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Time management is the act of taking conscious control over the amount of time

spent on specific activities. You exercise time management to increase productivity,

effectiveness and efficiency. You practice skills and use tools and techniques to aid
you when accomplishing tasks, projects or are working toward goals and deadlines.
Time management is about effective scheduling of your time, goal setting,
prioritizing and choosing what to do and what not to do, delegating tasks, analyzing
and reviewing your spent time, organizing your workspace, keeping your
concentration and focus at your work, motivating yourself to work towards a goal.
Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours in your day to
effectively accomplish your goals. Poor time management can be related to procrastination,
as well as problems with self-control. Skills involved in managing your time include planning
for the future, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and monitoring where your time actually
Time management is a key to academic success.

8 Steps to Effective Time Management for

1. Organize your time
Life improves when you decide to do things differently. In this case, the goal is to
gain control over time, rather than letting it control you. It is about taking ownership
of time, which is the essence of your life. The main objective of time management is
for you to have a clear picture of your upcoming days, weeks, and months. It is a
way for you to discover what time you have available to devote to study, recreation,
or other activities. Make the decision to be the master of your life, rather than its
suffering slave!
2. Assess your time
Many students genuinely believe that they study a lot. Some even protest that they
study all the time! In reality, this is far from the truth. The only way you will discover
how many hours of your busy day you actually study is by completing a personal
time assessment. The method requires you to keep track of everything you do for an
entire week, from the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep. That means
recording every single detail.
At the end of the week, add up the totals. For example, count the number of hours
spent on eating, traveling, studying, talking on the phone, shopping, exercising,
smoking, watching TV, being online, etc, until you have a complete picture of where
your time goes. If you find you are losing a lot of time to activities other than
studying, try to balance your schedule. Start eliminating the time bandits by making
small adjustments in your habits and behavior in order to get better control of your
precious time.
3. Set your priorities
The objective of time management is to allocate time wisely, so you can achieve
your goals. If you wanted to be an Olympic swimmer or ice skater, you would have
to practice several hours a day for years. In the same way, to be a top student you
must have a good idea of the study requirements. Even though each subject places
different demands on you reading, writing, research, experiments, assignments,
essays, projects, papers, presentations, tests, and exams by prioritizing, you will
increase your chances of success. For each subject, decide how to complete all
required tasks, over a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. This advance planning will
increase your awareness, making it less likely for you to squander time away
4. Make a schedule
After establishing your priorities, set up a schedule which respects your priorities. A
wide variety of student organizers, diaries, planners, electronic tools and time
management systems are available on the market. Choose or create whatever
seems best for you. Many students select weekly planners that enable them to see
the big picture more easily. Make sure your system is something you are very
comfortable with as you will be referring to it often. Then, set up your schedule in
this order:
Mark in all your fixed commitments such as classes, seminars, tutorials, and part-time jobs.
These are the givens, which you cannot change.
Add in study time. Block off large sections of your day, reserved for studying alone, as well
as shorter review periods. Organize your peak study times to coincide with the times of day
when you are most awake and alert.
Mark in other non-study activities. These are the important but lower priority items, such as
exercise, recreational classes, or socializing, which you will fit in when possible.
5. Use a calendar
In addition to your weekly planner, invest in a large monthly wall calendar. Jot down
all the important due dates, deadlines, exams, etc so they are in front of you as a
visual reminder. This will make you more aware of important dates and allow you to
adjust or rearrange plans if you are behind schedule.
6. Use review cards
Always keep some review cards with you to read over when you are waiting for
something else to happen. This could include when you are traveling or waiting in
line at the bus stop, bank, supermarket, cafeteria and so on. You could also place
review cards in common locations which you pass frequently in your house, such as
on the fridge door, bathroom mirror, etc. Frequent repetition and review is one of the
keys to remembering information easily and effectively.
7. Plan activities logically
Get to know your bodily cycle; then, schedule activities around it as much as
possible. If you always feel sleepy after lunch, for example, use the time to get in
your daily walk, instead of fighting to keep your eyes open over a history book.
8. Plan some down time.
You are not a robot! Schedule some time to relax so you can rest and refresh your
mind and body. This will enable you to study more effectively. Get enough sleep as
well. A sleep-deprived student is not going to be able to perform at his or her best.

How to Manage Your Time
Prepare yourself first, by taking 30 minutes of your time to fix yourself
something to eat and relax. Then Make a list of the tasks you need to
accomplish. But before you can manage your time, you need to know what it
is you must manage. A list of tasks, from the mundane to the critical, will help
you get a handle on what needs to get done.
Assign realistic priorities to each task:
Priority 1: due today by 6pm
Priority 2: due tomorrow by 6pm
Priority 3: due by the end of the week
Priority 4: due during next week
You can further prioritize tasks within this grouping by adding a decimal place.
For example, a Priority 1.0 task needs to be done immediately, whereas a
Priority 1.5 task simply needs to be done by the end of day.

Balance your effort. Work on small portions every day of work that will be
due by the end of the week, starting with the most important tasks first.
Do today's tasks. Concentrate On what is at hand, do not allow yourself to
lose focus. Then move on to the next daily task. Once today's tasks are
completed, mark them as such, and proceed to tomorrow's tasks.
When tomorrow's tasks are complete, work on the other tasks due by the end
of the week, and when those are complete, work on the tasks due early next
week. A small portion of each is better than one huge,laborious task and will
keep your time managed more efficiently and reduce stress and eliminate
Make one of your final daily tasks the completion of tomorrow's task list. Each
day should be ended with a new task sheet for tomorrow to keep you on track.
Focus on your most productive time of day. Some people work
better in the morning, and some are more focused in the evening.
Manage time in increments. Play a game with yourself by competing against
the clock.
Work in fifteen minute, half hour or hour intervals,scientifically it is known that
45 minutes work followed by a 10 minutes rest is the best for the average
Give yourself a time goal to complete a portion of a task or the entire task.

Take a break. Clear your mind and refresh yourself to refocus.
Decide beforehand on a 5, 10 or 15 minute break and stick to that decision.
Breaks provide incentive by giving you something to look forward to having.

Keep track of your progress.
Cross things off the list as they are completed.
You'll feel more relieved and relaxed just by getting through the daily tasks.
Not only will you be getting things done, finishing tasks will give you a sense
of accomplishment and spur motivation.

Reassess the list. Rewrite and prioritize your list on a regular basis.
Add new tasks to the list. This should be done on a daily basis, especially
when you are just getting started with a time management regimen.
Eliminate or adjust tasks that are completed, or fall in priority.
Delegate tasks to others. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to do it all.
You can be much more effective if you can delegate tasks as necessary.
Use technology to complete tasks more quickly, efficiently or accurately.
Today's mobile technology features dozens, if not hundreds of apps that will
help you manageand even accomplishyour tasks efficiently.

Leave time for fun. While there are times when we just need to power
through a large project, it's important to give yourself time to let loose. Not
only will it refresh your mind, it's good for your body, too. It doesn't have to be
a lot of time but make sure that you do!
Sleep for 7-9 hours every night. Getting the proper amount of sleep will help
keep you alert and energetic, able to think clearly, and function at a high level.

9 Reasons Why Time Management is Important
1. Time is limited
Everyone gets the same amount of time each day, and it's limited, therefore it's important to make the most of your
time if you ever want to be more than average at the workplace.
2. Accomplish more with less effort
By taking control of your time, you're able to stay focused on the task at hand. This leads to higher efficiency since
you never lose momentum. Imagine running a mile where you stop every 5 seconds, this would cause you to become
exhausted very quickly and take much longer to complete the run.
3. Make better decisions
There are many choices in life and often-times we're faced with many choices to choose from at the same time.
When you practice good time management, you have more time to breathe; this allows you to determine which
choices are the best to make.
When you feel pressed for time and have to make a decision, you're more likely to jump to conclusions and not fully
consider the different options; this leads to poor decision making.
4. Be more successful
Time management is the key to success; it allows you to take control of your life rather than follow the flow of others.
You accomplish more, you make better decisions, and you work more efficiently; this leads to a more successful life.
5. Learn more
When you control your time and work more efficiently, you're able to learn more and increase your experience faster.
There's a reason some students graduate earlier than others, so imagine implementing time management throughout
your entire career. You'll not only stand out from the rest, but you'll gain experience must faster and be able to move
up in life a lot sooner.
6. Reduce stress
One of the main causes of stress is due to people feeling rushed. The phrase "I have so much to do and so little time
to do it" is generally spoken with frustration which leads to stress. With good time management, you know how much
time you have, how long it will take to get your tasks done, you accomplish more, and have more free time. This gives
you more breathing room, which reduces the feeling of being rushed, which in turn leads to less frustration and
7. Higher quality work
We all need some free time to relax and unwind but, unfortunately, many of us don't get much free time because
we're too busy trying to keep up with our daily activities and work load. By implementing time management skills, you
are able to get more done in a shorter period of time leading to more free time.
8. Creates discipline
When you practice good time management in your life, you are less likely to procrastinate. Time management leads
to higher productivity and leads to a disciplined life.


Why Is Time Management Important? Here
Are 9 Quick Reasons
It is interesting to see there are some people who would still ask Why is time
management important?
As if the benefits arent obvious enough. Or I reckon they probably have not tried
time management hence the benefits never occurred to them. For those who are
here and wonder why is time management so important, then I hope these quick
answers will get you on the right track and start managing your time more

1. Helps You Prioritize
Well, time management is important because it helps you prioritize your work.
Once you have a list of things you need to tackle, you need to see what you should
do first. What are those that are important and time sensitive. That way, you set
out to do those first.
2. Get More Done In Less Time
The other reason why time management is important is that you will get more done
in less time. When you plan your time, you will see the amount of work that needs
to be tackled. That puts into context how much time you need. Inevitably, you will
know not to laze your time away.
3. More Quality Work
When you plan your time you are making wise investment of a very limited
resource time. Knowing what to work on, when and how much time you have to
finish the work makes you more focused. That focus on the work ensures that you
get more quality work out.
4. Keeps Things In Context
Sometimes you may hear people complaining that there is no balance in their lives.
Ever wondered maybe the reason is that they do not know how to manage their
time? A possibility, maybe. One reason why is time management important is that
it can put things into context for you.
If you see the list of work you have and the things you need to do, then you will be
forced to make tough decisions. Especially on what to spend your time on and how
to spend your time.
5. Forces You To Do Things You Do Not Like
This is one of my personal favorites. Why is time management important? Simple,
when you write down what you need to do it is there staring at you. You are
forced to tackle it. To me it is a target I have given myself and so I must live up to
the challenge regardless of how much I hate doing it.
6. Keeps You On Track
Whether it is a daily work list or a long-term career plan time management keeps
you on track. With your goals stated and time allocated, the likelihood of you
staying within the boundaries you have given yourself is higher. Of course, do not
be your own jury and judge. That means do not give yourself excuses when you
start to procrastinate.
7. Making Sure You Deliver Whats Promised
How would you deliver what you promised on time if you do not manage your time?
Have you always disappointed your colleagues on the delivery of your part of the
project? Perhaps you arent doing well with time management. Making sure you
deliver whats promised should be reason enough why is time management
8. Time Is Limited
There is a Chinese proverb that loosely translates this saying no amount of gold
can buy you time. Time ticks away regardless you like it or not. Why is time
management important? Because time is limited. Once lost, you cannot gain it
9. Helps Discipline Ourselves
Time management is a huge part of managing yourself. If you cannot manage time
and wont manage your limited resources, how do you plan to achieve your goals? I
find that learning to manage time helps to discipline yourself.

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