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Private Sub lblcancelS_Click()

Me.txtSearch.Text = ""
Me.cmbSearch.Text = "Selecione"
End Sub
Private Sub lblcancelS_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Singl
e, y As Single)
Me.lblcancelS.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblClose_Click()
Dim xy As String
xy = MsgBox("Deseja sair ?", vbYesNo, ("Log off!!!"))
If xy = 6 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblAdd_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y
As Single)
Me.lblAdd.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblCancel_Click()
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "&Incluir Registro"
overrallflag = False
End Sub
Private Sub lblCancel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single
, y As Single)
Me.lblCancel.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub cleartext()
With Me
.txtSN.Text = ""
.txtLN.Text = ""
.txtFN.Text = ""
.txtMI.Text = ""
.txtContact.Text = ""
.txtAddress.Text = ""
.txtSchool.Text = ""
.cmbCourse = ""
.cmbSex = ""
End With
End Sub
Private Sub lblAdd_Click()
Dim rflag As Boolean
Dim rone As Recordset
Dim checkid As String
Dim myprevID As String
Dim newid As String
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
Set rone = New Recordset
'verifica ID existente
rflag = overrallflag
If Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro" Then

checkid = Trim$(Me.txtSN.Text)
rflag = Cmaster.searchOneStud(rone, checkid)
If rflag Then
MsgBox "ID j existe, no pode ser duplicado !"
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Verificando...:Preparando par salvar!"
rflag = Cmaster.newStud

If rflag Then
MsgBox "Registro Salvo!!"


End If

End If


rflag = False

myprevID = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.Select
rflag = Cmaster.updateStud(myprevID)

If rflag Then

MsgBox "Registro atualizado com sucesso !"
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro"
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro"
rflag = False
overrallflag = rflag
MsgBox "Registro no pode ser atualizado!"
End If

End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y A
s Single)
With Me
.lblRefresh.FontUnderline = False
.lblDelete.FontUnderline = False
.lblClose.FontUnderline = False
.lblModify.FontUnderline = False
.lblAdd.FontUnderline = False
.lblSearch.FontUnderline = False
.lblCancel.FontUnderline = False
.lblcancelS.FontUnderline = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub showMaster()
Dim res As Recordset
Dim rflag As Boolean
Dim m As ListItem
'values for counting
Dim countF As Integer
Dim countcs As Integer
Dim countIT As Integer
Dim countDCET As Integer
Dim countDEP As Integer
Dim countNUR As Integer
Dim countCCT As Integer
Dim countHRM As Integer
Dim countCoE As Integer
Dim countOTher As Integer
Set res = New Recordset
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
rflag = Cmaster.getAllList(res)
If rflag Then
Do While Not (res.EOF Or res.BOF)
Set m = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Add(, , res.Fields("Studentno"))
m.SubItems(1) = res.Fields("Lname")
m.SubItems(2) = res.Fields("Fname")
m.SubItems(3) = res.Fields("MI")
m.SubItems(4) = res.Fields("Sex")
m.SubItems(5) = res.Fields("Address")
m.SubItems(6) = res.Fields("Contactno")
m.SubItems(7) = res.Fields("School")
m.SubItems(8) = res.Fields("Course")

If res.Fields("sex") = "F" Then
countF = countF + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSCS" Then
countcs = countcs + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSIT" Then
countIT = countIT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DEP" Then
countDEP = countDEP + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSN" Then
countNUR = countNUR + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DCET" Then
countDCET = countDCET + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CCT" Then
countCCT = countCCT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "HRM" Then
countHRM = countHRM + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CoE" Then
countCoE = countCoE + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "-" Then
countOTher = countOTher + 1
End If

End If
'display counts
Me.lblTS.Caption = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Count
Me.lblF.Caption = countF
Me.lblM.Caption = Me.lblTS - countF
Me.lblCS.Caption = countcs
Me.lblIT.Caption = countIT
Me.lblDEP.Caption = countDEP
Me.lblDCET.Caption = countDCET
Me.lblBSN.Caption = countNUR
Me.lblCCT.Caption = countCCT
Me.lblHRM.Caption = countHRM
Me.lblCoe.Caption = countCoE
Me.lblOther.Caption = countOTher
End Sub
Private Sub showSearch(rss As Recordset, thevalue As String)
Dim s As ListItem
Dim myformattedid As String
Dim countYear As Integer
Do While Not (rss.BOF Or rss.EOF)
Set s = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Add(, , rss.Fields("Studentno"))
s.SubItems(1) = rss.Fields("Lname")
s.SubItems(2) = rss.Fields("Fname")
s.SubItems(3) = rss.Fields("MI")
s.SubItems(4) = rss.Fields("Sex")
s.SubItems(5) = rss.Fields("Address")
s.SubItems(6) = rss.Fields("Contactno")
s.SubItems(7) = rss.Fields("School")
s.SubItems(8) = rss.Fields("Course")
myformatedID = mid$(rss.Fields("Studentno"), 5, 4)
'myformatedID = Format$(Right$(myformatedID, 4), "####")
Cmaster.getfNum = myformatedID

If myformatedID = Me.txtSearch.Text Then
countYear = countYear + 1
End If
Me.lblYearS.Caption = countYear
End Sub
Private Sub lblSearch_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single
, y As Single)
Me.lblSearch.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Label17.Visible = False Then
Label16.Visible = True
Label17.Visible = False
Label16.Visible = False
End If
If Label16.Visible = True Then
Label17.Visible = True
Label16.Visible = False
Label16.Visible = True
Label17.Visible = False
End If
Me.Label17.ForeColor = RGB(Rnd * (10), Rnd * (20), Rnd * (10))
Me.Label17.ForeColor = RGB(Rnd * (20), Rnd * (20), Rnd * (30))
End Sub
Private Sub lblSearch_Click()
Dim optionvalue As String
Dim datavalue As String
Dim sflag As Boolean
Dim rsee As Recordset
'combo choice
optionvalue = Me.cmbSearch
Set rsee = New Recordset
'the search input
datavalue = Trim$(Me.txtSearch.Text)
Select Case optionvalue$
Case "No. do Aluno"
Cmaster.getSearchAction = 2
sflag = Cmaster.searchCategeories(rsee, datavalue)

Case "Sobrenome"
Cmaster.getSearchAction = 1
sflag = Cmaster.searchCategeories(rsee, datavalue)

Case "Nome"
Cmaster.getSearchAction = 3
sflag = Cmaster.searchCategeories(rsee, datavalue)

Case "Ano"
Cmaster.getSearchAction = 5
sflag = Cmaster.searchCategeories(rsee, datavalue)
Me.lblSyear.Caption = Me.txtSearch.Text

Case "Curso"
Cmaster.getSearchAction = 4
sflag = Cmaster.searchCategeories(rsee, datavalue)

Case "Selecione"
MsgBox "Selecione a categoria"
Exit Sub
End Select
If sflag Then
MsgBox "Registro encontrado!", vbInformation, ("Procurar!!!")
showSearch rsee, datavalue
Me.lblRefresh.Caption = "Mostrar Lista"
MsgBox "Registro no encontrado!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblRefresh_Click()
Me.lblRefresh.Caption = "Atualiza Lista"
End Sub
Private Sub lblRefresh_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Singl
e, y As Single)
Me.lblRefresh.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub GetvaluesToSave()
Cmaster.getSN = Trim$(Me.txtSN.Text)
Cmaster.getLN = Trim$(Me.txtLN.Text)
Cmaster.getFN = Trim$(Me.txtFN.Text)
Cmaster.getMid = Trim$(Me.txtMI.Text)
Cmaster.getSx = Trim$(Me.cmbSex)
Cmaster.getAds = Trim$(Me.txtAddress.Text)
Cmaster.getCont = Trim$(Me.txtContact.Text)
Cmaster.getSch = Trim$(Me.txtSchool.Text)
Cmaster.getCrs = Trim$(Me.cmbCourse)
End Sub
Private Sub lblModify_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single
, y As Single)
Me.lblModify.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub getValuesfromList()
Me.txtSN.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Inde
Me.txtLN.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Inde
Me.txtFN.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Inde
Me.txtMI.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Inde
Me.cmbSex = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Index).S
Me.txtAddress.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem
Me.txtContact.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem
Me.txtSchool.Text = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.
Me.cmbCourse = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Index
End Sub
Private Sub lblDelete_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single
, y As Single)
Me.lblDelete.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblModify_Click()
Dim y As String
y = MsgBox("Tem certeza que deseja atualizar este registro", vbYesNo, ("Atualiza
ou No!"))
If y = 6 Then
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Atualiza Registro"
MsgBox "Atualizao no confirmada!"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblClose_Click()
Dim xy As String
xy = MsgBox("Deseja sair ?", vbYesNo, ("Log off!!!"))
If xy = 6 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblClose_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
y As Single)
Me.lblClose.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblDelete_Click()
Dim dId As String
Dim dflag As Boolean
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
Dim msg As String
msg = MsgBox("Deseja deletar este registro?", vbYesNo)
If msg = 6 Then
dId = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.SelectedItem.Index).Text
dflag = Cmaster.deleteStud(dId)
dflag = False
MsgBox "No confirmado"
End If
If dflag Then
MsgBox "Registro deletado!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lblCancel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single
, y As Single)
Me.lblCancel.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblcancelS_Click()
Me.txtSearch.Text = ""
Me.cmbSearch.Text = "Selecione"
End Sub
Private Sub lblcancelS_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Singl
e, y As Single)
Me.lblcancelS.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub cleartext()
With Me
.txtSN.Text = ""
.txtLN.Text = ""
.txtFN.Text = ""
.txtMI.Text = ""
.txtContact.Text = ""
.txtAddress.Text = ""
.txtSchool.Text = ""
.cmbCourse = ""
.cmbSex = ""
End With
End Sub
Private Sub lblAdd_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, y
As Single)
Me.lblAdd.FontUnderline = True
End Sub
Private Sub lblCancel_Click()
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "&Incluir Registro"
overrallflag = False
End Sub
With Me
.lblRefresh.FontUnderline = False
.lblDelete.FontUnderline = False
.lblClose.FontUnderline = False
.lblModify.FontUnderline = False
.lblAdd.FontUnderline = False
.lblSearch.FontUnderline = False
.lblCancel.FontUnderline = False
.lblcancelS.FontUnderline = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub lblAdd_Click()
Dim rflag As Boolean
Dim rone As Recordset
Dim checkid As String
Dim myprevID As String
Dim newid As String
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
Set rone = New Recordset
'verifica ID existente
rflag = overrallflag
If Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro" Then

checkid = Trim$(Me.txtSN.Text)
rflag = Cmaster.searchOneStud(rone, checkid)
If rflag Then
MsgBox "ID j existe, no pode ser duplicado !"
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Verificando...:Preparando par salvar!"
rflag = Cmaster.newStud

If rflag Then
MsgBox "Registro Salvo!!"


End If

End If


rflag = False

myprevID = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Item(Me.listStudents.Select
rflag = Cmaster.updateStud(myprevID)

If rflag Then

MsgBox "Registro atualizado com sucesso !"
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro"
Me.lblAdd.Caption = "Incluir Registro"
rflag = False
overrallflag = rflag
MsgBox "Registro no pode ser atualizado!"
End If

End If
End Sub
Me.cmbSex.AddItem ("M")
Me.cmbSex.AddItem ("F")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("BSCS")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("BSIT")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("DEP")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("DCET")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("BSN")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("HRM")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("CoE")
Me.cmbCourse.AddItem ("CCT")
Me.cmbSearch.AddItem ("Ano")
Me.cmbSearch.AddItem ("No. do Aluno")
Me.cmbSearch.AddItem ("Sobrenome")
Me.cmbSearch.AddItem ("Nome")
Me.cmbSearch.AddItem ("Curso")
Me.cmbSearch.Text = "Selecione"
End Sub
Private Sub showMaster()
Dim res As Recordset
Dim rflag As Boolean
Dim m As ListItem
'values for counting
Dim countF As Integer
Dim countcs As Integer
Dim countIT As Integer
Dim countDCET As Integer
Dim countDEP As Integer
Dim countNUR As Integer
Dim countCCT As Integer
Dim countHRM As Integer
Dim countCoE As Integer
Dim countOTher As Integer
Set res = New Recordset
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
rflag = Cmaster.getAllList(res)
If rflag Then
Do While Not (res.EOF Or res.BOF)
Set m = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Add(, , res.Fields("Studentno"))
m.SubItems(1) = res.Fields("Lname")
m.SubItems(2) = res.Fields("Fname")
m.SubItems(3) = res.Fields("MI")
m.SubItems(4) = res.Fields("Sex")
m.SubItems(5) = res.Fields("Address")
m.SubItems(6) = res.Fields("Contactno")
m.SubItems(7) = res.Fields("School")
m.SubItems(8) = res.Fields("Course")

If res.Fields("sex") = "F" Then
countF = countF + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSCS" Then
countcs = countcs + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSIT" Then
countIT = countIT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DEP" Then
countDEP = countDEP + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSN" Then
countNUR = countNUR + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DCET" Then
countDCET = countDCET + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CCT" Then
countCCT = countCCT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "HRM" Then
countHRM = countHRM + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CoE" Then
countCoE = countCoE + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "-" Then
countOTher = countOTher + 1
End If

End If
'display counts
Me.lblTS.Caption = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Count
Me.lblF.Caption = countF
Me.lblM.Caption = Me.lblTS - countF
Me.lblCS.Caption = countcs
Me.lblIT.Caption = countIT
Me.lblDEP.Caption = countDEP
Me.lblDCET.Caption = countDCET
Me.lblBSN.Caption = countNUR
Me.lblCCT.Caption = countCCT
Me.lblHRM.Caption = countHRM
Me.lblCoe.Caption = countCoE
Me.lblOther.Caption = countOTher
End Sub
Private Sub txtHistoriaHasta_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
'SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuImprimir_Click()
If MsgBox("Imprimir Listado?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Impresin") = vbYes Th
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VerCuentaCorriente()
With frmClientes.MSHFlexGrid1
.Rows = 2
.FixedRows = 1
.Col = 0
.ColSel = 0
.Row = 1
.RowSel = 1
.FormatString = titulos
.ColWidth(0) = 0
.ColWidth(1) = 1000
.ColWidth(2) = 1200
.ColWidth(3) = 2500
.ColWidth(4) = 1500
.ColWidth(5) = 1500
.Visible = True
.AllowBigSelection = True
.AllowUserResizing = flexResizeColumns
.SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow
.ColAlignmentFixed = 3
End With
Dim rsCons As New Recordset
strSql = "Select * From CuentasCorrientes Where Codcliente=" & Val(frmClientes.t
rsCons.Open strSql, DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
TotDebe = "0"
TotHaber = "0"
While Not rsCons.EOF
i = i + 1

linea = rsCons!id _
& Chr(9) & rsCons!numfact _
& Chr(9) & rsCons!Fecha _
& Chr(9) & rsCons!Descripcion _
& Chr(9) & Format(rsCons!Debe, "fixed") _
& Chr(9) & Format(rsCons!Haber, "fixed")
frmClientes.MSHFlexGrid1.AddItem linea, i
TotDebe = TotDebe + rsCons!Debe
TotHaber = TotHaber + rsCons!Haber
frmClientes.lblTotalRef = rsCons.RecordCount
frmClientes.lblTotal = "Saldo Cta/Cte: $ " & Format(TotDebe - TotHaber, "#,###.#
End Sub
Private Sub HacerLinea()
While Not rs.EOF
i = i + 1
linea = rs!id _
& Chr(9) & rs!nombre _
& Chr(9) & rs!domicilio _
& Chr(9) & rs!telefono _
& Chr(9) & rs!cuit _
& Chr(9) & rs!Email

MSHFlexGrid1.AddItem linea, i
lblTotalRef = rs.RecordCount
End Sub
Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_DblClick()
On Error Resume Next
Dim nrolista As Long
MSHFlexGrid1.Col = 0
nrolista = MSHFlexGrid1.Text
Dim rs1 As New Recordset
strSql = "Select * From Proveedores Where ID=" & Val(nrolista)
rs1.Open strSql, DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If Not rs.EOF Then
'traigo campos
frmProveedores.txtCodDist = Val(nrolista)
frmProveedores.txtFechaAlta = rs1!FechaAlta
frmProveedores.txtNombre = rs1!nombre
frmProveedores.txtDomicilio = rs1!domicilio
frmProveedores.txtLocalidad = rs1!Localidad
frmProveedores.txtCodPost = rs1!CodPost
frmProveedores.txtTelefono = rs1!telefono
frmProveedores.ComboCategIva = rs1!categiva
frmProveedores.txtEmail = rs1!Email
frmProveedores.txtCuit = rs1!cuit
'Habilito desabilito
'frmProveedores.txtCodDist.Enabled = False
'frmProveedores.txtFechaAlta.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtNombre.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtDomicilio.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtLocalidad.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtCodPost.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtTelefono.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.ComboCategIva.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtEmail.Enabled = True
'frmProveedores.txtCuit.Enabled = True
frmProveedores.cmdBuscar.Visible = False
frmProveedores.CmdContinuar.Visible = True
frmProveedores.CmdActualizar.Visible = False
frmProveedores.CmdCancelar.Visible = False
frmProveedores.CmdModificar.Visible = True
frmProveedores.CmdEliminar.Visible = True
'frmProveedores.cmdImprimir.Visible = True
frmProveedores.Command1.Visible = True
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub FiltrarHistoria()
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "Select * From Proveedores Where ID BETWEEN " & Val(txtDesde) & " AND "
& Val(txtHasta) & " ORDER BY ID Asc"
rs.Open strSql, DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
End Sub
Private Sub dtp1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtHistoriaDesde_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AceptarBuscar(ByVal txtBuscar As Variant)
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "Select * From Proveedores"
rs.Open strSql, DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
Select Case comboCriterio.Text
Case "Nombre"
If txtBuscar <> "" Then
rs.Filter = "Nombre LIKE '*" + txtBuscar + "*'"
rs.Filter = ""
End If
Case "Codigo"
If txtBuscar <> "" Then
rs.Filter = "ID =" & Val(txtBuscar)
rs.Filter = ""
End If
Case "Cuit"
If txtBuscar <> "" Then
rs.Filter = "Cuit LIKE '*" + txtBuscar + "*'"
rs.Filter = ""
End If
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub dtp1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtHistoriaDesde_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtHistoriaHasta_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
'SendKeys ("{tab}")
KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuImprimir_Click()
If MsgBox("Imprimir Listado?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Impresin") = vbYes Th
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_DblClick()
On Error Resume Next
Dim nrolista As Long
MSHFlexGrid1.Col = 0
nrolista = MSHFlexGrid1.Text
Dim rs1 As New Recordset
strSql = "Select * From Clientes Where ID=" & Val(nrolista)
rs1.Open strSql, DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If Not rs.EOF Then
'traigo campos
If frmFacturacion.Visible = True Then
frmFacturacion.txtCodCliente = Val(nrolista)
frmFacturacion.txtNombre = rs1!nombre
frmFacturacion.txtDomicilio = rs1!domicilio
frmFacturacion.txtTelefono = rs1!telefono
frmFacturacion.ComboCategIva = rs1!categiva
frmFacturacion.txtCuit = rs1!cuit
'Habilito desabilito
frmFacturacion.txtCodCliente.Enabled = False
frmFacturacion.txtNombre.Enabled = True
frmFacturacion.txtDomicilio.Enabled = True
frmFacturacion.txtTelefono.Enabled = True
frmFacturacion.ComboCategIva.Enabled = True
frmFacturacion.txtCuit.Enabled = True
frmFacturacion.txtCodArticulo.Enabled = True
ElseIf frmOrdenPedido.Visible = True Then
'traigo campos
frmOrdenPedido.txtCodCliente = Val(nrolista)
frmOrdenPedido.txtNombre = rs1!nombre
frmOrdenPedido.txtDomicilio = rs1!domicilio
frmOrdenPedido.txtTelefono = rs1!telefono
frmOrdenPedido.ComboCategIva = rs1!categiva
frmOrdenPedido.txtCuit = rs1!cuit
'Habilito desabilito
frmOrdenPedido.txtCodCliente.Enabled = False
frmOrdenPedido.txtNombre.Enabled = True
frmOrdenPedido.txtDomicilio.Enabled = True
frmOrdenPedido.txtTelefono.Enabled = True
frmOrdenPedido.ComboCategIva.Enabled = True
frmOrdenPedido.txtCuit.Enabled = True
frmOrdenPedido.txtCodArticulo.Enabled = True
ElseIf frmPresupuestos.Visible = True Then
'traigo campos
frmPresupuestos.txtCodCliente = Val(nrolista)
frmPresupuestos.txtNombre = rs1!nombre
frmPresupuestos.txtDomicilio = rs1!domicilio
frmPresupuestos.txtTelefono = rs1!telefono
frmPresupuestos.ComboCategIva = rs1!categiva
frmPresupuestos.txtCuit = rs1!cuit
'Habilito desabilito
frmPresupuestos.txtCodCliente.Enabled = False
frmPresupuestos.txtNombre.Enabled = True
frmPresupuestos.txtDomicilio.Enabled = True
frmPresupuestos.txtTelefono.Enabled = True
frmPresupuestos.ComboCategIva.Enabled = True
frmPresupuestos.txtCuit.Enabled = True
frmPresupuestos.txtCodArticulo.Enabled = True
End If
End If
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub ActualizarDescripcionEnPreciosClientes()
strSql = "Select * From PreciosClientes Where CodArticulo=" & Val(txtID)
Dim rs2 As New Recordset
rs2.Open (strSql), DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If Not rs2.EOF Then
While Not rs2.EOF
rs2!Descripcion = txtDescripcion
rs2!Marca = txtMarca
End If
End Sub
'################# Habilitar / Deshabilitar ################
Private Sub HabilitarNuevo()

Dim saveNroSoc As Variant

saveNroSoc = txtID
'Primero vaco los controles
For i = 1 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
If TypeOf Me.Controls(i) Is TextBox Then
Me.Controls(i).Text = ""
End If
Next i
txtID = saveNroSoc
End Sub
Private Sub HabilitarEdicion()
' Habilito todos los textBox
For i = 1 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
If TypeOf Me.Controls(i) Is TextBox Then
Me.Controls(i).Enabled = True
End If
Next i

txtExistencias.Enabled = False
'Habilito todos los Combobox

' For i = 1 To Me.Controls.Count - 1
' If TypeOf Me.Controls(i) Is ComboBox Then
' Me.Controls(i).Enabled = True
' End If
' Next i

' Deshabilito el campo clave
'txtID.Enabled = False
'Y pongo el Foco en el Campo Nombre
End Sub
' ################ G U A R D A R #############################
Private Sub Guardar()
If txtID <> "" Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GuardarTodo()
'On Error GoTo Error_Guardar
' If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' DB.RollbackTrans
' MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
' CerrarBase
' Else
' DB.CommitTrans
' End If
RefreshGrid MSHFlexGrid1, "Articulos"
End Sub
Private Sub ActualizarRegistro()
strSql = "SELECT * FROM Articulos WHERE ID =" & Val(txtID)
rs.Open (strSql), DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
'Si no existe que lo agregue
If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GuardarRegistros()
On Error Resume Next
rs!id = txtID
'rs!FechaAlta = dtp1
rs!Descripcion = IIf((txtDescripcion = ""), "---", txtDescripcion)
rs!Marca = IIf((txtMarca = ""), "---", txtMarca)
rs!Talle = IIf((txtTalle = ""), "---", txtTalle)
rs!Precio = Val(txtPrecio)
rs!PrecioProv = Val(txtPrecioProv)
rs!Existencias = Val(txtExistencias)
rs!StockMinimo = Val(txtStockMinimo)
End Sub
Private Sub Modebarcode(cadena As String)
Picture1.ScaleMode = 3
Picture1.Height = Picture1.Height * (2.4 * 40 / Picture1.ScaleHeight)
Picture1.FontSize = 10
Call DrawBarcode(cadena, Picture1, txtMarca & " - " & txtTalle)
Clipboard.SetData Picture1.Image, 2
End Sub
Private Sub GeneroBarCode(cadena As String)
'ModeFree3of9 cadena
Modebarcode cadena
End Sub
Private Sub ModeFree3of9(cadena As String)
cadena = "*" & cadena & "*"
Text1 = ""
Text1.Font.Name = "Free 3 of 9"
Text1.Font.Size = 72
Text1 = cadena
Text2 = cadena
Clipboard.SetText cadena
End Sub
Private Sub TraigoDatos()
On Error Resume Next
'Traigo textos

txtID.Text = RTrim(rs!id)
'dtp1 = rs!FechaAlta
txtDescripcion.Text = RTrim(rs!Descripcion)
txtMarca.Text = RTrim(rs!Marca)
txtTalle.Text = RTrim(rs!Talle)
txtPrecio.Text = Replace(Format(rs!Precio, "fixed"), ",", ".")
txtPrecioProv.Text = Replace(Format(rs!PrecioProv, "fixed"), ",", ".")
txtExistencias = rs!Existencias
txtStockMinimo = rs!StockMinimo
End Sub
Private Sub Aceptar(ByVal txtID As Variant)
'On Error GoTo Error_Guardar
' If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' DB.RollbackTrans
' CerrarBase
' MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical
' Else
' DB.CommitTrans
' RellenoCombo
' End If
End Sub
Private Sub AceptarRegistro()
Dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT * FROM Articulos WHERE ID =" & Val(txtID)
rs.Open (strSql), DB, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

' Si existe
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
'GeneroBarCode Val(txtID)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub showMaster()
Dim res As Recordset
Dim rflag As Boolean
Dim m As ListItem
'values for counting
Dim countF As Integer
Dim countcs As Integer
Dim countIT As Integer
Dim countDCET As Integer
Dim countDEP As Integer
Dim countNUR As Integer
Dim countCCT As Integer
Dim countHRM As Integer
Dim countCoE As Integer
Dim countOTher As Integer
Set res = New Recordset
Set Cmaster = New clsMaster
rflag = Cmaster.getAllList(res)
If rflag Then
Do While Not (res.EOF Or res.BOF)
Set m = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Add(, , res.Fields("Studentno"))
m.SubItems(1) = res.Fields("Lname")
m.SubItems(2) = res.Fields("Fname")
m.SubItems(3) = res.Fields("MI")
m.SubItems(4) = res.Fields("Sex")
m.SubItems(5) = res.Fields("Address")
m.SubItems(6) = res.Fields("Contactno")
m.SubItems(7) = res.Fields("School")
m.SubItems(8) = res.Fields("Course")

If res.Fields("sex") = "F" Then
countF = countF + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSCS" Then
countcs = countcs + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSIT" Then
countIT = countIT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DEP" Then
countDEP = countDEP + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "BSN" Then
countNUR = countNUR + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "DCET" Then
countDCET = countDCET + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CCT" Then
countCCT = countCCT + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "HRM" Then
countHRM = countHRM + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "CoE" Then
countCoE = countCoE + 1
End If

If res.Fields("Course") = "-" Then
countOTher = countOTher + 1
End If

End If
'display counts
Me.lblTS.Caption = Me.listStudents.ListItems.Count
Me.lblF.Caption = countF
Me.lblM.Caption = Me.lblTS - countF
Me.lblCS.Caption = countcs
Me.lblIT.Caption = countIT
Me.lblDEP.Caption = countDEP
Me.lblDCET.Caption = countDCET
Me.lblBSN.Caption = countNUR
Me.lblCCT.Caption = countCCT
Me.lblHRM.Caption = countHRM
Me.lblCoe.Caption = countCoE
Me.lblOther.Caption = countOTher
End Sub

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