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Topic: The Role of Social Science in Promoting

the Spirit of National Integration and
International Understanding

Social Science is an academic discipline concerned with the
society and the relationship among the individuals within the society.
Social Science is a subject of study which offers a systematic study of
man in relation to his society. In a democratic country like India, every
citizen has to play a pivotal role in the uplift of the nation. The term may
however be used in the specific context of referring to the original
science of society. Social science education has a role to develop the
national integration and international Understanding. One of the goals of
social studies education is to produce citizens who are socially
responsible. This is important because the possession of social and
economic needs of the citizens is a collective responsibility. These social
opportunities, shelter, nutritious food and better income all responsibly
involve the provision of economic needs that include employment
opportunities, shelter, nutritious foods and better income. Through the
education of the society, the people get a national development. This is
because the education is aimed at realization, better human relationship:
individual and national efficiency. In addition, education is expected to
promote effective citizenship, national consciousness and development.
The achievement of these targets is relevant to the achievement of
national integration through value re-organization that is embedded in
social studies education. This is because social studies education has the
capacity to provide the kind of value re-orientation that promotes that
acquisition of right types of citizen for national integration and
international understanding.

National integration means the sense of the basic oneness of the
nation. It is the sense of identity and solidarity among all citizen of the
nation. National integration is the cementing force that binds the citizens
of a country into a unified entity. Unity is not uniformity. Differences in
language, race, religion etc are likely to be reflected, but even then it
should not be social disruption and chaos.
National integration has got two aspects, Political unity and
emotional unity. With the achievement of independence and with the
declaration of India as republic, we have achieved political unity.
Emotional integration is to be reflected in the attitude of the people. It
depends upon how people belonging to different areas and groups
interact among themselves. All the people belonging to different areas
and groups interact among themselves.
There are so many factors affecting national integration. Those are
hampering integration of Indian society. This may be enumerated as
linguism, regionalism, communalism, castism, parochialism, social-
economic inequalities. In spite of the factors hampering integration,
there are a large number of factors which unify all people as members of
the same nation. The factors are territorial compactness, civilization and
culture, feeling toward the sacredness of the motherland, creating
common values, strengthening secularism, crusade against inequalities,
impact of science and technology.
National integration cannot be achieved through mere legislation.
Social Science education must play an important role in fostering
national integration. It has to take the responsibility for inculcating a
sense of national unity and foster a feeling of solidarity. A complete
programe of education catering to the same needs. They are curricular
programme, co-curricular activity, training in democracy, training in
secularism role of teacher.
Social studies as a subject has the principal aim of inculcating into
the learners, the virtues of nationalism, patriotism, belief in self and
encapsulating the ethics and values of society rthat will make the
learners a Total Man. A Total man, sociologically speaking, using
social studies as a plank, means a man that is very proud of the cultures
of his/her country and is also desirous of defending and protecting it
from internal and external enemies.
Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and
their world. It is an interdisciplinary subject that draws up history,
geography, economics, political science and other disciplines. Social
studies focus on peoples relationship with their social, physical,
spiritual, cultural, economic, political and technological environment.
The national integration conference put forth their suggestions for
realizing national and emotional integration. Education should develop
students national feelings and sense of belongings and through proper
teaching of history among students a sense of Indianness should be
Internationalism is the feeling is the individual is not only a
member of his country, but also a citizen of the world. Internationalism
inspires the people all over the world, to take effective measures for
bridging the gaps created mutually conflicting issues, with a view to
develop friendly relations among nations and thus to live in harmony
and peace as good neighbors. International understanding is the ability to
critically and objectively observe and appraise the conduct of people
everywhere and thus make valid judgment leading to healthy interaction.
To do this, one must be able to detach oneself from ones own narrow
cultural and national prejudices and to view people of all nationalities,
cultures and races with a spirit of equity and equality.
Internationalism is the feeling is the individual is not only a
member of his country, but also a citizen of the world. Internationalism
inspires the people all over the world, to take effective measures for
bridging the gaps created mutually conflicting issues, with a view to
develop friendly relations among nations and thus to live in harmony
and peace as good neighbors. International understanding is the ability to
critically and objectively observe and appraise the conduct of people
everywhere and thus make valid judgment leading to healthy interaction.
To do this, one must be able to detach oneself from ones own narrow
cultural and national prejudices and to view people of all nationalities,
cultures and races with a spirit of equity and equality.
There are some reasons are essential for getting international
awareness, they are;
Know and understand how people in other land live
Recognize the common humanity reflected in all cultures
Work for a fair and just world order with security, freedom and fair
play for all people
Maintain interest in world affairs
Recognize world problems and assist for solving those with a
democratic outlook
Link love of ones own country with a broad social consciousness
of problems all over the world
Understand the interdependence of countries and people
Take world as a single entity
Believe in common values and goals for the world, community etc

Due to the study of the subject Social Science, the above knowledge
will get in a clear manner.
Social Science as a subject of study has the maximum scope for
creating a sense of international understanding. Through an in depth
study of history, the students should be made to understand and
appreciate the different culture of the world. They should understand
how great men have contributed to the welfare of humanity in general.
Geography should familiarize students with different regions. Through
civics and economics also independence of people can be stressed.
Students must understand that modern political ideas are the result of the
cumulative effort of many countries and people.

Social science plays an important role in promoting national
integration and international understanding. The content methodology
and the text book of social science must be thoroughly overhauled to
enable them to play the most important role. It is therefore; considered
essential that learning of current events should not be an incidental
affair. They should be taught to the pupil systematically.

Teaching of social studies a.s kohli

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