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There are two structures: 'para' and 'data',
where structure 'para' contains all parameters including 'load data',
'variogram', 'kriging', and 'display', and structure 'data' contains the inpu ('
and output data ('out') structures.
para Parameters Structure
.home_dir home directory
.optim flag of optimization tool box
.dataprep Data Preparation parameters
.filename input filename
.fileID File ID for the data set
.x_norm normalization factor for variable 1
.y_norm normalization factor for variable 2
.z_norm normalization factor for variable 3
.x_offset coordinate offset for variable 1
.y_offset coordinate offset for variable 2
.z_offset coordinate offset for variable 3
.latlonfac conversion factor between longitude/latitude (deg) and x/y
.reduct_fac data reduction factor
.filter_type filter type
.filter_supt filter support
.transform_index index of data transformation model
.vario (Semi-)Variogram/Correlogram parameters
.model model index of variogram/correlogram
.sill sill
.lscl relative length scale
.nugt nugget
.powr power
.hole scale of hole effect
.range range of modeling
.res resolution of the lag
.angle anisotrophy angle
.ratio anasotrophy aspect ratio
.ang_res angle resolution of 2D variogram/correlogram
.para_file parameter filename
.krig Kriging parameters
.xmin minimum x-coordinate
.xmax maximum x-coordinate
.dx resolution in x direction
.ymin minimum y-coordinate
.ymax maximum y-coordinate
.dy resolution in y direction
.zmin minimum z-coordinate
.zmax maximum z-coordinate
.dz resolution in z direction
.model kriging model index
.scheme kriging scheme index
.blk_nx horizontal block size (only for point-block kriging
.blk_ny vertical block size (only for point-block kriging)
.srad kriging search radius
.kmin minimum kriging points
.kmax maximum kriging points
.elim relative error limit
.batch_file_proc flag for batch file processing
.batch_data_file file that contains a list of input data filename(s) for bat
ch processing
.grid_file filepath and filename of the customized grid file
data Data Structure
.in Input data
.dim dimension of the input data
.var1 x-coordinates of raw data after duplicated data and nan's r
.var2 y-coordinates of raw data after duplicated data and nan's r
.var3 z-coordinates of raw data after duplicated data and nan's r
.var raw data after duplicated data and nan's removed
.x x - coordinates after initial manipulation (reduction, norm
.y y - coordinates after initial manipulation (reduction, norm
.z z - coordinates after initial manipulation (reduction, norm
.v data after initial data processing (reduction)
.tvar transformed data from
.tv transformed data from
.out Output data
.vario Data output from semi-variogram/correlogram computation
.c0 variance
.lag lag of semi-variogram (correlogram)
.gammah semi-variogram
.cnt count of data pairs at each lag
.ang angle array for 2D semi-variogram/correlogram
.x x-axis of 2D semi-variogram/correlogram
.y y-axis of 2D semi-variogram/correlogram
.lag_theo lag used in model-based variogram/correlogram
.gammah_theo model-based semi-variogram
.gammah2d 2D semi-variogram
.krig Data output from kriging
.nx output data dimension: nx * ny for 2D and nx * ny * nz
for 3D
.ny output data dimension: nx * ny for 2D and nx * ny * nz
for 3D
.nz output data dimension: nx * ny * nz for 3D
.xg normalized grided x-coordinate
.yg normalized grided y-coordinate
.zg normalized grided z-coordinate
.gx normalized grided x-coordinates for customized grids
.gy normalized grided y-coordinates for customized grids
.gz normalized grided z-coordinates for customized grids
.Xg 2D/3D x-coordinate matrix
.Yg 2D/3D y-coordinate matrix
.Zg 3D z-coordinate matrix
.Vg 2D/3D data from kriging at (Xg, Yg)
.Eg 2D/3D kriging variance at (Xg,Yg)
.Ig reshaped 1D representation of the 2D/3D variable Cg
.eg reshaped 1D representation of the 2D/3D variable Eg
.gv kriging results at the customized grids (gx, gy, gz)
.ge kriging variance at the customized grids (gx, gy, gz)
.Is predicted observed data from Double Kriging cross-validati
.Ijk predicted observed data from leave-one-out cross-validatio
.ek normalized residual array in Q1 and Q2 cross-validations
.q1 value of Q1 cross validation
.q2 value of Q2 cross validation
3. Example
To plot the kriging map using your own program, load the output file saved
from easy_krig3.0 and then type:
>>colorbar;shading interp
to plot a kriging image, or
>>colorbar;shading interp
to plot the kriging variance image. The structured variable 'data.out.krig.Xg'
means 'out' is a substructure under 'data', 'krig' is a substructure of 'out', a
'Xg' is a member (2d array) of the substructure 'krig'. All substructures and
members of the primary structures 'data' and 'para' are listed and explained
below (note that only part of those parameters maybe useful to the users):

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