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Pursuant to the provisions of Arti!e 21" of Presi#entia! Deree No$ %%2& as a'en#e#&
other(ise )no(n as the La*or Co#e of the Phi!ippines& the fo!!o(in+ Revise# Ru!es of
Proe#ure +overnin+ ar*itration proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iters an# the
Co''ission are here*, a#opte# an# pro'u!+ate#-
SECT.ON 1$ T.TLE OF THE RULES$ / These Ru!es sha!! *e )no(n as the 02011 NLRC
Ru!es of Proe#ure$1 21a3
SECT.ON 2$ CONSTRUCT.ON$ / These Ru!es sha!! *e !i*era!!, onstrue# to arr, out
the o*4etives of the Constitution& the La*or Co#e of the Phi!ippines an# other re!evant
!e+is!ations& an# to assist the parties in o*tainin+ 4ust& e5pe#itious an# ine5pensive
reso!ution an# sett!e'ent of !a*or #isputes$
a*sene of an, app!ia*!e provision in these Ru!es& an# in or#er to effetuate the
o*4etives of the La*or Co#e& the pertinent provisions of the Ru!es of Court of the
Phi!ippines 'a,& in the interest of e5pe#itious #ispensation of !a*or 4ustie an#
(henever pratia*!e an# onvenient& *e app!ie# *, ana!o+, or in a supp!etor,
harater an# effet$
SECT.ON 1$ DEF.N.T.ONS$ / The ter's an# phrases #efine# in Arti!e 212 of the La*or
Co#e& as a'en#e#& sha!! *e +iven the sa'e 'eanin+s (hen use# herein$ As use#
herein& 9Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh9 sha!! 'ean an, of the re+iona! ar*itration *ranhes
or su*/ re+iona! *ranhes of the Co''ission$
RULE ...
SECT.ON 1$ CO8PLA.NT$ / a3 A o'p!aint or petition is a p!ea#in+ a!!e+in+ the ause
or auses of ation of the o'p!ainant or petitioner$ The na'es an# a##resses of a!!
o'p!ainants or petitioners an# respon#ents 'ust *e state# in the o'p!aint or petition$
.t sha!! *e si+ne# un#er oath *, the o'p!ainant or petitioner& (ith a #e!aration of non/
foru' shoppin+$
*3 A part, havin+ 'ore than one ause of ation a+ainst the other part,& arisin+ out of
the sa'e re!ationship& sha!! in!u#e a!! of the' in one o'p!aint or petition$ 21a3
SECT.ON 2$ CAPT.ON AND T.TLE$ / .n a!! ases fi!e# (ith the Co''ission or (ith an,
of its Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes& the part, initiatin+ the ation sha!! *e a!!e# the
9Co'p!ainant9 or 9Petitioner9& an# the opposin+ part, the 9Respon#ent9$
The fu!! na'es of a!! the rea! parties in interest& (hether natura! or 4uri#ia! persons or
entities authori<e# *, !a(& sha!! *e state# in the aption of the o'p!aint or petition& as
(e!! as in the #eisions& reso!utions or or#ers of the La*or Ar*iter or the Co''ission$
SECT.ON 6$ F.L.N; AND SER=.CE OF PLEAD.N;S$ / A!! p!ea#in+s in onnetion (ith
a ase sha!! *e fi!e# (ith the appropriate #o)etin+ unit of the Re+iona! Ar*itration
:ranh or the Co''ission& as the ase 'a, *e$
The part, fi!in+ a p!ea#in+ sha!! serve the opposin+ parties (ith a op, an# its
supportin+ #ou'ents$ No p!ea#in+ sha!! *e onsi#ere# (ithout proof of servie to the
opposin+ parties e5ept if fi!e# si'u!taneous!, #urin+ a she#u!e set *efore the La*or
Ar*iter$ 2>a3
a3 Noties an# opies of reso!utions or or#ers& sha!! *e serve# persona!!, upon the
parties *, the *ai!iff or #u!, authori<e# pu*!i offier (ithin three 263 #a,s fro' his?her
reeipt thereof or *, re+istere# 'ai! or *, private ourier@
*3 .n ase of #eisions an# fina! a(ar#s& opies thereof sha!! *e serve# on *oth parties
an# their ounse! or representative *, re+istere# 'ai! or *, private ourier@ Provi#e#
that& in ases (here a part, to a ase or his?her ounse! on reor# persona!!, see)s
servie of the #eision upon inAuir, thereon& servie to sai# part, sha!! *e #ee'e#
effete# as herein provi#e#$ Bhere parties are nu'erous& servie sha!! *e 'a#e on
ounse! an# upon suh nu'*er of o'p!ainants& as 'a, *e pratia*!e an# sha!! *e
onsi#ere# su*stantia! o'p!iane (ith Arti!e 22% 2a3 of the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#$
For purposes of appea!& the perio# sha!! *e ounte# fro' reeipt of suh #eisions&
reso!utions& or or#ers *, the ounse! or representative of reor#$
3 The *ai!iff or offier servin+ the notie& or#er& or reso!ution sha!! su*'it his?her return
(ithin t(o 223 #a,s fro' #ate of servie thereof& statin+ !e+i*!, in his?her return his?her
na'e& the na'es of the persons serve# an# the #ate of reeipt& (hih return sha!! *e
i''e#iate!, attahe# an# sha!! for' part of the reor#s of the ase$ .n ase of servie
*, re+istere# 'ai! or *, private ourier& the na'e of the a##ressee an# the #ate of
reeipt of the notie& or#er or reso!ution sha!! *e (ritten in the return ar# or in the proof
of servie issue# *, the private ourier$ .f no servie (as effete#& the reason thereof
sha!! *e so state#$ 2Ca3
SECT.ON >$ PROOF AND CO8PLETENESS OF SER=.CE$ / The return is pri'a faie
proof of the fats in#iate# therein$ Servie *, re+istere# 'ai! or *, private ourier is
o'p!ete upon reeipt *, the a##ressee or his?her a+ent$ .f the a##ressee fai!s to !ai'
his?her 'ai! fro' the post offie (ithin five 2>3 #a,s fro' the #ate of first notie of the
post'aster& servie sha!! ta)e effet after suh ti'e$ 2Da3
SECT.ON C$ APPEARANCES$ / a3 A !a(,er appearin+ for a part, is presu'e# to *e
proper!, authori<e# for that purpose$ .n ever, ase& he?she sha!! in#iate in his?her
p!ea#in+s an# 'otions his?her Attorne,Es Ro!! Nu'*er& as (e!! as his?her PTR an# .:P
nu'*ers for the urrent ,ear an# 8CLE o'p!iane$
*3 A non/ !a(,er 'a, appear in an, of the proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iter or
Co''ission on!, un#er the fo!!o(in+ on#itions-
213 he?she represents hi'se!f?herse!f as part, to the ase@
223 he?she represents a !e+iti'ate !a*or or+ani<ation& as #efine# un#er Arti!e 212 an#
2%2 of the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#& (hih is a part, to the ase- Provi#e#& that he?she
presents to the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter #urin+ the 'an#ator, onferene or initia!
hearin+- 2i3 a ertifiation fro' the :ureau of La*or Re!ations 2:LR3 or Re+iona! Offie
of the Depart'ent of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent attestin+ that the or+ani<ation he?she
represents is #u!, re+istere# an# !iste# in the roster of !e+iti'ate !a*or or+ani<ations@ 2ii3
a verifie# ertifiation issue# *, the seretar, an# atteste# to *, the presi#ent of the
sai# or+ani<ation statin+ that he?she is authori<e# to represent the sai# or+ani<ation in
the sai# ase@ an# 2iii3 a op, of the reso!ution of the *oar# of #iretors of the sai#
or+ani<ation +rantin+ hi' suh authorit,@
263he?she represents a 'e'*er or 'e'*ers of a !e+iti'ate !a*or or+ani<ation that is
e5istin+ (ithin the e'p!o,erEs esta*!ish'ent& (ho are parties to the ase- Provi#e#& that
he?she presents- 2i3 a verifie# ertifiation attestin+ that he?she is authori<e# *, suh
'e'*er or 'e'*ers to represent the' in the ase@ an# 2ii3 a verifie# ertifiation issue#
*, the seretar, an# atteste# to *, the presi#ent of the sai# or+ani<ation statin+ that the
person or persons he?she is representin+ are 'e'*ers of their or+ani<ation (hih is
e5istin+ in the e'p!o,erEs esta*!ish'ent@
2%3 he?she is a #u!,/ are#ite# 'e'*er of an, !e+a! ai# offie reo+ni<e# *, the
Depart'ent of Fustie or .nte+rate# :ar of the Phi!ippines- Provi#e#& that he?she 2i3
presents proof of his?her are#itation@ an# 2ii3 represents a part, to the ase@
2>3 he?she is the o(ner or presi#ent of a orporation or esta*!ish'ent (hih is a part, to
the ase- Provi#e#& that he?she presents- 2i3 a verifie# ertifiation attestin+ that he?she
is authori<e# to represent sai# orporation or esta*!ish'ent@ an# 2ii3 a op, of the
reso!ution of the *oar# of #iretors of sai# orporation& or other si'i!ar reso!ution or
instru'ent issue# *, sai# esta*!ish'ent& +rantin+ hi'?her suh authorit,$
3 Appearanes of a non/ !a(,er in ontravention of this setion sha!! not *e reo+ni<e#
in an, proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iter or the Co''ission$
#3 Appearanes 'a, *e 'a#e ora!!, or in (ritin+$ .n *oth ases& the o'p!ete na'e an#
offie a##ress of ounse! or authori<e# representative sha!! *e 'a#e of reor# an# the
a#verse part, or his ounse! or authori<e# representative proper!, notifie#$
e3 .n ase of han+e of a##ress& the ounse! or representative sha!! fi!e a notie of suh
han+e& op, furnishe# the a#verse part, an# ounse! or representative& if an,$
f3 An, han+e or (ith#ra(a! of ounse! or authori<e# representative sha!! *e 'a#e in
aor#ane (ith the Ru!es of Court$ 2"a3
SECT.ON D$ AUTHOR.T7 TO :.ND PART7$ / Counse! or other authori<e#
representatives of parties sha!! have authorit, to *in# their !ients in a!! 'atters of
proe#ure@ *ut the, annot& (ithout a speia! po(er of attorne, or e5press onsent&
enter into a o'pro'ise a+ree'ent (ith the opposin+ part, in fu!! or partia! #ishar+e of
a !ientGs !ai'$ 2Ha3
SECT.ON 1$ =ENUE$ / a3 A!! ases (hih La*or Ar*iters have authorit, to hear an#
#ei#e 'a, *e fi!e# in the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh havin+ 4uris#ition over the
(or)p!ae of the o'p!ainant or petitioner$
For purposes of venue& the (or)p!ae sha!! *e un#erstoo# as the p!ae or !oa!it, (here
the e'p!o,ee is re+u!ar!, assi+ne# at the ti'e the ause of ation arose$ .t sha!! in!u#e
the p!ae (here the e'p!o,ee is suppose# to report *a) after a te'porar, #etai!&
assi+n'ent& or trave!$ .n ase of fie!# e'p!o,ees& as (e!! as a'*u!ant or itinerant
(or)ers& their (or)p!ae is (here the, are re+u!ar!, assi+ne#& or (here the, are
suppose# to re+u!ar!, reeive their sa!aries an# (a+es or (or) instrutions fro'& an#
report the resu!ts of their assi+n'ent to& their e'p!o,ers$
*3 Bhere t(o 223 or 'ore Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes have 4uris#ition over the
(or)p!ae of the o'p!ainant or petitioner& the :ranh that first aAuire# 4uris#ition
over the ase sha!! e5!u#e the others$
3 Bhen venue is not o*4ete# to *efore the fi!!in+ of position papers suh issue sha!! *e
#ee'e# (aive#$
#3 The venue of an ation 'a, *e han+e# or transferre# to a #ifferent Re+iona!
Ar*itration :ranh other than (here the o'p!aint (as fi!e# *, (ritten a+ree'ent of the
parties or (hen the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter *efore (ho' the ase is pen#in+ so
or#ers& upon 'otion *, the proper part, in 'eritorious ases$
e3 Cases invo!vin+ overseas Fi!ipino (or)ers 'a, *e fi!e# *efore the Re+iona!
Ar*itration :ranh havin+ 4uris#ition over the p!ae (here the o'p!ainant resi#es or
(here the prinipa! offie of an, of the respon#ents is situate#& at the option of the
SECT.ON 2$ RAFFLE AND ASS.;N8ENT OF CASES$ / a3 A!! o'p!aints an# petitions
fi!e# (ith the #o)et unit of the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh sha!! *e i''e#iate!, raff!e#
an# assi+ne# to a La*or Ar*iter fro' reeipt thereof$
*3 The E5eutive La*or Ar*iter sha!! *e responsi*!e for the i''e#iate raff!e an#
assi+n'ent of a!! o'p!aints an# petitions fi!e# (ith his?her Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh&
an# the i''e#iate for(ar#in+ of a!! su*seAuent p!ea#in+s an# 'otions$
3 A!! p!ea#in+s an# 'otions su*seAuent to the fi!in+ of the o'p!aint sha!! *e for(ar#e#
to the La*or Ar*iter *efore (ho' the ase is pen#in+ (ithin t(ent,/ four 22%3 hours fro'
reeipt thereof$
or 'ore ases or o'p!aints pen#in+ *efore #ifferent La*or Ar*iters in the sa'e
Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh invo!vin+ the sa'e e'p!o,er an# o''on prinipa! auses
of ation& or the sa'e parties (ith #ifferent auses of ation& the su*seAuent ases or
o'p!aints sha!! *e onso!i#ate# (ith the first to avoi# unneessar, osts or #e!a,$ Suh
onso!i#ate# ases or o'p!aints sha!! *e #ispose# of *, the La*or Ar*iter to (ho' the
first ase (as assi+ne#$
.n ase of o*4etion to the onso!i#ation& the sa'e sha!! *e reso!ve# *, the E5eutive
La*or Ar*iter$ An or#er reso!vin+ a 'otion or o*4etion to onso!i#ation sha!! *e
SECT.ON %$ D.SPOS.T.ON OF CASES$ / Su*4et to the provisions of Arti!e 2C6 2+3 of
the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#& (hen a ase is assi+ne# to a La*or Ar*iter& the entire
ase an# an, or a!! ini#ents thereto sha!! *e onsi#ere# assi+ne# to hi'?her@ an# the
sa'e sha!! *e #ispose# of in the sa'e proee#in+s to avoi# 'u!tip!iit, of suits or
Bhen the Seretar, of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent has assu'e# 4uris#ition over a stri)e or
!o)out or ertifie# the sa'e to the Co''ission& the parties to suh #ispute sha!!
i''e#iate!, infor' the Seretar, or the Co''ission& as the ase 'a, *e& of a!! ases
#iret!, re!ate# to the #ispute *et(een the' pen#in+ *efore an, Re+iona! Ar*itration
:ranh& an# the La*or Ar*iters han#!in+ the sa'e of suh assu'ption or ertifiation$
The La*or Ar*iter onerne# sha!! for(ar# (ithin t(o 223 #a,s fro' notie the entire
reor#s of the ase to the Co''ission or to the Seretar, of La*or& as the ase 'a, *e&
for proper #isposition$
SECT.ON 1$ FUR.SD.CT.ON OF LA:OR AR:.TERS$ / La*or Ar*iters sha!! have
ori+ina! an# e5!usive 4uris#ition to hear an# #ei#e the fo!!o(in+ ases invo!vin+ a!!
(or)ers& (hether a+riu!tura! or non/ a+riu!tura!-
a3 Unfair !a*or pratie ases@
*3 Ter'ination #isputes@
3 .f ao'panie# (ith a !ai' for reinstate'ent& those ases that (or)ers 'a, fi!e
invo!vin+ (a+es& rates of pa,& hours of (or) an# other ter's an# on#itions of
#3 C!ai's for atua!& 'ora!& e5e'p!ar, an# other for's of #a'a+es arisin+ fro'
e'p!o,er/ e'p!o,ee re!ations@
e3 Cases arisin+ fro' an, vio!ation of Arti!e 2C% of the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#&
in!u#in+ Auestions invo!vin+ the !e+a!it, of stri)es an# !o)outs@
f3E5ept !ai's for e'p!o,ees o'pensation not in!u#e# in the ne5t suee#in+
para+raph& soia! seurit,& 'e#iare& an# 'aternit, *enefits& a!! other !ai's arisin+
fro' e'p!o,er/ e'p!o,ee re!ations& in!u#in+ those of persons in #o'esti or househo!#
servie& invo!vin+ an a'ount e5ee#in+ Five Thousan# Pesos 2P>&000$003& (hether or
not ao'panie# (ith a !ai' for reinstate'ent@
+3 Ba+e #istortion #isputes in unor+ani<e# esta*!ish'ents not vo!untari!, sett!e# *, the
parties pursuant to Repu*!i At No$ CD2D@
h3 Enfore'ent of o'pro'ise a+ree'ents (hen there is non/ o'p!iane *, an, of
the parties pursuant to Arti!e 22D of the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#@
i3 8one, !ai's arisin+ out of e'p!o,er/ e'p!o,ee re!ationship or *, virtue of an, !a( or
ontrat& invo!vin+ Fi!ipino (or)ers for overseas #ep!o,'ent& in!u#in+ !ai's for atua!&
'ora!& e5e'p!ar, an# other for's of #a'a+es as provi#e# *, Setion 10 of RA "0%2&
as a'en#e# *, RA 10022@ an#
43 Other ases as 'a, *e provi#e# *, !a($
Cases arisin+ fro' the interpretation or i'p!e'entation of o!!etive *ar+ainin+
a+ree'ents an# those arisin+ fro' the interpretation or enfore'ent of o'pan,
personne! po!iies sha!! *e #ispose# of *, the La*or Ar*iter *, referrin+ the sa'e to the
+rievane 'ahiner, an# vo!untar, ar*itration& as 'a, *e provi#e# in sai# a+ree'ents$
SECT.ON 2$ NATURE OF PROCEED.N;S$ / The proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iter
sha!! *e non/ !iti+ious in nature$ Su*4et to the reAuire'ents of #ue proess& the
tehnia!ities of !a( an# proe#ure an# the ru!es o*tainin+ in the ourts of !a( sha!! not
strit!, app!, thereto$ The La*or Ar*iter 'a, avai! hi'se!f?herse!f of a!! reasona*!e
'eans to asertain the fats of the ontrovers, spee#i!,& in!u#in+ ou!ar inspetion an#
e5a'ination of (e!!/ infor'e# persons$
SECT.ON 6$ .SSUANCE OF SU88ONS$ / Bithin t(o 223 #a,s fro' reeipt of a
o'p!aint or a'en#e# o'p!aint& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! issue the reAuire# su''ons&
attahin+ thereto a op, of the o'p!aint or a'en#e# o'p!aint an# its anne5es& if an,$
The su''ons sha!! speif, the #ate& ti'e an# p!ae of the 'an#ator, oni!iation an#
'e#iation onferene in t(o 223 settin+s$ 26a& R...3
SECT.ON %$ SER=.CE OF SU88ONS$ I Su''ons sha!! *e serve# persona!!, upon
the parties *, the *ai!iff or a #u!, authori<e# pu*!i offier (ithin three 263 #a,s fro'
his?her reeipt thereof& or *, re+istere# 'ai!& or *, private ourier authori<e# *, the
Co''ission@ Provi#e# that in speia! iru'stanes& servie of su''ons 'a, *e
effete# in aor#ane (ith the pertinent provisions of the Ru!es of Court$
The *ai!iff or offier servin+ the su''ons sha!! su*'it his?her return (ithin t(o
223 #a,s fro' #ate of servie thereof& statin+ !e+i*!, in his?her return his?her na'e& the
na'es of the persons serve# an# the #ate of reeipt& (hih return sha!! *e i''e#iate!,
attahe# to the reor#s an# sha!! *e part thereof$ .f no servie (as effete#& the reason
thereof sha!! *e state# in the return$
.n ase of servie *, re+istere# 'ai! or *, private ourier& the na'es of the a##ressees
an# the #ates of reeipt of the su''ons sha!! *e (ritten in the return ar# or in the
proof of servie issue# *, the private ourier$ .f no servie (as effete#& the reason
thereof sha!! *e so state#$ 2n3
SECT.ON >$ PROH.:.TED PLEAD.N;S AND 8OT.ONS$ / The fo!!o(in+ p!ea#in+s an#
'otions sha!! not *e a!!o(e# an# ate# upon nor e!evate# to the Co''ission-
a3 8otion to #is'iss the o'p!aint e5ept on the +roun# of !a) of 4uris#ition over the
su*4et 'atter& i'proper venue& res 4u#iata& presription an# foru' shoppin+@
*3 8otion for a *i!! of partiu!ars@
3 8otion for ne( tria!@
#3 Petition for Re!ief fro' Fu#+'ent
e3 8otion to #e!are respon#ent in #efau!t@
f3 8otion for reonsi#eration of an, #eision or an, or#er of the La*or Ar*iter@
+3 Appea! fro' an, inter!outor, or#er of the La*or Ar*iter& suh as *ut not !i'ite# to& an
213 #en,in+ a 'otion to #is'iss@
223 #en,in+ a 'otion to inhi*it@
263 #en,in+ a 'otion for issuane of (rit of e5eution@ or
2%3 #en,in+ a 'otion to Auash (rit of e5eution$
h3 Appea! fro' the issuane of a ertifiate of fina!it, of #eision *, the La*or Ar*iter@
i3 Appea! fro' or#ers issue# *, the La*or Ar*iter in the ourse of e5eution
43 Suh other p!ea#in+s& 'otions an# petitions of si'i!ar nature inten#e# to iru'vent
a*ove provisions$ 2>a& R...3
SECT.ON C$ 8OT.ON TO D.S8.SS$ / :efore the #ate set for the 'an#ator, oni!iation
an# 'e#iation onferene& the respon#ent 'a, fi!e a 'otion to #is'iss on +roun#s
provi#e# un#er Setion >& para+raph 2a3 hereof$ Suh 'otion sha!! *e i''e#iate!,
reso!ve# *, the La*or Ar*iter throu+h a (ritten or#er$ An or#er #en,in+ the 'otion to
#is'iss& or suspen#in+ its reso!ution unti! the fina! #eter'ination of the ase& is not
appea!a*!e$ 2Ca3
SECT.ON D$ EFFECT OF FA.LURE TO F.LE$ / No 'otion to #is'iss sha!! *e a!!o(e# or
entertaine# after the !apse of the perio# provi#e# in Setion C hereof$ 2n3
a3 The 'an#ator, oni!iation an# 'e#iation onferene sha!! *e a!!e# for the purpose
of 213 a'ia*!, sett!in+ the ase upon a fair o'pro'ise@ 223 #eter'inin+ the rea! parties
in interest@ 263 #eter'inin+ the neessit, of a'en#in+ the o'p!aint an# in!u#in+ a!!
auses of ation@ 2%3 #efinin+ an# si'p!if,in+ the issues in the ase@ 2>3 enterin+ into
a#'issions or stipu!ations of fats@ an# 2C3 threshin+ out a!! other pre!i'inar, 'atters$
The La*or Ar*iter sha!! persona!!, presi#e over an# ta)e fu!! ontro! of the proee#in+s
an# 'a, *e assiste# *, the La*or Ar*itration Assoiate in the on#ut thereof$
*3 Coni!iation an# 'e#iation efforts sha!! *e e5erte# *, the La*or Ar*iters a!!
throu+hout the 'an#ator, onferenes$ An, a+ree'ent entere# into *, the parties
(hether in partia! or fu!! sett!e'ent of the #ispute sha!! *e re#ue# into (ritin+ an#
si+ne# *, the parties an# their ounse! or the partiesE authori<e# representatives& if an,$
3 .n an, ase& the o'pro'ise a+ree'ent sha!! *e approve# *, the La*or Ar*iter& if
after e5p!ainin+ to the parties& partiu!ar!, to the o'p!ainants& the ter's& on#itions an#
onseAuenes thereof& he?she is satisfie# that the, un#erstan# the a+ree'ent& that the
sa'e (as entere# into free!, an# vo!untari!, *, the'& an# that it is not ontrar, to !a(&
'ora!s& an# pu*!i po!i,$
#3 A o'pro'ise a+ree'ent #u!, entere# into in aor#ane (ith this Setion sha!! *e
fina! an# *in#in+ upon the parties an# sha!! have the fore an# effet of a 4u#+'ent
ren#ere# *, the La*or Ar*iter$
e3 The 'an#ator, oni!iation an# 'e#iation onferene sha!!& e5ept for 4ustifia*!e
+roun#s& *e ter'inate# (ithin thirt, 2603 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the #ate of the first
f3 No 'otion for postpone'ent sha!! *e entertaine# e5ept on 'eritorious +roun#s an#
(hen fi!e# at !east three 263 #a,s *efore the she#u!e# hearin+$ 26a3
SECT.ON H$ EFFECT OF FA.LURE OF SETTLE8ENT$ I .f the parties fai! to a+ree on
an a'ia*!e sett!e'ent& either in (ho!e or in part& #urin+ the 'an#ator, oni!iation an#
'e#iation onferene& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! proee# to the other purposes of the sai#
onferene as enu'erate# in Setion "2a3 hereof$ 2%a3
SECT.ON 10$ NON/ APPEARANCE OF PART.ES$ / The non/ appearane of the
o'p!ainant or petitioner #urin+ the t(o 223 settin+s for 'an#ator, oni!iation an#
'e#iation onferene she#u!e# in the su''ons& #espite #ue notie thereof& sha!! *e a
+roun# for the #is'issa! of the ase (ithout pre4u#ie$
.n ase of non/ appearane *, the respon#ent #urin+ the first she#u!e# onferene&
the seon# onferene as she#u!e# in the su''ons sha!! proee#$ .f the respon#ent
sti!! fai!s to appear at the seon# onferene #espite *ein+ #u!, serve# (ith su''ons&
he?she sha!! *e onsi#ere# to have (aive# his?her ri+ht to fi!e position paper$ The La*or
Ar*iter sha!! i''e#iate!, ter'inate the 'an#ator, oni!iation an# 'e#iation
onferene an# #iret the o'p!ainant or petitioner to fi!e a verifie# position paper an#
su*'it evi#ene in support of his?her auses of ation an# thereupon ren#er his?her
#eision on the *asis of the evi#ene on reor#$ 2>a3
SECT.ON 11$ SU:8.SS.ON OF POS.T.ON PAPER AND REPL7$ / a3 Su*4et to
Setions H an# 10 of this Ru!e& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! #iret the parties to su*'it
si'u!taneous!, their verifie# position papers (ith supportin+ #ou'ents an# affi#avits& if
an,& on a #ate set *, hi'?her (ithin ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the #ate of ter'ination
of the 'an#ator, oni!iation an# 'e#iation onferene$
*3 No a'en#'ent of the o'p!aint or petition sha!! *e a!!o(e# after the fi!in+ of position
papers& un!ess (ith !eave of the La*or Ar*iter$
3 The position papers of the parties sha!! over on!, those !ai's an# auses of ation
state# in the o'p!aint or a'en#e# o'p!aint& ao'panie# *, a!! supportin+
#ou'ents& in!u#in+ the affi#avits of (itnesses& (hih sha!! ta)e the p!ae of their
#iret testi'on,& e5!u#in+ those that 'a, have *een a'ia*!, sett!e#$
#3 Bithin ten 2103 #a,s fro' reeipt of the position paper of the a#verse part,& a rep!,
'a, *e fi!e# on a #ate a+ree# upon an# #urin+ a she#u!e set *efore the La*or Ar*iter$
The rep!, sha!! not a!!e+e an#?or prove fats an# an, ause or auses of ation not
referre# to or in!u#e# in the ori+ina! or a'en#e# o'p!aint or petition or raise# in the
position paper$ 2Da3
CONFERENCE$ / .''e#iate!, after the su*'ission *, the parties of their position paper
or rep!,& as the ase 'a, *e& the La*or Ar*iter sha!!& 'otu proprio& #eter'ine (hether
there is a nee# for a hearin+ or !arifiator, onferene$ At this sta+e& he?she 'a,& at
his?her #isretion an# for the purpose of 'a)in+ suh #eter'ination& as) !arifiator,
Auestions to further e!iit fats or infor'ation& in!u#in+ *ut not !i'ite# to the su*poena
of re!evant #ou'entar, evi#ene& if an,& fro' an, part, or (itness$ 2"a3
CONFERENCE$ / a3 The La*or Ar*iter sha!! ta)e fu!! ontro! an# persona!!, on#ut the
hearin+ or !arifiator, onferene an# 'a, as) Auestions for the purpose of !arif,in+
points of !a( or fats invo!ve# in the ase$ The La*or Ar*iter 'a, a!!o( the presentation
of testi'onia! evi#ene (ith ri+ht of ross/ e5a'ination *, the opposin+ part, an# sha!!
!i'it the presentation of evi#ene to 'atters re!evant to the issue *efore hi'?her an#
neessar, for a 4ust an# spee#, #isposition of the ase$
*3 The La*or Ar*iter sha!! 'a)e a (ritten su''ar, of the proee#in+s& in!u#in+ the
su*stane of the evi#ene presente#& in onsu!tation (ith the parties$ The (ritten
su''ar, sha!! *e si+ne# *, the parties an# sha!! for' part of the reor#s$ 2Ha3
a3 The parties an# their ounse!s appearin+ *efore the La*or Ar*iter sha!! *e prepare#
for ontinuous hearin+ or !arifiator, onferene$ No postpone'ent or ontinuane
sha!! *e a!!o(e# *, the La*or Ar*iter& e5ept upon 'eritorious +roun#s an# su*4et to
the reAuire'ent of e5pe#itious #isposition of ases$ The hearin+ or !arifiator,
onferene sha!! *e ter'inate# (ithin thirt, 2603 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the #ate of the
initia! !arifiator, onferene$
*3 .n ase of non/ appearane of an, of the parties #urin+ the hearin+ or !arifiator,
onferene #espite #ue notie& proee#in+s sha!! *e on#ute# e5/ parte$ Thereafter&
the ase sha!! *e #ee'e# su*'itte# for #eision$
3 Para+raph 2a3 of this Setion not(ithstan#in+& in ases invo!vin+ overseas Fi!ipino
(or)ers& the a++re+ate perio# for on#utin+ the 'an#ator, oni!iation an# 'e#iation
onferene& in!u#in+ hearin+ on the 'erits or !arifiator, onferene& sha!! not e5ee#
si5t, 2C03 #a,s& (hih sha!! *e re)one# fro' the #ate of aAuisition of 4uris#ition *,
the La*or Ar*iter over the person of the respon#ents$ 210a3
SECT.ON 1>$ SU:8.SS.ON OF THE CASE FOR DEC.S.ON$ / Upon the su*'ission *,
the parties of their position papers or rep!ies& or the !apse of the perio# to su*'it the
sa'e& the ase sha!! *e #ee'e# su*'itte# for #eision un!ess the La*or Ar*iter a!!s for
a hearin+ or !arifiator, onferene in aor#ane (ith Setion 12 an# 1%2a3 of this
Ru!e& in (hih ase& notie of hearin+ or !arifiator, onferene sha!! *e i''e#iate!,
sent to the parties$ Upon ter'ination of the sai# hearin+ or onferene& the ase is
#ee'e# su*'itte# for #eision$ 211a3
SECT.ON 1C$ .NH.:.T.ON$ / A La*or Ar*iter 'a, vo!untari!, inhi*it hi'se!f?herse!f fro'
the reso!ution of a ase an# sha!! so state in (ritin+ the !e+a! 4ustifiations therefor$
Upon 'otion of a part,& either on the +roun# of re!ationship (ithin the fourth ivi! #e+ree
of onsan+uinit, or affinit, (ith the a#verse part, or ounse!& or on Auestion of partia!it,
or other 4ustifia*!e +roun#s& the La*or Ar*iter 'a, inhi*it hi'se!f?herse!f fro' further
hearin+ an# #ei#in+ the ase$ Suh 'otion sha!! *e reso!ve# (ithin five 2>3 #a,s fro'
the fi!in+ thereof$ An or#er #en,in+ or +rantin+ a 'otion for inhi*ition is inappea!a*!e$
SECT.ON 1D$ PER.OD TO DEC.DE CASE$ / The La*or Ar*iter sha!! ren#er his?her
#eision (ithin thirt, 2603 a!en#ar #a,s& (ithout e5tension& after the su*'ission of the
ase *, the parties for #eision& even in the a*sene of steno+raphi notes@ Provi#e#
ho(ever& that ases invo!vin+ overseas Fi!ipino (or)ers sha!! *e #ei#e# (ithin ninet,
2H03 a!en#ar #a,s after the fi!in+ of the o'p!aint$ 216a3
SECT.ON 1"$ CONTENTS OF DEC.S.ONS$ / The #eisions an# or#ers of the La*or
Ar*iter sha!! *e !ear an# onise an# sha!! in!u#e a *rief state'ent of the- a3 fats of
the ase@ *3 issues invo!ve#@ 3 app!ia*!e !a(s or ru!es@ #3 on!usions an# the reasons
therefor@ an# e3 speifi re'e#, or re!ief +rante#$ .n ases invo!vin+ 'onetar, a(ar#s&
the #eisions or or#ers of the La*or Ar*iter sha!! ontain the a'ount a(ar#e#$
.n ase the #eision of the La*or Ar*iter in!u#es an or#er of reinstate'ent& it sha!!
!i)e(ise ontain- a3 a state'ent that the reinstate'ent aspet is i''e#iate!, e5eutor,@
an# *3 a #iretive for the e'p!o,er to su*'it a report of o'p!iane (ithin ten 2103
a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of the sai# #eision$ 21%a3
2a3 Fina!it, of the Deision or Or#er of the La*or Ar*iter$ / .f no appea! is fi!e# (ith the
Co''ission (ithin the ti'e provi#e# un#er Arti!e 226 of the La*or Co#e& as a'en#e#&
an# Setion 1& Ru!e =. of these Ru!es& the #eision or or#er of the La*or Ar*iter sha!!
*eo'e fina! an# e5eutor, after ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt thereof *, the
ounse! or authori<e# representative or the parties if not assiste# *, ounse! or
2*3 Certifiate of Fina!it,$ / Upon e5piration of the perio# provi#e# in para+raph 2a3 of this
Setion& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! issue a ertifiate of fina!it,$
.n the a*sene of return ar#s& ertifiations fro' the post offie or ourier or other
proofs of servie to the parties& the La*or Ar*iter 'a, issue a ertifiate of fina!it, after
si5t, 2C03 a!en#ar #a,s fro' #ate of 'ai!in+$ 2n3
an# L.FT.N; OF BA.=ER$ / A part, 'a, fi!e a 'otion to revive or re/ open a ase
#is'isse# (ithout pre4u#ie& (ithin ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of notie of the
or#er #is'issin+ the sa'e@ other(ise& the on!, re'e#, sha!! *e to re/ fi!e the ase$ A
part, #e!are# to have (aive# his?her ri+ht to fi!e position paper 'a,& at an, ti'e after
notie thereof an# *efore the ase is su*'itte# for #eision& fi!e a 'otion un#er oath to
set asi#e the or#er of (aiver upon proper sho(in+ that his?her fai!ure to appear (as #ue
to 4ustifia*!e an# 'eritorious +roun#s$ 21Ca3
SECT.ON 1$ PER.ODS OF APPEAL$ / Deisions& a(ar#s& or or#ers of the La*or Ar*iter
sha!! *e fina! an# e5eutor, un!ess appea!e# to the Co''ission *, an, or *oth parties
(ithin ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt thereof@ an# in ase of #eisions or
reso!utions of the Re+iona! Diretor of the Depart'ent of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent
pursuant to Arti!e 12H of the La*or Co#e& (ithin five 2>3 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt
thereof$ .f the 10th or >th #a,& as the ase 'a, *e& fa!!s on a Satur#a,& Sun#a, or
ho!i#a,& the !ast #a, to perfet the appea! sha!! *e the first (or)in+ #a, fo!!o(in+ suh
Satur#a,& Sun#a, or ho!i#a,$
No 'otion or reAuest for e5tension of the perio# (ithin (hih to perfet an appea! sha!!
*e a!!o(e#$ 21a3
SECT.ON 2$ ;ROUNDS$ / The appea! 'a, *e entertaine# on!, on an, of the fo!!o(in+
a3 .f there is pri'a faie evi#ene of a*use of #isretion on the part of the La*or Ar*iter
or Re+iona! Diretor@
*3 .f the #eision& a(ar# or or#er (as seure# throu+h frau# or oerion& in!u#in+ +raft
an# orruption@
3 .f 'a#e pure!, on Auestions of !a(@ an#?or
#3 .f serious errors in the fin#in+s of fats are raise# (hih& if not orrete#& (ou!# ause
+rave or irrepara*!e #a'a+e or in4ur, to the appe!!ant$ 22a3
SECT.ON 6$ BHERE F.LED$ / The appea! sha!! *e fi!e# (ith the Re+iona! Ar*itration
:ranh or Re+iona! Offie (here the ase (as hear# an# #ei#e#$
SECT.ON %$ REJU.S.TES FOR PERFECT.ON OF APPEAL$ / a3 The appea! sha!! *e-
213 fi!e# (ithin the re+!e'entar, perio# provi#e# in Setion 1 of this Ru!e@
223 verifie# *, the appe!!ant hi'se!f?herse!f in aor#ane (ith Setion %& Ru!e D of the
Ru!es of Court& as a'en#e#@
263 in the for' of a 'e'oran#u' of appea! (hih sha!! state the +roun#s re!ie# upon
an# the ar+u'ents in support thereof& the re!ief pra,e# for& an# (ith a state'ent of the
#ate the appe!!ant reeive# the appea!e# #eision& a(ar# or or#er@
2%3 in three 263 !e+i*!, t,pe(ritten or printe# opies@ an#
2>3 ao'panie# *,- i3 proof of pa,'ent of the reAuire# appea! fee an# !e+a! researh
fee@ ii3 postin+ of a ash or suret, *on# as provi#e# in Setion C of this Ru!e@ an# iii3
proof of servie upon the other parties$
*3 A 'ere notie of appea! (ithout o'p!,in+ (ith the other reAuisites aforestate# sha!!
not stop the runnin+ of the perio# for perfetin+ an appea!$
3 The appe!!ee 'a, fi!e (ith the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh or Re+iona! Offie (here
the appea! (as fi!e#& his?her ans(er or rep!, to appe!!antGs 'e'oran#u' of appea!& not
!ater than ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt thereof$ Fai!ure on the part of the appe!!ee
(ho (as proper!, furnishe# (ith a op, of the appea! to fi!e his?her ans(er or rep!,
(ithin the sai# perio# 'a, *e onstrue# as a (aiver on his?her part to fi!e the sa'e$
#3 Su*4et to the provisions of Arti!e 21" of the La*or Co#e& one the appea! is
perfete# in aor#ane (ith these Ru!es& the Co''ission sha!! !i'it itse!f to revie(in+
an# #ei#in+ on!, the speifi issues that (ere e!evate# on appea!$ 2%a3
SECT.ON >$ APPEAL FEE$ / The appe!!ant sha!! pa, the prevai!in+ appea! fee an# !e+a!
researh fee to the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh or Re+iona! Offie of ori+in& an# the
offiia! reeipt of suh pa,'ent sha!! for' part of the reor#s of the ase$ 2>a3
SECT.ON C$ :OND$ / .n ase the #eision of the La*or Ar*iter or the Re+iona! Diretor
invo!ves a 'onetar, a(ar#& an appea! *, the e'p!o,er 'a, *e perfete# on!, upon the
postin+ of a *on#& (hih sha!! either *e in the for' of ash #eposit or suret, *on#
eAuiva!ent in a'ount to the 'onetar, a(ar#& e5!usive of #a'a+es an# attorne,Es fees$
.n ase of suret, *on#& the sa'e sha!! *e issue# *, a reputa*!e *on#in+ o'pan, #u!,
are#ite# *, the Co''ission or the Supre'e Court& an# sha!! *e ao'panie# *,
ori+ina! or ertifie# true opies of the fo!!o(in+-
a3 a 4oint #e!aration un#er oath *, the e'p!o,er& his?her ounse!& an# the *on#in+
o'pan,& attestin+ that the *on# poste# is +enuine& an# sha!! *e in effet unti! fina!
#isposition of the ase$
*3 an in#e'nit, a+ree'ent *et(een the e'p!o,er/ appe!!ant an# *on#in+ o'pan,@
3 proof of seurit, #eposit or o!!atera! seurin+ the *on#- provi#e#& that a he) sha!!
not *e onsi#ere# as an aepta*!e seurit,@
#3 a ertifiate of authorit, fro' the .nsurane Co''ission@
e3 ertifiate of re+istration fro' the Seurities an# E5han+e Co''ission@
f3 ertifiate of are#itation an# authorit, fro' the Supre'e Court@ an#
+3 notari<e# *oar# reso!ution or seretar,Es ertifiate fro' the *on#in+ o'pan,
sho(in+ its authori<e# si+natories an# their spei'en si+natures$
The Co''ission throu+h the Chair'an 'a, on 4ustifia*!e +roun#s *!a)!ist a *on#in+
o'pan,& not(ithstan#in+ its are#itation *, the Supre'e Court$
A ash or suret, *on# sha!! *e va!i# an# effetive fro' the #ate of #eposit or postin+&
unti! the ase is fina!!, #ei#e#& reso!ve# or ter'inate#& or the a(ar# satisfie#$ This
on#ition sha!! *e #ee'e# inorporate# in the ter's an# on#itions of the suret, *on#&
an# sha!! *e *in#in+ on the appe!!ants an# the *on#in+ o'pan,$
The appe!!ant sha!! furnish the appe!!ee (ith a ertifie# true op, of the sai# suret, *on#
(ith a!! the a*ove/ 'entione# supportin+ #ou'ents$ The appe!!ee sha!! verif, the
re+u!arit, an# +enuineness thereof an# i''e#iate!, report an, irre+u!arit, to the
Upon verifiation *, the Co''ission that the *on# is irre+u!ar or not +enuine& the
Co''ission sha!! ause the i''e#iate #is'issa! of the appea!& an# ensure the
responsi*!e parties an# their ounse!s& or su*4et the' to reasona*!e fine or pena!t,&
an# the *on#in+ o'pan, 'a, *e *!a)!iste#$
No 'otion to re#ue *on# sha!! *e entertaine# e5ept on 'eritorious +roun#s& an# on!,
upon the postin+ of a *on# in a reasona*!e a'ount in re!ation to the 'onetar, a(ar#$
The 'ere fi!in+ of a 'otion to re#ue *on# (ithout o'p!,in+ (ith the reAuisites in the
pree#in+ para+raphs sha!! not stop the runnin+ of the perio# to perfet an appea!$ 2Ca3
SECT.ON D$ RECORDS OF CASE ON APPEAL$ / The reor#s of a ase sha!! have a
orrespon#in+ in#e5 of its ontents (hih sha!! in!u#e the fo!!o(in+- a3 the ori+ina! op,
of the o'p!aint@ *3 other p!ea#in+s an# 'otions@ 3 'inutes of the proee#in+s&
noties& transripts of steno+raphi notes& if an,@ #3 #eisions& or#ers& an# reso!utions
as (e!! as proof of servie thereof& if avai!a*!e@ e3 the o'putation of the a(ar#@ f3
'e'oran#u' of appea! an# the rep!, or ans(er thereto& if an,& an# proof of servie& if
avai!a*!e@ +3 offiia! reeipt of the appea! fee@ an# h3 the appea! *on#& if an,$
The reor#s sha!! *e hrono!o+ia!!, arran+e# an# pa+e# pro'inent!,$
ei+ht 2%"3 hours after the fi!in+ of the appea!& the reor#s of the ase sha!! *e
trans'itte# *, the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh or offie of ori+in to the Co''ission$
SECT.ON H$ F.L.N; OF APPEAL@ EFFECT$ / Bithout pre4u#ie to i''e#iate
reinstate'ent pen#in+ appea! un#er Setion C of Ru!e K.& one an appea! is fi!e#& the
La*or Ar*iter !oses 4uris#ition over the ase$ A!! p!ea#in+s an# 'otions pertainin+ to the
appea!e# ase sha!! thereafter *e a##resse# to an# fi!e# (ith the Co''ission$ 2Ha3
SECT.ON 10$ FR.=OLOUS OR D.LATOR7 APPEALS$ / No appea! fro' an inter!outor,
or#er sha!! *e entertaine#$ To #isoura+e frivo!ous or #i!ator, appea!s& in!u#in+ those
ta)en fro' inter!outor, or#ers& the Co''ission after hearin+ 'a, ensure or ite in
onte'pt the errin+ parties an# their ounse!s& or su*4et the' to reasona*!e fine or
pena!t,$ 210a3
provi#e# herein +overnin+ appea!s fro' the #eisions or or#ers of La*or Ar*iters sha!!
app!, to appea!s to the Co''ission fro' #eisions or or#ers of the other offies or
a+enies appea!a*!e to the Co''ission aor#in+ to !a($
RULE =..
SECT.ON 1$ FUR.SD.CT.ON OF THE CO88.SS.ON$ / The Co''ission sha!! e5erise
e5!usive& ori+ina!& an# appe!!ate 4uris#ition in aor#ane (ith !a($
:ANC AND .TS D.=.S.ONS$ / a3 Co'position$ / Un!ess other(ise provi#e# *, !a(& the
Co''ission sha!! *e o'pose# of the Chair'an an# of t(ent, three 2263
*3 Co''ission En :an$ IThe Co''ission sha!! sit en *an on!, for purposes of
pro'u!+atin+ ru!es an# re+u!ations +overnin+ the hearin+ an# #isposition of ases
*efore its Divisions an# Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes& an# for the for'u!ation of
po!iies affetin+ its a#'inistration an# operations$ .t 'a,& on te'porar, or e'er+en,
*asis& a!!o( ases (ithin the 4uris#ition of an, Division to *e hear# *, an, other
Division (hose #o)et a!!o(s the a##itiona! (or)!oa# an# suh transfer (i!! not e5pose
!iti+ants to unneessar, a##itiona! e5pense$
3 Divisions$ / Un!ess other(ise provi#e# *, !a(& the Co''ission sha!! e5erise its
a#4u#iator, an# a!! other po(ers& funtions an# #uties throu+h its ei+ht 2"3 Divisions$
Eah Division sha!! onsist of one 'e'*er fro' the pu*!i setor (ho sha!! at as the
Presi#in+ Co''issioner an# one 'e'*er eah fro' the (or)ers an# e'p!o,ers
setors& respetive!,$
Of the ei+ht 2"3 Divisions& the First& Seon#& Thir#& Fourth& Fifth an# Si5th Divisions sha!!
have e5!usive territoria! 4uris#ition over appea!e# ases o'in+ fro' Lu<on@ the
Seventh Division& appea!e# ases fro' the =isa,as Re+ion@ an# the Ei+hth Division&
appea!e# ases fro' 8in#anao in!u#in+ those fro' the Autono'ous Re+ion for
8us!i' 8in#anao$
#3 Hea#Auarters$ / As provi#e# *, !a(& the Co''ission an# its First& Seon#& Thir#&
Fourth& Fifth an# Si5th Divisions for Lu<on sha!! have their 'ain offies in the Nationa!
Capita! Re+ion& an# the Seventh an# Ei+hth Divisions for =isa,as an# 8in#anao& in the
ities of Ce*u an# Ca+a,an #e Oro& respetive!,$ 22a3
SECT.ON 6$ THE CHA.R8AN$ / The Chair'an sha!! presi#e over a!! sessions of the
Co''ission en *an$ He?she is the Presi#in+ Co''issioner of the First Division$ .n
ase of the effetive a*sene or inapait, of the Chair'an& the Presi#in+
Co''issioner of the Seon# Division sha!! *e the Atin+ Chair'an$
The Chair'an& ai#e# *, the E5eutive C!er) of the Co''ission& sha!! have
a#'inistrative supervision over the Co''ission an# its Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes
an# a!! its personne! in!u#in+ the E5eutive La*or Ar*iters an# La*or Ar*iters$
Co''ission En :an$ / The Chair'an sha!! a!! the Co''ission to an en *an session
at !east t(ie a ,ear& prefera*!, on the first (ee) of Fune an# the first (ee) of
Dee'*er& to #e!i*erate an# #ei#e on an, 'atter *efore it$ Ho(ever& a 'a4orit, of a!!
the 'e'*ers of the Co''ission 'a, a!! a speia! en *an session to #isuss an#
#ei#e on ur+ent an# vita! 'atters (hih nee# i''e#iate ation$
*3 Juoru'$ / The presene of a 'a4orit, of a!! the 'e'*ers of the Co''ission sha!! *e
neessar, to onstitute a Auoru'$ The vote or onurrene of the 'a4orit, of the
'e'*ers onstitutin+ a Auoru' sha!! *e the #eision or reso!ution of the Co''ission
en *an$
3 Division$ / The presene of at !east t(o 223 Co''issioners of a Division sha!!
onstitute a Auoru'$ The onurrene of t(o 223 Co''issioners of a Division sha!! *e
neessar, for the pronoune'ent of a 4u#+'ent or reso!ution$
Bhenever the reAuire# 'e'*ership in a Division is not o'p!ete an#?or the
onurrene of t(o 223 Co''issioners annot *e o*taine# to arrive at a 4u#+'ent or
reso!ution& the Chair'an sha!! #esi+nate suh nu'*er of a##itiona! Co''issioners
*e!on+in+ to the sa'e setor fro' the other Divisions as 'a, *e neessar,$ .n the
event that a!! the 'e'*ers of a #ivision inhi*it the'se!ves fro' reso!vin+ a ase& the
Chair'an 'a, reate a Speia! Division or assi+n the ase to an, of the other
#3 Ro!e of Chair'an in the Division$ / The Chair'an of the Co''ission 'a, onvene
an# presi#e over the session of an, Division to onsi#er an, ase pen#in+ *efore it an#
partiipate in its #e!i*erations& if in his?her 4u#+'ent& his?her presene therein (i!! *est
serve the interests of !a*or 4ustie$ He?she sha!! not ho(ever& partiipate in the votin+ *,
the Division& e5ept (hen he?she is atin+ as Presi#in+ Co''issioner of the Division in
the a*sene of the re+u!ar Presi#in+ Co''issioner$ 2%a3
SECT.ON >$ CONSULTAT.ON$ / The on!usions of a Division on an, ase or 'atter
su*'itte# to it for #eision sha!! *e reahe# in onsu!tation *efore the ase is assi+ne#
to a 'e'*er for the (ritin+ of the opinion$ .t sha!! *e 'an#ator, for the Division to 'eet
for the purpose of the onsu!tation or#aine# herein$
A ertifiation to this effet si+ne# *, the Presi#in+ Co''issioner of the Division sha!!
*e issue# an# a op, thereof attahe# to the reor# of the ase an# serve# upon the
SECT.ON C$ D.SSENT.N; OP.N.ON$ / Shou!# an, 'e'*er of a Division in#iate
his?her intention to (rite a #issentin+ opinion& he?she 'a, fi!e the sa'e (ithin the perio#
presri*e# for #ei#in+ or reso!vin+ the appea!@ other(ise& suh (ritten #issentin+
opinion sha!! not *e onsi#ere# part of the reor#s of the ase$
SECT.ON D$ .NH.:.T.ON$ / No 'otion to inhi*it the entire Division of the Co''ission
sha!! *e entertaine#$ Ho(ever& an, Co''issioner 'a, inhi*it hi'se!f?herse!f fro' the
onsi#eration an# reso!ution of an, ase or 'atter *efore the Division an# sha!! so state
in (ritin+ the !e+a! or 4ustifia*!e +roun#s therefor$ .n the event that a 'e'*er inhi*its
hi'se!f?herse!f& the ase sha!! *e raff!e# *, the E5eutive C!er) or Deput, E5eutive
C!er) to either of the t(o 223 re'ainin+ Co''issioners$ .n ase t(o 223 Co''issioners
in a Division inhi*it the'se!ves in a ase or 'atter *efore it& the Chair'an sha!!& as far
as pratia*!e& appoint t(o 223 Co''issioners fro' other Divisions representin+ the
setor of the Co''issioners (ho inhi*ite# the'se!ves$
SECT.ON "$ A:STENT.ON$ / .n the event of an a*stention& an# the onurrene of t(o
223 Co''issioners to arrive at a 4u#+'ent or reso!ution annot *e o*taine#& Setion %
23& seon# para+raph& of this Ru!e sha!! app!,$
SECT.ON H$ CONSOL.DAT.ON OF CASES$ / Appea!e# an# in4untion ases invo!vin+
the sa'e parties& issues& or re!ate# Auestions of fat or !a( sha!! *e onso!i#ate# *efore
the Co''issioner to (ho' the ase (ith the !o(est ase nu'*er is assi+ne#$ Notie of
the onso!i#ation sha!! *e +iven *, the E5eutive C!er) or Deput, E5eutive C!er) to the
other 'e'*ers of the onerne# Divisions$
SECT.ON 10$ TECHN.CAL RULES NOT :.ND.N;$ / The ru!es of proe#ure an#
evi#ene prevai!in+ in ourts of !a( an# eAuit, sha!! not *e ontro!!in+ an# the
Co''ission sha!! use ever, an# a!! reasona*!e 'eans to asertain the fats in eah
ase spee#i!, an# o*4etive!,& (ithout re+ar# to tehnia!ities of !a( or proe#ure& a!! in
the interest of #ue proess$
.n an, proee#in+ *efore the Co''ission& the parties 'a, *e represente# *, !e+a!
ounse! *ut it sha!! *e the #ut, of the Chair'an& an, Presi#in+ Co''issioner or
Co''issioner to e5erise o'p!ete ontro! of the proee#in+s at a!! sta+es$
SECT.ON 11$ CONC.L.AT.ON AND 8ED.AT.ON$ / .n the e5erise of its e5!usive&
ori+ina! an# appe!!ate 4uris#ition& the Co''ission 'a, e5ert a!! efforts to(ar#s the
a'ia*!e sett!e'ent of a !a*or #ispute$
The sett!e'ent of ases on appea!& to *e va!i# an# *in#in+ *et(een the parties& sha!! *e
approve# *, the Co''ission$ 211a3
.n the reso!ution of ases on appea!& an# those 'entione# in Ru!es =... an# K& the
Co''ission& in the e5i+en, of the servie& sha!! *e assiste# *, a La*or Ar*iter (ho
'a, *e #irete# to stu#,& revie(& hear an# reeive evi#ene& an# su*'it reports
thereon$ 212a3
reso!ution an# or#er of the Co''ission sha!! state !ear!, an# #istint!, the fin#in+s of
fats& issues& an# on!usions of !a( on (hih it is *ase#& an# the re!ief +rante#& if an,$
.f the #eision& reso!ution or or#er invo!ves 'onetar, a(ar#s& the sa'e sha!! ontain the
speifi a'ount a(ar#e# as of the #ate the #eision is ren#ere#$
FUD;8ENT$ / a3 Fina!it, of the Deisions& Reso!utions or Or#ers of the Co''ission$ /
E5ept as provi#e# in Setion H of Ru!e K& the #eisions& reso!utions or or#ers of the
Co''ission sha!! *eo'e fina! an# e5eutor, after ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt
thereof *, the ounse! or authori<e# representative or the parties if not assiste# *,
ounse! or representative$
*3 Entr, of Fu#+'ent$ / Upon the e5piration of the ten 2103 a!en#ar #a, perio# provi#e#
in para+raph 2a3 of this Setion& the #eision& reso!ution& or or#er sha!! *e entere# in a
*oo) of entries of 4u#+'ent$
.n the a*sene of return ar#s& ertifiations fro' the post offie or the ourier or other
proofs of servie to the parties& the E5eutive C!er) or Deput, E5eutive C!er) sha!!
onsi#er the #eision& reso!ution or or#er as fina! an# e5eutor, after si5t, 2C03 a!en#ar
#a,s fro' #ate of 'ai!in+$ 21%a3
SECT.ON 1>$ 8OT.ONS FOR RECONS.DERAT.ON$ / 8otion for reonsi#eration of
an, #eision& reso!ution or or#er of the Co''ission sha!! not *e entertaine# e5ept
(hen *ase# on pa!pa*!e or patent errors@ provi#e# that the 'otion is fi!e# (ithin ten 2103
a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of #eision& reso!ution or or#er& (ith proof of servie that a
op, of the sa'e has *een furnishe#& (ithin the re+!e'entar, perio#& the a#verse part,@
an# provi#e# further& that on!, one suh 'otion fro' the sa'e part, sha!! *e
entertaine#$ 21>a3
RULE =...
SECT.ON 1$ POL.C7$ / .t is the #e!are# po!i, of ertifiation of !a*or #isputes for
o'pu!sor, ar*itration to ensure an# 'aintain in#ustria! peae *ase# on soia! 4ustie
an# nationa! interest *, havin+ a fu!!& o'p!ete an# i''e#iate sett!e'ent or
a#4u#iation of a!! !a*or #isputes *et(een the parties& as (e!! as issues that are re!evant
to or ini#ents of the ertifie# issues$
SECT.ON 2$ CERT.F.ED LA:OR D.SPUTES$ / Certifie# !a*or #isputes are ases
ertifie# to the Co''ission for o'pu!sor, ar*itration un#er Arti!e 2C6 2+3 of the La*or
SECT.ON 6$ EFFECTS OF CERT.F.CAT.ON$ / a3 Upon ertifiation& the inten#e# or
i'pen#in+ stri)e or !o)out is auto'atia!!, en4oine#& not(ithstan#in+ the fi!in+ of an,
'otion for reonsi#eration of the ertifiation or#er nor the non/ reso!ution of an, suh
'otion (hih 'a, have *een #u!, su*'itte# to the Offie of the Seretar, of La*or an#
E'p!o,'ent$ .f a (or) stoppa+e has a!rea#, ta)en p!ae at the ti'e of the ertifiation&
a!! stri)in+ or !o)e# out e'p!o,ees sha!! i''e#iate!, return to (or) an# the e'p!o,er
sha!! i''e#iate!, resu'e operations an# rea#'it a!! (or)ers un#er the sa'e ter's an#
on#itions prevai!in+ *efore the stri)e or !o)out$
*3 A!! ases *et(een the sa'e parties& e5ept (here the ertifiation or#er speifies
other(ise the issues su*'itte# for ar*itration (hih are a!rea#, fi!e# or 'a, *e fi!e#&
an# are re!evant to or are proper ini#ents of the ertifie# ase& sha!! *e onsi#ere#
su*su'e# or a*sor*e# *, the ertifie# ase& an# sha!! *e #ei#e# *, the appropriate
Division of the Co''ission$
Su*4et to the seon# para+raph of Setion % of Ru!e .=& the parties to a ertifie# ase&
un#er pain of onte'pt& sha!! infor' their ounse!s an# the Division onerne# of a!!
ases pen#in+ (ith the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes an# the =o!untar, Ar*itrators
re!ative or ini#ent to the ertifie# ase *efore it$
3 Bhenever a ertifie# !a*or #ispute invo!ves a *usiness entit, (ith severa! (or)p!aes
!oate# in #ifferent re+ions& the Division havin+ territoria! 4uris#ition over the prinipa!
offie of the o'pan, sha!! aAuire 4uris#ition to #ei#e suh !a*or #ispute@ un!ess the
ertifiation or#er provi#es other(ise$
SECT.ON %$ EFFECTS OF DEF.ANCE$ / Non/ o'p!iane (ith the ertifiation or#er of
the Seretar, of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent sha!! *e onsi#ere# as an i!!e+a! at o''itte#
in the ourse of the stri)e or !o)out& an# sha!! authori<e the Co''ission to enfore the
sa'e un#er pain of i''e#iate #isip!inar, ation& in!u#in+ #is'issa! or !oss of
e'p!o,'ent status or pa,'ent *, the !o)in+/ out e'p!o,er of *a)(a+es& #a'a+es
an#?or other affir'ative re!ief& even ri'ina! proseution a+ainst the !ia*!e parties$
The Co''ission 'a, a!so see) the assistane of !a( enfore'ent a+enies to ensure
o'p!iane an# enfore'ent of its or#ers an# reso!utions$
SECT.ON >$ PROCEDURE .N CERT.F.ED CASES$ / a3 Bhen there is no nee# to
on#ut a !arifiator, hearin+& the Co''ission sha!! reso!ve a!! ertifie# ases (ithin
thirt, 2603 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt *, the assi+ne# Co''issioner of the o'p!ete
reor#s& (hih sha!! in!u#e the position papers of the parties an# the or#er of the
Seretar, of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent #en,in+ the 'otion for reonsi#eration of the
ertifiation or#er& if an,$
*3 Bhere a !arifiator, hearin+ is nee#e#& the Co''ission sha!!& (ithin five 2>3
a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of the reor#s& issue a notie to *e serve# on the parties
throu+h the fastest 'eans avai!a*!e& reAuirin+ the' to appear an# su*'it a##itiona!
evi#ene& if an,$ A!! ertifie# ases sha!! *e reso!ve# *, the Co''ission (ithin si5t, 2C03
a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of the o'p!ete reor#s *, the assi+ne# Co''issioner$
3 No 'otion for e5tension or postpone'ent sha!! *e entertaine#$ 2>a3
the entr, of 4u#+'ent& the Co''ission& 'otu proprio or upon 'otion *, the proper
part,& 'a, ause the e5eution of the 4u#+'ent in the ertifie# ase$
SECT.ON 1$ D.RECT CONTE8PT$ / The Chair'an or an, Co''issioner or La*or
Ar*iter 'a, su''ari!, a#4u#+e +ui!t, of #iret onte'pt an, person o''ittin+ an, at
of 'is*ehavior in the presene of or so near the Chair'an or an, Co''issioner or
La*or Ar*iter as to o*strut or interrupt the proee#in+s *efore the sa'e& in!u#in+
#isrespet to(ar# sai# offiia!s& offensive ats to(ar# others& or refusa! to *e s(orn or to
ans(er as a (itness or to su*sri*e to an affi#avit or #eposition (hen !a(fu!!, reAuire#
to #o so$ .f the offense is o''itte# a+ainst the Co''ission or an, 'e'*er thereof&
the sa'e sha!! *e punishe# *, a fine not e5ee#in+ Five Hun#re# Pesos 2P>00$003 or
i'prison'ent not e5ee#in+ five 2>3 #a,s& or *oth@ an#& if the offense is o''itte#
a+ainst an, La*or Ar*iter& the sa'e sha!! *e punishe# *, a fine not e5ee#in+ One
Hun#re# Pesos 2P100$003 or i'prison'ent not e5ee#in+ one 213 #a,& or *oth$
An, person a#4u#+e# +ui!t, of #iret onte'pt *, a La*or Ar*iter 'a,& (ithin a perio# of
five 2>3 a!en#ar #a,s fro' notie of the 4u#+'ent& appea! the sa'e to the Co''ission
an# the e5eution of sai# 4u#+'ent sha!! *e suspen#e# pen#in+ reso!ution of the appea!
upon the fi!in+ *, sai# person of a *on# on on#ition that he (i!! a*i#e *, an# perfor'
the 4u#+'ent shou!# the appea! *e #ei#e# a+ainst hi'?her$ A 4u#+'ent of the
Co''ission on #iret onte'pt sha!! *e i''e#iate!, e5eutor, an# inappea!a*!e$
SECT.ON 2$ .ND.RECT CONTE8PT$ I The Co''ission or an, La*or Ar*iter pursuant
to Arti!e 21" 2#3 of the La*or Co#e 'a, ite an, person for in#iret onte'pt an#
i'pose the appropriate pena!t, un#er an, of the fo!!o(in+ +roun#s-
a3 8is*ehavior of an, offier or e'p!o,ee in the perfor'ane of his?her offiia! #uties or
in his?her offiia! transation@
*3 Diso*e#iene of& or resistane to& a !a(fu! (rit& or#er or #eision@
3 An, a*use of& or an, un!a(fu! interferene (ith the proesses or proee#in+s not
onstitutin+ #iret onte'pt@
#3 An, i'proper on#ut ten#in+& #iret!, or in#iret!,& to i'pe#e& o*strut or #e+ra#e
the a#'inistration of 4ustie@
e3 Assu'in+ to *e an attorne, or a representative of part, (ithout authorit,@
f3 Fai!ure to o*e, a su*poena #u!, serve#@ or
+3 Other +roun#s ana!o+ous to the fore+oin+$
A$ Bhere har+e to *e fi!e#$ / Bhere the har+e for in#iret onte'pt has *een
o''itte# a+ainst the Co''ission or a+ainst an Offier appointe# *, it& the har+e
'a, *e fi!e# (ith the Co''ission$ Bhere suh onte'pt has *een o''itte# a+ainst
the La*or Ar*iter& the har+e 'a, *e fi!e# (ith the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh su*4et
to appea! to the Co''ission in the sa'e 'anner as provi#e# in Setion 1 of this Ru!e$
:$ Ho( proee#in+s o''ene#$
Proee#in+s for in#iret onte'pt 'a, *e initiate# 'otu proprio *, the Co''ission or
an, La*or Ar*iter *, an or#er or an, other for'a! har+e reAuirin+ the respon#ent to
sho( ause (h, he?she shou!# not *e punishe# for onte'pt$
.n a!! other ases& a har+e for in#iret onte'pt sha!! *e o''ene# *, a verifie#
petition (ith supportin+ partiu!ars an# ertifie# true opies of #ou'ents or papers
invo!ve# therein& an# upon fu!! o'p!iane (ith the reAuire'ents for fi!in+ initiator,
p!ea#in+s in the Co''ission$ .f the onte'pt har+e arose out of or is re!ate# to a
prinipa! ation pen#in+ in the Co''ission or Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh& the petition
for onte'pt sha!! a!!e+e that fat *ut sai# petition sha!! *e onso!i#ate#& hear#& an#
#ei#e# separate!,& un!ess the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter in its?his?her #isretion&
or#ers the onso!i#ation of the onte'pt har+e an# the prinipa! ation for 4oint hearin+
an# #eision$
C$ Hearin+$ / Upon the #ate set for hearin+& the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter sha!!
proee# to investi+ate the har+e an# onsi#er suh o''ent& ans(er& #efense or
testi'on, as the respon#ent 'a, 'a)e or offer$ Fai!ure to atten# the she#u!e# hearin+
an# to +ive a satisfator, e5p!anation in (ritin+ to the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter (i!!
resu!t in the (aiver of the respon#ent to *e present #urin+ the hearin+$
D$ Punish'ent for in#iret onte'pt$ / .f the respon#ent is a#4u#+e# +ui!t, of in#iret
onte'pt o''itte# a+ainst the Co''ission or an, 'e'*er thereof& he?she 'a, *e
punishe# *, a fine of One Thousan# 2P1&000$003 Pesos per #a, for ever, at of in#iret
onte'pt@ an#& if the offense is o''itte# a+ainst an, La*or Ar*iter& the sa'e 'a, *e
punishe# *, a fine of Five Hun#re# 2P>00$003 Pesos per #a, for ever, at of in#iret
onte'pt$ Eah #a, of #efiane of& or #iso*e#iene to& or non/ enfore'ent of a fina!
or#er& reso!ution& #eision& ru!in+& in4untion& or proesses& sha!! onstitute an in#iret
onte'pt of the Co''ission$ .f the onte'pt onsists of the vio!ation of an in4untion or
o'ission to #o an at (hih is (ithin the po(er of the respon#ent to perfor'& the
respon#ent sha!!& in a##ition& *e 'a#e !ia*!e for #a'a+es as a onseAuene thereof$
The #a'a+es sha!! *e 'easure# *, the e5tent of the !oss or in4ur, sustaine# *, the
a++rieve# part, *, reason of the ats or o'issions of (hih the onte'pt is *ein+
proseute#& an# the osts of the proee#in+s& in!u#in+ pa,'ent of interest on
E$ A (rit of e5eution 'a, *e issue# to enfore the #eision i'posin+ suh fine an#?or
onseAuent #a'a+es as punish'ent for in#iret onte'pt$ 22a3
in4untion or restrainin+ or#er 'a, *e +rante# *, the Co''ission throu+h its Divisions
pursuant to the provisions of para+raph 2e3 of Arti!e 21" of the La*or Co#e& as
a'en#e#& (hen it is esta*!ishe# on the *asis of the s(orn a!!e+ations in the petition that
the ats o'p!aine# of invo!vin+ or arisin+ fro' an, !a*or #ispute *efore the
Co''ission& (hih& if not restraine# or perfor'e# forth(ith& 'a, ause +rave or
irrepara*!e #a'a+e to an, part, or ren#er ineffetua! an, #eision in favor of suh part,$
A ertifiation of non/ foru' shoppin+ sha!! ao'pan, the petition for in4untion$
The (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion or te'porar, restrainin+ or#er sha!! *eo'e effetive
on!, upon postin+ of the reAuire# ash *on# in the a'ount to *e #eter'ine# *, the
Co''ission to ans(er for an, #a'a+e that 'a, *e suffere# *, the part, en4oine#& if it
is fina!!, #eter'ine# that the petitioner is not entit!e# thereto$
SECT.ON 2$ .NFUNCT.ON .N STR.LES OR LOCLOUTS$ / A pre!i'inar, or per'anent
in4untion 'a, *e +rante# *, the Co''ission on!, after hearin+ the testi'on, of
(itnesses an# (ith opportunit, for ross/ e5a'ination in support of the a!!e+ations of
the o'p!aint or petition 'a#e un#er oath& an# testi'on, *, (a, of opposition thereto&
if offere#& an# on!, after a fin#in+ of fat *, the Co''ission-
a3 That prohi*ite# or un!a(fu! ats have *een threatene# an# (i!! *e o''itte# an# (i!!
*e ontinue# un!ess restraine#& *ut no in4untion or te'porar, restrainin+ or#er sha!! *e
issue# on aount of an, threat& prohi*ite# or un!a(fu! at& e5ept a+ainst the person or
persons& assoiation or or+ani<ation 'a)in+ the threat or o''ittin+ the prohi*ite# or
un!a(fu! at or atua!!, authori<in+ or ratif,in+ the sa'e after atua! )no(!e#+e thereof$
*3 That su*stantia! an# irrepara*!e in4ur, to petitionerGs propert, (i!! fo!!o(@
3 That as to eah ite' of re!ief to *e +rante#& +reater in4ur, (i!! *e inf!ite# upon the
petitioner *, the #enia! of re!ief than (i!! *e inf!ite# upon respon#ents *, the +rantin+ of
#3 That petitioner has no a#eAuate re'e#, at !a(@ an#
e3 That the pu*!i offiers har+e# (ith the #ut, to protet petitionerGs propert, are
una*!e or un(i!!in+ to furnish a#eAuate protetion$
SECT.ON 6$ HEAR.N;@ NOT.CE THEREOF$ / Hearin+s sha!! *e he!# after #ue an#
persona! notie thereof has *een serve#& in suh 'anner as the Co''ission sha!!
#iret& to a!! )no(n persons a+ainst (ho' re!ief is sou+ht& an# a!so to the Chief
E5eutive an# other pu*!i offiia!s of the provine or it, (ithin (hih the un!a(fu! ats
have *een threatene# or o''itte# har+e# (ith the #ut, to protet petitionerGs
SECT.ON %$ RECEPT.ON OF E=.DENCE@ DELE;AT.ON$ / The reeption of evi#ene
for the app!iation of a (rit of in4untion 'a, *e #e!e+ate# *, the Co''ission to an, of
its La*or Ar*iters (ho sha!! on#ut suh hearin+s in suh p!aes as he?she 'a,
#eter'ine to *e aessi*!e to the parties an# their (itnesses& an# sha!! thereafter
su*'it his?her report an# reo''en#ation to the Co''ission (ithin fifteen 21>3 #a,s
fro' suh #e!e+ation$
SECT.ON >$ OCULAR .NSPECT.ON$ / The Chair'an& an, Co''issioner& La*or Ar*iter
or their #u!, authori<e# representatives& 'a,& at an, ti'e #urin+ (or)in+ hours& on#ut
an ou!ar inspetion on an, esta*!ish'ent& *ui!#in+& ship or vesse!& p!ae or pre'ises&
in!u#in+ an, (or)& 'ateria!& i'p!e'ent& 'ahiner,& app!iane or an, o*4et therein&
an# as) an, e'p!o,ee& !a*orer& or an, person& as the ase 'a, *e& for an, infor'ation
or #ata onernin+ an, 'atter or Auestion re!ative to the o*4et of the petition$
The ou!ar inspetion reports sha!! *e su*'itte# to the appropriate Division (ithin
t(ent,/ four 22%3 hours fro' the on#ut thereof$
SECT.ON C$ TE8PORAR7 RESTRA.N.N; ORDER@ REJU.S.TES$ / .f the petitioner
sha!! a!so a!!e+e that& un!ess a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er sha!! *e issue# (ithout
notie& a su*stantia! an# irrepara*!e in4ur, to petitionerGs propert, (i!! *e unavoi#a*!e&
suh a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er 'a, *e issue# upon testi'on, un#er oath& or *,
affi#avits of the petitionerGs (itnesses& suffiient& if sustaine#& to 4ustif, the Co''ission
in the issuane thereof$
SECT.ON D$ CASH :OND$ / No te'porar, restrainin+ or#er or (rit of pre!i'inar,
in4untion sha!! *e issue# e5ept on the on#ition that petitioner sha!! first fi!e an
un#erta)in+ to ans(er for the #a'a+es an# post a ash *on# in the a'ount of Fift,
Thousan# Pesos 2P>0&000$003& or suh hi+her a'ount as 'a, *e #eter'ine# *, the
Co''ission& to reo'pense those en4oine# for an, !oss& e5pense or #a'a+e ause#
*, the i'provi#ent or erroneous issuane of suh or#er or in4untion& in!u#in+ a!!
reasona*!e osts& to+ether (ith a reasona*!e attorne,Gs fee& an# e5pense of #efense
a+ainst the or#er or a+ainst the +rantin+ of an, in4untive re!ief sou+ht in the sa'e
proee#in+ an# su*seAuent!, #enie# *, the Co''ission$
restrainin+ or#er sha!! *e effetive for no !on+er than t(ent, 2203 #a,s re)one# fro'
the postin+ of the ash *on# reAuire# un#er the pree#in+ setion$ Durin+ the sai#
perio#& the parties sha!! *e reAuire# to present evi#ene to su*stantiate their respetive
positions in the 'ain petition$
SECT.ON H$ EFFECTS OF DEF.ANCE$ / The or#er or reso!ution en4oinin+ the
perfor'ane of i!!e+a! ats sha!! *e i''e#iate!, e5eutor, in aor#ane (ith the ter's
thereof$ .n ase of non/ o'p!iane& the Co''ission sha!! i'pose suh santions& an#
sha!! issue suh or#ers& as 'a, *e neessar, to i'p!e'ent the sai# or#er or reso!ution&
in!u#in+ the en!ist'ent of !a( enfore'ent a+enies havin+ 4uris#ition over the area
for the purpose of enforin+ the sa'e$
SECT.ON 10$ ORD.NAR7 RE8ED7 .N LAB OR .N EJU.T7$ / Nothin+ in this Ru!e sha!!
#eprive an, part, havin+ a !ai' or ause of ation un#er or upon suh un#erta)in+
fro' e!etin+ to pursue his?her or#inar, re'e#, *, suit at !a( or in eAuit,$
e5eution 'a, *e issue# 'otu proprio or on 'otion& upon a #eision or or#er that has
*eo'e fina! an# e5eutor,$
*3 .f an appea! has *een #u!, perfete# an# fina!!, reso!ve# *, the Co''ission& a
'otion for e5eution 'a, *e fi!e# *efore the La*or Ar*iter& (hen the !atter has
possession of the ase reor#s or upon su*'ission of ertifie# true opies of the
#eisions or fina! or#er?s sou+ht to *e enfore# in!u#in+ notie of #eision or or#er an#
the entr, of 4u#+'ent& op, furnishe# the a#verse part,$
3 E5ept that& as provi#e# for in Setion 1" of Ru!e = in re!ation to Setion H of this
Ru!e& an# in those ases (here partia! e5eution is a!!o(e# *, !a(& the La*or Ar*iter
sha!! retain #up!iate ori+ina! opies of the #eision to *e i'p!e'ente# an# proof of
servie thereof for the purpose of i''e#iate enfore'ent$ 21a3
Art$ 22% of the La*or Co#e& a #eision or or#er 'a, *e e5eute# on 'otion (ithin five
2>3 ,ears fro' the #ate it *eo'es fina! an# e5eutor,$ After the !apse of suh perio#&
the 4u#+'ent sha!! *eo'e #or'ant& an# 'a, on!, *e enfore# *, an in#epen#ent
ation *efore the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh of ori+in an# (ithin a perio# of ten 2103
,ears fro' #ate of its fina!it,$ 2"a3
perfetion of an appea! sha!! sta, the e5eution of the #eision of the La*or Ar*iter
e5ept e5eution for reinstate'ent pen#in+ appea!$ 2Ha3
for ertiorari (ith the Court of Appea!s or the Supre'e Court sha!! not sta, the e5eution
of the assai!e# #eision un!ess a restrainin+ or#er is issue# *, sai# ourts$ 210a3
SECT.ON >$ PRE/ EKECUT.ON CONFERENCE$ / Bithin t(o 223 (or)in+ #a,s fro'
reeipt of a 'otion for the issuane of a (rit of e5eution (hih sha!! *e ao'panie#
*, a o'putation of a 4u#+'ent a(ar#& if neessar,& the Co''ission or the La*or
Ar*iter 'a, she#u!e a pre/ e5eution onferene to thresh out 'atters re!evant to
e5eution in!u#in+ the fina! o'putation of 'onetar, a(ar#$ The pre/ e5eution
onferene sha!! not e5ee# fifteen 21>3 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the initia! she#u!e& un!ess
the parties a+ree# to an e5tension$
An, or#er issue# *, the La*or Ar*iter in the pre/ e5eution onferene is not
appea!a*!e& su*4et to the re'e#ies avai!a*!e un#er Ru!e K..$ 22a3
EKECUT.ON$ / The (rit of e5eution sha!! issue in the na'e of the Repu*!i of the
Phi!ippines si+ne# *, the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter or#erin+ the Sheriff to e5eute
the #eision& or#er& or a(ar# of the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter& an# 'ust ontain the
o'p!ete na'e of the part,& (hether natura! or 4uri#ia!& a+ainst (ho' the (rit of
e5eution (as issue#& the #ispositive portion thereof& the a'ount& if an,& to *e
#e'an#e#& an# a!! !e+a! fees to *e o!!ete# fro' the !osin+ part, or an, other person
reAuire# *, !a( to o*e, the sa'e$
A (rit of e5eution sha!! *e effetive for a perio# of five 2>3 ,ears fro' issuane thereof$
.n ase of partia! satisfation of 4u#+'ent #urin+ the !ifeti'e of the (rit& the La*or Ar*iter
sha!! 'otu proprio issue an up#ate# (rit ref!etin+ the a'ount o!!ete# an# the
re'ainin+ *a!ane$ 26a3
SECT.ON D$ ENFORCE8ENT OF BR.T OF EKECUT.ON$ / .n e5eutin+ a #eision&
reso!ution or or#er& the Sheriff& or other authori<e# offier atin+ as Sheriff of the
Co''ission& sha!! serve the (rit (ithin three 263 #a,s fro' reeipt of the sa'e& su*4et
to the reAuire'ents of Setions 12 an# 16 of this Ru!e an# sha!! *e +ui#e# strit!, *,
these Ru!es an# *, the 8anua! on E5eution of Fu#+'ent& (hih sha!! for' part of
these Ru!es$ .n the a*sene of app!ia*!e ru!es& the Ru!es of Court& as a'en#e#& sha!!
*e app!ie# in a supp!etor, 'anner$ 2Da3
pa,'ent on #e'an#$ / The Sheriff sha!! enfore a 'onetar, 4u#+'ent *, #e'an#in+ the
i''e#iate pa,'ent of the fu!! a'ount state# in the (rit of e5eution an# a!! !e+a! fees
fro' the !osin+ part, or an, other person reAuire# *, !a( to o*e, the sa'e$
*3 .n the event of fai!ure or refusa! of the !osin+ part, to pa, the 4u#+'ent a(ar#& the
Sheriff sha!! i''e#iate!, proee# a+ainst the ash #eposit or suret, *on# poste# *, the
!osin+ part,& if an,@
3 .f the *on#in+ o'pan, refuses to pa, or the *an) ho!#in+ the ash #eposit of the
!osin+ part, refuses to re!ease the +arnishe# a'ount #espite the or#er or pertinent
proesses issue# *, the La*or Ar*iter or the Co''ission& the presi#ent or the
responsi*!e offiers or authori<e# representatives of the sai# *on#in+ o'pan, or the
*an) (ho resiste# or ause# the non/ o'p!iane sha!! *e either ite# for onte'pt& or
he!# !ia*!e for resistane an# #iso*e#iene to a person in authorit, or the a+ents of suh
person as provi#e# un#er the pertinent provision of the Revise# Pena! Co#e$ This ru!e
sha!! !i)e(ise app!, to an, person or part, (ho un!a(fu!!, resists or refuses to o'p!,
(ith the *rea) open or#er issue# *, the La*or Ar*iter or the Co''ission$
For this purpose& the La*or Ar*iter or the Co''ission 'a, issue an or#er #iretin+ the
sheriff to reAuest the assistane of !a( enfore'ent a+enies to ensure o'p!iane (ith
the (rit of e5eution& or#ers or proesses$
A *on#in+ o'pan, ite# for onte'pt& or for an offense #efine# an# punisha*!e un#er
the pertinent provision of the Revise# Pena! Co#e sha!! *e *arre# fro' transatin+
*usiness (ith the Co''ission$
#3 Shou!# the ash #eposit or suret, *on# *e insuffiient& or in ase the suret, *on#
annot *e proee#e# a+ainst for an, reason& the Sheriff sha!!& (ithin five 2>3 #a,s fro'
#e'an#& e5eute the 'onetar, 4u#+'ent *, +arnishin+ *an) #eposits& re#its&
reeiva*!es& an# other persona! propert, not apa*!e of 'anua! #e!iver,& if the sa'e is
not enou+h& proee# to !ev, the persona! propert, of the !osin+ part,& an# if sti!!
insuffiient& a+ainst the rea! propert, not e5e'pt fro' e5eution& suffiient to over the
4u#+'ent a(ar#& (hih 'a, *e #ispose# of for va!ue at a pu*!i aution to the hi+hest
e3 Proee#s of e5eution sha!! *e #eposite# (ith the Cashier of the onerne# Division
or Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh& or (ith an authori<e# #epositar, *an)$ Bhere pa,'ent
is 'a#e in the for' of a he)& the sa'e sha!! *e pa,a*!e to the Co''ission$
f3 For 'onetar, 4u#+'ent on ases invo!vin+ overseas Fi!ipino (or)ers& the 'anner of
e5eution sha!! *e in aor#ane (ith Repu*!i At No$ 10022$ 2>a3
#eision in!u#es an or#er of reinstate'ent& an# the e'p!o,er #iso*e,s the #iretive
un#er the seon# para+raph of Setion 1" of Ru!e = or refuses to reinstate the
#is'isse# e'p!o,ee& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! i''e#iate!, issue (rit of e5eution& even
pen#in+ appea!& #iretin+ the e'p!o,er to i''e#iate!, reinstate the #is'isse#
e'p!o,ee either ph,sia!!, or in the pa,ro!!& an# to pa, the arue# sa!aries as a
onseAuene of suh non/ reinstate'ent in the a'ount speifie# in the #eision$
The Sheriff sha!! serve the (rit of e5eution upon the e'p!o,er or an, other person
reAuire# *, !a( to o*e, the sa'e$ .f he?she #iso*e,s the (rit& suh e'p!o,er or person
'a, *e ite# for onte'pt in aor#ane (ith Ru!e .K$ 2Ca3
SECT.ON 10$ RESOLUT.ON OF 8OT.ON TO JUASH$ I A 'otion to Auash sha!! *e
reso!ve# *, the La*or Ar*iter (ithin ten 2103 (or)in+ #a,s fro' su*'ission of sai#
'otion for reso!ution$ The 'ere fi!in+ of a 'otion to Auash sha!! not sta, e5eution
proee#in+s$ 211a3
SECT.ON 11$ TH.RD PART7 CLA.8$ I a3 .f the propert, !evie# is !ai'e# *, an,
person other than the !osin+ part,& suh person 'a, fi!e a thir# part, !ai' not !ater than
five 2>3 #a,s fro' the !ast #a, of postin+ or pu*!iation of the notie of e5eution sa!e&
other(ise the !ai' sha!! *e forever *arre#$ Suh thir# part, !ai' 'ust o'p!, (ith the
fo!!o(in+ reAuire'ents-
213 An affi#avit statin+ tit!e to propert, or ri+ht to the possession thereof (ith supportin+
223 Postin+ of a *on# eAuiva!ent to the a'ount of the !ai' or 4u#+'ent a(ar#&
(hihever is !o(er@ an#
263 Pa,'ent of prevai!in+ fi!in+ fee$
*3 Bhere fi!e# / The thir# part, !ai' sha!! *e fi!e# (ith the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter
(here the e5eution proee#in+ is pen#in+& (ith proof of servie of opies thereof to the
Sheriff an# the prevai!in+ part,$
3 Effet of Fi!in+$ / The fi!in+ of a thir# part, !ai' that has o'p!ie# (ith the
reAuire'ents set forth un#er para+raph 2a3 of this Setion sha!! auto'atia!!, suspen#
the proee#in+s (ith respet to the e5eution of the properties su*4et of the thir# part,
Upon approva! of the *on#& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! issue an or#er re!easin+ the !evie#
propert, or a part thereof su*4et of the !ai' un!ess the prevai!in+ part, posts a ounter
*on# in an a'ount not !ess than the va!ue of the !evie# propert,$
The La*or Ar*iter 'a, reAuire the postin+ of a##itiona! *on# upon sho(in+ *, the other
part, that the *on# is insuffiient$
#3 Proee#in+s$ IThe propriet, of the thir# part, !ai' sha!! *e reso!ve# (ithin ten 2103
(or)in+ #a,s fro' su*'ission of the !ai' for reso!ution$ The #eision of the La*or
Ar*iter is not appea!a*!e *ut 'a, *e e!evate# to the Co''ission an# reso!ve# in
aor#ane (ith Ru!e K.. hereof$ Pen#in+ reso!ution thereof& e5eution sha!! proee#
a+ainst a!! other properties not su*4et of the thir# part, !ai'$ 212a3
SECT.ON 12$ SHER.FFES RETURN AND REPORT$ I The (rit of e5eution sha!! *e
returne# to the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter i''e#iate!, after the fu!! satisfation of the
4u#+'ent a(ar#$ .n ase of partia! or non/ satisfation of the 4u#+'ent& the sheriff
enforin+ the (rit sha!! su*'it a report up#atin+ the Co''ission or La*or Ar*iter (ho
issue# the (rit of e5eution on the status of the enfore'ent thereof& not !ater than thirt,
2603 #a,s fro' reeipt of suh (rit an# ever, thirt, 2603 #a,s thereafter #urin+ the
!ifeti'e of the (rit un!ess fu!!, satisfie#$ A op, of the report sha!! *e furnishe# the
Chair'an an# the E5eutive La*or Ar*iter$
Fai!ure on the part of the Sheriff to su*'it the report or return reAuire# un#er Setion 12
of this Ru!e (ithin the state# perio# sha!! su*4et hi'?her to a#'inistrative fine un#er
Ru!e K.= of this Ru!e& or suspension for fifteen 21>3 #a,s (ithout pa,& or *oth$ 216a& 1%a3
SECT.ON 16$ DES.;NAT.ON OF SPEC.AL SHER.FFS$ / The Chair'an of the
Co''ission 'a, #esi+nate speia! Sheriffs an# ta)e an, 'easure& un#er e5istin+ !a(s&
to ensure o'p!iane (ith the #eisions& reso!utions or or#ers of the Co''ission an#
those of La*or Ar*iters$ 21>a3
e5eute# 4u#+'ent is tota!!, or partia!!, reverse# or annu!!e# *, the Court of Appea!s or
the Supre'e Court& the La*or Ar*iter sha!!& on 'otion& issue suh or#ers of restitution of
the e5eute# a(ar#& e5ept (a+es pai# #urin+ reinstate'ent pen#in+ appea!$
SECT.ON 1$ =ER.F.ED PET.T.ON$ I A part, a++rieve# *, an, or#er or reso!ution of the
La*or Ar*iter in!u#in+ those issue# #urin+ e5eution proee#in+s 'a, fi!e a verifie#
petition to annu! or 'o#if, suh or#er or reso!ution$ The petition 'a, *e ao'panie#
*, an app!iation for the issuane of a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er an#?or (rit of
pre!i'inar, or per'anent in4untion to en4oin the La*or Ar*iter& or an, person atin+
un#er his?her authorit,& to #esist fro' enforin+ sai# reso!ution or or#er$
SECT.ON 2$ ;ROUNDS$ / The petition fi!e# un#er this Ru!e 'a, *e entertaine# on!, on
an, of the fo!!o(in+ +roun#s-
a3 .f there is pri'a faie evi#ene of a*use of #isretion on the part of the La*or Ar*iter$
*3 .f serious errors in the fin#in+s of fats are raise# (hih& if not orrete#& (ou!# ause
+rave or irrepara*!e #a'a+e or in4ur, to the petitioner$
3 .f a part, *, frau#& ai#ent& 'ista)e or e5usa*!e ne+!i+ene has *een prevente#
fro' ta)in+ an appea!@
#3 .f 'a#e pure!, on Auestions of !a(@ or
e3 .f the or#er or reso!ution (i!! ause in4ustie if not retifie#$
SECT.ON 6$ BHEN AND BHERE F.LED$ I Not !ater than ten 2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro'
reeipt of the or#er or reso!ution of the La*or Ar*iter& the a++rieve# part, 'a, fi!e a
petition (ith the Co''ission furnishin+ a op, thereof to the a#verse part,$
SECT.ON %$ REJU.S.TES OF THE PET.T.ON$ I The petition fi!e# un#er this Ru!e
a3 *e ao'panie# *, a !ear ori+ina! or ertifie# true op, of the or#er or reso!ution
assai!e#& to+ether (ith !ear opies of #ou'ents re!evant or re!ate# to the sai# or#er or
reso!ution for the proper un#erstan#in+ of the issue?s invo!ve#@
*3 ontain the ar*itra! #o)et nu'*er an# appea! #o)et nu'*er& if an,@
3 state the 'ateria! #ate sho(in+ the ti'e!iness of the petition@
#3 *e verifie# *, the petitioner hi'se!f?herse!f in aor#ane (ith Setion %& Ru!e D of
the Ru!es of Court& as a'en#e#@
e3 *e in the for' of a 'e'oran#u' (hih sha!! state the +roun#?s re!ie# upon& the
ar+u'ent?s in support thereof an# the re!iefs pra,e# for@
f3 *e in three 263 !e+i*!, (ritten or printe# opies@ an#
+3 *e ao'panie# *,-
i3 ertifiate of non/ foru' shoppin+@
ii3 proof of servie upon the other part,?ies an# the La*or Ar*iter (ho issue# the or#er
or reso!ution *ein+ assai!e# or Auestione#@ an#
iii3 proof of pa,'ent of the reAuire# fees$
PET.T.ON$ / The La*or Ar*iter sha!! *e 4oint!, i'p!ea#e# (ith the private respon#ent as
a pu*!i respon#ent in a no'ina! apait,$ As use# in this Ru!e& the private respon#ent
refers to the part, intereste# in sustainin+ the or#er or reso!ution of the La*or Ar*iter$ .t
sha!! *e the #ut, of the private respon#ent to appear an# #efen#& *oth in his?her *eha!f
an# that of the pu*!i respon#ent& an# the ost a(ar#e# in suh proee#in+s in favor of
the petitioner sha!! *e a+ainst the private respon#ent on!,$ The pu*!i respon#ent sha!!
not appear or fi!e an ans(er or o''ent to the petition or an, p!ea#in+ therein$
SECT.ON C$ SER=.CE AND F.L.N; OF PLEAD.N;S$ I The part, fi!in+ the p!ea#in+s
sha!! serve the other part, (ith opies thereof in aor#ane (ith Ru!e 16 of the Ru!es
of Court furnishin+ the La*or Ar*iter (ith a op,$
.f the !ast #a, to serve an# fi!e a p!ea#in+ fa!!s on a Satur#a,& Sun#a, or ho!i#a,& the
p!ea#in+ sha!! *e serve# an# fi!e# on the first (or)in+ #a, i''e#iate!, fo!!o(in+ suh
Satur#a,& Sun#a, or Ho!i#a,$
SECT.ON D$ ANSBER TO THE PET.T.ON$ I Bithin ten2103 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the
reeipt of the petition& the private respon#ent sha!! fi!e his?her ans(er therein statin+ the
+roun#?s (h, the petition shou!# *e #enie#$ Fai!ure on the part of the private
respon#ent& to fi!e his?her ans(er (ithin the sai# perio# 'a, *e onstrue# as a (aiver
to fi!e the sa'e$
petitioner a!so pra,s for an in4untive re!ief& the private respon#ent 'a, fi!e his?her
verifie# opposition or o''ent to the app!iation for in4untive re!ief not !ater than five
2>3 a!en#ar #a,s fro' reeipt of a op, of the petition$
SECT.ON H$ EFFECT OF F.L.N; OF PET.T.ON$ I Upon fi!in+ of the petition& the
proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iter sha!! ontinue un!ess restraine#$ .n ase of
e5eution& the proee#in+s in aor#ane (ith Ru!e K. of these Ru!es sha!! not *e
suspen#e#& *ut no 'one, o!!ete# or re#it +arnishe# 'a, *e re!ease# or properties
!evie# upon *e so!# *, pu*!i aution (ithin fifteen 21>3 a!en#ar #a,s fro' the fi!in+ of
the petition$ .f no te'porar, restrainin+ or#er or (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion is issue#
(ithin the sai# perio#& the 'one, o!!ete# or re#it +arnishe# sha!! *e re!ease# an#?or
the properties !evie# upon so!# *, pu*!i aution an# the proee#s of the sa!e app!ie#&
to satisf, the 4u#+'ent$
.n ase of e5eution proee#in+s& the La*or Ar*iter sha!! i''e#iate!, infor' in (ritin+
the Co''ission or the Division (here the petition is pen#in+ of the satisfation of the
4u#+'ent& an#& if iru'stanes (arrant& the Co''ission sha!! #is'iss the petition for
*ein+ 'oot$
The reor#s of the ase sha!! not *e e!evate# to the Co''ission un!ess other(ise
ORDER OR PREL.8.NAR7 .NFUNCT.ON@ :OND- I Upon the fi!in+ of a verifie#
app!iation for in4untive re!ief& to+ether (ith supportin+ affi#avits an# #ou'ents& the
Co''ission 'a, issue a (rit of a pre!i'inar, in4untion *ase# on an, of the app!ia*!e
+roun#s provi#e# for in Setion 6& Ru!e >" of the Ru!es of Court for the preservation of
the ri+hts of the parties pen#in+ reso!ution of the petition$ The (rit of pre!i'inar,
in4untion sha!! *e effetive for a non/ e5ten#i*!e perio# of si5t, 2C03 a!en#ar #a,s fro'
servie on the private respon#ent$
.f it sha!! appear fro' fats sho(n *, the verifie# app!iation an# affi#avits that +reat
an# irrepara*!e #a'a+e an#?or in4ur, (ou!# resu!t to the petitioner *efore the petition
an *e reso!ve#& the Co''ission 'a, issue a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er e5/ parte
effetive for a non/ e5ten#i*!e perio# of t(ent, 2203 a!en#ar #a,s fro' servie on the
private respon#ent$
.n the issuane of a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er or (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion& the
Co''ission sha!! reAuire the postin+ of a ash *on# in the a'ount of Fift, Thousan#
Pesos 2P>0&000$003& or suh hi+her a'ount as 'a, *e #eter'ine# *, the Co''ission&
to reo'pense those en4oine# for an, !oss& e5pense or #a'a+e ause# *, the
i'provi#ent or erroneous issuane of suh or#er or in4untion& in!u#in+ a!! reasona*!e
An a##itiona! ash *on# 'a, *e reAuire# *, the Co''ission in the issuane of a (rit of
pre!i'inar, in4untion$
The te'porar, restrainin+ or#er or (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion sha!! *eo'e effetive
on!, upon postin+ of the reAuire# ash *on#$
.n the event that the app!iation for a (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion is #enie# or not
reso!ve# (ithin the sai# perio#& the te'porar, restrainin+ or#er is #ee'e# auto'atia!!,
The app!iation for a te'porar, restrainin+ or#er or a (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion 'a,
*e #enie#& or if +rante#& 'a, *e #isso!ve#& on an, +roun#s provi#e# for in Setion C&
Ru!e >" of the Ru!es of Court$
SECT.ON 12$ EFFECT OF .NFUNCT.ON$ I The issuane of a te'porar, restrainin+
or#er or a (rit of pre!i'inar, in4untion& un!ess other(ise #e!are# *, the Co''ission&
sha!! not suspen# the proee#in+s *efore the La*or Ar*iter or sta, the i'p!e'entation
of the (rit of e5eution *ut sha!! on!, restrain or en4oin suh partiu!ar at?s as therein
#eree# to *e restraine# or en4oine#$
SECT.ON 16$ RESOLUT.ON OF PET.T.ON$ I .f the Co''ission fin#s that the
a!!e+ations of the petition are true& it sha!!-
a3 ren#er 4u#+'ent for the re!ief pra,e# for or to (hih the petitioner is entit!e#& an#?or
*3 +rant a fina! in4untion perpetua!!, en4oinin+ the La*or Ar*iter or an, person atin+
un#er his?her authorit, fro' the o''ission of the at?s or onfir'in+ the pre!i'inar,
Ho(ever& the Co''ission 'a, #is'iss the petition if it fin#s the sa'e to *e patent!,
(ithout 'erit& proseute# 'anifest!, for #e!a,& or that the Auestions raise# therein are
too unsu*stantia! to reAuire onsi#eration$
SECT.ON 1%$ RECO=ER7 FRO8 THE .NFUNCT.ON :OND$ I The a'ount of
#a'a+es that 'a, *e reovere# *, the private respon#ent fro' the in4untion *on# of
the petitioner sha!! *e asertaine# an# a(ar#e# in the #eision?or#er?reso!ution fina!!,
#isposin+ of the issue on the app!iation for in4untion$
E5ept *, (a, of a petition fi!e# in aor#ane (ith this Ru!e& no appea! fro' the or#er
or reso!ution issue# *, the La*or Ar*iter #urin+ the e5eution proee#in+s or in re!ation
to ini#ents other than a #eision or #isposition of the ase on the 'erits& sha!! *e
a!!o(e# or ate# upon *, the Co''ission$
SECT.ON 1$ SEAL OF THE CO88.SS.ON$ / The sea! of the Nationa! La*or Re!ations
Co''ission sha!! *e of stan#ar# si<e& iru!ar& (ith the insription& runnin+ fro' !eft to
ri+ht on the upper outsi#e e#+e& the (or#s 0NAT.ONAL LA:OR RELAT.ONS
CO88.SS.ON1& an# the !o(er outsi#e e#+e& the (or#s 0REPU:L.C OF THE
PH.L.PP.NES1& (ith a #esi+n at the enter ontainin+ the oat of ar's of the
Depart'ent of La*or an# E'p!o,'ent$
SECT.ON 2$ THE EKECUT.=E CLERL$ / The E5eutive C!er) sha!! assist the
Co''ission (hen sittin+ en *an an# (hen atin+ throu+h the First Division& an# sha!!
perfor' suh si'i!ar or eAuiva!ent funtions an# #uties as are #ishar+e# *, the C!er)
of Court of the Court of Appea!s$
SECT.ON 6$ DEPUT7 EKECUT.=E CLERLS$ / The Deput, E5eutive C!er)s of the
other Divisions sha!! assist the Co''ission (hen atin+ throu+h its Division& an# sha!!
perfor' si'i!ar funtions an# #uties as #ishar+e# *, the Deput, C!er)s of Court of the
Court of Appea!s& an# as enu'erate# herein as funtions of the E5eutive C!er) re!ative
to their respetive Divisions$ 26a3
EKECUT.=E CLERLS$ / a3 Custo#, of Sea! an# :oo)s$ I He?she sha!! )eep in his?her
are an# usto#, the Sea! of the Co''ission& to+ether (ith a!! the *oo)s neessar, for
the reor#in+ of the proee#in+s of the Co''ission& in!u#in+ the reor#s& fi!es an#
*3 Fi!in+ of P!ea#in+s$ I He?she sha!! reeive an# fi!e a!! ases an# p!ea#in+s an#
#ou'ents in#iatin+ thereon the #ate an# ti'e fi!e#$ A!! p!ea#in+s sha!! *e fi!e# in three
263 !e+i*!, t,pe(ritten opies in !e+a! si<e@
3 Raff!e an# Assi+n'ent of Cases$ I He?she sha!! assi+n appea!e# ases for stu#, or
report strit!, *, raff!e or as #irete# *, the Chair'an$ .n this onnetion& the raff!e of
ases for stu#, or report 'ust *e atten#e# *, the #u!, #esi+nate# representative of the
8e'*ers of the appropriate Division@
#3 Servie of Proesses& Or#ers an# Deisions$ I He?she sha!! serve parties an#
ounse! proesses& noties of hearin+s& opies of #eisions& reso!utions or or#ers
issue# *, the Co''ission *, re+istere# 'ai!& *, ourier or *, persona! servie an#
i''e#iate!, attah the returns or proofs of #e!iver, thereof to the reor#s@
e3 Co''ission Ca!en#ar an# 8inutes :oo)$ I He?she sha!! prepare the Co''ission or
Division a!en#ars of sessions& atten# suh sessions persona!!, an# i''e#iate!,
prepare the 'inutes thereof$ For this purpose& he?she sha!! )eep a 'inutes *oo)@
f3 ;enera! Do)et$ / The E5eutive C!er) sha!! )eep a +enera! #o)et for the
Co''ission& eah pa+e of (hih sha!! *e nu'*ere# an# prepare# for reeivin+ a!! the
entries in a sin+!e pa+e& an# sha!! enter therein a!! ori+ina! an# appea!e# ases *efore it&
nu'*ere# onseutive!, in the or#er in (hih the, (ere reeive# an#& un#er the
hea#in+ of eah ase& the #ate an# hour of eah p!ea#in+ fi!e#& of eah or#er& #eision
or reso!ution entere#& an# of eah other step or ation ta)en in the ase@ so that& *,
referene to an, sin+!e pa+e& the histor, of the ase 'a, *e )no(n@
+3 Pro'u!+ation an# Pro'u!+ation :oo)$ I He?she sha!! pro'u!+ate #eisions an# fina!
reso!utions on the sa'e #ate the sa'e is fi!e# (ith his?her offie an# in#iate the #ate
an# ti'e of pro'u!+ation an# attest the sa'e *, his?her si+nature on the first pa+e
thereof$ He?she sha!! i''e#iate!, furnish the Chair'an (ith a op, of suh #eision&
reso!ution& or or#er (ith a su''ar, of the nature thereof an# the issue invo!ve# therein$
He?she sha!! )eep a pro'u!+ation *oo) (hih in#iates the #ate an# ti'e of
pro'u!+ation& the ase nu'*er& tit!e of the ase& the ponente& the nature of the #eision
or fina! reso!ution an# the ation ta)en *, the Co''ission *, Auotin+ the #ispositive
portion thereof$ Noties of sai# #eisions& reso!utions or or#ers sha!! *e sent in sea!e#
enve!opes to parties an# their ounse! (ithin fort,/ ei+ht 2%"3 hours fro' pro'u!+ation@
h3 Entr, of Fu#+'ent$ / He sha!! )eep a *oo) of entries of 4u#+'ent& #eisions&
reso!utions an# or#ers ontainin+ in hrono!o+ia! or#er the entries of a!! fina! #eisions&
reso!utions an# or#ers of the Co''ission@
i3 Disposition an# Re'an# of Reor#s$ / Upon entr, of 4u#+'ent& he?she sha!!
i''e#iate!, re'an# the reor#s of the ase to the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranh of ori+in&
Re+iona! Diretor or his?her #u!, authori<e# offier& as the ase 'a, *e$ The Reor#s
Unit sha!! i''e#iate!, post sai# reor#s (ithout #e!a, (ithin t(o 223 (or)in+ #a,s@
43 8onth!, Ao'p!ish'ent Reports$ I He?she sha!! su*'it a 'onth!, ao'p!ish'ent
report of the Co''ission or Division not !ater than the Dth #a, of the fo!!o(in+ 'onth@
)3 Other Funtions$ I He?she sha!! perfor' other funtions as #irete# *, the Chair'an
or the Co''ission en *an$ 2%a3
SECT.ON >$ :OARD SECRETAR.ES$ / The :oar# Seretaries of the Co''ission sha!!
assist the E5eutive C!er) or Deput, E5eutive C!er)s in the perfor'ane of their #uties
an# funtions re!ative to the Co''ission or their respetive Divisions$
SECT.ON C$ .SSUANCE OF CERT.F.ED COP.ES$ / Un!ess other(ise restrite# *,
Setion " hereof& the E5eutive C!er)& Deput, E5eutive C!er)s& an# the authori<e#
offiers of the Re+iona! Ar*itration :ranhes sha!! prepare& for an, person as)in+ for the
sa'e& a ertifie# op,& un#er the Sea! of the Co''ission& of an, paper& reor#&
#eision& reso!ution& or#er or entr, *, an# in his?her offie& proper to *e ertifie#& after
pa,'ent of the stan#ar# fees to the Co''ission #u!, reeipte# for@ Provi#e#& that a
pauper !iti+ant& as #efine# *, !a(& sha!! *e e5e'pte# fro' pa,in+ an, fee for ertifie#
opies of an, #ou'ent& in!u#in+ transripts of steno+raphi notes$
SECT.ON D$ POBER TO AD8.N.STER OATH$ / The Chair'an& 8e'*ers of the
Co''ission& the E5eutive C!er)& the Deput, E5eutive C!er)s& the E5eutive La*or
Ar*iters& the La*or Ar*iters& an# other persons #esi+nate# or o''issione# *, the
Chair'an of the Co''ission& sha!! have the po(er to a#'inister oath on a!! 'atters or
proee#in+s re!ate# to the perfor'ane of their #uties$
SECT.ON "$ ACCESS TO CO88.SS.ON RECORDS$ / A!! offiia! reor#s of the
Co''ission sha!! *e open to the pu*!i #urin+ re+u!ar offie hours& e5ept those )ept
*, it in the nature of onfi#entia! reports& reor#s or o''uniations (hih annot *e
#ivu!+e# (ithout vio!atin+ private ri+hts or pre4u#iin+ the pu*!i interest$ 8inutes of
hearin+s or sessions 'a, not *e #ivu!+e# unti! after pro'u!+ation of the #eision or
Setion 1$ .8POS.T.ON OF F.NES$ The Co''ission an# La*or Ar*iters& *, authorit, of
the Chair'an& 'a, after hearin+& i'pose a#'inistrative fines (hih sha!! not *e !ess
than Five Hun#re# Pesos 2P>00$003 nor 'ore than Ten Thousan# Pesos 2P10&000$003
to ensure o'p!iane (ith #eisions& or#ers or a(ar#s$
The i'position thereof 'a, *e enfore# throu+h issuane of a (rit of e5eution$ 2n3

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