneven surfaces! etc%! stopped and faces up
with hard stopping rubbed down flush%
Before oiling woodwork all stains must be removed and uniform color obtained and filled%
The priming undercoats and finishing coats shall each be of differing tints and the priming and
undercoats shall be of the correct types and tints to suit the respective finishing coats in accordance
with the following instructions% *ll finishing coats shall be of colors and tints selected by the (ngineer%
The paintwork shall have and uniform finish and all paint for e.ternal work shall be e.terior /uality
B-A RC88in6 !o4n7
(ach coat of paint shall be properly dried and shall be well rubbed down with fine glass paper
before the ne.t coat is applied% The paintwork shall be finished smooth and free from brush
Samples +ards of all paints! etc%! shall be submitted to and samples prepared for approval of
the (ngineer before laying on and such samples! when approved! shall become the standard
for work%
- 3
B*A Pro6ram7
The contractor shall so arrange his program of work that all other Trades are completed and
away from the area to be painted when the painting begins%
B9A Ironmon6ery) Prote2tion an5 Cleanin6 %p7
*ll ironmongery shall be removed from joinery before painting is commenced and shall be
cleaned and renovated of necessary and re6fi.ed after completion painting%
+over up all floors! etc%! with non6resinous sawdust or other approved covering when
e.ecuting and all painting decorating work%
"aint splashes! spots and stains shall be removed from floors! woodwork! etc%! and damaged
surface touched up and the whole of the work left clean upon completion%
B;A Materials7
*ll paint materials of specified brand shall be obtained the manufacturer or authoriHed dealer%
*ll sealers! primers and undercoating are to be obtained from the makers of the finishing
materials and are to be in accordance with their recommendation for the particular finish
B/A #not Sealer7
)or use on knots and resinous portions of woodwork%
Stopping and )illing composed of parts putty to one part of stiff white lead%
B,A a2HCer7
*pproved polyurethane eggshell clear lac/uer applied in accordance with the manufacturerCs
"olish shall be an approved brand of wa. polish%
Bil shall be best /uality linseed oil%
)iller for polished or oiled surfaces to be Beeswa. filler%
B<A "oo5 Preservative7
*ll wood work! as specified or instructed shall! be treated after cutting and preparation but
before assembly or with three coats of solution consisting of one part if *tlas K*[ wood
preservative brown grade to three parts of water% The solution is to the brushed in all faces of
all timbers unless e.posed to view and painted% This is applicable in the wood frame contact
with masonry and roof purling! batten and counter rafter%
The contractor shall note that this solution is H0GHEQ "B0SBB1S and shall take all
necessary precautions and instruct his workmen accordingly%
B=A Paint Appli2ation7
"ainting 0tems as described hereafter shall comprise the following! and shall all include for
preparing and priming surfaces as above describedI 6
+ement "aint I*pply two coats%
"lastic (mulsion I*pply a minimum of three coats! using a thinning medium or
water only if and as recommended by the manufacturer% *n
approved plaster primer tinted to match may be substituted
for the first coat%
"aint I*pply two undercoats and one finishing coat of enamel gloss
oil paint%
)lat oil paint I*pply two coats of flat oil paint! using thinning medium in
accordance with the manufacturerCs instructions%
Bil I*pply two coats of linseed oil%
@a. "olish I*pply a minimum of two coats to approval%
Eac/uer I*pply three coats of "olythene lac/uer as described! to
"rime I"repare and prime only before
+ement paint shall be of ready mi.ed type in sealed container of *pproved brand% 0t shall be procured
either in ?: kg% +ontainer or 9? kg% +ontainer% *ll such container shall have unbroken seal with
- 9
manufacturerCs name and trade marks as well as a description of contents all clearly marked% Such
paint shall be mi.ed and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturerCs instructions and with
the approval of site 0n6charge% *ll materials shall be stored in dry place%
Bnly fresh cement paint shall be used! hard or set paint shall not be used% The container shall be
made loose by rolling and shaking the container before opening%
)irst a paste shall be prepared by 9 parts of cement paint powder with one part of water by
volume and immediately this shall be thinned by adding another part of water to have uniform solution
of consistency of paints%
Before application of paint all dust and foreign materials shall be removed from the surface by use of
wire brush% The surface shall be allowed to run off% The fresh mi.ed point shall be fre/uently stirred
during application and no mi.ture 4paint5 shall be used after an hour of The first coat shall be
kept wetted for at least 9> hours before the second coat is applied% The surface shall be thoroughly
wetted before the second cost is applied%
The final painted surface shall e.hibit uniform and good finished appearance% Measurement shall
being s/uare meter of actual covered area% o e.tra shall be allowed for scaffolding! curing and
painting corners! plaster strips etc%
-*+, $NAM$ PAINT
The enamel paint shall be of *pproved Brand% *ll surfaces to be painted shall be planed and
thoroughly sand papered! first by using o% 39: sandpaper% Brdinary putting shall fill up nail holes!
cracks or other in e/ualities% "utting shall be made up of 9 parts of best /uality whiting 4absolutely
dead stone lime5 3 part if white lead mi.ed together in linseed oil and kneaded 4; oH% of linseed oil to 3
lb% of whiting5% * primer coat shall be locally applied in holes! cracks etc% before putty is applied%
*fter the surface is dry! it shall be sand paper by using o% 8: sandpaper%
Surface so prepared shall be painted with one coat of primer% The primed surface when dry shall be
sand papered by using o% 3:: sand paper%
The primed surface so prepared shall be painted with one coat of selected enamel using bristle brush
and not horsehair ones% The paint shall be applied in thinnest possible layers with parallel strokes%
+are shall be taken to ensure the surface being free from dust or other foreign material before priming
or enameling the surface% o paint shall splash on the floor! wall jambs! sill or other part of the
"rimers and paints shall be of first class approved /uality and of approved manufacturer as specified%
These materials shall be ready mi.ed and in sealed tins with manufacturerCs name! color and
instruction clearly painted in the container%
-*+< "ASHA&$ !IST$MP$R
@ashable distemper shall be of approved Brand% The (ngineer shall e.amine the paints before seal is
Bnly fresh distemper shall be used! hard or set shall not be used%
*pproved brand of plastic emulsion paint shall be used in the plaster of "aris or lime punned surfaces%
Bituminous *luminum paint shall be of approved Brand% The (ngineer shall e.amine the paints before
seal is broken%
-9+> R$! $A! PRIM$R
'ed Eead primer paint shall be approved brand% The lead content in the paint shall be less than 8:O
by weight% The site in charge shall e.amine the paints before seal is broken%
Before application of +hapra polish! the timber surfaces shall be thoroughly sand papered to obtain
smooth surfaces and all the dust are removed from the surfaces% * coat of primer of chalk power
mi.ed with resign is applied and sand papered to fill in the voids and joints%
The chapra polish is prepared from the chapra mi.ed with spirit% The chapra must completely dissolve
in the spirit% Bver the primed surfaces! two layers of resin is applied by the smooth cotton clothes and
- ;
*pproved polyurethane or e/uivalent eggshell clear lac/uer applied in accordance with the
manufacturerCs instructions%
"olish shall be an approved brand of wa. polish%
Bil shall be best /uality linseed oil%
)iller for polished or oiled surfaces to be Beeswa. filler%
-*-* "HIT$ "ASHING
)resh white lime slaked at Site of @ork shall be mi.ed with clean water to make thin cream% 0t shall be
screened through a coarse cloth! and gum 4glue5 in the proportion of 3:: grams to 38 liters of water
shall be added%
The surface to be white washed must be dry and thoroughly cleared from dust and dirt% The wash
shall be applied with ,Babio, or brush! vertically and horiHontally alternately! and the wash kept stirring
in the container while using as per standard code of practice%%
o paint should splash on floor or doorGwindow frames and panels%
-*-9 M$AS%R$M$NT
"rices of paints! etc%! shall include for preparation of surfaces! rubbing down between each coat!
stopping! knotting! etc%! and all other @ork in connection as described and as necessary to obtain a
first class and proper finish% Should the description stated in the items of the bills be insufficient in the
+ontractor's opinion to obtain such a finish! the +ontractor must allow in his prices for such e.tra
coats! materials or @ork necessary to obtain such a finish to the (ngineer's approval% "rice must
include for the provision of all necessary scaffolding! plant and tools! and also for applying different
colors and cutting into where and as necessary%
"ainting 0tems as billed hereafter shall comprise the following! and shall all include for preparing and
priming surfaces as above describedI6
+ement "aint 6 *pply two coats%
"lastic (mulsion 6 *pply a minimum of three coats! using a thinning medium or water
only if and as recommended by the manufacturer% *n approved plaster primer tinted to match may be
substituted for the first cost%
"aint 6 *pply two undercoats and one finishing coat of enamel
gloss oil paint%
)lat oil paint 6 *pply two coats of flat oil paint! using thinning medium
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions%
Bil 6 *pply two coats of linseed oil%
@a. "olish 6 *pply a minimum of two coats to approval%
Eac/uer 6 *pply three coats of "olyurethane lac/uer as
described! to approval%
"rime 6 "repare and prime only before
Measurement of all the painting works will be made in m
of works as specified e.cept for the grills!
handrails! railing and cornices%
-*-; PAYM$NT
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified
- >
-9+- SCOP$
This Section covers furnishing of materials and construction of different types of flooring works in
accordance with the BBD! &rawing and this Specification or as directed by the (ngineer%
The flooring works shall include cement mortar or adhesives for laying the finished material%
B-A Prote2tion
*ll finishing on completion are to be ade/uately protected against damage by following trades
or any other clause to the satisfaction of the (ngineer 0n6charge until the works are handed
over to the owner%
B*A "Dere CDan6es in Floor FinisD O22Cr
@here changes of floor finish occur they shall be divided by strips as specified%
The contractorCs special attention is drawn to the fact that all screeds! immediately after the
initial set has taken place! will be re/uired to be continuously covered in water by the sand
trap or other approved method for at least 3: days% *ny screed panel that is found to be dry
before the end of this period shall be removed at the discretion of the (ngineer 0n6charge%
B9A $artD4or3 in Fillin6
(arth filling in floor shall be done with proper ramming in 9;mm layers! after sprinkling with
water and consolidating to 3?cm% (arth shall be free from rubbish! organic or vegetable
growth including roots! weeds etc% *ll clods shall be first broken%
"articular care shall be e.ercised not to dump earth clods in space between foundation trench
and inside face of the masonry%
Measurement shall be in cu%m% of consolidated actual @ork%
B;A &ri238at Fillin6
Brickbat boulders shall be hard! tough! sound and durable% o brickbat shall be more than
?cm% Boulders shall be laid in their natural bed% Smaller siHe bouldersGpebbles shall be used
to fill up gaps between boulder in order to form uniform well6knitted floor structure%
Measurement shall be in cubic meter of actual length! breadth and depth%
"lain cement concrete in floors with cement! sand and stone aggregate including! laying
finishing to approved level! lines and dimensions! curing including centering! shuttering all complete
shall be measured in s/% m% with thickness specified%
The concrete shall be either 3I9I> mi. or 3I>I= mi. or as specified in the drawing%
+ement used shall confine to 0S and shall be free from lump or such defects%
*ggregate of 39mm nominal gauge shall be properly gauged% Sieving may be insisted upon in which
case the contractor shall provideG supply necessary sieves and labor at his own cost%
Sand shall be clean inner bed% Grain distribution shall be same as described under \"lasteringC%
*ll mi. shall be by volume e.cept cement! which shall be proportioned by weight and as specified% shall be done on a watertight platform% Material shall be dry mi.ed after accurately gauging
different materials in wooden The dry mi.ture shall be turned over thrice 4at least5 till the color
is uniform and then twice while wet% @ater shall be added gradually and no more than necessary to
sufficiently wet the materials% Bnly that much concrete shall be mi.ed which can be used within half
an hour% (ach stock of dry mi. shall not be larger than consuming one bag of cement%
Before laying the concrete! the surface shall be covered with one layer of building paper running along
the room length% Site lap of such paper shall be 3?:mm or more% Building paper shall be smoothly
curved up to upper level of &"+ along the floor edge%
+oncrete shall be laid in horiHontal layers and gently rammed%
*fter lying! the concrete shall be allowed to harden% Harden concrete shall be kept wet for 3? days%
0n case of machine 0S% code shall be strictly followed and the done under the
supervision of the site 0n6charge%
- 3
)loor stone shall be of uniform color free from cracks and other defects% (ach of the four edges shall
be trimmed to four straight lines with right angle to other edge% The siHe of the flagstone shall be of
uniform in width of >?cm and the variable length not less than ;:cm% Thickness of the slab shall not
e.ceed more than ?:mm nor be less than ;:mm%
Sample of floor stone shall be produced before site 0n6charge for approval and the contractor shall
procure only those stone slabs that clearly and definitely confirm with the approved sample% *t any
case! the procured slabs shall be e.hibited before using as floor slab%
Stone slab shall be laid on 3I> cement sand bed% Foints shall be kept as thin as possible and shall not
e.ceed 8mm and all the joints are pointed with 3I3 +ement sand mortar%
Eaying shall start from one side in the slope as indicated in drawing or instruction% 1nder no
circumstances shall the contractor insert small stone chips underneath the slab to raise its level to
desired level% *fter the slabs of stone are laid! the mortar in the joints shall be raked to a depth of
39%?mm to 9:mm% Foints flush pointed with 3I3 cement sand mortar% Special care shall be taken to
protect the floor from walking over it before it is completely dry or in any event not earlier than ; days%
+eramic tile shall be of approved /uality and siHe mm siHe or as shown in the drawings% +eramic
vitreous tiles! colors as selected by the (ngineer! and glaHed tile shall conform to the 0S AAA%
Mortar shall comply with 0S 99?:637=3J +ode of "ractice for preparation and use of masonry mortar%
The mortar used in work shall have the strength not less than ? Gmm9 or A%? Gmm9 at 9= days as
However! if provided in the +ontract! cement and sand may also be mi.ed in specified proportions%
+ement shall be proportioned only by weight! by taking its unit weight as 3%>> ton per cubic meter and
sand shall be proportioned by volume after making due allowance for bulking%
Sand shall comply with +lause >39% +ement shall comply with +lause >3;%
The shall be done in a mechanical unless is permitted by the (ngineer% 0f is allowed! the operation shall be carried out on a clear watertight platform% in the
re/uired proportion cement and sand shall be first mi.ed dry to obtain an uniform color% Then re/uired
/uantity of water shall be added and the mortar shall be mi.ed to produce workable consistency% The
mortar shall be mi.ed for at least three minutes after addition of water in the case of mechanical 0n the case of hand! the mortal shall be hoed back and forth for about 3: minutes after
addition of water in order to obtain uniform consistency%
Bnly that /uantity of mortar shall be mi.ed at a time which can be used completely before it becomes
unworkable% *ny mortar that has become unworkable due to loss of water before elapsing the initial
setting time of cement! shall be rewet to make it workable and shall be used in the works% Bn no
account mortar shall be used after elapsing the initial setting time of cement%
B-A Installation of Tiles on "alls
@all surfaces shall be brushed cleaned and wetted and appro.imately 39 mm thick level and
plumb scratch coat of cement mortar 3I; applied% The scratch coat shall be moist cured for at
least 9> hours before application of floating coat% Before applying floating coat the scratch
coat shall be thoroughly wetted% The floating coat! plastic mi. of neat cement of appro.imately
; mm thickness shall be applied even with screeds to true plane% )loating coat shall be
applied over areas no larger than can be covered with tile while the mortar is still plastic 4half
set5% GlaHed tile shall be soaked! completely immersed in clean water at least ;: minutes and
drained% 0ndividual tile that e.hibits drying along edges shall be allowed to remain on the
backs of tile at the time of setting%
Tiles shall be installed by applying a skin coat of a plastic mi. of neat cement to backs of tile
and firmly pressing tile into the floating coat to true plane and position% @hite cement shall be
used for the skin coat where white joints are re/uired%
&uring the process of setting tiles! continuous horiHontal and vertical cuts every >:cm to 8:
cm shall be made through the floating coat while plastic! using the point of a trowel turned
edge wise! +are shall be taken to prevent cutting into the scratch coat%
@here full siHe tile cannot be laid! it shall be cut 4sawn5 to re/uired siHe and edges rubbed
smooth to ensure a true and straight joint%
B*A Joints in Tile "or3
Foints in tile work shall be accurately aligned with horiHontal joints level and vertical joints
plumb% Foints shall be maintained uniformly wide by aligning spacer lugs on tile edges if tiles
- 9
are so manufactured or by use of wetted strings%
B9A Tile ayoCt
Eayout tile work so that no tile less than half siHe occurs! where tile must be cut at edges or
penetrations! the cut edges shall be carefully fitted and neatly ground% o chipped! cracked or
broken tile shall be used and all defective work shall be replaced and repaired to the
satisfaction of the (ngineer and at the +ontractor's e.pense%
*ll tile work finishing shall be ade/uately protected from damage during the progress of
construction and any damage shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the (ngineer at the
+ontractor's e.pense%
B;A GroCtin6 tDe Tile Joints
*fter tiles have been set firm and strings removed! the tiles shall be dampened and joints
grouted full with a plastic mi. of neat cement by trowel! brush or finger application% 1nless
otherwise directed! grout shall be white cement% &uring grouting all e.cess grout shall be
cleaned off the tile surface with damp cloth sponges%
-9+/ MAR&$ FOOR
Marble from Duarries in epal or 0ndia! shall conform to 0S% Marble shall be not less than 3= mm thick
and dimensions shall be based on the &rawings with adjustments! depending upon availability of
siHes as directed by the (ngineer% Samples shall be selected based on color and te.ture approved by
the (ngineer%
The tiles shall confirm to 0SI 39;A having the color approved by the consultant and the rate shall
include provision of border tiles and of different colors in pattern if directed% The mosaic or terraHHo tile
shall be of 9::L9::L9:mm from Sidecar Tile factory% The mosaic topping of lighter shade tiles shall be
made of white cement with an approved shade pigment and neutral shade tiles shall be of gray
cement with an approved shade pigment% The type of tiles shall be as specified in respective items of
The sub6grade shall be thoroughly wetted after cleaning of all dirt! laitance and loose material% * bed
of white cement mortar consisting of one part of cement and two parts of sand shall be laid and
properly leveled to an average thickness of 9?mm and the surface shall be kept slightly rough to form
a satisfactory key for tiles! neat cement plaster or honey like consistency shall be spread over mortar
bed! over such area at a time as would accommodate about 9: tiles% The tiles shall then be fi.ed with
a thin coat of cement plaster on back of each tile and then each tile being gently tapped with a
wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with adjoining tiles% Foints shall be fine and as
imperceptible as possible%
*fter tiles have been laid in a room or a dayCs a work is completed! surplus cement grout that
may have come out of the joints may be wiped off gently and joints cleaned% * cement slurry shall be
spread over it and rubbed by rubbing machine so as to seal even a thinnest joint between the tiles
and make it impervious and finished according to 0SI 3>>;%
Stone slabs shall be laid on a backing plaster or cement mortar 3I> of 3?mm to ?:mm thick on the
plinths protection! stairs risers and tread%
-9+= GAK$! "A TIING
GlaHed wall tiles shall be of *pproved /uality in cushion edged eggshell finish approved color tiles
with spacer lugs! well soaked in water and bedded with straight joints in cement and sand 43I;5 and
pointed in white cement and cleaned down on completion to approval%
The contractor shall submit samples of tile for selection and approval by the (ngineer 0n6charge and
all tiles delivered to the site shall conform to the approved samples with regard to siHe! /uality! te.ture
and color%
"ressed +ement @all tiling shall be of local manufacture of a minimum thickness of 9:mm and
applied as directed foe glaHed wall tiling including special fittings and cutting%
on6Slippery tile from *pproved Manufacture conforming to 0SI AAA shall be used% They shall be of
specified siHe and thickness% *ll specials viH% coves! internal and e.ternal angles corners! beads etc%
shall be used wherever directed% 1nder layer of specified thickness and mortar of stipulated
- ;
proportion shall be laid as described in marble mosaic flooring% Tiles shall be washed clean and set in
cement grout and each tile being gently tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in
level with the adjoining tiles% The joints shall be kept as thin as possible and in straight lines or to
surplus cement grout shall be cleaned off%
The joints shall be cleaned off the gray grout with a wire brush or trowel to a depth of ?mm and all
dust a loose mortar removed% Foints shall then be kept wet for seven days% *fter curing! the surfaces
shall be washed with mild hydrochloric acid and clean water% The finished floor shall not sound hollow
when tapped with a wooden mallet%
B-A $C2alyptCs Plan3s
The seasoned and aldrin treated Timber "lanks of finished siHe of >?:mm .8?mm .3?mm of
(ucalyptus semi hardwood or as directed by the consultant shall be used and laid in
approved type of pattern over leveled cement punned surfaces and fi.ed to the floor with
&endrite glue or water repellent Glue and each tile is screwed to ground with two nos% sheet
metal screws and grip% *t the edges! of floor the plank should have minimum of =mm gap for
the e.pansion and contraction% The top surface shall be finished in perfect line and level%
The planks shall be painted with chapra paints as per the specifications and finished with 9
coats of "olyurethane paints as wearing coat% The te.ture of the floors shall be in mat or as
instructed by the "roject 0n6charge%
B*A Nemo ParHCets
emo par/uets shall be prepared from seasoned sissoo wood of different pattern made in the
tile form% The minimum thickness of par/uets is 3:mm% These wooden tiles are laid over the
dust and grease free cement surface floor% The floor is ade/uately spread with adhesive and
tiles are laid% The joints of one tile to other tile should Z6% :?mm% *fter laying is complete the
wooden surfaces are cleaned and machine grinded to smooth surfaces and sand papered%
The chapra polish is carried to obtain natural color of wood% Bver these surface two coats of
transparent lac/uer paints are applied%
-9-- T$IA TI$
Eocally manufactured leveled Telia tile shall be used for the flooring% The siHe of Telia tile shall be of
3?:L3?:L9?mm laid over the 38mm thick 3I> +ement sand mortar with 3I3 cement sand mortar and
joints should be 9mm and pointed with 3I3 +ement sand mortar%
The marble from 'ajas than or Faipur shall be used% The sample shall be produced for the approval%
The siHe of marble shall be of uniform with more than >?cm and the minimum length of 39::mm to fit
in the counter and floor% o small marble will be allowed e.cept in the thin wall or skirting or the
edges% The marble must be backed with the nylon grip net% The marble shall be of minimum thickness
of 9:mm% The marble is laid in 9:mm thick 3I> +ement sand mortar with 3I3 cement sand dry mortar%
The marble after being laid shall be polished by salt polish and wa.ed%
1nderlay sheeting shall be K<is/ueen[ polythene building sheet :%9?mm thick and lay over sand in
floors or as directed by the (ngineer 0n6charge% The overlapping of sheet shall be not less than 9?cm%
0n6situ Granolithic "aving! Skirting! etc% shall be of a total thickness as measured in the Bills of
Duantities with topping of one part of cement to two parts of hard stone chippings from as approved
local /uarry! graded from 3:mm to 9:mm gauge! free from dust and impurities and washed to give the
approved color and finish% The topping shall be at least 3:mm thick and on a cement and sand screed
43I>5 or backing coat and ground with carborundum to e.pose the aggregate and polished to
The terraHHoG mosaic finish shall be laid on an under layer of thickness as specified in the respective
items% 0n addition to the under layer! unless otherwise specified! a cushioning layer of lime mortar of
lime concrete with brick bat aggregate of specified proportion shall also be provided to the specified
thickness% The topping shall consist of a layer of marble ships of selected siHes! color and design
- >
approved by consultant! mi.ed with cement with desired shade of pigment
)or lighter shade mosaicG terraHHo white cement shall be used and for neutral shade! gray cement
shall be used% The proportion of terraHHo mi. shall be three parts of cement and one part of marble
powder mi.! the proportion of marble aggregate by volume shall be 363G9 parts unless otherwise
The topping shall be mi.ed and laid in panels as described in 0SI 933> and as per decorative designs
prepared by consultants% The dividing strips for panels shall be aluminum or as specified in the
schedule of /uantities% 0t shall be polished as specified in 0SI 933>%
Measurement of all the works will be made in m of works as specified%
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
-9-/ FOOR HAR!$N$R
*pproved non6rust abrasion resistant floor hardenerG topping to be laid over the Kgreen[ concrete
43I3%?I;5 floor using 9:mm down well graded coarse aggregate and concrete admi.ture 4conforming
to 0SI 73:;637A75! after the bleed water has evaporated% The hardener shall be from a ready mi.
combination of hard aggregates on mineral non6metallic in origin and binderJ sprinkled over the green
concrete ] 8kgGm and allowed to stand over the green concrete for 3:63? minutes to absorb moisture
of the concrete slab% Toweling operation on the surface will be done with handG mechanical trowel on
the surface will be done to ensure that the hardenerG topping becomes monolithic with the concrete
base and the appearance is reasonably smooth% Shrinkage joints on the floor will be maintained by
using aluminumGglass strips in both directions as shown on the drawings% The cost of hardenerG
topping application shall be included in the unit rate of concrete slab item as mentioned in the
schedule of /uantities%
"olytheneG "olythene sheet used over the hardcore soling shall be used under the concrete floor base
as a damp proof membrane 4&"+5 over a layer of sand blinding above the hardcore%
MaterialI "olythene sheet of 3:%9?mm 43::: gauge5 supplied in rolls%
*pplicationI *fter a blinding of sand had been spread over the hardcore surface! the polythene sheet
will be laid over the blinding and lapped 3?:mm at joints and continued across surrounding walls
under dip for full wall thickness% The overlap joint between the sheets shall be sealed with mastic or
mastic tape and the joints completed with polythene joining tape%
*ll protection against damage during! subse/uent building operations and in the spreading or laying of
spread or concrete is the full responsibility of the contractor%
The damp proof course shall "%+%+% or '%+%+% 3I9I> cement! sand and stone aggregate fi.ture as
specified in the drawing mi.ed with 9O of *ccoproof! 0mpermo or cement seal by weight of cement%
+ement shall be fresh "ortland cement conforming to 0S 3?I987% Sand shall be clean coarse of
>%A8mm siHe and down free from mica and clay% Stone aggregate shall be hard and tough of 37mm
siHe well6graded and free from dust and dirt% @ater proofing compound other than *ccoproof! 0mperio
or +ement seal may be used after obtaining permission from the "roject (ngineer regarding the
acceptability of the compound and /uantity re/uired for desired result%
+ement shall be thoroughly mi.ed with re/uired amount of waterproof! and then mi.ed dry with the
re/uired volume of sand to make a proportion of 3I9% The cement sand mi. then be thoroughly mi.ed
dry with stone aggregate to maintain proportion of 3I9I>% +lean water shall then be mi.ed gradually to
give a plastic mi. of re/uired consistency% The shall be done by turning at least three times to
give a uniform and homogeneous concrete% *ll the shall be done on impervious masonry
Before laying concrete! the level of the surface of the plinth shall be checked longitudinal and
transversely% *ll joints shall be raked and surface moistened by pouring clean water on it% +oncrete
shall be laid uniformly by tamping to make dense concrete! leveled both transversely and
longitudinally% The damp proof course shall be laid continuously% +onstruction joints! if unavoidable
- ?
shall be given at the Site for doors or wall opening% Such joints shall be sloped! and such sloped
surface shall be applied with neat cement wash before starting concreting on following days% Harden
concrete shall be cured for 3? days% Shuttering may be removed after three days%
-9-= M$AS%R$M$NT
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
-9-> PAYM$NT
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
- 8
-;+- CAY TI$S
'oofing tiles are to be clay tile from Harisiddhi Brick )actory or e/uivalent locally made tile% The clay
tile single lap inter6locking at head and side and with ridge tiles etc% to match% They are to be uniform
in siHe! shape and color and free from twist and other defects! in every respect e/ual to samples to be
deposited with and approved by the (ngineer 0n6charge% (ach tiles are hooked by 38g G0 strap to
eaves board 4fascia5 and in verges too% Before laying tile the gutter should be fi.ed%
'eplaced cracked or damaged tiles and clean down and leave roofs watertight on completion%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of plan area of works as specified for the width not
less than 9?:mm%
Measurement of works for in vertical plane will be made in linear length of m of works as
specified for the width less than 9?:mm%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-;+* RI!G$ AN! '$RG$ CO'$R
The clay ridge cover fitting to the clay tiles shall be used% These covers shall be laid in 3I> +ement
sand mortar over the tile%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m of linear length of works as specified for the width
not less than 9?:mm%
Measurement of works for in vertical plane will be made in linear length of m of works as
specified for the width less than 9?:mm%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B-A ayin6 an5 FiFin6 of AC@ SDeets an5 Ri56e an5 'er6es
'oofs to be covered with Standard *sbestos6+ement +orrugated Sheets and to be fi.ed in
accordance with manufacturerCs instruction% The sheets to be correctly mitered and laid with
one and a half corrugation side lap and 3?:mm minimum end lap% @hen fi.ed to steel purling
or rails! the sheets are to be secured with 8mm diameter galvaniHed hook6bolts% 0f fi.ed to
timber purling or rails the sheets to be secured by A?mm long . 8mm galvaniHed drive
screws% The holes should be drilled through the crowns of corrugations! not punched%
*ll hook6bolts drive screws etc% to be fitted with plastic washers and caps% The
accessories shall conform to 0SI A;: 437?85%
'idge capping and other fittings shall be as specified in drawings andG or as directed by the
(ngineer 0n6charge%
Sa4in6 an5 !rillin67
Sheets shall be cut with a wood saw% Holes in the sheets shall be drilled and shall be 9mm
larger than the diameter of the bolts! and shall always be drilled through the crown of
corrugation and not valleys%
Holes for the sheets shall be drilled in the center of the end lap of sheets to suit the
purling% o holes shall be nearer than >:mm to any edge of sheets% The holes shall be drilled
after laying the sheets in correct position%
B*A MeasCrement
Measurement of works for asbestos roofing will be made in m
of plan area of works as
- 3
specified for the width not less than 9?:mm%
Measurement of works for in vertical plane will be made in linear length of m of works as
specified for the width less than 9?:mm%
B9A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
*ll as described under the heading K+oncrete[%
The corrugated iron sheet shall be of the gauge 9> B%G% 48;mm thick5 weighing ?%>kgGm9% The sheet
shall be free from rust and the Hinc covering at the time of shall be on perfect condition% (ach
sheet shall have 3: corrugations A?mm wide and 37mm deep with overall flat width of =::mm!
referred to as 9> B%G% 3:G; sheets%
(ach sheet shall be laid on wooden or steel purling with an end overlap of 3?:mm minimum or as per
drawing and side overlap of two and half corrugations% The sheet shall be joined together with
galvaniHed hook6bolts of E type of =mm diameter! with bitumen and limpet washers% E hook shall be
fi.ed at ;::mm interval along bearer and 8::mm along edge% (ach bolt shall have Klimpet[ dome
washer in addition to bitumen washer%
@ind ties of >:mm . 8mm flat iron shall be fi.ed at the eaves ends of the sheets the same with
purling by E hook bolts at 39::mm center to center distance%
'idge and hips shall be covered by special ridges and shall be bolted with ;::mm lap on either side
so as to prevent the rain driving under it%
Holes in sheets shall be made on the groundJ the sheets shall be placed on trestles and holes
punched in the ridge of corrugations from below upward% 1nnecessary holes made on the roof shall
be rejected in total%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B-A Material
* good slate should be hard! tough and durable! of rough te.ture! ring bell6like when struck!
not split when holed or dressed! practically non6absorbent and of a satisfactory color% Those
which feel greasy are generally of inferior /uality and may show white patches or marc site
4iron pyrites5 decay readily! especially if subjected to a smoky atmosphereJ patches of lime
also adversely affect durability%
@hen left immersed in water to half its height for twelve hours! the water line on the slate
should not be more than ;mm above the level of water in the vessel% 0n slates of poor /uality!
the water is readily absorbed and rises several inches up the slatesJ such slates are easily
destroyed by frost action 4due to the absorbed water freeHing and disintegrating the slate5% 0f a
dry slate is kept in water which is kept boiling for forty6eight hours! its increase in weight
should not e.ceed :%; percent! and if a specimen of slate is immersed for ten days in solution
of sulphuric acid it should not show any signs of flaking or softening%
0n the event of the lack of /uality control for the slate /uarrying! the (ngineer 0n6charge shall
reserve the right to reject whole or a portion of the slates brought to the site form previously
approved /uarry site% Bnly the selected pieces shall be allowed to remain at site! the rest
shall have to be removed immediately as ordered%
B*A Preparation for ayin6
The slates shall be hand tool punched ;:cm . >?cm and other re/uired siHes and the
- 9
thickness is maintained to a uniform siHe of 8mm 4appro.imately5% The slates shall be fi.ed
with +opper or +" steel nails% The use of G0 nails will not be permitted%
Bn leveled surface of the roof two coats of polymer modified! fle.ible water proofing slurry 4appro.%
3%? to 9 kgGs/%m per coat5 shall be applied%
&escriptionI +ement based two coat of polymer6modified water proofing slurry% 0t is to be used on
roofs and terraces%
Surface "reparationI +oncrete mortar and masonry surface must be clear! free from grease! oil and
loosely adhering particles% Steel and iron surfaces must be free from scale! rust! grease and oil% *ll
surfaces must be as true and flat as possible! saturate absorbent surfaces thoroughly%
Mi.ingI The consistency of the mi. can be altered by reducing the amount of component% * li/uid to
be used% 1nder normal circumstances! when the full /uantities of both components are mi.ed
together! a slurry consistency will result% )or a trowel able consistency use slowly adding the powder
component to the li/uid component and stirring with slow speed
*pplicationI @hilst the surface is still damp from saturation! apply the first coat and leave to harden 496
8 hours5% )or slurry consistency apply with a hard plastic brittle brush or broom% )or slurry consistency
apply with hard plastic brittle brush or broom% )or trowel able mortar use a notched trowel% Second
coat should be applied after the first dries up% Bverlapping of about is essential to ensure elimination
of joints% (ach coat should be continued up to the top of the parapet wall to eliminate the chance of
percolation of water% *fter the second coat has been applied finish by rubbing down with a soft! dry
+uringI ormally curing procedure is followed up to ; to > days%
1nder layingI *verage 9:mm thick cement mortar 43I=5 screening shall be provided in re/uired slope%
The surface of the concrete slab shall be thoroughly cleaned by wire brush and water jet! before
laying the cement%
0nsulationI *bove water proofing membranes! one layer of hollow concrete block 4>::L9::L3::5 shall
be laid in flat% The top surface of such soling shall be in level G re/uired slope% The hollow concrete
block shall be laid with minimum possible the gaps shall be filled with fine sand%
@earing +oatI ?:mm thick concrete screed 43I9I>5 shall be laid in panels to proper slope for wearing
coat% This concrete screed shall be mi.ed with a concreter admi.ture 40SI 9>8?637A75% The joints 4if
any5 shall be filled and finished neatly by 3I3 cement sand mortar% The top level of the wearing coat
shall be finished in re/uired slope! line! pattern and level%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B-A Material
"lain GalvaniHed Sheets having galvaniHation of ?:gmGm9 on both sides% The mild steel
should conform to 0S standard%
The screws shall be either copper coated or Hinc coated% The limpet washers and bitumen
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
;9 Gauge plain galvaniHed sheets shall be laid between the wooden rafters% The sheet shall
sag at the middle% The sheets are laid with 9:mm overlap at the ridges of rafter and at the
disconnected sheets% The sheets are screwed with limpet washers and steel screws% o nails
are allowed%
B9A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in net plan area in m
of works as specified%
B;A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
- ;
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
"rior to the laying of the roofing materials on the slope or flat roofs! one layer of finished underlay
shall be provided on thin news paper sheets% The underlay shall work as the false ceiling for the room
as well as shall act as the water6sealing agent to the room% This is achieved through the followingI
@aterproof and Termite resistant "lywoodI
Sit "lywood of "henol Bonded! hot pressed and termite resistant special plywood with manufacturerCs
guarantee towards their reliability to the specifications! of the kind! as per the 0ndian Standards% The
siHes and the thickness shall be as per the detail designs and as specified in the bill of /uantities%
Samples of the materials and their manufacturerCs warranty card shall be submitted for "roject 0n6
charges approval%
Tar felting and Bitumen "aintsI
i% Tar feltI Shalimar Tar felt or e/uivalent shall be according to 0S% Tar felt supplied should be
packed in rolls with 0S +ertification mark% Tar felt shall be free from visible e.ternal defects!
such as holes! oil patches! ragged or untrue edges! breaks! cracks! tears! protuberances and
indentations% 1nless otherwise stated! tar felt supplied shall be in widths of 7: cm and 3::cm
and generally in lengths of 3:m and 9:m% The sample should be submitted to the (ngineer
0n6charge before bulk purchase! and should be approved by him%
ii% Bitumen MasticI Shall be of approved /uality conforming to 0SI ;:;A6378?% This shall be
supplied in sealed tins with 0S +ertification mark%
iii% EayingI The felt shall be laid in lengths at right angles to the direction of the run off gradient!
with paper or plastic barrier between tar felt and concrete! commencing at the lowest level
and working up to the crest such that the overlaps of the adjacent layers of felt offers the
minimum obstruction to the flow of water% 0n the ne.t layer! mastic asphalt or bitumen is
spread! and tar felt is laid% The tar felt laid should be in three layers%
iv% The bitumen mastic 4binding material5 shall be prepared by heating to the correct working
temperature and conveyed to the point of work in a bucket or pouring can% (ach coat of each
bay shall be spread evenly and uniformly by means of a float to the recommended thickness!
on to the previously prepared surface! the isolating membrane or the preceding coat% (ach
coat of bitumen mastic shall be followed! without delay by the succeeding! since e.posure to
contamination 4by dust or dirt5 might impair adhesion and cause blistering% The finished floor
shall not sound hollow when tapped with wooden mallet%
The tar felt before laying shall be first cut to the re/uired lengths! cleaned of dusting materials and laid
out flat on roof% (ach length of felt prepared for laying shall be laid in position and rolled up for a
distance of half of its length% The hot binding material shall be poured on to the roof across the full
width% 0n case of rolled felt! the felt is steadily rolled out and pressed down% The e.cess bonding
material is s/ueeHed out at the ends and is removed as the laying spreads% @hen the first half of the
strip of felt has been bonded to the roof! the other half shall be rolled up and then unrolled on to the
hot bonding material in the same way% Minimum overlap at the ends and the sides of strips of felt shall
not be less than 3?cm% *ll overlaps shall be firmly bonded with hot bitumen% The laying of second
layer of felt shall be so arranged that the joints be staggered with those of the layer beneath it%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
- >
-/++ C$IING "OR#S
The acoustic ceilings are provided in the class rooms and meeting hall for the reduction of echo%
B-A Material
39%? mm Gypsum board tiles of 83: . 83: mm siHe conforming to 0S 9:7?I 37=9 2 9?>96
37=3% The tiles shall have full s/uare holes in regular pattern% These are to be backed by non6
woven lining to absorb unwanted sound%
The suspenders are galvaniHed mild steel straps of 9=G and horiHontal and transverse
members are galvaniHed mild steel channel of 38 G% +onstruction "rocedures
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The acoustic ceilings are suspended from the truss and purling by steel hangers to suspend
the horiHontal steel channels% The horiHontal members are screwed with steel screws and grip
in the wall% The suspenders are clamped to the truss and purling with steel screws% *fter the
framing is completed the engineer in charge shall check the framing before allowing the
ceiling boards%
The ceiling boards free of damages are fi.ed to the framing in perfect line and level% The
joints are sealed with plaster of "aris and non6woven paper tapes with out forming any
Bnce laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works%
B9A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B;A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
The Gypsum board ceilings are provided in the office rooms and meeting hall% These boards are in
various design and te.ture%
B-A Material
7%? mm Gypsum board tiles of 83: . 83: mm siHe conforming to 0S 9:7?I 37=9 2 9?>9637=3%
The tiles shall have te.ture and design pattern%
The suspenders are galvaniHed mild steel straps of 9=G and horiHontal and transverse
members are galvaniHed mild steel channel of 38 G% +onstruction "rocedures
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The board ceilings are suspended from the concrete ceilings! and or truss and purling by steel
hangers to suspend the horiHontal steel channels% The horiHontal members are screwed with
steel screws and grip in the wall% The suspenders are clamped to the truss and purling with
steel screws% *fter the framing is completed the engineer in charge shall check the framing
before allowing the ceiling boards%
The ceiling boards free of damages are fi.ed to the framing in perfect line and level% The
joints are sealed with plaster of "aris and non6woven paper tapes with out forming any
Bnce laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works%
B9A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B;A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
- 3
The marine boards of 38mm are laid over the purling of slope roof where no ceiling will be re/uired%
B-A Material
The marine waterproof boards of 38mm thickness are used for the roof ceiling in slope% These
boards can be of siHe 93:.39:cm or of any siHe available in market% 0t should conform to
0ndian standard%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The board ceiling are laid over truss and purling with 16hooks% 16hooks are of =mm
GalvaniHed mild steel% *ll the nuts and bolts are tightened with limpet washers and bitumen
washers% 0n order to achieve water tightness luster of silicon is placed over the nut and bolt%
The board joints are sealed with silicon%
Bnce laying of ceiling is completed the dust and floors are cleaned for the painting works%
B9A MeasCrement
Measurement of all the works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B;A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
B/A Testin6
The marine board samples shall be soaked in hot water for 9> hours% The sample should not
bulge and separation of marine sheet shall not occur%
- 9
-,++ STR%CT%RA ST$$ "OR#
-,+- G$N$RA
B-A S2ope
This Section covers fabrication! storage! handling and erection of steel structures e.cluding
those covered by Sections 38:: and 37::%
B*A Co5es of Pra2ti2e
The fabrication! storage! handling and erection of structural steelworks shall comply with the
relevant Sections of the 0S and 0'+! if otherwise not specified in the contract%
Should there be any disagreement between 0S and 0'+! the provision in the 0'+ shall prevail
to the e.tent of the disagreement%
435 Materials for use in connection with the protection of the steel work against corrosion are
specified in +lause 99:7% Bther materials used in connection with steel structures such as
concrete! bearing pads! etc%! shall be governed by the appropriate Sections of these
Specifications% 1nless otherwise specified or described in the contract! structural steel
materials shall comply with the appropriate standards listed below%
0'+ 9>6378A I Standard Specifications and +ode of "ractice for 'oad Bridges%
0S 9:8963779 I Steel for General Structural "urposes
0S 7??:637=: I Specification for Bright bars%
0S ;A?A637=? I Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts%
0S 889;637=? I Specification for High Strength Structural uts%
0S 88>7637=? I Specification for Hardened and Tempered @ashers for High
Strength Structural Bolts and uts%
B-A General
This +lause shall apply to all operations undertaken in the fabrication in the workshop or
elsewhere whether on or off the site% The re/uirements contained herein shall not be waived!
nor shall be modified to conform to any set of rules that any shop adopted as its standard
unless so authoriHed in writing by the (ngineer%
Substitution of structural Sections of different dimensions! weight or strength from those
specified in the contract may be made only when approved in writing by the (ngineer% o
payment shall be made for increased weight or strengthGproperties resulting from approved
substitution! but any decrease in weight shall be deducted from the final pay /uantity%
The various componentsGelements of the steel structure shall be fabricated in accordance
with the approved shop &rawing% *ny errors or omissions in them shall be reported to the
(ngineer! and his decision for their correction shall be final%
B*A SDop !etail !ra4in6
The +ontractor shall furnish shop detail &rawing for the complete fabrication of all
componentsGelements re/uired by the contract% @hen it is specified in the contract that the
employer shall furnish prints of standard shop detail &rawing! the +ontractor shall be re/uired
to make any additions or revisions to the detail &rawing as may be necessary to produce a
finished structure in accordance with the contract% Shop detail &rawing shall consist of
detailed &rawing showing the dimensions and siHes of the componentsGelements! bolt lists for
field erection! a match marking diagram! complete field erection &rawing and such other
details and information as may be necessary for fabrication%
Shop detail &rawing of widening or reconstruction work shall contain sufficient field
dimensions! so that the shop &rawing may be checked% The &rawing shall also contain a note
to the effect that these are field measurements which the +ontractor has furnished and for
which he is responsible% Such detail &rawing shall also show a portion of the e.isting work!
using light dotted lines or colored ink for this purpose%
Shop detail &rawing shall be prepared in a neat and legible form! on the dull side of tracing
- 3
cloth! with 0ndia ink! or by other methods approved by the (ngineer% (ach sheet shall have a
title in the lower right hand corner giving the fabricator's name! the fabricator's contract
number and brief description of the details shown on the sheet%
Bills of material and bolt lists may be furnished on the fabricator's own standard sheets%
The +ontractor shall submit blueprints of shop &rawing to the (ngineer for approval% o work
shall be done in the shop until such &rawing has been finally approved% 0n general! 9 sets of
preliminary prints shall be re/uired! but the +ontractor shall furnish additional prints free of
charge upon re/uest% Bnly checked &rawing in complete sets shall be submitted for
approval% The
details of anchorages! bearing plates! castings! etc%! shall be submitted in advance! in order to
avoid delay in construction%
@hen changes on the submitted &rawing are re/uested by the (ngineer! or when the
+ontractor makes additional changes! other than those re/uested! attention shall be called to
the changes on the blueprints submitted for approval by encircling or underscoring all change
with contrasting colored ink or rayon%
*fter the &rawing has been finally approved! the +ontractor shall! without direct
compensation thereof! furnish to the (ngineer > sets of prints of the corrected &rawing! and
such additional prints as may be re/uired% The shop &rawing as approved by the (ngineer
shall become a part of the contract%
The ordering of material or the performance of shop work prior to the (ngineer's approval of
shop &rawing shall be at the +ontractor's risk and cost% o changes shall be made in any
approved &rawing without the written authoriHation of the (ngineer% The (ngineer's approval
of shop &rawing shall not relieve the +ontractor of responsibility for the accurate assembly
and fitting of all structural members% *fter the shop work has been completed! the +ontractor
shall deliver to the (ngineer all of the original tracings of the shop details! or photo positives
thereof! on cloth%
B9A General SDop Pra2ti2e
BaA Stora6e
Before and after fabrication! all materials shall be so stored that they are not
deformed or damaged! and shall be protected against the accumulation of water! dirt!
oil or other foreign matter% Material that has become pitted from e.posure or other
causes shall not be acceptable for any use% Material that has been damaged during
storage shall be replaced with e/uivalent or better material%
B8A I5entifi2ation
Structural alloy steel shapes and Sections shall! in addition to standard mill practice
identification! be further identified during all operations! from the mill to the completely
fabricated structure! by the use of! and continued maintenance of! color coding in
accordance with 0S 9:>7%
*lloy steel and non6ferrous alloy bolts shall be identified by coded markings
embossed or impressed on the head or tip during manufacture% "ieces on which
identification has been lost shall be rejected%
B2A "or3mansDip an5 finisD
*ll metals shall be neatly and accurately cut to re/uired siHe with proper allowance as
may be necessary or re/uired for finishing operations%
*ll fins! ragged or distorted edges resulting from shearing! speed sawing! or flame
cutting shall be removed by milling! chipping! or grinding%
Shearing shall not be used for the purpose of cutting non6ferrous metals where the
thickness is greater than 3;mm%
B5A Flame 2Cttin6
The gas cutting torch may be employed in the operation of cutting metals or preparing
joints provided that the metal is not carrying stress during the operation% +arbon steel
above :%;: carbon alloy steels! heat treated steel or aluminum! wrought non6ferrous
metals and plated metals shall not be flame cut unless subse/uent corrective
treatment is provided which shall be subject to the approval of the (ngineer%
@hen the cutting torch is used! the burned edges shall be trimmed smooth to e.act
- 9
lines by milling! chipping or grinding% Ma.imum deviation for ,free hand, cutting shall
be 3%?mm from true lines% * mechanical guide shall be used for the flame cutting
torch on all work re/uiring precision cutting on which the ma.imum deviation
permitted shall not be greater than :%=mm% *ll ,notch effects, shall be completely
removed from the portions of members where the e.treme fiber is subject to fle.ure!
tension or perpendicular shear%
@here the ends of members which are to take bearing! are cut with a torch! a suitable
allowance in their length shall be made to permit proper milling or planning%
Foints for welding may be prepared by ,flame cutting, or ,flame gouging, provided all
slag and o.idiHed metal are removed%
BeA Re?entrants
0nterior and re6entrant corners shall be filleted to a 9? mm radius unless a shorter
radius is indicated in the plan% )illets less than 9? mm in radius shall be formed by
BfA &en5in6
*ll bending or crimping shall be done at the bend lines shown! by a mechanical
operated press! without unnecessary loss of Section in the metal being bent% The
bends shall conform to wood or metal templates% *ll low carbon steel and other
wrought metals shall be bent cold when the re/uired bending will not produce cracks
or fractures% @hen heating is necessary to accomplish bending of ferrous metals! the
material shall be carefully heated to and bent at or above a temperature evidenced by
a dark red color!
but in no case at a lower temperature% *ll material bent below such temperature shall
be rejected and annealing shall not be considered a corrective measure% Heated
material shall be slowly cooled after the bending operation% Heat treated metals shall
be shaped before heat treatment% Material having fractures or other defects caused
by bending shall be rejected%
+old6bent load6carrying rolled steel plates shall conform the followingI
4i5 They shall be so taken from the stock plates that the bent6line is at right
angles to the direction of rolling%
4ii5 The radius of bends! measured to the concave face of the metal shall be
more than specified below%
*ngle through which plate is bent 'adius
83N to 7:N EBT
73N to 39:N 3%? T
393N to 3?:N 9%: T
@here T is the thickness of the plate undergoing bend%
4iii5 Before bending! the corners of the plate shall be rounded to a radius of
3%? mm throughout that portion of the plate at which the bending is to occur% 0f
a shorter radius is essential! the plates shall be bent hot%
B6A Strai6Dtenin6 Material
*ll wrought and e.truded Sections must be made straight or cambered as shown in
the plan before being marked! punched or otherwise worked on in the shop% 0f
straightening is necessary! it shall be done by methods which will not change the
physical properties! reduce the Section! or otherwise damage the metal% Material
which develops kinks! fractures or evidence of embrittlement shall be rejected%
Materials that are warped by cutting! punching or welding shall be straightened to
correct lines and dimensions before being assembled% Sections that are distorted
during assembly andGor welding shall be straightened by methods that will not shear!
fracture! or pre6stress the welds or connecting members% 0f! in the opinion of the
(ngineer! Sections can not be properly straightened after assembly! the bent material
shall be taken out! straightened and reassembled in the unit% *ny material damaged
during such operations shall be replaced with e/uivalent or better material%
1nless otherwise specified in the contract! structural steel Sections which
deformations do not e.ceed normal rolling tolerances will be acceptable without
- ;
straightening% @hen the plans so indicate! beams shall have unwrapped webs with
flanges at true right angles
thereto% Such beams shall! if necessary! be straightened cold by an approved method
of web pressing%
BDA ayoCts an5 Templates
)ull scale layouts will be re/uired for intricate portions of structures that present
problems of fabrication or erection% @hen re/uested by the (ngineer! such layouts
shall be made available to him for checking purposes% &uplicate work shall be
fabricated with the aid of templates or jigs% @ood or metal templates shall be used for
all miter joints e.cept when an approved jig is used% 'eaming or drilling templates
shall be made of metal! using hardened steel bushings 9? mm thick%
Sweeps for laying out and checking curved surfaces shall be made of wood or metal
and shall be of sufficient length to produce accurate results%
@orking points and working lines shall be clearly marked on all templates and sweeps% *ll
templates shall be made available for the (ngineer's use%
BiA &Cilt?Cp Mem8ers
* built6up member shall be true to detailed dimensions and it shall be free of twists!
bends! open joints! or other defects resulting from faulty fabrication or workmanship%
The assembly shall be such that all field joints will have the planned clearance% The
joints shall be smooth! and free from all burrs or other obstructions%
+losed Sections or pockets which might harbor moisture or dust and which cannot be
readily cleaned and painted shall be filled with plates or closed by caulking or
welding% )iller plates shall be full siHe and fitted sufficiently tight to e.clude all
moisture and dust after being painted% Tack welding may be employed to hold fillers in
BjA In2i5ental Items
The following items shall be furnished by the +ontractor without additional payment
unless otherwise provided for in the contractI
4i5 "ilot "oints and &riving utsI
Bne new pilot point and one driving nut for each siHe of shouldered pin%
4ii5 (rection "ins! Bolts and @ashersI
*ll erection pins! bolts and washers necessary for field erection%
4iii5 )ield 'ivetsI
(.tra rivets of each siHe and length! in the amount of 3: rivets plus 3: per cent of the
number actually re/uired for field erection! to compensate for losses due to misuse!
improper driving or other contingencies%
4iv5 )ield ShimsI
Shims ; mm or more in thickness shall be made of structural steel and those thinner
than ; mm shall be made of sheet brass%
,)ield shims, shall be constructed to mean all metal plates which are re/uired!
because of ine/ualities or inaccuracies in fabrication or erection or because of the
substitution of Sections by the fabricator! to bring metal surfaces of members into
contact or to bring the structure to the re/uired grade and alignment% ,)illers, shall be
constructed to mean metal plates which are re/uired by the design to bring metal
surfaces of members into contact or to bring the structure to the re/uired grade and
alignment! and shall be included in the /uantities for which payment shall be made%
4v5 SectionsI
0ncrease of Sections over net siHe re/uired in the contract! and other Sections!
metals! parts! or e/uipment added for the purpose of erection only which may or may
not subse/uently remain a part of the finished structure%
B;A Ma2Dinin6
BaA !efinition of Terms
4i5 'ough )inishI
The surface shall be true but may show very slight grooves%
- >
4ii5 )inishI
The surface shall be true and smooth and shall show no visual evidence of grooves%
4iii5 Smooth )inishI
The surface shall be true and perfectly smooth to the touch%
4iv5 "olished )inishI
The surface shall be true! smooth and polished%
4v5 Milled )inishI
The surface shall be the same as the defined for rough finish%
4vi5 Bored )inishI
The surface shall be the same as that defined for smooth finish%
B8A Ma2Dine C8ri2ant
Soap water solution shall be used as a lubricant on all structural material re/uiring
machine work% The use of oil or grease shall not be permitted for this purpose%
+utting oil shall be used on machinery parts and bolt stock%
B2A $56e Plannin6
Structural steel plates with sheared edges having a thickness of more than 38 mm
and structural alloy plates having a thickness of 3;mm or more! e.cept web plates for
built6up girders! sole or base plates! and fillers! shall be planed to correct siHe with
s/uare edges by removing not less than 8 mm of metal% The use of mechanically
guided needle torch may be permitted in lieu of specified edge planning of e.pansion
plates when used for the purpose of making bevel cuts%
B5A &earin6 SCrfa2es
*fter a column has been otherwise completely welded and before the cap or base
plates are attached! the bearing surfaces shall be milled true to the angle shown in
the plan% (nd connection angles shall be welded to the main member before milling%
+ap and base plates of columns shall have full contact with the milled surface after
assembly% Sole plates of beams and girders shall have full contact with the flanges%
@arped or deformed plates shall be machine finished or otherwise straightened by an
approved method to secure an accurate and uniform contact% +ountersunk river
heads or e.truding weld metal shall be chipped smooth and flush with the
surrounding surface%
+astings shall be machined as indicated in the plan% BronHe bearing plates shall have
a ,"olished )inish,%
BeA A8Cttin6 Joints
The ends of members shall not be milled until such members have been completely
welded% Members whose ends are improperly milled shall be rejected%
The ends of members forming a compression joint or splice shall be accurately milled
to proper length! alignment and bearing! using a wood or steel template as a guide%
Gusset plates connecting milled ends of members shall conform to the same wood or
metal templates from which the milled ends were formed% The use of bevel s/uare
shall not be permitted%
Foints in main chord tension members shall be close and neat! and in no case shall
the opening be more than ; mm%
BfA &orin6 Pin Holes
"in holes shall be accurately located as detailed! and bored true to e.act dimensions%
They shall be bored smooth! straight! and at right angles to the of member% *
finishing cut! which shall be a complete and separate operation! will be re/uired%
1nless otherwise indicated in the plans! the difference in diameters of the pins and
the pin holes shall be :%= mm e.act%
B6A Pins an5 Rollers
"ins and rollers shall be accurately turned to the detailed dimensions% The final
surface shall be smooth! straight! and free from flaws% The final surface shall be
machined to a smooth finish%
- ?
*ll bridge pins and rollers 3?:mm in diameter and smaller shall be made of Bright
steel bars complying with 0S 7??:%
*ll segmental rollers and all pins whose nominal diameter is to be greater than
3?:mm shall be made from annealed forging%
* hole ?:mm in diameter shall be bored longitudinally through the centre of each pin
or roller having a diameter greater than 9;:mm% "ins or rollers showing defective
interiors shall be rejected%
"ins shall be held in place by recessed nuts% The nuts shall be he.agonal in sharp
and shall be made of malleable iron! pressed or cast steel% The grip face of the nut
shall be machined s/uare to the of the pin% "ins and nuts shall be accurately
made so that the recessed face of the nut will bear uniformly against the end face of
the pin when the nut is turned up tight% The threaded portion of the pin shall project at
least 8mm through the nut after assembly% @here a recessed cut is made between
the threads and the shoulder of the pin! it shall not be wider than 8 mm nor deeper
than the base of the thread%
B/A Mar3in6 an5 !ispat2Din6
*ll material shall be accurately and legibly marked according to the field erection plan! prior to
dispatch% Such markings shall be made with contrasting paint on previously painted surfaces%
The omission of marks on duplicate pieces shall not be permitted unless otherwise authoriHed
by the (ngineer%
@hen practicable! loose connection plates for a member shall be bolted in position thereon
for shipment% *ll rivets! bolts! nuts and washers shall be parceled separately as to siHe% They
shall be shipped in suitable containers! but the gross weight of any single container shall not
e.ceed 3:: kg% * list and description of the included material shall be plainly marked on the
outside of each container%
"ins! roller nets! name plates! sheet lead! and small parts shall be bo.ed or crated for
shipment% "ins shall be shipped with the nuts in place%
@hen the (ngineer directs! finished work shall be weighed in the presence of the 0nspector%
The fabricator shall supply satisfactory scales and shall do the handling and weighing% @hen
re/uested by the (ngineer! members weighing more than ;:: kg shall be marked to show
their scale weight%
The loading! unloading! handling! transportation and storing of structural material shall be
carefully conducted so that the metal will be kept clean and free from damage% *ll girders!
partly assembled trusses! and large 0 beams shall be transported in an upright position%
+ambered members shall be securely blocked to prevent any loss of camber% *ll sheets land
copper waterstops shall be crated for transport%
*nchor bolts! pier nose angles! and other anchorage or grillage materials shall be dispatched
in advance of other material to suit the re/uirements of the construction work%
B,A SDop Paintin6
*ll ferrous metals which have not been plated! galvaniHed or enameled shall be given one
shop coat of paint of the kind specified in the contract% on6ferrous metals shall not be
painted or otherwise surface treated unless so specified in the contract% *ll cleaning and
painting shall conform to +lause 99:7%
B<A Inspe2tion an5 Testin6
BaA General ReHCirements
The +ontractor shall advise the (ngineer as to the actual date and place of
preparation of materials so that sufficient time may be had! prior to such preparation!
to arrange for inspection% This inspection will be dependent upon the character and
importance of the work and may involve inspection in the mill! the foundry! the
fabricating shop and the field! as may be considered necessary by the (ngineer%
0nformation relative to the time of beginning various operations! such as mill rolling!
foundry casting! heat treating! shop layout! punching! riveting! welding! milling!
assembling! painting and shipping! shall be furnished to the (ngineer in sufficient
time so that he may provide for the proper supervision and inspection of the work% 0n
general 9= days shall be considered as the re/uired time of advance notice% )ailure
to furnish such information shall result in the rejection of the material involved%
- 8
The (mployer may depute structural6metals6inspectors for the inspection of all metals
at the plant or in the field% @hen such inspection service can be furnished in the usual
routine manner without any additional e.penditures! no charge shall be made against
the +ontractor% @hen such inspection service entails additional costs! the +ontractor
shall be charged for the e.pense incurred but such charges shall not be greater than
the amount specified in the contract per person per ton! based on the total metal
tonnage of the contract%
*s soon as the progress of the work permits! the +ontractor shall furnish to the
(ngineer 9 copies! or more! if re/uired! of each of the followingI
Mill or purchase orders! certified reports of physical characteristics and
chemical analysis of all materials involved! and the fabricator's shipping
statements showing the net scale weight of each shipment% @hen re/uested!
the scale weights of individual member or Sections shall be furnished%
*ll materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection and (ngineer's
agreement% The inspection of materials and fabrication shall as far as possible be
carried out at the place of manufacture%
(.cept as provided for above no fabricated steelwork shall be dispatched to the Site
before it has been inspected and agreed% *ll inspected and agreed steelwork shall be
marked in accordance with the agreed procedures%
B8A Inspe2tor's ACtDority
The 0nspector shall reject the materials andGor the workmanship which do not fulfill
the re/uirements of the contract% However! in cases of dispute! the +ontractor may
appeal to the (ngineer! whose decision shall be the final%
0nspection at the mill and shop is provided for the purpose of facilitating fabrication
work and to avoid errors! but such inspection shall not relieve the +ontractor of his
responsibility for the correction of errors and faulty workmanship or for the
replacement of imperfect materials%
B2A Fa2ilities for Inspe2tion
The +ontractor shall furnish all facilities! tools! and such assistance as the 0nspector
may re/uire for the inspection of material and workmanship in the mill! foundry or
shop% The inspector shall be granted free access to the plant premises for the
re/uired inspection service% *ll fabricated parts shall be piled separately in such a
manner as to facilitate inspection%
The +ontractor shall furnish office space at the fabrication plant for the 0nspector's
use during the period of fabrication! assembly and paintings%
B5A Testin6
1nless otherwise provided! the +ontractor shall furnish test specimens as specified!
and all labor! testing machines and tools necessary to prepare the specimens and to
make the prescribed tests% @here check tests are re/uired by the (ngineer to
determine the suitability of any materials! the +ontractor shall furnish representative
samples for further testing by the (ngineer before such material is finally approved for
@here no specific tests are provided for in the contract! tests for metals shall be
conducted in accordance with the (ngineer's directions%
BeA Reje2tion
'ejected materials and workmanship shall be promptly replaced with satisfactory
material and workmanship% *ny shipment of materials that has been damaged in
transit shall not be unloaded until an agreement as to its disposition has been
reached with the (ngineer%
B-A $n5 Conne2tion An6les
(nd connection angles of floor beams! stringers and diaphragms shall be accurately
assembled to the dimensions shown in the plan! and the length! back to back of angles! shall
be e.act% 1nless otherwise specified! the finishing of end connection angles shall not be
re/uired e.cept as a correction to a faulty assembly% @hen finishing is necessary for such
- A
correction! the thickness of the angle shall not be reduced by more than ;mm but in no case
shall the final thickness of the angle be less than 7 mm% "ortions of members e.tending
beyond the face of the connection angles shall be chipped or ground flush% o portion of a
web or a connecting member shall be recessed more than 7mm from the face of the
connection angles%
B*A Strin6ers
Stringers shall be straight and their bearing surfaces shall be true! and free from all burrs and
distorted edges%
The fi.ed ends of stringers supported on brackets or on the top flanges of floor beams shall
be secured by means of bolts having he.agonal heads and nuts%
The ma.imum clearance between abutting ends of stringers shall be 3;mm unless otherwise
specified% Stringers supported on brackets shall have a ma.imum clearance of 3;mm
between the end of the stringer and the web of the floor beam%
B9A $Fpansion !evi2es
(.pansion and deflection devices shall be fabricated to e.act dimensions! and no tolerance in
materials or dimensions shall be allowed% 1nless otherwise indicated in the plan these
devices shall be secured to stringers or floor beam by means of bolts having he.agonal
heads! he.agonal nuts and lock washers%
B;A &olte5 Plate Gir5ers
The web plate of a finished girder shall in no case project beyond the face of the flange
angles or end stiffener angles% 0n girders with full6length cover plates! the edges of the web
shall not be more than 8 mm inside the face of the flange angles e.cept that! in cases of
cambered beams! the width of the web may be 3; mm less than the distance 4back to back5
between the flange angles provided the web is centered% 0n girders without cover plates! the
edges of the web shall not be more than ; mm below the face of the top flange angles% 0n
girders with partial length cover plates! the above re/uirements shall apply together with the
additional re/uirement that! unless the edges of the webs are flush with the faces of the
flange angles at the ends of the cover plates! any space between them shall be plugged with
a weld at least 3; mm long% 0n no case shall the ends of the webs be more than 7 mm inside
the face of the end stiffener angles%
Holes in all girder web splices shall be subpunched or subdrilled% *fter assembly these holes
shall be reamed to specified siHe%
Splicing of flange angles shall not be permitted! unless re/uired by the contract! e.cept when
girders are to be constructed with curved ends! in which case the flange angles shall be
spliced near the curved portion to facilitate bending and assembly% +urved and flange angles
shall be bent in pairs% *fter bending! the curved angles shall be true to the plan radius and
free of all wrinkles or waves% *fter assembly! these curved end angles shall be butt welded to
the flange angles! and the weld shall then be ground smooth%
@hen splices in flange angles are re/uired by the contact! the abutting ends of the angles
shall be milled to a close fit% *ll holes in such splices shall be subpunched and reamed! or
drilled from the solid% Smoothly ground butt welds will be acceptable for joints in flange angles
in lieu of milling% Such welds shall not be considered as a substitute for the splice plates or
angles as detailed%
1nless otherwise indicated in the plan! end stiffeners and intermediate stiffeners intended for
supports for concentrated loads shall be milled or ground smooth to secure a uniform! even
bearing against the top and bottom flange angles% @hen welding is indicated or permitted in
lieu of milling or grinding! the welds shall be of sufficient siHe to develop fully the stiffener in
bearing and they shall be so placed as to completely seal the stiffener ends against
entrapment of moisture% @elding transversely across the tension flanges of beams or girders
which have a flange stress of more than A? per cent of their designed capacity! shall not be
permitted% *t locations of higher stress! wedge fillers shall be incorporated in conjunction with
longitudinal welds%
0ntermediate stiffeners shall fit sufficiently tight to e.clude moisture after being painted% )illers
under stiffeners shall fit within 3%?mm at each end% +rimped stiffeners angles or tees shall be
properly bent to a steel template! and they shall have full contact bearing against the flange
and the web plates%
B/A Holes for %nfinisDe5 &olts
- =
BaA General
*ll holes shall be true to the shape and siHe specified! clean6cut! perpendicular to the of the member and free from all burrs and distorted! torn or ragged edges%
The minimum distance from the centre of a hole to a sheared edge shall be ;=mm!
and the minimum distance to a planed or rolled edge shall be 3%? times the diameter
of the bolt specified for such hole! e.cept as hereinafter provided or otherwise
indicated in the plan% The edge distance for lace bars shall be not less than 3%8 times
the diameter of the rivet or bolt%
B8A Type
@hen reaming or drilling is not specified in the contract! full siHe punched holes in low
carbon and low alloy steels may be acceptable! provided the thickness of the metal
does not e.ceed the diameter of the hole to be punched! and provided no more than
? thickness of metal are to be connected% @hen there are more than ? thicknesses of
metal or when any of the material is thicker than the diameter of the hole! all of the
holes in the material composing such connections shall be formed by subpunching
4or subdrilling5 and reaming or by drilling from the solid! as hereinafter specified%
Stress6carrying high6carbon steels! non6ferrous metals and alloys 3;mm in thickness
or less shall be subpunched 4or sub6drilled5 and reamed% @here such metals are of
greater thickness the holes shall be drilled from the solid with all parts assembled%
'ailing Sections may be jig drilled full siHe%
@hen general reaming is specified in the contract for low carbon and low alloy steels!
all bolt holes! including connection holes to main members! shall be subpunched 4or
subdrilled5 and reamed! or drilled from the solidJ e.cept for the following! which may
be full punchedI
Holes for unfinished bolts! or plug welds%
Holes in e.pansion and deflection devices! stringer diaphragms and railings%
Holes in laterals and lateral platesJ away frames other than in towers or
bracketsJ sole! bearing or anchor platesJ and grillages%
B2A PCn2De5 Holes
The diameter of full6siHed punched holes shall be 3%?mm larger than the nominal
diameter of the rivet or bolt% The diameter of the die shall not e.ceed the diameter of
the punch by more than 3%?mm%
*ll holes shall be so accurately punched that! after the assembly of the component
parts of a member! and before any reaming is done! a cylindrical pin whose diameter
is ;mm less than the nominal diameter of the punched hole shall pass freely through
at least A? per cent of the holes in any group% +orrespondingly! a pin whose diameter
is ?mm less than the nominal diameter of the punched holes shall pass freely through
all holes in any group% Material failing to meet either of the above re/uirements shall
be rejected% 'eaming shall not be permitted as a corrective measure%
B,A Holes for TCrne5 &olts
The diameter of holes for turned bolts shall be :%> mm larger than the diameter of the bolt% 0f
the bolts are to be inserted in the shop! the holes may be either drilled from the solid! or
subpunched and reamed% 0f the bolts are to be inserted in the field! the holes shall be
subpunched or subdrilled in the shop and reamed in the field% *ll drilling or reaming for turned
bolts shall be done after the parts to be connected are assembled and securely fastened
together% o offsets shall be permitted in holes for turned bolts%
B<A Slotte5 Holes
Slotted holes shall be securely located! true to planned dimensions% @here full siHe slot
punches are not used for this purpose! the holes shall be made under siHe and subse/uently
finished to true siHe and shape by chipping grinding or filing%
B=A &olts
BaA %nfinisDe5 &olts
1nless otherwise specified! all bolts for steel construction shall be unfinished and
shall have he.agonal heads! he.agonal nuts and lock washers% The length of the bolt
- 7
shall be such that! after placement! it will project through the nut not less than ;mm
nor more than 7mm% The material for and the manufacture of bolts shall conform to
the e/uipments of 0S 3;8> or 0S ;A?A as appropriate%
B8A TCrne5 &olts
The heads and the nuts shall be he.agonal% The bolt shall be machined from a
he.agonal bar! the siHe of which shall be the same as the bolt head% The shank of the
bolt shall be turned and given a smooth finish to e.act diameter% The length of the
unthreaded portion of the bolt under the head shall be ;mm greater than the
thickness of material it is to pass through% The diameter of the unthreaded portion of
the bolt shall have a diameter at least 9%> mm less than the diameter of the
unthreaded portion of the bolt! and it shall be the nearest standard bolt siHe% The
threads shall e.tend from the end of the bolt to within 3 thread distance from the
shoulder% @ashers 8mm in thickness shall be used under all nuts! and the hole in the
washer shall be the same siHe as the reamed or drilled hole%
B2A An2Dor &olts
*nchor bolts shall be of the swage type and shall have he.agonal nuts% Bolts for
e.pansion joints shall be provided with 9 nuts% Those portions of bolts which e.tend
above masonry or concrete shall be painted 3 shop coat of paint%
B5A Hi6D Stren6tD Fri2tion Grip &olts
High Strength friction grip bolts shall comply with 0S ;A?A%
*ll load indicators shall be suitably marked for identification purposes and shall be of
standard black! lightly oiled! finish and shall be packed prior to dispatch! by the
manufacturer! in waterproof containers and shall be stored in those containers under
cover until re/uired for use in the works%
Bnly general grade load indicators shall be used with general grade high strength
friction grip bolts%
(ach high strength friction grip bolt when installed in the works shall be complete with
one washer placed under the nut and one load indicator placed under the bolt head
and each bolt shall be tightened at all stages by rotating the nut only! the bolt head
being completely restrained against rotational movement%
*lternatively! in joints where accessibility is limited to the e.tent that bolts must be
tightened by rotating the bolt heads! then washers shall be laced under the bolt heads
and both load indicators and nut face washer shall be placed under the nuts% 0n these
cases each bolt shall be tightened at all stages by rotating the bolt head only! the nut
being completely restrained against rotational movement%
*ll high strength friction grip bolts shall first be tightened sufficiently to secure the
structural steelwork during its erection or assembly% )ollowing the completion of the
erection or assembly of each portion of the structural steelwork those bolts shall be
finally tightened until the gaps between the load indicators and either the bolt heads
or the nut face washers have been reduced toI
4i5 :%>::mm where load indicators are fitted under the bolt heads%
4ii5 :%9?: mm where load indicators are fitted under the nuts and beneath nut
face washers%
The bolts may be tightened by a part6tor/ue part6turn method% The part6tor/ue
tightening for bedding down shall be in accordance with BS >8:>I "art 3 e.cept that it
shall be carried out by a calibrated tightening device such as a tor/ue6controlled
manual wrench or power operated wrench% The bedding tor/ue to be applied to the
bolts shall be as given in Table 99%3%
- 3:
ominal dia of bolt Bedding tor/ue W 3: percent
mm m
38 =:
9: 38:
99 93:
9> 9A:
9A ;>:
;: >8:
*fter bedding down of the joints! each nut and the protruding threads of the bolt shall
be permanently marked to record their relative positions% The nuts shall then be
tightened to the approval of the (ngineer by the part6turn of the nut method in
accordance with BS >8:>I "art 3%
B-A FoCn5ry Pra2ti2e
"atterns for casting shall be furnished by the +ontractor% They shall be constructed to
produce a finished casting in true conformity to the dimensions and details shown in the plan%
*ll sharp angles shall be boldly filleted% )illets shall be of such siHe that there is no reduction
in planned clearances due to their addition% (.ternal corners on all castings! e.cept
ornamental type! shall be rounded to a ? mm radius% "roper allowance for shrinkage shall be
made in all patterns% Sufficient materials shall be provided on all surfaces which are to receive
a finish so that! after finishing! the castings will be the planned siHe! and the finished surfaces
will be true! free from pockets! sand intrusions! or other defects% &raft provided shall allow the
plan dimensions and shall not reduce the thickness of metal specified% *ll patterns shall be
painted! indicating in different colors! the metal! cores and finished surfaces%
Split cores shall not be permitted between unfinished surfaces of restricted clearance% The
number and spacing of chaplets shall be such that the strength of the casting is not impaired
by their use%
The casting shall be accomplished by a method that will ensure the complete filling of all
corners! arises and edges% +astings re/uiring undercut surfaces shall be cast by the ,lost wa.
process, or e/uivalent% @here practicable! castings having one machined surface shall be
cast with the surface down% Metal from different melts shall not be permitted in the same
+astings shall not be withdrawn from the mould until they have properly cooled% Duenching of
casting to speed up the cooling shall not be permitted%
*ll castings shall be thoroughly cleaned of molding and core sand by sand blasting or by
other approved methods% *ll high spots and rough edges resulting from pouring connections
shall be ground smooth%
*ll castings shall ring true when suspended and struck with a hammer% @hen ordered by the
(ngineer! the soundness of the casting shall be further tested by drilling! planing! magnetic
particle test or ^6ray%
*ny structural defect in a casting such as blow holes! pipes! sand holes! cracks! checks! slag
inclusions! cold shuts! unfilled arises! warped surfaces! or deformation from core or flask
movement shall be cause for rejection%
+astings with minor defects shall not be repaired until the (ngineer has given his permission%
The method employed in such repair work shall be approved by the (ngineer%
B*A Heat Treatment
The term ,heat treatment, shall mean any method of intentionally and systematically applying
heat! at a temperature below the melting point! to any casting after it has cooled% This heat
may be applied one or more times irrespective of cooling the procedure%
The term ,annealing, shall mean either normaliHing 4air cooling5 a casting or full annealing
- 33
4furnace cooling5 a casting%
)ull annealing shall consist of a heat treatment in which the casting is heated slowly to the
proper temperature above the critical range! maintained in such temperature for the re/uired
time! and allowed to cool slowly in the furnace until the temperature has fallen to 98: degrees
) or less% The casting may then be withdrawn from the furnace and air cooled% The furnace
temperature shall be controlled by pyrometers%
*ll other castings shall be annealed when so specified in the contract%
*ll forgings! and such other steel Sections as may be re/uired by the contract! shall be full
annealed% Bther steel members! e.cept primped web stiffeners! that have been partially6
heated shall be full annealed unless otherwise authoriHed by the (ngineer%
-,+, "$!$! CONSTR%CTION
B-A General
@elding shall be generally in accordance with 0S 3:9> and relevant British Standards as
further amplified in the following Sub6clauses%
B*A Materials
@elding materials unless specified in the contract or agreed by the (ngineer shall comply
with the appropriate 0ndian Standard listed belowI
4a5 0S =3> 63773 covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon
and carbon manganese steel 4fifth revision5%
4b5 0S 39A=637A9 filler rods and wires for gas welding 4second revision5
+lassification and color coding of electrodes shall be in accordance with 0S =3>63773%
B9A "el5in6 $HCipment
@elding e/uipment shall comply with the appropriate 0ndian Standard listed below unless
otherwise stipulated in the contract or agreed by the (ngineer%
0S 98;? 637A?I &+ electric welding generators 4second revision5%
0S >=:> 4"art 35 6378=I Single6phase transformers%
0S >=:> 4"art 95 6378=I Single6phase rocker arm spot welding machines%
0S >=:> 4"art ;5 63787I Single6phase spot and projection welding machines%
0S >??7 6377;I Single operator rectifier type &+ arc welding power source 4second
0S 98>3 637=7I (lectrical welding accessories 4first revision5%
The welding plant and e/uipment employed on the works shall be of sufficient capacity to
carry out the agreed procedures and suitable for the types of electrodes in use% *ll necessary
staging and screens shall be provided for the welders! supervisors and inspectors and all
plant and e/uipment shall be maintained in an efficient condition% Suitable tong test ammeters
shall be provided for measuring the current! e.cept only! when efficient means of so doing are
incorporated as part of the welding plant%
The strength of the welding current shall be within the range recommended by the
manufacturer of the particular electrode being used and shall be towards the upper limit of the
range rather than the lower%
@elding shall wherever possible be carried out in covered workshops and under the specified
conditions of temperature! where continuous supervision is e.ercised% Machine welding may
be allowed where approved machines are in use correctly controlled by /ualified operators%
Site welding shall not be carried out unless prior written agreement from the (ngineer has
been obtained% *ll such welding shall be subject to 3::O non6destructive testing%
B;A :Califi2ation of "el5ers
*ll welding operators shall be /ualified persons in accordance with +lause 9; of BS ?3;? and
the names of all operators and details of their /ualifications shall be submitted to the (ngineer
for agreement% *ny operator whose standard of workmanship is unsatisfactory shall be
immediately suspended% The operators shall be produced by the +ontractor for re6testing and
verification of his /ualification once he has received further instruction in this respect% 'outine
testing of all operators shall be re/uired in every si. months%
B/A "or3mansDip
- 39
BaA Assem8ly
Material that is to be welded shall be free form loose mill scale! rust! or other foreign
matter on the surface to be welded and for a distance of at least ?: mm on each side
of the weld% The preparation of edges for welding may be made by milling! chipping or
cutting with a torch% *ll traces of overheated metal caused by torch cutting shall be
removed% )or this chipping to e.pose clean metal may be re/uired% Grinding shall not
be permitted on any surface or edge which is to be welded! unless the surface is
subse/uently thoroughly cleaned of carborundum and metal particles%
Members or parts which have been painted shall have all of the paint removed from
the area which will be affected by the heat of the arc% This shall be accomplished by
burning with a blow torch or blow pipe and brushing with a wire brush%
B8A "el5in6
@elding shall not be done in rain! snow or wind! or when the temperature of the metal
is below >N+! unless satisfactory protection such as shelters! wind6breaks and heat is
&uring moderately cold weather the use of small movable shelters and preheating the
metal by means of blow torches will be in general satisfactory% @hen the temperature
is below 6 3:N+! the span or portion of structure undergoing welding shall be entirely
housed in and heated to a minimum of ?N+% The use of open salamanders for such
heating shall not be permitted%
@elding procedures shall be such that distortion is reduced to the minimum
practicable and local distortion is rendered negligible in the final structure%
*ll welding procedures including those items listed in +lause 9: of BS ?3;? shall be
submitted to the (ngineer in advance for agreement% *ll welding procedures
submitted for agreement shall have previously been approved by an 0ndependent
0nspector! from authentic documented e.perience gained with welding of joints similar
to that for which the welding procedure applies% @here no such approval is available!
then the welding procedure shall be subject to approval after testing in accordance
with the re/uirement of BS>=A:%
*ll welds shall be of the specified siHe and shape! and they shall be placed at the
locations designated% @elds which are not in conformity with those re/uired or welds
which are defective! shall be chipped out and redone in an approved manner% @eld
protrusions which interfere with later work or which present an uneven or un6
workmanlike appearance shall be finished smooth by chipping and grinding%
&eposited weld metal must be completely fused to all metal with which it is in contact%
The weld shall be free of all pits! porous Sections! cold shuts! or slag inclusions% *ll
pits and craters shall be filled and all ends shall be bo.ed%
*n electrode of the proper siHe shall be selected for the weld desired% The electric
current shall be adjusted for the electrode so that full fusion will be obtained without
undercutting% 1ndercut welds shall be chipped back to bright metal and re6welded%
The arc shall be kept uniform and steady and shall be applied in a manner which will
fuse the metal without boiling! running or unnecessary spatter%
The placement of welds shall be such as to minimiHe shrinkage or distortion of the
members% Members in which there is distortion caused by welding must be
straightened to the satisfaction of the (ngineer without structural damage to the
member or to the welds%
"eening for welds shall not be permitted%
B2A Final FinisD of "el5s
The final finished surface of the weld shall be smooth and regular and shall conform
as closely as practicable to the design re/uirements% *ll slag shall be removed from
the finished weld% *ll flu. deposit which may cause paint to rot shall be entirely
removed% The entire surface shall be thoroughly wire6brushed before painting% 0f
re/uired by the (ngineer! the final surface shall be finished smooth by chipping and
grinding the weld deposit%
B5A "el5 Inspe2tion
0nspection shall be made during the welding process and after the weld is completed
- 3;
and cooled in accordance with 0S ;8::% *ll defects shall be entirely removed or
repaired to the satisfaction of the (ngineer% The (ngineer shall designate at least 9?
mm of every 9?:: mm of welding for removal! to determine the penetration! fusion
and porosity of the weld%
"lug borings shall be furnished when re/uested with the use of ,^6ray, or magnetic6
particle e.aminations may be made where the proper testing e/uipment is available%
0n such cases the inspection practice shall be in accordance with 0S 33=9 or 0S ?;;>
as appropriate%
B,A Safety Pre2aCtion
Suitable shoes! helmets! hand shields! glasses! gloves! aprons! screens! canvas! wind
shields and all other e/uipment necessary for the protection of the work! the welders! the
helpers and the (ngineer's 0nspector shall be provided by the +ontractor at his own e.pense%
The provisions of 0S =3= 6378= +ode of "ractice of Safety and health re/uirements in electric
and gas welding and cutting operations 4first revision5 shall be observed%
B<A Pro2e5Cre Trials
@hen directed by the (ngineer and before fabrication is commenced! welding and flame
cutting procedure trials shall be carried out using representative samples of materials to be
used in the work%
The samples of material shall be selected and marked by the (ngineer when the materials for
the work are inspected at the mills%
Trials on material 9:mm thick shall be taken to include all material up to but not e.ceeding
9:mm thick% Trials on material ;=mm thick shall be taken to include material over 9:mm and
up to but not e.ceeding ;=mm thick% Material over ;=mm thick shall be tested for every
thickness increment of 8mm%
The welding and flame cutting trials shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the (ngineer the
procedures to be adopted in the fabrication of the work which shall includeI
a5 @elding procedure in accordance with BS ?3;?637=>%
b5 The heat control techni/ues re/uired to ensure that the flame cut surfaces of steel
are free from cracks! local hardness! and any other defects which would be
detrimental to the finished work%
The trials shall include specimen weld details representative of the actual construction which
shall be welded in a manner simulating the most unfavorable conditions liable to occur in the
particular fabrication% @here primers are to be applied to the work prior to fabrication! they
shall be applied to the sample material before the procedure trials are made% *fter welding the
specimens shall be held at a temperature not less than 3:N for a period of not less than A9
hours and shall then be sectioned and e.amined for cracks and other defects%
The following groups of tests as per BS A:7 shall be carried out in accordance with +lause
BiA &Ctt "el5s
Transverse tensile test
Transverse and longitudinal bend tests
Separate tests shall be performed in each case with the root of the weld in
tension and compression respectively%
+harpy <6notch impact tests BS >;8:
Macro e.amination test
BiiA Fillet "el5s
)illet weld fracture test
Macro e.amination test
B=A %se of $le2tro5es
(lectrodes and shall be used in accordance with the manufacturerCs instructions%
B>A &Ctt "el5s
1nless otherwise described in the contract! all butt welds shall be complete penetration welds
made between prepared fusion faces%
- 3>
0n the fabrication of built6up assemblies! all butt welds in each component part shall be
completed! whenever possible! before the final assembly%
The position of welds re/uired for temporary attachments shall be agreed by the (ngineer
before the work commences%
@here automatic or semi6automatic process are used back gouging of deposited weld shall
not be re/uired where the (ngineer is satisfied that the root run is free from imperfection%
@here butt welds are to be ground flush! there shall be no loss of parent metal% The final
grinding shall be in the direction described in the contract%
Strud shear connector shall be welded in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions%
0n butt joints the root edges or root faces shall not be out of alignment by more than :%39?
times the thickness of the thinner material for material up to 39mm thick or by more than 9mm
for thicker material%
'e/uirements for ,run6on, and run6off, plates shall be as followsI
a5 Bne pair of run6on plates and one pair of run6off plates all prepared to the same
thickness and profile as the parent metal shall be attached by clamps to the start and
finish respectively of all butt welds% 1nless otherwise re/uired by the (ngineer!
appro.imately 3 in ? pairs of run6off plates! for butt welds in tension flanges and 3 in
3: pairs for other butt welds! shall be production test plates% The combined siHe of
each pair of production test plates shall be either 99?mm! ;::mm or ;A?mm wide ^
9::mm long as shown in Table 99%9 the length being measured in the rolling direction
of the metal and at right angles to the weld%
Material +ombined siHe 4per pair5 of run6off production test plates
"lates up to
;:mm thick
"lates from ;:mm to
A?mm thick
"lates over A?mm thick
0S6373? ;::.9:: ;A? . 9:: SiHes to be agreed by the (ngineer
b5 Butt welds shall run the full length of the joint and e.tend at full weld profile for a
minimum distance of 9?mm into the run6off plates! and for a minimum distances of
9::mm! 9A?mm! ;?:mm respectively into the 99?mm ^ 9::mm ^ 9::mm run6off
production test plates%
c5 Bn completion of the welds the run6off production test plates shall not be removed
until they have been marked in a manner agreed by the (ngineer to identify them with
the joints to which they are attached%
d5 @hen removing the run6on and run6off plates by flame cutting the cuts shall not be
nearer than ?mm to the sides of the parent metal and the remaining metal shall be
removed by grinding or other method agreed by the (ngineer%
e5 Specimens for the following tests to be carried out in accordance with +lause 893
shall be selected from the run6off production test plates by the (ngineerI
i% Transverse tensile test4s5I The number of test shall be sufficient to cover the full
thickness of plate!
ii% Transverse bend test
B-+A Cam8er
Main girders shall be fabricated to the cambers shown on the &rawing% "lates shall be
prepared to produce a profile which appro.imates to a parabolic curve! from the supports to
the midspan point of the girder%
-,+< FI$! $R$CTION R$:%IR$M$NTS
B-A Han5lin6 an5 Stora6e of Materials
Structural metals shall be carefully unloaded manually or by means of suitable e/uipment so
as to avoid damage to the materials or their painted surfaces% 1nder no circumstances shall
structural steel be dropped or skidded off cars or vehicles! nor shall it be dragged over the
ground% Beams and girders shall be transported and handled in upright position% "in holes! or
other field connection holes! shall not be used as places for ,hook6on,%
- 3?
Material not to be placed directly in the structure shall be stored above probable high water!
on skids or platforms in a manner that will prevent distortion in the members or the
accumulation of water or dirt on such members% Beams and girders shall be stored in an
upright position and securely stored% "rovision shall be made to protect all metals against
*ll damaged metals shall be rejected
B*A Preparation for &earin6 Area
Before placing column bases! bed plates or shoes and the bearing shall be prepared to
proper elevation%
B9A Strai6Dtenin6 &ent Metal
Straightening of bends in main structural members shall not be permitted in the field% Such
members shall be returned to the fabricator for proper repair or replacement%
Bent material shall be straightened! to the satisfaction of the (ngineer and under his direct
supervision! before such material is incorporated into the structure%
The straightening of bends shall be done by methods that will not produce embrittlement!
fracture or damage% *ll material shall be straightened cold when practicable% o plated!
galvaniHed! enameled! heat treated aluminum and similar metals shall be heated% @hen
metals of these types can not be satisfactorily straightened cold! they shall be returned to the
fabricator for repair or replacement%
Mild steel and structural grade steel may be heated when necessary to accomplish
straightening% Bther carbon steel and low alloy steels shall not be heated unless specific
approval is granted by the (ngineer% Heating and straightening shall conform to the
re/uirements of Sub6clause 99:;
4;5 4g5%
B-A General
*ll field contact surfaces! including shims! which have not been given a shop coat of paint!
shall be thoroughly cleaned and given a coat of the specified ,shop coat, paint! e.cept when
such surfaces are to be completely sealed by welding% *ssembly of Sections shall be made
while the contact paint is still plastic% *ll surfaces of metal which will be inaccessible after
erection shall be thoroughly cleaned of al_ foreign matter! spot coated and field painted in
accordance with the provisions of +lause 99:7%
0mmediately before assembly! all pins shall be thoroughly cleaned and given a coat of red
lead% The pins shall be inserted into the holes before the red lead is dry and the pin nuts are
drawn tight% The e.posed threads shall be effectively burred or checked at the face of the nut%
)abricated Sections which have been assembled! reamed! and match marked in the shop
shall be erected in e.act conformity with such match marks% The interchanging of parts shall
not be permitted%
Steel structures shall be assembled to correct line and elevation before any welding is
B*A TrCsses
Truss spans! e.cept those portions erected by the cantilever method! shall be erected on
blocks so placed as to provide re/uired camber% The camber shall be secured by adjusting all
panel points to the elevations as shown in the plan or as directed by the (ngineer%
+are shall be taken that trusses are in perfect alignment and that all milled ends of
compression members are in full contact% The spans must be fully erected! including all
portals! laterals! struts and sways! and all field connections! e.cept connection for stringers!
rails and e.pansion devices! shall be securely drift pinned and bolted before any of these is
permitted% 0n case of cantilever spans! the (ngineer may permit welding portions of the
anchor spans before the cantilever arms are completely erected%
B9A Simple Gir5ers
Simple girder and beam spans shall be accurately set to s/uare or skew as re/uired in the
&rawing! with all diaphragms drift pinned and bolted in place before field welding is permitted%
Truss! girder or beam spans designed continuous over supports shall be completely erected
before any welding is permitted%
- 38
1nless otherwise provided in the contract! suspended spans shall not be erected until the
adjoining spans are completely erected% o welding shall be permitted until the erection is
)or continuous or cantilever spans! the number of fitting6up bolts and drift pins re/uired shall
be determined by the (ngineer for the stresses developed in the various joints during
erection% &rift pins and bolts shall be used in e/ual proportions and shall be located as to hold
effectively the joint members in close contact and in correct position during all welding
(rection washers not less than ? mm in thickness and not less than ?: mm in diameter shall
be used with all erection bolts%
B;A "el5in6
+onnections to be welded shall be held in tight contact by means of bolts and clamps before
welding and the welding shall conform to the re/uirements of +lause 99:8%
B/A &olte5 Conne2tions
+ontact surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust! mill scale! dirt! grease! paint lac/uer! or
other foreign material before assembly% *ll bolts shall be installed with a hardened washer
under nut or bolt head whichever is the element turned in tightening% Bolts may be tightened
by any method to the re/uired tension% The tor/ue value needed to develop the re/uired bolt
tension shall be determined by the (ngineer% Bolt tension shall be checked at locations
determined by the (ngineer in the presence of the +ontractor and in such manner that the
(ngineer can read the tor/ue gauge% Bther methods of determining bolt tension may be used!
provided the prior approval of the (ngineer is obtained in writing% uts shall be positioned
whenever practicable on the side of the member which will not be visible from the traveled
way% uts for bolt which can be partially bedded in concrete shall be positioned on the side of
the member that will be encased in concrete% Bolts up to 8mm larger in diameter of those
shown in the &rawing may be used provided that the re/uired clearance and edge distances
are not reduced below those re/uired for the larger bolt%
B-A Preparation of SCrfa2es to Re2eive Paint
Before paint is applied to any surface other than metal6coated surfaces the appropriate
surface preparations as described in the contract shall be carried out in accordance with the
BaA &are Metal SCrfa2es
Blast cleaning shall be carried out in accordance with BS>9;9 to the /uality of
surface finish as described in the contract% The ma.imum grade of abrasive permitted
shall be as specified in Table 9 of BS>9;9% on6metallic abrasives shall not be
permitted% The abrasive used for blasting shall be free from contamination and any
recovered material shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the (ngineer before re6use%
The ma.imum amplitude 4peak to trough5 of the blast6cleaned surface shall not
e.ceed :%3: mm% Surfaces shall be protected within the following time of having been
blast cleaned I
9 hours if humidity in air is Y =?O
> hours if humidity in air is Y A?O
8 hours if humidity in air is Y 8:O
* sample blast6cleaned steel panel measuring not less than 3?: mm . 3?: mm . 8
mm ade/uately protected by sealed clean polythene wrapping shall be submitted to
(ngineer for approval before any work is put in hand% The approved sample shall
then be retained by the (ngineer's inspectors for comparison with the prepared
B8A Me2Dani2al Cleanin6@
Mechanical cleaning shall be carried out by power6driven tools! such as carborundum
grinding discs! chipping hammers and needle guns! followed by steel6wire brushing
and dusting to remove all loosened material% (.cessive brushing of the metal through
prolonged application of rotary wire brushes shall be avoided% Surfaces shall be
- 3A
protected within the time as specified above in Sub6clause 99:7 435 4a5 after they are
mechanically cleaned%
B2A "el5s an5 Areas Affe2te5 8y "el5in6
1nless otherwise described in the contract! welds and surfaces which have been
affected by welding shall be prepared for painting by the same process as described
in the contract for the adjoining metal%
B5A Painte5 SCrfa2es
"ainted surfaces shall be cleaned of all dust immediately prior to the application of
further paint% *ny loose paint and rust shall be removed% *reas contaminated by oil
and grease shall be cleaned with white spirit% @here re/uired by the (ngineer! the
whole surface shall then be cleaned by washing down with a solution of an approved
li/uid detergent followed by rinsing with clean fresh water and allowed to dry
thoroughly before paint is applied%
B*A Treatment of SCrfa2es
BaA Hi6D Stren6tD Fri2tion Grip &olt Interfa2es
The treatment of interfaces to be jointed by high strength friction grip bolts shall be as
described in the contract% "aint work shall be stopped off at a distance of A? mm from
the joints and all interfaces shall be cleaned by wire brushing before assembly%
B8A %ntreate5 SCrfa2es
Steel work surfaces which will have concrete cast against them shall be left
unpainted% The surfaces shall be thoroughly wire brushed to remove loose rust! mill
scale and surface contamination%
B9A Stora6e of Paint
"aint shall be stored in sealed containers in a lock6up store in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions% "aint which has not been used within the ,shelf life, period
specified on the containers or within 39 months of the date of manufacture! whichever is the
lesser! shall not be used%
"aint from painter's kettles shall be returned to store at the end of each working period where
it shall be kept in a sealed container% Before it is re6issued for use it shall be thoroughly mi.ed
and no fresh paint or thinners shall be added%
B;A Appli2ation of paint
*ll paint shall be supplied from the store to the painters ready for application% The addition of
thinners or of any other material shall be thereafter prohibited% *ny instructions given by the
paint manufacturer shall be strictly followed%
*ll painting shall be carried out by skilled painters under competent supervision% "aint shall be
applied to dry surfaces which have been prepared in accordance with Sub6clause 99:7 435%
The interval between preparation of the metal surface and the application of the first priming
coat of paint shall be in accordance with the relevant re/uirements of Sub6clause 99:7435%
"aint shall not be applied under the following conditionsI
a5 @hen the ambient temperature falls below >N+ or the relative humidity rises above
7:N e.cept if otherwise stated in the manufacturer's instructions%
b5 &uring rain or mist%
c5 @hen condensation has occurred or is likely to occur on the steel%
(ach coat of paint shall be applied by the method instructed by the manufacturer to produce a
continuous film paint of uniform and even thickness% *s soon as the first priming coat has
dried! an e.tra stripe coat of paint shall be applied by brush to edges! corners! crevices! bolt
heads and welds! using paint of similar composition to the subse/uent undercoat! but in a
contrasting shade% Successive coats shall have different shades for identification and each
coat shall be thoroughly dry before the application of a further coat%
The total dry paint film thickness of the paint system on bare steel surfaces and on metal
coated surfaces shall be as described in the contract% The dry paint film shall be measured by
(lcometer or other instrument approved by the (ngineer%
0n order to obtain the dry film thickness specified! the +ontractor shall ensure that the
coverage rate given by the paint manufacturer shall enable this thickness to be attained%
- 3=
@et film thickness gauges may be used for checking but shall not be permitted as a means of
predicting the dry film thickness%
1nless otherwise agreed by the (ngineer the paint system applied at the works shall be
applied under cover! in controlled conditions! at the fabricator's works% Bne undercoat plus
one finishing coat shall be applied at Site within the time limit stipulated by the paint
o paint shall be used after the e.piration of the ,pot6life, stipulated by the manufacturer% The
paints of e.pired ,pot life, shall not be mi.ed with fresh paint or have thinners added to them%
B/A Stora6e of Painte5 Steel4or3
"ainted steel work which is to be stored prior to erection shall be kept clear of the ground and
shall be laid or stacked in an orderly manner that will ensure that no water or dirt can
accumulate on the surfaces% Suitable packing shall be laid between the layers of stacked
materials% @here cover is provided! it shall be ventilated%
"rime painted steelwork which is to be stored out6doors or transported prior to fabrication
shall not be e.posed for periods longer than the following! before being overcoatedI
Blast primers 63 coat Ma.imum = weeks! including 9 weeks of this time out6doors%
B,A Repairs to 5ama6e5 SCrfa2es@
*reas of paint which have been damaged during handling! storing! loading and off6loading!
transportation! erection and construction shall be cleaned to bare metal! and the edges of the
undamaged paint leveled with sandpaper%
The full specified painting system shall then be re6applied and the new paint shall overlap the
e.isting paint by at least ?: mm all round the affected area%
B<A Paintin6 of Joints
*s soon as possible after joints have been made and passed by the (ngineer the parent and
joint material! e.posed parts of bolts! nuts and washers! weld and weld affected areas shall
be prepared as stated in the contract and brought up to the same state of painting as the
adjoining surfaces%
B=A Paintin6 MetDo5s
+oat of paint in a system of painting shall be applied each by one of the following methodsI
a5 Brush
b5 'oller 4for shop painting only5! supplemented by brush where necessary
c5 *ir pressure spraying
d5 *irless spraying
B>A Prote2tive systems
The +ontractor shall furnish the (ngineer with duplicate copies of the manufacturer's data
sheets for the paints he proposes to use% )ollowing the (ngineer's written instruction the
re/uirements of the paint manufacturer's data sheets shall be adopted for the @orks%
@here called for by the (ngineer the +ontractor shall carry out paint application procedure
trials! either at the fabricator's works or at Site as appropriate! with the e/uipment and labor to
be used in the works% The +ontractor shall supply suitable blast cleaned steel and sufficient
paint for the trials and must demonstrate his ability to apply each coat of paint of a designated
paint system in accordance with the Specification and the paint manufacturer's data sheet% o
painting of the contract steelwork shall be permitted until the procedure trials have been
completed to the satisfaction of the (ngineer% *ny adjustment to the registered paint
formulation shown to be re/uired by the trials! other than an increase in the amount of
thinners! must be agreed by the (ngineer and made at the paint manufacturer's works before
the final stage of a paint procedure trial and before delivery of the first batch of paint%
*ll re/uirements of the paint manufacturer's data sheets shall be complied with% "aint shall be
supplied from the +ontractor's paint store to the painters ready for application! the only
adjustment of formulation being as provided in paragraph 9 above% *ny addition of thinners
must be made in the store under the supervision of the (ngineer and only as allowed under
the manufacturer data%
BaA SCperstrC2tCre Steel4or3
BiA Steel4or3 Mem8ers
- 37
Surface preparation at works I Blast clean to 0st /uality 4including joint areas5
"aintingI as shown on the following TableI
"ainting at
+oat "aint Method of application
3st Tinc +hromateG'ed B.ide
Blast "rimer
*irless Spray
4Stripe to edges etc%5
9nd ;rd >th
Tinc "hosphate epo.y ester
undercoat *s Stripe +oat
*s Stripe +oat *s Stripe +oat
Brush 4*irless Spray grade
*irless Spray *irless Spray
*irless Spray
*t site ?th Micaceous 0ron B.ide
"henolicGtung oil undercoat
8th Micaceous 0ron B.ide
"henolicGtung oil )inish &ark
BiiA Hi6D Stren6tD Fri2tion Grip &olte5 Joints
a@ Cover Plates
Surfaces preparation at worksI Blast clean to 3 st /uality BSA:A7%
"ainting at works 4e.cluding I Bne coat! Tinc +hromateG'ed B.ide
contact surfaces5 Blast primer applied by *irless
Surface "reparation at site I Before assembly! wire brush contact
surfaces by hand%
*fter assembly! wire brush works coat of
blast primer%
"ainting at site 4after bolting5 I +oats 3! Stripe and 9 to 8 as 4i5 above but all
applied by brush and coat within > hours of
wire brushing works blast primer%
Minimum total dry film thickness at stripe
coated areasI 9?: micron%
8@ Conta2t SCrfa2es of Steel4or3 Mem8ers
Surface preparation Before assembly! mask around contact
at siteI surface apply paint stripper and scrape off works
coat of blast primer% @ash off stripper and wire brush
by hand when dry%
8@ &olts) NCts an5 "asDers
*t siteI 'emove oil than prepare surfaces and paint
as for cover plates above%
BiiiA Paintin6 System for Repairs to !ama6e5 SCrfa2es
+oats 3! Stripe 4if relevant5 and 9 to 8 as above but all applied by brush
- 9:
B8A Parapets an5 GCar5?rails
Surface "reparationI "ickling
Metal +oating I Hot6dip galvaniHing Minimum weight of galvaniHing
383: gGmR or minimum thickness =? micron%
B-+A Metal Coatin6s
1nless otherwise specified by the (ngineer procedures for applying metal coatings shall be in
accordance with the following I6
4a5 BSA97 "art 3I Hot6dip GalvaniHed +oatings
"art 9I Sherardised +oatings
Metal coatings to BS A97 shall only be applied to components of a tensile strength up to and
including that of General Grade HS)G bolts unless specified by the (ngineer%
4b5 BS9?87 "art 3 Sprayed metal +oatings 4Tinc and *luminum5% The nominal thickness
of coatings to be 3:: micron%
4c5 BS;;=9 I "art 3 and 9% (lectroplated +oatings on Threaded +omponents4 +admium
and Hinc5% This British Standard shall be deemed to cover the electroplating of
components up to and including ;8mm diameter% The minimum thickness of coating
to be ? micron%
@here a metal coating is re/uired only on part of an assembled Section it shall be applied
before the rest of the Section receives its priming cot%
B--A $t2D Primers an5 &last Primers
(tch primers and blast primers shall be suitable for continuous spray application% They shall
not be used on phosphated steel nor shall they be overcoated with Hinc rich primers%
-,-+ M$AS%R$M$NT
The structural steel shall be measured in ton and shall be based on the net weight of metal in
the fabricatedGerected structure computed on the basis of nominal weight of the elements%
@hile computing the weight! the specific gravity of steel shall be adopted A%=? ton per cubic
meter% The weight shall be determined from the dimensions shown on the &rawing% The
weight so measured shall be inclusive of weld fillets and weight of protective coatings! if any%
*ll operations like cutting! bending! straightening! heat and cold treatments! machining!
temporary and permanent erections! connections! bolts! nuts and washers! welding! painting
and protection against corrosion and other ancillary and incidental operations shall be
deemed included in the weight of the steel structure as measured above%
-,-- PAYM$NT
The structural steel as measured shall be paid at the contract unit rate which shall be the full
and the final compensation to the +ontractor as per +lause 339 and also for the cost of all
operations re/uired for fabrication! connections! oiling! painting! temporary erection!
inspection! tests and final erection including all other ancillary and incidental works needed to
complete the work as per these Specifications andGor directed by the (ngineer%
- 93
-<++ M$TA "OR#
Generally all materials shall be the best of their respective kinds! free from defects! and to be obtained
from approved manufactures% *ll work shall be carried out in a workman like manner and strictly as
directed by the "roject (ngineer% The materials in all stages of transportation! handling and storage
shall be kept clean! free from injury and breaking! bending and distortion prevented%
*ll smith's work shall be forged clean from the anvil! all screwed work shall have full internal and
e.ternal threads%
Balustrades! etc%! shall be well framed together and all connections properly fitted! shouldered! drilled!
tapped and screwed together with set screws counter sunk flush with the surface where indicated%
@elded joints shall be neatly made! filed smooth and left clean and ade/uate means shall be
employed for temporarily fastening the parts to be welded together until the joints are welded%
ails! Spikes and Bolts shall be of approved manufacture and best /uality mild steel or wrought iron
of lengths and weights approved by the "roject (ngineer%
ails shall comply with the relevant British or 0ndian standard Specification%
B-A "in5o4s an5 Frames
@indows shall not be forced into openings which are out of s/uare or too small% The windows
shall be secured at head jamb and sill! and care shall be taken that windows shall be secured
distorted when screwing up to lugs and screws% @indows shall be grouted with cement
mortar into the prepared openings and joints between building openings and window frames
shall be caulked with mastic cement obtained from the window manufactures%
B*A &Cil5in6 in
1nless otherwise described! all items of metal work shall include for ,building in, to concrete
or walling etc% and for ,making good, finishing thereto%
B-A Material
These shall be fabricated from 3? micron natural or color anodiHed *luminum profiles
conforming to 0SI A;;637=;%
The glaHing glass shall be clear 0*G float glass or e/uivalent without any distortion%
The window shall be made out of e.truded aluminum section 4*l% Mg% Si%5 and shall conform
to 0S ` 8;>::! **68:8; unless otherwise directed% *luminum sections shall be anodiHed and
the anodic film shall be 3963? microns% The colors shall be as directed% The 96; tracks on
outer frame of standard siHe otherwise directed shall be fi.ed in the position by using heavy
duty plastic grips with necessary plugs and fillers% *ll the sliding shutters shall be provided
with two ball bearing rollers and ratting piecesGguides one each at the top and bottom!
weather strips all around% Bpenable window shall be double weather stripped! one strip shall
be provided in outer frame and outer shall be in the shutter frame% The hinges or stay hinges
of openable window shall be strong% "in of the hinges shall be of non6corroding materials!
preferably nylonGsteel% *ll the joints shall be mechanically fi.ed% *ll the window shutter shall be
provided with special locking arrangement% Glass shall be fi.ed in the shutter by means of
rubber gaskets%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The sliding window frames are of two6track design and the shutters are to be jointed by
special cleats for e.tra strength% 'ollers mounted on ball bearings are to be fitted to obtain
smooth operation% The sliding shutters shall have provisions for grooves for weather strips to
e.clude wind! water or dust ingress% The shutters are glaHed with >mm thick approved /uality
and clear transparent glass using gaskets of ethylene6 propylene or "<+ 4("&MG "<+5% The
doorframe shall be made of aluminum e.trusion as per design% The ventilator frames with
fi.ed glass shall be of same dimension as the sliding two6track frame% The frames and
shutters are to be fabricated by using the crimping method of corner jointing% +orners of
frames are to be miter cut on high speed T+T saw machines to give burr free corners% Sturdy
corner cleats should hold the frames with only a hairline corner joint visible and the frames
should be s/uareG rectangular and free from distortions% The frames shall be firmly secured to
the walls in line and level% Bnly aluminum screws shall be used for joining and no welding will
- 3
be allowed% The joint between the frame and the plaster on walls! sill and lintel beam shall be
filled with silicon sealant% The aluminum windowsG ventilatorsG doors shall be free from
scratches and other visible defects%
The frames are fi.ed to the wall with plastic grips and steel screws of suitable color%
B9A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m
of works as specified%
B;A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-<+* MI! ST$$ FO!$! !OOR AN! "IN!O"S FRAM$ AN! SH%TT$RS
B-A Materials
Specifications and +odesI *ll work shall conform to relevant 0ndianG British or *merican
Standard specifications and codes of practice for materials! methods and practices%
3% *ll metals shall be free from defects impairing strength durability or appearance and
shall be of best commercial /uality for each intended purpose%
9% )astenings! which are e.posed! shall be of the same materials! color and finish the
metal to which they are applied! unless otherwise shown on the &rawings! or
specified% *ll items employed with galvaniHed iron and steel shall be galvaniHed
ferrous metal%
;% SteelI Mild steel shall comply with B%S% 3?! where a guaranteed yield stress is
re/uired and shall comply with B%S% ;A:8 Grade `0 for other general uses where a
guaranteed yield stress is not re/uired that rolled sections shall comply with B%S% or
Mild rolled steel sectionsG frames for windows! doors etc% shall be as B%S% 77:I "t9I
37A9 or B%S%3A=A! 37?3 or 0S 9:8963789% "ressed steel sections 2 frames for
windows! doors 2 ventilators shall comply with 0S >;?3 37A8%
>% Sheet SteelI Shall conform to the re/uirement of British Standard Specifications%
?% )ilter Metal for @eldingI @elding electrodes for manual shielded metal are welding
shall conform to British Standard Specification%
8% &etails and SpecificationI of accessory items for which standard products are
available are representative guides to re/uirements for such items Standard products
generally meeting such e/uipments will be accepted! if details of construction and
installation are approved of the consultant%
Paintin6 an5 Prote2tion7
3% *ll ferrous metal surfaces! e.cept pre6finished galvaniHed items and those obviously
not to be painted! shall before leaving the shop or manufacturing plant! be cleaned of
all scale! rust! grease and other foreign matter and shall be given one 435 thorough
step coat on all surfaces! of an approved primer of red lead until and unless changed!
ready and compatible for finish painting at the building site under painting Section%
"rimer shall be compatible with materials to be used infield painting and shall be used
directly from factory6labeled containers% Touch6up damaged and abraded spots after
installation using same paint% Steel fully embedded in concrete shall be left unpainted%
3% *ll work shall be e.ecuted by e.perienced mechanics and shall conform to details! be
clean and straight with sharply defined profiles% 1nless otherwise particularly noted!
finished surfaces shall have smooth finish%
9% +urved work shall be formed to true radius and punching shall be done cleanly so as
not to deform or mar adjacent surfaces%
;% Shop connections shall be welded or rivaled and field connections bolted unless
otherwise indicated% 1se flat6head counter6sunk rivets finished flush where riveted
connections are e.posed to view in finished work% Bolts shall be turned up tight and
threads deformed to prevent loosening%
>% +astings shall be sound and free from warp! holes and other defects that impair
strength and appearance% (.posed surfaces shall have a smooth finish with sharp
- 9
well6defined lines and arises% Machined joints shall be milled to a close fit% "rovide all
necessary logs! brackets and similar items so that work can be assembled and
installed in a neat! substantial manner%
?% )langes shall be concealed where pre thickness of metalG metal sheets and sheets
and details of assembly and support shall be such as to provide sample strength and
8% "rovide holes and connections as re/uired to accommodate the work of other trades
and for site assembly of metal work% Holes shall be drilled or punched and reamed in
the shop%
A% Foints and connections e.posed to weather shall be formed to e.clude water%
=% *ll materials and workmanship under this section shall be subject to inspection in the
mill! shop and field by the consultants%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
&oors! windows! ventilators and other frames re/uired for glaHingG shutter shall be out
of high strength aluminum or steel as described above% *ll samples are to be approved by the
consultant prior to! and the units shall not be forced into opening which are out of
s/uare or too small% The doors! windows and ventilators shall be secured at head jamb and
sill! and care shall be taken that the units are not distorted when screwing up to lugs and screws% )rames shall be grouted with cement mortar into the prepared openings and
joints and the frames shall be caulked with mastic cementG synthetic resin obtained from the
window manufacturers! or as approved and specified% Metal doors! windows and ventilators
shall be provided with one shop coat of rust inhibitive paint and three coats of enamel or
aluminum paint upon installation% Metal windows shall be installed in masonry or concrete
with steel holdfasts in an approved manner and shall be installed in plumb line 2 level%
i% (ach window shall be complete including anchors! clips! bolts! mullions! hardware
and attachments re/uired%
ii% &rips and weep holes shall be provided%
iii% Mullion covers shall be provided for mullion%
iv% Bpenable sections of windows shall be watertight and water stripped%
v% *ll glaHed panels shall be provided with glaHing arrangements with clips! beads or
other approved method% Glass shall be as per specification and conform to 0SI 9=;?6
37AA% "utty for shall not be less than 3=?gms per meter of glass per meter%
Steel &oor and @indows )rames shall be made from M%S% Steel sheet of 3=G and shutter
from 9:G M%S% Steel sheet folded to the shape as shown in drawing% The bending joints are
welded smoothly and grinded to form the same surface as the section and shall be in perfect
line and level% &oors and @indows shall not be forced into openings! which are out of s/uare
or too small% The doors and windows shall be secured by three holdfast in each side if
re/uired on the top and bottom! and care shall be taken that doors and windows shall not be
distorted when screwing up to lugs and screws% &oors and @indows shall be grouted in
M3? +oncrete at hold fast point into the prepared openings and joints between building
)or each doorframe! sal wood timber of 9?:mmLinternal section shape shall be fi.ed at each
hinge location%
@elded joints shall be free from slag! neatly made! filed and grinded smooth and left clean
and ade/uate means shall be employed for temporarily fastening the parts to be welded
together until the joints are welded% *ll welding scrape shall be removed before painting
The (ngineer 0n6charge shall of 0ndian manufacture and best /uality mild steel or wrought iron
of lengths and weights approve nails! Spikes and Bolts%
ails shall comply with the relevant British or 0ndian standard specification%
Building in unless otherwise described! all items of metal work shall include for Kbuilding in[ to
concrete or walling etc% and for Kmaking good[ finishing thereto%
B9A Testin6
The (ngineer 0n6charge shall be at liberty at all reasonable times to enter the site of the
works! or any other premises in which the work in being prepared for the purpose of
- ;
inspection% *ny work found defective or which is not in accordance with the drawings or the
specification! engineer in charge shall reject and such defective work shall be at once make
good at the contractorCs e.penses%
B;A MeasCrement
Measurement of works will be made in m9 of works as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified
-<+9 MI! ST$$ GRI
B-A Material
The Mild steel grills are fabricated from the Mild Steel flat! angle and channels conforming to
the BS 3? or e/uivalent% The welding shall be butt6welding conforming to sub clause 3A:%3
The grips are of plastic or metal% The screws shall be steel screws%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The mild steel grill shall be made according to pattern given as per drawing% @elded joints
shall be neatly made! filled smooth and left clean! the consultant is to be informed when the
welded work is ready for inspection and any such work must be left unprimed until the
consultants gives his approval% The contractor shall furnish at his own e.penses all necessary
tools and all materials! which he may re/uire for the safe erection of the work and remove the
same when the work is completed% The contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage
doe to the structure during erection and any member! which has been bent or otherwise
distorted either before or during erection! shall be straightened or replaced in an approved
manner at his own e.penses% The grillwork shall be finished with two coats of red lead
followed by three coats of aluminum or enamel paint and fi.ed in the opening! as per
instructions of the consultants%
The grills are fi.ed to window opening by plastic grips with steel screws firmly to the faces of
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The erected fencing shall deform any post and wires shall be straight with out sagging%
B;A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma of opening in vertical plan completed as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-<+; MI! ST$$ COAPSI&$ GAT$
The Mild steel collapsible gates are fabricated from the Mild Steel flat! angle and channels conforming
to the BS 3? or e/uivalent% The welding shall be butt6welding conforming to relevant clause of this
The grips are of plastic or metal% The screws shall be steel screws%
The gate is primed with two coats of red lead primer%
The gate is painted with two coat of enamel or bituminous aluminum paint as specified in the BBD! to
get uniform painted surfaces%
B-A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma of opening in vertical plan completed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-<+/ MI! ST$$ MAIN GAT$
- >
The Mild steel gates are fabricated from the Mild Steel flat! angle and channels conforming to the BS
3? or e/uivalent% The welding shall be butt6welding conforming relevant clause of this specification
The grips are of plastic or metal% The screws shall be steel screws% The gate shall of steel sheet
conforming to BS 3? or e/uivalent of 9:G%
The gate is primed with two coats of red lead primer%
The gate is painted with two coat of enamel of bituminous aluminum paint to get uniform painted
B-A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma of opening in vertical plan completed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
The +attle Traps are built before the gates to prevent cattle entering the compound% The cattle trap
consist of A?mm B ,Heavy +lass, GalvaniHed pipes laid in parallel at the interval 3?:mm center to
center% These pipes are embedded in the concrete works%
B-A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in m of pipe laid completed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
-<+< MI! ST$$ MAIN GAT$
The Mild steel grills are fabricated from the Mild Steel flat! angle and channels conforming to the BS
3? or e/uivalent% The welding shall be butt6welding conforming to sub clause 3A:%3
The grips are of plastic or metal% The screws shall be steel screws% The gate shall of steel sheet
conforming to BS 3? or e/uivalent of 9:G%
The gate is primed with two coats of red lead primer%
The gate is painted with two coat of enamel of bituminous aluminum paint to get uniform painted
B-A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma of opening in vertical plane completed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
- ?
-=++ MISC$AN$O%S "OR#S
-=+- H%M$ PIP$S
B-A Material
'++ pipes will be used for culverts to collect water from side drains%
'++ pipe 7:: mm in diameter and its collar will be factory made and will conform to "akistan
Standard% The pipes shall be of heavy6duty non6pressure class and made of reinforced
concrete% The ends of pipes shall be suitable for collar joints% +oncrete used for
manufacturing pipes will have minimum compressive strength of >7 Gmma at 9= days in
works tests% "ipes shall be straight and free from cracks% The ends of the pipes shall be
s/uare with their longitudinal so that when placed in a straight line in the trench! no
opening between ends in contact shall e.ceed ; to 8 mm% The outside and inside surfaces of
the pipes shall be smooth! dense and hard and shall not be coated with cement wash or other
preparation unless otherwise directed% They will also be free from local bends or bulges
e.ceeding ; mm in depth and e.ceeding over a length in any direction greater than 39: to
9:: mm% The deviation from straight in any pipe throughout its entire length tested by means
of a rigid straight edge parallel to the longitudinal of the pipe shall not e.ceed ; mm per
meter run% Foints shall be made of concrete M3?G;A%?%
Bther material re/uired includes M3?G;A%? for pipe haunches and bed! emulsion and jute for
pipe connection%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cre
*ctivities involved include supply of specified factory made pipes! collars! jute! and emulsion
and transportation% Hume pipe shall be placed on a prepared bed of 3:: mm thick M3?:G;A%?
concrete bed% "ipe segments shall be connected by applying jute soaked in emulsion to
render it water tight and pushed into connection% The joints shall then be cleaned and
concreted such that the minimum thickness of the concrete from the edge of the pipe shall not
less than 3?: mm% The (ngineer shall specify the lines and levels re/uired in the trench for
laying of pipe%
The top of the home pipe shall be hunched for protection%
Testing +ontrol
The +ontractor shall submit a sample of above '++ pipe along with the factory certificate for
the approval of the (ngineer% The factory certificate shall include testing details along with
reinforcement! concrete strength and /uality assurance of whole work%
B9A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in linear meters of pipe laid completed as specified%
+ollars will not be measured separately%
B;A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
Materials re/uired are indigenous grass slips either from nurseries or collected from other land in the
*ctivities involved are setting out! selection and supply of grass slips wit roots and shoots longer than
3:: mm! making ade/uate holes at specified distance and of specified pattern! planting of grass slips!
pressing holes from the sides! compaction of loose material! watering of plants and leveling of the
B-A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma completed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
- 3
complete the works as specified%
-=+9 &AR&$! "IR$ F$NCING ON TIM&$R PO$S7
B-A Material
The barbed wire fences shall be two6strand galvaniHed barbed wire 4Minimum of 3::gmGm95
over the Mild steel wires of re/uired diameter should be used for fencing% The Mild Steel
should conform BS 3? or e/uivalent%
The concrete in concrete post shall conform to the design drawings%
B*A ConstrC2tion Pro2e5Cres
The concrete posts are erected over the foundation% The barbed wire is tightened to the post
in the hooks% * tension not e.ceeding >:: kgGm9 is applied while erecting the wires in layers
as per the design% *t the end diagonal bracing shall be made%
B9A Testin6 an5 Inspe2tion
The erected fencing shall deform any post and wires shall be straight with out sagging%
B;A MeasCrement
The above work shall be measured in ma of fence in vertical plan above the foundation
completed as specified%
B/A Payment
"ayment for the work will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
This work shall be re/uired to prepare M3?G;A%? reinforced cement concrete precast units of drains
and slab covers for channels or for other works specified by the (ngineer% These works shall be done
at locations that allow proper inspection%
Duality of materials for concrete works! form works and reinforcing bars will be according to the
relevant +lauses of this Specification%
"recast works shall be made true to the dimensions as shown on the &rawings or as directed by the
(ngineer% They must be transported safely without damage from place of fabrication to the site
designated by the (ngineer and stacked properly for use% *ny defectsGdamages to the precast works
during transport shall be rectified and made good at +ontractor's costs%
"recast elements shall be handled! placed and fi.ed in position as directed by the (ngineer% (lements
shall be connected and fi.ed in position by cement sand mortar of 3I>%
The tolerance of dimensions and installation shall be W 9 mm%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of works under this Sub6+lause will be made in numbers of elements
fabricated! transported! and placed as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work under Sub6+lause 7:%? will be made from the "rovisional Sum set aside for
the purpose%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified%
The damp proof course shall consist of minimum ?cm thick 3I3%?I; cement! sand and stone aggregate
fi.ture as detailed below mi.ed with 9O of *ccoproof! 0mpermo or +ement seal by weight of cement
and painted with two coal tar paint over it% &amp proof +ourse will be provided to all walls! which do
not have tie beam above ground level as per the details of the working drawing%
+ement shall be fresh "ortland cement confirming to 0S 3?I987% Sand shall be clean coarse of ?mm
siHe and down free from mica and clay% Stone aggregate shall be hard and tough of 39%mm siHe well
graded and free from dust and dirt% @ater proofing compound other than *ccoproof! 0mpermo or
+ement seal may be used after obtaining permission from the site6in `charge regarding the
acceptability of the compound and /uantity re/uired for desired result%
+ement shall be thoroughly mi.ed with re/uired 9Oby weight of waterproofing compound! and then
- 9
mi.ed dry with the re/uired volume of sand to make a proportion of 3I9% The cement sand mi. shall
then be thoroughly mi.ed dry with stone aggregate to maintain proportion of 3I3%?I;% +lean water shall
then be mi.ed gradually to give a plastic mi.ed of re/uired consistency% The shall be done by
turning at least three times to give uniform and homogeneous concrete%
*ll the shall be done in an impervious masonry platform%
Before lying concrete! the level of the surface of the plinth shall be checked longitudinally and
transversely% *ll joints shall be racked and surfaces moisten by pouring clean water on it% The inside of
the formwork shall be covered with polyethylene sheet so as to make water6 tight joint between the
formwork and the concrete%
+oncrete shall be laid uniformly by tamping to make dense concrete! leveled both transversely and
The damp proof course shall be laid continuously e.cept across doorways% +onstruction joints if
unavoidable shall be given at the site of doors or wall opening% Such joints shall be sloped! and such
sloped surface shall be applied with neat cement wash before starting concerning on following days%
Hardened concrete shall be cured for 3? days% Shuttering may be removed after A9 hours%
Two coats of hot coal tar shall be applied on the cured cement concrete% The first coat shall be applied
at 3%? Sg% per s/% and the paint shall be blinded immediately with coarse sand and the surface is
tamped lightly% Second coat of hot coal tar shall be applied at the rate of 3 Sg% per s/% uniformly over
the surface% Such surface shall be immediately blinded with coarse sand and tamped lightly% Eay over
the full width of the walls and at the height shown on the drawings a mortar screed of sufficient
thickness to form a level surface and cover the screed with two coats of hot bitumen%
B-A MeasCrement
Measurement of works under Sub6+lause 7:%; will be made in mX of works as specified%
B*A Payment
"ayment for work under Sub6+lause 7:%; will be made on the basis of contract unit price
indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to
complete the works as specified under Sub6+lause 7:%;%
-=+, HO$S) PIP$S) $TC@7
The +ontractor shall be responsible for coordinating the incorporation of electrical conduits! soil and
drain pipes! blocks! chases! sleeve holes etc%! in concrete members as re/uired% The +ontractor
shall submit full details of these items to the (ngineer in6charge for approval before the work is put in
hand% +oncrete blocks may be embedded in the concrete provided that the strength or effective
cover of any part of the structure is not adversely affected or the finished work damaged by any
movement of the blocks% *ll blocks! chases! holes etc%! to be left in concrete shall be accurately
set out and cast with the concrete% o openings! chases! holes or other voids shall be cut or formed in
concrete without the approval of the (ngineer in6charge@
o measurement shall be taken for this work and the rate should be included in the concrete works%
- ;
The +ontractor shall dismantle any sound or damaged gabions as indicated in the drawings or as
ordered by the (ngineer% The resulting property shall be the property of the (mployer and all suitable
materials shall be stockpiled for reuse within a lead of ;: m as directed by the (ngineer% 1nsuitable
material shall be disposed off as directed by the (ngineer%
Gabion dismantling shall include labor! cutting of the binding wire! opening the crate! emptying the
stones! transporting the stones and dismantled gabions! stockpiling and all incidental and provisions
necessary to complete the work%
The +ontractor shall dismantle any cement masonry works as indicated in the &rawings or as ordered
by the (ngineer% The resulting material shall be the property of the (mployer and all suitable materials
shall be stockpiled for reuse purposes within a lead of ;: m as directed by the (ngineer% 1nsuitable
material shall be disposed off as directed by the (ngineer%
+ement masonry dismantling shall include use of labor and proper e/uipment! transporting!
stockpiling and all incidental and provisions necessary to complete the work%
The +ontractor shall dismantle any plain or reinforced concrete works as indicated in the &rawings or
as ordered by the (ngineer% The resulting material shall remain the property of the (mployer and all
suitable materials shall be stockpiled for reuse purposes within a lead of ;: meter% 1nsuitable material
shall be disposed off as directed by the (ngineer%
+oncreteGreinforced concrete dismantling shall include use of labor and proper e/uipment!
transporting! stockpiling and all incidental and provisions necessary to complete the work%
The +ontractor shall dismantle any dry stone masonry wall as indicated in the drawings or as
instructed by the (ngineer% The resulting material shall remain the property of the (mployer and all
suitable material shall be stockpiled for reuse purposes within a lead of ;: m as directed by the
->+/ M$AS%R$M$NT
Measurement of works in Sub6+lauses 37:3 to 37:> shall be in mX according to the average cross6
sections at various levels and corresponding lengths measured at site%
->+, PAYM$NT
"ayment for the above works will be made on the basis of contract unit price indicated in the BBD%
The payment will be full and final compensation for all material! labor! and e/uipment to complete the
works as specified%
- 3

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