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AARTI SHARMA Cell: 9166501615 / E-Mail:
Seeking assignment in Human Resource Management with an organiation o! re"ute where # can e$"lore m%
aca&emic ' "ro!essional skills an& woul& contri(ute signi)cantl%.
Career Summary
- Result oriente& "ro!essional with #n&ustrial ' *ca&emic e$"erience o! +, %ears.
- -a"a(le in esta(lishing relationshi"s / alliances with ke% in&i.i&uals within the organiation an& in
"ro!essional ca"acities to assist in meeting the organiation/s strategic nee&s.
- -om"etent in managing work!orces0 maintaining "eace!ul ' amica(le work en.ironment in the
organiation0 an& in initiating measures !or the (ene)t o! "eo"le in the organiation.
- Skille& in maintaining recor&s o! &i1erent training relate& &ocuments/!orms0 2ueries o! the
em"lo%ees relate& to the salaries &is(urse& month0 assisting !or !ormulating organiation3s
"ersonnel/HR "olicies0 !ormats an& &esigning M#S !ormats.
- *&e"t at &esigning0 im"lementing remuneration0 s%stems ' "rocesses an& setting com"ensation ' (ene)ts
o( a!ter anal%ing market remuneration.
- -om"etent in work e$ecution an& "ossesses multi5tasking skills with 2uick learning an& gras"ing a(ilit%.
Core Competencies
6alent *c2uisition Man"ower 7lanning #n&uction ' 8rientation
-areer 7lanning 9m"lo%ee 9ngagement Rewar& ' Recognition
8n :oar& ' 9$it 7er!ormance Management S%stem HR#S
Employment Summery
Since October202 till !ate "it# $r% & ' Mo!i (ni)ersity as Assistant *ro+essor%
;r. < = Mo&i >ni.ersit% was esta(lishe& in 19?. Recognie& (% >@- un&er section 2A!B o! the *ct 1956. #t3s a
well known uni.ersit% in northern #n&ia. #t o1ers Management an& 9ngineering courses along with tra&itional
"rogrammes at gra&uate ' "ost gra&uate le.el. ;r. < = Mo&i >ni.ersit% has recentl% (een ranke& *,, (% a !ew
o! the lea&ing "u(lications across #n&ia
Since ,ebruary202 to October202 "it# $e" -ater Tec#nolo.y / Home Appliances0 1aipur as Sr%
O2cer 3 Human Resources
Formerly a subsidiary of the DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited (DSCL) until recently Dalkia Energy
Services Ltd. is no a member of !eolia Environnement "ng#nierie Conseil (!E"C), the engineering &
consulting arm of !eolia Environnement$ head%uartered in &aris$ France.
Commence! career +rom 1un20 to 1an202 "it# M4S Crystal 'et"or5 Solutions0 &ota as HR
Formerly a subsidiary of the DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited (DSCL) until recently Dalkia Energy
Services Ltd. is no a member of !eolia Environnement "ng#nierie Conseil (!E"C), the engineering &
consulting arm of !eolia Environnement$ head%uartered in &aris$ France.
1ob Responsibilities
Manpo"er *lannin.
#&enti!%ing man"ower re2uirements through "ro"er "lanning an& anal%sis in consultation with seniors in
the (eginning o! )nancial %ear0 kee"ing an e%e on com"etenc% &e.elo"ment0 recruitment cost '
ensures its closure within 6ime lines.
Management #n!ormation S%stem "lanning !or each month an& on %earl% (asis.
Talent Ac7uisition
7lanning an& #&enti)cation o! man"ower/human resource re2uirements through man"ower anal%sis '
ga" anal%sis a!ter taking into consi&eration "ro"ose& (usiness "lans an& e$"ansion.
6alent sourcing0 ac2uisition0 recruitment A-am"us0 7ortals0 Cen&ors0 7lanne& inter.iews0 etcB !or the
selection o! a""ro"riate can&i&ates ' !orwar&ing .ital in!ormation a(out the "osition re2uirements.
Hire the right )t within the organiational )tment matri$.
=egotiation with the selecte& can&i&ates towar&s salar% / &esignation as "er )tment.
*ntece&ent .eri)cation o! new 4oinees.
6aking care o! all the Doining Eormalities an& coor&inating the #n&uction to the new 4oinees.
*ssisting in the !ormulation o! new recruitment strateg% or talent search.
In!uction4Orientation *ro.rams
7lanning in&uction "rogram !or all the =ew Doinees.
Making arrangements !or in&uction an& orientation "rograms !or the newl% recruite& can&i&ates !or
making them !amiliar with the organiational ' &e"artmental "rocesses to get them settle& in new
atmos"here / culture.
7re"aration o! the learning sche&ule !or !resher an& new 4oinees in coor&ination with mentor an&
senior hea& !or + months
*er+ormance Mana.ement System
Managing en& to en& acti.ities relate& to 7MS !or each le.el o! em"lo%ees as "er sche&ule.
-irculation o! 7MS sche&ule0 monitoring o! s%stems ' "rocesses with res"ect to 7MS gui&elines.
-o5or&ination with H8;s / HR Hea& !or )naliation0 su(mission0 e.aluation o! the <R*s .
*ssistance to HR Hea& !or normal &istri(ution cur.e an& other anal%tics.
Res"onsi(le to make #ncrement "ro"osal0 "romotion &ata0 #ncrement / "romotion Fetters0 an& kee"
!ocus on the !ee&(ack o! em"lo%ees towar&s increments ' "romotions.
Or.ani8in. Employee En.a.ement Acti)ities
8rganiation o! &i1erent Eun at work e.ents an& em"lo%ee !rien&l% !or work5li!e (alance.
7re"aration ' im"lementation o! annual 9m"lo%ee 9ngagement * calen&ar.
-on&ucting cele(rations o! :irth&a%s0 #n&oor s"orts acti.ities0 Eesti.e -ele(rations0 *nnual get together
an& other em"lo%ee engagement acti.ities.
Maintenance o! Re"orts 5 M#S / Recor&s/HR#S
Making monthl% Re"orts G!or recruitments0 =ew Doinee0 9$it5hea& counts0 @ratuit% &ata an& Me&iclaim
Res"onsi(le !or maintenance o! "ersonnel )les0 recor&s o! training0 "ro(ation0 !ull an& )nal settlement.
E6it ,ormalities
-on&uct e$it inter.iew !or ongoing im"ro.ement an& "resenting the !ee&(ack to management !or
increasing em"lo%ee satis!action an& (etter retention.
7rocess =o &ues !orm an& Resignation letter !or Eull ' )nal settlement.
#ssue an& 9$"erience -erti)cates to le!ties.
Summer Interns#ip 4 In!ustry E6posure
7ro4ect 6itle: *er+ormance Mana.ement System
-om"an%H Reliance -ommunication0 Dai"ur
7erio&H I5 ;a%s
7ro4ect 6itle: Employee 1ob Satis+action
-om"an%H *shok Fe%lan&0 *lwar
7erio&H 15 ;a%s
'otable Hi.#li.#ts4 Ac#ie)ements
-ollege to"er in 1
' +
Semester &uring M:* 7rogramme.
7re"are& #n&uction Manual with -r%stal =etwork Solutions0 <ota.
20115 M:* AHR ' MarketingB !rom Ra4asthan 6echnical >ni.ersit%0 <ota
20095 :achelor o! *rts !rom >ni.ersit% o! <ota
E6tracurricular En.a.ements
8rganie& ' acti.el% "artici"ate& in .arious e.ents an& !unctions at college le.el.
Jorke& as 7u(lic Relation 8Kcer &uring school &a%s with .
IT S5ills: MS O2ce0 -in!o"s 200049*
7ro)cient in MS 8Kce AMS Jor&0 MS 9$cel0 MS 7ower 7ointB.
7ro)cient in #nternet / 9. mail etc.
*ersonal $etails
$ate o+ :irt#: 27
Ee(ruar% 19L9
*ermanent A!!ress: 570 =ew -olon%0 Sat%a =agar0 Dothwara0 Dai"ur0 Ra4asthan
-illin. to relocate: Mes
Re+erencesH *.aila(le on re2uest

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