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APUSH Midterm Study Guide

1) Most Spanish colonists were… (describe them)

2) To resolve the problem of the vast expenses New World settlement required, English merchant-capitalists
introduced the concept of …
3) The first European nation to establish contact with sub-Saharan Africa was…
4) The English rehearsed for settlement in the New World by colonizing…
5) English settlers in seventeenth-century America could be characterized best in terms of their…
6) The first three years of Jamestown's history witnessed …
7) The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World were known as …
8) Unlike their southern counterparts, the first Englishmen who came to New England were …
9) Anne Hutchinson's skillful self-defense at her trial before the magistrates of Massachusetts Bay was ruined
by …
10) By 1631 in Massachusetts, which people could vote?
11) name the colony he established.
George Calvert
John Smith
John Winthrop
Roger Williams
Sir George Carteret

12) In 1636, authorities in Massachusetts Bay banished Roger Williams because …

13) The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact with Europeans was

14) The joint-stock company did what?
15) The Navigation Acts established the principle that …
16) During the colonial period, the bulk of the slaves sent to the North American colonies were supplied by the

17) causes of the Salem witchcraft hysteria?
18) The most important reason for the difference between the New England and Chesapeake colonies was…
19) The Half-Way Covenant of seventeenth-century New England did what?
20) The Staple Act of 1663 stated that
21) name its location?
Bacon's Rebellion
Coode's Rebellion
Glorious Revolution
Leisler's Rebellion
Stono Rebellion

22) In 1715, who could vote in England?

23) Which rebellion provided Washington with an opportunity to show the strength of the new nation?
24) Which law was an infringement on the First Amendment rights of many Americans?
25) Jeffersonians' fear of strong financial institutions was based on …
26) Opposition to Hamilton's proposed national bank was led by…
27) The Genet affair involved …
28) The Tea Act of 1773 was passed in order to …
29) What did Hamilton and Jefferson have in common?
30) As a result of the actions taken by John Adams while president,
31) The most significant consequence of the Seven Years' War was
32) Under the terms of the ________, an orderly process for laying out lands and towns in the western territory
was established.
33) The greatest challenge facing the first Washington administration was
34) Massachusetts reacted to passage of the Townshend Acts with the
35) Jay's Treaty succeeded in
36) What prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?
37) The Articles of Confederation did what?
38) Members of the Federalist Party supported what?
39) According to this political theory, power is dangerous and must be countered by virtue.
40) When war broke out in Europe, Washington did what?
41) The Federalist was a series of essays written by
42) Aggravating the problems created by the Seven Years' War debt was
43) The Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution did what?
44) John Adams' presidency was made much more difficult by what?
45) The best definition of republican, as it was understood in the late 1700s, was
46) The most obvious contradiction to the principles expressed in the founding of the American republic was
47) Regarding slavery, one of the Constitutional Convention's most important decisions
48) The Bank of the United States was based on the doctrine of
49) The passage of which act created the federal court system?
50) The fundamental issue leading to the Boston Massacre in 1770 was the
51) Which Native American leader attempted to unify the tribes against white settlement?
52) The chief function of American cities during the Jeffersonian era was as
53) How did Jefferson and Gallatin deal with the national debt?
54) What difficulty did Jefferson face in purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
55) Which factors contributed to Thomas Jefferson's decision to make the Louisiana Purchase?
56) On the issue of slavery, Jefferson wanted…
57) The decision in Marbury v. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court
58) American prosperity in the early 1800s was based on
59) The Treaty of Ghent did what?
60) The Adams-Onis Treaty did what?
61) Between 1815 and 1824, the United States did what?
62) The first great federal transportation project was the
63) When President James Monroe talked about the need for "internal improvements," he was referring to
64) The post-war demand for money and credit led to
65) Which group was a primary source of labor for the textile mills?
66) The "American System" called for
67) The president most closely identified with the "Era of Good Feelings" was
68) In 1823, John Quincy Adams believed the nation should
69) Name some prominent American writers of the pre-Civil War era.
70) Martin Van Buren regarded a two-party system as essential to democratic government because
71) In the 1820s, a two-party system was fostered by changes in…
72) Between 1824 and 1840, voter participation in elections did what?
73) The major issues dominating politics in the 1820s and 1830s were
74) The main issue of John Quincy Adams' presidency was
75) ________ came to symbolize the triumph of democracy.
76) Andrew Jackson's attitude toward Native Americans was that
77) The Trail of Tears refers to
78) The Nullification controversy involved a struggle for power between the federal government and
79) From Jackson's response to the nullification crisis, one can conclude that he believed in…
80) Who was the president of the national bank and Andrew Jackson's chief opponent in the "bank war?"
81) A major criticism of the national bank was that …
82) Andrew Jackson killed the national bank by…
83) The Whig Party grew from…
84) The panic of 1837 was caused by…
85) Slavery would not have lasted as long as it did except for …
86) The invention in the 1790s that permitted the great expansion of cotton cultivation was the
87) A leading advocate of the need for southern self-sufficiency was
88) The union of slavery and cotton hindered what in the south?
89) In the South, social prestige and influence were determined by
90) Yeoman farmers of the South could be found where?
91) Slaveholders continually indoctrinated their slaves with the idea of…
92) At the time of the Civil War, there were approximately ________ slaves in the South.
93) In pre-Civil War American society, free African Americans were treated as…
94) The African American family under slavery emphasized…
95) List prominent reform causes of the Antebellum era.
96) The approach viewed by many American religious leaders as the best way to extend religious values was
97) The Second Great Awakening began
98) On the frontier, camp meetings played what role?
99) List major figures in the nineteenth-century reform movements.
100) List major changes in family life during the nineteenth century.
101) As a reform effort, the temperance movement was directed at what?
102) The most important function of the school in 1850 was seen as…
103) Between the 1820s and 1850s, the public school movement did what in the north?
104) In practice, working-class families viewed the new public schools as…
105) The leader of the movement to reform asylums and prisons was
106) List his or her reform movement.
Horace Mann
Dorothea Dix
Lyman Beecher
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

107) Abolitionism received its greatest support where?

108) An important consequence of the abolitionist movement was…
109) ________ became one of the most significant leaders of the women's rights movement.
110) Transcendentalism was the American version of …

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