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-´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 5 -W-Ø˛ 2007 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Sreyas: Wish he were here now. We could

´’†ç Ñ lesson ™ éÌçîÁç
have a splendid time.
advanced type of short
(¢√úÕ-éπ\-úø’çõ‰ É°æ¤p-úÁçûª ¶«í∫’ç-úËC. responses†’ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-¶-ûª’Ø√oç.
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 315 ´’†ç î√™« Ææ®Ω-ü∆í¬/ ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ í∫úÕ-Ê°- ÉN é¬Ææh higher level. Åçü¿’-éπE
¢√∞¡xç) ¶«í¬ practice
splendid = àüÁjØ√ ´’ç* N≠æߪ’ç/ íÌ°æpüÁj† Look at the following
Kowsal: Hi who do I see here? Oh, Sreyas.
Kowsal: I know a cousin of his. He works in 1) Delighted to see you -
Long time, no see, pal. How are
the electricity department here.
rarely, rather practice
Shall I find out from him?
ÉC ´’†™ î√™«-´’çCéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’– ¢√úøôç îËߪ’çúÕ.
4) Wish he were here now.
(á´®Ω÷, v¨Ïߪ’Æˇ éπü∆? î√™« 鬩-¢Á’içC ´’† ÆæEo£œ«ûª’-©†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-†o-°æ¤púø’ ¢√úË ´÷ô–
´’†ç éπ©’-Ææ’-éÌE/ E†’o îª÷Æœ, N’vûª´÷. (¢√úÕ cousin äéπ-ûª†’ Ø√èπ◊ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Åûª- delight= ÆæçûÓ≠æç, ÉüË ¶µ«´çûÓ ´’J-éÌEo ´÷ô©’–
E-éπ\úø electricity dept. ™ °æE-îË-≤ƒhúø’. Glad to see you, good to see you, pleasure
(Åûª-E-éπ\-úø’çõ‰ áçûª ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC! ÉC
response No.1
ᙫ ÖØ√o´¤? àçöÀ Ææçí∫-ûª’©’?) ™«çöÀüË éπü∆!)
Sreyas: Delighted to see you, Kowsal. Every
ÅûªEo éπ†’-éÓ\Ø√ Ææçv°‘û˝ í∫’Jç*?) meeting you again after such a long time, excit-
Sreyas: You'd (you had) better and quickly 5) You'd (you had) better.
thing OK with me. How are you? ing to see you again, etc
too. He is a nice guy though uncom- (†’´yC îËߪ’ôç ´’ç*C.)
(E†’o éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-†oç-ü¿’èπ◊ î√™« ÆæçûÓ- 2) I wish I did =
municative. You better pay/ you better to pay - ÉN ûª°æ¤p
≠æçí¬ ÖçC. ؈’ ¶«í¬ØË ÖØ√o†’. ØËØ√ °æE-îË-Ææ’çõ‰ áçûª ¶«í∫’ç-úËüÓ! Ñ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™, Kundan: Shall I see a doctor then?
†’¢Áy™« ÖØ√o´¤?) (†’´¤y ûªy®Ωí¬ éπ†’-éÓ\-´ôç ´’ç*C.
Sampreet Éûª-®Ω’-©ûÓ Åçûª Ææç•ç-üµ∆©’ doctor
Ø√èπ◊ ÅûªE í∫’Jç* ûÁL-Ææ’çõ‰ áçûª ¶«í∫’ç-úËC ÅE.
Kowsal: Fine. When did you come? Ééπ\úø îª÷úøçúÕ– know ÅØË verb repeat îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈, (؈’ ü¿í∫_-®Ω-Èé-∞¡}Ø√?)
°ô’d-éÓ-E-¢√-úø-®·Ø√, ´’ç*-¢√úË.) Chandan: You had better. (ÅC ´’ç*C)
(èπ◊™«-≤ƒØË. á°æ¤p-úÌ-î√a´¤?) did ¢√úø’-ûª’Ø√oç - knew •ü¿’©’.
Kowsal: How long are you going to be here?
Sreyas: Just yesterday. I thought I should

I'd rather you did

meet you the first thing this morning
and you see me here.
(E†oØË ´î√a†’. É¢√∞¡ §Òü¿’l† ¢Á·ôd
-¢Á·-ü¿ô E†’o éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-¢√-©-†’-èπ◊-Ø√o†’.
Ééπ\úø Fèπ◊ éπE-°œ-Ææ’h-Ø√o†’.)
First thing use îª÷úøçúÕéπ\úø. You should fin- Anand: Your father is a diabetic. Does he go You had better
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ, ÅE ÇÊ°≤ƒhç– °æ‹Jhí¬
(Éçé¬ áçûª-鬩ç/ áEo ®ÓV©’ Öçúø¶- for a walk every morning?
ish the report the first thing tomorrow = Í®°æ¤ ûª’-Ø√o-N-éπ\úø?) you had better see a doctor ņç. äéÓ\-≤ƒJ you
†’´¤y ¢Á·ôd-¢Á·-ü¿ô îËߪ÷-LqçC, Ç report °æ‹Jh- (O’ Ø√†oèπ◊ sugar ÖçC. v°æA-®ÓW had better better
Sreyas: For another week. (ÉçéÓ ¢√®Ωç)
ÅE èπÿú≈ ņ-èπ◊çú≈, ÅØË≤ƒhç.
îË-ߪ’ôç. DØËo ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË The first Kowsal: Why not longer? I'd (I would) rather
†úø’-≤ƒh®√?) Vismaya: Shall I buy the book?
thing you should do tomorrow is ... Åçö«ç. Amar: I wish he did. He doesn't take care of Nischala: Better (you had better)
you did.
Å™« ņôç éπçõ‰ you should do it the first his health. 6) I'd (I would) rather you did.
thing tomorrow ņôç more effective í¬
(ÉçéÌEo ®ÓV-©’ç-úø-èπÿ-úøü∆?) (Çߪ’†™«îËÊÆh (walk èπ◊ ¢ÁRûË) áçûª
Sreyas: So would I too, but I've got to get
(†’´yC îË≤ƒh-´E/ îËߪ÷-©E Ø√éÓ-Jéπ. (†’´yC
back in a week.
¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC! Åçõ‰ Çߪ’† É°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞¡xúøç îËߪ’ôç Ø√éÀ≠dçæ ) Ééπ\úø rather = prefer/ like)
Kowsal: What else, then? (ÉçÍéçöÀ?) ™‰ü¿’, ÅE í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. É°æ¤púø’ ï®Ω-í∫E Prem: Shall I give you the money now?
Sreyas: What about Sampreet? Long since I
(Ø√èπÿ Öçú≈-©ØË ÖçC, é¬E ¢√®√-EéÀ N≠æߪ’ç 鬕öÀd He did (went •ü¿’©’- (úø•’s FéÀ-°æ¤p-úÕ-´yØ√?)
met or even heard of him. (Do you)
AJT ¢Á∞«xLq ÖçC) went= did go) éπü∆?)
Syam: I'd (I would) rather you did.
know where he is and how he is? Kowsal: That's disappointing. É™«çöÀ responses ¶«í¬ practice îËü∆lç (†’Ny-°æ¤p-úÕ-´yôç Ø√éÀ≠dçæ / ÉÊÆh ¶«í∫’ç-
(Ææçv°‘û˝ Ææçí∫-ûËçöÀ? ¢√úÕE éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-E- E®√-¨¡-éπ-®Ωçí¬ ÖçC (¢√®√-EÍé ¢ÁRx-§Ú-´ôç) Bhavya: Do you go to temple everyday? ô’çC. Ééπ\úø give ¢√úøE N≠æߪ’ç í∫´’-Eç-
í¬F, ¢√úÕ í∫’Jç* NE-í¬F î√™« 鬩- Sreyas: Equally so far me. But the call of duty (v°æA-®ÓW í∫’úÕ-Èé-∞«h¢√?)
doesn't let me stay longer, pal.
¢Á’içC. ¢√úÁ-éπ\úø, ᙫ ÖØ√oúÓ FÍé-´’Ø√o Sravya: How I wish/ I wish I did, but I'm too 7) I'd (I would) you were not so pompous.
ûÁ©’≤ƒ?) (Ø√èπÿ E®√-¨»-éπ-®Ωç-í¬ØË ÖçC. é¬E Åçûª- busy. Åçûª pompous í¬ Öçúø-éπ-§Ú-´ôç Ø√éÀ≠dçæ .
Kowsal: I wish I did. No idea at all. éπçõ‰ áèπ◊\´ Ééπ\úø Öçúø-ö«-EéÀ Ø√ (¢ÁRûË áçûª ¶«í∫’ç-úø’ØÓ, é¬F BJ-éπ-™‰ü¿’. Ééπ\úø I'd = I would = I wish (Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’
(ÅC ûÁLÊÆh áçûª ¶«í∫’ç-úËüÓ, ÅÆ晉ç Nü¿’uéπh üµ¿®Ωtç ä°æ¤p-éÓü¿’) Ééπ\úø did = did go = went) lessons ™ N´-Jçî√ç–would wish/ wish-
Kowsal: I'd you were not so pompous.
ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’) 3) He certainly isn't- es (éÓ®Ω’-éÓ-´ôç) ÅØË Å®Ωnç èπÿú≈ Öçü¿E.
Sreyas: He isn't the communicative sort, is (†’´yçûª íÌ°æp íÌ°æp ´÷ô©’ ¢√úÌ-ü¿lE ÉC ´’†ç Éçûª-èπ◊-´·ç-ü¿öÀ lessons ™ ¢√úÕ† I told him not to buy the car, but he would
he? Ø√ éÓJéπ) response éπü∆. Å®·ûË Ééπ\úø effect éÓÆæç certain- buy (wishes to buy it.)
(Éûª-®Ω’-©ûÓ Åçûª Ææç•ç-üµ∆©’ °ô’d-éÌ-ØË- pompous = *†o -*†o N≠æ-ߪ÷-©†’ °ü¿l °ü¿l ´÷ô- ly ¢√úø’-ûª’Ø√oç– éπ*aûªçí¬ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ. I'd (I would) he did it = Åûª-†C îËߪ÷-©E Ø√
Navya: Is Kusuma punctual?
¢√úø’ é¬ü¿’-éπü∆ ¢√úø’?) ©ûÓ îÁ°œp íÌ°æp-ûª-Ø√Eo v§ƒ´·-ë«uEo ûÁ©-§ƒ-©-†’- éÓJéπ. (Å®·ûË Åûª†’ îËߪ’-éπ-§Ú-´îª’a)
Kowsal: He certainly isn't. We were the only éÓ-´úøç, Ééπ\úø Sreyas, call of duty= Ø√ Nü¿’uéπh (Kusuma punctual í¬ Öçô’çü∆?) É™«çöÀ responses î√™« ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ practice
two he moved closely with when he üµ¿®Ωtç °œ©’°æ¤. ÉC example of pompous - §ƒç°æÆˇ
Kavya: She rarely is. îËߪ’çúÕ. í∫´’-Eç-î√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç – É™«çöÀ îÓôxçû√,
was here. Sreyas: I used it for fun, but the fact is I've to were, did ÅE past forms ®√´ôç. ÉC ´·êuçí¬
get back.
(Ç¢Á’ punctual í¬ Öçúøôç Å®Ω’ü¿’)
(Åûª-†çûË. Åûª-E-éπ\-úø’-†o-°æ¤púø’ ÆæEo-£œ«- É™« Ææçü¿-®√s¥-Eo-•öÀd responses ™ certainly, ï®Ω-í∫-éπ-§Ú-´-ö«-EéÀ áèπ◊\´ Å´é¬-¨»-©’†o°æ¤púË ¢√úøû√ç.
ûªçí¬ Ö†oC ´’E-ü¿l-J-ûÓØË) (àüÓ ûª´÷≥ƒèπ◊ ÅØ√o™‰. é¬E AJT ¢ÁRx§Ú-¢√L)

Question: 'Read the passage given below'. In Answer: The use of given here is correct, and a) The house was built 10 years
1. Everything relating to it should this sentence given (V3 of give) is 1. Everything related to it should therefore the sentence is correct ago (sentence)
is halted. It is a line from an used alone without have / has /had halted is wrong. Should be halted is too. The past participle, without b) The house which was built 10
English newspaper. Usually or be forms of verb. correct. It might be a printing error. have / has, or the be form before it, years ago (clause)
should is followed by be. But 2. Yes. It should either be, 'an acts like an adjective (and no like a c) He has gone out (sentence)
6. There was a great uproar in the
here it is 'is'. Is it the attempt' or 'the attempt', depend- verb) and qualifies (tells some thing d) If he has gone out (clause)
parliament over the bill, but still
usage correct? ing on the context. about) the word before it. eg.
the bill was passed. Here. 6. Still - adverb. Passed is not a
3. 'Has ordered' is present perfect a) The man, seen in the park yes-
2. He is charged with great - adjective; over - preposi- verb here, it's only a past partici-
tense. The present perfect tense terday, is a writer (The man seen
attempt. Should not tion ; Still -? ; passed - verb. ple. was passed (be form+past
refers to 1) a past action, time not = The man who was seen)
'an' be prefixed to participle) is the verb here. Still is
But still should not be used in stated, 2) an action starting some b) The book, written 200 years ago,
attempt? not a conjunction here. Still here
one sentence as conjunction. time in the past and going on till now is still popular. (The book which
3. Why present tense is is an adverb. It means, in spite of
But here both are conjunction and 3) an action just completed, if was written) such use of past (what has been said before it).
used widely even though the we use words like, just, just now, etc.
and are in one sentence. participle is right. So there is nothing wrong in
action is a past event. Eg: The The BIE has ordered- this is right- it
7. In letter writing, punctuation You are confused because, you call using but and still together,
BIE as ordered all colleges not indicates a past action, time not
marks are not indicated after the past participle, V3 (verb3). V3 is though it is not necessary. Either
to publish ranks. stated. (The ordering is over- a past
station, date, subscription, a wrong name for the past participle, but or still can be used.
4. Sd/- is seen before signature in action. When?- the time is not stat- because the past participle is not a
official letters. What does it address. This method is seen in 7. The practice now is to avoid
ed- use no) verb. Have / has / had etc + past
Wren & Martyn revised edition punctuation marks after station,
mean? 4. Sd/- means signed. That is, it is participle or be form+past participle
of course in old edition too, date subscription and address.
5. V3 of any verb should be pre- signed by the person whose is a verb. When it is used so, it
which is a famous, standard Using a comma after each line in
ceded either by have / has / had name follows, Sd/- makes a group of words a sentence, the address, a full stop after the
or be forms of verb. But follow- grammar book. Is this method 5. By V3 you mean the past partici- or a clause, depending on whether last time, commas after subscrip-
ing sentence violates the above admissible? ple, don't you? It can be used the group of words has complete tion, etc- this is totally out dated
rule. K. Sainath, Tenali independently, as in the sentence meaning or not. and no longer is in practice.
= Read the passage given below.

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