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Contract No.:
sponsible Person: Paul Mc Elligott
Document Number
Status Rev
.84529-SU-LO-BODGN-00-OW1 1 AFC
Plplng Stress Analysls Design Basis
Responsible Person to mark the action code column "RA,&R,I,IA"
r" "' -' =
d o n Harjuna 06/03/12 09/03/12 R
aul Mc Elligott 06/03/12 09/03/12 RIA
, - Reviewer Approval (Action, Rwew and ~ollect Commenk), A - Accountable, R - Reviewer, I - Informahon, I A - Informahon W/O Atl
Not Approved. Revise and Re-Issue Inmrporatlng Commenk
Returned without Comments
Returned with Comments
xt Issue as fol l ow: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . - . - . - - -. -
for Approval for Constmdlon for Purchase for Use
for Bld for Deslgn Q Others 2'
for Approval for Construdlon for Purchase for Use
for Bid for Deslgn Others
7 1 j / ~ l l ,
Document Title : Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
CPGL DOC NO. : C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001
CPGL Group Owner
Document Type
Discipline I Subdiscipline
Old CPGL Document No.
: PT. Sempec Indonesia - PT. Punj Lloyd Indonesia - Punj Lloyd
Ltd. Consortium
: Projects '
: Sumpal '
: General
: General System
: Basis of Design
: PlplnglPlplng
- OA
'als in the approval bo
The originals are he1
, . . . . , . , , . ,
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Issue Date
CPQL Approvale
Issued for Comment
Reason for Issue
P ma Wldakso I
Posma Purba
Awn K
Mhok K,
sl n~n
Piping St r ess Anal ysi s Desi gn Basi s
ConocoPhi l l i ps (Gri ssi k) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 2 o f 37
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a63a fig,"eL
Revision Sheet
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. CONSORTIUM
Issued for Comment 1
Revised "Contractor" Definition as per Client comment
Added Project Documents References as per Client comment
Revised Seismic Loads as
Added Solar Radiation as per Client comment
Revised the definition of "S,," in para. 8.1 as per Client comment
Deleted "ASME 816.47 Series B" in para 8.2 as per Client comment
Changed the title of para. 9.0 as per Client comment
Added Appendix E and F as per Clie~it comment
Revised the definition of "S,," in para. 0.1 as per Client comment
Added "ASME B16.47 Series A" in para. 8.2 as per Client comment
Revised Moments unit
...................................... ....... ...........................................
Addi t i onal Appr over s (If Appl i cabl e)
1 Name
... . . . . . . .
I?. Scnlpcc Indonesia - IPT. I'ilnj Lloyd 1tidollosi;r - Punj Iloyd L l r l Cc)~~sorl i \ ~~! ~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 3 of 37
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
Definition .................................................................................................................................. 6
Codes, Standards, and References ....................................................................................... 7
Company Standards and Specificatio
ConocoPhillips Grissik LTD Stand
International Codes and Standard
ASME ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Computer Software ................................................................................................................. I 0
. .
Design Cond~t ~ons ................................................................................................................ I 0
Global Axis for Stress Study
Transient Loads
Piping Stress Criteri
Flange Leakage Cri
Air-Cooled Heat Excha
Rotary Type Positive Displacemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Restraint Load
Stress Calculation Notes ...................................................................................................... I 5
l'r. Scmpcc Indonesia - I'T. I' i~nj Lloyd lri~lai~~!si;i - I3tiiij l.loyd I l d. (:onsoiliriiir
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 4 of 37
Appendix A Critical Lines Selection Criteria ........................................................................................ I 6
Appendix B Approximate Methods for Simplified Analysis ........................................................... 19
Appendix C Allowable Nozzle Loads for Vessels, Columns, Heat Exchangers, Storage Tanks,
and Package Equipments .................................................................................................. 21
Appendix D Tanks Allowable Nozzle Loads .................................... ... .................................................. 25
Appendix E Pumps Allowable Nozzle Loads ........................................................................................ 27
Appendix F Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers Allowable Nozzle Loads .................................................. 32
Appendix G Sample Calculation Notes ................................................................................................. 34
IT. Se~npec liidonesin - ITr. I'lltij i l oyd li>do~Icsiii - i ' i ~~>j Lloyd l i d. (:iifii:;o~iiiini
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basi s
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 5 of 37
1 .O Introduction
The Basis of Design describes the requirements of ConocoPhillips Grissik LTD (CPGL) for
the development of the Sumpal Expansion Project.
The Sumpal Gas Station is a part of the Corridor Block PSC (Production Sharing Contract),
located 40 km South-West of Grissik in South Sumatra. The Corridor Block PSC is a
54:36:10 joint ventures between ConocoPhillips Grissik Ltd, Talisman Energy and Pertamina.
CPGL is the field operator.
The existing Sumpal Facilities have been designed to process 165 MMSCFD of raw gas from
the Sumpal field and to produce 155 MMSCFD of dehydrated gas which is further exported
to CGP at Grissik for gas sweetening and onward sales. In order to meet GSPL contracted
gas delivery and maximize the recovery of remaining gas resources from the Sumpal field,
the Sumpal Facilities will be increased to export the dehydrated gas from 155 to 310
MMSCFD by first quarter 2013.
The results of the concept selection study, has suggested that an identical gas processing
facilities with the same capacity as the existing Sumpal Phase 1 (155 MMSCFD) is required
to be installed to meet the above targeted dehydrated gas rates to CGP.
Figure 1.1 Corridor ~ l o c k k ~ and the Location Sumpal Gas Station
The Sumpal Expansion Project involves the iristallation of addiliorial woll fluid processing
capacity in the Sumpal Gathering Station. 'The project requires tie-in of Sumpt~I well N7, a
new 1 6 Duplex SS flowline and extension of l l i e existing inanifold, a new second gas
processing train, a new 1 6 pipeline loop trunklirie from tlie S~~r npal Gas Gatlieririg Station lo
the Sumpal Junction and the associated utilities and offsites facilities. The tlehydt-alccl gas
will be delivered to the Grissik Central Gas Plant tlirougli the 20" trunk line from Sumpal
Junction for further processing.
The Surnpal Expansion Project is a brown field rmiodilication irerice ilio insisllaliori of
equipment will be undertaken while the existing plant is it1 oporotiorl a11d will1 minimal
disruption to tlie existing operations.
1 7 . Seinpnc Indonesia .. IF?. Pun; Lloyd indoncsin - l'uilj Lloyd I.I<I. (;on.;o~ti\r~r~
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basi s
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 6 of 37
2.0 Scope
This Specification is to define the minimum criteria, technical requirements, and procedure for
performing the stress analysis of piping systems required for Sumpal Expansion Project.
This document provides general guidelines. If there are any specific stress analysis
requirements, that requirements shall be taken into consideration by the relevant Sub-
contractor or Vendor.
The stress analysis aims to achieve the following:
To confirm that piping system stresses are within those allowed by the applicable code.
To confirm that piping system deflectionsldisplacements are within reasonable limits.
To verifylprovide piping loads at rnajor supports to enable the design of supports,
anchors, guides, line stops, etc.
To identify support locationsltypes and to specify special support requirements such as
springs, sliding plates, rigid struts, etc.
To ascertain that flanges are not susceptible to leakage.
To confirm that calculated piping loads acting on equipment nozzles are acceptable as
per the applicable codelstandardlproprietary Vendor data.
The following are excluded from the scope of this specification:
GRE piping stress analysis (static) and surge analysis (dynamic) shall be performed by
the designated Vendor.
Transportation loads due to roadlsea transportation for Vendor supplied skids shall be
reviewed by the Vendor.
3.0 Definition
Project Specification
Project Data Sheets
Standard Specification
ConocoPhillips Grissik LTD
PT. Sernpec lndonesia - PT. Punj Lloyd Indonesia - Purlj
Lloyd Ltd. Consortium
Manufacturer of major equipment, and or components
Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi
Directorate General of Oil and Gas
Referenced Specification shall be Project specific
Referenced Data Sheets shall be Project specific
Persons responsible lot- procurerrrent of equipment,
materials and or services
Shall is an absolute requirement which shall be followetl
strictly when referenced
Strongly recommended suggestion
Standard Technical Specification for Onshore Projects
Persor~(s), cornpany, firm, manufacttrrer, or fabricator who is
a supplier of materials, supplies, arrtllor services to the
Shall be supervisior~, administration, labor, srlaterials,
transportation, supplies, tools equiprnctil a ~ i d activity
reqt~ircd to comply with Llre rt?ql,~iren~t?rlls of Co~r~p;\liy
Project Specificatiori ,?rid Cos~t ~i ct
I'T. Selnpec Indonesia - I'T. Punj Lloyd Indonesia - Punj l i oy ~l ILI1I. (:onsc)~lii~,,~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 7 of 37
Codes, Standards, and References
The latest editions and revisions of each Codes and/or Specifications, as of the Contract
Document date, shall apply, unless otherwise specifically noted on the Contract Documents
or approved, in writing, by the Company. The following documents shall be complied with,
unless stated otherwise in this Standard specification.
Company Standards and Specification
ConocoPhillips Grissik LTD Standard Specifications
Latest revision of the Company standard specifications shall be used.
ltem NO I Document Title Document Number Approved 6 7
1 Onshore Facility Piping Design
Document Numbering
ID-G-BU-00000-00000.00003 Technical Authority
Engineering Document and
ID-G-BU-GGO-STS-GN-00-0001 Technical Authority
Revision Numbering
-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documentation & Data ID-G-BU-00000-00000-00012 Techtiicai Authority
Required By Operations (DFO)
- ...................................
4.2 International Codes and Standard
4.2.1 API
Latest revision of API Standard to be referred to:
. . . . . . .
Fired Heaters for General Services I
APi 610
Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Iioavy Duty Cliemicais & Gas
industry Service
. - . . ., .......................................................... ~,~ ......................................
1 ; I API 612 Sr~ecial Puroose Stoam Turbines kjr liofinarv Services
API 617
Centrifugal Compressors for Potroloum, Clie~iiical anrl Gas Industry
...... ...
API 620
API 650
API 661
I API 662
API 672
API 6'74
Packaged lriterrially Geared CentriIug;%l Co11li)ressors lor General
liolincry Services
....................... .................................................................... .-
API 676 I'ositive IJisptacement Ptlmps - Rotary
. .......... .- ...........................................................
liecotnmendod I'ractice lor Sizittg, Soloction, and itistalli3lion of
l~ressilre-l'ielievino lDevict!s in l'iufinaries
Tecliriical lieport on Capabililies of AIJl 1i;lngcs i l ri do~
Combinations of Load
4.2.2 ASME
Latest revision of ASME Standard to bo referred to:
. . . . . . . .
I'T. Selnpec Indonesia - IPT. Pun; Lloyd Indonosin . l"u11; i.loyd (:onsortiiln,
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 8 of 37
ASME 536.10
Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
ASME 836.19 I Stainless Steel Pioe
. .
t i e nforcca Tncrfncset Past c Corros on tics stant Ea. u' nc~i t
ASME 816.5
Pipe Flanges and Fianged Fittings
Other CodeslStandards
Latest revision of MSS Standard to be referred to:
Latest revision of CodeslStandards to be referred to:
.- ....................................................................
1 ltem NO I Descriation
ASME B16.47
Item No
1 ASCE 7
. . . . . . . . . . .
Large Diameter Steel Flanges (NPS 2 6 through NOS 60)
PD 5500
I 5 1 UBC I
Pipe Hangers and Supports - Material, Design, and Manufacture
Pipe Hangers and Supports -Selection and Application
Pine Hanaers and Suonorts - Fabrication and Installation Practice
Local SlresScs in Sptlerical and Cylitidrical Shells due to Extortial
Loadings on Nozzles
Project Documents
In addition to above mentioned Codes, Standards, and Company specifications, the latest
revision of the following project doculnents shall also form a basis for the stress analysis:
C-84520-SlJ-LLO-SPC-GN-00-0001 l:'iping Material Spocilicirtion
................ ........................................
C-84529-SU-I'PO-RLL-Sr-00-0001 I I:'it~ina Line List
I : , I
Conflicting Requirements
In the event of conflict of precedetice betweeti docutnents the niore stringent requirerrietils
shall be applied. Generally tlie order of precedence shall be in this order lop lo bottom.
Indonesian Government Legislation and Regulations
This Standard Specification
Referenced Industry Codes and Staridards
Contractor shall obtain writtert approval fro111 Cornpany hc?lorc? corrimo~icin<] witti work
affected by a conflict of precedence.
In all cases Company shall reserve tlie riqht to apllly tlic? liiosl stringc-!nl rcc.lirirc?~rietits,
I'T. Sernpec Indonesia - Pi . IPunj Lloyd iil(lor1csia - I'illij Ltoyil I l r l . Co~tsottiritn
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 9 of 37
4.5 Units
International Systems of Units (SI) shall be used for stress analysis works. However, pipe
sizes, pressure, and temperature can be stated in imperial Units.
5.0 Critical Lines Selection
The classification of lines for stress analysis involves a review of the critical features of the
piping system. The following features of piping provide general guidelines for critical lines
Fluid in service
Pipe size
Pipe material
Design temperature
Design pressure
External ioads
Lines connected to equipment with allowable loads
Lines exposed to transient loads such as slug, PSV, blow-down, regeneration, recycle,
water hammer, etc
Lines having interface with other operating centers or Vendors
5.1 Lines Category
The lines are classified into three categories. Each category shall dictate the type of stress
analysis required.
5.1 .I Category 1 (Visual Analysis)
These lines are exempted from the formal stress analysis. The lines are reviewed by piping
designer by means of visual inspection. This applies to non-critical lines such as utility piping,
lines that possess adequate flexibility by virtue of stnall size, moderate temperature or flexible
configuration etc.
5.1.2 Category 2 (Simplified Analysis)
These lines are reviewed by stress engineer using guided cantilever method, graphical
method or method outlined in para. 319.4 of ASME B31.3 (Appendix B). if the lines under
review fail, the lines shall be upgraded to Category 3.
5.1.3 Category 3 (Detailed Analysis)
Lines under this category shall be analyzed by Computer Prograrn and proper calculation
notes shall be prepared.
The critical lines selection criteria are tabulated in Appendix A.
6.0 Analysis Procedure
As a general rule, the phases of piping stress analysis are developed as follows:
Line geometry definition
Definition of supports and restraints
Verification of longitudinal stresses and deflections producc?d hy sirstaitied (no11 sell-
limiting) permanent ioads and occasional loads (wind, seismic, etc.)
Verification of longitudinal stresses and deflectiotis prodirce(i by sc?ll..litnilitlg loads such
as thermal loads, etc.
Verification of piping loads for support design
Verification of piping loads on equiprnc?nt nozzles and conneclior~s
Check for flange leakage
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basi s
ConocoPhi l l i ps (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 10 of 37
The analysis shall cover all possible cases, such as normal operation and un-normal
operation (start-up and vibration, blow-down case, etc).
Computer Software
Computer software to be used for the piping stress analysis shall be CAESAR II latest
version with latest build or others if the analysis is performed by the Vendor.
CAESAR II units file SUMPAL.FIL shall be defined as per Section 4.5. The units file and the
configuration file CAESAR.cfg file shall be maintained same for all the calculation notes.
Design Conditions
Global Axis f or Stress Study
"North" indicates platform north direction and X, Y, & Z are three perpendicular axis
Environmental Loads
Wind Loads
The piping system shall be subjected to wind loads. Wind loads will be implemented in
horizontal axis, X or Z, whichever is more stringent. Wind profile will be considered as wind
velocity vs. elevation and a shape reduction factor of 0.8 (for circular piping sections) shall be
applied in the stress analysis.
The maximum wind speed of 80 kmlhr, taken frorn Process Basis of Design (document no. B-
84529-SU-PPO-BOD-ST-00-0001), shall be defined for pipe elevation 210 m.
Seismic Loads
The piping system shall be designed to withstand seisniic loads and no failure identified. The
recommended vertical design spectra shall be taken as 213 of the llorizontal design spectra.
Seismic loads are considered based on Zone 2 it1 SNI-03-1726-2003. The following values
shall be used in the stress analysis:
Horizontal accelerations in X and Z directions = 0.15g
Vertical accelerations in Y directions = 0.10g
Operational Loads
During operation, the lines and pipirig componc?nts are subjected (o various loatling
conditions such as:
Weight of pipe, piping components, fluid content, itisr~latiot~ weighl, otc, shall be considered
along with other in-line components to calcolate t11e longitrtdinal st~stii~ined stresses.
Design pressure shall be used for longitudinal and i ~oop strc:!;s cirlct~I;rtions.
For stress stiffening due to pressure, operating pressure? is considered il-1 11113nn:llysis.
13. Sempec lndoriesia - I T . 1:'unj i.loyd 11ldoncsi:r - I'ilnj Lloyd i k l . Corl :;~<l i o~n
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 11 of 37
7.3.3 Temperature
All code stresses shall be checked at design temperatures of the piping system. However,
ASME 831.3 requires evaluation of code stresses at maximum or minimum metal
temperatures occurring during the thermal cycle. In case use of design temperatures results
in major revision in piping IayouVsupporting then in consultation with Process Department,
maximum or minimum operating temperatures can be used for stress analysis. Ambient
temperatures below shall be used as references to calculate thermal stress range:
Maximum ambient temperature = 95F
Average ground temperature = 85F
Minimum ambient temperature = 65F
7.3.4 Solar Radiation
Thermal stress due to solar radiation is not considered in this stress analysis.
7.3.5 Friction
The frictional forces at the pipe supports have a significant effect on the behavior on the
piping system. To reduce frictional loads on equipment nozzles or to reduce frictional forces
at welded supports where local stresses exceed allowable stresses, use of low friction sliding
plates may be considered at supports.
Based on the pairing of contact surfaces following frictional factors shall be used:
0.10 for PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) to stainless steel surface contact
0.30 for carbon steel to carbon steel surface contact
Wherever low friction sliding plates are required at supports the stress isotnetrics shall
highlight such requirements.
7.3.6 Displacements
The impact of terminal displacements shall be considered into stress analysis. These shall
include equipment nozzle thermal growth, tank seltlements, differential settlement between
structures, thermal growth of Vendor interface piping, the lines displacements of other stress
anaiysis calculation notes, etc.
If possible, when analyzing piping around equipment with thermal growth displacements or
settlements, pipe rigid support should be modeled connecting to equipment structure.
7.3.7 Hydro Test
Hydro test pressure shall be considered as 1.5 times of design pressure.
Spring supports are considered as rigid support during hydro test case. On the field, these
spring supports shall be locked to prevent excessive deflection and over-.stressing of the
7.3.8 Transient Loads
Transient loads can have adverse effect on the lines and those loads aro also required to be
a) Two phase flow causing slug loads at bends and tees sliall be reviewed in consultalion
with the Process Department.
b) Relief valve kick forces for gas lines shall be calcirlatecl as lper API 151320. PSV reaction
forces shall only be considered for process PSVs in gas1vapou1- services witli a Dycianiic
Amplification Factor (DAF) = 2.0. However, Vendor datas will be used later upon receipt.
c) The impact of hydraulic transient (surgelwater hammer) e.g. in firc wator network piping,
if any, shall be considered in the static stress analysis.
7.3.9 Multi Equiplnent Operating Philosophy
Varioirs load cases shall be considered for analysis dopc!ndilig 011 !lie operating pliilosopliy of
multi equipment e.g, two pumps with one being spare:
Operating condition 1: both putnps A and B opemlirig
Operating condition 2: pomp A opel-ating, pc~riip B stand-by
1' 1. Sernpcc Indonesia - Ir1. I' uf~j Lloyd 1ndonosi;i - I"Ui1J Ll oy~l l l d Consorlit~,~l
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 12 of 37
Operating condition 3: pump A stand-by, pump B operating
For piping systems with portions of stagnant fluid and without hot by-pass the temperature
gradient along the piping length shall be considered as per following:
For insulated lines, average ground temperature from block valve to the equipment.
For un-insulated lines, average ground temperature from tee junction to the equipment
8.0 Stress Analysis Acceptance Criteria
The criterion mentioned below is as per the code requirements at the time of issuance of this
8.1 Piping Stress Criteria
In accordance with ASME 831.3, section 302.3:
a) S, sSl, x W ref. 302.3.5 (c); for primary sustained loads
b) SE ~ S A ref. 302.3.5 (d); for thermal expansionldisplacement loads.
Where: SL = sum of longitudinal stress due to sustained loads
St, = basic allowable stress at metal temperature, taken from Appendix A, ASME
SE = calculated displacement stress range
SA = allowable displacement stress range
= f (1 .25Sc + 0.25SI,) or f [(I .25Sc + 1.25Sl,) - S,]
Sc = basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature
W = weld joint strength reduction factor (wherever applicable as per 831.3)
f = stress range reduction factor (value shall be as per plant life of 30 years.
Number or actual operating cycles shall be obtained from the Process
c) The allowable stress due to occasional loads such as wind, earthquake, PSV reaction
forces, etc. shall not be greater than 1.33 times the hot allowable stress, SI, (ref. ASME
B31.3, para. 302.3.6). These occasional loads shall not be considered to act
For other codes such as ASME B31.4 or 831.8 where orishore piping maybe involved,
relevant stress calculation equations shall be utilized (exact code shall be chosen in CAESAR
II input).
8.2 Flange Leakage Criteria
a) ASME Flanges
Critical flange joints shall be assessed for leakage as per tlie equivaletlt pressure
Flange leakage calculation is required when flange joint is connected to equiptnent
nozzle and flange joints located in lines carrying service fluids dee~ned as hazardous by
Process Safety Department.
The flange leakage formula is as below:
The Total Pressure: PI. = P,,, -I- P
417 10A. 1
The Equivalent Pressure: P,,t = - - - - - - - - - . I. .. .
(; "
Where: P,?, = equivalent pressure due to pipe loadirig olrly
F = tensile axial force acting at the I'larig(?
M = bending lnornent acting at the flange
G = effective gasket diarneter (I-eactive load location)
P = operatitig pressure
<;rating pressure of tlie flange as [Jer ASMlI I3l(i.!jlASME I:316.4'7 Sories
-- ~
I"r. Sernpec Indonesia - Pi . Pun; Lloyd lhliloi~<!si;i . i'oti; Lloyd i..ltl. Co~i sorl i ~i zi ~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basi s C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 13 of 37
In cases where the total pressure exceed the allowable pressure, a second verification
shall be performed at the maximum operating conditions or a detailed flange calculations
shall be carried out as per requirements of Section Vlll Div. 1, Appendix 2 of ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Codes (using CAESAR II module).
b) Clamp Connectors/Compact Flanges
The piping loads at clamp connectors and compact flanges shall be limited to the Vendor
allowable limits.
Allowable Loads on Equipment Nozzles
Forces and moments induced by piping system on nozzles of major equipment shall not
exceed the values stated in the various standards mentioned below.
For piping connected to strain sensitivelrotating equipments, the nozzle loads calculation
shall be based on operating temperature. For all other nozzle loads, calculation shall be
based on design temperature. Air fin cooler shall be considered as strain sensitive
Vessels, Columns, and Heat Exchangers
Piping loads applied at the shell-nozzle junction shall not exceed the criteria set in Appendix
C. In case the loads are exceeded, then a WRC 107 checking shall be carried out to check
the magnitude of local stresses due to piping loads. Subsequently, the loads shall be
submitted to the Mechanical Department for onward transmission to the Vendor for approval.
For welded plate frame and plate heat exchangers, the allowable loads at nozzles shall be as
per Table-I of API 662.
For shell and tube heat exchangers, the allowable piping loads at nozzles shall be as per the
table specified in Appendix C.
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers
Piping loads on Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers nozzles shall satisfy requirements ~nentioned in
Appendix F.
API Centrifugal Pumps
The allowable forces and moments for API Centrifugal Pumps shall meet the criteria
explained in Appendix E.
Non API PumpslManufacturer Standard
Vendor allowable loads shall be followed. Mechanical Department shall obtain confirmation
from Piping Department for the allowable loads provided by Vendor.
Centrifugal Compressors/Turbines
The allowable nozzle loads on centrifugal compressorslturbinos for individual and combined
loads shall be as per API 6171NEMA SM-23 equations respectivcly.
Rotary Type Positive Displacement Compressors
The loads on rotary type positive displacement compressors shall be in accordance with API
619 Section 5.4.
Reciprocating Compressors
Supplier shall provide maxiinurn individcial and resultant allowable forces and moments of
both inlet and outlet nozzles. API 618 and NEMA SM-23 are crsed lor gt~itlance only.
Flat-Sided Tanks
Unless agreed with Purchaser, the allowable nozzle loads lor ll:il..sidad latnlts shall be as per
table specified in Apperidix O.
Storage Tanks
The minimum allowable external loads on tanks shc?Il operiings shall I)(? as slated in Al)l)endix
lTr. Scmpoc lndoncsia - I T Pilnj Lloyd lndoncsin .. l.'~~rij Lloyd l.l<J. (;o~~sc)~lii~n)
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhi l l i ~s (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page I d of 37
8.3.10 Unlisted Equipments
For equipments that are either not mentioned or governed by any of the codes stated in
Section 4.0, the equipment manufacturer's recommendation shall be considered.
8.3.1 1 Package Equipments
For package equipments, where Contractor has a piping interface with Vendor's piping,
allowable piping loads shall be as per Appendix C.
9.0 Design Considerations
9.1 Restraint Loads
Any piping loads in excess of 5 kN acting horizontally or 20 kN acting vertically andlor
supports more than 2 meters in height shall be issued to Civil Department for support
member design.
9.2 Hi gh Pipe Deflections
The pipe deflection of free span shall not exceed % inch or 12.7 mm. For sloping lines,
maximum deflection shall be % inch or 6.25 mm. Exceptions to this shall be approved by the
stress engineer.
Pipe lateral deflections should not be excessive as to cause clashing with surrounding pipe
work, structural or equipment. Stress engineer shall mark pipe horizontal displacements 275
mm on the stress isometrics for providing longer shoe lengths and checking of pipe spacing
clearance by piping designer.
9.3 GRE Piping
Supporting of GRE piping systems shall be as rigid as possible while respecting the thermal
,*<; ,.s e.*jv analysis criteria.
A combined thermal flexibility and water hammerlsurge analysis shall be performed by
Vendor. Detailed piping design by Contractor shall follow recotnmendations made by Vendor.
9.4 Spring Supports
Use of spring supports shall be minimized and considered only wlien the piping layout cannot
be configured to add extra flexibility to mitigate vertical thermal displacements or relative
movement e.g. tank settletnent.
For the piping connected to rotatinglstrain sensitive equipment, tlie maxinluln load variation
shall be 10%. The maximum load variation for piping cocinected to other c?quipment shall be
Constant spring supports shall be selected in either of tlie following cases:
The load variation exceeds the above specified limits
To reduce the transfer of load to nozzles on fragile equipment 0.g. GRE tilaterial of
Spring support vertical displacements shall be calculated for the operatir~g cotiditions i.e. at
operating temperature. However, the working range of selected spring nlotlel sliall also be
suitable for vertical displacement at design temperattrrc?.
When used on liquid lines a WNC (Wei(ghl No Conterits) checking shall be c;:lrried out to
ensure that the equipment nozzles are not overloadeti, or the pipe is no1 overslressetl wlien
the pipe is empty. Otherwise, spring sliaII bc rnarkod lo be locltetl wllell t l ~e liilc? is
emptylunder maintenance.
The selected size of spring support shall be suitabie lol- hydro tcst loads will1 spri ~l g ill loclted
position. Vendor shall confirm suitability of tho selc>clod size for hydro lest load!^ tll.lring
technical bid evaluation.
I'T. Sornpec Indonesia - 1' 1. . l'unj l..loyd lndoncsia - IPoni Lloyrl i.LI. Co~i:;o~lliriii
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
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9.5 Expansion Joints
Expansion joints shall be avoided unless those are required as per Process requirements. In
case piping layout constraints do not permit addition of flexibility by means of providing loops,
etc., then expansion joints shall be utilized only after obtaining Company approval. For piping
systems utilizing expansion joints, recommendations of EJMA standard shall be followed.
10.0 Stress Calculation Notes
Each stress calculation note (lines category 3 only) shall obtain as a minimum the following
a) Summary sheets indicating lines covered, maximum code stresses, flange leakage
report, and piping loads on equipment nozzles
b) Stress isometrics with node numbers, restraints type, process design data for each lines,
remarks by stress engineer, etc.
c) Computer input data
d) Computer output data containing:
Load case report
. Restraint loads
Spring design data (if required)
Code compliance report
Sample of stress calculation note refer to Appendix G.
l yr . Sernpec Indo~losia .. 1'1.. I'ucJ Lloyd lndoilesia - I'unj l.loyd ILliI. Con!;cxlitl&r~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
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Appendix A
Critical Lines Selection Criteria
i:vI'. Sc~npcc Indonesia - PT. Punj Lloyd 1ndonc:;i;i - I'uiU Il oyi i i.I,I. Co8rso1liu1n
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillius (Grissik) Ltd.
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Page I? of 37
Critical Line Selection Criteria
Vessels, Drums,
Spheres, Columns,
Shell &Tube Heat
Non-critical Static Equipment
(Note 2)
Pumps, Turbines,
(Note 2)
Air Cooled Heat ~xchangers,
Plate Heat Exchangers,
Tanks. Fired Heaters
(Note 2)
Flare LinesIBlow Down Lines
(Inlet Pipe Size) (Note 3).
Jacketed - PBing -- .-
High Alloy, Exotic, Thin Wall
Stainless Steel, Non-ferrous
Metallic Piping
I Not e 2) .
RacklSleeper Piping (not
connected to any equipment)
(Note 2)
High Pressure Piping
I Piping with Expansion Joints
Buried Piping
Iklnto A\
Pipe Dia.
(Note 1)
200F 300F
299F 499F
(Note 1) (Note 1)
(Note 1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ,
......... .....................................
c- -.......... 2 (Desigti Temperature (-50F) ........ --,
.- ............................ ........................... .................
<.-. ......... --3 (Desigti Temperature 5-50F) ......-. - +
......-. 3 (Subject to Approval bycompany)-,--::;-).
....................... ...................................
+.. ............ 3 (Stress Allalysis by Vendor) .
_ ._,. ........................ , ...........................
1. Minimum Ambient Temperature = 65 "F
Average Ambient Temperature = 85 "1-
Maximum Ambient Temperature = 95 "I'
For Thermal Stress Range:
. Line Design Temperature > 95 "F: Stress range frorn Mini~iitrm A~nbic?nt Tcrnpc?ralur(?
. Line Design Temperature < 65 "F: Stress range from Maxin-~nn-I Ambieril Tempc?rahrre
For Nozzle Loads:
. Nozzle loads shall be calculated with respect to Average Ambient "Tenipernlrrre
2. For process connections only (excluding vents, drairis, & low tornporaluro ~i l i l i t i r?~).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i'T. Sempec Indonesia - PT. Punj Lloyd 1ndonesi;r . I'ullj l.loyd ILtrl. Col,:;(jlliliril
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
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3. PSV reaction forces shall be considered for gaslvapour lines only.
4. Underground Fire Water metallic piping shall be exempted from formal stress analysis and shall be
assigned Lines Category 1.
1. Large reciprocating equipment (if any) which requires dynamic analysis for induced vibration shall be
covered by a separate study done by a Specialist Consultant.
2. The following lines do not need to be stress analyzed:
. Non-hydrocarbon lines such as air lines and water lines including potable water, service water,
. All lines which discharge directly to atmosphere and which are not subjected to large thermal
gradients, including atmospheric tanklvessel vents.
. All lines which are part of skid mounted packages (i.e. under the scope of package Vendors).
All small diameter piping (1% inches and below) unless subjected to surging such as relief and
blow down (to be clearly identified on the P&IDs).
All drain systems piping including open drain and closed drain systems.
i'i. Sernpec Indonesia - PI, i'u~rj Lioyd l~~rloi~r!:;i;l .. illlllj i.ioyd I..Iii. Consarliol~r
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
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Appendix B
Approximate Methods for Simplified Analysis
l"T. Sempec Indonesia - I 3T 131111j l.loytl Ii l tl ~l i (?~i :l - I'1111j i i oytl l..lti. Co~~sr),l i ur~(
Pi pi ng Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhi l l i ps (Grissik) Ltd. Page 20 of 37
Approximate Methods for Simplified Analysis
1.0 Guided Cantilever Method
For an 'L' shaped pipe work, from the structural theory, the permissible deflection, 6 is given as:
6 = lateral deflection (mm)
L = deflected leg (mm)
S = bending stress due to lateral deflection (Nlmm2)
= 137.9 N/mm2 as allowable bending stress for CS materials
D = outside diameter of pipe i mm)
E = Young's modulus (Nlmm ) = 203400 ~ l m m ' (for CS materials)
The leg required for lateral deflection is:
Knowing diameter and deflection the flexible leg can be determined
What is the length of the flexibie leg if the pipe size is 12 inch and the required deflection is 60 mm?
6:: $. ' '
..... *, Do not use for piping connected to strain sensitive equipment
Do not use for larger line ending in reducer to smaller size.
Do not use for lines ending in tees.
Expansion length must be taken from fixed point.
2.0 ASME B31.3 Developed Length Method
For a two anchor piping system, the following criteria must be satisfied:
D = outside diameter of pipe (mm)
Y = resultant of total displacement strains (mm)
L = developed length of piping between anchors (in)
U = anchor distance, straight line distance between anchors (m)
K, = 208000 SA/EA (mm/m)'"
S, = allowable displacement stress range (MPa)
= f (1 .25Sc + 0.25SI,)
E, = reference modulus of elasticity at average ambient temperature (MPa)
ref. 319.4.1 (c)
1' 1. Seilnpec Indonesia - l'i. I'ilnj Lloyrl Illdonosin - i'ilnj Lloyil l l d Cotj!;otli~l~rl
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 21 of 37
Appendix C
Allowable Nozzle Loads for
Vessels, Columns, Heat Exchangers, Storage Tanks, and
Package Equipments
l'i. Sempec Indonesia - IPT. i-'irnj Lloyd 1ndoircsi;i - 01111j i l ~ y i l l.ltl. C~r,!;o!lit~~n
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
Page 22 of 37
Allowable Nozzle Loads for
Vessels, Columns, Heat Exchangers, Storage Tanks, and
Package Equipments
Allowable nozzle loads for pressure vessels, columns, shell & tube heat exchangers, storage tanks, and
piping interface in package units.
Unless otherwise specified, the maximum allowable forces and moments shall be as per table below.
These forces and moments are assumed to be acting at the intersection of the vessel and nozzle.
x Where:
*:. >,<$ . D = Nozzle Nominal Diameter
FA = Axial Force
FL = Longitudinal Force
Fc = Circumferential Force
ML = Longitudinal Bending Moment
Mc = Circumferential Bending Moment
MT = Torsion
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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. . . . .
PT. Ss~npec Indonesia - PT. Punj Lloyd 1ndonesi;l . I'unj 1.Ioyd 1.l1l. Cor l so~l i ~r ~l ~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 24 of 37
Rating Fc, FL
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'T. Sempec Indonesia - Irr. Punj L.layd lildonc:;i;~ - I'ullj i l oyd l l d (;i,nsollitr~~\
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
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Appendix D
Tanks Allowable Nozzle Loads
i T . Semp~c lridonesia - I:T Punj Lloyd Indoi1esi;i - I'ilnj Lloyd Lld. Coi ~so~l i ui n
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 26 of 37
Tanks Allowable Nozzle Loads
The allowable nozzle loads for flat-sided tanks are as tabulated below
1.. , -. 1 Forces I Moments
Nozzle slze
I .. . I (N) I (Nm)
1. All loads stated above act at the tank shell and nozzle intersection. In assumption, the loads act
2. The Supplier shall provide sufficient local reinforcement. This is to ensure that the stress due to
pressure head, radial load, and applied moment does not exceed 1.5 times the allowable design
stress for plate material.
3. Nozzle size larger than 8 , allowable loads shall be agreed by Purchaser.
I'l. Sc~npec Indonesia - Irl. I'uid Iloyd lndoocsi:r - l'ritij l.loyd Lid. Conso!litlm
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhilli~s (Grissik) Ltd.
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Appendix E
Pumps Allowable Nozzle Loads
I T Sempec Indonesia - i'i, l.'unj Lloyd lndollesia - Puiij Ii oyrl I..Ld. (:ollso~li~i~ll
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 28 of 37
Pumps Allowable Nozzle Loads
The allowable forces and moments for nozzle sizes 16" and below shall meet the criteria of values in
table below. Those values are taken from Table 4 of API 610, 10"' edition. When the calculated loads
exceed these values, Annex F in API 610, l ofh edition may apply.
Each side nozzle
Each top nozzle
Each end nozzle
890 1330 1780 3110 4890 6670 8000 8900
710 1070 1420 2490 3780 5340 6670 7120
580 890 1160 2050 3110 4450 5340 5780
1280 1930 2560 4480 6920 9630 11700 12780
.......... .. -
Moments (Nm)
Nominal size of flange (inch)
Each nozzle
The coordinate system(s) shown in figures below shall be used to apply forces and moments in table
Forces (N)
3 4 6 8
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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l"1. Se~i i pec Indonesia - I'i, lJunj l l oyd lrido~iesia - Pilnj Lloyd ILIII. Co~l!;lr~littin
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 30 of 37
Isr. Se~npec Indonesia - I'T. Punj Lloyd indonesi;) - i'ilnj 1.layd 1-Id. l.:onrorlir!~ri
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
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For nozzle sizes above 1 6 , Vendor shall specify the allowable loads, or actual loads due to piping
reaction shall be submitted to Vendor for approval.
Allowable nozzle loads for vertical in-line pumps shall be twice the values in table above for side nozzles.
i'l. Seliipcc Indonesia - I'T Punj Lloyd Indonesi;~ .. I'CJII~ L.Ioy11 l ..l tl . (:o~i!;<)rlit~tn
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd. Page 32 of 37
Appendix F
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers Allowable Nozzle Loads
~"..".~ ~
1' 1. Sempec Indonesia - PT. Piinj Lioyri lndonc!;i;l - I'ulij I-loyd Llrl. Con:;oi!itl~n
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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Page 33 of 37
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers Allowable Nozzle Loads
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers shall be considered as strain sensitive equipment and each nozzle shall be
capable of withstanding the simultaneous application of the moments and forces defined in table below.
These values are taken from Table 4 in API 661. The total of all nozzle loads on one multi-bundle bay
shall not exceed 3 times that allowed for a single header.
Moments Forces
I (Nm, (N)
Nozzle size
The application of coordinate system(s) is shown below
r r , # C
. - .....
I T . Sempec Indonesia - 1'1'. l'unj Lloyd indoiicsiki - i:'uiij Lloyd Ll d Conso8liir1rr
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd.
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Page 34 of 37
Appendix G
Sample Calculation Note
PT. Sernpec Indonesia - I?. I'unj I..loyd Itidoncsi;~ - S' i i ~~j I l oy~l l.lrJ. Cotl:;olli~io~
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
Page 35 of 37
0, : .-* - ........ ......... .............. ...........
.. ...............................
.. "
1'5. Sempcc indonesia - 1'7. Pun; Lloyd I8idoiiesia - l'ilnj Il oyd II<I (:on.:oiliiliii
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis
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JOB SPEC : C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-0001
For calculated stresses refer t o the stress compliance report attached wi th the calculation note.
/ SUSTAINED I S , = W+ P + H 1 1
<I .33 SI.,
~ ~ ~ . . ........., ,.....
OCC. (SUSTAINED +SEISMIC) Socc " W + P+ H + U 51.33 S,.,
~ ".
ir. Scmpec Indonesia - 12T. Punj Lloyd lndonosia - i'unj ILloyij l l rl . (:o~!;c>~liil~n
Piping Stress Analysis Design Basis C-84529-SU-LLO-BOD-GN-00-0001 Rev. 1
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13T. Seinpec lnclotiesia - PT. Pui j Iloyd lniiorlc!;ia - I'tlnj Il oyi l Lid. (:rxi:;<ulit~~n

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