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SUMMARY PEN-LJ (terjemahkan)


Meibom gland dysfunction is diffuse and chronic meibom gland disorder
which have wadding characteristic in orificium and has quality/quantity changes
secretion of meibom gland according The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland
According to the theraphy which recommended from The International
Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (IWMGD) mentioned that the theraphy of
DKM stage I is eyelid hygiene (warm compress and eyelid massage) and for DKM stage
II is theraphy DKM stage 1 and azithromysin eye drop
This research is experimental design research with parameter cuisioner
subjectif chief symptom score (SS), result examination Lid Margin Abnormality Score
(LMAS) and result examination Meibo Score (MS). Purpose of this research is to compare
effectivity theraphy DKM stage I between combination warm compress and eye lid
massage with and without azitromycin eye drop 1,5 % as object judgement procedural
theraphy DKM in eye clinic Soetomo hospital Surabaya.
Research is to compare control group and intervention group about Symptom
Score (SS), result Lid Margin Abnormality Score (LMAS) and result Meibo Score (MS) in
patient DKM stage I between combination warm compress and massage with and
without azithromycin eye drop 1,5% in day 4 and 25. Afterwards all variable which roled
we do quantification and analyzed as statistic using T paired sample if data normal
distribution and Mann-Whitney if data isnt normal distribution which significant p <
0,005. Distribution normal data test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov
The result from this research there is difference Symptom Score (SS), result Lid
Margin Abnormality Score (LMAS) and there is no difference statisticaly result Meibo
Score(MS) however it showing improvement clinically.

Objectives : to determine the prevalence of Superficiale Punctate
Keratopathy (SPK) in PT Cemara Mas, then to analyze the
correlation of tobacco dust exposure and length of exposure to
perform SPK.

Methods : 132 eyes from 66 patients were participated in this study. 96
eyes were working in an environment that exposes to tobacco
dust, and 36 eyes were the control group. All participants
answered the OSDI quesionaire as symtoms score and were
measured by using Schirmer I test, Fluorescin test and SPK
score. The data was analyzed using regression logistic test.
Results : This subject of the study comprised of 9 men and 57 women,
with ages in the range of 20-70 years (44,46 10,52). In the
group with tobacco dust exposure, the average length of
exposure was 8,934,02 years. The total prevalence of SPK
was 33,3%, the SPK prevalence in the group with tobacco dust
exposure was 37,5% and in control group was 22,2%. The
average of SPK score was 2,334,23. Tobacco dust exposure
did not significantly influence the SPK prevalence and OSDI
score (p=0,689), but it had a significant impact to SPK score
(p=0,03). It is also shown that the length of exposure did not
significantly affect the SPK prevalence (p=0,674), SPK score
(p=0,621) and OSDI score (p=0,671).
Conclusion : Tobacco dust exposure leads to SPK severity.
Keywords : Superficiale punctate keratopathy, tobacco dust exposure

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