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Basic Sale Price (BSP) including EDC/IDC & Bulk Electricity Charges *
- Ground Floor to enth Floor other than !acing "a#okri Greens
- Ground Floor to enth Floor !acing "a#okri Greens
- Ele$enth Floor (Penthouse) other than !acing "a#okri Greens
- Ele$enth Floor (Penthouse) !acing "a#okri Greens
"s%&&' ())/* +er s,% !t%
"s%&-' ())/* +er s,% !t%
"s &.')))/* +er s,% !t
"s &(')))/* +er s,% !t
/+en errace area 0ith Penthouse .)1 o! BSP
Interest Bearing 2aintenance Security (IB2S) De+osit "s%.))/* +er s,% !t%
Do0n Pay3ent "e4ate (1 o! BSP
* Note: (a) The Moveable Furniture is at an additional cost of Rs.1000/- per sq. ft. which is optional
(b) tatutor! cess/ta"es are as per applicable rates.
Down Payment Plan
/n a++lication o! 4ooking 5)1 o! BSP
6ithin one 3onth o! 4ooking on o!!er o! +ossession 7)1 o! BSP less Do0n Pay3ent "e4ate o! (1 o! BSP
8 IB2S 8 "egistration charges and statutory
cess/ta9es% (see note :)
S.No. Linked Stages Payment
1 #n application of $oo%in& Rs '0(00(000/-
) *ithin 1 +onth of $oo%in& )0, of $- less Rs.'0(00(000/- paid with application (on
-rovisional .llot+ent)
/ *ithin ) +onths of $oo%in&
)0, of $-
1 *ithin / +onths of $oo%in& )0, of $-
' *ithin 1 +onths of $oo%in& )0, of $-
2 *ithin ' +onths of $oo%in& 1', of $- 3 100, of 4$M (see note 5)
5 #n offer of possession ', of $- 3 Re&istration char&es 3 statutor! cess/ta"es.
(see note 6)

PRICES w.e.f. 01.06.2013

1. The 7"ternal 8evelop+ent 9har&es (789) and 4nfrastructure 8evelop+ent 9har&es (489) are calculated on pro-rata basis as per
rates and interest thereon applicable at the ti+e of issuin& of license to this :roup ;ousin& site. 4n case of an! upward revision
thereof b! the :overn+ent a&encies in future( the sa+e would be recovered on pro-rata basis.
). Rates/-rices are 7scalation Free but sub<ect to revision/withdrawal without notice at 9o+pan!=s sole discretion. >o e"tra char&es
will be leviable( e"cept due to chan&e( if an!( on account of Fire afet! nor+s or upward revision/lev!in& of statutor! dues b! the
:overn+ent of ;ar!ana fro+ ti+e to ti+e and/or other char&es specificall! +entioned in the application for+ and/or on
revision/chan&e in specifications/area etc..
/. Rebate of ', for down pa!+ent is on $- and is strictl! sub<ect to ti+el! pa!+ent as per down pa!+ent plan and dela! in pa!+ent
will result into auto+atic shiftin& of boo%in&/allot+ent to install+ent pa!+ent plan without an! notice.
1. 9har&es for 9o++on Maintenance 9har&es/in%in& Fund/9lub Me+bership etc. as specified in the application for+ and .part+ent
$u!er=s .&ree+ent are not part of $- of the apart+ent and are pa!able e"tra as per applicable rates.
'. .part+ents in ?The 9aitriona Residential .part+ents 9o+ple"= would be provided with 100, power bac%-up up to a load of
)0@A. per apart+ent.
2. ) car par%in& co+es as an inte&ral part of apart+ent. .n! additional car par%in& will be offered sub<ect to availabilit! at additional
rates/price( as applicable.
5. The !earl! si+ple interest pa!able on 4$M shall be deter+ined b! the co+pan! as per the applicable rates on Fi"ed 8eposits
accepted b! tate $an% of 4ndia at the close of each financial !ear on /1
6. ta+p 8ut!( Re&istration 9har&es( tatutor! cess/ta"es shall be pa!able alon& with the last install+ent as applicable.
B. The custo+er would be liable to pa! holdin& char&es CRs.)0/- per sq. ft. per +onth( if he fails to ta%e possession within /0 da!s
fro+ the date of offer of the possession b! the co+pan!.
10. The allot+ent is sub<ect to e"press assurance and underta%in& of the allottee(s) that all the ter+s and conditions contained in
.pplication For+ and .part+ent $u!er=s .&ree+ent particularl! with re&ards to transfer and/or sale of the apart+ent in the
co+ple" are acceptable to hi+/her or the+.
11. Rates / -rices are w.e.f. 1
Dune( )01/.
1). Rates / -rices / 9har&es indicated above are to be calculated on super area of apart+ents as defined in application for+ and
.part+ent $u!er=s .&ree+ent.
1/. Rates / -rices( ter+s and conditions stated herein are +erel! indicative with a view to acquaint the applicant and are not e"haustive.
For detailed ter+s and conditions( please refer to the application for+ and .part+ent $u!ers= .&ree+ent.
11. Ti+e for pa!+ent of install+ents on due dates +entioned in the ?-a!+ent -lan= is essence of allot+ent. The failure to +a%e the
pa!+ent of the install+ent due b! the date +entioned in the above pa!+ent plan will entail cancellation. .+bience +a!( however(
condone the dela! and accept the pa!+ent on pa!+ent of penalt! C )1, per annu+ for first B0 da!s of dela! and )1, per annu+
for an! further dela!.
1'. .part+ent $u!er=s .&ree+ent would be e"ecuted onl! on pa!+ent of 10, of $-.
12. .ll the ter+s and conditions as contained in the application for boo%in& of the apart+ent and the .part+ent $u!er=s .&ree+ent
would be bindin& on the allottee.
Note: The above prices/Payment plans are subject to revision/withdrawal at any time without notice and at the sole discretion of the company.
Ambience Pvt. Ltd.
E-1( :reen -ar% 7"tension( >ew 8elhi-110012
TelF )21B'01)( 10)1( 1102 Fa"F )21215'5
7 +ailF
*ebsiteF www.a+bience&

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