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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004

Single, Series, and Parallel Pumps

Whereas turbines convert fuid ener!" into mechanica ener!", pumps convert mechanica ener!"
into fuid ener!", increasin! the ener!" possessed b" the fuid# $here are t%o main pump t"pes&
positive dispacement pumps'pistons, pun!ers, diaphra!ms, vanes, scre%s, obes, %hich have a
fi(ed fo% rate per stro)e or revoution* and turbo+h"drauic or )inetic pumps'centrifu!a
pumps, %hich convert fuid )inetic ener!" into static pressure ener!"#
,ethod of -peration
.n 1730, /emour demonstrated that %hen rotatin! a $ formation pipe %ith bottom end
submer!ed in a i0uid and primed'oaded %ith the i0uid, the centrifu!a force ifts the i0uid
and dischar!es it throu!h the arms %hen the centrifu!a force is !reater than the !ravitationa
force# $oda", the desi!n of a centrifu!a pump has the %ater enterin! the o%+pressure center of
the impeer# $he vanes then ead the %ater to the hi!her+pressure re!ion to the casin!# $he
casin! is desi!ned %ith a !radua" e(pandin! spira shape so that minimum oss occurs in the
transformation of )inetic ener!" to pressure ener!"# $he pump receives the %ater at a o%
veocit" on the interior ed!e of the set of movin! impeer vanes and dischar!es it from the outer
ed!e %ith )inetic ener!" sufficient to raise it to a desired hei!ht* and throu!h the !radua"
e(pandin! spira passa!e transforms the )inetic ener!" into pressure ener!"#

$he 12erformance Characteristics1 of a pump at a fi(ed speed are represented b" the foo%in!
!raphica reationships&
$ota 3ead 4325 versus /ischar!e 465
2o%er .nput 425 versus /ischar!e 465
Efficienc" 4 75 versus /ischar!e 465
$his ab e(amines the head8fo% rate and efficienc"8fo% rate reationships# 2ump characteristics
or performance curves are created %hen the head deivered b" a pump 4or pumps5 is potted
a!ainst the fo% rate# $hese curves represent the behavior of a !iven si9e pump 4or pumps5
operatin! at a !iven speed and are important toos in pump seection# :enera", the hi!her the
fo% rate, the o%er the head that the pump can contribute# ;dditiona", pumps are used to ift
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
%ater up or to increase the ener!" so that the %ater can trave farther# $his ab determines the
head8fo% characteristics of centrifu!a pumps operatin! at a sin!e speed& a sin!e centrifu!a
pump, t%o simiar centrifu!a pumps operatin! in parae and in series#
<eca the tota head is the difference bet%een the tota ener!" head at the outet and the tota
ener!" head at the inet 4ne!ectin! the sma differences in veocit" heads5# ;s sho%n be the
foo%in! e0uation&
H H z

+ +

+ +
1 1
2 2
2 2
%here subscripts 1 and 2 refer to inet and outet sections# p
is the pressure head produced b"
the pump and
H is the ener!" oss due to friction and pipe fittin!s# =" conservation of mass,
V1 = V2 if the pipe diameters are e0ua at the inet and outet sections#
$he incomin! pressure is read on the compound !au!e at the pump inet# ;fter the %ater fo%s
throu!h the pump, it traves up 0#> meters 4assumin! the pump is paced on the foor5 to the
manifod !au!e# $he pressure at the manifod is read on the manifod !au!e# 3o%ever, the
pressure head at the manifod is 0#> meters ess than the pressure head at the e(it of the pump#
$herefore, the tota head is determined b" addin! the manifod pressure head to the datum
correction and subtractin! the inet pressure head# $his shoud be appro(imate" the same as
subtractin! the inet pressure head from the outet pressure head 4verif" that this is the case for
the sin!e pump5#
$ota 3ead& 32 ? 4pressure head increased b" the pump5
$ota 3ead -utet& 32 ? 4pressure head at pump outet + pressure head at pump inet5
? 4outet pressure85 @ 4inet pressure85
$ota 3ead ,anifod& 32 ? 4Amanifod pressure head B datum correctionC + inet pressure headC5
? DA4manifod pressure8) B datum correctionC + 4inet pressure85E
Fin!e pump& 6out 6in ?6out
6in hpump ? h%ater
Pumps in Parallel:
When t%o or more simiar pumps are connected in parae, the head across each pump is the
same and the tota fo% rate is shared e0ua" bet%een the pumps, 628n, %here n is the number of
pumps in parae# Gor identica pumps in parae, the pressures at the t%o inets and outets are
identica and the ma(imum head the t%o pumps can deiver is no !reater than for a sin!e pump#
$heoretica", the fo% rate is doubed, athou!h in practice, this %i not occur, due to osses in
the pipin! s"stems#
$ota head 4usin! outlet, not manifold5 is determined the in the same manner as for the sin!e
$he theoretica curve for the parae pump confi!uration is obtained from the sin!e pump data
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
b" mutip"in! the fo% rate b" t%o#
Gor theoretical parae pump curve, pot& 3p4sin!e pump5 vs# 2H64sin!e pump5
2arae 2umps& n? 2 pumps
6$ hpump; ? hpump= ? h%ater
6; B 6= ? 6$ota
Fince the head oss across the parae pumps is e0ua, the pump curve derived for each shoud be
the same#
Gor the experimental parae pump curves, pot& 3p4pump i5 vs# 6 %here i ? 1 or 2
Pumps in Series:
When t%o or more simiar pumps are connected in series, the same fo% rate passes throu!h each
pump and under !oes a head boost of tota head divided b" number of pumps, 328n# $herefore,
the series confi!uration of t%o identica pipes provides a pump characteristic of t%ice the head as
for a sin!e pump# Gor series pumps, the tota head can be computed as foo%s&
$ota 3ead& 32 ? 4pressure head at pump 2 outet + pressure head at pump 1 inet5
? D4outet 2 pressure85 @ 4inet 1 pressure85E
Gor the experimental series pump curve, pot& 3p vs# 6
$he theoretica curve for the series pump confi!uration is obtained from the sin!e pump data b"
mutip"in! the head b" t%o# $his doubed head is potted %ith the measured fo% rate#
To get the theoretical series pump curve, plot: 2HP!single pump" vs# $!single pump"
%eries pumps:
n ? 2 pumps
6out 6in ? 6out ? 6tota
6in ; = hpump; B hpump= ? h%ater
Pump Efficiency
Gor a pump, the efficienc" is defined as
= Po/Pi
%here Po ? po%er out from the pump ? po%er imparted to the fuid
? *Q*Hp ? DN8m
8sEHDmE ? DN+m8sE ? DI8sE ? DWE
Pi ? po%er input to the pump shaft ? po%er output from the motor ? DWE
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
-utput po%er is determined e(perimenta"# .nput po%er shoud be !iven in the manufacturerJs
specifications for the pump# Gor the pumps used in this ab, 2i ? 0#37 )W ? 370 W#
;n important obKective %hen seectin! a pump for an en!ineerin! s"stem is ma(imi9in! the
efficienc" for the desired fo% conditions#
!perimental Procedure
/etermine the head8fo% characteristics of centrifu!a pumps operatin! at a sin!e speed& a sin!e
centrifu!a pump, t%o simiar centrifu!a pumps operatin! in parae and in series#
3"drauics bench, t%o au(iiar" centrifu!a pumps, dischar!e manifod, appropriate hoses and
connectors, !raduated c"inder, and stop%atch#
%or this la&, it is important to emphasi'e the need to turn o(( the pumps &e(ore any hoses
are disconnected) .f other e(periments are bein! performed at the same time, it can be difficut
to hear the motor4s5#
1# Ftradde the manifod boc) across the channe of the bench# ,a)e sure the outet is pourin!
into the stiin! basin for correct measurement of fo% rate#
2# $he au(iiar" pump shoud be paced on the foor, %hich is important for the datum
correction, and connected to the bench %ith the appropriate hoses as foo%s&
3# Girst set up for the F.N:LE 2U,2&
i# $he sin!e pump receives its %ater direct" from the sump# $he sump drain outet is
ocated ne(t to the buit+in bench pump# ; hose shoud e(tend bet%een the sump and
the au(iiar" pump# $he hose is attached to both the sump outet and the au(iiar"
pump inet# Ne(t, a hose continues from the au(iiar" pump to the manifod# ,a)e sure
manifod outet drains do%n into h"drauic bench for %ater coection# Gi!ure 1 sho%s
the proper pipin! connections#
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
Gi!ure 1# Fin!e 2ump -peration
ii# ;fter the connections are made open the sump drain vave# Cose the dischar!e contro
vave on the manifod* turn on the au(iiar" pump, then compete" open the dischar!e
contro vave# $urn on on" the au(iiar" pump, not the h"drauic bench# Water shoud
fo% out the manifod# .f %ater is not emitted, chec) that&
a5 the au(iiar" pump is pu!!ed in*
b5 the sump vave is open*
c5 the dischar!e manifod contro vave is open*
d5 the sump has sufficient %ater#
iii# Fo%" cose the fo% contro )nob to obtain manifod pressure readin!s#
iv# <ecord inet pressure 4compound !au!e5 and outet pressure 4pump5 usin! !au!es#
<ecord the fo% rate usin! the !raduated c"inder and stop%atch#
v# .f the sump drain vave is not fu" open, inet pressure %i fa o% enou!h to %here
cavitation can occur# Cavitation %i be mar)ed b" a oud noise and a sharp decrease in
pump performance# $o avoid cavitation, ma)e sure sump drain vave is fu" open#
vi# $urn off pump motor after a readin!s have been ta)en#
4# Ne(t %eJ set up for the FE<.EF 2U,2F#
i# Cose the sump drain vave# /isconnect the hose from the manifod# Connect this hose
to the inet of the second pump# ;ttach a hose from the outet of the second pump to the
ii# ;fter the connections are made, cose the dischar!e contro vave, turn on both pumps,
and then compete" open the dischar!e contro vave# Water shoud fo% out the
iii# Fo%" cose the fo% contro )nob to obtain manifod pressure readin!s#
iv# Usin! the appropriate !a!es, record the outet pressure for pump 2 and the inet pressure
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
for pump 1# <ecord the fo% rate usin! the voumetric tan) and a stop%atch#
v# $urn off both pumps and cose the sump drain vave %hen a readin!s have been ta)en#
M# Gina", set up for the 2;<;LLEL 2U,2F#
i# /isconnect a hoses, bein! carefu not to spi %ater ever"%here# <e+connect t%o
au(iiar" pumps in a parae confi!uration as sho%n in instructed b" the $;#
ii# ;fter the connections are made open the sump drain vave# $urn on on" pump 1# Water
shoud fo% out the manifod# Ne(t, turn off pump 1 and turn on pump 2# ;!ain, %ater
shoud fo% out the manifod# No% the pumps shoud be primed# Cose the dischar!e
contro vave* turn on both pumps, then compete" open the dischar!e contro vave#
Chec) outet pressure !a!es on pumps to ensure e0ua fo% is movin! throu!h each#
iii# Fo%" cose the fo% contro )nob to obtain manifod pressure readin!s#
iv# <ecord inet and outet pressures for both pumps usin! the !au!es# <ecord the fo% rate
usin! the voumetric tan) and a stop%atch# $urn off both pumps, cose sump drain vave,
and disconnect hoses# <eturn pumps and hoses to .$LL modue room#
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
*ata Ta&les
Table 1. Single Pump
-olume Time
0nits 1psi2 1m2 1s2
1 N 0#>
2 O 0#>
3 12 0#>
4 1M 0#>
M 1> 0#>
N 21 0#>
Table 2. Series Pumps
Pump 2
Pump 1
Total Head
-olume Time
0nits 1psi2 1s2
1 O
2 1M
3 21
4 27
M 33
N 3O
7 4M
> M1
O M7
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
Table 3. Parallel Pumps
Pump 1
Pump 1
Pump 2
Pump 2
$utlet 1
$utlet 2
-olume Time
0nits 1psi2 1s2
1 14
2 1N
3 1>
4 20
M 22
Table 4. Single Pump Efficiency
Pi Po
0nits 132 132 13/32 142
1 370
2 370
3 370
4 370
M 370
N 370
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CVEN 3323 Updated November 17, 2004
/esults and Questions
1# Gi in the tabes on the data sheet for each pump confi!uration# UFE C-NF.F$EN$ UN.$F# Gor
the single pump, discuss the reationship bet%een the tota head determined b" the outet pressure
!a!e and the tota head determined b" the manifod pressure B datum correction# E(pain an"
2# 2ot the $ota 3ead -utet vs# Go% <ate for the sin!e pump, parae pumps, and series pumps on
the same !raph# 4:raph 15
3# Gor the parae pumps, pot the e(perimenta and theoretica $ota 3ead vs# Go% <ate curves on
the same !raph# 4:raph 25
4# Comment on the fo% rates obtained on :raph 2# What are some reasons that fo% rates do not
increase in proportion to the number of pumps usedP
M# Gor the series pumps, pot the e(perimenta and theoretica $ota 3ead vs# Go% <ate curves on the
same !raph# 4:raph 35
N# /oes the head from the e(perimenta series pump !raph in :raph 3 increase e(act" b" a factor of
t%oP /iscuss#
7# Gor the single pump, pot both the $ota 3ead -utet vs# Go% <ate and the Efficienc" 4as percent5
vs# Go% <ate on the same !raph# 4:raph 45
># Grom this !raph 4:raph 45, estimate the desired operatin! fo% rate for the sin!e pump#
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