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Your Diet and Lifestyle Impact to Overall Health:

Diet accounts for about 80 percent of the health
benefits you reap from a healthful lifestyle. What
follows is a brief summary of general lifestyle and
dietary guidelines that when followed ensure your
optimal health.

Superfood Mix:
3 parts spirulina
1 2 part chlorella
1 part moringa leaf
1 part wheat grass juice
1.5 parts bee pollen
3 parts chia seeds
0.5 parts nutritional brewers yeast
Add stevia leaf powder to taste

List of Foods to include in your diet (all organic):
Superfoods: bee pollen, chia seeds, cacao, carob,
spirulina, chlorella, moringa leaf, hemp protein,
hemp seeds, whey protein, wheat grass, dark
Detox Supplements: zeolite, chlorella
Mineral Supplement: Mezotrace
Veggies & fruits: kale, collard greens, mustard
greens, watercress, chard, celery, cucumbers,
carrots, zucchini, broccoli, spinach, mixed lettuce,
avocados, garlic, muscadine grapes, various berries,
melons, fenugreek, sweet potatoes / yams, a wide
variety of vibrant colored fruits, sea veggies. Look
for color variety as well.
Herbs and Spices: basil, cilantro, parsley, turmeric,
ginger, tarragon, oregano, thyme, dill, chives,
spearmint, peppermint, bay leaves, rosemary,
lemongrass, dandelion greens
Gluten Free Grains: quinoa, wild rice, buckwheat,
brown rice
Fat & Oils (cold-pressed, unrefined, organic, both
saturated and monounsaturated): hemp, coconut
(for cooking), olive, sacha inchi, fish oil (highest
quality only), krill oil, highest quality organic butter
(e.g., Kerry Irish Butter) and ghee (clarified butter),
MCT oil; Other healthy fats include olives, free-
range organic eggs, and avocado.
Nuts and seeds (organic, raw): walnuts, almonds,
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, brazil
nuts, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts, hazelnuts
Fish: stick with the little, cold-water, wild fish
(sardines, anchovies, herring), and wild-caught
Alaskan sockeye salmon (even if its canned). Other
fish are more likely to be farmed, mislabeled, or
contain too many toxins.
Fermented foods: miso, coconut yogurt, kombucha,
tempeh, sauerkraut, pickles and other home-made
fermented veggies.
Bone broths:
Read about all the health benefits of a variety of
foods at:

Organic vs. non-organic: if youre going to peel it before
you eat it, you can waive the organic rule if you cant
find it or afford it. However, anything you eat the skin
on you definitely need organic. The following is a list of
fruits and veggies with highest pesticide concentration:
DIRTY 19: Apples, Celery, Cherry tomatoes, Cucumbers,
Grapes, Cherries, Hot peppers, Nectarines, Peaches,
Pears, Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Sweet bell
peppers, Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, Kale / collard greens,
Summer squash
GMO Foods: Soy, Corn, Cottonseed oil, Canola oil, Sugar
from sugar beets, alfalfa, little zucchini, little crookneck
squash, Hawaiian or Chinese papaya (see
CLEAN 17: Broccoli, Asparagus, Avocados, Cabbage,
Cantaloupe, Sweet Corn, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Kiwi,
Mangos, Mushrooms, Onions, Papayas, Bananas,
Pineapples, Sweet peas - frozen, Sweet potatoes

Criteria for Real Food:
This should be at least 90%+ of your food intake. When
you shop for your food follow these guidelines:
1. It's grown without pesticides and chemical
fertilizers (organic foods fit this description, but so
do some non-organic foods)
2. It's not genetically engineered (most common GE
foods are anything derived from soy, corn or sugar
3. It contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics,
or other drugs
4. It does not contain any artificial ingredients,
including chemical preservatives
5. It is fresh (keep in mind that if you have to choose
between wilted organic produce or fresh
conventional produce, the latter may be the better
6. It did not come from a concentrated animal feeding
operation (CAFO). See article below for more info:

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7. It is grown with the laws of nature in mind (meaning
animals are fed their native diets, not a mix of GMO
grains and animal byproducts, and have free-range
access to the outdoors)
8. It is grown in a sustainable way (using minimal
amounts of water, protecting the soil from burnout,
and turning animal wastes into natural fertilizers
instead of environmental pollutants)
9. For food to be alive it must be unprocessed and
At you can enter your zip code and
find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources
of sustainably grown food in your area.
The more you can eat like your ancestors, the better
fresh whole foods, locally and sustainably raised, and
foods that are minimally processed or not processed at
all. These are the types of foods that your genes and
biochemistry are adapted to and will provide you with
the ability to reverse and prevent most diseases.
The article below lists several food additives added to
processed foods, and why to avoid them.

General Rules of Thumb:
Avoid all forms of sugar, high fructose corn syrup,
all forms of flavored beverages (including
enhanced water), glutinous grains, soy (with
exception of fermented organic soy, i.e., miso),
dairy products (with exception of high-quality
organic butter), and processed foods. Avoiding
grains and sugars will lower your insulin and leptin
levels. Elevated insulin and leptin levels are one of
the most profound stimulators of inflammatory
prostaglandin production.
Stay away from foods that contain modified trans-
fats and hydrogenated fats (chemical-based,
synthetic oils from post-industrial revolution food
processing, e.g. margarine). These are found in most
processed foods and snacks. Processed foods
contain: salt, sugar, fat and other secret,
proprietary flavor formulas that are designed to be
Avoid at all costs canola oil. The word "canola"
comes from "Canadian oil low acid," and is a
genetically altered product of the rapeseed plant,
part of the mustard family. Virtually all of the canola
oil produced is glyphosate resistant and sprayed
with one of the most toxic herbicides known to
man. It is extremely toxic to all life.
Avoid at all costs damaged fat. These are fats from
fried foods, especially from fast foods and junk
foods such as French fries, fried potato chips, fried
pork, etc. These fats are used over and over again,
heated then cooled over and over again which
creates a severely toxic substance.
Avoid gluten and casein (primarily wheat and
pasteurized dairy, but not dairy fat, such as butter).
Avoid anything with MSG (mono-sodium-
glutamate). This is a dangerous nerve toxin.
Avoid any food branded by any of these parent
o PepsiCo
o Coca-Cola
o Nestle
o Kraft/Mondelez
o General Mills
o ConAgra
o Kelloggs
o Campbells
o Smuckers
o Hersheys
o Bimbo Bakeries
o McCormick
o Walmart
As a general rule of thumb I also stay away from any
food item that comes from China.
Avoid snacking or eating between meals. You want
to eat no more than three times per day.
Minimize, or avoid completely, consumption of
Eat a healthful diet of whole foods, ideally organic,
and replace the grain carbs with: Large amounts of
vegetables; Low-to-moderate amount of high
quality protein (think organically raised, pastured
animals); As much high quality healthful fat as you
want (saturated and monosaturated from animal-
and tropical oil sources). Most people actually need
upwards of 50-70 percent fats (by calorie) in their
diet for optimal healtha far cry from the 10
percent currently recommended.
Eat foods lower on the food chain. When you do eat
higher up the food chain, eat only the highest
quality animal products and meats to avoid the
Use this formula to determine daily protein intake:
(weight in lbs)/2.2 * 0.8 = total grams of pure
protein per day. See a protein food chart to get an
idea of how much protein is in different foods. This
generally leads to no more than 5%-10% of protein
by calories. If you are doing vigorous exercises or

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are pregnant, you can add up to another 25
At least 51%+ (by volume) of your diet should be
raw, whole, organic fruits and non-starchy veggies.
If your GI tract is very sensitive and has been
abused for quite some time, its best to eat cooked
veggies instead as the raw fiber can be too harsh on
the GI tract.
Avoid frying or charbroiling -- boil, poach, or steam
your foods instead. Avoid charring your meats.
Charcoal or flame-broiled meat is linked with
increased cancer risk. Acrylamidea carcinogen
created when starchy foods are baked, roasted, or
friedhas been found to increase cancer risk as
Up to 15 percent of your diet can be ripe organic,
low glycemic index (< 30) fruit.
Optimize your gut flora: Add naturally fermented
food to your daily diet. You can also add a high-
quality probiotic supplement as well, but naturally
fermented foods are the best.
Optimize your vitamin D levels through direct
exposure to the sun. At least 15-20 min per day. If
you have dark skin you need more time. Vitamin D
can also be taken as a supplement that has been
shown to have no side effects. Vitamin D is by far
the most potent immune system booster.
Eat more slowly and chew your food more
completely. Chew each bite until it liquefies, or
loses all of its texture, before swallowing.
At least one time per day sit down, relax and enjoy
your food without distractions, multi-tasking, etc.
Connect with it as it nurtures and supports your
Always eat your fruit on an empty stomach, and
wait at least 15 min before eating your meal.
Allow at least a 12 - 16 hour period of no food
between dinner and breakfast to go through a full
lymph cleanse cycle. I.e., no snacking after dinner.
Sacred clay, salt bath 1x / wk (0.5 cups salt, 0.5 cups
sacred clay)
Exercise at least 20 min / day. I highly recommend
the Needak personal rebounder trampoline.
Take every opportunity to move your body. If you
have a sedentary job, standing up every 10 to 15
minutes may compensate for the majority of the
damage from sitting. Also, pay careful attention to
your posture.
If you choose to spurge on something find the
highest quality of that product and enjoy it
thoroughly. Dont skimp on low quality / high
quantity when it comes to your health and vitality.
Happiness, laughter, hugging are natural immune

Conscious Eating:
For the first time in history, "lifestyle" diseases --
diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers -- are killing
more people than communicable diseases. Food talks to
your genes. The information that food can give to your
genes can be inflammatory, or it can be health-
provoking. Food modulates gene expression, which
leads to how your cells express and function.
Before you eat ask yourself:
What is my intention with this food?
Is it to support me to do something productive, or is
it just for entertainment?
Am I eating for the health and vitality of my cells or
for my taste buds?
Am I eating to satisfy an emotional need, or a real
physical need?
Consider the energy balance of the food: is it
draining or adding vital energy to my cells?
Also, the act of consciously preparing your own
food is an act of self love.
The article below explores the reasons why we eat:
When you address the microcosm of the eating
experience, you extend out into the macrocosm of your
life into your relationships, social networks, your
environment (the planet), and see the same patterns
repeat. So food ties into everything.
Most people overeat, or eat too often primarily due to
emotional reasons (depravation, abandonment, anger,
frustration, sadness, grief; numb-out, pleasure, comfort.
I.e. all the lower centers of consciousness can be
experienced when we eat). This emotional addiction is
manifested in the nervous system as a neuroendocrine
straight jacket. Determine your optimal amount by
gradually reducing the amount of food you eat, and
reflecting on your hunger to determine if you are
actually hungry out of a real need, or simply to satisfy
an emotional need.

Mental Attitude:
Centenarians overwhelmingly cite stress as the most
important thing to avoid. Their lives are marked by as

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many stressful events as the rest of us, but they differ in
how well they manage their stress. Rather than dwelling
on it, they let it go. And they are very happy people!
Part of your longevity may depend on the DNA you
were born with, but an even larger part depends on
epigeneticsfactors beyond the control of the genes,
such as lifestyle choices, nutrition, and mind set, that
change the way your genes function by turning them off
and on, which your emotions can do for better or for
worse. Your thoughts, feeling, emotions, diet, and other
lifestyle factors exert epigenetic influences every
minute of the day, playing a central role in aging and
disease. Perhaps it's not as important to avoid that bowl
of ice cream as it is to feel sheer bliss when eating it... at
least, on occasion!

Gut Bacteria:
The vast majority of your immune system is located in
your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major
focal point if you want to maintain optimal health.
Furthermore, your gut is quite literally your second
brain, as it originates from the same type of tissue. Your
gut and your brain actually work in tandem, each
influencing the other. This is why your intestinal health
can have such a profound influence on your mental
health, and vice versa.
Your gastrointestinal tract houses some 100 trillion
bacteriaabout two to three pounds worth. In all, the
bacteria outnumber your body's cells by about 10 to 1.
It may even be more appropriate to view your body as a
"super organism" composed of symbiotic
Your intestinal bacteria are part of your immune
system, and researchers are discovering that microbes
of all kinds play instrumental roles in countless areas of
your health. For example, beneficial bacteria, also
known as probiotics, have been shown to:
Modulate your immune response and reduce
Produce vitamins, absorb minerals, and eliminate
Control asthma and reduce risk of allergies
Benefit your mood and mental health
Boost weight loss
Beneficial bacteria also control the growth of
disease-causing bacteria by competing for nutrition
and attachment sites in your colon. This is of
immense importance, as pathogenic bacteria and
other less beneficial microbes can wreak havoc with
your health if they gain the upper hand.

Gut Health:
If you take care of the microbiology in your gut, then
they will take care of you.
Intestinal permeability leads to food allergies due to the
autoimmunity function attacking the macro proteins
that pass through the gut wall. So no matter what you
eat, if it passes through your gut as a large chunk your
body will attack it and create an allergic response.
These allergies will go away when you heal the gut.
Ideally you should also avoid as much as possible:
Antibiotics, including antibiotic-traces found in
meats from factory farmed meats and animal
Agricultural chemicals, especially glyphosate
Chlorinated water
Antibacterial soap
In farming the same applies. If you take care of the
microbiology of the soil, then they will take care of you.
In fact, gardens are also key to saving energy, protecting
water quality and topsoil, and promoting biodiversity
and beautifying densely populated communities.
Gardening may also hold the key to improved mental
health, stress relief, and much-needed exercise in a
world where most of us spend our days sitting in front
of computers in artificially lit rooms.

Vitamin D:
The best source for vitamin D is direct sun exposure.
While it may not be possible to get enough sun
exposure during the winter, every effort should be
made to attain vitamin D from UVB exposure as there
are many additional benefits from this route other than
vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be taken as a supplement
that has been shown to have no side effects. Vitamin D
is a potent antimicrobial agent, producing 200 to 300
different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill
bacteria, viruses and fungi. In fact, its by far the most
potent universal vaccine to promote the growth of CD8
T cells for boosting the immune system. Suboptimal

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vitamin D levels will significantly impair your immune
response, thereby making you far more susceptible to
contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory
infections. For more info on Vitamin D see:
You can purchase a Vitamin D test kit here:

Alkaline vs. Acid Forming Foods:
See Acid Alkaline Food Chart.pdf for list of foods
that are acid forming and alkaline forming.
9 unhealthiest foods to stay away from:
Why do we want alkaline forming foods? Because
converting our foods to fuel (i.e., metabolism) is an
acid forming process. Acids are corrosive, congest
the lymph system, and damage cells. Our body
operates best when we are slightly alkaline (pH =
7.4). Eating alkaline forming foods supports an
alkaline pH. This has wide-ranging implications to
health that are too numerous to cover here.

Theres a huge genetic difference between modern
wheat and wheat from biblical times, and even more so
different than pre-biblical wheat. So no one is eating
the same bread that Jesus Christ ate. Modern dwarf
wheat is a concoction of agricultural genetics designed
for taste, texture, manufacturability, extended shelf life,
and optimized for use in baking; not for nutritional
value. Since the introduction of modern wheat in the
1960s celiac disease and gluten sensitivities has
quadrupled. Gluten (the protein in wheat) is only, at
best, partially digestible and nutritionally useless.
Humans have not evolved the enzymes to break it
down. Modern wheat causes inflammation, induces
bowel permeability (leaky gut), intestinal toxicity by the
wheat germ agglutinin, high blood sugar, degraded
responsiveness to insulin, heart disease, obesity and
Benefits of going wheat free:
Avoid the appetite-stimulating effect of gliadin
Reduce cravings for carbohydrates.
Eat fewer times per day (1 2 times vs. 3 6).
Weight loss.
Save money and time by eating less.
Avoid high blood sugar and high blood insulin.
Drop in small LDLs. Rise in HDL.
Halt, and even reverse, the aging process.
Removes excess risk of glycation, and therefore,
reduces inflammation.
Glycation is glucose modification of proteins. This
process causes cataracts, hypertension, rigid arteries,
coronary atherosclerosis, and arthritis.

"There's no human requirement for grains. That's the
problem with the USDA recommendations. They think
we're hardwired as a species to eat grains. You can get
by just fine and meet every single nutrient requirement
that humans have without eating grains. And grains are
absolutely poor sources of vitamins and minerals
compared to fruits and vegetables and meat and fish."
~Dr. Loren Cordain

Healing Yourself from Any Dis-ease State:
I've come to believe that the body is well equipped to
heal itself when the following conditions are present:
1. Adequate nourishment with nutrient-dense foods.
2. Optimal vitamin D status.
3. Emotional well-being (tied to what we are doing
with our lives and the quality of our closest
4. Healthy physical activity (activities that we can do
to promote strength, balance, and perspiration
while avoiding injury).
5. Enough rest.

Intuitively I back away from any system that creates any
form of dependency on an external substance. I have
found that the body's innate intelligence knows all if we
simply give it what it needs as nutritional building
blocks, and open the pathways physically and
emotionally for it to cleanse (release toxicity), heal and
regenerate itself. Through our own consciousness we
can create energetic healing frequencies, along with the
body's innate intelligence in producing any chemical
substances needed to balance itself. All healing is
possible from within. Consider the placebo effect.

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I like the gradual approach to detox as it requires that I
become more conscious of what I'm eating, how much,
and listening to my body and intuition. This way I learn
to listen to my body, release addictions, and ensure it
gets what it needs in the right amount to maintain
optimal health.

Push-Pull Analogy of Health:
The items that push toward disease are the factors
that damage DNA and detrimentally impact epigenetic
expression. Negative thoughts; limiting beliefs;
environmental toxins (pesticides, heavy metals,
chemicals, denatured diet, ionizing and non-ionizing
radiation, electromagnetic emanations); suppressive
drugs; genetically modified food; lack of nurture; and
lack of varied plant material in the diet are chief factors
that present instructions to the epigenetic processes.
The items that pull away from disease are the factors
that positively influence the body to express optimal
health. Examples: our Innate Intelligence, whole organic
foods, raw organic foods, love, laughter, joy, positive
thoughts and beliefs, prayer, exercise, detoxification,
and the nutriments and remedies from knowledgeable
natural health practitioners.

Intermittent Fasting:
Promotes the natural secretion of human growth
hormone (HGH), which is a fat-burning hormone.
Fasting also increases catecholamines, which increases
resting energy expenditure, while decreasing insulin
levels, which allows stored fat to be burned for fuel.
Together, these and other factors will turn you into an
effective fat-burning machine. Once you transition to
fat burning mode your cravings for sugar and carbs will
virtually disappear. Also, the proper way to fast is to
fast on the calories, not the nutrients. What youre
giving up is the calories, not the nutrients. Therefore,
take the green mix even on the days that you fast.
Detailed article below:

Importance of high quality fats in diet:
The three most important uses of fats in the body:
The brain and nervous system is made up of 80%
fatty acids (by dry weight), and uses fats as fuel. The
brain functions better on fats (ketones) than on
Hormones are made from fats. You have fewer
hormone imbalances that cause the wild swings in
moods and behavior. In addition, it increases
fertility and sex drive.
Fat is needed for the absorption and utilization of
fat soluble nutrients.
Fat is essential! You need it to survive. In fact, there is
no physical need for carbohydrates, but fat is essential.
You need high quality fats, of different types, from a
variety of sources, in the right proportions. Different
fats play different roles.
Fat liberates you from cravings:
Fats are like a slow-burning log on the metabolic
fire. Glucose and high glycemic carbs are like twigs,
paper, and gasoline with a short-lived energy burst,
followed by a crash and an urge to eat more carbs.
Fat fuel burns more evenly.
Brain power and moods are more stable.
Improved mental clarity.
In a high carb diet, the body will burn carbs and store
fat. In a low carb diet, the body adapts to burning fat,
and will therefore burn the stored fat.
Eating too much damaged omega-6 fat and too little
omega-3 sets the stage for health problems you are
probably seeking to avoid, including cardiovascular
disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's,
rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, just to name several.
Most people, especially Americans, are guilty of this
lopsided omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and to correct it,
you typically need to do two things:
1. Significantly decrease damaged omega-6 by
avoiding processed foods and foods cooked at high
temperatures using vegetable oils
2. Increase your intake of heart-healthy animal-based
omega-3 fats, such as krill oil, fish oil

If youre eating any industrial seed oils youll be way,
way over the optimal ratio in no time at all. So chances
are, if youre eating foods that come out of a package or
box on a regular basis, and you eat out at restaurants a
few times a week, you are most likely significantly
exceeding the recommended intake of n-6.
The more omega-3 fat you eat, the less omega-6 will be
available to the tissues to produce inflammation.
Omega-6 is pro-inflammatory, while omega-3 is neutral.
A diet with a lot of omega-6 and not much omega-3 will
increase inflammation. A diet of a lot of omega-3 and
not much omega-6 will reduce inflammation.
You want roughly at a minimum a 4:1 ratio of the
omega-6 to omega-3. However, the best ratio is 2.3:1.

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Limit omega-6 intake to less than 3% of caloric intake
and consume 0.65g/d (three 4-oz. portions of oily fish
per week) of EPA & DHA. Or limiting n-6 intake to less
than 2% of calories, and consuming approximately
0.35g/d of EPA & DHA (two 4-oz. portions of oily fish
per week).

Your best, most cost effective choice of beverage is
filtered tap water. I strongly recommend using a high-
quality water filtration system unless you can verify the
purity of your water. To be absolutely certain you are
getting the purest water you can, you'll want to filter
the water both at the point of entry and at the point of
use. This means filtering all the water that comes into
the house, and then filtering again at the kitchen sink.
Besides purification, I also believe its critical to drink
living water. Water from a deep spring is one excellent
source of structured water. But you can also promote
structured water through vortexing. Dr. Pollack found
that by creating a vortex in a glass of water, youre
putting more energy into it, thereby increasing the
structure of the water. According to Dr. Pollack, virtually
ANY energy put into the water seems to create or build
structured water.
Heres a good article on water filtration:

Air and Breathing:
You survive on food, water, and air. Naturally, the
quality of each is of utmost importance, but when it
comes to air, few consider the quantity of air they
breathe as a having such an enormously profound
health impact. How you breathe affects the oxygenation
of your organs. The detrimental effects of mouth
breathing, hyperventilation and overbreathing are well-
documented. There is a duality to oxygen, and while it is
certainly necessary for life, excessive amounts will
prematurely accelerate oxidative damage and aging. So
the key is to use the absolute least amount that you
need and avoid excessive amounts of it. This way you
wont need to rely on your bodys own and even
supplemental sources of antioxidants to counteract the
damage that excessive oxygen can cause to your
The Buteyko Method teaches you how to bring your
breathing volume back toward normal or, in other
words, to reverse whats called chronic hyperventilation
or chronic overbreathing. When your breathing is
normal, you have better oxygenation of tissues and
organs, including your brain.

Sleeping Well:
There's convincing evidence showing that if you do not
sleep enough, you're really jeopardizing your health.
Everybody loses sleep here and there, and your body
can adjust for temporary shortcomings. But if you
develop a chronic pattern of sleeping less than five or
six hours a night, then you're increasing your risk of a
number of health conditions, including weakening your
immune system and increasing your risk of
degenerative brain disorders. This includes:
Viral and bacterial infections
Stomach ulcers
Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many more
Lack of sleep decreases leptin (your satiety hormone),
while increasing ghrelin (your hunger hormone), which
explains why night shift workers are at increased risk for
obesity and diabetes. Researchers have also found
higher rates of breast, prostate, colorectal cancer, and
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among night shift workers. If
you sleep poorly, you are more likely to crave junk
foods and make poor food choices. This is because poor
sleep amplifies the part of your brain responsible for
cravings, while suppressing the part responsible for
rational decision-making.
Here are some quick tips on improving sleep quality:
Get 10-15 min of sun in the morning.
Get at least 30 minutes of BRIGHT sun exposure
Avoid watching TV or using your computer in the
evening, at least an hour or so before going to bed.
Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as
If you have sleep apnea raise the headboard of your
bed the size of a brick so that your tongue does not
drop into your airway.
Install a low-wattage yellow, orange or red light
bulb if you need a source of light for navigation at
Keep the temperature in your bedroom at or below
70 degrees F.
If you are having trouble sleeping through the night,
you may need to reconfigure your workout regimen. It
is best to get into a routine where you consistently go
to bed and wake up on a regular schedule, limit
distractions before sleep such as television, and practice
relaxation techniques. See article below for more

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Your stress level is a major player in your overall health,
impacting your risk of chronic health conditions like
heart disease, depression, and obesity. Those who live
in a chronically elevated state of stress and anxiety
and often pass that stressful state on to those around
them. Over time, chronic stress may impair your
immune system and cause a number of detrimental
events in your body, including:
Decreased nutrient absorption
Decreased oxygenation to your gut
As much as four times less blood flow to your
digestive system, which leads to decreased
Elevated cholesterol
Elevated triglycerides
Decreased gut flora populations
Increased food sensitivity
Decreased enzymatic output in your gut as much
as 20,000-fold!
Further, when your body remains in a stress-induced
"fight-or-flight" mode for too long, one of the most
common consequences of this scenario is that your
adrenal glands, faced with excessive stress and burden,
become overworked and fatigued. This can lead to a
number of related health conditions, including fatigue,
autoimmune disorders, skin problems, and more.
Reversing the Stress Response:
The endorphin and dopamine high can be achieved via
healthful habits like exercise, laughter, hugging and
kissing, sex, or bonding with your child. If you're
wondering just how powerful and effective this can be,
a 10-second hug a day can lead to biochemical and
physiological reactions in your body that can
significantly improve your health.
Happy thoughts and positive thinking, in general,
support brain growth, as well as the generation and
reinforcement of new synapses, especially in your
prefrontal cortex (PFC), which serves as the integration
center of all of your brain-mind functions." These
physical changes in your cells lead to multiple net
benefits, including:
Stimulating the growth of nerve connections
Improving cognition by increasing mental
Improving your ability to analyze and think
Affecting your view of your surroundings and
increasing attentiveness
Leading to even more happy thoughts

Electrons from the Earth:
The Earth carries an enormous negative charge. It's
always electron-rich and can serve as a powerful and
abundant supply of antioxidant free-radical-busting
electrons. Your body is finely tuned to "work" with the
Earth in the sense that there's a constant flow of energy
between your body and the Earth. When you put your
feet on the ground, you absorb large amounts of
negative electrons through the soles of your feet. When
you wear rubber- or plastic-soled shoes, however, you
are effectively shielding yourself from this beneficial
influx of electrons from the Earth. Grounding has been
shown to relieve pain, calm the nervous system, reduce
inflammation, improve sleep, enhance well-being and
much, much more. For optimal immune function, you
want these electrons to enter your body, so make sure
you take your shoes off now and then, or alternatively,
use a grounding pad to take advantage of these free
electrons from the Earth. For more info go to

Oral Hygeine:
Oral health can have a significant impact on your
cardiovascular and heart health. I recommend oil
pulling optimal oral hygeine. Basically, it involves rinsing
your mouth with coconut oil, much like you would with
a mouthwash. The oil is "worked" around your mouth
by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth
for a period of 15 minutes. If you are obsessive like me
you can go for 30-45 minutes. This process allows the
oil to "pull out" bacteria, viruses, fungi and other debris.
The best time is in the morning before eating breakfast,
but it can be done at any time, the important point is to
just do it. I seek to do it twice a day if my schedule
allows. The used oil is discarded and your mouth rinsed
with water. You should not swallow the oil because it's
loaded with bacteria and toxins. In addition to all the
diet and lifestyle suggestions here, at least once daily
brushing and flossing.
More information on holistic dentistry:

Eyesight and Vision

Page 9

Look up Bates Method to learn how to regain your
eyesight naturally by simply relaxing the eye muscles so
that you are no longer straining and naturally regain
your vision. This strain has a lot to do with stress
(physical, emotional, mental). The less stress in your
environment the more relaxed your eye muscles. See
Mercola article below for more information:

For Optimal Health, Add Variety to Your Fitness
80 percent of the health benefits you reap from a
healthy lifestyle comes from your diet, and the
remaining 20 percent from exercise but it's a very
important 20 percent, as it acts in tandem with and
boosts the benefits derived from a proper diet. Ideally,
to truly optimize all aspects of your health, youd be
wise to design a well-rounded fitness program that
incorporates a variety of different exercises. Without
variety, your body will quickly adapt, so as a general
rule, as soon as an exercise becomes easy to complete,
youll want to increase the intensity and/or try another
exercise to keep it challenging. I recommend
incorporating the following types of exercise into your
Interval (Anaerobic) Training: This is when you
alternate short bursts of high-intensity exercise with
gentle recovery periods.
Strength Training: Rounding out your exercise
program with a 1-set strength training routine will
ensure that you're really optimizing the possible
health benefits of a regular exercise program. You
can also "up" the intensity by slowing it down.
Avoid Sitting for More Than 10 Minutes. This is not
intuitively obvious but emerging evidence clearly
shows that even highly fit people who exceed the
expert exercise recommendations are headed for
premature death if they sit for long periods of time.
Set your timer for 10 minutes while sitting, and then
stand up and do squats or lunges when the timer
goes off. The key is that you need to be moving all
day long, even in non-exercise activities.
Article on proper posture for sitting:
Core Exercises: Your body has 29 core muscles
located mostly in your back, abdomen and pelvis.
This group of muscles provides the foundation for
movement throughout your entire body, and
strengthening them can help protect and support
your back, make your spine and body less prone to
injury and help you gain greater balance and
Foundation Training, created by Dr. Eric Goodman,
is an integral first step of a larger program he calls
Modern Moveology, which consists of a catalog of
exercises. Postural exercises such as those taught in
Foundation Training are critical not just for properly
supporting your frame during daily activities, they
also retrain your body so you can safely perform
high-intensity exercises without risking injury.
Exercise programs like Pilates and yoga are also
great for strengthening your core muscles, as are
specific exercises you can learn from a personal
Stretching: My favorite type of stretching is active
isolated stretches developed by Aaron Mattes. With
Active Isolated Stretching, you hold each stretch for
only two seconds, which works with your body's
natural physiological makeup to improve circulation
and increase the elasticity of muscle joints. This
technique also allows your body to repair itself and
prepare for daily activity.

Environmental Toxins:
When the immune system finds a foreign substance
that the body cant do anything with, then it has no use
for it and is therefore a toxin that must be eliminated.
Elimination takes energy. This sometimes leads to
autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune triad includes:
genetic vulnerability, an environmental trigger (such as
gluten, pathogens, medication side effects,
environmental toxins), and intestinal permeability.
Autoimmune diseases have a long incubation time (up
to 40 years).
Below is a list of the 12 worst endocrine disruptors:
Bisphenol-A (BPA); Dioxin; Atrazine; Phthalates;
Perchlorate; Fire retardants; Lead; Mercury; Arsenic;
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs); Organophosphate
pesticides; Glycol ethers, azodicarbonamide (ADA) used
as a dough conditioner and flour bleaching agent in
commercial baking.
To avoid these environmental toxins buy products that
come in glass bottles rather than plastic or canned,
since chemicals can leach out of plastics and into the
contents. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a serious concern; make
sure plastic containers and canned goods are BPA-free.
Also store your food and beverages in glass rather than
plastic, and avoid using plastic wrap.
Use glass baby bottles and BPA-free sippy cups for your
little ones.

Page 10

Eat mostly raw, fresh foods. Processed, prepackaged
foods (of all kinds) are a common source of chemicals
such as BPA and phthalates.
Replace your non-stick pots and pans with ceramic or
glass cookware.
Filter your tap waterboth for drinking and bathing. In
fact, if you can only afford to do one, filtering your
bathing water may be more important, as your skin
absorbs contaminants. To remove the endocrine
disrupting herbicide Atrazine, make sure the filter is
certified to remove it. According to the EWG,
perchlorate can be filtered out using a reverse osmosis
Integrate house plants into your home to purify and
improve the overall air quality:
Stop using Roundup and other lawn and garden
pesticides, as children and pets can come into contact
with it simply by walking across the area.
Avoid commercial bug killers, such as mosquito, tick,
and flea sprays. To learn how to repel such pests
without hazardous chemicals.
Look for products that are made by companies that are
earth-friendly, animal-friendly, green, non-toxic and/or
100% organic. This applies to everything from food and
personal care products to building materials, carpeting,
paint, baby items, upholstery and more.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to remove
contaminated house dust.
When buying new products such as furniture,
mattresses, or carpet padding, ask what type of fire
retardant it contains. Be mindful of and/or avoid items
containing PBDEs, antimony, formaldehyde, boric acid,
and other brominated chemicals. As you replace these
toxic items around your home, select those that contain
naturally less flammable materials, such as leather,
wool and cotton.
Avoid stain- and water-resistant clothing, furniture and
carpets to avoid perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs).
Make sure your baby's toys are BPA-free, such as
pacifiers, teething rings and anything your child may be
prone to suck on.
Only use natural cleaning products in your home, or
make your own. Avoid products that contain 2-
butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME)
two toxic glycol ethers that can damage fertility and
cause fetal harm.
Switch over to organic brands of toiletries such as
shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics.
Remember, you can replace many different products
with coconut oil and baking soda, for example. The
Environmental Working Group has a great database to
help you find personal care products that are free of
phthalates and other potentially dangerous chemicals. I
also offer one of the highest quality organic skin care
lines, shampoo and conditioner, and body butter that
are completely natural and safe.
Replace feminine hygiene products like tampons and
sanitary pads with safer alternatives.
Avoid artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric
softeners or other synthetic fragrances.
Look for products that are fragrance-free. One artificial
fragrance can contain hundreds -- even thousands -- of
potentially toxic chemicals.
Replace your vinyl shower curtain with one made of
Discourage or even better, forbid, tobacco smoking in
or around your home.
Avoid powders. Talcum and other personal care
powders can be problematic as they float and linger in
the air after each use. Many powders are allergens due
to their tiny size and can cause respiratory problems.
Get some houseplants.
Increase ventilation by opening a few windows every
day for 5 to 10 minutes, preferably on opposite sides of
the house. This is important even in the extremes of
summer and winter so you avoid pollution buildup.
Take your shoes off as soon as you enter the house, and
leave them by the door to prevent tracking in toxic
Upgrade your furnace filters.
Make sure your house has proper drainage and its
foundation is sealed properly to avoid mold formation.

Food Combining Principles:
1. No proteins and starches at the same meal, as
they neutralize each other and prevent proper digestion
of either food. To ensure proper digestion of each food,
wait two hours after eating a starch before eating
protein. And wait three hours after eating protein
before eating a starch.
2. No fruits and vegetables at the same meal.
Fruits are either a single or double sugar, whereas the
starches are a triple sugar. Fruits mechanically break
down in your stomach, but chemically, they dont break
down until they reach the third and fourth stage of your
digestive system, which are in your small intestine.
Starches, again, are broken down in three different
stages, starting in your mouth.
According to Dr. Pickering, this is also why its crucial to
not eat dessert after a meal. When you do, it gets

Page 11

trapped in your stomach with all that other food, where
it starts to rot as its not being chemically digested
there. Therefore, eat fruit 30-60 minutes before dinner.
The same applies if you want to eat another piece of
fruit. Acidic fruits, such as lemons for example, also do
not combine well with starches. Lemon and banana is
but one example of a combination that is sure to lead to
gastrointestinal upset...
Many people consider tomatoes a fruit, yet its
commonly added to salad. Dr. Pickering classifies
tomatoes as a fruit-vegetable, because even though
they dont have the sugar like most fruits, theyre still
an acidic fruit-vegetable. As such theyre okay to
combine with other vegetables. He suggests the
following recipe for an excellent salad:
Any kind of vegetable that has seed in it; for example
summer squash, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, bell
peppers, and okrathose are all fruit-vegetables. Your
tomatoes go well with those. And since lettuce and
celery have a neutral effect, as far as the breakdown of
food, the celery and the lettuce combine very well with
all of that. You can also add avocados.
3. Eat melon alone, or leave it alone, or your
stomach will moan. In short, melons do not digest well
with other foods and will frequently cause problems
unless consumed by itself.
When and What to Eat:
Morning meal: The least concentrated foods, in
the greatest amount. Ideal food choice: fruits
Middle of the day: More complex foods, but in a
smaller amount than your first meal. Ideal food choice:
starchy carbs
Evening: The most concentrated foods, but in
the least abundant amount. Ideal food choice: protein

Educational Resources:
All movies listed on:
Detox Miracle Sourcebook,
GreatLymphaticSystem.pdf, Detox Program
Workbook.pdf, by Robert Morse
Grain Brain by David Perlmutter
Clean The Revolutionary Program by Alejandro
Superfoods For Optimum Health - Chlorella &
Spirulina -- Mike Adams.pdf
Your Personal Health: The Glycemic Index &
Glycemic Load Amazon Kindle
o Watch The body in its simplicity, and Art and
Science of Detox
Nutrition Plan from Dr. Mercola:

Educational Documentaries:
Food Matters
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Hungry for Change
Forks Over Knives
Eating Third Edition

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