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5 : Grammar Assignment
Puntos: 1
Unit 8 : Time Markers
Complete the following sentence using appropriately the time markers:
Alfred Thomas has lived in Atlantic City _________ he was five.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. for
b. to
c. since
d. from
Puntos: 1
Unit ! : "#pressing $%ligation an& Gi'ing A&'ice
Complete the following te#t using the correct mo&al 'er%:
Marcela Dominguez wants to study English in The United Kingdom and she has to take an English test next month because the Academy will classify her
taking into account different communicative skills !o" she has written a letter to his friend #rancisco for asking an advice #rancisco answered her the letter$
Dear Marce:
Thanks for your letter and for asking my advice on your decision. First at all, you buy a phonetic book for practicing your
pronunciation. After that, you listen to many kind of audios in order to fortify your listening skill. I kno you are a very talented
oman. Finally, you take some grammar lessons in a !anguage Institute. I"m sure you ill get it.
My best ishes,
Puntos: 1
Unit 8 : Time Markers
Complete the following sentence using appropriately the time markers:
He has worked as an English teacher __________ a long time.
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. of
b. for
c. since
d. from
Puntos: 1
Unit ( : *oca%ulary
+here can you fin& this a&'ertisement,
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. in a department store
b. in a hotel
c. on a plane
d. in a pub
Puntos: 1
Unit - : ./G 0orms as $%1ects of a 2reposition
Choose the %est option that completes the sentence:
Im worried not passing the final e!am.
Puntos: 1
Unit : 2resent 2rogressi'e with 0uture Meaning
Choose the %est option that completes the sentence:
I"m bored. I would like to do funny things with my relatives but they are very busy these days. #y cousin Angela
in the park.
Puntos: 1
Unit ( : Mo&al *er%s
+here can you fin& this a&'ertisement,
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. at a beach
b. in an office
c. in a hospital
d. in a park
Puntos: 1
Unit : 2resent 2rogressi'e with 0uture Meaning
Choose the %est option that completes the sentence:
#artin is taking a violin lesson this evening. #y uncle is fishing in the lake this afternoon and my grandparents
#athematics tonight. $hat can I do%
Puntos: 1
Unit - : ./G 0orms as $%1ects of a 2reposition
Choose the %est option that completes the sentence:
&ur 'iology teacher has been a word in the classroom. $e think he is very upset with us because our lack
of participation through the forum.
Puntos: 1
Unit ( : Mo&al *er%s
+here can you fin& this a&'ertisement,
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. in a cafeteria
b. in a parking lot
c. in a bookstore
d. in a train station
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Tiempo restante
Usted se ha autentificado como JOSE NICOLS !O"E# $Salir%

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