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Name __________________________________________ Class ______________________________

Energy 4 End of Course Test A

1 Listen to the information about Picasso. Answer the questions.
Track 1
0 Where was he born? Malaga, Spain
1 When was he born? ____________________
2 Where did he live for most of his life? ____________________
3 How many works of art did he create? ____________________
4 Who saved his life? ____________________
5 When did this happen? ____________________
When did he die? ____________________
2 Listen to the conversation and complete the notes.
Track 2
how many days a week? !0" 5
weekends? !1"____________
how many ho#rs a day? !2" ____________
what time do yo# start? !3"____________
what time do yo# finish? !4"____________
how m#ch per ho#r? !5"____________
what do $ have to do ne%t? send a !"____________ and yo#r !&"______________' with
two !("_____________)

!"#T#C#!IA$LE % 2&&6 !earson Longman ELT

3 Listen to the conversation and write True or False (T or F.
Track '
0 *hey went campin+) T
1 *hey #sed sleepin+ ba+s) _____
2 *hey for+ot the map) _____
3 *hey camped in a field) _____
4 *hey for+ot the chocolate bisc#its) _____
5 *hey ate a lot of chips) _____
*hey had a +ood time) _____
! "omplete the te#t with the correct answers.
, teacher in $ndia has ta#+ht !0" c marathon -n+lish lesson !1"_____ will probably +o into
the .#inness /ook of 0ecords) *he lesson' which lasted for &3 ho#rs and 24 min#tes' be+an
on *h#rsday and finished on 1at#rday)
,fter the lesson' the teacher' !2"_____ is called 1an2ay 3#mar 1inha' said that he
!3"_____n4t eaten or slept for three days) However' !4"_____ his st#dents hadn4t needed to
sleep' the lesson mi+ht !5"_____ even lon+er)
5$ still feel ener+etic' and $ co#ld carry !"_____ for three more days64' he told o#r reporter'
5$ really en2oy teachin+ +rammar64
7ost of !&"_____ st#dents were 1&8year8olds from the colle+e !("_____ 7r 1inha teaches)
*hey were chosen after a medical test' and seventy8 two of them !9"______ the lesson) *hey
were +iven salads' fr#it 2#ice and other special food while they !10"______ their lesson'
and 7r 1inha made them !11"_____ yo+a' too) :nly twelve !12"______ o#t of the lesson)
0 a" some b" the c" a
1 a" who b" which c" where
2 a" which b" that c" who
3 a" is b" had c" has
4 a" if b" when c" beca#se
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* 2
5 a" been b" have been c" be
a" alon+ b" #p c" on
& a" 8 b" the c" a
( a" that b" where c" which
9 a" started b" start c" were startin+
10 a" were havin+ b" had c" have
11 a" to do b" doin+ c" do
12 a" were dropped b" droppin+ c" dropped
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* 3
$ "omplete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. %se the word in
0 $ wish $ hadn4t eaten all that ice cream6
If only I hadnt eaten all that ice cream66 !only"
1 $s that bo% wooden?
$s ________________________________________!made"
2 ?o yo# know where @ohn is?
$ _________________________________________ !wonder"
3 *hey watched the film' b#t it was a mistake)
*hey ______________________________________ by b#s) !sho#ld"
4 $f only $ knew the answer)
$ _________________________________________ !wish"
5 @o thinks history is borin+ and $ a+ree with her)
@o thinks history is borin+ and __________________________________________ !so"
' "omplete the te#t with one word in each (ap.
$n the very near f#t#re' o#r homes !0"will have as !1"_____ robots as vac##m cleaners and
washin+ machines) !2"_____ yo# think that !3"______ like a science fiction story' yo#4re
wron+) 1cientists have !4"_____ workin+ on 5domestic robots4 for many years now) $n 2#st
twenty years4 time robots will !5"_____ doin+ the ho#sework in many tho#sands of homes)
1o' yo# can look !"_____ to seein+ a robot cleanin+ the windows in a ho#se near yo#' soon6
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* 4
) *ead the webpa(e and then match the headin(s with the correct sections.
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* 5
7ore and more yo#n+ people in /ritain decide to take a break between school and
#niversity) *his is their 5+ap year4) 1ome of them stay at home and +et a 2ob' or work as
vol#nteers) 7ost of them' however' want to travel) 1ome +o backpackin+' some find 2obs in
different co#ntries' and others work for charities aro#nd the world)
*here are lots of reasons) Airst' some people think they need a break after all those e%ams6
,nd' more serio#sly' many ei+hteen8year8olds want to find o#t more abo#t the world and
more abo#t themselves before they start the ne%t part of their lives) 1ome st#dents #se the
time to save money for their st#dent years) 7any #niversity teachers say that st#dents who
have done a +ap year are more independent' more confident 8 and better at st#dyin+ 8 than
many of the others) ,nd of co#rse a +ap year is a +reat thin+ to add to yo#r <B) $t can make
yo# a m#ch more interestin+ candidate when yo# start applyin+ for 2obs)
$t so#nds +reat' b#t think caref#lly) *he ma2ority of st#dents still +o strai+ht from school to
#niversity) 7any of them want to +et on with their chosen s#b2ects C some are startin+
co#rses that last fo#r' five or even si% years) :thers think a +ap year is a waste of time C and
of co#rse it can be' if it isn4t planned properly) However' +ap years are increasin+ly pop#lar
and common C they4re definitely here to stay)
+olunteer. .ap year st#dents can help charities all over the world C from environmental
pro2ects in 1o#th ,merica to workin+ with disabled people in their own town) *he list is
almost endless6
Learn somethin(. /ecome a skiin+ instr#ctor in <anada' st#dy the History of ,rt in $taly'
learn photo+raphy in <#ba or practise @apanese in *okyo Dthere are so many possibilities6
,arn mone-. Eo# co#ld +et a 2ob to pay for yo#r +ap year C and save some money for
#niversity' too) *here are lots of ways to make some money C like fr#it pickin+ in Arance' or
b#ildin+ walls in ,#stralia' or workin+ on children4s s#mmer camps in the F1,) :r' if yo#
know the kind of work yo# want in the f#t#re' a temporary 2ob wo#ld +ive yo# val#able
work e%perience)
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=*
.o on an e#pedition *here are or+anisations which arran+e 2o#rneys across ,frican deserts'
thro#+h 1o#th ,merican rain forests or even to the ,ntarctic) What an amaGin+ chance6
*here are lots of websites and books which will +ive yo# more information and advice) *ry
www)yearo#t+ro#p)or+ to +et yo# started)

a" $f it4s so +reat' why doesn4t everybody do it?
b" $t so#nds interestin+) What do $ do now?
c" What is a +ap year?
d" .,; H-W1
e" What kind of thin+s can yo# do in a +ap year?
f" Why do people do +ap years?
/ *ead the te#t a(ain and write True0 False or 1oesn2t 3a- (T0 F or 13.
0 ;eople #s#ally take a +ap year when they4ve finished #niversity) F
1 *hey #s#ally +o travellin+) _____
2 *hey #s#ally take +ap years beca#se they want a holiday) _____
3 Fniversities advise st#dents to take +ap years) _____
4 7ost people take a +ap year) _____
5 .ap years cost a lot of money) _____
4 *ead the advertisement and write a letter of application. 3et -our letter out properl-
Assistant in bus- newsa(ents.
We are lookin+ for a polite and friendly person to work from !"810 on 1at#rday and 1#nday
mornin+s) -%perience not necessary) .ood pay)
;lease write to 7r ?) 3ettle' 3ettles Hewsa+ent4s' Hi+h 1treet' Hewcastle)
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* &
;H:*:<:;$,/=- > 200 ;earson =on+man -=* (

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