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86 The Masterbu||der - www.masterbu||

Poo|ng: lndustr|a| Peport
he grow|ng domest|c construct|on |ndustry and the boom-
|ng |ndustr|a| sector are together seen as the ma|or dr|v|ng
Torces beh|nd the |ncreased demand or roo|ng products
|n lnd|a. The country has seen steady growth |n roo|ng demand
or both res|dent|a| and non-res|dent|a| app||cat|ons throughout
the recent past.
As per reports, the new res|dent|a| market w||| account or
37% o roo|ng demand growth through 2016 spurred ma|n|y on
account o susta|ned rura| demand on the back o adequate d|s-
posab|e |ncomes and government sponsored schemes. The
lnd|an government, w|th an a|m to prov|de an adequate she|ter to
the rura| poor has |ntroduced programs ||ke lnd|ra N|was Yo|na,
Go|den Jub||ee Pura| Hous|ng F|nance Scheme and Pradhan
\0 0u|eou epo|l
3C^||NO ||O!3
!me |mo|om oot|mg |mousl|y
87 www.masterbu|||n The Masterbu||der -
Poo|ng: lndustr|a| Peport
contr|bute around 11%. The segment
see|ng an |ncreas|ng demand |s meta|
roo|ng wh|ch expects to see a growth
o 30% CAGP. Th|s growth |s predom|-
nant|y seen |n deve|oped states, c|t|es
and rap|d urban|zat|on.
A|though rura| reg|ons account or a
h|gher number o houses |n lnd|a, the
roo|ng so|ut|ons opted by them are
genera||y cheaper than the|r urban
counterparts. Asbestos cement roo|ng
|nsta||ed capac|ty |s expected to w|tness
steady growth over the next |ve years.
Some o the |ead|ng p|ayers |n the |bre
cement roo|ng sector are Everest, HlL,
v|shaka and Pamco.
PCC |s w|de|y used |n lnd|a ow|ng to
|ts cost eect|veness andversat|||ty. S|nce
most structures that peop|e |nhab|t are
res|dent|a| or commerc|a| bu||d|ngs, they
go w|th re|norced cement concrete (PCC)
Meta| roo|ng as a concept was |n-
troduced a ewdecades back to rep|ace
asbestos cement pane|s. The |dea ga|-
ned ground w|th the evo|ut|on o pre-
eng|neered stee| bu||d|ngs or |ndustr|a|
manuactur|ng sectors. S|nce then, meta|
Mantr| Adarsh Gram Yo|na wh|ch are
expected to prov|de |ong-term strength
to the roo|ng market. There are est|-
mated 25 crore houses |n lnd|a o wh|ch
46% are cons|dered to be homes w|th
pucca roos and rest made o thatch
(Kuccha roo|ng) and c|ay t||es. ln rura|
areas a|one, secur|ty concerns a|ong
w|th |ncreased |ncome |eve| has |ed to
an |ncrease |n the des|re o sh|t|ng rom
kuccha house to pucca house.
On the other hand |ncreased con-
struct|on |n urban areas and |nrastruc-
ture deve|opment act|v|t|es ||ke con-
struct|on and renovat|on o a|rports,
metro ra||s, SEZs, |ndustr|a| c|t|es and lT
parks have k|ck-started the demand or
modern, e|c|ent roo|ng systems. Over-
a||, the roo|ng market |s w|tness|ng
hea|thy growth on the backdrop o con-
s|stent deve|opment |n |nrastructure
and r|s|ng d|sposab|e |ncome both |n
urbanas we|| as rura| areas.
Market Trends
There |s a w|de spectrum o roo|ng
mater|a|s, wh|ch are used or d|erent
structura|, aesthet|c, econom|c and per-
ormance reasons. Poo des|gns have
deve|oped rom |ust be|ng a weather
perormance e|ement to an arch|tectura|
trademark that can be env|ronment-
r|end|y, structura||y sound, reasonab|y
pr|ced and aesthet|ca||y attract|ve.
As per data, about 55% o the lnd|an
market cont|nues to use PCC, o||owed
by c|ay t||es (18%). F|bre cement sheets
lncreased construct|on |n urban areas and |nrastructure deve|opment act|v|t|es have k|ck-started the
demand or modern, e|c|ent roo|ng systems
Poo des|gns have deve|oped rom |ust be|ng a weather perormance e|ement
to an arch|tectura| trademark
A|though rura| reg|ons account or a h|gher number o houses |n lnd|a, the roo|ng
so|ut|ons opted by them are genera||y cheaper than the|r urban counterparts
Sandw|ch pane|s w|th meta| ac|ng are a|so rece|v|ng good acceptab|||ty rom |ndustr|a| as we|| as
commerc|a| sectors
Arch|tectura| trends have been o cons|derab|e |mportance to the |eve| o demand or roo|ng mater|a|s |n
|uxury hous|ng
90 The Masterbu||der - www.masterbu|||n
coated sheets as the |atter prov|des
exce||ent atmospher|c res|stance |n a
w|de range o env|ronment under many
d|verse cond|t|ons. A|um|num products
are a|so gett|ng recogn|t|on |n the mar-
ket because o the |ex|b|||ty oered to
des|gners. App||cat|ons ||ke |at roo|ng
where meta| pro||e have ||m|tat|ons rom
v|ew po|nt o weather t|ghtness, non-
meta|||c outer |n|shes ||ke TPO, PvC or
EPDM are oered as part o roo|ng
Sandw|ch pane|s w|th meta| ac|ng
are a|so rece|v|ng good acceptab|||ty
rom |ndustr|a| as we|| as commerc|a|
sectors due to the|r prov|d|ng "one-step"
so|ut|ons to |nsu|at|on andweather t|ght-
ness. These pane|s |ncorporate m|nera|
|bre to prov|de therma| |nsu|at|on and
e||m|nate |nterst|t|a| condensat|on and
co|d br|dg|ng. They oer r|g|d and ||ght-
we|ght construct|on, w|th no vapour or
breather membranes requ|red, and
be|ng a s|ng|e un|t, s|gn||cant|y reduce
|nsta||at|on t|me. Compos|te pane|s are
su|tab|e or use on a|| bu||d|ng types |n
the commerc|a|, reta|| and |ndustr|a| sec-
tors, prov|d|ng |ex|b|||ty or change o
uture use. They can a|so be |nsta||ed
over ex|st|ng sheet-covered roos to
|mprove therma| |nsu|at|on and weather
protect|on. Pevamp|ng a|rports has |ed
to the emergence o a|um|num bu||t-up
and s|ng|e p|y membrane bu||t-up roo-
|ng systems.
Arch|tectura| trends have been o
cons|derab|e |mportance to the |eve| o
demand or roo|ng mater|a|s |n |uxury
hous|ng. Over the years, arch|tects have
|arge|y deve|oped a preerence or the
use o more trad|t|ona| mater|a|s such
as s|ates and c|ay t||es because o the
env|ronmenta| and aesthet|c advantages
that theybr|ng. Sh|ng|esarea|sobecom-
|ng |ncreas|ng|y popu|ar |n the country.
Sh|ng|es are |berg|ass re|norced, h|gh
grade, m|nera|- stab|||zed aspha|t based
ceram|c coated granu|es and under-
p|ayed w|tha m|nera| stab|||zer cum |re-
retardant. They come w|th mu|t|p|e-|a-
m|nate opt|ons and |n a w|de var|ety o
co|ors andthey can be app||edon s|oped
roo wh|chcou|dbeo concrete, wooden
or any suchso||d p|ane mater|a|.
roos have come a |ong way. Todays
meta| roos are attached to the struc-
ture w|th concea|ed c||ps, wh|ch s||de to
accommodate expans|on and contrac-
t|on. Manuactur|ng |ndustr|es such as
power, automob||e, eng|neer|ng goods
and serv|ces |nc|ud|ng |og|st|cs, ware-
houses and |nrastructure are |arge
users o PEB. Lead|ng p|ayers |n the
meta| roo|ng |ndustry are L|oyds lnsu-
|at|ons, Tata B|uescope Stee|, K|rby,
Pennar and lnterarch.
The tota| market or stee| roo and
wa|| c|add|ng |ndustry a|one |s about a
m||||on tonne and has reg|stered near to
doub|e-d|g|t growth over the past 3
years. There a|so seems a ma|or sh|t
rom ga|van|zed stee| sheets to Zn-A|
Poo|ng: lndustr|a| Peport
Poo|ng: lndustr|a| Peport
91 www.masterbu|||n The Masterbu||der -
W|th the Government o lnd|as So|ar
M|ss|on, compan|es ||ke L|oyd lnsu|a-
t|ons are work|ng on a ew proposa|s
where|n Pv So|ar Pane|s are |ntegrated
w|tha|most a|| types o roos. Cha||enges
|nvo|ved are |ntegr|ty o the ent|re roo
rom v|ew po|nt o water t|ghtness and
structura| |ntegr|ty o Pv so|ar pane|s.
The company has eng|neered Pv so|ar
systems w|th |ts roo|ng app||cat|ons
w|th |mportance g|ven to cost econom-
|cs and track records.
Other so|ar techno|og|es that can
revo|ut|on|ze the lnd|an roo|ng |ndustry
are the |atest generat|on o th|n ||m
so|ar and photovo|ta|c pane|s that |ook
||ke ord|nary sh|ng|es. Pv |am|nate |s a
super|or method o |ntegrat|ng photo-
vo|ta|c w|th meta| roo|ng. The |am|nates
have a pee| and st|ck back|ng that ena-
b|es them to be attached to the meta|
roo|ng pane|s |n the shop or at the s|te.
When app||ed d|rect|y to the stand|ng
seam meta| roo|ng o dark co|ours, |t |s
hard|y d|scern|b|e rom ground |eve|.
Photovo|ta|c |am|nates work we|| |n c|oudy,
|ow-||ght env|ronments, captur|ng d|-
erent ||ght wave|engths and a||ow|ng
current to |ow around shaded areas o
the |am|nate. They a|so perorm we|| |n
coasta| cond|t|onsand|n|ndustr|eswhere
there |s a |ot o a|rborne d|rt and part|-
nava||ab|||ty o sk|||ed manpower
or |nsta||at|on, |ow product qua||ty and
|ack o saety awareness, presence o
unorgan|zed p|ayers coup|ed w|th |n-
sta||at|on |ssues are some o the cha|-
|enges that are putt|ng a damper |n the
growtho the lnd|anroo|ng |ndustry.
Aga|n, lnd|a |s a country w|th severa|
geograph|ca| and weather var|at|ons
across the reg|on. Poo|ng so|ut|ons
need to be adapted as per a reg|ons c||-
mate and creat|ng custom|zed roo|ng
so|ut|ons that are su|tab|e or each o
these reg|ons |s a b|g cha||enge or the
P|s|ng and |uctuat|ng |nput costs
such as that o stee| a|so hamper the
supp|y s|de o the roo|ng |ndustry va|ue
cha|n. nder such a cond|t|on |t be-
comes d||cu|t or the manuacturer to
deve|op |nnovat|ve and custom|zed pro-
ducts at aordab|e costs.
The roo|ng |ndustry |s a dynam|c
|ndustry, w|th new |nnovat|ons, mater|-
a|s and too|s cropp|ng up on a regu|ar
bas|s. W|ththe r|s|ng |mportance o roo-
|ng des|gn and the adopt|on o "green"
products, the sector |s a|| geared up to
go through the roo |n the com|ng
c|es. Moreover as they are d|rect|y app-
||ed to the meta| roo|ng and do not re-
qu|reram|ng, theyarecost eect|vethan
convent|ona| so|ar pane|s.
So|ar roo t||es are ||ghtwe|ght t||es
or sh|ng|es that |ook ||ke norma| t||es
and the |nsta||at|on process |s s|m||ar to
that o norma| roo t||es except that so|ar
roo t||es must a|ways be bordered by
norma| roo|ng t||es. The t||es are coated
w|th photovo|ta|c ce||s made o amor-
phous s|||con. They can be des|gned to
|ook ||ke convent|ona| aspha|t sh|ng|es
and can be used |nstead o roo|ng
mater|a|s such
as aspha|t sh|ng|es, stand|ng seam
meta| roo|ng and s|ate or concrete t||es.
A|so, so|ar t||es canbeb|endedw|thex|s-
t|ng aspha|t roo|ng t||es, are waterproo
and des|gned to w|thstand heavy sun
and natura| e|ements.
ln the near uture, most compan|es
expect at |east 50% o the roos |n |n-
dustr|a|, commerc|a| and pub||c bu||d-
|ngs w||| be w|thPv so|ar systems.
Green roos are a|so com|ng to the
ore w|th the emphas|s on susta|nab|||ty
and eorts to m|t|gate the urban heat
|s|and eect. However, they are st||| |n
nascent stages |n the country due to the
|ack o awareness and know|edge re-
qu|re or |nsta||at|onand ma|ntenance.
Pv |am|nate |s a super|or method o |ntegrat|ng photovo|ta|c w|th meta| roo|ng

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