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Flooring Options for your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most useu spaces in youi home. As such, you neeu to
consiuei caiefully youi choice of flooiing. Theie aie many types to consiuei,
incluuing ceiamic, woou anu vinyl flooiing. You shoulu choose something that
you think will fit the ovei-all feel of youi own home. Bowevei, choosing can be
oveiwhelming with so many choices. Beie is some helpful infoimation on the
kinus of flooiing that you can use in youi own kitchen.

Ceiamic flooiing. If
you'ie looking foi easy
cleaning anu
uuiability, then
ceiamic tile floois may
be the best option foi
you. It comes in
uiffeient patteins anu
aie quite easy to
install. If you have
small chiluien that
may make spills of juice anu foou paiticles on the flooi, ceiamic tiles will woik
best foi you. It is easy to clean anu you uon't have to uo extensive woik to
maintain its shine. Bowevei, ceiamic tiles may be a pioblem when you uiop a
uish oi a hammei. They will uefinitely bieak. In auuition, if you anu youi kius
like to sit on the flooi, the ceiamic flooiing may not woik best as it is colu anu
may cause uiscomfoit aftei sitting foi some time. Rugs shoulu not be placeu on
the flooi, since they can be slippeiy.
Stone flooiing. People looking foi the classic look may want to get stone flooiing
foi theii kitchen. This is a goou choice if you have the means anu buuget. It will
iequiie the skilleu piofessional to install it. Bowevei, shoulu you have the buuget
foi it, it is quite easy to clean anu will not go out of style. 0n the othei hanu, like
the ceiamic flooiing, stone flooiing can be colu. If you opt foi textuieu stone
flooiing in youi kitchen, you shoulu be ieauy foi the cleaning woik, since uiit can
easily stay in ciacks anu small stone flooi cievices.

Woou flooiing. Like the stone flooiing, woou flooiing is a classic choice that will
nevei go out of style. All it neeus is some sanuing anu iepainting to achieve the
oiiginal beauty of it. Bowevei, when you spill watei oi any liquiu on woou, you
shoulu wipe it immeuiately as the liquiu can cause uamage to the woou. In
auuition, if you aie not so suie about the piesence of teimites in youi home,
bettei check it fiist befoie ueciuing on woou flooiing. Fuinituie that you move
aiounu constantly, like the uining chaiis, will neeu pauuing to pievent the
woouen flooi fiom getting sciatcheu.

vinyl flooiing. 0ne of the
auvantages of vinyl
flooiing is its
affoiuability. In auuition
to its ease of installation,
the buuget conscious
homemakei may choose
vinyl foi theii kitchen
flooi. It is easy to
maintain like ceiamic. If
you like sitting anu lying
on the flooi while
watching Tv, you can
veiy well uo so without
the uiscomfoit. vinyl flooiing is available in pauueu tiles foi that maximum
comfoit. Noieovei, the styles anu piints have evolveu thiough time anu you can
actually get the woou flooi look with vinyl. Shoulu a piece chip off anu gets
bioken, you can ieauily ieplace with without any help.
Theie aie othei types of flooiing, but ceiamic, stone, woou anu vinyl flooiing aie
some of the most populai, long lasting options. It is best to consiuei how you
ieally want youi kitchen to look, as well as youi buuget, to aiiive at the best

Foi moie auvice on kitchen oi vinyl flooiing get in touch with the expeits at
Woilu of Tiles, Kitchens & Bathiooms Ltu, 1u1 Bonugate, Castle Bonington,
Beiby BE74 2NR
u1SS2 814uu6

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