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LATIFA SARI DALIMUNTHE. Kandungan Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) pada
Ikan Cencen (Mystacoleucus marginatus) di Sungai Batang Gadis Kabupaten
Mandailing Natal. Dibimbing oleh MOHAMMAD BASYUNI dan ANI

Merkuri (Hg) merupakan salah satu bahan pencemar berbahaya karena
bersifat toksik jika terakumulasi dalam jaringan makhluk hidup dan sulit
terdegradasi dalam lingkungan. Merkuri (Hg) dapat mencemari lingkungan
perairan sungai berasal dari limbah galundung ke wilayah perairan tanpa
pengelolahan atau penanganan limbah terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan
di Batang Gadis RiverKabupaten Mandailing Natal dari bulan Mei sampai
September 2014 menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada 3 stasiun.
Stasiun 1 Desa Simpang Banyak Julu Kecamatan Huta Pungkut, Stasiun 2 Desa
Pasar Akad Kecamatan Hutabargot dan Stasiun 3 Desa Kumpulan Setia
Kecamatan Hutabargot. Pengambilan contoh air dan ikan dilakukan dengan
rentang waktu 2 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan
kandungan logam berat Merkuri (Hg) pada air sungai dan daging ikan setiap
stasiun pengamatan. Kandungan merkuri (Hg) lebih tinggi terdapat pada daging
ikan kemudian terendah terdapat pada air. Kandungan logam berat Merkuri (Hg)
tertinggi pada daging ikan rata-rata (0,00128-0,01097 ppm) dan pada air sungai
sekitar (0,00015-0,00043 ppm). Kandungan Merkuri (Hg) yang terdapat pada air
sungai dan daging ikan masih dibawah ambang baku mutu. Rata-rata kemampuan
ikan mengakumulasi merkuri dalam tubuhnya. menurut Van Esch (1977) BCF <
100 menunjukkan daya akumulasi ikan terhadap air rendah yaitu stasiun 1
(25,51), stasiun 2 (12,88) dan stasiun 3 (14,53). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan
cencen yang berada di Batang Gadis Riverterakumulasi Merkuri (Hg). Hasil
pengamatan histologi insang pada semua stasiun menunjukkan adanya edema,
fusi lamella, nekrosis dan mineralisasi.

Kata kunci : Sungai Batang Gadis, Merkuri (Hg), Akumulasi, Histologi


Versi 1
Latifa SARI Dalimunthe. Heavy Metal Content of Mercury (Hg) in Cencen fish
(Mystacoleucus marginatus) in Batang Gadis RiverKabupaten Mandailing Natal.
Mercury (Hg) is a hazardous pollutant because it is toxic if it accumulates
in the tissues of organism and difficult degraded in the environment. Mercury
(Hg) can pollute the river water environment that comes from Galudung waste to
waters area without management or handling beforehand. This study was
implemented in Batang Gadis RiverKabupaten Mandailing Natal from May to
September 2014 with using purposive sampling method at 3 stations. Station 1 in
Desa Simpang Banyak Julu Kecamatan Huta Pungkut, Station 2 in Desa Pasar
Akad Kecamatan Hutabargot and Station 3 Desa Kumpulan Setia Kecamatan
Hutabargot. Conducted of Water and fish sampling with a span of 2 weeks. The
results showed of difference in the content of heavy metal mercury (Hg) in the
river water and fish meat in each station. The content of mercury (Hg) higher in
fish meat then the lowest is in the water. The content of heavy metals mercury
(Hg) in fish meat highest average (0.00128 to 0.01097 ppm) and in the
surrounding waters (0.00015 to 0.00043 ppm). Content of Mercury (Hg) in the
river water and fish meat still below of the quality standard. Average fish's ability
to accumulate mercury in their bodies. according to Van Esch (1977) BCF <100
indicates accumulation power of fish to water low in station 1 (25.51), station 2
(12.88) and Station 3 (14.53). This suggests that Cencen fish in Batang Gadis
Riveraccumulated mercury (Hg). The observation of the gill histology in all
stations showed edema, fusion of lamellae, necrosis and mineralization.

Keywords: Sungai Batang Gadis, Mercury (Hg), Accumulation, Histology


Versi 2
Latifa SARI Dalimunthe. Heavy Metal Content of Mercury (Hg) in Cencen fish
(Mystacoleucus marginatus) in Batang Gadis River Kabupaten Mandailing Natal.
Mercury (Hg) is a hazardous pollutant because it is toxic if it accumulates
in the tissues of organism and difficult degraded in the environment. Mercury
(Hg) can pollute the river water environment that comes from Galudung waste to
waters area without management or handling beforehand. This study was
implemented in Batang Gadis River Kabupaten Mandailing Natal from May to
September 2014 with using purposive sampling method at 3 stations. Station 1 in
Desa Simpang Banyak Julu Kecamatan Huta Pungkut, Station 2 in Desa Pasar
Akad Kecamatan Hutabargot and Station 3 Desa Kumpulan Setia Kecamatan
Hutabargot. Conducted of Water and fish sampling with a span of 2 weeks. The
results showed of difference in the content of heavy metal mercury (Hg) in the
river water and fish meat in each station. The content of mercury (Hg) higher in
fish meat then the lowest is in the water. The content of heavy metals mercury
(Hg) in fish meat highest average (0.00128 to 0.01097 ppm) and in the
surrounding waters (0.00015 to 0.00043 ppm). Content of Mercury (Hg) in the
river water and fish meat still below of the quality standard. Average fish's ability
to accumulate mercury in their bodies. according to Van Esch (1977) BCF <100
indicates accumulation power of fish to water low in station 1 (25.51), station 2
(12.88) and Station 3 (14.53). This suggests that Cencen fish in Batang Gadis
River accumulated mercury (Hg). The observation of the gill histology in all
stations showed edema, fusion of lamellae, necrosis and mineralization.

Keywords: Batang Gadis River, Mercury (Hg), Accumulation, Histology

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