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" experience cannot be described with words.

Words are the

building blocks of fabrication." - dridhamati, forum guide
The idea is not to negate the self. It's simply about seeing it for what it
really is.
A thought arises and it is perceived. What makes it "my thought"? The
bird sings and it is perceived. Does one make it "my song"?
When you find that the separate person cannot be found, then you can go
back and look at the comments you are making and see if they hold any
water. What pulls the plug on the whole production is noticing a simple
fact you have never been a separate person apart from awareness.
That is it in a nutshell; nothing more or less.
Who or what is practicing, attaining or achieving? Only the assumed
person who feels apart from reality. But that conceptual entity cannot
attain anything, because it is a false assumption. It is basically non-
Suffering is ultimately belief in self-centered concepts of the me, the
ending of the belief in the me is the ending of the root cause of such
What is the ego? It is the notion that you exist as a separate person apart
from reality. What is reality? That is what you found out when you
discovered your true nature.
Any attempt to understand or examine the ego notion is not going be
fruitful if your basic identity is not clear first. The ego can also be looked at
as an incorrect concept about your identity.
To talk of final understanding plays into the egos concept of a future
state when I will get something I do not have.
It is all misconceived. You do not need a final understanding because you
are already one with the reality. The real question is who needs or wants
that? It can only be the one who conceives of himself as separate and
apart from reality, in other words, the ego notion. So, seeing that the
whole issue is based on the assumed presence of that entity, the real
response is to verify if it is real or not. This is the essence of self-inquiry,
which is really the examination of the nature of the I concept.
Quit following all the thoughts and find the nature of the one who is
having them!
If you don't see the madness, you will never step out of it. If you don't see
why you function the way you function, you will never step out of that. If
you don't see the falseness and meaningless-ness of what you pursue, of
your goals, targets, meanings and purposes, you will never step out of
that. And this, nobody can teach you. No practice can take you to this
Ramesh: Your real question is "How will I ever know if I have the final
understanding or not?" It bothers you, doesn't' it? It does bother most
people. Would you like an answer? The answer, again, is very simple.
When that final understanding is about to happen, the one who is so
anxious to know whether the final understanding has happened or not will
finally say, "Who cares?" When that stage is reached it is almost
synonymous with the understanding having happened because there is no
'one' to care anymore.
Questioner: I think what bothers me is that sometimes the understanding
exists and then it is not there anymore and then it happens again and then
it's not there anymore.
Ramesh: The answer is let it happen. There's a flip-flop - "Sometimes I
think I've got it. Sometimes I think I haven't got it." So let it happen. The
involvement happens only if you say, "I don't want this flip-flop to
happen." Then there is involvement. If the flip-flop happens, let it happen.
How long will it happen? Who cares?
There's no practice, there's no method. Absolutely nothing can help you.
Not even God can help you. Remain only, absolutely, completely,
hoplessly helpless. Suffering is not bothering you. Suffering is basically the
fact that you are trying to get rid of the suffering. That is suffering.
Resistance is suffering. Any form of control is suffering. Seeking is
suffering. Whatever it is that you seek, to get rid of something or to get
something. To attain or to get rid of. Even to 'stay with it', is a form of
control. Even if you say: 'I will not control', it's a form of control. Whatever
you think is a form of control, because there's an idea behind: 'If I leave it
alone, then this is going to happen...', you see, then there's a form of
control. Can you see that? Surrender! Surrender, not to any god, not to
ultimate anything - you are the ultimate, anyway - but just surrender your
identity to what is happening, and fully experience it. And the miracle
happens by itself. The rest is a by-product of this giving up. Be completely
and absolutely defenseless.
Em 1970 perguntaram a Osho pelos seus dez mandamentos.
1 No obedea a ordens, excepto quelas que venham de dentro.
2 O nico Deus a prpria vida.
3 A verdade est dentro, no a procure em nenhum outro lugar.
4 O amor a orao.
5 O vazio a porta para a verdade, o meio, o fim e a realizao.
6 A vida aqui e agora.
7 Viva completamente acordado.
8 No nade, flutue.
9 Morra a cada momento para que voc possa se renovar a cada
10 Pare de buscar. O que , : pare e veja.

medita como oceano profundo e calmo.
medita como sol claro e quente.
medita como cu, um espao ilimitado que no tem centro nem fim.

If you keep quiet, you will see that everything happens by itself, without a

A conscincia perturbada com o surgimento dos pensamentos?
Ela est l antes, durante e aps os pensamentos. Ela voc.
Sua natureza real imperturbvel. ~John Wheeler

Rest at the source of the next thought. That's all.

Be clear that there is no reality, happiness or identity in thoughts. Then
you stop looking there. Thoughts are not the problem. But looking for
yourself in them was the error.

Doubts may come and go. But your own natural self, the one for whom
the doubts appear, is present and clear and not subject to any of the
doubts. That fact of being, which is the substratum of the doubts, is the
doubt-free reality. Seeing this, you easily slip free of any and all possible
doubts raised by the mind. The mind may have its doubts, but your being
is there beyond any doubt.

The mind's original nature is like space; it pervades and embraces all
things under the sun. Be still and stay relaxed in genuine ease, be quiet
and let sound reverberate as an echo, keep your mind silent and watch
the ending of all worlds.

In the gap between the past thought and the following thought, thought-
free wakefulness continuously dawns.

Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.

Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real sufis just laugh. What strikes
the oyster shell does not damage the pearl.

By 'crossing the Gateless Gate', the illusion of the separate self is seen
through. This is the end of the seeker.

Seeing through the illusion of a separate self is an important first step in
the greater journey of awakening to reality.

Seeing self for what it really is - a story - does not mean that your life is
suddenly upgraded in every conceivable way.
What is the purpose of inquiry? The aim of this inquiry is not to give
security. It is to see through illusion to reality.

Misconceptions about enlightenment? This is not about oneness
meditation, states, or silence. It is about showing the mind what is real
and what is imaginary.

Life is a variable. There are no constants. How can a You ever run a show
that complex?

What do you take yourself to be? What you take to be yourself is an
illusion. It distorts reality, and creates all your suffering.

"there is a deep but very alive Silence in which everything seems to just
spontaneously happen with no doer" - Darcy, in the forum

With or without a You, what changes? Its always been like this and will
always be like this.

"There have been many, many of my selfs. My self has basically been a
sponge depending on the environment i have been placed in". Clunks

Which are your most precious beliefs? Look closely at the most precious
beliefs tat are close to the heart.

"For years I have 'caught' the body doing things and the ego claiming its
actions as its own."

What is the essence of the illusory self? Dissatisfaction with what is, is the
essence of the illusory self.

"Just notice what is it that is imaginary and what is really happening in the
moment and see if there is any distinction between the two"
Do you expend a great deal of energy and effort to protect, defend and
build up the self that you think you are? What are your expectations for
waking up? Expectations are nothing more than thoughts.

They are the thoughts that are keeping you asleep.

By the way, this book is free. Real stories of real everyday awakenings.

Seeing self for what it really is - a story - does not mean that your life is
suddenly upgraded in every conceivable way.

What is freedom? Freedom consists of recognizing that all this is
happening to no one.

"It is a very radical lesson to learn that my responses happen before I even
have time to think about them.

"'there is no self (to die or do anything else) and never was a self. So
what's there to be afraid of?"

"Perhaps when you were little you believed that Santa Claus was a real
entity who arrived at Christmas with gifts. At some point, you saw through
the fiction you SAW there is no actual Santa in reality, but only a Story.
Did you need to focus on no-Santa in order to know that Santa does not
exist in reality? Can you un-see that Santa is a fiction?"

The believe in a self, soul, or personal essence resembles animistic beliefs
that the sun is alive, that there are gods in the trees, that a falling stone
wants to fall. It is an unnecessary hypothesis. You are the product of
your genes and your upbringing. There is no room, no necessity, and no
possibility for the existence of a personal essence.

Is there a suffering self in reality? Or is it constructed out of thought?

The idea of a separate self is a virulent meme.

What changes after "liberation"? Our world reality does not alter with our
liberation; only our perspective alters.

We perceive things. Labeling happens immediately, and then the stories
start. It feels like the I is the controller. But is it really? Or is the I just
another story?

The simplicity of this statement has been compromised by spiritual
teachings. The present moment is the only truth.

There has never been a you living this out. All motivation comes from life
itself, not from a you.

Why unhappiness? If there is a self who is the controller of life, wouldn't
that self choose happiness?

What happens after awakening to the illusion of a separate self? Outside
of your perception, nothing changes with awakening. The world is as
wonderfully ordinary as it was before.

Here and now is there inner and outer in the experience?

"There is no experiencer at the centre of my life. Just the experiences."

Experiencing fear? Bring it closer and see whether it has any real
substance outside of thoughts.

Is the fear of freedom bigger than the desire for freedom? Bring that fear
closer. What is behind it?

THERE IS SOMETHING HAPPENING. Please re-read this a hundred
thousand times. This is it. There is something happening. All the rest is


"Is it ok for Life to chuckle? Cry? Mourn? Smile? Fear? Feel terrified? Who
would be there to stop it? Permit it? Judge it?"

Thoughts arises from the original ground. We cannot stop it.
When they are seen as it is without further explanation.. we notice -
arising of thoughts and withering away as unstoppable process. Fusion
may happen!
'there's a relief that "I" don't need look for anything because there's no

Sit quietly, wherever you are, and notice what is real: body, furniture,
feelings, thoughts, sensations, surroundings. Can you find an I here? Or
are there just thoughts, feelings, sensations?

Expecting this to be about ceasing thoughts? Because it's not. Thoughts
are perfectly ok to be there. They just don't belong to anyone.

Do you exist? There is no you. Look!

"'I' is a thought, a thought that often accompanies uncomfortable
sensations and emotions. But unpleasant emotions aren't 'I' and can be
experienced apart from the 'I' thought."

"You cannot lose something that was never yours. So don't worry -
nothing that is true or real will disappears, only a belief in ownership falls
away. "

Why No Self doesn't mean you'll suddenly disappear.... You will not
disappear. You cannot. You never were in the first place!

There is no magic button, no affirmation or mantra, no secret knowledge.
It is all out in the open. Its simple, and its right under your nose. Its so
simple you are overlooking it. Right here, right now, sitting with your
phone or tablet, point with your finger to you. Do it. Now look with your
eyes at what the finger is pointing to. What is it? What do you actually

Truth is very simple, obvious & misunderstood. It's always here & can't
exist in any other moment, so it's really in front of "our eyes".

Keep looking at your daily experiences. Look for the moment the I label
gets attached to a movement, to doing-ness. There is an experience,
and the thought comes up, I did it. Watch out for this. Be like a
detective, ready to spot it! Experience happens, and a thought labels it.

Try raising your hand again. Look at it very closely. Did a thought own
that? Was it a self that chose to do that? Now, pretend someone just
threw a ball at your head. Watch the hand move, very quickly. Does the
hand choose to come up and catch the ball? Or does it just rise and
catch it, without a thought? Now, raise your hand and move it to the left,
then to the right. Watch the thoughts. Look for a self, something which is
not just a thought, which is able to move your hand. Check and see where
a story attaches to that thought, where I raise my hand

How about the thought "Thinking or I am thinking"? Does it come before,
during or after a thought? Can there be a thinker without thoughts?


"The 'I' is a hard habit to break."

How about not fabricating anything for a moment, and simply looking at
whats present right now? Do you exist at all?


Who are you? Now look behind that. And behind that. And behind that.
Which is more real: the first answer, or the way beyond answer?

What is reading this tweet? Is it the body/brain, or is there a you
somewhere in there?

I had a moment of clear seeing- my 'self' working like a madman at finding
my "Self"

Now in any circumstance, any situation, in the past or in an imagined
future can there ever be a you which is not an idea, thought, or habit?
In this very moment, is there a you which is not an idea? The truth is
really simple and obvious. It takes a little courage to look, but once
recognized it will become clear. Look in immediate experience. Is there a
self, other than habitual thoughts of a self? Has there ever been anything
but a story about you?

The sense of being or aliveness plus the label This is me is what creates
the illusion. Seeing that the label itself is not a real entity, to which life
happens, breaks the spell.


Look. Don't think.

Have you noticed that what happens, happens? That there is no control?
What is breathing the body? What is beating the heart? What is living?
Notice what is underneath the mind and emotions, under the stories,
under the non-stop inner narrative. Is there anything at all? There has
been much conditioning around this belief in a separate self. But notice. Is
there anything there at all but life as a whole?

Is there a witness behind thoughts, or is I am witnessing just another
thought passing by effortlessly?

Look at it. How much of a self is truly needed in everything you do this
day? Thats how you see through the illusion of a separate self that runs
things. You look at how life actually is. In each moment. Not about life.
Not the chatter in your head. What is happening moment-by-moment in
real life? Hand moved. Eyes followed. Thought happens. Dont let the
voices in your head talk you out of it. Look!

Look at a cup. Its real. Even when you arent thinking about a cup, its still
there. Now look at thoughts about the self. When you are not holding the
story of you in your thoughts, is it still there? That is a hole in your
experience, which the mind covers over by telling a story of supposedly
seamless experience. However, experience is not seamless, we experience
no self all through our day, yet the mind covers over the holes! It is seeing
through those lies that lead us to discover there is only experience
without a you.

"The SENSATION is real , but there is no separate watcher during this
looking. Where is 'I' whilst this is happening?"

The I-thought pops up all the time, even in the most mundane activities.
Question these thoughts I am doing x, I am feeling y, etc. See if
there is ever any reality in these thoughts, if there has ever been any
reality to them.

The lines we draw that separate a self exists, apart from the whole
do they actually exist? In reality, is anything ever separate? How would
that work?

Theres no I just whats going on, right here and now. But how we
complicate that. Seeing the I as only being just another thought among
many thoughts is the key. And everyday life is still here and goes on.

It may seem that the story can be controlled. But when you look for what
it is that supposedly makes the choices and tries to control the story, you
cant find it. Things just happen. Controlling or choosing also happens out
of nothing, from nowhere. And it is only a thought-habit to assume that
theres a me doing the controlling.

Keep the focus on the obvious. You can never find an entity behind the
word I because such an entity does not exist. All there is, is life
happening by itself. Is it true?

If it is in fact the case that everything is one, as in one, continuous,
unbroken reality. How can there be someone to experience it, ever?

Ever wonder where thoughts come from? WHERE DO THOUGHTS COME

Can you tell if thoughts appear on automatic, or do you actually need to
do something to make them come? Do thoughts control the body? Or are
they just labeling what body does? Or perhaps body and mind are
engaged in different activities most of the time? The body is here, doing
its thing; the mind is somewhere else, dreaming of an imaginary future
and remembering the past.

The imaginary self is the result of thoughts, so a self could never control
thoughts especially when they are about you, because thats exactly
the process that creates the construct called self in the first place. The
self cannot simultaneously be created by and yet alter thoughts.

The process of feeling is real, the process of thinking is real, and the
aliveness feeling is real. All experiences happen and are then very quickly
labeled with the I thought to become labeled as my experiences.
When a perception (an object of the senses or thought) appears, the I
thought associated with the aliveness feeling appears. From these two
succeeding thoughts appears a thought stating that the object is mine or
not mine or me or not me. For example, you might look at the
phone on the table, and immediately you get this thought, My phone,
combined with the feeling of existing.

You can ask yourself, Now that I know that control was a myth, now that
I know that any sense of control was illusion, now that I know that I didnt
really have control, if I stop the pretense and remove all of the effort and
emotion and the whole control story if all of that goes, what is left?

"Remember that you're not losing or getting rid of anything here; it was
never there in the first place, you only thought it was."

Home is here, now. Let all beings find home.
As babies we are not separate from our world. There is no place where
baby begins or ends. Then the story of a separate self is begun by our
parents and family who tell us who we are. By around three years old,
the story of separation is complete, and we add our own bits to it as we
grow up.

Awakening from the story of self does not mean that all of a sudden all of
your problems are going to vanish that there will suddenly be no more
tough emotions or challenging situations. This is not about getting away
from difficulty, pain, and suffering. Not at all. These are, and will remain,
part of the drama of living a human life. So please dont consider difficult
feelings and overwhelming thoughts as a sign that youre never going to
get this, or youre doing things wrong.

Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should
own you." -Ali ibn abi Talib

Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart. ~ Joseph Fort

"The enemy is lack of awareness, lack of presence." ~ Traleg Rinpoche

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