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The Waxman-Smits general equation for saturation can be expressed as:

SW^n1 = F1*RW / (RT * (1.0 + RW * B * QV / SW)) Eq 17a

SW^n1 = F1*CT / (CW * (1.0 + B * QV /(CW * SW))) Eq 17b
The term QV
QV is expressed as cation concentration per unit volume of fluid in the pore space.
(Equivalents per litre or meq/m)
QV is derived from laboratory measurements of the cation exchange capacity of the rock
CEC is expressed as milli-equivalents per gram of sample.
To determine QV, CEC must be corrected for density and porosity by the relationship:
QV = CEC * RHOMA * (1.0-PHIT) / PHIT EQ 18
PHIT = Total Porosity which includes clay associated water
RHOMA = Matrix density
EQ 18 should be applied with caution as the matrix density used in the relationship must
include the proportional clay and clean matrix densities. This is best achieved by obtaining
matrix density values from pieces of the same core samples on which the CEC
measurements are made.
Where no CEC is available, Lavers has suggested the following relationship:
QV = Aq * PHIT^Bq EQ 19
PHIT Total Porosity which includes clay associated water
Aq Constant: Default = 0.0029
Bq Exponent: Default = -3.0590
This is the value of QV used by PETROLOG when an external QV is not supplied as an
input curve.
This relationship was used in the North Sea initially however can be modified for other
The term B
B quantifies the conductance of the clay exchange cation as a specific temperature and a
specific cation concentration.
Juhasz (1981) published the expression linking B with Salinity and temperature as:
B = (-1.28 + 0.225 * T - 0.0004059 * T^2) / (1.0+RW*0.045* T - 0.27) EQ 20
B Is expressed in mho.m-1/
RW Formation water resistivity at formation temperature
T Temperature in DegC
B is automatically computed as a Zone Parameter in PETROLOG whenever BHT or RW
is changed in a zone. B can also be modified manually by the user in the zone control file.
Gravestock (1991)
The term F1 = (Waxman-Smits Formation factor)
According to Waxman and Thomas F1 is temperature independent.
The reciprocal of the slope Co/CW line is F1
It is essential to determine the slope on the linear section of Co/CW (see Fig 5) because the
term B accounts for the curved portion.
The method to determine F1 is as follows
1. Saturate a core is a brine of a given salinity and measure Co
2. Flush the core and replace with a brine of different salinity and measure Co again
3. Repeat above as many time as necessary to trace the Co vs. CW plot and derive F1
This method is often referred to as The Waxman-Smits multiple salinity method.
This is an expensive and time consuming exercise.
The term F1 (Hoyer & Spann method)
Hoyer and Spann (1975) in their paper Comments on Obtaining Accurate Electrical
Properties of Cores established this simple relationship of F1 vs. F where F is determined
from a single measurement of Co vs. CW.
F1 = F * (1.0 -RW*B*QV) = F * (1.0 - B*QV/CW) EQ 21
F Formation resistivity factor from a single measurement of CW/Co
F1 Waxman-Smits Formation resistivity factor
The values of B and QV used in EQ 21 should be determined from the same core at the
same temperature that was used to measure F in the laboratory.
The terms a1, m1 (Waxman-Smits intercept and cementation exponent)
Once a few F1 have been calculated using cores with different porosities, the values of a1
and m1 can be determined using the same conventional method to determine a and n. See
figure 1.
The porosity values used to determine a1 and m1 are total porosity PHIT which must be
obtained by a dehumidified core analysis procedure.
The terms n1 (Waxman-Smits saturation exponent)
n1 should be measured with high conductivity water.
The practice is to saturate a core with 100% brine (SW=1.0) and then remove gradually a
percentage of the brine for partial saturations. See "Saturation Exponent" above.
Modified Waxman Smits Equation
This equation is based on the Juhasz model and makes do without the BQV and uses the
apparent bound water resistivity. Rwb Rwa where VCLAY = 100%
Rwb is the bound water resistivity using PHICP from the D-N Z-Plot.
Two sets of equations are used:
1- When RW > Rwb
Ro = F * Rwb * RW / (Rwb * (1 - VCLAY) + Vclay * RW)
SWT = (Ro/RT)^(1/n)
2- When RW <= Rwb
X = VCLAY * (Rwb - RW) / (2 8 Rwb)
SWT = (X^2 + F * RW)/RT)^(1/n) + X
Note that if RW = Rwb, the equation becomes a simple Archie formula since X = 0

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