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OCTOBER, 1971 50j

Desert Magazine Book Shop
CALIFORNIA by David Muench and Ray At-
keson. Two of the West's greatest color pho-
Barbara Sherman. If you are looking for a
tographers have presented their finest works ghost town in Arizona this is your waybill.
to create the vibrations of the oceans, lakes, Illustrated, maps, township, range, cor-ordi-
mountains and deserts of California. Their nates, history, and other details make this one
photographic presentations, combined with the of the best ghost town books ever published.
moving text of David Toll, makes this a classic Large 9x11 format, heavy paperback, 208
in Western Americana. Large 11x14 format, pages, $3.95.
heavy slick paper, hardcover, 200 4-color
photographs, 186 pages, $25.00. MOCKEL'S DESERT FLOWER BOOK by Henry and
Beverly Mockel. The well-known painter of
NATIONAL PARKS OF THE WEST by The Editors desert wildflowers has combined his four-color
of Sunset Books. A pictorial interpretation of • • \ . >
sketches and black and white photographs to
the 23 scenic preserves that encompass within describe in detail so the layman can easily
their 12 million acres most of the nation's finest identify wildflowers, both large and small.
mountain and desert scenery. Contains 247 Microscopic detail makes this an outstanding
photographs with 32 pages in 4-color, 43 2- book for identification. Special compressed fiber
color maps, drawings, geological diagrams, his- cover which will not stain. 54 full-color illustra-
tory and other informations. Large 9x1 1 format, tions with 72 life-size drawings and 39 photo-
heavy slick paper, hardcover, 286 pages $1 1.75. graphs, 316 pages, $5.95.
Stanley W. Paher. Directions to and history about THE NORTHWEST Randall Henderson. The beautiful palm canyons
23 of Arizona's most famous ghost towns. His- and isolated areas of Baja California are de-
By NORMAN D. WEIS scribed by the late Randall Henderson, founder
torical photographs and artist sketches enhance
editorial content. Large, 11x14 format, slick The ghost-town country of the Pacific of DESERT Magazine. Although these are his
paperback, 48 pages, $2.95. Northwest, including trips to many little- personal adventures many years ago, little has
known areas, is explored by the author changed and his vivid writing is alive today as
GREENWATER by Harold Weight. Called the in this new book which is a first-hand it was when he first saw the oases. Paperback,
"monumental swindle of the century" this is account of his travels into the back illustrated, 72 pages, $1.95.
the story of the 1906 stampede to the Black country of Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Mountains and how $30,000,000 disappeared. Wyoming and Montana. Hardcover, de- LOST MINES & BURIED TREASURES ALONG THE
Paperback, historic photos, 34 pages. $1.00. tailed maps, beautifully illustrated, heavy OLD FRONTIER by John D. Mitchell. The second
slick paper, 319 pages. of Mitchell's books on lost mines which was out-
1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts. Up of-print for many years is available again. Many
dated edition of one of the best of the bottle $6.95 of these appeared in DESERT Mgazine years
books. $4.50. ago and these issues are no longer available.
New readers will want to read these. Contains
NEVADA'S TURBULENT YESTERDAYS by Don Ash- OVERLAND STAGE TO CALIFORNIA AND THE the original map first published with the book
baugh. The best book about Nevada's ghost PONY EXPRESS by Frank A. Root. A first-hand and one pinpointing the areas of lost mines.
towns and the rugged individuals who built account of a mail agent who lived and fought Mitchell's personal research and investigation
them. 346 pages, $7.95. with the men who settled the West through has gone into the book. Hardcover, 240 pages,
their efforts to establish communication across $7.50.
LOST MINES OF DEATH VALLEY by Harold the wilderness during the 1800's. First publish-
Weight. This is a new approach to the enigma ed in 1901 and just republished. Heavy stock WEST OF DAWN by Hugh D'Autremont. The
of Death Valley Scotty's life and legends and and hardcover, original artist illustrations, two author's account of his life of adventure which
gives additional insight into the Lost Gunsight 1800 maps, 645 pages, this is a book for started in the 1930s during which he looked
and Breyfogle bonanzas, plus other Death Valley history buffs, $15.00. for lost mines, prospected for gold in Mexico
mysteries. Paperback, historic photographs, refer- and hardrock mined in California. Reads like a
ence material, 86 pages $2.50. RHYOLITE by Harold Weight. Tales of Shorty
fictional wild west novel. Hardcover, 1 87 pages,
Harris, Ernest Cross, Bob Montgomery, M. M.
TRAVEL GUIDES TO BAJA CALIFORNIA by Ken Beaty and the men and women who estab-
and Caroline Bates. Published the Editors of ished the famous mining town near Death
INYO MONO JEEP TRAILS by Roger Mitchell.
Sunset Books, this is a useful book on Baja and Valley. Paperback, historic photos, 40 pages.
should be a companion piece to Gerhard and $1.00.
explorer Mitchell takes you on 18 different
Gulick's Lower California Handbook and Cliff 4-wheel-drive trips into the Sierra Nevada
SPEAKING OF INDIANS by Bernice Johnston.
Cross's Baja by Road, Airplane and Boat. The Mountains, where he explores ghost towns, In-
An authority on the Indians of the Southwest,
Bates' book takes the reader to the people with dian territory and scenic canyons and moun-
the author has presented a concise well-written
text, photographs and maps. Anyone going to tain passes. Paperback, 36 pages, illust., $1.00.
book on the customs, history, crafts, ceremonies
Baja should have all three books. Large 8x10
and what the American Indian has contributed
format, heavy paperback, 80 pages, $1.95. DUTCH OVEN COOKBOOK by Don Holm. Wild-
to the white man's civilization. A MUST for
both students and travelers touring the Indian life editor of the Portland Oregonian, the author
LET'S GO PROSPECTING by Edward Arthur.
Country. Heavy paperback, 10x7 format, illus- has spent his life exploring and writing about
Facts and how-to-do-it on prospecting are pre-
trated, 112 pages, $2.50. the outdoors, so his recipes for preparing food
sented by the author who has spent 30 years
in a Dutch Oven come from experience. If you
searching for gems and minerals in California.
haven't had food cooked in a Dutch Oven, you
For those who think there are no more valuables
left in California, they will find a new field in
WHEN ORDERING BOOKS haven't lived . . . and if you have you will
find these recipes new and exciting culinary
this informative book. Includes marketing data, PLEASE adventures—as well as his style of writing.
maps, potential buyers for discoveries. Large
Add 50 cents PER ORDER Heavy paperback, 106 pages, $3.95.
8x10 format, illustrated, heavy paperback, 84
pages, $3.95. (Not Each Book) LOST DESERT BONANZAS by Eugene Conrotto.
LOST MINES OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST by John for handling and mailing Brief resumes of lost mine articles printed in
D. Mitchell. The first of Mitchell's lost mine back issues of DESERT Magazine, by a former
books is now available after having been out of CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ALSO editor. Hardcover, 278 pages. $7.00.
print for years. Reproduced from the original ADD 5 PERCENT SALES TAX
copy and containing 54 articles based on ac- A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN BIRDS by Roger
counts from people Mitchell interviewed. He Send check or money order to Desert Maga- Tory Peterson. The standard book for field iden-
spent his entire adult life investigating reports zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California tification sponsored by the National Audubon
and legends of lost mines and treasures of the 92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges Society. 2nd edition, enlarged with new section
Southwest. Hardcover, illustrated, 175 pages, or C.O.D. orders. on Hawaiian birds. 658 in full color, Hardcover.
$7.50. $5.95.



GLENN VARGAS, Lapidary Editor
K. L. BOYNTON, Naturalist
Volume 34 Number 10 OCTOBER, 1971
JACK DELANEY, Staff Writer








The majestic Owachomo THE LEGEND OF LOLA Marion Holbrook
Bridge of Utah's Natural
Bridges National Monu-
ment is reflected in this TOO * % ? # ! GOOD Ken Martjuiss
photo by David Muench,
Santa Barbara, California.
It is 106 feet high with a
span of 180 feet and is one
of several such natural DEPARTMENTS
wonders in the Monument


NOTES FROM THE FIELD Information from Readers

DESERT LIFE Hans Baerwald

RAMBLING ON ROCKS Glenn and Martha Vargas



ELTA SHIVELY, Executive Secretary MARVEL BARRETT, Circulation Manager

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea St., Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code
714 346-8144. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $5.00; 2 years,
$9.50; 3 years $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add $1.00 U.S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow
five weeks for change of address and send both new and old addresies with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second
class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyrighted 1971
by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photo-
graphs WILL N O T BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.

A TOR AND motorcycle racer Steve Mc-

P.D.Q A Peek Queen has a home in Palm Springs,

California, and undoubtedly knows and
respects the desert. But if he wants to
in th maintain his reputation for honesty,
accuracy and not alienate thousands of
potential box office fans, he should watch
P.D.Q. Gem
Drill Accessories Fublisner's his scriptwriters . . . and his interviews.
An article in a current national sports

magazine entitled Harvey on the Lam
pictures the actor and his friends tearing
up the desert with their "dirt bikes" and,
unless it was written with a tongue-in-
cheek approach, it is so inaccurate as to be ridiculous.
Copyright laws prevent us from quoting sections of the article verbatim
but we are certain his desert fans will not be pleased to read "By any name, Steve
McQueen gets all revved up over dirt bikes. Slamming one across the California
desert is now his Great Escape."
This precede to the article probably does not mean McQueen is completely
oblivious to desert ecology, but it might give the wrong impression of a subject
which today is, to say the least, very touchy.
And the impression will probably be compounded when readers who know
the desert read about an opening scene (presumably from a movie script) which
places Mount San Jacinto near Palm Springs in the Mojave Desert which actually is
more than 100 miles north of the resort community.
AS A DRILL The script writer also has a Gila Monster peering from behind a boulder
Basic unit. Drills clean holes (aster. Comes with
motor, chuck, foot rheostat, drill pan and drilling tem-
as it watches McQueen and his motorcycle-riding friends approach, leaving one
plate. Booklet of operating instructions included
Nickle Plated _ - $42.50
with the impression the desert reptile is about the size of a dinosaur. For the edifica-
(Does not include price of diamond drill point.) tion of eastern readers who are not familiar with desert wildlife, Gila Monsters are
seldom seen west of the Colorado River.
The article ends by once again describing another (we hope mythical)
DIAMOND DRILL POINTS scene in which McQueen, his son and friends are racing across the fragile desert
Good drill points are necessary with any drill
press. Two styles are listed below. The solid style has
a drilling point composed of a special alloy and dia-
across washes and through desert flora before retiring to a Mexican restaurant to
mond bort. This type of drill is delicate and needs care
in its use. However, with care, the solid type is much
celebrate their race with margaritas and frijoles-
longer lived and will drill more holes per dollar. The We hope these mythical scenes do not give the eastern reader a wrong
hollow core style drill has a hollow steel tip which is
coated with diamonds by a special process. This style impression of Steve McQueen and our California deserts. For Steve McQueen is
drill, drills very fast and is less delicate and can be
used by the beginner with good success. We do recom-
mend this type drill for beginners and for extra fast
ecology-minded and he does worry about the effect vehicles are having on the desert
drilling in Opal, Obsidian, etc. areas as is pointed out in the main body of the article . . . which gives an excellent
insight into McQueen's personality.
No. 14 2MM Hollow con We certainly hope the main part of the factual and interesting article is
diamond drill point _ $5.50 Each not overshadowed by the impressions conveyed by the two mythical movie scenes.
While on the subject of desert ecology, I want to alert our readers to an
article in our next month's issue which will discuss a recently introduced bill in the
The New "WHIZ-Z-Z Sintered
Diamond Drills
House of Representatives which would designate the California Desert National
Point Size Price EKk Conservation Area.
1.00 mm 1.00 mm $5.50
1.50 mm 1.50 mm 5.00 Introduced by Congressman Bob Mathias of Bakersfield, it is co-spon-
2.00 mm 2.00 mm 6.50
2.50 mm 3/16 inch 6.00 sored by 27 other California representatives and calls for a $29 million program to
3.00 mm 3/16 inch _ 7.00
3.50 mm 1/8 inch _ 8.00
protect the 17-million-acre desert area. Mathias said he introduced the bill because
4.00 mm 1/8 inch . 9.00 "the overall environment of the California desert is in danger of being destroyed."
Prices on request for larger drills
up to 8 mm The bill and its ramifications will be discussed in the November issue of
DESERT Magazine. In the meantime, remember to always treat the desert as
SHIPLEY'S though it was your own backyard.
On Hwy. 160 in southwest Colorado, 18 miles
east of Durango or l>/ 2 miles west of Bayfield.
Mailing Address:
Bayfield D, Colorado 81122
Phone: 303-884-2632

Postage charges not included





DEPTH RANGE M I N . 0 " M A X . 9 "
• FIVE SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS Exceptionally sensitive t o small nuggets, coins and
• PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD construction throughout. rings, even when buried on edge. Useful f o r search-
• FIVE-INCH DIAMETER SEARCH HEAD included with each unit for general purpose ing walls of old homesteads and crevices where
use. Three and ten-inch diameter Search Heads may be purchased with unit or added later. larger heads cannot enter.
• THREE COARSE TUNERS and switch in each unit for maximum sensitivity and minimum
drift when using.
• SEPARATE THUMBWHEEL CONTROLS for fine tuning and volume allows one-hand opera-
DEPTH RANGE M I N . 1 " M A X . 2 4 "
• DYNAMIC 2K-INCH, 8-OHM SPEAKER, internal and plug-in earphone included in each unit.
• 100 MICRO AMPERE METER that will deflect when audio signal is not detectable included in Will detect large coins, watches, lighters and pens. Best
Metermaster along with extra diode and sensitive, full view meter. general purpose head f o r beach combing, searching old farm

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bast length for user's height, adjustable from sixteen to thirty inches.

$10 95
• COMPLETELY WIRED (not a kit and no radio necessary for operation).
• NINE-VOLT BATTERY, Eveready 216 or equivalent, included with each unit. 10" SEARCH HEAD
• ATTRACTIVELY STYLED high impact molded case and Search Heads balanced for long use DEPTH RANGE M I N . 4 " MAX. 6 0 " POSTPAID
without tiring.
Best sensitivity on large objects, buried deep; like chests,
tools, jars of coins, bars or veins of gold, silver and other
OPERATING PRINCIPLES precious metals. Can also be used t o search large areas quickly.
Operates by comparing the frequencies of two colpitts oscillators and
amplifying the audio frequency which is the sum of the difference. The
fixed oscillator is controlled by the thumbwheel tuner. The variable
oscillator changes its inductance when the Search Head is brought
into close proximity of any metal. This difference when amplified is
heard in the earphone or speaker, as an audio signal tone, or deflects
the meter.


Carries your metal detector, search heads, battery, earphone, maps, books and
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closures. Smooth "slide action" nickle plated locks and two keys, secures
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est handling. The interior lid contains a wide folio pocket. Included is a
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ing hundreds of famous treasure caches in almost every state, with
suggestions on how to get started.

TO ORDER: Send Cash, Check

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• Send 3 " SEARCH HEAD
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Includes sensitive earphone and 9V battery
Includes meter, sensitive earphone and 9V battery state Zip
Passages such as the above make this

For book one of the most outstanding of the

author's series. Some of the areas covered
include the San Gabriels, Kern Plateau

the Reviews
Country, Greenhorn Country, South San
Luis Country, Mattole Country and many
other "little" mountain areas.

Birds? Slick paperback, well illustrated with

photographs and maps, 142 pages, $1.95.

by Jack Pepper


it is!
BYWAYS Kent Frost
RUSH I .etidabraiid The author has the right to use the
personal pronoun in the title of his book
as he was one of the first and few white
This is the ninth California guide- men to hike through that vast and spec-
book by world traveler and veteran ex- tacular wilderness in southeastern Utah
plorer Russ Leadabrand. The previous now known as the Canyonlands National
books cover individual mountain areas, Park.
the deserts and the seashores. Like this With the exception of two years ser-
guide, they are accurate, detailed and vice in the United States Navy during
provide historical background. World War II, Frost has spent more than
However, in his newest volume in 40 years exploring the labryrinths, plains,
which he takes the reader on trips to mesas, rivers and mountains of his na-
the "little" mountains, the author not only tive land.
provides directions, but also conveys the While in his early teens, he started hik-
mystic feeling he has about the moun- ing into the then little-known areas such
tains, which he started exploring when as the Needles, the Maze and the Land of
a youth. Standing Rocks. Later, he was associated
"There are many ways to keep occu- with the pioneer river runner, Norman
Hummingbird pied in Cuyamaca Country," he writes.
"One of the best is to seek out an old
Nevill, and for years took passengers over
the rapids of the Colorado River follow-
Fteeder oak, thick-barked and lightning hammer-
ed, sit in its shade and let the medicine
ing the trail of the first white explorer.
Major John W. Powell, who explored the
wind mend your flatland "wounds and ill- river in 1869.
nesses." Long before the area was designated
tU Oak Creek Canyon" 200 PAGE
ONLY & * Postpaid CATALOG
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California residents add 15c tax

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as a national park, Frost was taking his pine in the air or in my fire, and observe
friends into the area by four-wheel-drive the lives of all the birds, animals and CHRISTMAS DECOR
Ranch - Grown
and blazing vehicle trails over the paths insects interweaving around me."
he once hiked. When more and more
people asked to be taken into the wilder-
Hardcover, artist illustrations, 160
pages, $6.95. CUT
ness, he formed Canyonland Tours, Inc.,
which operates today out of Monticello,
Majority of the Canyonlands area is MAMMOTH Unique long - last-
just as wild and rugged today as it was LAKES ing festive foliage
when originally discovered and can only MEMORIES for a true desert Christmas
be visited by 4WD vehicles. Experienced
By . . . GIFT BOX 18x6x4"
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the spectacular scenery within the reach $3.50
of everyone. tax, postage included
Frost's book is a fast moving account ORDER BY MAIL FROM:
of his adventures and the people he met This is a well-written and entertaining DESERT LAKESHORE RANCH
d"ring his "growing up days" and his book on the Mammoth Lakes area in the Box 183, THERMAL, CALIF.
adult years. Although no other white man northern part of California's Sierra Ne-
has explored the country more than Frost, vada Mountains by a veteran free lance
there are still many areas still to be view- writer and long-time resident of the area.
ed as he describes at the end of his book. Illustrated with historic photographs,
"For the biggest views, the brilliant the book has hundreds of anecdotes about
edges of dark, rolling storm clouds, the the early day pioneers of the once flour-
continual rainbows, the sunlight reflected ishing mining area which today receives
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Paperback, well illustrated, 80 pages,
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the thunder never reaches me.
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LPINE COUNTY, southeast of Lake

Tahoe, is California's Sierra Ne-
vada's prime anachronism, a place out of
time, a portal to this state's oldest and
roughest mining history.
Snowbound and practically isolated
seven months a year, then temperate and
coolingly green during the summer, Al-
pine County has simultaneously lured and
repelled the more adventurous.
Local Washoe Indians, eking out a
(Above) The Zaca silver mine of the 1870s along Monitor Pass. (Below) A semi-nomadic life through seasonal gath-
water-filled tunnel entrance near the historic mining city of Loope. ering, migrating and camping, were un-
marred by the presence of white men un-
til well after 1840. The often-cited trav-
els of Jedediah Smith (1827) and John
Fremont (1843) through what was then
the Territory of Utah brought explorers
into this region of paradoxes.
The 1848-49 gold finds along the
westerly river slopes of the Sierras show-
ed an immediate need for a penetrable
land route east across the mountains. Kit
Carson and later trailbreakers traversed
Alpine County along numerous high-
peaked ravines, establishing the four
major passes in use today: Carson, Luther,
Ebbetts and Monitor.
But publications detailing Sierra Ne-
vada adventures are common, and it is
my intention to describe some historical
sites of Alpine County as you find them
today. I was fortunate to spend some time
with Artie Brown, State of California
Fish and Game Warden for this area and
current President of the Alpine County
Historical Society. Mr. Brown made avail-
able their society's hard-to-get Alpine
Heritage historical booklet, and he pro-
vided invaluable personal anecdotes and
tips concerning everything from "mining
exploitation and ecology" to "four-wheel-
Alpine County by Van P. Wilkinson

ing-for-recreation." mountains near Silver Creek (Ebbetts tion of silver, you are lucky to see a col-
To Mr. Brown, and Alpine County's Pass); Jacob Marklee's 1861 staked-out lapsing tunnel entrance or washed-out
1,203 other residents, theirs is an area land had become the town of Marklee- foundation of what was once the sole
that has seen better days In 1864-65, ville; and as the population grew, income future for over 11,000 people. Sites like
Silver Mountain was a boisterous and from toll-roads (Monitor, etc.) and tim- Mt. Bullion, Loope, or Centerville have
growing community, supported by the ber was expanding. not enjoyed the minimal weathering af-
silver ore being hard-rocked out of the Today, 98 years after the demonetiza- forded desert mining camps—these sites,

f V.U



though old enough to make metal-detect-
ing and excavation worthwhile (1850s-
1920s), will probably only tire the ama-
teur relic-seeker. Says Mr. Brown, "Col-
lectors scratch around a lot, but they don't
find much; we (the Historical Society)
have most of it in the museum, at least
that not already taken by nature or van-
Travelers to Alpine County can enter
50 from the west (Hwys. 4, 88, 89), north
(88), or east (89). That's in the warm
months. Otherwise, you're lucky to find
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Highway 88 down to Minden, Nevada,
GORDON'S ALL-NEW or Highway 88 over Luther Pass not
1971 CATALOG o snow-blown; the others are closed for
8 the winter. Off-the-road travelers can
'OF MOUNTINGS, TOOLS AND SUPPLIES. § follow Mr. Brown's advice: "In winter,
A MUST FOR NEW ROCKHOUNDS g it's snowmobile; in summer, an experienc-
g ed 4WDer will do all right; in spring,
WITH ANY $7.50 ORDFR. watch out—on most jeep trails there's a
FREE! FREE! thin crust of ice or dry dirt and a foot
For DESERT Magazine Readers
of soup underneath." He noted that the
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO local rescue team is busiest with 4WDers
in the early autumn (first snowfall) and
early spring (first thaws).

r 1741 CHERRY AVE Because of the steep-walled canyons

LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90804 through which the paved highways wind,
P.O. BOX 4073D 70% of the past timber and mining his-
tory is right alongside the road. On High-
way 89 east out of Markleeville, one pass- old mining game. About two years ago

DESERT es Mt. Bullion, pre-1900 transport inter-

section; the Zaca mine, a silver bonanza
of the 1870s; and Loope, the original
several French and Canadian mineral
outfits began staking systematic and in-
clusive claims near the long-abandoned

FIESTA site of Monitor City (now mined and

posted by a local resident). From Mt.
Bullion southwesterly along Highway 4,
Zaca Mine. Other large scale expedition-
ary concerns soon joined in and, eventu-
ally, they all merged into one vast min-
one passes Centerville, old timber and ing venture which has already claimed
NOVEMBER 12 - 13 - 1 4
trading hub; Chalmer's Mansion, 1862 nearly l/20th of Alpine County.
TAILGATING - GEM SHOP estate of London-backed financier; and
CARNIVAL This sudden re-interest in a sleepily
the many mining spots along Silver Creek, decaying and supposedly mined-out dis-
most notably Silver Mountain. trict is credited to mysterious satellite
NOVEMBER 15 - 16 When I spoke to Mr. Brown in the photo readings which pinpointed the
spring about 4WD travel in the ore-rich mountains north of Monitor Pass and
areas north of the Zaca Mine, I was told Loope as the geo-center of a giant rare
about a curious space-age twist to the mineral deposit. Nobody really knows.
Markleeville residents, though, see the
ubiquitous claim-stakes and see the big-
Spanish Dinner FREE-CATALOG monied survey teams laboring year-round
All Home-Cooked FUN & PROFIT with their delicate electronic equipment.
WITH But, in this ecology-conscious genera-
METAL DETECTORS tion, the mood is different. At least three
Write: Goldak, White's, Precision, Bounty Hunter major creeks along Highway 89 east
Box 257 Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
from Markleeville are permanently pol-
Books — Topo Maps
Wenden, FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western luted with sulphides due to reckess open-
states, each state, has index. pit mining in the 1880s near the Levia-
85357 JACOBSEN SUPPLIERS than Mine, a maneuver to produce sul-
9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif. phuric acid for mineral reduction and pro-
Phone 569-8041 90280
cessing. Most Alpine County residents
Rugged but mineral-laden
terrain north of Monitor Creek.

The west-central and southern por-

tions of Alpine County are spotted with
snow-melt lakes, many over 9,500 feet,
and most accessible by 4WD or back-
pack trail only. Near the headwaters of
For me REST of your iffe!
Relax and enjoy . . . where everything
the West Fork of the Carson River is going for you . . . the climate, hun-
dreds of hot mineral pools in modern
(Burnside Lake Road, Hope Valley) you motels, hideaways and great people
will find abandoned tungsten mines from . . . all eager to please. Come for a
the early 1950s tungsten-boom. Most of day, week, month . . . or the rest of
your life. Write for free brochures:
the wilderness areas south of Highway 4 Chamber of Commerce, Dept. D,
average 9,500 feet and are legally restrict- Desert Hot Springs, California 92240.
ed to foot travel. It is in this area that Directions: On Interstate 10, near Palm
Springs, go north on one of three turn-offs
determined collectors find valuable rem- to Desert Hot Springs.
nants from the frenzied silver prospecting
of the 1850s and 1860s.
My story, my description is not com- "Spa City "
plete. This tucked-away parcel of Sierra
Nevada wildland is possibly the most
under-mentioned county in historical
Desert Hot Springs
works covering early California mining CALIFORNIA
and exploration. Many of us feel that is a
fortunate oversight. j

don't want a repeat performance. Already

this new mining company has halted ac- DREAMING? F R E E ! WRITE FOR
cess to such classically beautiful tunnel- AND
mines as the Morningstar or Curtz—be- BOOKLET
Finding Buried Treasure Is No ON TREASURE
cause they are re-opening virtually every HUNTING.
Longer a Dream . . . It's a
collapsed or abandoned mine in the area.
Visitors to Alpine County are unaware
of this back-country crisis because there RELCO DETECTOR
is so much to visit just in a passenger car. Now find buried gold, silver, out-of-circula-
tion coins with a modern Relco detector.
Grovers Hot Springs, three miles west of Used by successful treasure hunters and
Markleeville, features warm mineral pools coin collectors everywhere.
set in a high-valley meadow adjacent to • Sensitive enough to detect even a single
camping sites. Most of the county, state coin. More penetrating power than ever
or federal campgrounds are near or on before.
rivers, such as Kit Carson Camp, Snow- * Works through earth, vegetation, wood,
shoe Springs Camp, Crystal Springs rock, water, etc.
Camp, and Markleeville Camp. • Excellent for beach combing, searching
ghost towns, old battle sites, abandoned
There is only one "city" in Alpine buildings, caves. I
County: Markleeville, Woofords, Paynes- •k Fully transistorized, weighs only 3
ville and Fredericksburg are pockets of pounds, 2 year guarantee.
rural settlements near the West Fork of * Powerful speaker signals when
the Carson River, but Markleeville is the object is detected.
county seat and the commerce center of only
the county. The only hotel, a compact
Send for free catalog and
wooden two-story edifice, dates from treasure hunting tips.
1885. The museum, a gnarled early-min-
ing jail, and the original schoolhouse are
DEPT.D-230, BOX 10839
all within strolling distance of mid-city
Markleeville. RELCO HOUSTON, TEXAS 77018^
FAULT FINDING by Helen Walker

ALIFORNIA HAS rugged and lofty flows, creates our deserts.

C mountain peaks, wide and fertile
valleys, warm desert sands, and on the
One of the greatest fault areas in the
world, looping around the Pacific basin,
the fault extends to a depth of 50 miles.
California's most famous fault is the
San Andreas. It forms a continuous
west, it is bordered by a long and curva- is called the circum-Pacific seismic belt.
break in a north-south direction, and
ceous coast Jine. California also has Within this belt 80 percent of the
earthquakes. extends beyond our International border
world's earthquakes occur. The belt lies
The tectonic type earthquakes that along the western portion of California into the Gulf of Lower California. Dis-
California is subject to are quakes that and consists of a series of crustal blocks. placement of ground surfaces is esti-
thrust forth mountains, between peaks These blocks are separated by cracks of mated to be 350 miles, perhaps more.
forms valleys, and by cutting off air weakness called faults. In some sections Branching fault lines, such as the one

An aerial view of the San Andreas fault cutting through the Indio Hills near Palm Desert in Riverside County.
In many cases
the fault
can be traced
by ground cover
which grows
in a linear pattern.
In mountain
areas there
is open a
variation in color.

between Tejon Pass and the Salton Sea, then continue on in pattern. are the results of material being extruded
show signs of separation of terrain for In our southern desert, the path of the from cracks along the San Andreas fault
a distance of 50 miles. fault line is marked by small oases where line.
It may seem hard for us to imagine palm trees grow. They are supplied South and east of San Bernardino is
ground surface becoming dislodged for with trapped spring water blocked by the Mill Creek Canyon road. The road
such distance—but we must consider earlier activity. Another feature to watch crosses the San Andreas fault between
the movement has taken place over a for is rounded surfaces and long low hills. the Mill Creek Ranger Station and Mill
period of 100 million years. Studies In windswept areas such as the Carrizo Creek Canyon. You will notice a sign
have shown that the drift averages two Plain, these scarps are very prominent. calling your attention to the fault. It is
inches a year--so, it is indeed possible. Beginning at the southern tip of the the only such sign in the 700 mile length
Fault lines that exist through our desert—the San Jacinto Fault, a branch of of the fault. As you drive along the road,
southern desert areas leave tell-tale lines the San Andreas—shows activity in the watch for differences in colors that im-
we can observe when we are familiar southern end of the Salton Basin where pregnate the rocks—they are signals to
with the pattern of topography. Before .1 wall of mountains encircles the north you showing opposite sides of the fault.
we begin fault finding, let's review some end of Borrego Valley. Notice the mountains to the north are
of the details to watch for. Differences in soil texture and color formed of granites which appear white.
Keep in mind when geologists men- are a great aid in tracing fault lines. Exposures to the south are beds of tilted
tion a recent activity, they are speaking North of the Salton Sea, and east of the and eroded red sandstone.
of occurrences that happened hundreds city of Mecca, the fault enters Painted Fault lines continue in a northwesterly
or possibly thousands of years ago. An- Canyon. By following State 195, south- direction toward the outskirts of San
other important tip is that tracing is east from Mecca, you travel through Bernardino, onward through Cajon Pass,
best done in low light. Early morning or scenic towering rock. They show evi- toward Los Angeles. As you speed along
late afternoon hours supply the best light. dences of twisting, tilting, and folding— the freeway through Cajon Pass, you can
At these times, one sees the landscape at being contoured into imaginative shapes. give thanks to this famous fault patte'rn.
sharp relief—and the lack of glare brings Their surfaces have been weathered and Contouring of the mountains has pro-
out color variations. color in the exposures runs rampant. vided the cut through the mountains for
Fault lines along San Andreas are lin- Squeezed from within the earth to the traffic to flow eastward.
ear in characteristic—which arranges sur- now -exterior surface are granites, vol- The fault cuts across the freeway, and
face details in straight lines. A line of canic and some sedimentary rock. in some areas it lies a mile wide. Expo-
trees or fence posts, normally in a straight Indio Hills follow this same pattern sures here are of Pelona schist, crushed
line, may be offset by a number of feet, as do the Mecca Hills. The bizarre shapes and discolored by time and weather. An
A good example
of the
folding and
caused by
forces along
the fault line
can be seen
along the
Antelope Valley
near Palmdale.

excellent spot for close examination is ity along the fault line is seen in a shal- Geodetic Survey. Their purpose is to
behind the weighing station. low trench on the south side of the road measure any movement along the fault
Lost Lake is west of the freeway. It is about a half mile west of Lost Lake. The line in that area. Every 10 years they are
a sag pond created by complex faulting activity represents a rupture during the re-surveyed for the record. There are
in the area. Perhaps the most recent activ- quake of 1857. three other sets of similar markers placed
Watch again about a mile to the west at Gorman, Whitewater Canyon and Ca-
jon Pass.
TREASURE of Lost Lake, where an outcropping of
pink sedimentary rocks appear on the A very dramatic display of tilting and
HUNTERS landscape. This outcropping stands on
the north side of the San Andreas fault,
folding was revealed when the Palmdale
portion of the freeway was constructed.
-PROSPECTORS- and is a part of the Cajon Beds. An- The last section of cuts before the Palm-
other group of these rocks is found at dale turnoff is one of the outstanding ex-
the Devil's Punchbowl, a distance of 25 amples of the magnitude of earth move-
miles to the north. (See Desert, Decem- ment and folding during a time of stress
ber 1969.) It is believed that the rock and force in an effort to create moun-
CATALOG formations at the Punchbowl remained
on the south side of the fault, while these
at Cajon Beds moved the distance on the
The fault lines continue northward,
METAL-MINERAL DETECTORS showing a picturesque display at Vasques
WHITES - METROTECH -'GOLDAK north side of the fault. Rocks, which is another segment of the
DETECTRON - FISHER Color is the clue to the fault line along Punchbowl and Cajon outcroppings. End-
the foothills north from Devil's Punch- less other examples will be brought to
DREDGES bowl. Distinguishing lines of separation your attention now that the signs are
DRY WASHERS are shown in the pink and green rocks. aware to you. A flight from Los Angeles
MAPS An example is easily spotted from the to San Francisco is a prime time to watch
ROCK TUMBLERS road a mile south of Ft. Tejon Road, on for signs of the fault, as commercial air
TOOLS 106th Street. Watch on the right for the lines usually fly the inland route which
ASSAY KIT hill capped with green and based in pink follows the fault line.
MINERAL LIGHTS rock. As you drive the desert highways and
RELATED EOUIPMENT Across from the intersection of Harold mountain byways, watch for the pulver-
Palmdale Road and State Highway 6, park ized and softened rocks, most of which


and walk north a few yards to the rail-
road track. You will observe a line of
two-foot high white posts following the
have been altered by the action of wind
and weather. You will discover that
"fault finding" can be fun—when it is
BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA 90620 tracks. These posts are set beside bench observed in the landscape that has made
Phone (714) 521-6321 marks put down by the U.S. Coast and our Southwest a land of beauty. Q
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ful cards and you'll like our "stam-
pede service" on orders right up
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T43S "In the heart of the wilderness"-May Peace T5D1 "Thinkin- of you at Christmas..." With
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T338 "One with all mankind..."-Wishing you a T402 Stahlemates-May there come to you this City _ State _
Blessed Christmas and New Year-Vannerson Holiday time the precious things of life, etc.-Dick


C APTAIN JOHN SUTTER always believ-
ed that a "pot of gold" was waiting

for him around the corner. And he was
right. But, ironically, his pot of gold
was so tremendous it started the 1849
California gold rush—and Sutter not
only failed to get any of the gold for
himself but it cost him everything he al-
ready owned!

When the cry, "Gold! Gold on the
American River" was shouted through
the streets of San Francisco, Sutter's Fort
was immediately given a place in history.
And John Sutter should have become the
richest man in the world. He had always
been considered astute in business deal-
ings and was well known as an expert
"finagler". He had talked the governor of
California, Juan Alvarado, into granting
him 50,000 acres in the Sacramento Val-
ley where he built his fort at the junction lower end of Sutter's mill to wash out the grasp! Power! Prestige! And, for a man
of the American and Sacramento Rivers. sand and stones when he saw some bright like John Sutter, this was life itself. But
He had accumulated herds of sheep, cows, yellow specks in the sediment. He im- his jubilation was immediately mixed with
and horses; built stores, warehouses, mediately brought them to his boss. apprehension. He was not an American
a smith shop, even a chemist's store. At first, Sutter was skeptical. He had citizen, nor was the gold even found on
And it was when he needed logs for his never seen gold in its natural state. He the land that had been granted to him
fast-expanding empire and built a mill compared the specks to a five-dollar gold by the now deposed Spanish Governor.
on the American River to provide the piece, and they looked similar. He put It was a nerve-racking dilemna. And,
lumber that he discovered the first gold them in an anvil and hammered them— at first, Sutter tried to keep his "find"
in California's history and started the they were flattened but did not break. a secret while he attempted various ways
rush under which he was trampled. He even put them in a pot of lye and to get title to the land. But when every
On the morning of January 24, 1848, they survived. Then, at once, he knew the effort failed, being a forever optimist
a helper opened the sluice gate at the specks were gold! Millions within his and always willing to take big gambles,
he decided in his inimitable grandiose
manner to spread the news as quickly
and as far as possible.
He reasoned that prospectors would
have to pass his fort to get to the gold
and he had a large supply of liquor,
shoes, saddles, bridles, blankets and
other articles that were constantly being
turned out in his many shops. His great
herds of cows, sheep and hogs could feed
thousands, and he had over 2,000 horses
and mules. But of most importance, since
his fort was the natural gateway to the
Sierra Nevada, prospectors would have to
pass through his empire—and, he could
set his own prices.
This became the major irony of Cap-
tain Sutter's life. By all the rules of logic,
the finding of gold presented him with a
matchless opportunity, especially since his
establishment was the only outpost of
civilization in the great California in-
terior. And it will always be a subject of
controversy as to just why John Sutter
An exact replica of Sutter's Mill on the American River where gold was first failed to gain the spectacular successes
discovered in 1848 is now part of the Coloma State Park. (See Desert, Sept. 70.) that appeared to be within his grasp.
ever else they wanted. Then, to add in- to put John Sutter on the losing end.
sult to his fast-growing injuries, all of his It was not too long before Sutter was
army of workers, both Indian and white, completely incapable of coping with con-
deserted him and joined the rush to the ditions brought about by the discovery
"diggins." His fields and mills were left of gold. His family arrived from Switzer-
unattended, his livestock wandered aim- land and his son tried desperately to save
lessly, and his great enterprise broke some of the estate, but by the end of
down completely. 1849, Sutter sold his semi-deserted fort
But perhaps the biggest and most often and all its enterprises for $40,000. He re-
accepted reason for the collapse of Sutter's tired to a small farm on the Feather River,
empire was the nature of the man him- and with the help of his aguardiente
self. He had heretofore been cunning and bottle, he tried to keep alive the grandeur
shrewd in all his business dealings. But, of his old fort. But, in 1866, fire took
above all, he was a "dandy." He had an the farm and all that was left of his once
obsession for praise and lived by the tremendous holdings.
pomp and ceremony of the military. He When word of the straits to which the
by Lois Wolf Buist designated himself a "Captain" and his great "Captain" was reduced became
mock fort was run by strict military pro- known, a group of his old friends launch-
tocol. His men wore uniforms and paid ed a movement in his behalf, and the
deference to the "Captain" as if he were California legislature passed a bill grant-
Sutter himself always claimed that he lord of the universe. ing him a modest income to sustain him
was a victim of circumstances beyond his Then, suddenly, Sutter found himself during his declining years. He moved to
control. The gold fever was so contagious in the center of the brightest limelight Washington, D.C., and spent the rest
people of every walk in life rushed to being cast on any man of that day. Visit- of his years in a continuous and vain
the American River. The hillsides were ors poured into the fort, many of them attempt to regain some of the property
pictured as strewn with nuggets, gorges were distinguished people, but most were he claimed had been stolen from him.
crammed with gold dust—all for the strangers burning with the get-rich fever. And although the 1849 California
picking, and this sudden appearance of Also, the Captain had a liking for the gold rush wrote some of the most excit-
tens of thousands of frantic gold hunters product of his own distillery, and his ing pages in American history and meant
caused a complete breakdown of law and visitors soon found that by joining him in many things to many people, it's small
order. toasts from the ever-present aguardiente wonder that to Captain John Sutter, who
The newcomers helped themselves to bottle, they could easily flatter him into was the first to discover the gold, it only
Slitter's land, crops, livestock and what- granting concessions that always seemed meant a time of infamy and dishonor. FJ

Once a wilderness
Sutter's Fort is
now surrounded by
Sacramento. The
restored buildings
house the original
equipment, weapons
and other artifacts,
making it one of the
most interesting museums
in California.
Discovery of a hitherto unknown species of Salamander—which
need water and are poorly adapted to land life—existing in the arid
Southern California desert is a bonanza for zoologists. In this exclu-
sive article for DESERT Magazine, Naturalist K. L. Boynton describes by K. L. Boynton
© 1971
discovery and value of Batrachoseps aridus to the scientific world.
Photos by
Dr. Arden H. Brame, Jr.,
Pasadena, California

O N JULY 1, 1971 the State of

The California declared Batracho-

seps aridus an endangered animal,
entitled to full protection under
special permit requirements, with

violators subject to a fine of up to
$500 or six months in prison, or
both. This official move has caused
great rejoicing among members of
the scientific community here and

abroad, for this little character is
something brand new—a slender
salamander of a kind never seen
Found only in one small area of

Less than four inches long, the newly discovered species are an enigma to the scientific world.
// was in this
general area near
Palm Desert, California,
the unusual
was discovered.
less than an acre, and with only a
possible 250 to 500 around at most,
this entire new species could become
extinct in a single day of over-col-
lecting. Hence the imperative need
for protecting this new salamander
who possesses interesting differenc-
es that set him apart from known
kinds and make him a potential
source of considerable information.
Also, he was found in a place where
no salamander had any business
to be living: in the very dry desert.
Salamanders are cousins of frogs
and toads, equipped, however, with
tails. Like frogs and toads, they are
amphibians (amphi-two; bios-life)—
animals who, although they may
dwell on land, are not well adapted
to terrestrial life. They are still close-
ly tied to the old water habitat from
whence their ancestors came long
ago. Like their cousins, salamanders
were also shortchanged when body
coverings were handed out. They
have no feathers, fur or scales to
protect them and lose body water
fast through their thin bare skin.
They are faced with the constant
danger of drying out unless they
keep themselves moist. Salamanders about making a small water hole for ny with smallish legs and big feet.
are even more poorly adapted for the benefit of the local wildlife. Beyond the ability to curl up tight
land life than are frogs and toads. As he pulled away some of the like a watch spring, he is obviously
Many of the terrestrial forms lack overlying rocks, what should he un- no mental genius. But salamander-
lungs entirely, their oxygen intake cover but clusters of/salamanders. expert Brame knew he was looking
being mainly through their skin, and He was astonished. Never before had at something very special, which in-
they suffocate if it becomes too dry. salamanders been found in the Cali- deed his subsequent study (still in
They are highly dependent, there- fornia desert, in fact never before progress) is proving.
fore, on the moisture in the soil for this far east in the state. Yet here Batrachoseps aridus, or the Des-
survival. All in all, a dry desert is the they were, clumped together in the ert Slender Salamander as Brame
last place for any salamander to call wet spaces under the limestone slabs named it, lives under the limestone
home. in a heat-ridden cholla-creosote des- sheeting in hot summer and spends
The story of how B. aridus made ert. He replaced their fortress cover- the cooler months under the rock
his debut to the scientific world is ing quickly. talus at the base of the cliffs. He is
an odd one. It seems that Warden Returning to the spot with Zool- built for life underground, very long
Russell Murphey of the California ogist Brame, he lifted the rocks and with added vertebrae, and with a
Department of Fish and Game, out showed his find. Now to the average much elongated tail. He eats small
walking the high desert "country in viewer, B. aridus might not look like arthropods and other soil animals
Riverside County, climbed down a much. In fact, to the unitiated, the found underground and on the sur-
steep slope into a canyon and, upon best of salamanders are apt to look face. Beyond this, nothing much is
reaching the bottom, saw a small like somebody's poor job of lizard known at the moment of his particu-
moist area in the sand at the base designing. And B. aridus is only lar habits or how he conducts his
of a cliff. Being a good fellow, he set about 3 % inches long at most, skin- social life.
Hendrickson's study of a larger which were located up front and to-
cousin, a species found in the Pacif- wards the rear of their bodies re-
Make Your ic Cascades coastal region, showed spectively and connected to support-
this type to be very sedentary, with ing girdles were designed differently.
Outings a maximum home range of 5y 2 feet. Unlike the usual fish fin construc-
It spends much time underground tion, the bony set-up in each of these
More Fun under leaf litter in holes dug by fins consisted of one long bone that
other animals, or in spaces where articulated with the girdle, and two
and PnoftfaMe 7**/ roots have decayed. It is active on bones below this one with still smal-
the surface only where there is suf- ler bones radiating out to the ends
METAL DETECTORS ficient moisture and when the weath- of the fin. It was this new design
• Detectron er is not colder than 50 degrees that formed the starting point for the
• Excelsior Find since cold temperatures reduce its evolution of limb bones: the upper
Get the Best . .
Top Guarantee . . Gold metabolism and it has no internal bones became the upper ones of the
Easy to Operate source of heat. arm and leg, the next two the lower
From Old Coins Among land salamanders, a clan bones, and the outlying ones formed
$64.95 lo
$165.00 Treasures trick of quick tailloss — a portion the wrists, ankles and five digits. It
coming away easily when pulled — was this change of paired fins into
Stop B yAnd See Our . . .
is a fine distraction to a predator, limbs that opened the way to land
Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry for the lost part jerks and jumps living.
Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold muscularly, allowing its former own- To be sure these early amphibians
Pans, Dry Washers, Books on Treasures and
er to escape. In most species the tail were still almost completely fish-
Lost Mines . and other items of fun for
the entire family. For information |ust write mass is bigger than half the mass of like and their walking gear wasn't
to or call: the body and is a storage place to yet very good. But they could make it
tide the animal over in periods of to another pond if theirs dried up, or
COMPTON stress. The extra long tail of the waddle about looking for food, or per-
Desert Slender Salamander might haps escape water enemies by going
ROCK SHOP well prove to be a life saving factor out further on land. Old Ichthyoste-
1405 South Long Beach Blvd. for him when the world outside his galia, one of the earliest, was a heavy
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221 moist limestone retreat is too dry to animal about three feet long who
supply food. lived in Greenland about 300 million
The Desert Slender Salamander is years ago. He had legs which, while
Preserve Your Issues
one of the most primitive forms of they were held out more or less hori-
For Travel Guides and its kind of land salamanders. As zontally, gave him a pretty good pur-
Reference in a such, it is a piece of evolution on chase on mud, and these plus the
the hoof, so to speak. Facts gained fishlike undulation of his body mov-
from a close study of its blood, its ed him forward. Today's salaman-
gross anatomy and its behavior ders still get around with only a
could help greatly to fill out the his- slight modification of this primitive

BINDER tory of the salamander tribe and put way, since their walking gear is not
the various kinds living today into a whole lot better. B. aridus, short of
their proper relationship. The facts leg compared to the length of his
Each library-style brown vinyl
binder holds 12 issues of Desert would also contribute to the know- body and tail, would have trouble
Magazine. An ideal gift for friends ledge of the evolution of amphibians raising his body very far off the
who constantly refer to Desert as as a group, a matter of considerable ground, necessary for efficient loco-
a source of information on all of importance. And why is this so? Be- motion and speed.
the West. cause, it seems, amphibians were As can be imagined, the change
the first animals with backbones to from life in the water to life on land
Only $3.50 invade the land. And it was from was a tremendous one. It took a very
these old amphibian forebears that longtime. It involved a real reorgani-
(Includes Tax and Postage) lines of reptiles, birds and mammals zation of the body to meet the re-
BE SURE T O STATE W H A T YEAR Y O U W A N T gradually evolved. quirements of the new environment.
PRINTED I N GOLD O N THE BINDER The first amphibians themselves Because, for instance, eyes had to be
ALL ORDERS FILLED THE SAME D A Y arose from certain primitive fishes kept moist, protected, eyelids and
THEY ARE RECEIVED who lived in fresh water, but were their accompanying glands evolved.
air breathers, being equipped with There were changes in the ear set-up
lungs. Now several styles of fishes to handle air-borne sounds, and
also had lungs in those days, but many other changes took place all
Palm Desert, California 92260 these particular fish also developed over the body even in amphibians
something new. The two pairs of fins who never did a complete job of it
still being partly adapted to terres- who, in their invention of a shell to present) included in the Reserve of
trial life today. Some of the changes enclose their egg, removed the need the Deep Canyon Desert Research
were in response to the new environ- to return to water for reproduction, Center, a move which should be done
ment; some were improvements in thus freeing the backboned animals to insure the Desert Slender Sala-
body design that made it work bet- to live complete lives on land. mander complete protection. •
ter mechanically. The affair B. aridus herein report-
There are gaps in the fossil re- ed is particularly satisfactory be-
cord, and not very much about the cause for once a crucial species was
early amphibians is known. At best
fossils can show only what took place
structurally. Yet the structure, hab-
saved before it was too late. Spotted
by an informed and alert warden, it
was described by a scientist not only
its and biology of animals change
together—evolution being a process
expert in his field, but determined
to see that these animals kept their
140 PAGE
of change in the whole animal. So it
is that by studying living forms —
right to life, and that the chance to
study them living in their habitat
particularly primitive ones — the would not be lost. OF DETECTORS-BOOKS-MAPS
facts about the old fellows become It is not easy to get an animal on- GENERAL ELECTRONIC DETECTION CO.
known, and the story of how and to a protected list. Zoologist Brame 16238 Lakeweed Blvd.
when the modern amphibians evolv- went at it, and before long every- Bellflower, California 90706
ed can be pieced together little by body who could do anything, heard
little. about B. aridus. Lostetter, coordina- MAKE THE
What is learned from B. aridus tor of rare and endangered species PUREST
will help. Further, since this new
salamander possesses different
for the U.S. Department of the In-
terior, Fisk, of the California Depart-
body proportions and can live in the ment of Fish and Game, Penny, Cali- WATER
desert—a thing unheard of before in fornia director of the U.S. Depart- IN YOUR
his clan—he could pose some highly ment of the Interior, Bureau of Land OWN KITCHEN
interesting questions. Are salaman- Management, Peters of the Smith-
Convert tap water to pure, delicious spring
ders starting an invasion of a new sonian, Honegger in Zurich, Robert fresh distilled water for pennies a gallon.
habitat? Or is this species a remnant Stebbins of the University of Califor- Eliminates bad tastes, impurities and
harmful bacteria.
left over from other days when the nia, C. L. Stebbins of the California Aquaspring® purifier-distillers are
species was much more widely dis- Natural Areas Coordinating Council fully automatic portable appliances.
Take it wherever you go—weighs only
tributed in an environment more con- all helped, and finally it was done. 6 lbs.
genial to salamanders, the environ- Not only protected in California, the Plugs in like a toaster — no plumbing
Desert Slender Salamander is also in hookups whatever.
ment itself having changed? Or, car- 2 year warranty. UL approved.
rying the possibilities still further, a the United States Red Data Book of Write now for free information.
philosopher might ask: is something endangered animals, and further has UNITED VITO-WAY
1930 E. Pacific, Dept. D 1
altogether new on the way—a new made it to the Red Data Book of the Albany, Oregon 97321 Tel: (503) 926-3581
form that will emerge in a few mil- International Union for the Conser-
lion years? vation of Nature and Natural Re-
Evolution speaks not only of the sources, Zurich, Switzerland. GIVE
past, but is a continuing process. Now Zoologist Brame is working
Strange as it may seem it is a fact to get the still vulnerable discovery
that when new lines start, they arise site (which is in private ownership at Subscriptions as Gifts
not from already highly evolved
types, but from the primitive types
still around. The fishes that gave rise
to the first amphibians, for instance,
were primitive members of a society TROUT, BASS AND CATFISH
that already had highly evolved bony
Get your share at Hall's Crossing
fishes. But it was they and not the
advanced hotshots that made pos- HALLS'S CROSSING MARINA OFFERS: Gas and oil, live bait and lures, fishing gear, boat repair
facilities, cold beer, ICE, groceries, slips and buoys for rent. Overnight accommodations that
sible the vertebrate conquest of land. sleep two to eight persons. Write or call for reservations. At the general store: fresh milk, eggs,
So, while this little new Desert butter, frozen meat, cold cuts and canned items for camping or picnicking. Take a boat trip to
Rainbow Bridge in one day. 2, 3 and 4-day tours to various parts of the lake, camping and
Salamander is by no means the long- sleeping under the stars. Ferry service for travelers' with light vehicles. All types of pleasure
sought Missing Link, he still will craft for rent, from 14-ft. to houseboats. Airstrip is 4000 feet with tiedown facilities available.


play his part in helping to tell how
things went in the evolution of the
vertebrates; and how from the an-
cient amphibians arose the reptiles Write Lake Powell Ferry Service, Blanding Utah or call Moab Mobile Operator, ask for Unit 56

Color photo
by author

Sunnyside by

T HE LONELY wind blew cold as we

rounded the western edge of Ari-
zona's Huachuca Mountains in search of
another western ghost town. As we com-
pleted our loop to the south side of the
mountains, however, the skies cleared
and the wind stopped. Now we knew
how our destination, Sunnyside, got its
There was another warm side of Sun-
nyside we were soon to learn about. It
was Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre and
their friendly little dog, Rags. They are
the only residents of this fascinating
footprint of civilization tucked high in-
to the Huachuca Mountains. It was
from them we learned that Sunnyside
is more than the average run-of-the-mill
ghost town.
Getting to Sunnyside, in Arizona's
Cochise County, is half the fun. It's out
of the way and not easy to find, but
conventional automobiles can make the
trip in good weather.
From Arizona State 82 south of Tuc-
son the visitor should take State 83
south. This is a good dirt road shown
on roadmaps. Follow 83 to Parker Can-
yon Lake and here U.S. Forest Service
signs will begin pointing the way to
Sunnyside. Follow the signs and you
should have no trouble.
The road to Sunnyside is an interest-
ing drive through wide-open pinyon
and juniper country, then into pine hills
within the Coronado National Forest.
Sightings of javelina, coati, and maybe
a mountain lion or antelope are not un-
As we followed the two-wheel track
to Sunnyside, we dropped into a little
valley where the town is situated. Round-
ing a turn past one of the largest syca-
more trees I have ever seen, we were
greeted by the town's welcoming com-
Like a furry cannonball, Rags darted
out to meet us with stubby tail twitching
and an eager tongue flapping.
"We don't get many folks around
here," soft-spoken Mr. Mclntyre told
us. "So Rags is real glad to see ya." As
we toured the town, Rags was our
Many of the ghost towns of the
American west are silent relics of the
past, founded by lust for wealth and re-
corded only in history. Only dusty books
or yellowed newspapers tell of their dim
past. But in Sunnyside a part of the
town's history is still there to give first-
hand information.
John Mclntyre was born in 1891 and
came to the Huachucas on muleback in
1898 when Sunnyside was founded. But
it wasn't the lust for material fortune
that brought people to this tiny valley
6,500 feet in the mountains. Sunnyside
was founded as a religious colony.
A man named Samuel Donnelly, tired
of the drinking, gambling and corrup-
tion of other towns, came into the moun-
tains to build his own town. At its peak,
about 50 people lived in Sunnyside and
shared work, income and food in a com-
mune life style.
The people of Sunnyside became
known as the Donnellites, or Copper
Glance Christians after the Copper Glance
Mine that was operated to support the
Mclntyre recalls the men of the town
worked in the mines, while the women
taught school, prepared food and did
domestic work. Everyone lived in their
own homes, but a common dining hall
was used for meals. The earnings from
the Copper Glance Mine were divided
within the community.
Rags and Mclntyre are eager to take
As John Mclntyre
you on a tour of the town. All that re-
talks to the author,
mains today are a half-dozen weather-
Rags (right) darts
worn buildings. On a hillside overlook-
out to mug
ing the town, Mclntyre and his wife,
the camera.
Anna, live in a modern home they built
a few years ago. They have a telephone,
but no electricity. One of the many
Some of the town's old buildings have antiques at
collapsed, but Mclntyre, with a sweep Sunnyside is this
of his worn hands, can point to where 1880 Army
they once stood and what they were bed frame.
used for. At one spot he placed a large
rock to mark the head of the common
table where the community sat in prayer
each evening before dinner.
As you stroll with Mclntyre through
the little meadow that was downtown he describes the interesting people who any you will find today.
Sunyside, history seems somehow closer lived there and events such as the time For insulation, the inside of the
as he vividly tells of past events. lightning struck the potbellied stove homes had muslin ceilings to keep out
He tells of the swing youngsters used on a winter night. It was cold that night drafts, and the walls were plastered
and points to rusted chain hanging and he was standing with his knee with newspapers and painted over. In
from a tree. He tells of badmen and against the stove and was knocked to the old Bert Langford home where the
their flight through Sunnyside to Mexi- the ground. paint and wallpaper has peeled off,
co and the pursuing sheriff catching The houses of Sunnyside were built copies of Scientific American Magazine
them the next day. with hand tools and some of the car- from 1902 and the Los Angeles Daily
As we walked through the old homes pentry and finishing work is as fine as Times from 1903 hang as a historic
One of Sunnyside's remaining build-
ings is the old schoolhouse. Mclntyre
tells many stories about this building,
but denies with a waggish smile that
he was anything other than a model
student. An old blackboard still rests
against the wall of the school, and John
carefully shows the visitor where he sat
by a window to learn the three Rs.
Pine lumber hauled from the surround-
ing mountains were used to build Sunny-
side's buildings. The buildings were
never painted on the outside and time
and weather has stained them a natural
rustic color.
Mclntyre lived in Sunnyside until 1904
when he moved with his family to Tomb-
stone. Two years later his mother died
and he moved to Bisbee where he became
a blacksmith in a shop located where the
giant Lavender Pit copper mine is now.
He worked as a blacksmith until retiring.
Canon Rio de
IDDEN AMONG the barren recesses
H of the Cady Mountains deep with-
in the great, hot heart of southern Cali-
fornia's Mojave Desert, lies the boldly
beautiful Canon Rio de Las Animas. It
is a region of spectacular geologic forma-
tions which seems destined to become
one of the desert's most popular recrea-
tional sites.
The Canyon offers the visitor excellent
gem and mineral specimens for the tak-
ing; a score of narrow defiles to explore;
rugged hills and sandy washes to give
trail bikes, dune buggies and 4WDs a
work out; wildlife to observe; a myriad of
subjects for the photographer's lenses
and, unbelievable as it may seem in this
arid land, a river ambling through it.
Unusual as the Canyon is, its sculptor,
the Mojave River, is even more so.
Born in the higher slopes of the San Ber-
nardino Mountains, the river quickly
descends to the desert floor and, for the
most part, flows underground along a
northerly course.
Surfacing as it enters Canon Rio de
Las Animas, the river forms a shallow
pond behind a flood control dike. It then
flows along the surface for a mile or
two before going underground to its
final destiny in a sandy wasteland at the
eastern end of the canyon — properly
called the Mojave River Sink.
Though the river is generally small
and placid, it can, at times, show an-
f other face. When it does, we see in
frightening sequence just how this major
canyon was formed.
In February 1969, a succession of
storms dropped heavy precipitation on
the desert and surrounding mountains.
The Mojave River began to rise and soon
was a raging torrent nearly a quarter of a
mile wide and many feet deep. Entire
trees were ripped from its peacetime
shores, then carried along and tossed
around as if they were matchsticks.

I This mighty force of water entered

the Canyon and spread almost wall to
2'he Mojave River flows through the Canon Rio de Las Animas, one of the most wall. Roads were washed out, fine stands
picturesque recreational areas in California's Mojave Desert. of mesquite and willow uprooted, vast
Anima§ by Mary Frances Strong
Photography by Jerry Strong

gravel beds redistributed and several

miles of railroad track carried away.
When the water receded, the entire re-
gion had a new, bare look! The awesome
force of debris-laden running water had
been more destructive than a hundred
giant earth-movers as it widened and
deepened the canyon.
A good, graded road now gives access
to the Canyon which, until recent years,
was visited mainly by only the adven-
turous. The Bureau of Land Manage-
ment has built a fine campground in a
forest of mesquite. Each site is well-
spaced to give reasonable privacy. Shade
shelters, stoves and tables are provided.
Water is available from underground
storage via an old-fashioned pump.
Canon Rio de Las Animas is under
"checkerboard ownership"—public (B.
L.M.) and private (railroad). The main
canyon, Pyramid Canyon and the country
east, west and north of the campground
may be freely explored. The public land
is open to off-road-vehicle use (O.R.V.).
However, at the present time, all desert
areas are under re-evaluation and each
will be eventually placed in one of three
categories: open, restricted or closed.
Southeast of the campground is Union
Pacific Railroad's Afton Siding. Their
roads (including the main one along the
tracks) are private and posted as such.
The local superintendent generously
granted us unrestricted access during our
recent visit. I feel sure permission will
be given to others as long as the roads
are used only to reach public lands. Any
damage to them by O.R.V.s will quickly
close the access to several gem fields and
picturesque side canyons.
For many years only 4WD vehicles
could negotiate the trip through the
main canyon from Afton Siding to Cru-
cero and "runs" were held annually. The
natural obstacles were many and tested
the skill of the drivers and the stamina
of their machines. \ - . - •

If permission is obtained, stock cars Fast-moving water continues to undercut the sedimentary formations as it widens
may easily travel the good dirt road along Flat Bottom Wash. Only public land is open to off-road use.
the railroad tracks. The reward will be a
kaleidoscope of vertical cliffs with pin-
nacled columns of red and buff-colored
conglomerates often capped by black lava
flows. The entire area is highly photo-
genic and the early morning or late after-
noon hours provide the best contrast for
spectacular shots.
Travel through the Canyon dates back
to prehistoric time when a main Indian
trail led from the Colorado River to the
There are
coastal plain — now the Los Angeles
many shaded
Basin. Later, the Mojave Indians used
the route regularly on trading trips to the
camping sites
San Gabriel Mission.
in the
The first white man to cross the Great
Bureau of Land
Mojave Desert was Padre Francisco Gar-
ces in the spring of 1776. On foot, and
accompanied only by Indian guides, he
made a remarkable, 200-mile journey
through a vast and unknown land via
the old Indian trail—a feat few men New Mexico to California. It was also the old wagon road could still be seen.
would attempt today. Fremont who recorded, "The river is South of the railroad tracks several
Jedediah Smith and Kit Carson each called the Rio de Las Animas" (mean- side-canyons offer challenging rides and
journeyed through the Canyon during ing River of Souls). Today, we find excellent gem collecting. One which we
their explorations in the early 1800s. In numerous corruptions of historical names. call "Flat-Botton Wash" is reached by
1844, the John Fremont party crossed In this case the eloquent Spanish name going under the railroad tracks just over
the Tehachapi Mountains and followed has been dropped in favor of the rather a tenth of a mile beyond Afton Siding
an eastward route along the base of the harsh and simple "Afton Canyon." (permission is needed to cross over rail-
San Gabriel Mountains. Fremont wrote During the next half-century, the road property) and turning immediately
in his diary, "We have struck the great Canyon's walls vibrated to the rumblings left (east), then right (see map). The
object of our search—the Spanish Trail." of wagon wheels and profane shouts of canyon is narrow at its entrance, then
The former Indian trail's place in his- drivers as they urged their straining opens into a wide, flat-bottomed wash
tory was secured, as it had become a sec- mules or horses through the treacherous rising skyward on both sides. Their
tion of the famed trail from Santa Fe, sands. As late as 1918, a few vestiges of erosional patterns resemble Utah's Can-
yonlands Country without the vivid
We checked the steep, talus slopes at
various intervals and found colorful
agate and j asp-agate specimens at every
The canyon branches 1.4 miles from
its entrance and narrows abruptly as it
winds through colorful beds of volcanic
ash and lava flows. We took the right
branch and landed in a cul-de-sac be-
tween the lava and ash.
Exploring on foot, we followed up a
narrow defile and located a large outcrop
of vesicular basalt studded with amyg-
dalae of agate. Literally hundreds of
them have weathered out and form small
Author's talus slopes. They are of good quality
camper and the patterns include moss, picture,
is parked fortification and cloud-like effects in a
near entrance to fine variety of colors. The "skins" are
Hanging Canyon dark-green and size ranges from very
on left. tiny up to a couple of inches in length.
Pyramid Peak Beautiful cabochons may be cut from
is in background. them. continued

RIO de

X Gem Collecting Areas
::::: Troil Bikes f 4W-D's
This general area warrants further ex- following a major storm. north of it on the east.
plorations, as the northern Cady Moun- There is fair collecting in the upper The material in Hanging Canyon is
tains seem to have a never-ending source regions of Pyramid Canyon. The road called "Navajo Agate" as it contains the
of good cutting material. ends in Ash Cove, 1.7 miles from the hues so often associated with the Navajo
The entrance to Pyramid Canyon lies railroad bridge. Country—misty yellow, warm blue and
just south of the campground where the The best cutting material will be found lavender, flame red, deep maroon and
B.L.M. flood control dike has caused the in Hanging Canyon where entry is only shades of brown. It is without definite
Mojave River to form a shallow pond. by "shank's mare" The entrance to this pattern but the swirls and blending of
It may be reached by crossing the river canyon is reached by climbing up a colors make very attractive and unusual
(see map), then bearing west along wash-cut cliff east (left) of the road, .4 cabochons. Paisley agate (lavender), red
tracks leading to the bridge. A section of a mile south of the railroad. It cannot plume, green and yellow jasper, small
of the pond must be forded. Exercise be seen from the road in Pyramid Can- chalcedony nodules and an occasional
caution. It is generally quite shallow in yon. However, watch for Pyramid Peak quartz crystal may also be found here.
the fall, but this will quickly change as Hanging Canyon lies just a little Climb the steep alluvial slopes and
explore the upper end of the canyon.
There has been considerable collecting
but erosion continues to uncover new
We have barely touched on the many
recreational opportunities in the Canon
Rio de Las Animas. There are old mines
to explore and numerous trails and can-
yons to follow on the northern flanks.
We have never failed to find "something
new" on every trip—and there have been
It always seems to me as if we are leav-
ing the modern world and stepping back
into history when we turn off the free-
way and head down the long slope to-
ward the Canyon. We may be pulling our
covered wagon with an iron mule; but we
can enjoy the same country, which re-
mains today almost as wild and primitive
as when the first wagons rolled through.
We wonder at the courage and admire
the fortitude of the sturdy men and
women who traveled the Old Spanish

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by Marion Holbrook

HEN LOLA Montez arrived in San

W Francisco in May of 1853, the
entire populace hoped to get a glimpse
enchanting child upon a distinguished
San Franciscans have always loved the
of this "notorious" woman. Theatre audi- theatre and theatrical personalities. They
ences clamored for seats for her first loved Lola. Though her acting was medi-
night's performance. European travelers ocre, and the plays she presented had
had returned to the States with gossip tedious plots, her beauty, sex appeal and
about this tempestuous girl's first mar- character intrigued them. Aware dull
riage at the age of fifteen, her torrid plays could not keep a theatre filled, a
romance with Liszt, and her involvement San Francisco notable, Sam Brannan, sug-
with Ludwig I of Bavaria and subsequent gested she have Patrick Hurdy Hull,
banishment from that country. editor of The Whig, write a lively play
How much is fancy, and how much is for her. Pat's play had a dance number
fact, of the innumerable stories written in it called the Spider Dance.
about the escapades of the famous actress It took San Francisco by storm and be-
of the 1800s? Was she truly the mistress came the most important part of her re-
of King Ludwig, who bestowed upon her pertoire. In it she played the part of a
the title, Countess of Landsfeld—or his young peasant girl who discovers a spider
political advisor? Had she horsewhipped under her skirt. She whirled about, shak-
harsh critics—or was that planned pub- ing her skirts (already shockingly short
licity? Did she, at age thirty, knowingly to women who wore theirs about their
contract a bigamous marriage? ankles), raising them higher as she
Some truths are certain. She was one stamped on the supposed insect. Some
of the most beautiful women of her time. audiences took great pleasure in her
She was noted for her generosity. She actions; others were stunned.
loved children and delighted in their Off stage, Lola was constantly sur-
company, as is evidenced by the time she rounded. She dressed quietly, usually in
spent with young Lotta Crabtree teaching black, but was extremely vivacious, a
her to sing and dance, thus launching this witty conversationalist, and though hot
tempered at times, could be extremely say the word." The applause was tremen- sions be sent from her little mansion in
charming when she chose. Described often dous! Munich, which Ludwig had continued to
as being dark eyed and raven-haired, When Lola lived in Paris she learned maintain for her, a violent quarrel en-
actually her hair, curling back from her of the gold strike in California and in- sued. Lola declared, "I love him as I
face, was bronze with dark shadows and vested in Empire Mine stock. Expressing would love my father, if I had one. I am
her eyes deep blue. She soon became the a desire to see the mine in Grass Valley, not ashamed of my love for him."
"toast of the town," and was entertained an engagement was arranged. The min- A few months later, Queen Therese
lavishly. ers, flocking in from the diggings, and died and the aged King sent an agent to
On July 3, 1853, the morning she was long hungry for the sight of a beautiful Grass Valley with a proposal of marriage.
to leave for a Sacramento engagement, woman, were enchanted with the captivat- Reports of her many quarrels with Hull
she surprised the entire community by ing dancer. At that time, the population had led to rumors of divorce. The pro-
marrying Patrick Hull at Mission Dolores. of Grass Valley was about 1600, with but posal was the cause of another altercation,
The alliance proved to be a stormy one. 200 women who had come to join their causing the final break with Hull.
A rival company in San Francisco pre- husbands. Lola stayed on in Grass Valley for an-
sented several burlesques of Lola's per- Though well received, her engagement other year and a half. Her exquisitely
formances. The satirical acts, plus the didn't last long. As elsewhere, her ability furnished home became a mecca for the
hilarity with which they were received, was too slight to hold audiences long en- liveliest young men of the town, as well
rankled. As a result, at her Sacramento thralled. But she astonished her husband as distinguished visitors.
opening, when someone in the audience by announcing she had fallen in love with Whether she tired of the simple life,
laughed, Lola became enraged and walk- the small town, in its beautiful setting, or financial problems caused Lola's re-
ed off the stage. The patrons demanded and intended to remain there. As the ma- turn to the stage, is a matter of conjec-
their money back. jority of dwellings were shanties and tin- ture. Surely her stay in Grass Valley was
Later, a group gathered under her hotel roofed shacks, they were fortunate in the happiest and most tranquil time in her
windows, hooted and gave catcalls. The finding a house to purchase. Lola threw life. This woman, pictured as being fiery,
next evening Lola apologized to the herself into the task of remodeling, add- haughty, and guilty of scandalous behav-
theatre audience in a very sweet speech, ing a touch of elegance to the small ior, proved to be good natured and help-
closing with, "It was unworthy of me, cottage. ful. She was accepted and liked by the
ladies and gentlemen. If you wish me to When Patrick learned Lola had written women of the little mining village. Wear-
go on with my dances, you have only to Ludwig asking that her cherished posses- ing calico, the Countess worked in her
garden. She prepared delicacies for her
sick neighbors. The children, passing by
on their way to school, were invited to
visit and enjoy Lola's many unusual pets,
including a trained bear. The child dear-
est to Lola was little Lotta Crabtree.
After Lola left Grass Valley, she con-
tinued to make headlines. Returning
home from an unsuccessful tour in Aus-
tralia, her agent, with whom her name
had been linked, was lost overboard. It
marked the beginning of bad luck; an
attempt to become a lecturer met with
failure, a stroke caused paralysis, fol-
lowed by death at age forty-two. IAS with
all the incidents in her life, there are
many legends about her death and the
circumstances surrounding it. Some claim
this once vivid woman, used to a life of
luxury, died in poverty in a mean tene-
ment room, duped into turning over her
money to someone who promised to care
for her.
Lola, who declared herself "always
Lola Montez notorious, never famous," had a moun-
residence in tain named in her honor. Mount Lola
Grass Valley stands guard over the small town whose
as it appeared residents still proudly point out the cot-
when she bought tage where she once resided. Long live the
the home. Countess of Landsfeld, the irrepressible
It is still standing. Lola! •
I -r-r-
"fool's gold"
that turned
we immediately conjure up ideas of
out to be
"once-upon-a-time, long, long ago;" a
real gold—
bearded, tobacco-chewing burro-prodder,
too late!
warpath Indians, thirst, or evil strangers,
and a deathbed map!
About ten years ago a white-haired,
precise speaking "eastern type" marched

into The Family Store (in copper and
ranch country) to hock a gun to buy grub,
supplies, and gas for his battered old
He left for safe keeping with the store
owner a big salt sack and a section of
a four-inch diameter cardboard mailing
tube full of yellow-glittering heavy rock
(tied in dirty canvas) with the admoni-
tion to "guard it well, old chap, for it's
extremely rich gold ore, you know, and

I shall return within the fortnight!"
Who is to blame the good natured,
non-mining store owner for thinking
anything but "Yukk! what a business—
now it's ding-a-lings and fool's gold!"?
by Ken Marquiss About five years ago I was over in
eastern Nevada on one of my perennial
prospecting and ghost town haunting
trips. I needed supplies, wanted to try
out a newly figured, sure-fire keno mark-
ing system in a small gambling joint; and
was hunting some historical information.
So I dropped anchor for a couple of days
in the bustling little city of Ely.
The bouncing ball dealer never even
smiled during the few minutes needed to
promptly shoot down my keno brain-
storm hopes, so I had plenty of time left
HE OLD guys who added to our to pump my old friend (and then state
T western vernacular the twin truisms
of gold is where you find it" and
England as one of their first prime pro-
jects—with disastrous results to certain
senator), Casey Fisher, for historical
"trust only your own assays," sure weren't In the old West, phony ore samples For years Casey has been a Nevada his-
blowing bubbles in the wind. They learn- and assays, Barnum types selling mining tory buff, and is probably the leading
ed the hard way! stocks, and carnival grifters with shell authority on the western desert section
The "getting burned" fence between games developed a good and proper wari- of the first transcontinental telegraph line
fool's gold and kosher gold is often rick- ness into our old time cultural heritage. that ended the Pony Express. Browsing
ety, indeed; and gold suspicion is well So what happened in this case is en- through his wonderful personal collection
founded, for trickery and/or greed-folly tirely understandable—it was natural sus- of old relics, yellowed papers and dim
historically reaches its full bloom when- picion that backfired! The goofy husk of photographs is a rare treat he generously
ever the yellow metal is involved. circumstances surrounding the events shares with friends. (He actually has had
The early Virginia colonists are re- made the gaudy stuff just too good to take to use reprints of old mail order catalogs
ported to have enthusiastically loaded a seriously. to identify some of his more unusual
ship with fool's gold for transport to If somebody mentions a "lost mine" items—like a whiskey cork drying press!)
Mike and Bert
stand at the back entrance
to the Family Store,
where fortune
came walking in—
and was thrown
out with the trash!

So I was stomping in the big corral, and

eventually dug up the information I
By that time it was the thirsty part of
the afternoon, and Casey suggested a
stroll up the main street as he wanted to
see what I thought of "something up at
the hangout."
The sign over the door proclaimed it
as "The Family Store." Inside, I found
that—in additidn to booze—they sold
just about everything from sporting goods
to groceries "except furniture and dia-
pers." Because of the milk and oatmeal
actually available, I suppose the establish-
ment name was justified; in Nevada ton-
gue-in-cheek fashion. ised to put my name and phone number Store, Bert Cooper and Mike Lemich,
As soon as Casey introduced me to the on file, and call me collect the minute were both in—and they had a simple and
two genial owners I understood why it the old man returned. potent answer The old man had just
was the local hangout, and why, as Casey And there the matter rested for five never come back!
said, "if you want to meet somebody, but years . . .while I WAITED . . . and And, as Bert said, "What's more, he
don't know exactly where he is, this is a waited . . . and waited . . . was at least 70 when he was in here, so
damn good place to start to hunt." On the way to Utah last fall, I stopped I don't think he is ever coming back!"
The "something" Casey wanted me to 11. Ely with fire in my eye, to find out We kicked the situation around for a
see was a nut-sized lump of rock used as wh) 1 had never been called about the while and since it looked like the old
a paper weight on the cash register shelf gold deal. The two owners of the Family man would never return, they ruefully
consisting of white quartz laced with
hunks of yellow metallic gold. It made
me start to drool as soon as I saw it.
The owners were at first obviously
cagey about discussing the rock, but
finally, after they were convinced I was
a friend of Casey, they told me the ore
"with a lot more" had been brought in
by an old man the previous fall about
snow time. The finder had gone back
to his hole to get some more ore, had
said he would return soon, but hadn't
showed up.
I certainly wanted a chance to buy in
on THAT kind of ore if at all possible,
and after a lot of talk they finally prom-

Casey Fisher,
Nevada history buff and
collector, shows author's wife
an old insulator
from the first
telegraph line.
agreed to let me tell the story—on con- yellow spotted cobble as a souvenir, but
• YOU FIND IT WITH dition I made it plain they have no map, Bert said that it was "too much of a gift",
samples or "inside information" for sale. so the prospector fished a smaller sample
METAL DETECTORS The Family Store extends from the out of another pocket. As there was no
HIKER 1 IT. All Transistor $185.00 main street to the back alley — and as room in the salt rack or the mailing tube
Detect Placer Gold, Lode Veins, Coins there is ample parking on the alley side, for the big hunk of rock, the old man
Interchangeable waterproof Loops much of the foot traffic comes in the back said to just stack it on top of them on
Now available underwater Metal Detector As Bert tells it, he first saw the old So the heavy containers were stored in
MIKE KOVACS man as he stamped the mud off his boots
at that door. He wore an old blue-black
the back room, money changed hands,
and the old man stamped out into the
10123 Stonehurst Ave. Ph. (213) 768-0114
Sun Valley, Calif. 91352 mackinaw, a wide brimmed, black felt cold.
"Montana" hat and high laced boots Shortly thereafter the rifle was cleaned
"like they used to wear 30 years ago." and hung on the "for sale" rack; and
His snow white hair made him look old, Mike and Bert forgot all about the matter
Authorized but he was the tough, wiry kind—at least in the following days of getting ready
JEEP the bundle and rifle he was carrying
didn't seem to burden him.
for the busy Christmas season.
Winter came and went; and the "gold
Sales and Service He said he had been out prospecting, horde" (as they laughingly referred to
NEW A N D USED JEEP PARTS had found a rich gold mine, and now it) was still up on the back room shelf
IN THE WEST. needed $40.00 for gas and grub to re- when the first warm days arrived and the
Looking for a Jeep—Try us! turn to the deposit "to load the back end snow had melted. That was when Bert
BRIAN CHUCHUA'S of my car with $20,000 worth of gold decided it was high time for spring clean-
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER rock." He pulled a fist-size yellow-span- ing at the Family Store.
Dept. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, California gled cobble out of a mackinaw pocket to The winter's accumulation of junk was
illustrate. So could Bert let him have pointed out to the cleanup man, and the
$40.00 on his rifle? The gun was an old sack and tube of "gold ore" joined the
METAL LOCATORS Savage 300, but in very good condition,
and it had a shiny new K4x scope mount-
old advertising displays, boxes of bottle
caps, bundles of cardboard destined for
ed on it. The combination could easily the city dump. The only piece of ore that
sell for $75.00. escaped the store cleanup was the small
Bert told him he wasn't in the hock gift rock which, because of its handy size
shop business, but he would give him and weight, was holding down some notes

*275°t.*149 8 Models (complete) $60.00 for the gun and scope, if he want- and order carbons on the cash register
ed to sell it. shelf.
TO "SCUBA LOOP" The prospector became quite huffy and Many weeks later it was still doing
said "I didn't ask you for $60.00—the paper weight duty when Les Green, an
price is $40.00 cash sale, take it or leave engineer for the nearby Kennecott Cop-
FREE LITERATURE it!" He further stipulated that $40.00 per Corporation plant, saw the rock and

WoHdway Box 90993
Los Angeles, Calif 90009
pt. 7 0 was all that separated him from million- promptly started asking embarrassing
aire's row two weeks away; and that if questions. Only then did Bert and Mike,
Bert could subsequently sell the gun at "a with sinking hearts, realize what a treas-
handsome profit, then fine and dandy!" ure trove they had thrown away!
Trying to mollify the old man, Bert Desperately they tried to remember
explained that the gun was worth more details of what the old prospector had
than forty bucks and he just didn't want told them; but all they could recall was
to gyp anybody. that the location was about 100 miles
The old man cooled down right away, from Ely. (Mike thinks north, but Bert
apologized, and then came up with an- had the idea it was southeast!) They
other off-beat request. Since Bert was that both agreed that the old man said his
honest, how about storing his two con- bonanza was "in a crevice, away up on
tainers of "gold ore" in a safe place until the big, flat side of a high mountain."
he came back from his prospect hole in .As Casey Fisher said, there are a couple
4-Wheel Drive a couple of weeks? dozen such places within a hundred-mile
& Dune Buggy Mike (who thought the stuff was radius of Ely, and the chances of finding
ENTHUSIAST fool's gold, too) suggested that the rock it would be like mucking through the Ely
1971 CATALOG would be quite safe up on a high shelf dump for a salt sack and cardboard tube
100's of items for dune
buggy and 4WD Vehicles
behind some bottle containers in the back —the ones full of jewelry rock that went
Send $1.00 for room and the old man seemed gratefully out with the trash because it looked "just
catalog and decal
300 N. Victory Blvd., Burbank, Calif., 9J5O2 satisfied. He insisted that Bert take the too darned good!" •
Canyon Tours'
"cowboy skipper" Art Greene sez:
Howdy, partner! Come try our

50 types of boat rentals (including
houseboats) for tours and sports.
Guided tours to fantastic Rainbow
Bridge. Fish for trout, bass, crappie.
During the hot summer months
people stay inside and even "Try a vacation in a houseboat!"
most lizards seek cool shade. Beautiful accommodations at
Wahweap Lodge open year-round
Not so the desert iguana who
Luxury Dining — Cocktail Lounge
is a "cool character" as he basks
in the summer sun. But even Write for brochure and information to:
Mr. Iguana takes time out for
a cool dip as shown in this OUR! P.O. Box 1597D
Page, Arix. 86040
close-up by Hans Baerwald. LODGE & MARINA Phone 602-645-2448
or 645-2433

is its brilliance. This is the result of two
characteristics: first, it has the ability of

gathering and bending (refraction) much
light and thus sends great flashes of light
to the eye. Second, it is able to break (dis-
perse) light into the colors of the spec-
STOP THAT trum. These three—great hardness, re-
THIEF WITH fraction, and dispersion—are found in
the same quantities in no other mineral.
IOCKSTRAP Diamond usually does not have beautiful
l'•.;---"-; A revolutionary new design colors, thus these three characteristics are
secures all G.I. fuel cans to
your carrier or holder and in the forefront.
locks your filler cap. Attaches If we look at ruby and sapphire, we
to back of carrier. All steel
construction, zinc n _ _M find that they are color varieties of the
plated. Type B 0 n l y $ 7 . 5 0 mineral known as corundum. To be ruby,
Send for FREE Brochure Showing it must be red, not pink. All other colors
Other Models to Fit Any Vehicle. are known as sapphire. W e are certain,
however, that when sapphire was placed
1141 Wiltsey Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 2 ^ / and Martha Vargas on the list, only the fine blue was in
mind. The most sought after of sapphire
is known as Kashmire blue and is about
as rare as ruby. There are other colors
Write For Gem Maker's of blue sapphire also, but they are not as
Precious versus Semi-precious costly. Sapphire is also pink, yellow,
Showing Over N MANY occasions, when discussing green and colorless, but these have only
EQUIPMENT O a certain gem, we are asked if it is moderate value. Here we have two gems
precious or semi-precious. W e know of that are nearly as hard as diamond, and
no tight definition for either, and thus will wear well. Diamond is rated as ten
do not like or use the terms. If we go to on a scale of hardness, and corundum
the dictionary to get the meaning of as nine. Both ruby and sapphire have a
COVINGTON ENGINEERING CORP. precious, we find that it denotes some- brilliance much less than diamond, and
Box 35, Redlands D, Calif. 92373 thing of great price or value, costly, or no dispersion. Each is ordinarily a beauti-
highly esteemed. Where the "semi-" of ful color that sets them apart. Sapphires
semi-precious would fit here, we are at are about as rare as diamond, and ruby
a loss to understand. is very rare.
NOTIFY US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. At one time there was a list of the When we come to emerald, we find a
precious gems. These were diamond, real paradox. It is a green color variety
Be sure to include old address emerald, sapphire, ruby and pearl. As a of beryl. Aquamarine is also beryl. The
as well as the new general rule, each of these can be costly, beautiful green color, and an extreme
valuable and highly esteemed. It is as- rarity are really the only attributes of em-
sumed that all other gems do not fit erald. It has poor brilliance, and no dis-
here, but the semi prefix was attached persion. If it did have either, they would

ROAD EQUIPMENT to give them some sort of status. This is

all well and good, but there are gems
undoubtedly not be noticeable as emerald
is almost invariably flawed. These flaws
ALOG other than "precious" that will match
or exceed the prices of members of the
are so common they are referred to as
"gardens" of inclusions. Many gem deal-
elite group. Also, some of the colors ers would like to make prospective buyers
of sapphire are certainly not valuable. think that these are an asset. Here is a
FOR DUNE BUGGY OWNERS If this is confusing, you are not alone; rare gem, usually flawed, of poor bril-
many other people are also confused. liance, with a hardness of only 7I/2 to 8,
58 Pages of goodies -Priced Right! To try to sift order out of the chaos, but is rnuch sought after. The fine green
ARMSTRONG .•&• H8* we might list the attributes of these gems color, matched by no other gem, some-
NORSEM/IN that give them their value. To most peo- times makes it as valuable as a diamond.
4 Ply 10.1" Wide 29.5"O.D.
2 T i m & 9" Wide Wheels S9B.9B ple, diamond is at the top of the list, but The last of the list is pearl. It is never

diamond is not rare. It has an artificial
high price based upon a tightly control-
cut into a gem, but is produced as such
by the oyster. Pearls appear in a wide
SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280 » ed market. If we discount this artificial- variety of colors, each with an iridescence
ity, it has a number of excellent attributes that makes them desirable. Pearls of any
Zip- of its own. It is the hardest of the gems, reasonable size are rare, and these two
and will wear well. Its greatest attribute situations give them value-
The above gems are imposing, and
their characteristics seemingly bear out
their place on a separate list. There are,
however, some other gems that should
also be considered. The mineral chryso-
beryl (hardness 8l/>) has two interesting
varieties. One that is extremely rare is
alexandrite, showing green color in sun-
light, "and a violet in artificial .light. <A SEPTEMBER 25 & 26, GEM & MINERAL OCTOBER 23 & 24, CIRCUS OF GEMS
SHOW. "The Show That Shows How" spon- sponsored by LERC Rorkcrafters, LERC Build-
fine colored, flawless alexandrite will sored by the Mother Lode Mineralkes, Fair- ing, 2814 Empire Ave., Burbank, Calif. Facet-
nearly aways outprice a diamond of equal grounds, Auburn, Calif. Free admission Write ing, displays, Arrowhead making, carving, etc.
size. J. F. Lambert. 191 S. McDaniel Dr., Auburn, Free admission and parking. Write 2814 Em-
Cat's-eye is a variety of chrysoberyl that Calif. 95603. g pire Avenue, Burbank, Calif.
is filled with parallel needle-like inclu- OCTOBER 2 & 3, FESTIVAL OF GEMS OCTOBER 23 & 22. ANTIQUE BOTTLE
sions. When this is correctly cut into a sponsored by the East Bay Mineral Society, SHOW & SALE, Glendale Civic Auditorium,
domed gem, the light reflects off of these Scottish Rite Temple, 1947 Lakeside Drive, 1401 N. Verdugo. Glendale, Calif. Admission
Oakland, California. 50 cents, under 12 free Write P. O. Box
many needles allowing a band of light to
60762, Terminal Annex. Los Angeles, Calif.
move across the gem when it is moved. OCTOBER 2 & 3, WEST COAST CHAM-
They are usually yellow, and in combina- PIONSHIP TREASURE HUNT, Fourth An-
nual Convention of the Prospectors Club of
tion with the band of light, they resemble Southern California, Galileo Park, California
the eye of a cat. A good cat's-eye gem BOREE sponsored by Santa Maria Gem and
City, California (near Mojave). Metal de-
Mineral Society, Santa Maria (Calif.) Fair-
will bring extremely high prices, easily tectors contests, gold panning, exhibits, booths,
grounds Displays, dealers, rock swap, etc.
outclassing pearl and sapphire, and seri- childrens' activities. Public invited either as
ously threatening the others. competitors or spectators. Write Jim Carmich- OCTOBER 23 25, TWELFTH ANNUAL
ael, 25930 Pennsylvania Ave., Lomita, Calif. SPACE FAIR, Point Mugu, Calif "America's
Spinel, with a hardness of 8, appears 90717. Biggest Air Show" is held at 10:30 A.M. and
in many colors, one of which is deep red. 3 P.M earh day. Also rarnival and midway
This red is so near that of ruby, that it and U. S. Navy exhibits.
AND SEA sponsored by East Bay Mineral
has been mistaken for and sold as ruby. Society, Scottish Rite Temple, 1547 Lakeside
Two of the old stones in the British Drive, Oakland, Calif
crown jewels are excellent red spinels BORFE sponsored by the Council of the San
that for many years were thought to be sponsored by the Centinela Valley Gem and Diego County Gem & Mineral Societies. Scot-
rubies. Mineral Club, Hawthorne Memorial Center, tish Rite Masonic Memorial Center. 1895
We could go down the list of gems Inglewood, Calif. Free parking and admission. Camino Del Fio South, San Diego, Calif. Large
and excellent annual event.
and mention many that their color vari- OCTOBER 7-17, FRESNO GEM & MINER-
ety and rarity should make them highly AL SOCIETY'S 20th annual show, Fresno NOVEMBER 2 5, NORRA MEXICAN 1000
race in Baja California Write National Off
desirable. To name a few: the deep fine District Fairgrounds, Fresno, California.
Road Racing Association, 1616 Victory Blvd.,
blue of aquamarine, the royal purple of OCTOBER 9 & 10, HOLE-IN-THE-ROCK Suite 200. Glendale, Calif. O1201
amethyst, the fine color and brilliance of SAFARI, Blanding, Utah. Two-day 4WD trip
zircon, the red-orange of imperial topaz, retracing trail used by Mormons who crossed NOVEMBER 6 & 7, THE GEM BONANZA
the Colorado and settled San Juan County. For sponsored by the Clark County (Nevada)Gem
the pleasing yellowish-green color and Collectors, Inc., Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Ne-
information write San Juan County Tourist and
good brilliance of peridot, all make fine Publicity Council, P. O. Box 425, Monticello, vada. Write Guern Royster, 3286 Brentwood,
• gems. Two others should be mentioned, Utah 84535. Las Vegas, Nevada 89030.
even though they are cut as dome-shaped NOVEMBER 6 & 7. GEMS AND MINERALS
gems; imperial (brilliant green) jade, FOR PEOPLE sponsored by the General Dy-
opened to the public, Lake Havasu City, Ari-
and precious opal. The value of fine im- zona. Brought from london, bridge will be namics-Pomona RorMiounds, GD-PRA area,
perial jade will rival that of any gem, dedicated along with English Village. Corona Freeway anH Mission Blvd., Pomona,
Calif. Dealers, swap table, faceting, overnight
bar none, and an opal that blazes with
OCTOBER 10, SACRAMENTO DIGGERS ramping. Write C A. Purdy, 693 Emerald St.,
color certainly is not far behind- MINERAL SOCIETY'S Rock Swap and Fun Upland, Calif. 91786.
There are many of our personal favor- Day, Farmers Market, 30th and S Streets, Sac-
ramento, Calif. Tailgaters welcome. NOVEMBER 12 - 14, SECOND ANNUAL
ites that we lack space to mention. Many DESERT FIESTA, Wenden, Arizona (on In-
others also prefer them, regardless of OCTOBER 16 & 17, WHITTIER GEM AND terstate 10, 60 miles from the California border
price. In the end, price is a very artificial MINERAL SOCIETY'S 22nd Annual Gem toward Wickenburg). Tailgating, rock and
criteria, in that it can be controlled by Show, Palm Park Youth Center, 5703 N. Palm mineral displays, guided field trips, non-com-
Ave., Whittier, Calif. Free admission and park- mercial carnival for kids, plus other activities.
a few. To us, it all seems to revolve
ing. Write P.O. Box 66, Whittier, California. Ample room for all types of camping and
around what the gem has to offer the campers.
person who wants it. If we go to the dic- OCTOBER 23 & 24, LONG BEACH GEM
tionary for the definition of the wore
Wardlow Park Club House, 3457 Stanbridge ERAL & LAPIDARY SOCIETY'S free show,
gem, we find: a precious stone, any per Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Lapidary, booths, Masonic Lodge, 6310 East Olympic Blvd.. East
feet or rare object, a jewel. We prefer dealers, etc. Write P. O. Box 4082, Long Los Angeles, Calif. Complete show. Write P.O.
to call them all gems! Beach. Calif. Box 582, Montebello, Calif. 90640.

The Trading Post Classified Ads FOR RESEARCHERS, ADVENTURERS, treasure and
relic hunters, we offer these maps: "Road
Map to Lost Mines—Buried Treasures of Cali-
fornia" folded, $4.00. "Road Map to Cali-
fornia's Pioneer Towns, Ghost Towns and Min-
ing Camps," folded or rolled, $2.95. Both
$6.50. "Oregon Trail," a decorative pictorial,
BOOKS - MAGAZINES • BOOKS - MAGAZINES showing routes and landmarks of 1810-1860.
Fine artwork, rolled, $1.50. California tax
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You DESERT MAGAZINES: November 1937 to date. 5 %. We also offer map-making services to
name it—we find it! Western Americana, Every Desert Magazine ever printed. $200.00 order Varna Enterprises, Dept. A, P.O. Box
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send for all of them. H. A Ivers, 25841 West 2216, Van Nuys, California^ 91^04.
us your wants. No obligation. International Cherry Hill Avenue, Sun City, Calif. 92381. OVERVIEW OF MOJAVE Desert Map, new two
Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. "HOW TO GET a Good Haircut in a Barber color, 22x35 inch map on topo base. Fea-
GOLD HOBBY BOOK. Plans for famous "folding shop" pamphlet. Satisfaction guaranteed. $ 1 . tures Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Historic
drywasher. Test for unseen gold. Desert Harry Lapioli, 1911 Kinsley, Dept. D, Trails and Routes, Abandoned Railroads, In-
dangers to be aware of. $3.95 plus 30c. Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060. dian Sites, Geology and Special Back Country
Alford, P.O. Box 4195, Torrance, Calif. 90510 GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali to Explore. Price: $3.00 folded, $3.25 rolled.
"GEMS & AAINERALS," the monthly guide to ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- Desert Enterprises, Box 286-D, Ontario, Calif.
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid 91761.
year. Sample 25c. Gems ?< Minerals, Mentone, Gemoc, Mentone, Calif. 92359.
JTajif. 92359. FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
WILD & WOOLLY WEST BOOKS, 3 0 # , Rails on
Narrow Gauge Trains, Yukon Poems, Book of Lakewood Blvd , Bellflower, Calif. 90706. ASSAYS. COMPLETE accurate, guaranteed High-
Pancakes, Navajo Weavers & Silversmiths, ANTIQUE BARBED WIRE Identification. Hand est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per
Wet Plates & Dry Gulches (ghost towns), book hundreds of wires. Illustrated, names, sample. Reed Engineering, Box 121, Wright-
Simple Methods of Mining Gold, and others, dated, etc. Send $1.00 to Wire Sales, Box wood, California 92397.
$1 00 each postpaid, and illustrated. Send 6392-X, Bakersfield, Calif. 93306.
stamp for catalog. Filter Press, Box 5D, MINING CLAIM for sale, $1000.00. Gold-bear-
Palmer Lake, Colorado 80133. ing lode. Southern Inyo County. Wm. E.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Meek, 425 East 24th St., Upland, Calif.
• OVERLOOKECTFORTUNES" in minerals and gem 91786 PJio^
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more
investment in expanding international or- ASSAYS: GOLD and silver—$3.00, platinum—
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium,
ganization. Information: C. J. Brown, 5220 $5.00, spectographs—$5.00. Utah Assaying
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel,
Carlingford Ave., Riverside, Calif 92504. Co., Box 2276 D, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110.
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl
(714) 684;7898.
Hum, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a
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FOR (includes tax and postage^
FASTER SERVICE Date Binder(s) with Year(s) • Undgted
Power Pollution . . .

Bothered By Bikes . . .
Enclosed is a copy of a letter 1 have written
We spent the last weekend in the San to Senator Tunney. Since your fine magazine
Bernardino Mountains. We began our trip is interested in ecology, could you put all
at Converse Ranger Station on 2N06 and

possible pressure to bear and could you ask
came out at Moon Ridge. As we got up near your readers to also write to their congress-
Moon Ridge, here come the kids on the man protesting this environmetal outrage?
bikes. They have had no driving training and
Let's do something!

it is a very dangerous situation. We went on
across the Big Bear Area and headed for Hol- Dear Senator Tunney:
comb Valley on 2N09. The same problem. I consider myself a reasonably hardheaded
Dust and young bike riders. The visibility industrialist, not an "ecology nut," but the

Letters requesting answers must include
was bad in places.

Then on 3N14 to Big Pine Flat we passed

two different jeep clubs which made a lot of
dust, and these young kids just don't know
the (whys and where) of cars. We followed
article in the April 16th LIFE: "Hello Energy,
Goodbye Big Sky," made me boiling mad. It's
the story of the pollution of the air of most of
our Southwest by a series of power plants
being built in the Arizona, Utah, Colorado,
stamped self-addressed envelope. New Mexico area.
two little girls after we left Big Pine Flat on
Field Trip Editor.. . road 3N14 towards Horse Spring. They never I am not against power plants—am, in fact,
I am not in the habit of writing letters, but looked behind to see if any car was coming. a stockholder in one of these companies, but
I would like you to run a picture of your They rode on the wrong side of the road on I am for clean air no matter what it may cost.
field trip editor, Mary Frances Strong. All most of the curves. We stayed about a half We could have both. I talked to scientist, Dr.
we ever get to see is her husband. mile behind them for safety and all at once Devaney, in Los Alamos, and to Dr. Calvert
we came around a curve and there they were, and other smog experts at U.C.R. It is my un-
stopped and talking to some young friends. derstanding that the technology now exists to
Oatman, Arizona.
We had to put on the brakes as it was a effectively control both particulates and ox-
Editor's Note: Several other readers have re- curve. ides of nitrogen and sulphur, certainly to a
quested a photograph of Mary Frances, so much better extent than is now being done.
here it is. The reason her husband is shown Then on to Horse Spring and camp. A nice This area contains about 40 National Parks
in many of the photographs is that he is camp, but the afternoon of rest was continu- and Monuments which I, as a Federal taxpayer
usually the only model available during their ally interrupted with bikes. The sign in the and Arizona property owner support, and to
back country trips. The following letter is camp says that bikes must be ridden out of which I flee to escape smog-ridden Riverside.
typical of the many received concerning trips the camp area. But the parents said that their The full cost of power should be borne by the
by the Strongs. kids were too young and they wanted them to power users who benefit, and must leave the
ride near, so around and around the camp. air in the condition they found it. It should
Turtle Mountains . ..
Our compliments to the authors of Tour- What can we do as campers to enforce the NOT be borne by the public through the de-
ing the Turtles (Feb. '71). W e spent last parents to observe the rules? Do the Rangers struction of one of our greatest national assets.
weekend in that delightful area and found ever issue tickets for bikes being ridden by Local legislation or moral or economic con-
her article so helpful. Other rockhounds unlicensed riders? Can you suggest anyone siderations of the power companies involved
there also had the article and one group was that I could write to about unlicensed bike seem ineffective in coping with the problem.
from San Francisco. W e came home with all riders? Yes, we have one bike, a Honda that T urge you to introduce or support Federal
kinds of samples. It was a beautiful weekend our son sometimes takes along. He is licensed. legislation N O W which would uniformly
and we thank you for it. regulate and effectively control this kind of
THE HARES, MRS. JOE T. HAYNIE, pollution to the maximum extent possible
Vista, California. Pomona, California. within present technology. Such legislation
should include criminal penalties for individual
officers and directors who fail to discharge
their responsibility under such a law.
The time is now. Please help!
Riverside. California.

It's McCracken . . .
Re the article Arizona's Lake Alamo by
Lois Buist, (June '71), there is a small mis-
take which some may wish to correct.
The McCrakin Mine is really McCracken,
discovered by Jackson McCracken, who was
one of the members of the famous Walker
Party that discovered gold on Lynx Creek,
which started Prescott soon after to become
the first capital of Arizona. He left the party
and remained in the district.
Some postal researchers say his name was
spelled McCrackin, but in the claim records
of the Yavapai County Court house, his name
is as he spelled it, McCracken. All early re-
ferences and maps and, incidentally, the post
office records, spell it his way also.
Field Trip Editor Mary Francis Strong and companion "hobo." Prescott, Arizona. carry entire picnic in one compact unit!

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