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Savage Tales of Fantasy

A Tabletop Adventure Game
Richard A. Johnson
Cover and Illustrations by
Kim Allman
Copyright 2008 Rattrap Productions LLC
Savage Tales of Fantasy
Introduction ............................................................... 5
Basics of the Game ..................................................... 6
Dice and Mechanics ...................................... 6
Stat Line ........................................................ 6
Stat Test ........................................................ 6
Initiative and Turn Sequence ......................... 6
List of Actions ............................................... 7
Hero Points ................................................... 7
Hero Points and Measurement ................ 7
Hero Points and Combat ........................ 8
Hero Points and Special Abilities ............ 8
Starting Hero Points ............................... 8
Movement ..................................................... 8
Terrain Eects ........................................ 8
Levels...................................................... 8
Climbing ................................................ 9
Flight ...................................................... 9
Movement with Flyers ............................ 9
Falling .................................................... 9
Improvised Movement ............................ 9
Combat ......................................................... 9
Te Weapon Chart ............................... 10
Ranged Combat ................................... 11
Close Combat ....................................... 12
Combat and Flying ............................... 15
Improvising an Attack .......................... 15
Armor and Shields ................................ 16
Combat Results ........................................... 16
Damage from Combat .......................... 16
Panic..................................................... 17
Yield ..................................................... 17
Arcana ......................................................... 18
Willpower ............................................. 18
Spells and Actions ................................. 18
Preparing the Spell ................................ 18
Casting the Spell ................................... 18
Holding a Spell ..................................... 18
Maintaining a Spell ............................... 19
Dispelling ............................................. 19
Test of WIlls ......................................... 19
Artifacts ................................................ 19
Character Creation ................................................... 20
Model Grades .............................................. 20
Character Stat Chart ................................... 20
Location ............................................... 20
Base ...................................................... 20
DR ....................................................... 20
Wound Level ........................................ 21
Character Abilities ................................ 21
Virtues and Flaws ................................. 21
Hero or Villain ............................................ 21
Character Archetypes ............................................... 22
Barbarians ................................................... 22
Chieftain (Grade 3) ................................ 23
Shaman (Grade 3) ................................... 24
Warlord (Grade 3) .................................. 25
Hero (Grade 2) ....................................... 26
Shaman Apprentice (Grade 2) ................. 27
Beserker (Grade 1) .................................. 28
Scout (Grade 1) ...................................... 29
Warrior (Grade 1) ................................... 30
Arcana for Barbarians .............................. 30
Civilized Peoples ......................................... 32
Court Astrologer (Grade 3) ..................... 33
Defender of the City (Grade 3) ............... 34
Major Noble (Grade 3) ........................... 35
Captain of the Guard (Grade 2) .............. 36
Minor Noble (Grade 2) ........................... 37
City Guard (Grade 1) ............................. 38
Observer (Grade 1) ................................. 39
Retainer (Grade 1) .................................. 40
Squire (Grade 1) ..................................... 41
Arcana for the Civilied Peoples ............... 41
Priesthood ................................................... 43
High Priest (Grade 3).............................. 44
Prelate (Grade 3) ..................................... 45
Acolyte (Grade 2).................................... 46
Captain of the Temple Guard (Grade 2) . 47
Patron (Grade 1) ..................................... 48
Initiate (Grade 1) .................................... 49
Temple Guard (Grade 1) ......................... 50
Zealot (Grade 1) ..................................... 51
Arcana for the Priesthood........................ 52
Knatterling (Grade 1) ............................. 54
Savages ........................................................ 55
Headman (Grade 3) ................................ 56
Tribal Chieftain (Grade 3) ...................... 57
Witch Doctor (Grade 3) ......................... 58
Mighty Warrior (Grade 2) ....................... 59
Old Mother (Grade 2) ............................ 60
Smoke Dancer (Grade 2) ........................ 61
Tribal Hunter (Grade 1) .......................... 62
Tribal Warrior (Grade 1) ......................... 63
Arcana for Barbarians .............................. 64
Special Abilities ........................................................ 65
Combat Skills .............................................. 65
Knowledge Skills ......................................... 66
Other Skills ................................................ 68
Virtues and Flaws ........................................ 70
Animals and Creatures ............................................. 71
Mounts ....................................................... 71
Heroic Horse............................................... 72
Animal Handling ........................................ 73
Creatures ..................................................... 76
Creature Stat Charts ............................. 76
Creature Abilities .................................. 76
Creature Drawbacks ............................. 76
Creature Close Combat ........................ 79
Creature Special Abilities ............................. 80
Scenario Building ..................................................... 81
Te Gamemaster ......................................... 81
Te Plot ...................................................... 81
Victory Conditions ..................................... 81
Te Map/Game Board ................................ 81
Encounter Markers ...................................... 81
Encounter Markers as Traps .................. 82
Encounter Markers as Clues/Bonuses ... 82
Encounter Markers as Events ................ 82
Te Characters ............................................ 82
Special Rules ............................................... 83
Terrain Modiers .................................. 83
Extreme Climate ................................... 83
Campaign Rules ....................................................... 84
Going on Campaign ................................... 84
Planning the Campaign ............................... 84
Chapters...................................................... 84
Ending Campaigns ...................................... 85
Advancing through the Ranks ..................... 85
Heroic Experience ....................................... 85
Archetype Advancement ....................... 86
Archetype Improvement ....................... 86
Permanant Injuries................................ 88
On Certain Death ............................. 89
Reputation Experience ................................ 89
Replacing/Adding Characters ............... 89
Purchasing Scenario-Specic Equip. ..... 90
Scenarios .................................................................. 91
Rescue from the Ungeheuer ........................ 91
Curse of the Black Skull .............................. 94
By the Seven Sons of Myrdall! .................. 98
Slavers of the Zhunaweh Coast .................. 101
Sample Characters .................................................. 104
Appendix 1: Tieves ............................................... 113
Appendix 2: Playing with Bigger Forces .................. 115
Hordes of Minions .................................... 115
Squad Rules .............................................. 115
Blank Hero/Villain Sheets ...................................... 117
Hordes of Minion Markers ..................................... 120
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Welcome to the world of Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy. Tis stand-alone, Narrative
Adventure game is designed to provide all the rules necessary to play sword and sorcery action. Some basic
background is provided on a few areas of the world of Tauren, but the character archetypes provided are
not tied specically to this world. Te barbarians presented here would be equally at home in a historical
setting or another fantasy world.
What do we mean by Narrative Adventure?
A Narrative Adventure game is one in which the player takes on the role of one to a handful of heroes or
villains. But rather than players setting up point values for each side, a scenario is picked or designed and
players take the gures that are appropriate for it. Ten, when the game begins, they seek to solve puzzles
and avoid traps all the while battling each other or a game master. A Narrative Adventure game is about
the story and not the battle. Players should play their characters as they are supposed to act and not do
what it takes to win. Its more exciting to have the hero drop the idol and race to save his friends than for
him to race o the board, leaving them in the foul clutches of the villain.
What You Need
Te game is illustrated with lots of miniatures on 3D terrain; from scratchbuilt to store-bought. But
whereas some miniature games can be daunting from the sheer number of gures required, Broadsword
Adventures can be played with as little as one gure per player. And, like a board game, the space required
is minimal. Te scenarios in the book are designed to t on a space no larger than a small kitchen table,
just 2 ft. by 2 ft.
And if miniatures are just not your thing, the games can be played without them. From cardboard cut-
outs to board game pieces to paper chits, players can use their preference when playing.
And even the 3D terrain can be replaced with simple 2 dimensional maps.
Welcome to the world of Tauren and get ready for some Broadsword Adventures!
Many people helped with ideas, comments, criticsms, and playtesting along the way. Without their help, this
game would not have made it to where it is today. For this I thank them. A few, though, require a special
mention here. Tey are: Jim Grunt the Barbarian Stuht and Ryan Master of Misdirected Magic Flessing.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy Copyright 2008 by Rattrap Productions LLC.
EAN 978-0-9789241-7-1 ISBN 0-9789241-7-7
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Tis game uses only the 10-sided die (d10) for game mechanics.
A roll is either an opposed roll during which players try to out-
score each other, or an unopposed roll or stat test in which case
a d10 roll plus an attribute value along with any bonuses
or penalties are added together in an attempt to roll equal to
or more than 10.
Each of a models stats is tied to a hit location. As a model
takes wounds, the stats associated with that location are
reduced; for example a model with wounds to the arms will
suer a reduction to both its Blade and Musket stats. Te
current stat is the one showing in the rst unmarked box.
When the last box is crossed o, the eects described at the
end of the row are applied.
Grade: Te models level in game terms. A Grade 3 model
would be a hero, a Grade 2 would be a sidekick, and the
Grade 1 would be the nameless soldier. Grades are explained
more fully under Character Creation (see page 20).
Brains (BR): A measure of mental fortitude. It is used in skill
tests and some additional tests.
Brawn (BW): Represents a models physical strength. Te
stronger the model the more damage it can cause.
Guts (GT): Te bravery of a model. It is used to determine
whether a model panics at the rst sign of trouble or stands
their ground against overwhelming odds.
Blade (BD): Te models ability in hand-to-hand combat.
Bow (BO): Te models ability with thrown or red
Dodge (DG): Te quickness with which a model reacts to a
situation. In ranged combat, models with faster reexes are
going to be more dicult to hit.
Speed (SP): Te distance that a model can move in one
action in inches.
Willpower (WP): A models mental fortitude. A model that is
not overly intelligent can still possess great mental resilience.
Like Hero Points, Willpower can be spent and is discussed
further in the section on Magic.
In the course of a game a model might need to determine
whether an action is successful based on a particular stat;
this is called a stat test. Te player rolls a d10 and adds the
appropriate stat, together with any bonuses or penalties that
apply. Te test is successful if the total is equal to or more
than 10. If it is less than 10, the test is failed.
During a game many situations may arise, in which a character
wishes to perform an action that is not covered by specic
rules. In those cases, players should use the Stat Test and
apply modiers as shown below as long as the desired action
is in the realm of the possible. Wanting your model to push
down a castle wall and thinking this can be accomplished by
passing a BRAWN test, is not possible.
-0 --- Not a normal action, but not overly dicult; i.e.
jumping through a window
-1 --- A dicult action; i.e. leaping onto a horse after
crashing through a window
-2 --- A very dicult action; i.e. leaping onto a moving
wagon after crashing through a window
-3 --- A heroic action; i.e. leaping onto a moving wagon
after crashing through a window and attacking the driver
Example: Johns model is attempting to leap onto a moving
wagon from a room in the tavern, and so needs to pass a stat
test. DODGE is the most appropriate stat to use, so the models
DODGE of 3 is added to the roll of a d10 and a diculty
modier of -2 is applied. John rolls a 5, for a total of 6. Since the
result is lower than a 10, Johns model fails the test. Had John
rolled a 9 or more, the model would have passed.
Te turn begins with each player rolling a d10 for Initiative.
Te player who rolls highest has the Initiative. Ties are rolled
o until there is an order of Initiative among all the players.
Te player with the highest Initiative can choose to activate
any model on his team, regardless of the models DODGE
Ten, starting with the model with the highest DODGE stat,
the players take turns moving their models in the order of
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Initiative. Te player with Initiative will always have one of
their models act rst at each DODGE level.
Example: If Pete wins initiative and has two modelsone with a
DODGE of 3 and the other with a DODGE of 2Mark (with
the second highest Initiative roll) has the same, and Mike has
models with DODGE scores of 4 and 2, then Pete will move one
of his models, followed by Mike moving his DODGE 4 model.
If Pete moved his DODGE 3 model rst, then play would move
to Marks DODGE 3 model. If Pete had moved his DODGE
2 model rst, then he would get to move his DODGE 3 before
Mark since he has the Initiative. Once the DODGE 4 and
DODGE 3 models have activated, the DODGE 2 models will
activate, starting with the player with Initiative.
Models can perform one action upon their activation unless a
special ability allows them additional.
Move: Te normal movement of the model, which is
represented by SPEED in the models stat line. Te model
moves its SPEED stat in inches.
Run: Allows a model to move at SPEED + 3. Tis movement
must be in a straight line and it cannot be through terrain
that hinders or slows movement. Models cannot combine this
with a Missile Fire action. Models also cannot pick up items
or check Encounter Markers.
Jump: Assumed to be a standing jump, all models can jump
up to 1 for every 2 points (round up) of BRAWN. A model
can attempt to gain an additional 1 by taking a BRAWN
Stat Test.
Move & Missle Fire: A combined Move and Missile Fire
action. Models doing this have a -5 modier in ranged
combat. Te shot can be taken at any point during the Move
action. Models with ranged weapons that require the use of
both hands (bows and crossbows) can only Move at their
SPEED -2 (minimum of 1 of movement).
Missile Fire: A normal aimed shot taken by models with a
ranged combat weapon. Tere is no modier to hit.
Charge: A combined Move and Close Combat attack action.
Te charging model receives a +2 modier to their BLADE
and Weapon Strength for that action only. A model must
move at least 2 in order to gain the Charge bonus.
Close Combat: Tis is the normal attack when a model is
already within weapon range of a target. Tere is no modier
to hit.
Use Ability: Tis action refers to anything unrelated to the
actions already listed, such as using a special ability, untying a
horse, lighting a fuse, etc.
Cast/Maintain Spell: A model casting or maintaining a spell
must spend at least one action to do so, unless the spells states
Wait: Models that wait are holding their action in reserve until
a later part of the turn in an attempt to counter the actions of
opposing models. Te waiting model can perform an action
at any time before the end of the turn. A model cannot, with
one exception, use Wait to interrupt an opposing models
action. Te exceptionis that you can stop an opposing model
at any point during its movement to use the Wait action. If
two or more players activate models on Wait at the same time,
the player with the higher Initiative goes rst, followed by
the next highest Initiative and so forth, until all players with
models on Wait have gone. Models on Wait must take an
action before the end of the turn.
Prone: Models that are prone are crouching or lying down
in an attempt to make the smallest target possible for an
opponents ranged combat attack. Tis makes them -2 to be
hit in ranged combat. Prone models have their BLADE stat
halved (rounding up).
Stand: An action used by models to get up after being knocked
down or after being prone.
At the beginning of the game each player receives a number
of Hero Points, which can be used during the course of the
game to change their die rolls. A player can move any die
roll up or down by as many points as they have remaining
(the one exception being the location of a wound; hits cannot
normally be moved from one part of the body to another
using hero points). Players can only change their own die
rolls; they cannot change an opponents die roll. For 2 points
a player can re-roll a die, but the player must abide by the
results of the second roll.
If more than one player wishes to use Hero Points on the same
action, each player announces their intention and secretly
notes how many they wish to use (on paper, with a d6, etc.).
Both then add their points to their scores as normal.
Hero points can be used to aect a measurement. For example,
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
for each Hero Point expended, a player can add 1 to the
range of their weapon, or add 1 to a Jump or Move action
(the addition of this 1 or more does not require the model to
take a BRAWN stat test if using a Jump action).
For each Hero Point expended, a player can increase the
Weapon Strength (WS) of a weapon or the Defensive Rating
(DR) for a specic location (combat is discussed later in the
book). If Hero Points are used to increase a Weapon Strength
or Defensive Rating, the points must be added before wound
location is rolled. If both players wish to add points during
the same action, then both should note secretly how many
they wish to use (on paper, with a d6, etc.) and reveal them
at the same time.
Tere are some Special Abilities (see Special Abilities page 65)
that require the use of a Hero Point in order to access the
ability. Players can use Hero Points from one model to access
the Special Ability of another unless inicated otherwise.
Te number of Hero Points each player receives is tied to the
Grades of the models they use. Players receive 5 Hero Points
for each Grade 3 and Grade 2 model in their group. Grade
1 models receive no Hero Points. Tese Hero Points can be
used by any model in the players group, not just the Grades
2 and 3 models.
For example, if a player has models with Grades of 3, 2, 2, 1,
and 1, they will get 15 Hero Points, and these points may be used
by any Grade.
Additional Hero Points may be given for other factors or
Special Abilities as well.
Models move across normal ground at their SPEED score. As
the model takes wounds to the Legs location, their starting
SPEED will start to decrease, so players should remember
that as the game progresses.
With so many dierent types of terrain and each player
modifying the diculty of terrain in their own way, players
are encouraged to come up with their own terrain eects for
movement. All terrain eects should be announced prior to
the start of the game. Two simple guidelines to follow for all
terrain eects are: 1) If movement is halved through a type
of terrain, SPEED is always rounded up and 2) If movement
penalties are applied (such as -1 movement) then a models
movement will never be reduced below 1.
Te way Broadsword Adventures handles height, whether it
is climbing or ying, is by Levels. Below are four dierent
levels and their approximate height. Players do not have to
measure each and every building, cli, etc; simply assign
values to scenics and terrain according to what works for the
game. Te list below gives an example of relative heights.
Level 0 = Ground level
Level 1 = 1 to 4
Level 2 = above 4 to 8
Level 3 = above 8 to 12
Level 4 = above 12
Te use of levels allows players to build reasonable terrain but,
still include the dangers of extreme height. If a player wanted
to use terrain to represent a dangerous mountain pass with
a sheer drop-o on one side, he could state that the path is
at Level 4 (should a model fall o into the chasm) without
having to build a mountain pass that is 12 high.
Phaecia is on Level 3, one Lion Guard is on Level 2 (he is about halfway
down which puts him in the Level 2 range). and the last Lion Guard is on
Level 0 or the Ground Level.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
If players are using both high objects and deep objects, for
example a mountain pass with a steep cli on one side and a
drop o on another, then count Levels in both directions. Te
cli would be Level 4, the pass Level 0 and the chasm Level 4.
Any model that falls from the top of the cli into the chasm,
would take the equivalent of two Level 4 falls.
It takes a model two actions to climb up each Level. For
each Level above Level 1, a model must pass a DODGE test
before moving. If they fail, they are considered to have slipped
and fallen and will take the appropriate Falling damage (see
Models can choose to y as their action if they have an
item that allows them, a spell that simulates it, or they have
All measurements are made from the Ground Level with
appropriate modiers added for the Flying models height.
Tis will prevent players from having to hold their models in
the air to take measurements.
Each ying model has a minimum and maximum SPEED
value. A model must move its minimum SPEED value or
else the model drops three Levels (see Falling below). If the
model can hover (minimum SPEED 0), then the model can
choose to remain stationary or move any distance up to its
Maximum SPEED.
A ying model can change one Level with no loss in horizontal
movement. A model can attempt to change their height by
two Levels, but must pass a DODGE test or else fall three
Levels. If the model is still in the air, it must pass a DODGE
test at the beginning of its next turn or lose its action as it
attempts to regain control of the descent.
A model can take o, move, and land in the same turn if
it does not change Levels and it travels no more than half
(rounded up) its Maximum SPEED.
A ying model that hits the ground due to a failed test must
take damage per the Falling rules below. Te model must also
pass a DODGE test or be placed Prone.
Models that fall and hit a solid object will take damage
appropriate to the Level they started the turn at, regardless
of whether their fall is interrupted by an intervening object.
Models that fall do so straight down and do not get horizontal
Level 1 = WS 3, one location
Level 2 = WS 6, one location
Level 3 = WS 8, two locations
Level 4 = WS 10, two locations
Example: If Volmak the Nimble is scaling a tower wall to reach
the great Jewel of Mk and he slips and falls just as he reaches
Level 3, then he would suer a WS 8 hit to two locations. If there
was a ledge at Level 2, he would still suer wounds as though he
fell three levels.
No game can model every possible action that a player may
want to take with a model due to the nature of a fantasy
game, therefore some rules need to be laid out for improvised
Sometimes a player may want to move a model in some way
other than on foot, such as bysliding down a banister,
swinging on a tapestry or rope, or rolling under tables. Tese
are all examples of improvised movements.
Improvised movement requires a BRAWN or DODGE Stat
Test, depending on whether the movement relies primarily
on the models arms or legs. Swinging on a tapestry, for
instance, should require a BRAWN test, whereas running
across a clothesline would require a DODGE test. If the test
is passed, the model moves its SPEED, but no more than 6.
If the model fails the test, it moves half its SPEED stat in the
direction it would have traveled, but is considered Prone at
the end of this movement. If this would result in a fall of 1
Level or more, the model takes Falling damage.
Combat is either Ranged (use of slings, bows and crossbows,
or a thrown spear or knife), or Close (sword ghting, brawling,
and bludgeoning with heavy objects).
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Te Weapon Chart below is broken down into four major
columns (separated by a dark rule line). Each column
represents a range band: Close Combat, Short, Medium,
and Long. Each of these columns is in turn split into three
statistics for each weapon: Range, TH, and WS. If a weapon
has a dash in any of the columns, it means it cannot be used
at that range.
For example, the Bullwhip has dashes under the Close
Table I: Weapon Chart
Weapon Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BW -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: None
Short Blade 0 +1 BW+1 BW+2 0 BW+1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: None
Long Blade 1 +2 BW+2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: None
2-Handed Blade 1 -1 BW+4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: Requires two hands to use. Cannot use shield or wield a second weapon.
Club 1 +1 BW+2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: None
Improvised 1 0 BW+1 3 -2 BW -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: An improvised weapon is anything heavy that can be used in close combat. Tis includes heavy logs, chair
legs, replace pokers, etc. Tese can also be thrown for a short distance.
Polearm 2 -1/0 BW+3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: Polearms require two hands to use. A model with a polearm can use a shield but cannot wield a second
weapon. Tese weapons also work best outside base to base contact. If a model is in base contact with a polearm-
wielding model, the polearm-armed model has a -1 penalty. If the models are not in base contact, there is no penalty.
Javelin/Spear 2 0 BW+2 BW+4 -1 BW+1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: Javelins and spears can be thrown up to a short distance.
Pike 2-3 -1 BW+2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: A pike can only be used if the target is between 2 to 3 inches away. If the target is closer than 2, the
pike cannot be used. Tis weapon requires two hands to use. A model equipped with this cannot use a shield or wield a
second weapon. Pikes can attack through the bases of friendly models of the same size.
Bullwhip -- -- -- 2 0 3 -- -- -- -- -- --
Special Rules: Te player using the whip must declare entangle, disarm, or wound. In order to entangle, the attacker
must rst score a hit in combat, then the defender must fail a DODGE stat test. If successful, the defending model is
considered prone. In order to disarm the attacker must rst score a hit, then the defender must fail a BRAWN stat test.
If successful, the defending model has dropped whatever it is carrying.
Sling -- -- -- 6 +1 4 10 0 3 -- -- --
Special Rules: None
Bow, Short -- -- -- 10 +1 4 16 +1 4 24 -1 3
Special Rules: Requires two hands to use. Cannot use shield or wield a second weapon.
Bow, Long -- -- -- 12 +1 5 22 +1 5 34 0 4
Special Rules: Requires two hands to use. Cannot use shield or wield a second weapon.
Crossbow, Light -- -- -- 12 +1 4 20 +1 4 26 -1 4
Special Rules: Requires two hands to use. Cannot use shield or wield a second weapon.
Crossbow, Heavy -- -- -- 14 +1 6 24 +1 6 38 0 6
Special Rules: Requires two hands to use. Cannot use shield or wield a second weapon. Tis weapon requires one full
action spent reloading between shots. Model cannot Move and Fire with this weapon.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Combat heading. Tis means that when a model gets into
base contact with a model using a bullwhip, the whip can no
longer be used.
Range is the distance, from the previous range band up to
and including the shown number for that range band. A short
bow has a short range of 10, meaning any target outside of
Close Combat and up to and including 10 would be at Short
Te second column is THyour To Hit bonus. Add or
subtract the shown number to your chance to hit, if the
number is a +, then it is easier to hit at that range, if it is a -,
then it is more dicult. A Short Bow at Short Range is +1 to
hit, and at Long Range is -1.
Finally, WS is Weapon Strength. Tis is the strength of the
weapon and is compared to a models Defensive Rating to
determine wounds. Te higher the Weapon Strength the
easier it is to wound and the greater chance for multiple
wounds (see Combat Results page 16).
Ranged combat is resolved on an opposed die roll. Te
attacker rolls a d10 and adds his BOW stat, along with any
bonuses or penalties he may have (such as TH bonuses, Cover
or Movement Modiers, etc.). Te defender rolls a d10 and
adds his DODGE stat along with any bonuses or penalties.
(Attackers BOW stat +/- any bonuses + d10 result) against
(Defenders DODGE stat +/- any bonuses + d10 result).
If the attacker rolls higher, a hit is scored (see Combat Results
page 16). If the defender rolls higher, then the shot is a miss.
If the result is a tie, the defender is not hit, but must make a
GUTS check as if he were (see Panic page 17).
If the defending model is obscured by terrain, it is considered
to be in the shadow of terrain and is 2 to be hit by ranged
attacks. If the model is in base contact with the terrain, then
it also receives a Defensive Rating bonusfor ranged attacks
onlyof +2 to all body locations, except the head.
Heftig is ring his sling at the Lion Guard. Lion Guard A is in base contact
with the rocks so he gains +2 DR as well as -2 to be hit. Lion Guard B is not in
base contact, but still gains the -2 to be hit for being obscured.
Height Dierences
Models more than 1 level above their opponent are considered
obscured by terrain (as long as such terrain can obscure the
shota model standing on a wooden pole would not get the
bonus since the pole would provide no real cover). Models
more than 2 levels higher receive an additional 1 to be hit.
Target Movement Modiers
Models that move more than 6 in the turn they are shot at
are harder to hit in ranged combat. A model that moves more
than 6 but less than 9 is 1 to be hit. If a model moves at
least 9 but less than 12, it is 2 to be hit. If a model moves
12 or more it is 3 to be hit. A Wait action that interrupts
a Move action always measures the distance covered, not the
intended distance.
Trown Weapons
Some weapons, such as Short Blades, Javelins, and Spears, may
be thrown by the model using them. If the weapon is thrown,
the model no longer has access to it unless it is recovered.




Phaecia is on Level 3.
She would not receive
a cover bonus from the
Lion Guard on Level
2 if he made a Ranged
Combat attack as he is
not more than 1 level
below her. She would
be at -3 to be hit by the
Lion Guard on Level
0 as she is more than 2
Levels above him.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Models may take duplicate versions of these weapons so that
one can be thrown and the other used for Close Combat,
but the equivalent amount of points must be spent on the
Close Combat is resolved on an opposed die roll. Te
Attacker rolls a d10, and adds his BLADE stat, together with
any bonuses or penalties that apply. Tis is compared with the
Defenders d10 roll, plus the Defenders BLADE stat, together
with any bonuses or penalties he might have.
(Attackers BLADE stat +/- any bonuses + d10 result) against
(Defenders BLADE stat +/- any bonuses + d10 result)

If the attacker rolls higher, a hit is scored (see Combat Results
below). If the defender rolls higher, then the shot is a miss.
If the result is a tie, the defender is not hit, but must make a
GUTS check as if he were (see Panic below).
In the Weapon Chart above, Close Combat weapons have a
Range in inches. A Range of 0 means the model must be in
base contact with the opposing model to use it. Some weapons
have a longer reach. An attacking model with a Long Blade
has a Range of 1, so it does not need to be in base contact in
order to attack.
If a model has been attacked by a model at a range that is
longer than the reach of its weapon and wishes to attack
back on its activation it must rst pass a BLADE stat test to
move in closer. If the model fails the BLADE test, it can still
move closer to attack but will be subject to a free attack by its
opponent. Te model that is the subject of the free attack gets
no BLADE or weapon bonuses for this roll.
Example: Goran, wielding a long blade, is attacked by a City
Guard wielding a spear from 2 away. Goran survives the attack
and wishes to strike the guardsman on his activation. Because his
long blade only has a range of 1 and the spear has a range of 2,
he must rst pass a BLADE test to close the distance. If he fails the
test, but still chooses to close the distance, the City Guard will be
able to strike at him before he attacks. Goran will not be able to
add his BLADE stat or weapon To Hit bonus to his roll.
A charging model receives a +2 bonus to hit and to Weapon
Strength when it charges. A model must begin at least 2 from
its opponent in order to receive the +2 bonus. Waiting models
must withdraw from combat, Missle Fire (before the charging
model reaches them), or counter-charge or they will lose their
Wait status. A withdrawing model moves up to its SPEED
directly away from the enemy model. Tis movement is done
after the charge has been declared but before the charging
model has moved. Move a counter-charging model 2
towards the attacker, and then the charging model is moved
into base contact. Te counter-charging model receives the
charge bonus. If the attacker did not move 2 before being
counter-charged, then it does not receive the charge bonus.
If an attacking model ties or wins in Close Combat, it can force
the defending model back 1 for every 2 points its BRAWN
exceeds the defending models BRAWN. Te defending model
is moved in any direction in the attacking models 180 front
facing. A model that is able to push a defender back, can then
move back into Close Combat if the player chooses (this does
not count as a charge and no attack is made).
Breaking o from Close Combat
Models in Close Combat with an enemy can attempt to break
away from their opponent. To do this, the two models make
an opposed BRAWN roll. If the model attempting to leave
Close Combat scores higher, then it shoves o its opponent
and can move its full SPEED. If the model loses the roll, then
the two remain locked in close. Ties are awarded to the model
trying to prevent the Breaking O.

Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
A model that breaks o from Close Combat may not use its
movement to charge into a new combat.
If a single model is in Close Combat with multiple opponents
it receives a -1 penalty to its BRAWN test for each opposing
Fighting Withdrawal
To make a Fighting Withdrawal, the model moves half its
SPEED rounded down (minimum of 1) in any direction
that does not take it through an enemy models base, and the
opposing model is moved back into base-to-base contact even
if the movement would exceed the models SPEED score. No
attack is made when using a Fighting Withdrawal.
Example: Grimmor the Heartless (SPEED 5) is out in the open
and engaged in Close Combat with a wounded City Guard
(SPEED 1). He sees more guards approaching and wishes to get
into a more defendable position. He chooses to use a Fighting
Withdrawal. He would be able to move 2, however, the City
Guard currently only has a SPEED
of 1 and would normally not be
able to move that distance. But,
because Grimmor is making a
Fighting Withdrawal, the City
Guard can move that far.
A player can choose to simply
move from Close Combat without
making an opposed BRAWN roll.
If a player utilizes this option,
the opposing model can make a
single Close Combat attack at an
additional +2 Weapon Strength.
Te eeing model does not get its
BLADE or Weapon TH bonuses
added to its die roll.
A model that ees from Close
Combat may not use its movement
to charge into a new combat.
Close Combat with Multiple Opponents
A model can be engaged in Close Combat with more than
one opponent. On his activation, a model facing multiple
opponents can attack only one of them at a time, unless the
model is capable of making multiple attacks. If the model is
able to make multiple Close Combat attacks, each attack and
its subsequent Close Combat outcome is resolved before the
next attack is made.
If multiple models are attacking a single model, each of the
attackers gains a +1 bonus to their attack roll.
Withdrawal and Multiple Friendly Combatants
If multiple models are in Close Combat with the same
opponent, then a model may break o from combat without
penalties or checks, provided at least one friendly model
remains in the Close Combat. Te last model attempting to
break o from combat must test as normal.
Example: Volmak and Rodak are in Close Combat with Lord
Graudrn. Rodaks player declares that his model is breaking o
combat. Rodak may leave the Close Combat and move normally.
If Volmak wanted to break o combat later, he would have to
make a BRAWN check or Flee.
Rather than simply wounding their opponent, a model can
declare that they are attempting to Disarm the opposing
model. Combat proceeds as normal, but the attacker receives
a -2 penalty to his roll. If the defending model is hit, then the
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
defender takes a BLADE Stat Test (there is no armor save).
If the defender fails this test, it is disarmed. If the defender
passes, it is assumed to have recovered its weapon by snatching
it from the air or o the ground. Te defending model does
not suer any damage regardless of outcome.
A model that has been disarmed can be asked to Yield (see
rules for Yield below).
Weapon Trained
Certain archetypes have trained in Close Combat for many
years, learning to not only wound their opponent, but also
to force them back, switch places with them in the heat of
combat, or draw them toward a more advantageous position.
Under the Character Archetypes, some models will be listed
as Weapon Trained, others may become Weapon Trained
by spending an ability point (see Character Creation page
20). Models that have this designation can choose to use the
following outcomes in Close Combat, along with any wound
they may cause, or they may choose Killing Stroke.
Close Combat OutcomesAttacker wins by 5+
Te attacking player can choose one from the following
outcomes (Pushback, Draw Back, or Turnabout) when he
wins the opposed Close Combat roll by 5 or more.
-Draw Back
Te attacker tricks the defender into following up. Te
attacking player moves his model 1 in any direction in that
models 180 rear facing. Te defending model is then moved
back into close combat. Tis is useful for drawing enemies
away from support or objectives, or into a choke point where
the attacker can avoid being mobbed. Tis is dierent from
a Fighting Withdrawal as the attacker can also wound the
Tis is the same as Pushback from the previous page except
that a Weapon Trained model does not need to have its
BRAWN 2 points higher in order to Move a model 1.
Te attacker and defender trade places, which can be useful if
the attacker is in danger of being forced into a bad situation,
or the defender is standing in the way of an objective.
-Killing Stroke
When a model chooses to make a Killing Stroke, they put all
their strength into one nal blow. Te character is forgoing
nesse and simply trying to cleave through their opponent. A
player that chooses Killing Stroke must declare this before the
attack. Te model then subtracts points from their BLADE
score and adds them to their Weapon Strength. A model can
subtract as many points from their BLADE as they currently
have, but the BLADE score cannot be reduced below 1.
Close Combat Outcome Defender wins by 5+
Te attacker is beaten back by the defender with Weapon
Trained, who stands his ground. Te defending player moves
the attacking model 1 in any direction in the attacking
models 180 rear facing. Te models are no longer considered
in Close Combat.

Goran is in Close Combat with a Lion Guard. More guards approach
from the hallway to his right. In order to prevent multiple opponents
ganging up on him, he chooses to Draw Back after winning against the
Lion Guard he is ghting.

Goran moves back 1 to the entrance behind him. Te Lion Guard must
follow back into base contact. Tis move keeps the now wounded guard
in combat and prevents additional models from ganging up on Goran.
Example: Drawback
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Models wounded while in ight automatically drop one
Level. If the model is at Level 1 when it is wounded, then it
must pass a DODGE test or be placed Prone as well as taking
damage from the fall.
Ranged Combat and Flying
Models ying at Levels 1 or 2 can use scenery for cover as long
as the object is at least Level 2 in height.
Models ying at Levels 3 or 4 can use scenery for cover as long
as the object is at least Level 4 in height.
Flying models are -1 to be hit for every two Levels they are
above their attacker. For example, if a model on the Ground
shoots at a model ying at Level 2, it would receive a -1
penalty. If the same ying model was at Level 4, the modier
would be -2.
Close Combat and Flying
Flyers that charge a model on the ground are no longer
considered in ight (unless they have a special ability that
allows them to make attacks against ground targets and
remain in the air).
A yer may charge any other yer within one Level. If the
attacking model does not move its minimum distance, then it
falls per the Movement with Flyers rules above.
Characters able to charge yers by leaping o higher objects or
who have an ability that allows them to reach the yer, receive
-2 to their attack. Tis represents their lack of sustained ying
abilities; they are basically hanging on to the yer or trying to
strike as they pass by.
A model attempting to leap onto a ying model must beat the
yer in a comparative DODGE test. If the model is successful,
it must win a comparative BRAWN test each turn in order to
maintain a grip on the yer. If unsuccessful, the model falls
and takes the appropriate falling damage for that level.
Like Improvised Movement, there might be times in the game
when a model wants to throw a tankard or kick a bench at an
opponent, pull the rug out from under his feet, or simply
confuse him by shouting, Look behind you! A model can
do any or all of these by making an improvised attack.
First declare what the attack is going to be. Ten, with the
consensus of other players, determine what stat you and your
opponent will use in an opposed roll. For instance, if you
want to pull the rug out from under an enemy, you would
use the BRAWN stat while your opponent would use his
DODGE stat, but to confuse an enemy by yelling, Whats
that? you would both use the BRAINS stat.
Each player then rolls a d10 and adds the appropriate stat.
If the attackers total is higher, the defender misses his next
activation as a result. If the defenders roll is higher, the
improvised attack is unsuccessful and nothing happens.
A player can combine an Improvised Attack with a Move (at
half the models SPEED), or rise from Prone.

Goran is being driven back toward a bottomless pit by a Lion Guard.
When he wins combat, he chooses Turnabout in order to put the Lion
Guard at the edge of the pit.
Teir positions are now reversed. If Goran can then force the Lion Guard
back with his next attack, he can push the model into the gaping hole.

Example: Turnabout
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Trown Models
A player may want to have a model throw an opponents model
(through a window or over a railing, etc). Only models that
have a higher BRAWN than their opponent, or have a special
ability that allows it, can throw an opposing model. In order
to throw a model, the player makes a normal Close Combat
attack. If successful, instead of doing damage, the defender
is moved back 1 + the dierence in BRAWN between the
Example: Roderick the Blacksmith has a BRAWN of 5 and
Lothor the Rat has a BRAWN of 3, Roderick could throw Lothor
3 (1 + (5-3)). Lothor, in turn, could not throw Roderick at
all, as his BRAWN is not higher. In addition to being moved, the
thrown model is placed Prone.
If a model has a BRAWN that is at least 2 higher than its
opponent it can lift the opposing model o the ground. If an
attacker lifts a model o the ground it can move up to half
its SPEED, rounded down, on its next action and then throw
the opposing model.
Example: Roderick (SPEED 4) lifts Lothor o the ground. On
his next activation he can move 2 (half his SPEED) and then
toss Lothor 3.
Models that are held o the ground can attempt to break free
by making a comparative BRAWN test with their opponent,
but the held model will have -1 modier, as it does not have
the leverage to use its full strength.
A held model can also attack the model holding it. Te
attackers BLADE score will be reduced by half, rounded
down, but its opponent will have a BLADE score of 0. If
the attacker wounds an opponent and the opponent fails a
GUTS check, the model is released and placed prone on the
Example: Roderick (BLADE 4, GUTS 6) has Lothor (BLADE
3) held over his head. Lothor attacks and rolls a 7 +1 (his
BLADE score rounded down) for a total of 8. Roderick rolls a
6 + 0 (his BLADE score reduced to 0 for holding Lothor o the
ground) for a total score of 6. Lothor wins and wounds Roderick.
Roderick rolls a 2 for his GUTS check and fails (2 + GUTS 6 =
8) dropping the hapless Lothor to the ground, where he is placed
A Trown model takes a hit to a random location at WS1 for
each 2 the model is thrown. A model thrown 4 would suer
a WS2 hit, a model thrown 8 would suer a WS4 hit, etc.
Armor is handled abstractly in Broadsword Adventures. Each
archetype will show whether it has access to armor, which
is listed as +X DR (Defensive Rating) to a specic Wound
Location. A model that has Head +2 DR could be considered
to have a helmet, natural armor plating, or simply a thick
Shields are slightly dierent than armor. A model with a shield
rolls 2 d10 whenever it is attacked (either Close Combat
or Ranged Combat). It then chooses the higher result and
discards the other (though which die represents the shield
should be stated before the dice are rolled; see Te Dismal
Failure below). Te model does not roll the second die if it
is the one attacking, unless specied otherwise by a special
ability. All shields will be treated the same and there is no
dierentiation between a small wooden shield and a large
metal shield.
When a model is hit in combat, the attacker rolls a d10 to
determine the location. Te Defensive Rating (DR) of that
location is compared with the Weapon Strength (WS) of
the attack. If the Weapon Strength equals or exceeds the
Defensive Rating, one box is crossed o in that location on
the defenders model sheet. If the Defensive Rating is higher
than the Weapon Strength, the defender rolls a d10 and
adds the dierence between Defensive Rating and Weapon
Strength to the roll. If the result is equal to or more than 10,
then the damage is prevented.
If the Weapon Strength is twice the Defensive Rating, then
two boxes are crossed o. If the Weapon Strength of the
attack is three or more times the Defensive Rating, then three
boxes are crossed o.
Once all boxes have been crossed o either the Arms or Legs
location, any additional hits to that location are transferred
to the Torso. However, the damage is not transferred to the
Torso if at least one box is available to cross o in an Arm
or Leg location, even if the wound would normally cross o
multiple boxes.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Te Critical Hit
If a player rolls a natural 10 on the d10 when attacking
another model, then the hit is considered a Critical Hit. Te
Critical Hit has an additional +2 Weapon Strength for that
attack only.
Te Dismal Failure
If a model rolls a natural 1 on a d10 when attacking, it must
pass a BLADE or BOW test, or the weapon they are using has
broken. Models make a BLADE test if they are attacking in
Close Combat and a BOW test if they are making a ranged
attack. If a model is defending in Close Combat with a shield
and they roll a 1 on their shield die, then they must pass a
BLADE test or the shield has been shattered.
Some models that lose their last box in either the Head or
Torso region, or suer the eects of a poison are rendered
unconscious. Models can try to regain consciousness by
rolling a d10 and adding their last unmarked BRAWN stat
-1. If the total is equal to or more than 10 the model has
regained consciousness. Models that do not have an unmarked
BRAWN score, or whose BRAWN stat -1 would equal 0, are
considered to have a BRAWN of 1. If a model fails the test,
it can spend a WILLPOWER point to immediately regain
Models that regain consciousness must take an immediate
GUTS stat test. If the model fails, then they suer the eects
of panic described below. Te nal marked box that rendered
the model Unconscious is used as the current stat on regaining
consciousness. Further hits to that location will again render
the model Unconscious.
Each time a model is wounded in combat it must take a
GUTS stat test. If the model fails then it loses a point of
WILLPOWER. Once a model has no WILLPOWER left,
then it will attempt to ee the board if it fails subsequent
GUTS tests due to wounds. Tis means that for its next
available action the model must move towards its entry zone
(or a predetermined exit point). It must use its full SPEED
in the direction of the entry zone, but can take advantage of
cover to cower or avoid being shot at. At the beginning of
its next activation, the model must pass a GUTS stat test or
continue eeing for the remainder of that turn also. Tis is
repeated each turn until the model either leaves the board or
rallies itself.
If the model is in Close Combat, it must still Flee, making it
subject to a free strike from its opponent.
Tere comes a time when even the bravest and strongest must
yield or die.
If a model has been disarmed in combat, lost all the boxes
in its Arms location, or has only one box left in its Head
and Torso location (except Grade 1 models as they start with
this), an attacking model can demand it Yield. In order for
a model to demand a defender Yield, it must be of equal or
higher Grade level, it must have at least a WS4 attack, and it
must be within 3 of the model it wants to have Yield. Once
these conditions are met, the model being asked to Yield takes
a GUTS test. If it passes, it can no longer be asked to Yield
as the character has determined to continue on or Flee. If it
fails, it has surrendered to its opponent and the victorious
model must spend an action to bind the vanquished model.
Te model that has Yielded remains on the board but can take
no actions unless a friendly model moves into base contact
with it and spends an action to release it. At that point, the
model may act normally.
If the above model was hit in the Arms location with a WS5 attack, the
player would cross o one box on that location. Te Model would now
have a BLADE 3.
If the same model was hit with a second attack of WS8, two additional
boxes would be crossed o (WS8 is 2X the DR4). Tis models BLADE
score would now be 2.
Example: Damage
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Magic in Broadsword Adventures is challenging to cast and
dicult to control, but when successful, it is very powerful. It
is referred to as Arcana. Te priests and sorcerers that delve in
the magical arts spend all their time plumbing its depths and
have very little time for anything else.
Arcana is separated into two groups: Spells, which have
diculty ratings and must be prepared and cast, and Artifacts
which are items that are imbued with some magical ability.
Te WILLPOWER stat resembles a normal stat like BRAINS
but it is also similar to Hero Points in that it
can be spent to boost Magic tests. Tis stat
is also used for maintaining the eects of a
spell or resisting some spells, so the more
points that are spent, the more dicult
it will be to keep a spell in eect or resist
one cast by an opponent. If a model has
no WILLPOWER left, then it gets no save
against spells that require a WILLPOWER
test and immediately suer the maximum
eect of the spell.
Preparing, Casting, Holding, Maintaining,
and Dispelling are all actions. A spellcaster
can perform no other action during the turn
in which any of these actions are performed. A spellcaster can
Move up to half its SPEED (minimum 1) while performing
any of these actions. Tis movement can take place before or
after the action.
Each spell has a Diculty. Te more dicult a spell, the
harder it will be to prepare. And once prepared, a spell does
not immediately take eect. In order to prepare a spell, the
player rolls a d10 and adds the dierence between the Spell
Diculty and the models BRAINS score. If the result is 10
or higher, the spell is prepared.
Example: If the Spell has a diculty of 3 and the model has a
BRAINS of 6, the dierence is 3. When the player rolls the d10,
they would add the 3 to the result. If it is 10 or higher, then the
spell is prepared.
If a model fails to prepare a spell, they can spend a
WILLPOWER point to automatically prepare it, or on their
next activation roll again, but add +2 to the roll.
Example: If a model had a BRAINS of 2 (due to wounds, etc.)
and the diculty of the spell was 3, the dierence would be -1.
Te model would need to spend a point of WILLPOWER to
prepare it or it would have to wait a turn so that it could add
+2 to the roll.
If a model is interrupted while attempting to prepare, the
spell must be started over. For example, if a model fails its rst
attempt and is struck in combat before it can activate again, it
is interrupted and must begin again.
Once the spell has been successfully prepared,
it must be cast using an Incrementing Test.
In an Incrementing Test, the player rolls a
d10 and if a 10 is rolled, the spell is cast. If
the player rolls less than 10, he records the
score and on the next activation rolls again.
Tis roll is added to the result of the previous
roll, if the total is 10 or higher, the spell is
cast. If the total is still less than 10, then
record the sum of the rst two numbers and
add it to successive rolls. A model attempting
to cast can take no other actions while the
Incrementing test is in progress.
Te rst Incrementing Test is rolled on the same turn the spell
is successfully prepared.
A player can spend a WILLPOWER Point to automatically
cast the spell.
Once an Incrementing Test has succeeded, a player can choose
to hold the spell for a more opportune time. A caster that is
holding a spell can take no other action except to move up to
half of its SPEED (minimum 1). If a model that is holding
a spell is attacked, it does not get its BLADE or weapon TH
bonuses added to its d10 roll unless it gives up the spell to
defend itself. If a model is wounded while holding a spell, the
model must take a WILLPOWER test. If successful, the spell
is simply lost. If the model fails, the spell goes o with the
caster as the center point and all models, including the caster,
suer the eects.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
A spell remains in eect until the next time the casting model
activates. If a player wishes to maintain a spell, they must pass
a WILLPOWER Stat Test. If the model has been spending
WILLPOWER points, this stat will be lower. If the model
fails the WILLPOWER Stat Test, then it must immediately
pass a BRAWN test or lose another point of WILLPOWER.
A player can spend a WILLPOWER Point to automatically
maintain a spell (this must be declared before the
Models can choose to end spells before they activate, any
eects of the spell, except for any physical damage caused,
cease immediately.
Any model with the Special Ability Arcane Studies can attempt
to dispel another casters spell, but cannot dispel the eects of
an Artifact.
In order to dispel, the player rolls a d10 and adds the models
WILLPOWER. His opponent rolls a d10, adds WILPOWER
and the diculty rating of the spell. If the model attempting
to dispel scores higher, the spells eects cease immediately.
If a model is one Grade higher than its opponent, it receives
+2 to the die roll. If it is two Grades higher it receives +3.
A player cannot spend WILLPOWER points to automatically
dispel or to prevent a model from dispelling.
Any succesful sorcerer able must possess a strong will. Te rst
thing they are taught by their masters is how to test the will
of their opponent. If a model with Arcane Studies is within
6 of another model, it can spend an action for Test of Wills.
Both models roll a d10 and add their current WILLPOWER
total. Spellcasters also add their Grade level. Te model that
loses, loses a point of WILLPOWER.
An Artifact refers to any item of magical ability. Tis can
range from a simple Healing Balm that will cure wounds to a
character to a death-dealing sta of untold power. Each group
presented in the Character Archetypes section has access to
some Artifacts. Most are reserved for the spell casters and their
apprentices, but a few can be taken by other archetypes.
Artifacts do not have a diculty rating and their eects are
immediate unless indicated otherwise. Models do not need to
pass a WILLPOWER or BRAINS test for most items in order
to use them, though there are some that may require this.
Artifacts cannot be dispelled and unless otherwise stated,
their eects are permanant (the Healing Balm does not wear
o after a certain time).
In addition to the Artifacts presented under the specic
groups, new Artifacts may be introduced in the scenarios.
Tese Artifacts cannot be purchased, however, if players are
taking part in a campaign, the gamemaster may allow these
artifacts to stay with the character from one game to the
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Tousands of years ago, when the gods of Tauren still walked
among men, there was a tribe that lived in the shadows of the
mountains, called the Ungeheuer, that fell victim to the dark
whispers of Mk. Tey believed his lies of their superiority
over other men. Soon, they were casting out the priests of the
other gods.
Te people began clamoring for war. And the leaders, more
greedy and bloodthirsty than their people, were eager to
oblige. Tey stormed down from the mountains killing and
destroying all who stood before them. Tis was a time when
fortied cities and standing armies were unheard of and the
small towns and farming villages were no match for a large
organized force.
It took years for the people of Tauren to unite against this
threat. Te far-ung towns banded together and built walls
around major communities and forts at important trade
routes. Meanwhile, the Ungeheuer began to feud amongst
themselves. Early and total victories were replaced by long-
drawn out battles and sieges. Te easy pickings that the
people had grown accustomed to, disappeared. Blame was
passed from one leader to the next. Tough open warfare did
not occur, raids by rival groups weakened the Ungeheuer.
Seven years after the rst attacks began, the free people of
Tauren launched their rst oensive. Marching out from the
city of Ibyssia, 2,000 hardened veterans, the elite Lion Guard,
struck a larger force of Ungeheuer on a cli over-looking the
Dividing Sea. Te Priests of Tehy brought forth terrible storms
over the water and surrounding lands to hide the approach of
the army.
When the clouds cleared, the Ungeheuer emerged from their
tents to see the gleaming mail of the Ibyssian ranks lined up
on the hill above them. Disorganized, but still brutal, the
Ungeheuer fell in waves on the well-disciplined shield wall of
the Lion Guard. Te Ibyssians wavered, stiened their ranks,
then began pushing their foes back.
At rst the going was slow, but with each step the Ungeheuer
gave more. Even as they entered the camp, the Lion Guard
continued to push. Tey stopped only when the last of their
enemies fell from the clis edge to the rocks below.
Tis was the beginning of the end of the Ungeheuer threat.
After this defeat, they found themselves ghting on all fronts.
All the land they grabbed in seven years was nearly gone
within two years. In some places, they were even pushed out
of the foothills that had been thier ancestral homes.
In desperation, the Ungeheuer beseeched Mk to help them.
Teir priests sacriced all the slaves that they still retained.
Blood owed from high mountain temples like the melting
snows. Mk demanded more. When enough prisoners could
not be taken to satisfy him, the Ungeheuer began sacricing
their own kin.
When the Ungeheuer were near collapse as a people, Mk
answered their prayers. He gave them the strength to ght
back, but in the process he twisted their minds and bodies.
While they were once men, they were now brutish giants
incapable of thoughts greater than their own base instincts. In
the mountains, their great size and strength could hold back
the advance of the men of Tauren, but never again could they
venture forth to the plains below where the great numbers of
men could overwhelm them.
Over the millenia the Ungeheuer have grown even more
fractured. Tey exist almost solely in the mountains in small
bands of two or three. If more than that number gather in one
place, they invariably turn to squabbling amongst themselves,
until nally blood is shed and their number is reduced.
Since they have no society and little to no skills in acquiring
what they need to survive, they resort to taking what they can
from the villages and towns around them or unwary travelers
that stray too close to their lairs.
If they linger too long in one area or if they strike at a
particularly wealthy target, then, invariably, a party will be
formed to track them down and elminate them.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
A pair of Ungeheuer have raided a small farming community and taken the daughter of a prominent landowner. Te village is
not a wealthy one so they have not been able to atract the services of many interested parties. However, Heftig and Kurze, two
companions of the Black Company mercenaries happend to be passing through when they heard of the towns plight. With
their purses much lighter than they would like, they agree to nd the Ungeheuer and rescue the captured woman. Tey will
have the help of two members of the local town guard.
Te characters will need to locate the landowners daughter within the cave of the Ungeheuer and exit the board with her and
at least one other model.
Te 24 x 24 game board will represent the cave of the Ungeheuer.
It will have numerous side rooms and alcoves. Tere should be one
large room at the back of the cave and a single entrance on the
opposite side of the board from the large room. Tere should also be
lots of rubble piles and stalagmites breaking up line of sight within
the tunnels and rooms.
Te Heroes will have Heftig (Grade 2 Barbarian Hero), Kurze (Grade
2 Civiled Peoples Captain of the Guard), as well as two Grade 1 City
Guard. As this is not an all Civilized Peoples party, the Heroes do not
get Shield Wall. If the players with to use their own heroes, then they
can take two Grade 2 models and two Grade 1 models. Tey will
also get 10 Heroic Experience points with which to add upgrades to
their models. Te Heroes will begin the game at the board edge that
represents the entrance to the cave.
Te Villains will have two Ungeheuer. Te Ungeheuer are Large,
Bipedal Creatures if players wish to replace them with creatures of their own. Te Ungeheuer begin the game in the large room
at the back of the cave.
Tis scenario uses nine Encounter Markers. Tese should be placed randomly about the board with most located in the rooms
and alcoves of the cave. No Encounter Marker may be placed closer than 3 from any board edge and no closer than 3 from
any other marker. If you are not using specic Encounter Cards, you can assign each of the events below to a card from a
standard playing card deck.
Landowners Daughter: If this marker is found in any hallway, the Landowners Daughter should be placed in the closest
room or alcove within line of sight of the marker, even if that would place her near another Encounter Marker. She has been
knocked unconscious and bound with stout ropes. It will take two actions to cut the ropes by any model in base contact with
her or one action by each of two models in base contact with her. To wake her up, a model in base contact must pass a BRAINS
test. If she is awake she will move with any friendly model the player assigns her to. She will not ght nor take any other action
as she is far too terried to take any direction. If Unconscious, she can be carried (even by Kurze) at -2 SPEED (minimum of
1 movement).
Battered Shield: Tossed in amongst a pile of refuse is a battered but useable shield. If a model does not have a shield, it can use
this one. However, due to its weakened condition, it will shatter on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1 like a normal shield.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Medicinal Balm: Te remains of the last person to cross the Ungeheuer lie piled up here. Its obvious from the cracked bones
that he was also a quick meal. Carefully examining the remains, you notice a small ceramic jar. From the runes on the outside
you can tell that this is a Healing Balm (obviously unused by the last owner). Tis is the same as the Relic of the same name
and along with the usual healing properties, if applied to an Unconscious model will immediately awaken them and allow
them to take an immediate action.
Hidden Pit: An underground stream has created a sink hole at this spot. If this Encounter is triggered all models within 3 of
the marker must pass a DODGE test or fall into the watery pit below. Te water breaks the fall and is only a few feet deep so
no damage is caused. However, the pit is a Level 1 pit. Due to the damp walls, all attempts to climb are at -1 to the DODGE
score. Tis would count as Triggering the Alarm (see Special Rules below).
Cascade of Skulls: A pile of skulls is stacked up here. Its either a warning or simply the remains from many meals. A model
that triggers this Encounter must pass a BRAINS test to realize the skulls are precariously balanced. If they fail, the skulls come
crashing down. Tis would count as Triggering the Alarm (see Special Rules below).
Falling Rocks: Te roof in this section of the cave is weak and ready to fall. Even the slightest vibration of a character walking
below could trigger it. If this Encounter is triggered, the player should roll a d10, on a 1-5, the vibrations have caused a partial
collapse of the roof. Te model must pass a DODGE test or suer a WS4 hit to a random location. Tis would count as
Triggering the Alarm (see Special Rules below).
Nothing: Te last three Encounter Markers are nothing.
Te Ungeheuer: Te Ungeheuer are drowsy having gorged
themselves on stolen livestock. Tere will be an Incrementing Test
at the beginning of the second turn. Te Incrementing Test involves
rolling a d10. If the result is 10, then the event is triggered. If the
result is not 10, then that result is recorded and at the beginning
of the next turn the d10 is rolled again. If the sum of the previous
result and the new one are 10, then the event is triggered. If it is
not, then the sum is recorded and a d10 is rolled at the beginning
of the next turn and its result added to the two previous ones. Tis
continues until the sum totals 10. Once the event is triggered, one
of the Ungeheuer moves on the most direct route to the entrance
of the cave and then back to the back room. It moves at its SPEED
score and does not run. If any model other than the Landowners
Daughter is within his line of sight during the move, he will let out a bellow, awakening his companion. Tis would count as
Triggering the Alarm (see below).
Triggering the Alarm: Once the alarm is triggered, both Ungeheuer will move to attack. Tey will always attack the closest
model and will continue to attack that model until it is dead or Unconscious at which point it will move on to the next closest
model. Tey will not attack the Landowners Daughter and move past her to attack one of the Heroes.
Darkened Cave: Te Ungeheuer have no problem seeing in the dark so there is no light coming into the cave. All line of sight
is limited to just 6 unless the models have an alternative light source.
Reputation Experience: If this scenario is being played as part of a campaign, players can spend Reputation Experience points
before the start. If it is being played as a stand-alone scenario, then the Heroes get 10 Reputation Experience points to spend.
Only equipment can be purchased and no Grade 1 models can be added to the party.
Broadsword Adventures: Savage Tales of Fantasy
Name: Heftig Class: Barbarian Hero (Grade 2)
Willpower (3) rrr
Location (Die Roll) Base DR Wound Level
Head (1) Brain=2 5 BR=2 BR=1 Killed
Torso (2-5) Brawn=3
4 BN=4
Arms (6-8) Bow=2
4 BW=2
Attack BD-1
Cannot Carry
Legs (9-10) Dodge=3
4 DG=4
Crawl Only,
1 movement
Skills: Weapon Trained, Savvy

Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BW -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Long Blade 1 +2 BN+2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Sling -- -- -- 6 +1 4 10 0 3 -- -- --
Name: Kurze Class: Captain of the Guard (Grade 2)
Willpower (3) rrr
Location (Die Roll) Base DR Wound Level
Head (1) Brain=3 5 BR=3 BR=1 Killed
Torso (2-5) Brawn=3
5 BN=4
Arms (6-8) Bow=3
3 BW=4
Attack BD-1
Cannot Carry
Legs (9-10) Dodge=3
3 DG=3
Crawl Only,
1 movement
Skills: Stalwart Defender. Weapon Trained

Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Short Blade 0 +1 BN+1 BN+2 0 BN+1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Short Blade 0 +1 BN+1 BN+2 0 BN+1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Name: Class: City Guard (Grade 1)
Willpower (2) rr
Location (Die Roll) Base DR Wound Level
Head (1) Brain=2 3 BR=2 Killed
Torso (2-5) Brawn=3
3 BN=3
Arms (6-8) Bow=3
3 BW=3
Attack BD -1, Cannot Carry
Legs (9-10) Dodge=3
3 DG=3
Crawl Only, 1 movement
Skills: Shield: Roll 2d10 when defending

Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Spear 2 0 BN+2 BN+4 -1 BN+1
Name: Class: City Guard (Grade 1)
Willpower (2) rr
Location (Die Roll) Base DR Wound Level
Head (1) Brain=2 3 BR=2 Killed
Torso (2-5) Brawn=3
3 BN=3
Arms (6-8) Bow=3
3 BW=3
Attack BD -1, Cannot Carry
Legs (9-10) Dodge=3
3 DG=3
Crawl Only, 1 movement
Skills: Shield: Roll 2d10 when defending

Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Spear 2 0 BN+2 BN+4 -1 BN+1
Ungeheuer #1 (Large Biped)
5 BN=6
ARMS (6-8) BOW=2
5 BW=2
LEGS (9-10) DODGE=3
5 DG=3
Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Club 1 +1 BN+2 -- -- --
Ungeheuer #2 (Large Biped)
5 BN=6
ARMS (6-8) BOW=2
5 BW=2
LEGS (9-10) DODGE=3
5 DG=3
Close Combat Short Medium Long
Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS Range TH WS
Fist 0 0 BN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Club 1 +1 BN+2 -- -- --

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